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PANTHERS DRESS TO IMPRESS University expands services for veterans

RAUL HERRERA the Veteran and Military Affairs Staff Writer Center, said active duty is very strict. The Tower Building, the “You know what time you’re University’s first edifice, has made going to eat, what you’re going to University history once again. eat, what you’re going to do for the Renovations have turned it into a day, everything’s all laid out for center for veteran students. you,” Pischner said. “When you The United States Depart- leave that structured environment ment of Veterans Affairs lists FIU and come to academia it’s like as one of the schools with which chaos. [The center] gives them a it has expanded its VetSuccess place to come in and they can talk On-Campus services. to other veterans here that have Through this expansion, the gone through the same problems.” department will help students “It doesn’t just facilitate the who served in the armed forces enrollment of veterans, but it’s also

Anthony Izquierdo/The Beacon transition from military life to a sort of safe haven,” said Edouard on-campus life. Said expansion Gluck, senior criminal justice Several students dressed the part Thursday for a Career Fair held in the US Century Bank Arena has allotted the creation of a VSOC student and Iraq War veteran. where they were given the opportunity to interact with several seeking employers. facility in the Tower Building. SEE VETERANS, PAGE 2 Michael Pischner, director of Sex talk, not dirty talk: sexologists speak to students

ALYSSA ELSO the way they approach sex. for example, if they wake up the next day saying that they Staff Writer “I have had students confide in me their darkest secrets do not remember having sex and felt like they were raped, or email me asking ‘what do I do, my condom broke’, the other party could actually be arrested. Sex can often be a difficult subject for students to talk giving them someone to trust is what makes all of this “A lot of students don’t really understand what about, but with the help of sexologists Joni Frater and worth it,” said Lastique. consent means and what it could mean if one party is not Esther Lastique, students are no longer misinformed of the “Tonight I learned a lot more than I ever knew about consenting, and they can end up going to [the Office of dangers of unprotected sex. condoms, the many different kinds and how they are Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution] for that purpose, On Wednesday, Sept. 18, curious students gathered in affected by different lubricants,” said Arthor Alcuria, a so we want to prevent any and everything from happening the Stadium Club Room at Alfonso Field to have a sex talk freshman business major. as far as the demise of their academic career,” said Parris. with Sex Ed Camp: “The most fun you can have with Among the many topics discussed was also the sensi- Student Health Services has also taken many steps to your clothes on” speakers, Frater and Lastique. tive issue of rape and consent. The sexologists informed help students learn the dangers of unprotected sex and give Together for 9 years, Frater and Lastique began their students of a Florida laws which explain that intoxicated them the outlet to practice safe, responsible sex. Sex Ed Boot Camp in 2010 and have since spoken to thou- sex is considered rape because individuals are not in a state “At Student Health Services, we have sexual health sands of college students about how to enjoy and practice of mind to consent, but many did not know it existed. consultations where students can come in and ask any safe sex. According to Senior Health Educator Ebonie Parris, in According to Lastique, the most rewarding experience the state of Florida, if one party is under the influence of SEE SEX ED, PAGE 2 of hosting the Sex Ed Boot Camp is making a difference in alcohol or drugs, they are not capable of giving consent; Latin American and Caribbean Center hosts event on US-Venezuelan relations on-campus MACKENZIE BARTELS the opportunity to hear the words of Patrick public relations student, said it’s important flow discussion of information and perspec- Staff Writer Duddy, former U.S. Ambassador to Vene- for students to be aware of the two coun- tives will open up doors and generate ideas zuela expelled by late Venezuelan Presi- tries’ strained relations because there is a for his generation. Under newly elected Venezuelan Presi- dent, Hugo Chavez. large population of Venezuelans in South Olson shares this hope of moving dent Nicolas Maduro, the political turmoil Professor Javier Corrales of Amherst Florida that came here under political forward. in Venezuela has reached new heights as a college will also be presenting at the event. asylum. “[This event] should make students number of Venezuelans continue to leave He is the author of “Presidents Without Corrales said that with the strong impact think and see the U.S.–Venezuela relation- their country and flock to the U.S. Parties: the Politics of Economic Reform in of the U.S.–Venezuela relations on Florida, ship in greater depth. And that’s, I think, As a result, the University’s Latin Amer- Argentina and Venezuela in the 1990s” and this topic is vital for South Floridians. the value added,” said Olson. ican and Caribbean Center will sponsor an the co-author of “Dragon in the Tropics: “Currently, there are forces pushing both event on Sept. 26 at 6 p.m. titled “Damaged Hugo Chávez and the Political Economy of countries in a direction of great rapproche- [email protected] Beyond Repair? U.S.–Venezuela Rela- Revolution in Venezuela.” ment, and forces pushing in the opposite tions” at the College of Business. Richard Olson, professor and director of direction,” said Corrales. “I will discuss EVENT INFO Frank Mora, director of LACC and Extreme Events Research Center, said that what those forces are, as I see them.” professor from the Department of Politics the advantage to these types of forums in The event is set to last for an hour. and International Relations, will moderate universities is the opportunity to provide According to Mora, after the discussion, What: Damaged Beyond Repair? information and perspectives in a free flow he will direct the event to the audience for a discussion on whether or not the U.S. and U.S.-Venezuela Relations Venezuela can reach a common ground and discussion. a comments and questions segment, where “In organizing this event, LACC is the only limitation on these questions will correct their strained relations. Where: College of Business, room 232 According to statistics from the Miami- giving students a rare and valuable oppor- be the time constraint. based weekly, El Venezolano, as many tunity to participate in a dialogue with two “I would like to see [the speakers] talk as 180,000 Venezuelans currently live in very informed, very thoughtful analysts— about moving forward, improving and When: Thursday, Sept. 26, from 6 p.m. - Florida. As one of the largest universi- one a seasoned diplomat, the other a addressing how to fix the turmoil between 8 p.m. ties based in South Florida, the University renowned scholar of politics,” said Barry the U.S. and Venezuela,” said Anthony Levitt, associate professor and director of Nakfour, a senior economics major, who is is home to many Venezuelan students as RSVP: By calling (305) 348-2894 well as others from the Latin American and undergraduate studies in Department of from Venezuela. Caribbean regions. Politics and International Relations. With family members living in both Students attending this event will get Karem Santaella, a Venezuelan senior countries, Nakfour is hopeful that this free 2 The Beacon – Monday, September 23, 2013 NEWS fiusm.com WORLD NEWS Veterans and Military Affairs US and Iran eye diplomatic defrosting at UN Center opens for Panthers President Barack Obama and Iran’s new presi- dent may meet briefly next week for the first time, marking a symbolic but significant step toward easing their countries’ tense relationship. An VETERANS, PAGE 1 who have not received any This was all supported by the university... exchange of letters between the leaders already governmental benefits. He has raised expectations for a revival of stalled said 812 veterans applied to They’ve always taken very good care of nuclear talks, though Iran is still likely to seek an “Vets understand other vets, the University the fall. the veterans here. easing of international sanctions in exchange for and the center provides an The funding for this Michael Pischner significant progress. In small steps and - encour all-encompassing avenue expansion primarily comes