Read and Download Ebook Prometheus: Fire and Stone...

Prometheus: Fire and Stone Paul Tobin (Writer) , Juan Ferreyra (Illustrations)

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Prometheus: Fire and Stone

Paul Tobin (Writer) , Juan Ferreyra (Illustrations)

Prometheus: Fire and Stone Paul Tobin (Writer) , Juan Ferreyra (Illustrations) When the Prometheus never returned from her fateful journey to LV-223, the questions surrounding the origins of man went unanswered. Now a new team of explorers seeks to uncover the dark mystery that holds not only the fate of the original mission, but possibly their own damnation. This is the first volume of Prometheus in a blockbuster crossover event featuring Aliens, , and Prometheus!

Prometheus: Fire and Stone Details

Date : Published April 21st 2015 by Dark Horse Books (first published January 1st 2015) ISBN : 9781616556501 Author : Paul Tobin (Writer) , Juan Ferreyra (Illustrations) Format : Paperback 126 pages Genre : Sequential Art, Comics, Graphic Novels, Science Fiction, Horror, Comic Book

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Download and Read Free Online Prometheus: Fire and Stone Paul Tobin (Writer) , Juan Ferreyra (Illustrations)

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From Reader Review Prometheus: Fire and Stone for online ebook

Raúl San Martín Rodríguez says

Entretenido es volver al Universo , a través de Prometheus. Si bien este es el primer capítulo de una zaga que continuará, resulta destacable el esfuerzo en revitalizar y unir cronológicamente lo eventos que nutren la historia, en orden a mantener una estructura lineal (o secundaria) con las películas. Viñetas con coloridas imágenes, además de una entretenida fórmula para leer los diálogos, da cuenta de un trabajo que merece la pena ser explorado. Muy recomendable a quienes les interese saber más sobre lo que sucedió en LV-223 luego de la partida de la Doctora E. Shaw.

David says

Moves basically in the lowest common denominator sort of direction. Not in any sort of thoughtful SF movement forward from the end of the Prometheus film.

Maria says

Maybe because I just really love the alien franchise and was desperate to read something, I picked this up and it's an interesting start. I had to wait a few hours to process everything as this takes place after Aliens it seems (love you Ripley) thanks to a hint towards the end of the comic but also around the staging of Prometheus as we get more details about the black goo (eww goo) and an engineer but the best part was the idea of this.

It did end a bit abruptly but that's a cliffhanger so I've been suckered into looking for the next installment. daisy says

3.5 stars? Not the most amazing story, but I still quite enjoyed it!

Pros: - Lovely art.

- Lesbian characters.

- Sweet, precious android too trusting for his own good who deserves better.


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- Ends somewhat abruptly. - The cast is kind of huge so there isn't really a lot of time for everyone to have a decent amount of character development before everything goes to shit and people start dying. - Brought back all of my bitterness + disappointment re: the Alien Covenant film.

I know there are more volumes that follow this one, so I'll be jumping into those pretty soon hopefully!

Rachel says

It was ok just ok. wish it had more about the engineers.

Chad says

Wow! Paul Tobin and Juan Ferreya really knocked it out of the park. Tobin has a real ear for dialog. I felt like I was in one of the Alien movies. (This is really an Alien book more than a Prometheus book even though an Engineer does appear briefly.) It's like Juan Ferreya's art was made for this setting. These very well could have been storyboards or production designs for a movie. I can't wait to read more!

Gema Moratalla says

Me encanta el universo Alien. Ya es muy amplio y parece que todo está contado. Sin embargo, esta historia tiene algunos elementos originales que me han sorprendido. Es coherente, encaja a la perfección con la franquicia y el argumento es mejor que alguna de las películas de la saga que, por desgracia, son bastante olvidables. Creo que las ilustraciones son excelentes y las últimas páginas en las que el autor muestra diseños previos me han parecido muy interesantes. Ha sabido respetar la estética de las películas y ha querido incluir referencias expresas al maestro Giger.

