. . . American Garage -page 9

VOL XIV, NO. 47 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary’s THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1979 Rape data proves incorrect

By Tom J ackman pattern. Over a period of 11 nine incidents, and that he had Senior Staff Reporter years you can’t really say that pointed out another one that one area stands out.’’ had been left off. Roemer said that “to the best The most notable feature of A map compiled by the Secur­ of my knowledge it (the map] is the map was its cluster of four ity Department and Dean of accurate, and it was a bonafide incidents on Saint Mary’s Road Students James Roemer that effort on my part.’’ He added, between Holy Cross Hall and pinpoints all reported rape inci­ “But I can’t give a definitive U.S. Rte. 31, one which occur­ dents on campus since 1969 Will number, and if we’ve missed a red in 1975, two on the same be re-researched and revised couple we’ll go back to Glenn night exactly two years ago, after The Observer last night (Terry) and research it further. ’ and another last month. verified one of several reported Roemer noted that the first inaccuracies in the map. draft of the map contained only [icontinued on page 4] the map located 10 rapes on campus in the last 11 years. But upon its release to The Observer , several students US government urges claimed the number of incid­ ents was higher, and one rape Americans to leave Iran victim was contacted last night who verified that her incident The U.S. government urged in the radio broadcast, monitor­ was not shown on the map Americans still in Iran to leave ed in Kuwait and London. although it had been fully as at least two more U.S. The broadcast denied reports reported. Roemer then decided citizens were reported seized Iran had halted oil shipments to to retract the map pending yesterday and placed ivith about the United States but said it further research and investiga­ 60 hostages held by students would consider doing so if tion. demanding the United States America did not extradite Shah The map was produced by return the exiled shah for trial. Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, security upon Roemer’s request Two special envoys President ousted last January in Khomei­ following two rapes which Carter sent to Iran in hopes of ni’s Islamic revolution. The occurred over mid-semester winning freedom for the Amer­ United States has refused to last month. Roemer said at that icans held since Sunday at the extradite the shah, hospitalized time he hoped to recognize a U.S. Embassy in Tehran were in New York for cancer, to face noticeable trend of incidents in stalled in Istanbul, Turkey. what the ayatollah calls crimes one specific area, although Iranian leaders refused to let and corruption against the Director of Security Glenn them into the country and the state. This is a view of Caron Court in the LaFortune Student Terry commented, “it really State Department said they In London, the British Broad­ Center from dne floor up. (photo by Tim McKcogh( doesn’t show any particular would remain in Turkey “ pend­ casting Corp. reported without ing clarification” from Teh­ attribution that two Americans ran. were taken from the Hilton Tehran radio said earlier that Hotel in Tehran and put with Iran denies alleged revolutionary leader Ayatollah the hostages at the embassy. Ruhollah Khomeini would not BBC television also reported meet with them. Americans were being rounded US industry sources disagree “Should the U.S.A. hand over up around Tehran. to Iran the deposed shah - this In Washington, the State De­ NEW YORK (AP) - The Ira­ Iran’s ruler. the Kharg Island port has been enemy Number One of our partment said about 200 Amer­ nian oil minister and national An official at the Tehran office closed to all customers by what nation - and give up espionage icans had left Iran on commer­ oil company denied yesterday of the National Iranian Oil Co. may have been a strike. against our movement, the way cial flights since the embassy that Iran, supplier of up to 5 said in a telephone interview: Oil Minister Mo’Infar said would then be open for talks takeover and urged the 300 to percent of U.S. oil consumpt­ “ Both the refinery in Abadan Monday that shipments to the about certain relations which 400 still in the country to leave. ion, had cut off its oil shipments an d the oil-loading terminal at United States would be shut off are in the nation’s interest,” from its main Persian Gulf Kharg Island are functioning. if Khomeini ordered the action. Khomeini was quoted as saying [(continued on page 11] port. There is no strike; everything is Oil company and embassy normal.” reports from abroad also in­ A spokesman for British Pet­ To avoid dicated Iranian oil still was roleum Co. in London said, “ we flowing. have got vessels in the area and Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D-' they are keeping in touch with Wash., chairman of the Senate our tanker company, and as far University simplifies Energy Committee, said in as we know the oil port at Washington that although by Kathryn Casey courses during pre-registration. The student Kharg Island is still oper­ Staff Reporter “ there was a general cutoff ating.” could add a course in January, following the yesterday ” and ‘ conflicting re­ familiar adding process. Finally, should there On Tuesday, an oil company The simplified pre-registration procedure ports about today,’’ there was executive, who asked not to be be enough spillover from a given course, another “ an announcement that they which has confused a good percentage