• Lewis···-~~ O.utlines.. ·-·- ~ -~- - .Plans . ' ~.... ; . '' ~ '1 Before Senate ... ·fl\~eting ·. \ i ,... Student Body President Minch years. He expressed a desire to . should mclude the coordinating of L Lewis outlined the hopes· for his consolidate past evolution and pro- procedural policies necessary for ~ administration last night at the vide a- framework within which the operation. of any government first Senate meetinp; of the year. future development. might take - and the providing of. the con-. Also at the meeting the Senate. place. Citing the increased ef- · stituency with a· certain· amount set Tuesday, October 19, as the f' · · d f~ ctiveness of the of serv1'ce,- 1'.e.· ·running dances, · date for election of hall officials . tctency an e •e commissions, he noted that his sponsoring speeches. and .. senators. Their· resolution administration has attempted to Lewis said that the represen­ provides for nominations to open aid the evolutionary process by tative duty· of Student Government October 12 and clo~e Octobe~} 5 • setting up several adminstrative is two-fold. He declared that the _'I}le .Senate provided that 11~- - posts to take the place of the SBP Student Government is responsible. div1dual ~all~ may regulate. thet,~ in working with each ofthese com- first "for cry5talizing the opinion ~!1 ~ommauons a~d elecuol?-s. · -missions individually. This.pro- of the student body," and second; In hts _sp~ech~ Lewt.s emphasized_ cedure is· intended to further in- "for formulating basic policy dec­ the contmumg evoluuon of St'qdent . crease the efficiency of the Com- -larations .-•• and presenting them · Government_ .that· hhas occurfred, missions. _ · · :to the students for their rejection particularly' over t e past our Lewis spoke of the three general . or acceptance." ·He noted that SBP .. !lUNCH LEWIS _.ADD- functions of a Student Government: tie had met several tirne~ with ad­ T RESSES THE SENATE -_AT ·administrative, representative and ministration: officials . and found '·i. THE MEETING LAST NIGHT • formative. The· administrative them aware · thai ·students have .I· (Voice photo by Tim Ford) · -·opinions. They are unaware, how- .'i ,. .·H -n - ,.._ co· u n c· .·1 ever,--of what those opinions might 0 0 • · 1 ~ be." It' is Student Government' s· ~·.· .. ;._o_v.es ' •.. -' .duty to find _out these opiriions lm.p , . _ · _· _· - ·and act ori them; · · · The .formative function of Stu- · 0 fQ. _a 0 iZ a t_f_·. Q n_ -dent Government Lewis explained . as involving "taking the time.to do . .As a result of a comprehensive· reflective thinkingincirdertoraise evaluation of its first years oper- ·. ·o'_ lD __ , •rOT. IDE::.._ D · AJ. -'ILtiJE .relevant questions.'' But, "The ations, the Honor Council has enac- r 'J. V Jra Jfl11 ./:fA J..'VJ!!J. students muSt- be left free to answer ted severaf. changes in its oper- · · those questions.'' ational format.Designedtocorrect Volume 4, Numbe~ 2 University of Notre Daine ·Tuesday, October 5, 1965 The latter part of the speech the weaknesses found in its initial dealth'- with the structure of the . yea'r of functioning, 1Wosignificant · -~ : · • - ~~- .~ ~-- Senate. He discussed the various:. 0 h... · B.- .-. : .·. T. ·. · d ·N y- ~~1~~o~~eh~~~~:~:i~~ t~~e~~~~~- -.·: r·ts .·._ at a •Ion· 0 D Va e ·. ~ -- ·•- ~~~~t~~et~a:~~!~~d J~c~o~~ ·of the chairman and the formation . The :largest ·airlift in Notre .day planesbeginleavingSouthBend · mittee.-/ Assisting him are John· interested · students, . not nee­ of severat:committees to study and Dame's history_willtakeplacethis at noon and continue leaving on the Dempsey, business'manager; Paul -essarily in Student Goverruilent, ·. -make recommendations on the :weekend as 1200 students travel ·half-hour· until 6:45. Planes 'will McConnville, publicity; and ~ob serve on certain sub-committees. goals and function of the· Honor to. New York for the Irish-Army arrive at Newark airport,· and stu~ · Burnikel, transportation . chrur- · . Lewis also ·noted· that· Student. Code in student life.· · . · . game ·saturday night in.Shea Sta"' dents will be bussed ove·r to the 'man~ .Joe Lee, Forrest Hainline,·· Responsibility, Student Govern-· A simplification of procedure dium. Commodore-Clinton Hotel:student Fred· Schwartz;· Dennis Hagerty, merit, and Community Awareness. has eliminated several of the bur-: Activities begin Friday night · trip headqu·arters. -· · · · Phip Haight, and Vince· Kohl are, committees will soon be organized • .. -densome ·duties of the ·chairman. with a mixer sponsored by the Met - Tonight on the second floor of . •also on the committee. · The Student RespOnsibility Com- No longer will he be required to · Club in the Grand Ballroom .of the -the Student Center· from 7 to 10 '.The·- Notre .Dame Band is also rriittee. shall be concerned