Director aging statements, Iran’s leaders appear to be for them.” from the University and Veteran and Military Affairs Center opening a door more widely to detente in their The Tower began a year the Post-9/11 GI Bill, a nuclear dispute with the U.S. Cautiously opti- and a half ago, and “went program that provides finan- mistic yet still skeptical, Washington is weighing online” the first week of cial support for educa- “FIU is one of the only “Student Govern- whether Iranian President Hasan Rouhani’s recent August. The building will tion and housing to those in-state schools that is ment purchased our flags overtures actually represent new policies or just new packaging. have its ribbon cutting on who have at least 90 days providing scholarships for for the different services, Oct. 21st. total of service after Sept. the veterans that are here as they bought a flagpole and According to Gluck, 10, 2001, or have a been an undergraduate student,” they’re going to put an Senator concerned about there are about 1,800 honorably discharged with a Pischner said. American flag,” Pischner Apple’s fingerprint technology veterans here at the Univer- service-connected disability The center’s lounge has said, who later indicated that sity and that this large after 30 days, according a help desk, along with at some point they would Sen. Al Franken is asking Apple for more amount indicates the neces- to the U.S. Department of several couches, an informa- use an American flag that clarity on privacy and security concerns he has sity of this facility. Veterans Affairs’ website. tion desk, a plasma screen was flown over Afghanistan. with its use of fingerprint recognition technology “The wars in Iraq and “Following 9/11, there television and several iMac Pischner also showed in the new iPhone 5S. Afghanistan have created, was an addendum to the GI desktops. These are all for different programs that The iPhone 5S, which went on sale Friday, for the first time since Bill which [gave] educa- the benefit of the veterans were offered to veterans as includes a fingerprint sensor that lets users tap the [World War II], the largest tional benefits to veterans,” that frequent the facility, assistance to their careers. phone’s home button to unlock their phone, rather influx of veterans,” Gluck said Gluck. according to Gluck and One such program is one than enter a four-digit passcode. But Franken said said. “This was all supported Pischner. that allows students with that the fingerprint system could be potentially Pischner pointed to the by the University,” Pischner There is also a counseling military medic training disastrous for users if someone does eventually hack it. While a password can be kept a secret number being over 2,000, said. “They’ve just done this room, a conference room, a to qualify for a bach- and changed if it’s hacked, he said, fingerprints but that not all of them have for the veterans. They’ve small kitchen, a processing elor of science in nursing, are permanent and are left on everything a person been receiving benefits. always taken very good care room for those receiving according to a flier of the touches, making them far from a secret. “We’ve got about 1,400 of the veterans here.” the benefits of the GI Bill as Department of Nursing and - 1,500 receiving some Pischner said that many well as staff offices. Health Sciences. Egypt holds funeral for slain sort of educational benefit students who have served In a tour of the Center, “Veterans are very here,” Pischner said. “Not in the military continu- Pischner showed Student unique and we have to honor police general necessarily veterans, but it ally seek a university that Media the areas where their services,” said Gluck. could be the dependent of a is willing to work with the facility will expand – “There’s a moral obligation Joined by Egypt’s top interim leaders, Egypt’s veteran or their spouse.” them, the GI Bill and other namely a parking lot along to support veterans.” military chief led a funeral procession Friday for Despite this, Pischner financial aid. According to with the patio where barbe- a police general killed in a raid on an Islamist said that the center is also him, the University fits this ques are hosted for student [email protected] stronghold near Cairo, aiming to show a national front against supporters of the ousted Islamist tailored towards veterans description. veterans. president. The coffin of slain police Gen. Nabil Farrag was carried by an ambulance, preceded by lines of marching policemen and a police band with drums. Military Apache helicopters Health Services hosts Boot Camp hovered overhead as Egypt’s powerful defense SEX ED, PAGE 1 minister, Gen. Abdel-Fatah el-Sissi, led the students to be informed about sex and In today’s society sex is every- heavily guarded funeral, joined by army Chief of the possible STDs they can contract, where: TV, movies, books, music and Staff Sedki Sobhi, interim Prime Minister Hazem question when it comes to sex and the Internet. el-Beblawi and the interior minister responsible sexual health,” said Parris. It is inevitable that college students for police, Mohammed Ibrahim. In addition to providing consul- If you’re going to have are going to have sex, but with the tations, Parris said Student Health sexual health services available to For more world news, check out Services offers free condoms – about sex, be grown enough students and the informative Sex Ed www.FIUSM.com. 10,000 to 14,000 are given out to to have a conversation Boot Camp students are no longer students every four months. about it... unaware or misinformed. According to the Center for “If you’re going to have sex, be Disease Control and Prevention, there Ebonie Parris grown enough to have a conversation are 19 million new STD infections in Senior Health Educator about it and to discuss your sexual the U.S. per year, half of which are histories,” Parris said. young people between the ages of 15-24. because it could happen to anyone,” [email protected] EDITORIAL BOARD CONTACT INFORMATION “It’s extremely important for said Alcuria. Editor in Chief Modesto Maidique Campus: GC 210, Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-4:30 PM Brandon Wise (305) 348-2709 BBC Managing Editor [email protected] Fla. unemployment rate drops Stephan Useche Biscayne Bay Campus WUC 124, Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-4:30 PM AP STAFF Production Manager/ California and New York, by State economists, however, (305) 919-4722 contrast, added around 30,000 jobs released an analysis this summer that Copy Chief [email protected] Jenna Kefauver Florida’s attempt to pull out of last month. Scott has tried to recruit showed a key reason for the unem- Editor-in-Chief: the depths of the Great Recession companies from both states by arguing ployment rate decline has been people News Director (305) 348-1580 continues to be uneven and bumpy. that Florida has lower taxes and a leaving the labor force or delaying Madison Fantozzi [email protected] The state released new unemploy- better regulatory environment for their search for a job. Entertainment Director Advertising: ment rates on Friday that show that businesses. There are now an estimated 656,000 (305) 348-6994 Michelle Granado Florida’s unemployment rate has In spite of Friday’s news, the state’s people out of work in the state. [email protected] dropped to 7 percent in August. It overall unemployment remains lower While the unemployment rate has Sports Director The Beacon is published on Mondays, had been stalled at 7.1 percent for the than the national average, and Florida gotten better since Scott took office Francisco Rivero Wednesdays and Fridays during the Fall previous three months. has seen the largest rate drop in the in 2011, the U.S. Census released and Spring semesters and once a week Gov. Rick Scott touted the news at country in the past year. information this week that showed Opinion Director during Summer B. One copy per person. Scott, who is making the state’s household income remains stagnant Junette Reyes Additional copies are 25 cents. The Beacon a press conference in Melbourne, but a is not responsible for the content of ads. closer look at the numbers shows that economic turnaround the centerpiece in Florida almost five years from the Photo Editor Ad content is the sole responsibility of the state’s overall labor force shrank. of his re-election campaign, said in a start of the recession. Some of the Stephanie Mason the company or vendor. The Beacon is an A separate survey showed that the statement that the decrease in the rate state’s largest cities rank in the bottom editorially independent newspaper partially

