Annual Report of Hotding Gompanies-F#V.Ö;R -F ,T S, ? R

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Annual Report of Hotding Gompanies-F#V.Ö;R -F ,T S, ? R {t FR Y.6 OMB Number TtOO-0297 exp¡res November 30, 2019 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Annual Report of Hotding Gompanies-F#V.ö;r -f ,t s, ? r Name of the Holding Company Director and Official Fiffh Third Chairman , President & CEO Legal Ttle of Holding Company Title of thè Holding Company Director and Official 38 Fountain Square plaza attest that the Annual Repgft- of Holding Companies (including (Mailing Address of the Holding Company) Street / p.O. Box the supporting attachmenis) for this ¿ó,r ááõ nas dãen piel in Cincinnati OH qared conformance with the instructiohs issued ny tfre féOãrát 45263 City 3nd are true and correct to Û,e oest ór my State Zip Code KnowtectgeL.::y:_!ry]çT and belief. With Phvs¡cal Locat¡on (ir d¡fferent from mailing respect to information regarding individuats contained in this address) repoft, the Reporter certifies that it has the authority to provide this Person information to whom questions about this report should be to the Federal Rese¡ve. The Repofter also ceftifies directed: that John Frazier Bank it has the authority, on behalf of each individual, to consent Officer object or Name to public release of information regarding that individual. ïtle The Federal Reserue may assume, in the absence ofa requestfor 513-534-7431 confidential treatment submitted in accordance with the Area Code / Phone Number / Extension 'Rules Board's Regarding Availability of lnformation, ' 12 C.F,R. Pañ 261, 513-534-3614 that the Reporter public release of all Area Code / FAX the repoft Number john [email protected] E-mailAddress of Director Address (U RL) for of the Holding Company,s web page For holding companies not registered with the SEC- ls.confidential treatment requested for portion 0=No lnd¡cate status of Annual any of Report to Shareholders: tnts report submission? 1=Yes 0 E is ¡ncluded with the FR y-6 report ln accordance with the General lnstructions for th¡s report LI will be sent under separate cover (check only one), L-J is not prepared justirying I . a letter this request is being provided along withthereport........... .............:........... n For Federal Only 2. justiûing a letter th¡s reguest has been provided separately ... n RSSD ID NOTE: lnformation c.t for tvtrich conficlential treatment is be¡ng requested mrat be prov¡ded separately and labeled as "conf¡dentiat." an average of 5.50 per hours responsè, ¡ncluding time to gather and regarding th¡s burden estimate or any other aspect of th¡s colleclion of System 20th and C Streets, NW V!âshington, DC 2OSSí, and to the 0312018 FR Y-6 Page 2 oI 2 For Use By Tiered Holding Companies t Top-tiered holding companles musf /rsf the names, maiting addresg and physicat tocations of each of their subsidiary holding companies below- Fifth Third Financial Corporation Legal ïtle of Subsidiary Holding Company Legal Title of Subsidiary Holding Company 38 Fountain Square Plaza (Mailing pO. Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street / Box (Ma¡ling Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street / p.O. Box Cincinnati OH 45263 City State Zip Code City State Zip Code Physical Location (if difierent from mailing address) Physical Location (¡f different from ma¡ling address) Legal ïtle of Subsid¡ary Holding Company Legal ïtle of Subsidiary Holding Company (Mailing pO. Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street / Box (Mailing Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street / PO. Box C¡ty Stete Zip Code City State Zip Code Physical Location (if different from mailing address) Phys¡cal Location (¡f different from mailing address) Legal ïtle of Subsidiary Holding Company Legal Ttle of Subsidiary Holding Company (Mailing Address of the Subs¡diary Holding Company) Street / p.O. Box (Mailing Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street / PO. Box City State Zip Code City State Zip Code Physical Location (¡f ditrerent from mailing address) Physical