with:· attend all the investigations, ,trial . Commodore Hotel. FortY:· six girls ·student:.trippers cal1 . ·pick. up flying io New York for the-Armv . "the relation betWeen freedom and-­ proceedings, and numberous com- : schoolshave responded to invita- packets,-which will. include plane., game. However, -they \>{ill be. responsibility, with the·role of the mittees ·meetings that took up so tions to attend the party.. Music and game tickets,luggagetags, and • _staying in a separate hotel. · - 'student in determining academic much timeandeffortthispaSt:year. will be provided by Kevin and the other necessary information. Also . _ policy, and with the valueofhaving ·The new committees have the Saints and Sinners. present·will be representatives of As the Voice goes to·press: the ·student set· his. own .social: functions of analyzing and improv- · · A Mass will follow· Saturday - Studentaire, · who . will offer re- . Monday._ night, · Father · Hes- regulations.'' . • . _ . _ ing -~the investigations and trial · • morning at the Vatican Pavillion duced-rate tickets for Circle Line - burgh', s. mother, : .Mrs. A~ne; · ··.·The·.·-··· Community . Awareness . procedures, ·as well as· studying : of the World's Fai-r. The day has yacht.tours_ ~roitnd· Manh~ttan .Is- Hesburgh, ,·lies critically -. ill_.· Committee . will. deal with. ·~the possible· plans . of ·expanding the :'been- officiaily- designated\'.'Notre · ·. land •and Grayline bus tours of the in a hospital in Syracuse,· New . question ofinvol~ent in off~cam.; · ··. · · Honor C_ode into _other_·ar;asy.of:.;Dame_Day_•,. by'fair officials~· .. · ' ·city•.• · :-' ·. , York•. Mrs• Hesburgh suffe~d · pus activity.:~ The Student.Gov- -- ·studenthfe•. _ ·. __ . ;··.:_'. ~-',_:,The afternoon is,free for stu::.- 'Tnen'.tomorrow. night Step~n -astro"kesomethreewee~ago,- eeri:unimtCommitteewilltryuto .: ,; '· . : , . --To. lead this reorganized ande?C-- '.de'nt-trippers, . but activities re-:· Center will be open for students. and.. her.. con'dition has become · formulate• student opinion on.the ~-:0:·:.· -~;~~ p~~-~o~S!~!fl··~t?.e',(::()un_cil~-:isum::/1ith }l: pre~g~rne:.~_r,ally,:•_ln:::-:,j}O,t pr~~g. their luggage.;:<Luggag::.,: p_rogr~~s~vely';:\\:~rse ~ :.Sh~~. has :: .. purpose ·. pf ._. stu,d~t- ·Gover~e!tt, -~ ,·"<~el'9~er:lia.v.~.c~os<e!l_~efoll(JW~ng:· -~clu.din~,~~nd. ;3Jld .. ~lie.~rleaders. !it -ca~ be ~lcked.upfr~n:t:2 l~,5l:18~, ... rece~ved ··,the.· last.sac;:raments ·;''_its' democratic' s~ructure_an~>ltS ·· ,::"':':-'< ··-- . officers -fo~~ IB65 7;- 66: .. Greg.·:the Frur.- r:rom mere the students •-.-~ayagrun in Stepan.' '; / : .... ._,and IS -reporte~ly:.re_stmg _w~~!' - role in theuniversity~ommuru~y.'' · ~<-_: Hobbs; Chrurman; Jack Balmksy,- -.. will march over. to iShea Stadium· . A member oftheBlueCtrclewlll ·.. .... ·.- . - . :. ·_- _ · _. _.. ,_ · .. , . · ,-,;·: ... _X!6i~~~.rrnan;'. an_dJim 'Polk,. ·fo~~: ~~~·win b~ the s~en~-~;i- ~:i:~~~~~-fgpi:~d~_firi~~r~~g~- b.r. 'Si tnbn s> ·stodeh'ts: ·o raft- · -~ :.. , .··The .22 page evaluation,. com- : numerous parties after the game. _and ass1st student7tnppers;.Holy . · . ·. _ · · :_ - · . piled last May: by acommi_itee of. ~Sunday is f~ee •. : . - Cross priests wil_lflyt~ether on.:o .· ·. ·-. t''o'·n· a/ .·c· a',_ 'r. Po·/,· r'y'·._. Honor. Councn·members,·ts now-. _-p~aneswlllbegmtakingofffrom aseparateplane•.. ·_:- '. rganJza_l. ... ' .. ·.. ·- -"' . ' , being made .available. to members , New York at 3 p.m. fo~ the o~e · . Don _Potter is chairma? _of_the_ Last :~Thursday a committee of.· ment senators will .meet with the . o~,,thtdaculty an?student·leaders~ ·and a half hour return fltght. Fn-_ Blue ,Cuc~e Student · Tnp Com- -. c~mpus·organization leaders met . students irieachhall to inform them ·" - (l. ·.. --- · b · ', b"t• h. R·-· B .. with the Dean ·of Students; Father ' of the contents of the proposal and ' ·Stu . en ts·. .o· Pu tS New -Joseph' Simons, an~ drafted a fea-.. to soliqit ~udent opinion ..on-~e , . _ . ' ·. sible _skeleton policy for the al- _ policy ·as 1t isdr-afted. This wlll ·- . A ~tuderit~::edited religib~s. ··Acccirding to the editor; Jerry ·advisor, but in-keeping with the • lowimce. of ~rganization cars~on · give_~e students an oppci~tJ?ity to bulletin is scheduled for publica;. · Hauch,. junior .philosophy major. : tende~cy.;to grant incr~ased re- campus. This d~aft was conSld- see what. type of work tlietr re~ . -tion soori. Originally only an idea . the new student publication .will sponstbtllty to ~students m campus ereg by a. c9:ruru:ttee at _the first . presentauve~ _d~ and to offer\'alued of ,last. years's ·:Sophomore Aca- .. not be a continuation of theold ,RB._ life, censorship. wi!l be limned _Senate._ meeting on -October 4th, ·.ideas.
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