funded by student and services fees that are state actually lost nearly 5,000 jobs continues to be “evidence that our in income levels for the nation’s most appropriated by Student Government. last month after months of positive job pro-growth and business friendly poli- populous metro areas. growth. cies are working.” Contact Us Junette Reyes Opinion Director [email protected] OPINION The Beacon – 3 fiusm.com Monday, September 23, 2013 The grass is greener on the other side The freshman 15 DIEGO SALDANA-ROJAS I blabbered on about how much I loved maintained by the most skilled mechanics. Staff Writer their functioning mass transit systems, Yes, this city does have its issues–some is only a myth music venues, concerts, art scene, bars, that go beyond heat and humidity and “I hate Miami.” cuisine and architecture. The culmination extend into the realm of corruption and ASHLEY VALENTIN I’ve heard these words more than once of the conversation was me declaring my crime. Contributing Writer and not always from individuals donning love for Chicago, a statement which made That does not mean it is inhospitable. thick rimmed glasses and leather . the student’s eyes instantly widen with Just Google “Chicago murder rate 2013” From my native perspective, it seems surprise. and you’ll see what I mean. The day I tried to button up my favorite that quite a few people hate this place: It’s He, in turn, went on to describe Chica- It’s easier to romanticize and yearn for pair of shorts and couldn’t is the day the world too hot, the weather is, like, super unpre- go’s hellish winters and crime rates. somewhere else than appreciate sites set almost exploded. Dogs started howling, babies dictable, people are legit rude, traffic is He then proceeded to describe Miami’s right before you. began to cry and a select few trees sponta- freakin’ crazy and drivers are ridiculous, cultural beauty and superb year-round We have miles of coastline, warm and neously caught fire. Angrily, I vowed never to bro. climate. sunny weather year round, a plethora of have Chick-fil-A for lunch again. In fact, not If you smirked or rolled yours eyes at Then it hit me: The grass is always cultures, languages and cuisines, history even mid-study break Frappuccinos would the monologue of a stereotypical Miamian, greener on the other side. and architecture. be safe from the wrath of the diet I vowed to then you know exactly what I am writing As old and cheesy as that phrase is, it’s No one is asking you to be infatuated undertake. Nope. It was low calorie juices and absolutely true. I include myself when I say with this city. Take a second to think criti- about: the disdain of this city by some of its whole wheat crackers for me! This declara- own people. I realized how silly we Miam- that sometimes Miamians harshly judge cally before you go about bashing it while tion of weight loss lasted for a grand total of ians can get sometimes. their own city and the people that inhabit it. praising another. one week before the thought of Moe’s Queso A few days ago, I met a student who had Cities are complex machines and, like As some of my fellow Miamians would just transferred from one of my favorite all machines, they are susceptible to wear say: Don’t be such a hater, bro. seduced me into making the long walk to PG5. cities–Chicago. and tear. Not all are built with the highest The 15 pounds I have gained since starting quality parts and engineering. Not all are [email protected] college has yet to melt off me (and yes, it actu- ally has been exactly 15 pounds), but I love my Frappuccinos too much to mind. ​However, according to the Huffington Post, What we don’t own in the digital age I’m an exception. Most students don’t gain 15 pounds (otherwise known as the “freshman MOISES FUERTES Staff Writer 15”) at college at all. Typically the weight gain is around 5 pounds, and it doesn’t happen in I have this book in my hands, “Cloud one semester, but rather over the span of their Atlas.” college years. The weight gain is usually only a It’s a wonderful book, and one I Any digital goods purchased result of your body growing to its adult size in encourage any of my friends to read. height and weight, and should be viewed as a Isn’t it a wonderful thing that I can are simply a license to use normal part of getting older, not because you’re simply lend my book to any one of them overeating. without having to jump any hoops? and not true ownership. ​“A recent Ohio State University study that One would think I should be able included data from 7,418 young people over to do the same with, say, any of my the course of their college years found that purchased songs from iTunes. women and men, on average, gained three The reality is, of course, much more pounds during their freshmen year. Less than complicated than that. I can’t give away my legally purchased once every 24 hours to even be allowed 10 percent of the freshmen gained 15 pounds In the digital age, property rights are digital content to anyone, not even my to play any of the games purchased. (or more), and a full quarter of the students complicated, misleading and confusing. kids. Since then, Microsoft has decided actually lost weight in their first year,” writes Lending a digital copy of anything, When I purchased “Cloud Atlas,” I to completely change their stance on the Huffington Post. whether that be a song, video game or assured myself ownership of this phys- the issue due to the enormous backlash ​So the freshman 15 is a big ol’ myth. Then a DVD, is a chore or simply impossible. ical book. I can give it away, sell it or from the gaming community. why has the term reached the ear of every What we have seen through iTunes, destroy it. Interestingly, companies like Steam, new student craving snacks on campus? the video game industry and even Holly- Essentially, I can do with it as I a digital distributor of video games, The transition to college is sometimes over- wood, is the usage of activation codes please in terms of its physicality. But has announced family share plans that whelming. There’s the stress of financial aid, which directly link a piece of bought this is not the case with digital goods. allow up to 10 devices to be linked to clubs, living on your own and paying bills. It’s data to one single person, often locking The same goods that companies are an account. often assumed that this stress, combined with it there even after death. constantly trying to have us purchase. According to the Steam website, the larger amounts of alcohol, staying up late and It doesn’t matter what digital goods I don’t think that’s fair. software is currently in beta. easy access to all kinds of unhealthy foods on any given person purchases. The end I’m positive that these digital restric- Once a device is registered to an campus will drive any unsuspecting college result is the same. tions lead people to download music, account, the website mentions all the student into a binging, weight gaining frenzy, In his piece, “Who owns your iTunes games and movies illegally. games from the linked account that can but this is simply not the case. library when you die,” writer Doug Why would any person purchase be downloaded and thus borrowed. ​Freshmen, take a step back. There’s no Mataconis says, “Part of the problem digital content if all they are getting is The issue, however, remains across need to add on more unnecessary stress over is that with digital content, one doesn’t legal permission to use it, but not the all forms of digital entertainment. gaining weight. It really is no big deal. If have the same rights as with print books right to redistribute it? Any digital goods purchased are you’re concerned about maintaining a healthy and CDs. Customers own a license to Why can’t we just lend our bits? I’m simply a license to use, and not true weight, there are plenty of healthy food and use the digital files — but they don’t sure there are ways software can lock ownership. snack options on campus, as well as a pretty actually own them.” certain content if, for example, it is lent Viva the digital age. sweet gym accessible to all FIU students. There Also, according to the article, Apple to someone. are more important things to worry about than and Amazon both offer “non-transfer- There was some recent blowback [email protected] gaining weight during your freshman year. Go able” rights to the content. with the announcement of all the restric- ahead and enjoy that Frappuccino! You look Essentially, this means that when I tions the Xbox One would impose on its great as is! die, whenever that ends up happening, users, such as having to connect online [email protected]