of Notre section of the course would b e opened if possib quoted by name, said that Dame students in the last three days is not as (the Iranians) are going to “ Iran appears to be shut off.” le. This would vary from department to resume sales,’’ The possibility of a cutoff of mind boggling as it seems. department. Reports of a cutoff, which A reduction in the number of checkmarked In the final analysis, the only element which is Iranian oil was discussed at the courses is simply a way to avoid having long came from U.S. industry and - White House this morning really foreign to students is the introduction of government sources Tuesday, when Carter met with House lines of campers waiting to obtain cards for the the opscan sheets. These sheets are the same as had caused spot marker prices courses they want. According to University the form 50 on the upper half, but the lower half Democratic leaders, Rep Registrar Rick Sullivan, many courses have been for heating oil and gasoline to William Moorhead, D-Pa., re­ is a section which replaces the non-checkmarked jump sharply even though tra­ ported. checkmarked unnecessarily in the past, and computer cards. ders analysts said there was no students have been up at 3 a.m. needlessly. In the past, students had to pick up these cards But Energy Secretary Charles Under the new procedure, only those Univer­ immediate shortage. W. Duncan said even if there is at the Stepan Center and fill them out. Now But Iranian Oil Minister Ali sity electives which are immensely popular and students will fill out the appropriate data on the an interruption in Iranian oil definitely limited by course requirements such MoTnfar, in an inter­ shipments, “our crude oil sheet and turn it in with any checkmark cards as view with Tehran Radio moni­ inventories are good” and heat­ as classroom space will be checkmarked. Lab they complete registration. tored by the British Broad­ ing oil and gasoline stocks are classes are an obvious example. The Preliminary The elimination of checkmark courses is not a casting Corp. in London yester­ ample. Course Scheduling Booklet lists the total number new idea, but a reverse trend, going back to day, said the shutdown report “We are in as good a position of students allowed in each non-checkmarked when classes were not checked at all. Sullivan “ is completely false.’’ as we can be moving into a course. said that he felt there was an easier way for “There has not been the difficult situation,’’ Duncan Sullivan indicated however, that there may be students to pre-register and suggested that the slightest break in the export of said. unforseen demands for newly-opened classes University totally eliminate checkmarking. Iran’s oil,’’ he was quoted as Administration and congres­ and some students will not be able to take the “Students will have to be realistic in their saying. “As announced two sional sources said earlier that class that they desire. In this event, the student choices and refer to the guidelines in the Course days ago, any decision on halt­ the Central Intelligence Agency will be notified within ten days. At that point, Scheduling Booklet,” Sullivan said. “ A ing oil exports to any part of the had determined U.S. tankers there are three possible alternatives. The sophomore business major should not expect to world must be taken by’’ have been barred in Iran. A student could elect another course immediately get into a (non-business elective) class which Ayatollah Ruhollan Khomeini, State Department official said following the original process of choosing closes out after majors and others choose it.” News in brief Thursday, November 8, 1979 - page 2 Appeals granted Orchestra pops into being; SMC allocates club funds By Mary Kay Leydon consideration of appeals from The clubs expressed satisfact­ challenges Boston Pops those two organizations. ion with the SA’s decision. The Saint Mary’s Student The appeals were formulated Bernie Drossel, a member of Assembly voted on Sunday to after the student assembly allo­ the sociology club, said that the PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Jazz pianist Peter Nero, rushing to allocate increased funds to the cations were originally granted money would help to get fill the music vacuum created by the death of Boston Pops chemistry and sociology clubs. on Oct. 2. “At that time, clubs students out into the commun­ maestro Arthur Fiedler, will lead a newly created rival, the The group’s decision came after unhappy with the money they ity and make them aware of Philly Pops. Created by impresario Moe Septee, the Philly received had ten days to social problems. Pops will open with an all-Gershwin program at the Academy appeal,” SMC Student Gov­ In October, the Student of Music Nov. 18 and 19. “Whatever the Boston Pops people ernment Treasurer Sheila Assembly allotted $3740 to do, they’re in for a run for their money,” says Nero, the Wixted said. clubs and organizations. After c onductor-composer chosen by Septee to direct the Juniors The chemistry club requested the budget for school year was orchestra. ^5,0 to be earmarked for a reevaluated, the remaining speaker series. It received $25. $114 was allocated. Wixted present The sociology club requested said that additional funds given and received an additional $89 to clubs and organizations were Over 100 percent vote for organization and additional not taken from previous alloca­ ‘Blow out ’ expenses. tions. in Benton County election The Notre Dame and Saint Texas shrimp escape Mary’s junior classes will spon­ EARL PARK, Ind. (AP) - Political apathy is an unknown sor