Quentin Wallace says

I dont know if it's really that good, or if it's just been so long since Ive read any Aliens and Predator comics, but I really enjoyed the Fire and Stone series.

This volume is titled PROMETHEUS, but it really read more like a traditional aliens comic. However, it is sent on the world with the black goo, and there's an Engineer involved, so it does tie into Prometheus as well. Overall a really good volume with a good story and good art. If you like Prometheus, Aliens, or Predator, you'll like this one.

Kay Vanantwerpen says

While Alien: Covenant (2017) tracked the characters from Prometheus (2012) to a new world, this sequel

PDF File: Prometheus: Fire and Stone... 4 Read and Download Ebook Prometheus: Fire and Stone... instead brings us back to LV-226 to see what's happened since David (Michael Fassbender) woke the engineers and altered the ecosystem by releasing that weird-ass black goo.

While Covenant's narrative backbone was crushed under the weight of its half-baked religious themes, Fire and Stone foregoes the spiritual meandering (for the most part) and focuses instead on telling a razor-sharp horror story with all the classic elements of the Alien franchise (yes, there's an android, and I bet you can guess what happens with his story arc).

The characters are well-developed (and some of them are queer!) despite the size of the cast, and the creature design is genuinely interesting. Most importantly, the graphic novel does a MUCH better job of effectively tying the Prometheus universe to the Alien universe (the first film tried to deny any association, while its sequel was real sloppy about being like "okay yeah we lied this IS actually an Alien sequel).

Also there are Xenomorph sharks, so like ... yeah ... that's pretty neat I guess.

Angie says

This graphic novel is set in the the Aliens/Prometheus universe. A scavenger ship is on the way to an uninhabited moon to find a downed research vessel. What the captain doesn't tell the crew is the vessel was the one where Waylon himself disappeared. They land on the moon and find it is not a uninhabited desert like they thought. In fact there are all kinds of alien creatures and even an Engineer. As in all the alien universe, many die while they are trying to figure out what is going on. There is a twist with some crew deserting and leaving the rest on the moon. It was an enjoyable horror comic, not anything earth-shattering or all that memorable. It does seem to end abruptly so there may be more to come.

Joelle (Throne of books) says

I think know I'll pass on reading the rest of the story

J K says

A solid start to the franchise rebot, and definitely collecting the other issues from Aliens, Aliens vs Predator as well!

Ill D says

In a similar vein to its thematic parent, Prometheus, Fire and Stone suffers from nigh the same flaws as its predecessor. Interestingly enough, while Ridley Scott’s film tries to be far more than it’s convoluted frame would allow, this successor has an inverted problem, not trying hard enough to be different and successful within its own right.

From the very first issue I knew this would be a doozy. An internalized documentary is always a boring (see: Hickman’s Transhuman) way to tell a story in comic book format and this one is no exception. Super-

PDF File: Prometheus: Fire and Stone... 5 Read and Download Ebook Prometheus: Fire and Stone... saturated with nothing more than expository dialogue and a kernel of a plot-twist, this made for a tepid intro. Just like a first date that that doesn’t do anything for your mojo, this anti-tumescent tale had me ready to place an escape call from the get-go.

Yet, I trudged on through the inevitably upcoming banality.

Which sucks because even when the art-work is pretty and the violence is satisfactory, suspicious plot- development and the actions they bear hardly keep us interested nor grounded in what should be a coherent tale. Even when classic references to the series are dropped in, they don’t add to the story in any meaningful way, they merely remind us that we are indeed in the Alien universe.

The words careless and mismanaged immediately sprang to mind.

Confusing action begets even more confusing action and by the end, I’m not quite sure what’s happened. Without any emotional resonance nor implications for the entirety of this literary universe, the conclusion felt like a dry orgasm more than anything: devoid of virile fluid and its accompanying joy.

It's not a bird! It's not a plane! It's a Dud!

Gianfranco Mancini says

Vote: 3,5-4 stars

Far better than the movie! Oh well, that was just too easy.

Sean Goh says

Was alright, series gets better as it goes along.

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