Have something on your mind? Send your thoughts (400 words maximum) to The opinions presented within this page do not represent the views of The Editorials are the unified voice of the editorial board, which is composed [email protected] or drop by our offices at either GC 210 or WUC 124. With Beacon Editorial Board. These views are separate from of the editor in chief, management, and the editors of each of the five your letter, be sure to include your name, major, year, and copy of your editorials and reflect individual perspectives of contributing sections. The Beacon welcomes any letters regarding or in response to its student ID. The Beacon will only run one letter a month from any individual. writers and/or members of the University community. editorials. Send them to [email protected]. Contact Us Michelle Granado Entertainment Director [email protected] LIFE! The Beacon – 4 fiusm.com Monday, September 23, 2013 Theater department kicks off year with “Cardenio”

DANIEL URIA love with, who they really are and One of these characters is “Whatever happens I just hope Yawney encouraged students Staff Writer what really matters to them,” he Doris, played by Jannelys Santos, I can make a complete fool of to pull themselves from their explained. a senior seeking a BA degree in myself on stage and the audience laptops and smartphones for a While many students have “Cardenio” is a unique play in theatre. can follow us on this hilarious moment and come out to expe- their focus on football season, several ways. Santos describes Doris as journey which involves so many rience a bit of theatre and also this weekend marks the beginning First, it employs a dynamic the antagonist of the play, but ironic, playful moments,” said provided a guarantee: “If you of another kind of season at FIU. stage design that symbolizes the believes that she means well. Cadena. “It is such a fun show come, you will learn five great The FIU Theatre Department instability of the characters’ lives. “Everyone despises her, but as and I hope that translates on all recipes for pasta,” he joked. opens its four-play theatre season “It’s slanted at a very odd angle the actor portraying her, I feel like the nights to come. “ On a more serious note, on Sept. 27 with its production of so that sometimes it feels that the all the advice she offers, whether Santos expressed her excite- Yawney believes students will “Cardenio.” stage is going to throw everybody asked for or not, is given out of ment for the production to begin. enjoy the experience of seeing a The director of “Cardenio” off it,” Yawney describes. love–especially to her younger “I cannot wait for opening play that they likely have had no Michael Yawney had this to say “Cardenio” also features 12 sister, Camila. She’s just really night,” she began. “To have a prior exposure to. about the play: “It’s about people characters, each of which Yawney misunderstood.” She said. live audience with people not just “What makes it especially finding out who they are through claims to be the main character, William Cadena, also a senior from our tiny theatre department, fun as the first play is everyone their experience in Italy. Hearing often on stage at the same time. with a BFA major in theatre, plays but our families and friends who is going to come into this not great music, eating great food, “Having 12 characters is kind Will. His character is faced with have little exposure to theatre–it knowing what they’re going to hearing great poetry and seeing of wonderful, becauses you get to having his best friend’s bride ask will definitely be interesting. You see. And when they see it, I think great art.” pick and choose,” said Yawney. to seduce her on their wedding never know what will hit-or-miss that brings another excitement. “Through these experiences, “If you lose interest with this one, night. His only hope for the play a particular audience. I’m ready they learn who they’re really in you can just look at the next one.” is that it produces a lot of laughs. for their feedback!” [email protected] The persistent, reigning trend of and

COLUMNIST After trend, especially consid- these particular socks last week’s ering that over the process with her outfit rather than observa- of four years of college, no-show socks she created tions of I have found myself, the a color-blocking motif that trends long devotee of stilettos, a lead the eye from her head happening habitual tennis wearer. all the way down to her across Apparently heels aren’t toes. ASHLEY GARNER campus I as easy to walk in as they One last student that couldn’t look, especially when you I want to pay credit to for help myself from pointing are carrying 10 pounds of doing socks and shoes in a out one more very important art materials across campus. completely unexpected but one: socks and shoes. Back to socks and shoes; wholeheartedly appreci- I remember as a child this trend is nothing new to ated way was Asian studies my mother always trying to the bike and skateboarding major Thais Torquez. force me into frilly bobby community. Seen in front of Deux- socks and my sour-puss self They have long been ieme Maison during the pitching a fit for the whole supporters of calf and knee first week of classes, Thais process. high socks for sake of the was wearing a full head- From there, I graduated safety of their shins while to-toe pink skirt and shirt into pre-teen toe socks that skating. ensemble with a matching came in an embarrassingly Although they are quilted Hello Kitty back- wide variety from Limited wearing socks for reasons pack and some badass Too! beyond sartorially pleasing wood block cut out shoes Once middle school aesthetics, they still have with extremely frilly bobby had begun, socks were no style while doing it–as seen socks reminding me of my longer cool and it was all by fine arts major Carlos preschool years. about the below-the-ankle Morales with his well-worn I left her feeling like socks to show off your Nike in and personalized tennis I had just encountered a Air Force Ones, at least at shoes paired with diamond whimsical rosy-cheeked my school. printed calf-high socks. fairy. Finally, in high school, Another fine arts major My point essentially in socks were slowly but who was seen sporting the all of this rambling on socks surely coming back starting socks and shoes trend in a and shoes is to consider it. with the likes of striped much different way was It is a cheap and surpris- and printed and now, Sierra Manno. ingly versatile way to a decade later, we have a Her outfit was simple spruce up your outfit and at wide emergence of calf and throwback ‘90s with a the least who doesn’t appre- socks, knee high socks, beige velvet button down, ciate a nice and toasty ankle thigh-high socks, bobby high waisted jeans, soft and calf. socks and I could go on but pink woven Keds and Ashley Garner/The Beacon will spare you for now. bunched-up men’s char- [email protected] Students around campus rock shoes and socks. I am all for this coal . By pairing love to write? enjoy taking photos? grammar enthusiast? design savvy? Join The Beacon! Pick up an application at MMC, GC 210 or BBC, WUC 124 or online at fiusm.com. fiusm.com LIFE! The Beacon – Monday, September 23, 2013 5 Welcome to Greek Life RELAXIN’ ALL COOL