thw “ Barn Blow-Out” quantity in this Benton County community, where every Saturday night from 9:00 to contamination registered voter - and then some - cast ballots in Tuesday’s 1:00 at the Diamond D Ranch. town board election. The 100 percent-plus turnout came Activities will include a dance COLLEGE STATION, Texas dustry. when 14 more than the 230 voters on the town’s rolls showed with music provided by the (AP) - Texas fishermen were “We were just plain lucky,” up at the polls.Clerk-Treasurer Virginia Stump said she Chicago group Orphan. “ just plain lucky” the Mexican he said. “The spill never really wasn’t really surprised at the surge of voter interest. “Last Munchies, cider ana other re­ oil spill hurt them no worse made it to Texas, but that year, we had a pretty good turnout, but that was the first freshments will be served and than it did, scientists at Texas doesn’t mean the Texas marine election here in 19 years,” she said. 45 minute hayrides will be A&M University said yester­ industry hasn’t been hard hit.” rumming all night. Bicause day. each hayride wifi take 50 peo­ The offshore well in the Bay of Officials with the school’s Sea Campeche, owned by the Mexi­ ple, no crowding problems are Grant Marine Advisory pro­ Flood plans reanticipated. Tickets cost $3.50 can government’s oil monopoly, gram reported that they had Pemex, blew out June 3 and has and will be available through found no proof the Ixtoc I oil tomorrow night from junior spewed millions of gallons of spill had any effect on Texas crude oil into the Gulf of dorm representatives and in the shrimp production. dining halls during dinner. Mexico. Pemex has slowed the early next ‘ ‘To our knowledge there have flow but is still trying to cap the been no Texas shrimp caught well. that have any signs of oil WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. Daniel Flood, D-Pa., who faces contamination,” said Dr. Ran- The spill threatened major retrial on federal criminal charges, announced yesterday he Committee zell Nickerson, a seafood tech­ damage to south Texas fisher­ will resign from the House of Representives next Tan. 31, for nology specialist, after studying men until seasonal Gulf cur­ health reasons. “I find that my declining health no longer tells clue reports from government a- rents shifted and pushed the oil permits me to discharge my responsibilities to the full extent gencies and the shrimping in­ back to the south. to which my constituents are entitled,” the 75-year-old Christopher discovered Amer congressman said in a statement delivered to reporters by his ican. aides. The announcement gave no indication that the He sets the example. 16-term congressman’s pending retrial on bribery and Do you have a map? conspiracy charges had anything to do with the resignation. Observer— —The Observer.

Night Editor: ' 7 Quit ’ ’ J ohn needs Typists Weather Smith Asst. Night Editor: Deirdre Murphy Copy Editor: John Ferroli, Apply to Day Editor Kathy Casey Layout Staff: Kathy Vick, Danny Tarullo The Observer Office Phone 7471 News Editor: Mark Rust Editorial Layout: Tom Behney Features iMyout.K. Connelly ATTENTION SEMESTER GRADUATES Campus Sports Layout: Beth Huffman The Continued Growth of Sports Copy Editor: Mike Ortman, Kate Huffman 6:30 pm-MEETING, off-campus council, OFF-CAMPUS TYPIST: Mark Perry, John Ultimaster ALCOVE Smith, Tina Terlaak, Bill has created an outstanding opportunity on Swift, Cindy Grillot, K. SHED*5™ MEETING, leadership training class, BULLA Connelly the sales staff for a sales trainee. Initially, EMT: SPECIAL THANKS TO Mike Galvin, the position will require a period of training 6:30 pm-MEETING, nd-smc ski team, LA FORTUNE Helper-Trish so as to fully prepare the individual in all THEATRE Proofreader: Bruce Oakley ND Day Editor: I don’t know facets of our industry and business. It is 7,9,11, pm-FILM, “ the magic Christian,” ENGR. AUD. SMC Day Editor: Peggy Schneeman anticipated that this position will lead to 7,9 pm-FILM, “ four hundred blows,” sponsored by dept, of A d Design: Joe Murphy arts & letters, LIB. AUD. Photographer: Tim sales representative position. McKeogn Compensation includes excellent salary 7 pm-DANCE A THON, thru sat., nov. 10 sponsored Guest Appearances'. Sal by nd/smc right to life, LA FORTUNE BALLROOM Grannta: Happy Birthday Ryan! plus liberal fringe benefit package. We are 7:30 pm--MEETING, bailly downwind alliance, SOUTH located approx. 25 minutes southeast of BEND PUBLIC LIB. The Observer [USPS 588 920] Is published Monday through Friday ex­ South Bend. cept during exam and vacation periods. 8 pm-LECTURE, “history and modernity; intellectual The Observer is published by the perspective and institutional context,” philip gleason, dept, students of Notre Dame and Saint If you are an enthusiastic and energetic individual who is of history, nd, LIB. AUD. LOUNGE Mary's College. Subscriptions may be looking for an outstanding opportunity for personal and purchased for $20 per year ($10 per professional growth, Please contact: MR. BRIAN semester! from The Observer, P.O. box BRADY* ULTIMASTER DIVISION* HOLIDAY 8 pm-CONCERT, fall choral concert, LITTLE THEATRE 0. Notre Dame. Indiana 40658. Second SMC class postage paid. Notre Dame, In­ RAMBLER CORP.* 65526 ST. RD. 19, WAKARUSA* diana 46556 INDIANA. 46573. (219) 862-4551. An equal opportunity The Observer is a member el the employer. 9 pm—NAZZ— bobby stone and his rhythm rockers Associated Press. AH rights are The Observer Thursday, November 8, 1979„ 1979 - page 3 IS michciel&co. & ficiir concept/ Tomorrow’s Hair Designs. , . for Contemporary Men & Women