Location (¡f different from mailing address) Legal Title of Subsidiary Holding Company Legal Title of Subsidiary Holding Company (Mailing Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street / pO. Box (Mailing Address of the Subsidiary Holding Company) Street / PO. Box City State Zip Code City State Zip Code Physical Location (if different from mailing address) Physical Location (if ditrerent from mailing address) 12t2012 FIFTH THIRD B.q.NCORP As of Exhib¡t A EtúiÉh ID SD clr Lgh 3K 1070345 FIffH THIRD EANCORP CINCINNAII cHo oHto IHRNG6BD57P9QMQLG42 qDD L2/1312O1O8 FItrH THIRD MERGER SU4 INC MLTIMORE MAEYUND 100 PER FRY-10 246842 / a09628 DK 29S244 FIM THND fINAilCAL CORMMTOX :,NCINilAN cHo OHþ 100 CK 723112 FIÍH THIRD MNK CINCINNAT¡ cHo oHto QFROUNlUWUYUODVIW05l CX Ð25367 clm¡c GPnru Nc CINCINNAII cHp OHþ f,K 4805043 CR€A FTBTAX CRÊDIT FUND 42 LIC DEUWARE CRTA ROMWEUR FhTS X TtC OK MTESVILLE NDIAilA IND¡ANA OK DEhWAR€ OK 5106363 VINE STREfl LOFTs LLC OX t293665 ft[HTH|RDAOU6TÍ tsOtDr¡G rrC crNclil{Alr f,Hþ DtuwÂRt loo OK 5332069 FMNKLIN 5f REÛ ADV¡SO6,INC CHAPTT HILL CAP.OTINA NORfH CAROLINA ¡æ OK 5332078 FUNXLIT sÌRTET TÂUf COMPANY CBAPET H¡IL }rcTNA NOmH CtmlttrA OK 2592853 FIFTH THIRD COMM€RCIAL FUNDING INC W V€GÆ NIVÄDA NEVAOA IH TH¡ROæMMUXfr DTTLOPMENf COMPATY UC DU&IX f,HÐ 'f roo OK 1070363 FIFIH IHIRD EQUIPMINT FINANCE COMPANY CINCINNATI oHto oHto t49300MKURtLOUO767 tw ox ,75791\ Ftgt ÍHIRD auïo ÚÀstNG rrusl DTUWART DIhWARE IIIIH IHIRD COMM!RCIAL FUNDING INC W VEGÆ NEVÂOA NEVADA ox 297tA7a FIflH THIRD HOOINGS, tTC MtÂmws ItuN6 DÊUWÂRT ROLLING <25 OK 1902440 FItrH THIRD CONDUT HOLDINGS, LIC MTADOWS ILLINqS DEUWARE OX 467L716 FIflB IHIRD HOLDING IUf,DIXG, LTC Itu|6 DTUWAru 100 o( 2712941 FIFTH TH¡RD INSUMNCE AGENry, INC. CINCINNATI OHþ cHto of 5173543 EPK trsuwct sotfrþils AGTNO ltc touSvttlf xtÈruw DTUWARf 100 OK 5113491 R,G MCGMW INSUMNC€ AGÊNq CINC¡NNATI OHþ cHto ÔI z2lWO ÍIÍH THIßO INÎEUAIþNÂT COMPAilY crilctÈilalt OHþ XENruCN 100 OK 2712969 FIIfH THIRD MORTGAGE COMPANY CINCINNATI OHþ SHlO 7TAK8VlO10lZUC5H8R26 IW oÍ t3u713 ftflHnrRDSteRf r6, ric. crilctìilAll OHþ OHþ v93æ3rrcry5rWt43 NORTH <25 OX s214714 COKÉR CAPtrAL SICURTIES LLC CHARLONI CAFOTINA SEORGIA ox t09037¡ G[Þ MANreTMTXT ItC MÊADOWS ItUffi DTNWARI ROLLING <25 OK 309034f GNB RTAIW LLC MÉADOWS ILLINqS DEßWARE 1@ d ¿1661{2 oLD X€NT MOtSGt StWrcES, tNC. GMND MPIDS MrcHBT MrcH6il <25 OK 3072606 FIFTH THIRD MORTGAGE-MI, TTC GMNO MPIDS MICHIGAN 5493002HK(K518710502 OX i14r.319 RmstMtrl comwþN of AMtRg CINCINNAII OHD cH0 5/3 PRIMIlR NMTC ¡NVEsIMENf FUND LLC COLUMBU5 oHp f,Hto OX <25 OK 3819593 F¡FTH THIRD CAPITAL HOLOINGS LLC .IN'IN NAII OHþ O¡UWARI 549300YLnUUTGWsC53 ox lut*r, rIM üIRD COMMUilN DryTLOPMET COÐOUIbX cotuMer' lo"o IIIDtANA OK .4771 375 ALE HOUSÊ MÆIERTENANT LLC au houst hùDLoRo Ltc OK 14446204 ALTIANT TAX CRTDII FUND 73 LIO PALM BIACH I FLORIDA fTORIDA gMPætL UXD|ì{6 t-tc FTOR¡DA 146601/6 HISTORIC GRTENSEURG SQUARE LP :OLUMEUS I INDIANA OX 1.,,,,,, ¡APL!sIffiED rcUSNGNæAIS Í ITLP *r,r* r** lr,o*'oo FTORIDA OK 13320866 APOLTO Td CRTDIT FUND XLI, LP loHro 1332W5 HATMRÍ ÂT TSX ÀPÀffiFNTS.I"P OK t,,,,,,, ONTARIO PARK MEADOWS LIMTED PARTNEßHIP SNTARIO lo'o oHto KENruCfr OK | 3822557 SAXONYTOWNHOMTS LP OX l.r*"", sPltrD[l wx uMrÊD PÂtrt6HtP lmur¡ ¡o(rH c¡nouN^ OK | 4151964 :¡NCINNATI'PIilDALT loH¡o oHto o( crv unril cmDff FU¡o l, tlc INDÁil l*,,, "o^*o-* l,*o,o*o OK lroorro, BELL€MERE LIMTED DIVID€ND HOUSING ÆsOCIAIION IIC oÍRotr lr,.r,oo" MICH¡GAN !ÆT OK lrotrr. FIõI LVTRPOOI PART¡T6. LP LNÉIMT lo"o OK | 3191196 FORT WAYNE RÉALil DÊVTLOPMENT, TLC OK l.r"rr", PRISIRVI HOÚSItrG PÂMNfE IIC IHÊ ro"o*o* l'*o,*o INDhilA OK 13604294 XOMI MTAUOWs AsOLIAIt5 IIILP Jtx I TLLTNOìs TLLtNO¡5 OK 1346973a VALLIY FORGI RTNAISSANCE, LP INDIANAPOLIS I INDIANA 1ru585 <25 OK 1,.,,,,, CN LN¡ IA CREDtr FUND N, LLC ,*o,o^oro,', l,*0,^"o INDIANA INDNNA OK 13675995 ARære AT GEORGÍOWN 13232ffi COLOTAL APÄffiIM, TP ILRRY JUNqION, LP AUAURN I¡NDIANA INDIANA OK 13204359 IsV APARTMENTS, LP FORTWAYNT IINOTANA OK l-rrrrn waxulutMct Æaffitm. tlD. 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