COLUMNIST M y moral and emotional support In all honesty, most of the initia- throughout the recruitment presidents spoke about the tion into process. She uses her expe- same thing. They illustrated the Greek rience and insight in Greek why their sorority is special commu- life to guide a potential new to them and what they have nity at member and show her the gained after joining Greek FIU began ropes. life. AILYS TOLEDO on Sept. Walking into the ball- Every president holds 12 when room that first day was an the upmost respect for their I made my way into the experience all on its own. sisters and knows they GC Ballrooms for the first Rho Gammas, who wore wouldn’t have become time. As I neared the ball- green shirts with special the woman they are today room, a long line of girls Greek letters to identify without them. were waiting to be signed in. themselves, were standing But even though they all I immediately noticed most on chairs waving posters spoke eloquently and genu- of the girls wearing white with group numbers and inely, the president who v-necks boasting “Legally catchy names. touched my heart the most PanHellenic” across the It took me at least 10 was the last one who spoke. front. minutes to find group 30, “I’m not going to tell I stuck out like a sore Surella’s Sailors. This was you why my sorority is the thumb wearing my blue crop partly due to the fact that best or why my sorority is top, paired with a blue sheer there were about 700 girls so special to me,” she said undershirt and denim skinny swarming the vicinity, just as as her voice wavered on the jeans. lost as I was, and also due to verge of tears. “I just want As I made my way to the fact that my Rho Gamma to share with you the love I Itzel Basualdo/The Beacon the end of the line, girls was the smallest of them all, have for my sisters and how narrowed their beady eyes so I couldn’t see her. proud I am to be part of this With her backpack as her pillow and the grass as her bed, Jessica Paez, at me. When I finally found her, chapter. I wouldn’t be able sophomore in English, relaxes by the lake. At first I thought they she embraced me cordially to stand here in front of all were watching me because and welcomed me into of you, voice shaking and I had something on my face the group. Then she said, so nervous, if it wasn’t for or because I didn’t get the “Where’s your shirt?” them.” It was obvious that day, etc. I came in shedding any over. all-white memo, but then I The rest of the evening she spoke from the heart, It was all so much to take opinions or stereotypes any Would I make it to the reminded myself that they went smoothly. and her testimony stayed in and I worried that I would of my colleagues told me. end? weren’t the reason I was I was finally given a shirt, with me for the rest of the perpetually be one step As I made my way home, Would I really like one there. but I stayed in the clothes I night. behind everyone else. Most rather than plan my outfit and feel rejected if they Plus, this mild judgment came in. Thankfully, I was After each president gave of the other group members for the next day, I thought do not like me back? How would be nothing compared not the only girl who didn’t her speech, we met with our seemed like they knew the about the likelihood of me would I know if I made the to what I would be facing in know about the white shirt. group members and Rho drill and what to expect, fitting in and finding where right decision? the coming days. By the time The directors of Campus Gamma. while I was still trying to I belonged. I questioned if I I went to sleep that night I reached the end of the line, Life made a few announce- Each member exchanged figure out the point of it all. was being true to myself by and woke up suddenly at 4 I had shrugged off the bad ments about what to expect pleasantries and then we got Going into recruitment, I going through with this, too. a.m. asking myself the same vibes and prepared myself for the next few days, right down to business: our knew nothing about any of Do not get me wrong, I questions. to meet my Rho Gamma. including dress code, rules Rho Gamma explained how the sororities. was excited to see how the In a few hours, I would A Rho Gamma is like a and a schedule. We did some the next day was going to I didn’t know what their next day would unfold, but be an active potential new group leader. She is a sorority icebreakers all around the go down, what to wear/not philanthropies were, what I was still hesitant. Most of member and I felt so unpre- woman who has disaffili- room, and then the presi- wear, the right questions to they stood for or the type of all, I wondered how I would pared for what came next. ated from her sisterhood in dents of each sorority gave ask, where to meet at the members they were looking feel next weekend, when order to provide unbiased a speech. beginning and end of each for. the recruitment process was [email protected] Q&A with FIU student opening up Homecoming, George Arango