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r ,*** i ■ i i Meeting last night in La Fortune, the off-campus committee sponsored a seminar on i tenant-Landlord relations. [Photo by Tim McKeogh] i i [Live Thursday Night Chip and Karl i| Kennedy announces candidacy. . .} 25c DRAFTS Moir-Thurs J Boston (AP)- Sen. Edward M. after first indicating she was advance. It is willing to make I 9:30-10:30 j Kennedy declared yesterday he leaning toward supporting a stand and so am I.” will seek the presidency in 1980 Carter. Enumerating what he called because President Carter has In his speech, Kennedy said stark failures, Kennedy said failed to provide leadership to a that “When present difficulties “workers are forced to take a country that is “ willing, even grow so large that they threaten second job to make ends meet anxious, to be on the march the essential confidence of the because wages are rising only, again.” nation, only the president can half as fast as prices. Families' The last of the Kennedy marshal the energies of the go into debt and suffer real brothers and heir to a modern people and provide a sense of financial hardship to educate political dynasty made his direction.” their children. This year the announcement in boston’s “For many months,” he said, poorest 10 percent of our pop­ historic Faneuil Hall, listing “ We have been sinking into ulation must pay 119 percent of what he called stark failures of crisis. We have no clear their income for the necessities Carter Administration domestic summons from the center of of life. That means they go policies. power. without.” Then the Massachusetts Government falters. Fear After his announcement, Democrat left on a sweeping spreads that our leaders have Kennedy flew to Manchester, DO YOU KNOW THESE GIRLS? campaign trip taking him from resigned themselves to retreat. N.H., an oil-dependent Maine to Oklahoma, with stops This country is not prepared to {continued on page 10] Last seen on Friday at the Eminent Victorian Lounge in New Hampshire, Illinois, sound retreat. It is ready to above The Ice House and are expected to be there every Tennessee, Florida, South Friday entertaining from 5:00 - 7:00, Happy Hour - 4-6 Carolina and Connecticut. Daily. Kennedy said that before the last Presidential election, “we . . . Brown follows suit L were told that Americans were honest, loving, good, decent WASHINGTON (AP) - Edmund tional convention to write a and compassionate. Now, the Gerald Brown Jr., who at 41 is budget-balancing amendment people are ^blamed T or' every idakirtg his second try for the to the constitution. national ill and scolded as White House, rejected political His most dramatic turnabout greedy, wasteful and mired in life as a youth and spent 3 1/2 was over California’s tax-cut­ Malaise.” years studying to be a Roman ting proposition 13, which he “Which is it?” he asked. Catholic priest. first opposed and then em­ “ Did we change so much in Now in his second four-year braced as “ the will of the these three years? Or is it term as governor of California, people” after it was approved because our present leadership Brown will announce his can­ by state voters last year. does not understand that we are didacy for the Democratic pres­ The two issues Brown talks willing, even anxious to be on idential nomination this morn­ about most today are fiscal the march again?” ing at the National Press Club restraint to end federal budget baRMABV s The most dramatic moment of here. deficits and his opposition to the announcement came when nuclear power. the family inn Kennedy was asked whether Brown, who uses the nick­ name Jerry, enters the race as His favorite audiences are his wife, Joan, who has lived in college students. He tells COUPON Boston apart from the Senator, a more conservative alternative to President Carter and Sen. campus rallies that the New would campaign for him. Deal philosophy of “ throwing INFLATION FIGHTER! Kennedy supporters in the Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., on economic issues. money at problems” has failed, ------COUPON------crowded hall booed the and that a new generation of question. But Kennedy But Brown also is trying to attract liberals with his opposi­ leadership with a new vision is * 2.00 OFF °" motioned for silence and then needed. 14 Pizza turned to his wife, seated on the tion to nuclear power, his appointment of women, blacks Brown, who has been cam­ stage behind him, and said, paigning and raising funds ------COUPON ------“ loan?” and Hispanics to high state offices, and highly visible politi­ since July, enters the presi­ Anv Mrs. Kennedy, who has been dential race a distant third in * 1.00 OFF On fighting alcoholism, stepped cal ties to such liberal figures as 10” Pizza Cesar Chavez, Jane Fonda and the polls, behind Kennedy and forward and said, to cheers Carter. Limit 1 Coupon jPer Pizza and applause, “ I look forward Tom Hayden. to campaigning for him.” Brown gained some surprise Coupons Good Brown describes that balance victories in 1976, when his thru Sunday, Dec. 2, 1979 She added that she soon would as his “canoe theory - you talk to reporters, “ And I hope late-starting campaign contri­ paddle a little on the left, then buted to Carter defeats in Open Sundays 4 to 10 pm to answer all the questions you you paddle a little on the right might have on your minds Maryland, Nevada and Califor­ Serving Pizza, Sandwiches, and you keep going right down nia, the only three states where Cold Drafts, and a Salad Bar today.” the middle.” Seated with Mrs. Kennedy on both men were on the ballot. Mm . thru Tiers. 