The Voice of Notre Dame
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• Lewis···-~~ O.utlines.. ·-·- ~ -~- - .Plans . ' ~.... ; . '' ~ '1 Before Senate ... ·fl\~eting ·. \ i ,... Student Body President Minch years. He expressed a desire to . should mclude the coordinating of L Lewis outlined the hopes· for his consolidate past evolution and pro- procedural policies necessary for ~ administration last night at the vide a- framework within which the operation. of any government first Senate meetinp; of the year. future development. might take - and the providing of. the con-. Also at the meeting the Senate. place. Citing the increased ef- · stituency with a· certain· amount set Tuesday, October 19, as the f' · · d f~ ctiveness of the of serv1'ce,- 1'.e.· ·running dances, · date for election of hall officials . tctency an e •e commissions, he noted that his sponsoring speeches. and .. senators. Their· resolution administration has attempted to Lewis said that the represen provides for nominations to open aid the evolutionary process by tative duty· of Student Government October 12 and clo~e Octobe~} 5 • setting up several adminstrative is two-fold. He declared that the _'I}le .Senate provided that 11~- - posts to take the place of the SBP Student Government is responsible. div1dual ~all~ may regulate. thet,~ in working with each ofthese com- first "for cry5talizing the opinion ~!1 ~ommauons a~d elecuol?-s. · -missions individually. of the student body," and second; In hts _sp~ech~ Lewt.s emphasized_ cedure is· intended to further in- "for formulating basic policy dec the contmumg evoluuon of St'qdent . crease the efficiency of the Com- -larations .-•• and presenting them · Government_ .that· hhas occurfred, missions. _ · · :to the students for their rejection particularly' over t e past our Lewis spoke of the three general . or acceptance." ·He noted that SBP .. !lUNCH LEWIS _.ADD- functions of a Student Government: tie had met several tirne~ with ad T RESSES THE SENATE -_AT ·administrative, representative and ministration: officials . and found '·i. THE MEETING LAST NIGHT • formative. The· administrative them aware · thai ·students have .I· (Voice photo by Tim Ford) · -·opinions. They are unaware, how- .'i ,. .·H -n - ,.._ co· u n c· .·1 ever,--of what those opinions might 0 0 • · 1 ~ be." It' is Student Government' s· ~·.· .. ; ' •.. -' .duty to find _out these opiriions lm.p , . _ · _· _· - ·and act ori them; · · · The .formative function of Stu- · 0 fQ. _a 0 iZ a t_f_·. Q n_ -dent Government Lewis explained . as involving "taking the do . .As a result of a comprehensive· reflective thinkingincirdertoraise evaluation of its first years oper- ·. ·o'_ lD __ , •rOT. IDE::.._ D · AJ. -'ILtiJE .relevant questions.'' But, "The ations, the Honor Council has enac- r 'J. V Jra Jfl11 ./:fA J..'VJ!!J. students muSt- be left free to answer ted severaf. changes in its oper- · · those questions.'' ational format.Designedtocorrect Volume 4, Numbe~ 2 University of Notre Daine ·Tuesday, October 5, 1965 The latter part of the speech the weaknesses found in its initial dealth'- with the structure of the . yea'r of functioning, 1Wosignificant · -~ : · • - ~~- .~ ~-- Senate. He discussed the various:. 0 h... · B.- .-. : .·. T. ·. · d ·N y- ~~1~~o~~eh~~~~:~:i~~ t~~e~~~~~- -.·: r·ts .·._ at a •Ion· 0 D Va e ·. ~ -- ·•- ~~~~t~~et~a:~~!~~d J~c~o~~ ·of the chairman and the formation . The :largest ·airlift in Notre .day planesbeginleavingSouthBend · mittee.-/ Assisting him are John· interested · students, . not nee of severat:committees to study and Dame's history_willtakeplacethis at noon and continue leaving on the Dempsey, business'manager; Paul -essarily in Student Goverruilent, ·. -make recommendations on the :weekend as 1200 students travel ·half-hour· until 6:45. Planes 'will McConnville, publicity; and ~ob serve on certain sub-committees. goals and function of the· Honor to. New York for the Irish-Army arrive at Newark airport,· and stu~ · Burnikel, transportation . chrur- · . Lewis also ·noted· that· Student. Code in student life.· · . · . game ·saturday night in.Shea Sta"' dents will be bussed ove·r to the 'man~ .Joe Lee, Forrest Hainline,·· Responsibility, Student Govern-· A simplification of procedure dium. Commodore-Clinton Hotel:student Fred· Schwartz;· Dennis Hagerty, merit, and Community Awareness. has eliminated several of the bur-: Activities begin Friday night · trip headqu·arters. -· · · · Phip Haight, and Vince· Kohl are, committees will soon be organized • .. -densome ·duties of the ·chairman. with a mixer sponsored by the Met - Tonight on the second floor of . •also on the committee. · The Student RespOnsibility Com- No longer will he be required to · Club in the Grand Ballroom .of the -the Student Center· from 7 to 10 '.The·- Notre .Dame Band is also rriittee. shall be concerned with:· attend all the investigations, ,trial . Commodore Hotel. FortY:· six girls ·student:.trippers cal1 . ·pick. up flying io New York for the-Armv . "the relation betWeen freedom and- proceedings, and numberous com- : schoolshave responded to invita- packets,-which will. include plane., game. However, -they \>{ill be. responsibility, with the·role of the mittees ·meetings that took up so tions to attend the party.. Music and game tickets,luggagetags, and • _staying in a separate hotel. · - 'student in determining academic much timeandeffortthispaSt:year. will be provided by Kevin and the other necessary information. Also . _ policy, and with the valueofhaving ·The new committees have the Saints and Sinners. present·will be representatives of As the Voice goes to·press: the ·student set· his. own .social: functions of analyzing and improv- · · A Mass will follow· Saturday - Studentaire, · who . will offer re- . Monday._ night, · Father · Hes- regulations.'' . • . _ . _ ing -~the investigations and trial · • morning at the Vatican Pavillion duced-rate tickets for Circle Line - burgh', s. mother, : .Mrs. A~ne; · ··.·The·.·-··· Community . Awareness . procedures, ·as well as· studying : of the World's Fai-r. The day has yacht.tours_ ~roitnd· Manh~ttan .Is- Hesburgh, ,·lies critically -. ill_.· Committee . will. deal with. ·~the possible· plans . of ·expanding the :'been- officiaily- designated\'.'Notre · ·. land •and Grayline bus tours of the in a hospital in Syracuse,· New . question ofinvol~ent in off~cam.; · ··. · · Honor C_ode into _other_·ar;asy.of:.;Dame_Day_•,. by'fair officials~· .. · ' ·city•.• · :-' ·. , York•. Mrs• Hesburgh suffe~d · pus activity.:~ The Student.Gov- -- ·studenthfe•. _ ·. __ . ;··.:_'. ~-',_:,The afternoon is,free for stu::.- 'Tnen'.tomorrow. night Step~n -astro"kesomethreewee~ago,- eeri:unimtCommitteewilltryuto .: ,; '· . : , . --To. lead this reorganized ande?C-- '.de'nt-trippers, . but activities re-:· Center will be open for students. and.. her.. con'dition has become · formulate• student opinion on.the ~-:0:·:.· -~;~~ p~~-~o~S!~!fl··~t?.e',(::()un_cil~-:isum::/1ith }l: pre~g~rne:.~_r,ally,:•_ln:::-:,j}O,t pr~~g. their luggage.;:<Luggag::.,: p_rogr~~s~vely';:\\:~rse ~ :.Sh~~. has :: .. purpose ·. pf ._. stu,d~t- ·Gover~e!tt, -~ ,·"<~el'9~er:lia.v.~.c~os<e!l_~efoll(JW~ng:· -~clu.din~,~~nd. ;3Jld .. ~lie.~rleaders. !it -ca~ be ~lcked.upfr~n:t:2 l~,5l:18~, ... rece~ved ··,the.· last.sac;:raments ·;''_its' democratic' s~ructure_an~>ltS ·· ,::"':':-'< ··-- . officers -fo~~ IB65 7;- 66: .. Greg.·:the Frur.- r:rom mere the students •-.-~ayagrun in Stepan.' '; / : .... ._,and IS -reporte~ly:.re_stmg _w~~!' - role in theuniversity~ommuru~y.'' · ~<-_: Hobbs; Chrurman; Jack Balmksy,- -.. will march over. to iShea Stadium· . A member oftheBlueCtrclewlll ·.. .... ·.- . - . :. ·_- _ · _. _.. ,_ · .. , . · ,-,;·: ... _X!6i~~~.rrnan;'. an_dJim 'Polk,. ·fo~~: ~~~·win b~ the s~en~-~;i- ~:i:~~~~~-fgpi:~d~_firi~~r~~g~- b.r. 'Si tnbn s> ·stodeh'ts: ·o raft- · -~ :.. , .··The .22 page evaluation,. com- : numerous parties after the game. _and ass1st student7tnppers;.Holy . · . ·. _ · · :_ - · . piled last May: by acommi_itee of. ~Sunday is f~ee •. : . - Cross priests wil_lflyt~ether on.:o .· ·. ·-. t''o'·n· a/ .·c· a',_ 'r. Po·/,· r'y'·._. Honor. Councn·members,·ts now-. _-p~aneswlllbegmtakingofffrom aseparateplane•.. ·_:- '. rganJza_l. ... ' .. ·.. ·- -"' . ' , being made .available. to members , New York at 3 p.m. fo~ the o~e · . Don _Potter is chairma? _of_the_ Last :~Thursday a committee of.· ment senators will .meet with the . o~,,thtdaculty an?student·leaders~ ·and a half hour return fltght. Fn-_ Blue ,Cuc~e Student · Tnp Com- -. c~mpus·organization leaders met . students irieachhall to inform them ·" - (l. ·.. --- · b · ', b"t• h. R·-· B .. with the Dean ·of Students; Father ' of the contents of the proposal and ' ·Stu . en ts·. .o· Pu tS New -Joseph' Simons, an~ drafted a fea-.. to soliqit ~udent opinion ..on-~e , . _ . ' ·. sible _skeleton policy for the al- _ policy ·as 1t isdr-afted. This wlll ·- . A ~tuderit~::edited religib~s. ··Acccirding to the editor; Jerry ·advisor, but in-keeping with the • lowimce. of ~rganization cars~on · give_~e students an oppci~tJ?ity to bulletin is scheduled for publica;. · Hauch,. junior .philosophy major. : tende~cy.;to grant incr~ased re- campus. This d~aft was conSld- see what. type of work tlietr re~ . -tion soori. Originally only an idea . the new student publication .will sponstbtllty to ~students m campus ereg by a. c9:ruru:ttee at _the first . presentauve~ _d~ and to offer\'alued of ,last. years's ·:Sophomore Aca- .. not be a continuation of theold ,RB._ life, censorship. wi!l be limned _Senate._ meeting on -October 4th, ·.ideas.