KIERON WILLIAMS single day. nothing serious, just having fun. House Mafia – but individually: Bimini SuperFast cruise with a Contributing Writer Axwell, Sebastien Ingrosso, Steve bunch of other DJs. We leave Friday What was the moment when you What is the difference between a Angello and Dirty South. I can at 10pm and come back at 6am the Student Media recently caught up realized you could DJ for the rest of DJ and a producer? go on with this, but those are the next day. I’m trying to get Oktober- with the winner of the FIU SPLASH your life? people I grew up listening to before fest! Brickell, Bamboo on the beach, DJ Battle, George Arango, whose Well first off, producers can they were too mainstream. Back in [Liv Night Club Miami,] and Life in stage name is DJ George Andreas. I still don’t think that’s real- be DJs as well. A producer liter- eighth grade, people like Kaskade Color in December. Hopefully all of This junior criminal justice major istic, but I hope I can. I had always ally produces music, whether it’s and Tiesto had their own music, but this will add up. I also have a whole will be opening up for DJ Zogg, J. loved sharing music though, even for himself or someone else. For people didn’t know about them back bunch of edits and stuff that I’ve been Cole and Zedd at the Homecoming before I was a DJ. In high school, I example, I know Benny Benassi then. I was already listening to them, saving for my live shows to change concert, Panthermonium, Oct. 6. would show my friends music I had has a producer. He’s a producer as though. it up. You can’t just start playing a discovered and see if they liked it well, but the majority of the music DJs, I gotta say Pete Tong. He bunch of new stuff, though, because What’s your DJ name and how too, just because it was all about the comes from the producer under him. pretty much does what I aspire to the audience can’t connect. I’ve got did you come up with it? music for me. I’d say the first SigEp He’s the face of the music, more or do, he does the electronic shows stuff that they’ll recognize, but with party that we threw though, called Si less. DJs interact with the crowd. like the Essential Mix for BBC a twist that makes it my own. I think George Andreas and that’s my Te Cojo Te Mojo, that was my first Whether it’s five people or five Radio 1, which is a two-hour mix people will appreciate that. real first and last name. I was in eye-opening moment where I got to hundred, they’ll adjust their track- with the hottest tracks, the newest between getting one of those corny really see people enjoying what I list; if they’re really good, they can tracks, guest mixes, all of that. And Where’s the next place we can DJ names or European names, but I can do. It was my first relationship tell a story within their set. They now he’s brought the Essential Mix see you? decided to go natural. with an audience. From then on, I know how to control an ambience to Miami’s 93.5 Evolution and knew I could do this for a long time. and a vibe within their set. If you other US stations. But guys like DJ My fraternity is throwing a When did you decide to give can transition from song to song Carnage have helped me cross over philanthropy block party on [Oct. DJing a try? Where was your first set and how pretty well, that’s cool – you can DJ, to trap music, to hip hop, and how to 4] for the Buoniconti Fund, which did it go? but you’re not a good DJ. When you put it all together into one. I also like fundraises for the Miami Project. I started with mutual friends that know how to connect it all, which the newer guys like Hardwell and I’m going to be at Oktoberfest, the had equipment during senior year of Let me see if I can remember key, which tempo, if you can make Alesso because they know how to day after in Brickell and then on high school, just messing around, that….senior year of [Belen Jesuit it all come together, that’s when connect more. The older guys know [Oct. 6] I’m going to be opening at nothing serious. But when I came Preparatory School] – 2011. It you’re a good DJ. what they’re doing, but they don’t the Homecoming show with Zedd to FIU I got a Behr controller that was just a small party. I had a little bring anything new to the table. and J. Cole and all those guys. I still use to this day, joined [Sigma controller connected to a bigger Which DJs or producers are your Do you have anything in the But if you can’t make it to that, Phi Epsilon,] and they gave me the mixer, or something like that. I inspirations? works that we should know about? you can always check my Sound- opportunity to take it to the next just went to my friend’s house and Yeah, October’s very busy for Cloud, DjGeorgeAndreas, or hit level. Since they gave me that posi- messed around with his equipment, Producer-wise, Tiesto, Armin me. I’m in talks with a talent agent me up on Twitter and Instagram @ tion, I’ve basically been DJing every putting in my two cents. It was van Buuren, the gods – Swedish and I was invited to perform at this DJGeorgeAndreas. Contact Us Francisco Rivero Sports Director [email protected] SPORTS The Beacon – 6 fiusm.com Monday, September 23, 2013 Get your hot dogs, pretzels....and beer?

COLUMNIST When contains alcohol, which is terback Andrew Luck, someone also a big factor in revenue has seen it be helpful both goes to a for each respective stadium economically and safety football and the team that it houses. wise to his program and game In the nation, there are went into detail in an inter- courtesy only 23 athletic programs view with FIU Student of the that sell alcohol at their Media. RHYS WILLIAMS National home games at the colle- “We had a different situ- Football giate level, including pres- ation here that other schools League, more often than tigious universities as do not usually have,” Luck not, they will see someone the University of Miami, said. “We used to allow who has taken advantage University of Minnesota, students and fans to exit of the concession stang a and West Virginia Univer- the stadium at halftime or chance that they are going sity in Morgantown, WV. whenever they pleased and to consume something The athletic program, come back into the game to drink at the game. For headed by athletic director which was costly with many fans their choice Oliver Luck, the father of having to check people’s of beverage is one that Indianapolis Colts quar- bags a second time and getting their ‘Buzz back on’ then returning to the stadium. It did not create a

pretty sight.” Beacon File Photo Luck also believes that Many feel that adding alcohol to the list of beverages that are sold at FIU stadium the selling of alcohol at will help raise money and attendance. the games could possibly be an extra incentive to get students in from the tail- gates but it depends on we are near $750,000 in FIU Student Media returned. the situation of the school profit,” Luck added. “We reached out to the Athletic Some of the bigger itself. do it through the conces- Department at the Univer- conferences that do not “Through sponsor- sion group we use called sity of Minnesota, who currently allow alcohol ships with Miller/Coors, Sodexo. It helps us control was one of the only to be sold at any sporting Carl-Frederick Francois/The Beacon Anheuser-Busch and a alcohol consumption and schools to report a loss in event are the Southeastern FIU fans look to join fans from West Virginia in the excitement gives us a bit of extra selling alcohol financially. local brewery in Morgan- SEE ALCOHOL, PAGE 7 of being one of the few schools to serve alcohol at games. town Brewing Company, revenue which isn’t bad.” A response was never Tennis looking to bounce back after dismal season STEVEN ROWELL After a stellar freshman season, ries, went 2-1 with the loss on day Contributing Writer Sophomore Carlotta Orlando was three in a match that was moved expected by Petrovic to have the to indoors, where Petrovic and The first fall tournament for the title as Singles Champion. It was Orlando put the sophomore at a Panthers tennis team can be char- Freshman Nina Nagode who stole disadvantage. acterized as successful. the show in singles, while being “The first two singles matches In the Milwaukee Tennis named the tournament’s single’s were on clay courts which I like, Classic back on Sept. 13 through champion. The freshman went 3-0 and the last single I didn’t play as Sept. 15, FIU was victorious in 11 over the weekend in her first taste well, because it was raining we singles matches and picked up five of tennis at the college level. The moved to indoor and on that court doubles victories. Slovenia native also went 2-1 in it was faster and I couldn’t play as “We played better than I doubles matches with the lone loss well,” Orlando said. thought, and these girls did well on day two with Orlando; losing “The indoor court is too fast for in supporting each other in the 8-4 to Marquette’s duo of Ana her style of play so that really put first week of practice and we only Primienta and Erin Gebes. her at a disadvantage,” Petrovic had three practices together before “I was thinking she would said. we left for the tournament,” Head have tougher competition but she Despite the singles loss, Coach Katarina Petrovic said. won all her matches, she stole Petrovic was impressed with With only three returning the singles champion title from Orlando especially with her players from last season and five Carlotta [Orlando],” Petrovic said. picking up two doubles victo- newcomers, the Panthers got off “I didn’t play for one year ries, as last season Orlando expe- to a strong start on day one and because of the NCAA rules so rienced the growing pains of never looked back. the first match was hard for me playing doubles matches. Day 1 started off with a bang but every match I played after I “Carlotta was here in the as the Panthers took two of three felt better and more confident,” summer working during Summer doubles matches over Western Nagode said. School with the coaches to get Michigan and went undefeated in Another freshman went in shape and I think it paid off,” Singles, winning all five singles through the tournament without Petrovic said. matches over host Marquette a defeat in singles. Freshman “I’m really happy with University. Kamila Pavelkova went 3-0 over doubles, I feel like I improved a On day two, FIU stayed unde- the weekend, winning a match on lot on the court and I feel more feated in singles sweeping their each day of the tournament all in confident now,” Orlando said. four singles matches over Colo- straight sets. “We lost one doubles match with rado State, and splitting their two “These are really good Nina [Nagode], so we still got doubles matches winning one and freshmen, I don’t know but maybe to know each other better on the losing one against Marquette. they could be better than me,” court.” The Panthers concluded day Orlando said. The Panthers won’t be in action three with two singles victo- With success from the again until Oct. 18 when they