11 a.m. te 11:31 p.*. Brown won r~ election as gov­ The governor begins his 1980 Fri. I Sat. 11 a m te 12:30 p.*. the platform were the couple’s ernor by a landslide in 1978, three children, Kara, 19, race with no grassroots organi­ 713 E. Jefferses, Se. Bead Edward M. Jr., 18, and Patrick breaking all modern California zation and few ties, even in 2BS-4M1 Joseph, 12. electoral records, but that vic­ California, to the Democratic 3724 Grape Read Other Kennedy family tory is credited more to inept Party establishment, which he Mi«hawaka-2SWS2i; members, including Jacqueline opposition than to voter approv­ has alternately ridiculed and Kennedy Onassis and Ethel al of his canoe-theory politics. ignored. Kennedy, the widows of John Despite his early reputation as The bachelor governor also and Robert Kennedy, were a liberal in the mold of his has been criticized for his seated in the front row. Also father, former California Gov. relationship . with rock singer given a place of honor with the Edmund G. “ Pat” Brown, the Linda Ronstadt, whom he dates family was Mayor Jane Byrne younger Brown has parted com­ regularly and took with him on of Chicago, who recently endor­ pany with most liberals by a 12-day trip to Africa last sed Kennedy’s presidential bid endorsing a proposed constitu­ spring. The Observer Thursday, November 8, 1979 - page 4


[continued from page 1 conducted by the South Bend handle victims. Police Department for women Terry noted that security has Terry said he does not believe students-which Terry said been hindered by a lack of this points to a definite trend, were not well-attended-and cooperation from some victims WEDNESDAY, NOV. 14 8PM ^ and security has increased shu­ meeting with off-campus stud­ ana vague descriptions given O’LAUGHLIN AUDITORIUM ttle bus traffic and car patrols ents to discuss the situation. by others. He concluded that along the road to help rape Security members have also “if we had 500 people strategi­ prevention. Terry said that he been attending sessions run by cally located around campus, RESERVED SEATS felt the road was well-lit already the Sex Offense Staff of Psycho­ then we could probably get the and does not need additional logical Services on how to job done.” TICKET SALES THROUGH lighting. The other six rapes listed on SMC PROGRAMMING OFFICE the map occurred behind Walsh Hall, in Stanford Hall, in the D1 Professor Connolly speaks SPONSERED BY SAPB $5.00 parking lot, near the Wndu tower, at O’Hara-Grace town- houses, and behind the ACC near , also during on public interest tonight for this year’s fall break. Terry noted that this latter incident Professor William E. Connolly Economy (with Micheal Best), might have been prevented if a of the University of Mass­ and The State and the Public HARRY CHAPIN gate left open for the football achusetts, Amherst, will speak Interest. He has also edited game earlier that day had been on “ The Public Interest and the The Bias of Pluralism and appearing Dec. 7, 8:00 pm locked that night as it should Common Good ” tonight at 8:00 Social Structure and Political have been. in room room 117 of Hagger Theory (with Glen Gordon). Additional steps the security Hall. Connolly is the author of The Department of Government department has taken to fight Political Science and Ideology, and International Studies the problem, Terry said, The Terms o f Political Dis­ cordially invites all faculty and Sunday, Nov. 11 8:00 pm include organizing seminars course, The Politicized students to attend the lecture. Stepan Center ND power plant Limit lO Tickets *6.50 *5.50 preparations for winter by Tim Vercellotti director of utilities, the plant Go on sale Nov. 12 9 :0 0 pm open mon-sat has a more than adequate 2pm-3am As winterinter approaches, the supply of coal, heating oil, and Student Union Ticket Office power plant has finished natural gas. The system runs preparations for the oncoming primarily on coal, so there is cola weather by stockpiling fuel very little danger of any sort of also available at ACC Gate lO and ensuring that the campus - shortage this winter. BEAT VOLS wide heating system is in order. The plant is responsible for According to John DeLee, all campus heating needs, including the classrooms and the ACC. The system is based on steam, which is piped into the radiators of each building. Any malfunctions in the system Student Union Proudly Presents are reported by a computei, located in the plant. “The nicest thing about this system is that in seventeen of the dorms, there are thermo­ stats in each room," DeLee, -.explains, “th at way, students can determine the temperature that they want without freezing or roasting their neighbors.” In the evening, the plant automatically reduces room temperatures by about four degrees for the night. In buildings that are not being used, the heat is shut off entirely. Should the lower temperatures prove uncomfortable for students, they can always raise their thermostats. Not only are the individual thermostats a convenience, they are also very economical. DeLee revealed that because there is no overheating roughly $300,000 was saved last winter. DeLee projected that the cost for heating the campus will run around $955,000 for this winter. To keep these costs at a minimum, DeLee offered a few suggestions. “ First of all, turn your thermostats down to a comfortable level (anywhere from 60-65 degrees) before going to bed. Also, dress warmly during the day, and try to set your thermostats no higher than 68 degrees.” Energy conservation paid off Saturday Nov. 17 Stepan Center last winter in more than just