Beacon File Photo ries, while also losing two others newcomers, Petrovic expected participate in the ITA Regionals in against Western Michigan and Orlando to perform well, and that Athens, Ga. After a disappointing 2012 season, the FIU women’s tennis team looks winning both their doubles she did. The Italy native, who lead to bounce back strong in 2013. matches over Colorado State. the team last year in singles victo- [email protected] fiusm.com SPORTS The Beacon – Monday, September 23, 2013 7 FIU Health to insure FIU BASEBALL OPEN TRYOUTS retired players, families

PATRICK CHALVIRE Rock, founding dean ball and mentoring clinics Staff Writer and senior vice presi- for more than 150 local dent for Health Affairs, at-risk youth as part of its The National Basketball Herbert Wertheim College Full Court Press: Prep for Retired Players Associa- of Medicine; Otis Bird- success program in Miami tion will now be receiving song, chairman of the on Sept. 28. support from FIU Health. Board, National Basket- The NBRPA is currently On Thursday, Sept. 19, ball Retired Players Asso- comprised of former an announcement was made ciation; Fernando Valverde, professional basketball of a partnership between CEO, FIU Health Care players from the NBA, FIU Health, the Herbert Network; Thurl Bailey, ABA, Harlem Globe- Wertheim College of Medi- vice chairman, NBRPA; trotters and WNBA. It cine’s Faculty Group Prac- George Tinsley, past is a non-profit organiza- tice and the NBRPA. chairman, NBRPA; Sam tion, with its goal to assist The partnership will now Vincent, player ambas- former players in their allow for both uninsured sador, NBRPA; Arnie transition from the court to and underinsured members Fielkow, president and life after the game, while and spouses of the NBRPA CEO, NBRPA also positively impacting to receive health and well- The NBRPA, with part- communities and the youth Beacon File Photo ness physicals. nership from the National through basketball. The FIU Baseball Team will hold tryouts for the 2013-2014 season on Monday, Some members in atten- Police Athletic League, Sept. 23, at 6:00 pm at the FIU Baseball Field. dance included Dr. John will host youth basket- [email protected] Stenson tears up the golf course for a 64 DOUG FERGUSON everyone else, but it was kind of remarkable was that just three days when I finished up in Chicago. So for the repairs. AP Writer nice to throw a couple at him. We ago, his emotions were boiling. it was a good turnaround mentally. Why so much anger so soon? know he didn’t have the best of days, Angry at the way he was playing I stayed very level-headed — kept “I can tell you don’t have much Tiger Woods and Henrik Stenson, and he’s going to fight hard to try to — and the fact he had to be at the head on, both myself and drivers, experience with Swedes, do you?” the top two seeds in the FedEx Cup, come back into the tournament. It’s Conway Farms north of Chicago for and played a great round of golf.” Stenson said, handling it with his dry could not have been more different still a long way to go, but it’s always a Monday finish brought on by rain More than feeling better about humor. “No, I’ll tell you I’ve always in the opening round of the Tour nice to perform the way I did when — that he smashed his driver into the his attitude, Stenson was helped by been a bit of a hot-head, and I just Championship. you’re playing with the world’s best ground so hard that the head snapped feeling no pain in his left wrist. haven’t been able to get any rest. I Stenson hardly missed a shot on player.” out. Then, he took out his frustra- He suspects he slept it on wrong was looking forward to that Monday the front nine. He had such control last weekend, and it reached a point back home and lying on the couch — over his game that six of his first where it hurt to hold a toothbrush. the kids in school and me just doing seven iron shots were 10 feet or He played only nine holes of prac- nothing, and I ended up playing golf closer to the hole. He converted five tice — the front nine — on Tuesday again on that Monday. I was just of them for birdies, added a 5-iron and iced his wrist and took anti-in- tired, and I pushed myself over the from 223 yards to 4 feet for one last Stenson is known for public displays of frus- flammatories. It seemed to have edge there. birdie on the par-3 18th, and wound trations — remember that poor tee marker at worked. “That’s not the best place to be up with a 6-under 64 and a one-shot The biggest change was his and not the best frame of mind to lead at East Lake. Carnoustie in 2007? attitude. play good golf,” he said. “I’m really Tiger Woods was the model of Stenson is known for public delighted with the change I made to frustration. displays of frustrations — remember today.” He missed a short birdie putt on that poor tee marker at Carnoustie Stenson had a one-shot lead over the opening hole that set the tone in 2007? — but this was peculiar Masters champion Adam Scott, who for a most unusual day. When it was because he had just won the Deut- deals with his frustrations inter- over, Woods failed to make a birdie Woods walked off the course tions by damaging his locker. sche Bank Championship in his nally. He was irritated by missing the for only the seventh time in his PGA without speaking to reporters. And that was just one tournament previous tournament. That capped green three times with a , thus Tour career — three of them at East Perhaps he could learn from after winning the Deutsche Bank off an amazing summer that began wasting good birdie chances, and Lake. Woods opened with a 73, nine Stenson how to cope with a frus- Championship. with four straight tournaments in the missing a 6-foot birdie putt on the shots behind. trating day on the golf course. “I really knew I had to be in a top 3, including two majors and a par-5 ninth to stay 1-over at the turn. “It’s a nice feeling to hit those Or maybe not. good frame of mind coming out World Golf Championship. He said Two shots into the 10th changed kind of shots playing with the “I don’t think I’m the right there if I wanted to play good golf he apologized to the club and told everything. Scott made six birdies in world’s best player,” Stenson said. person,” Stenson said. this week,” he said. “As some of you the locker room attendants to keep seven holes for a 29 on the back nine “Normally, it’s him who does it to What made Stenson’s round so noticed, I wasn’t that on Monday in contact, presumably so he can pay and a 65. Alcohol could help boost revenue and attendance at games ALCOHOL , PAGE 6 don’t have a ruling either way,” FIU would be a stretch, but not stadium in general, has not really I would complain if I could grab a Courtney Archer, Associate something I believe is without of been at or near capacity in the cold one when I was at the game Conference and the Atlantic Commissioner for Public Affairs reach within the next few years at past few games. to watch the Panthers play. Coast Conference, excluding the for Conference-USA said about Alfonso Field at FIU Stadium, the In my opinion, it could bring FIU Executive Director of University of Miami Hurricanes, alcohol within the conference. US. Century Bank Arena with the some students in from the tail- Sports and Entertainment Pete with their games being at Sun Life In regards to it being possible Lime court or the FIU Baseball gates to watch a dismal football Garcia denied speaking with FIU Stadium, where alcohol is sold for to grab a cold Corona Extra with Stadium to be possible. team or a basketball team who Student Media on the issue of all Miami Dolphins games. lime, a Yuengling, or an Anheus- You do not have to be 21 to due to grades cannot play in the alcohol at sporting events. “There is no conference rule er-Busch product at an upcoming see that the student section of FIU postseason. but it is up to the institution. We football or basketball game at Stadium, if not a majority of the I don’t think that after I turn 21 [email protected] Contact Us Stephan Useche BBC Managing Editor [email protected] THE The Beacon – 8 t ay Friday, September 23, 2013 A fiusm.com B Hubert Library celebrates Banned Books Week with ReadOUT “My main concern is to remind MARIA BRITOS people that it’s not just about books, Staff Writer but there are other forms of expres- sions like music, films and art,” said In high school, most students Blevens. “We should encourage are exposed to and required to people to express themselves.” read classics such as “The Great Other guest speakers include Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Marian Demos, associate human- “The Lord of the Flies” by William ities professor, who will be trans- Golding and “The Sun Also Rises” lating a poem by the French by Ernest Hemingway. One char- 19th-century poet Charles Baude- acteristic that these novels have in laire entitled “The Metamorphoses common now is these and many of the Vampire”. Also, George others have once been classified as Pearson, University librarian, “banned” books. will join the readout. Every year The Glenn Hubert Library at the event is planned by Lauren the Biscayne Bay Campus will be Christos, University librarian, who hosting its 12th Annual Banned also started the tradition back in Book ReadOUT to recognize the 2002. Christos was inspired by freedom of reading and bringing an urge to expose students to not awareness on intellectual freedom just its resources but to its main issues. Students and faculty are purpose, the books. welcomed to get together and read “I wanted to share and enlighten excerpts from books that have been the concept that these books that banned in the past. we have in this library are here for The event also celebrates the you to read,” said Christos. “And Banned Books Week, which typi- the freedom to read is astonishing cally runs during the last week of and we take it for granted.” September, and has branched out Maria Britos/The Beacon Throughout history, famous Some of the books that have been banned at some point are lined up to be read during ReadOUT. to cities across the country and books like “The Catcher in the promoting the privilege of reading Rye,” by J.D. Salinger have once freely. been challenged by individuals on for miles. Collected through spring--an idea still in process, This year, it will be held inside the Special guest speakers will join who claimed their discontent with history since the early book days, but with the same purpose as the library and for only one day. the readout to share excerpts of the content of a book. There are banned books don’t just come and banned books readout. The readout will take place their knowledge on banned mate- various reasons for a book to be go. They are also never banned Past banned book readouts Tuesday, Sept. 24 from 11 a.m. rials throughout history. considered banned including polit- from every library system in the have been successful, according to to 12 p.m. at the Hubert Library Frederick Blevens, mass ical reasons, sexual content or country. Christos. Room 155. communications professor, will be remarks to religion. For the future, Christos has Last fall semester, the event was specifically discussing the history The list of banned books goes more plans in store. One of them held in the gazebo for three days of banned music. includes a film festival in the with a high amount of participants. [email protected]