dollars. Recently, the University was presented the Tickets $7.00 General Admission 8pm Governor’s Award for Energy Conservation as a result of a Tickets available at Student Union Box Office ■LaFortune campus-wide effort. DeLee hoped that conservation and All River City Razords measures would be practiced as extensively in the upcoming Tickets will be on sale at the Door $7.00 months as they have been in the past. The Observer Thursday, November 8, 1979 - page 5 Protestors allegedly abuse American hostages in Iran WASHINGTON (AP) - Amer­ Athens, but by the time they ican hostages held in the U.S. arrived, were being told they Embassy in Iran are being would not be welcome in Iran. “pushed around, abused, in­ They then flew to Istanbul timidated and mishandled,“ but where the mission stalled. there is no evidence that any “Frankly, we’re sitting and have been seriously injured, a waiting,’’ said a U.S. official, U.S. official said late yesterday. who asked that he not be Word of the mistreatment was identified given to reporters as President Although the State Depart­ Carter’s special mediators ment insisted yesterday that found themselves stalled in U.S. officials had received per­ Turkey with Iranian authorities mission to go to Iran, Khomei­ refusing to negotiate with ni, Iran’s religious revolution­ them. ary leader, was insisting that no The official, who asked that he Iranian official had been au­ not be identified, said there was thorized to negotiate with them. no evidence that any of the An Iranian government broad­ estimated 60 American hos­ cast, monitored in Kuwait, tages held in the U.S. Embassy demanded that the deposed in Tehran have been “beaten, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, stabbed or shot.’’ now in a New York hospital for Having reached an agreement after settling teacher-management contract disputes, Mary Barrett and Her collective Bargaining classmates finalize the deal with the traditional U.S. officials said the Iranians [continued on page 12 have brought new weapons into handshake. [Photo by Tim McKeoghj the embassy compound, includ­ ing machine guns. THURSDAY But State Department spokes­ Miller stresses possible man Hodding Carter said he had no evidence that there had been any shooting. failure for Chrys Nov. 8, 1979 “ We have been unable to confirm with any of our sources WASHINTON (AP) - Secretary as a “one-time program” and 7pm-3am that there has been firing,’’ the of the Treasury G. William would not set a precedent for • • State Department spokesman Miller told Congress on yester­ government aid to other failing said. day that the administration’s businesses. The two American negotiators proposed $1.5 billion bailout of He said he had no philosophi­ sent to seek the release of the the Chrysler Corp. is a “ sound cal objections to a proposed LOWENBRAU Americans held hostage were financial package ” but may not amendment by Rep. Henry stalled in Turkey when Iranian succeed. Reuss, D-Wis., chairman of the leaders refused to let them into “ We have tried to take off our Banking Committee, that would 3Drafts/$1.00 the country. rose-colored glasses and look at require Chrysler to concentrate Ramsey Clark, a former U.S. the ^corld as it is, but we cannot on fuel-saving vehicles to quali­ attorney general, and William give you a guarantee,” Miller fy for the loan guarantees. Miller, a staff member of the told the economic stabilization But he said he would have to GIVEAWAYS Senate Intelligence Committee, subcommittee of the House review the Reuss proposal be­ were reported by the State Banking Committee. fore commenting in detail. ALL NITE LONG Department to be waiting in The subcommittee plans to [continued on page 8], Istanbul for further instruction. meet again later this week to State Department spokesman consider amendments which Carter said the two emissaries, will determine the shape carrying a personal message which the administration pro­ from President Carter to Iran­ posal for loan guarantees is ian leaders, would remain in sent to the full Banking Com­ River City Records Presents... Turkey indefinitely “pending mittee for consideration before clarification’’ from the Tehran going to the House floor. government. Miller repeatedly told the Today’s New York Times panel that the administra­ reported that friends of the tion’s plan has a “ reasonable” Shah say he has offered to leave chance of success and that the United States because of without loan guarantees Chrys- the crisis in Tehran, but that lg£ faces bankruptcy, which he doctors', family and fH&nds said would be more costly to the taxpayers than the proposed A FREE have dissuaded him. “ It is our hope that they will bailout. be able to proceed with their He also said the government mission at the earliest oppor­ does not plan to take over the tunity,’’ spokesman Carter management of Chrysler and said. determine what kind of auto­ President Carter on Tuesday mobiles it makes. night sent Clark and Miller to “I think this is a reasonable meet with top religious or financial plan,” he said. “ If civilian officials, including the we fail, we lose some money but Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, I don’t think we ought to take big m A c m . who makes his headquarters in over Chrysler and run it.” Qom, a religious center. Miller reiterated that the Clark and Miller flew to Chrysler aid plan was intended While 1,500 coupons last, get a free Big fTlac HOLY CROSS FATHERS - coupon with every album, tape, blank tape or concert ticket purchased at River City Records, 50970 U.S. 31 North- 3 miles North of campus!

Big fTlac coupons will only be honored at fTkDonald’s.of Roseland, TM 52665 U.S. 31 North- 1 mile North of campus, and will be valid until November 16,1979. River City Records M c D o n a ld 's “Northern Indiana’s Largest Selection” of Roseland 50 970 U.S. 31 North 277-4242 52665 U.S. 31 North 277-0810 owner. Peter J. Kernan owner: Chuck Watson (N.D. ’65) N.D. 75

For further inform#.ion Write: Father Andre Leveille. CSC Box 5 4 1 Notre Dame. Indiana 46556 The Observer Thursday, November 8, 1979 - page 6 Pre-registration Juniper Press’s AUTOGRAPH PARTY FOR SMC offers new courses Abecedary: An Antic Alphabet b y Mary Leavitt left open to non-majors. This contributions. course is considered ideal for A course dealing with public by Ralph Mclnemy As pre-registration for the the student taking a business administration (Govt 355) has Illustrated by P.L. Stow spring semester approaches, course as an elective since it been newly devised by the Saint Mary’s College is offering deals with all aspects of the government department. The TODAY BETWEEN 3:00 and 5:00 a number of new courses to its world of finance on a personal, course will introduce the stu­ at the Library Lounge students. day to day level. dent to public bureaucratic The art department has intro­ In an effort to expose students operation and behavior in refreshments served duced a course called Art to one of today’s more popular American society. A back­ History Methods (Art 362). issues, the physics department ground in politics is recom­ This course deals with art not is furnishing a course dealing mended. Buy CILA Christmas Cards only in the studio but also on an with energy and the environment The history department is academic level. It is team (Phys 210). Because it is meant furnishing two new courses for taught by Drs. Michele Fricke for a general audience, there the worldly-minded student.- A You can make and Marcia McSweeney. are no prerequisites to this history of modern Italy (Hist a good thing happen The business department has course. 370) is being taught by Dr. developed a course entitled A course in Reading for the Anthony Black. Dr. Charles see your dorm rep______Union - Management Relations Culturally Different (Educ 400) Poinsatte is teaching a three (Buec 421). Paula Auburn, a is being offered by the educa­ part course entitled cities in former personnel director in tion department. Taught by Dr. Modern Europe. The first part South Bend who is considered Karilee Watson, this course of the course deals with the city an expert in the field of union deals with teaching methods for of Paris (Hist 371A), the second and management relations, will people of different cultures. with Dublin and Edinborough teach the course. Numerous new courses are (Hist 37IB), and the third with W SMD Courses are also being opened being offered by the English London (Hist 371C). Students Rockin You from the Tower, Tonite with to non-business majors in the department for the spring se­ may register for any part or all business department for the mester. Old Testament Litera­ of the course. Rock^n-Retrospect, from11-12 spring semester. Principles of ture (Enlt 265) taught by Elisa­ The department of humanistic Accounting I (Buec 201) is beth Noel, Contemporary studies has one new course Followed by the Album Hour, being taught out of sequence to American Poetry (Enlt 372) offering - Renaissance Culture Only on Notre Dame’s Student Rock, accomodate non-majors. In taught by Ann Loux and Tran­ (Hist 325) taught by Dr. Bruno addition, a section of Personal scendentalism (Enlt 461) taught Schlesinger. This course stud­ ______AM 64.WSND______Finance (Buec 314) has been by Michael Jones are all new ies society and art during the Italian Renaissance, dealing mainly with the cities of Flor­ ence, Venice and Rome. The nursing department has four new course offerings. They include two independent study programs (Nurs 498), a course in Nurse as Manager (Nurs 406) and a workshop entitled Helping Skills (Nurs 376A). Greek Philosophy (Phil 331) is Spaghetti being presented by the philo­ sophy department next semes­ ter. It teaches the theory of language as a way of knowing. The psychology department is offering special topic courses to interested psychology students. Among the more interesting are Psychology of Conversation (Psyc 409E) and Hormones and Like Mom’s Behavior (Psyc 409F). Two new courses are being offered by the religious studies department. Christian Culture (Rlst 300) examines the Christ­ ian understanding of their rela­ tionship .with the gospel while * * tUe. ffle‘team taught Chriktiafns and Justice (Rlst 395) is dedicated to the examination of issues of justice and independent re­ sponsibilities in varios areas. The sociology department is furnishing four new courses for the new semester. They are Sociology of Education (Soc 307), Work, Leisure and Sport (Soc 340), Interviewing Skills (Soc 376A) and Technology and Society (Soc 376B). Advance registration for the spring semester begins Novem­ ber 8th and runs through the 15th. A schedule of the various course offerings is available to students in the registrar’s of­ Every Tuesday Night For Just $1.69 fice. Your Neighborhood Pizza Hut® restaurant brings you a large dinner of delicious artistry for just $1.69. And we’re not just whistling Dixie, when we say we make spaghetti the way Mom does. It’s our brand new old-fashioned recipe! And from cooking the . . Hoffberger pasta to tasty perfection ... to simmering the rich meat sauce till it’s just right... to serving up the hearty garlic bread, every [