FREEDMAN SPEAKS Christians gather in Kansas to discuss homosexuality

and family in conservative churches, I’m trying to MARIA SUDEKUM empower people to be able to stay in their churches AP Writer that are not yet supportive.” Vines delivered an hourlong lecture on the topic A Kansas man whose online lecture about the at a Wichita church and posted it to YouTube in Bible and same-sex relationships gained consid- March 2012. Since then, the video has garnered erable attention has gathered about 50 Christians more than 600,000 views and 15,000 responses. And from around the country to delve into his belief that it has been translated into several languages. the Scriptures do not condemn homosexuality as a “A lot of conservative Christians are willing to sexual orientation. listen, but they don’t want to do it with someone Matthew Vines, of Wichita, grew up attending a who isn’t educated about Scripture,” said Vines, conservative evangelical Presbyterian church in the who has started a new organization, The Reforma- city and relies heavily on intensive study of the Bible tion Project, and written a book on the topic that will for his presentations. He said liberal and moderate be published in March. Christian churches have adopted more gay-friendly Evan Lenow, assistant professor of ethics at stances, but conservative churches remain steadfast Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort in their opposition to homosexuality. Worth, Texas, wrote an extensive rebuttal on his The 23-year-old Vines wants to bring change blog about Vines’ online lecture and said Wednesday with his message that the Bible doesn’t actually say in a phone interview that Vines’ take on the Bible is same-sex orientation is a sin or condemn loving gay not a faithful reading of the text. relationships. Out of 100 applicants, Vines selected “It seems to me he is attempting to read Scrip- 50 people with ties to conservative churches to ture through his presupposition that homosexuality participate in his three-day conference, which started is not a sin,” Lenow said. “... Every time (Scripture) Wednesday in Prairie Village and ends Saturday. speaks of homosexuality it speaks of homosexuality “This conference is important because it really in terms of sin.” Juan Endara/The Beacon represents the next frontier of the LGBT movement, Jane Clementi, whose son, Tyler, killed himself in which is working to change the minds of conserva- 2010 after his roommate at Rutgers University made Journalist and professor, Sam Freedman, came to speak to students tive Christians about same-sex relationships,” Vines a webcast of him kissing another man, is among Wednesday Sept 18 about his new book Breaking the Line. said. “Because I’m a gay Christian who grew up in the conference participants. She’s giving a keynote a conservative church and still have a lot of friends address Friday evening.