administration of either institution. The news is reported as accurately and Editorial Board and Department Managers -The Observer- as objectively as possible. Editorials Editor in-chief. Rosemary Mills Sports Editor...... Mark Perry represent the opinion of a majority of Managing Editor...... Diane Wilson Features Editor...... Kathleen Connelly Box Q Notre Dame, IN 46336 the Editorial Board. Commentaries, Editorial Editor...... Ann Gales Photo Editor Doug Christian opinions and letters are the views of Senior Copy Editor...... M. Onufrak I The Observer is an independent their authors. Column space is avail­ Executive News Editor Mike Lewis Business Manager Steve Odland newspaper published by the students able to all members of the community, News Editor...... Mark Rust Production Manager John McGrath of the University of Notre Dame du lac and the free expression of varying News Editor Mike Shields Advertising Manager ...... Bob Rudy and Saint Mary's College. It does not opinions on campus, through letters, is SMC Executive Editor Ellen Buddy Controller...... Kevin Mtv necessarily reflect the policies of the encouraged. SMC News Editor Margie Brassil CirculationManager ... " ^ The Observer Thursday, November 8 , 1979 - page 8

VnCali Democrats dominate elections PANCAKE HOUSE Cleveland Mayor Dennis J. failed to elect mayors in non­ two-year term. The final Kucinich, accused by his party partisan elections, and a quick unofficial tally was McConn Family Reaiauttuc jf being a spoiler for the past start for the runoffs indicates 80,412, Nacey 56,761. Leonel two years, spoiled the the real sparks are yet to fly. Castillo, a former city controller Democrats’ otherwise perfect Houston Mayor Jim McConn who resigned as head of the record for holding onto Major led the crowded ballot but fell U.S. Immigration and Naturali­ City Mayoralties. far short of the majority he zation Service to enter the race, The Maverick Democrat lost in needed to avoid a runoff and received 44,685 votes. ©uA Specialty tuesday’s balloting, while the now faces Councilman Louis In San Francisco, Mayor Democrats kept hold of all the Nacey in the Nov. 20 show­ Dianne Feinstein got 42 percent other city halls they controlled. down. The two are arch rivals of the vote despite a very long (Dven-^Bafced J^pptk ^ancafces Their mayoral candidates won and the next two weeks are candidate list, but still faces a in more tnan one-fourth of the certain to be exciting. Dec. 11 runoff against Quentin Our Specialty using fresh sliced apples nation’s big cities as scores of “Get ready, baby, ’ McConn {continued on page jOJ elections were held across the taunted. “We have some topped with a sugar cinnamon glaze nation. things we’ll have to talk about The party also held on to that might make Mr. Nacey run never surpassed! for cover. “ Mayor, you must be drunk Snite Museum U.S. 31 [Dixieway] North in Roseland igain,” Nacey shot back. [Across from Holiday Inn] 272-7433 Sun. - Thurs. 6 A.M. to 9 P.M. Virginia and New Jersey, too, ‘Don’t come out with that Fri. & Sat. 6 A.M. to 10 P.M. although the republicans s tu ff. ’ ’ claimed inroads. McConn got 42.5 percent of adds four San Francisco and Houston the vote in a bid for his second new members

The at Notre Dame han added four members to (is staff: Douglas Bradley, curator of the art of HOWTO the Americas; John Phegley, assistant preparator; Lynda Hailey, administrative assistant to the director, and a full-time GET BETTER MILEAGE secretary for the Friends of the Snite Museum, the museum’s member ship program. FROM YOUR CAR... In his position as curator for American art, Bradley will re­ search catalog and care for art objects from North, Central and Obey the 55 mph speed limit. Keep your engine tuned. South America. He comes to Notre Dame from the Child­ ren’s Museum in Indianapolis where he was curator of ethno­ graphy. He was also curator of the Children’s Museum Depart­ ment Sunrise Foundation in Charleston, W. Va. YP Phegley, as assistant prep­ arator, will construct exhibition spaces and be resposible for receiving, handling and preparing objects for exhibi­ tion. He attended the John Herron School of Art in Indian­ apolis and was formerly as­ Avoid hot rod starts. Drive at a steady pace. sistant preparator at the In­ dianapolis Museum of Art. Ms. Hailey will coordinate the museum’s educational and out­ reach programs as administra­ tive assistant to the director. After serving as graphic media designer for the Oklahoma Transportation Department from 1975-77, she earned a m ) S ) master’s of fine arts from Notre Dame this year. Thlesepositions, including the secretarial position, were made possivle through grants award­ ed by the Indiana Arts Commis­ sion and the Department of Don t let the engine idle more And when buying, don’t forget the fuel Health, Education and Welfare. than 30 seconds. economy label is part of the price tag, too. * ¥ * ¥ ¥ " P n z v w ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Buy ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ For a free booklet with more easy tips on saving energy ¥ Observer ¥ ¥ ¥ and money, write “Energy,” Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. ¥ ¥ ENERGY. ¥ ¥ N a m e______¥ ¥ A d d r ess______-______¥ We can't ¥ C ity ; -______¥ * afford to ¥ Classifieds S tate______.Zip. ¥ ¥ w aste it. ¥ ¥ U.S. Department of Energy $ ¥ * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥*%★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ i¥ Musicviews Features Thursday, November 8, 1979 - page 9

The VolcanoFizzles pat m etheny group Mike Bigley

I feel like I 'm stranded on a sandbar Stuck in my tracks like a streetcar American Garage Play in it for all that its worth I'm just paying for my sins on earth Chalon Mullins He goes on to suggest that his life of I got an introduction to the material on this album last week at a concert in “flying off to St. Somewhere” to Chicago. Consequently, I had no doubt I would want this album when it came escape cabin fever might have left out two days later. Several subsequent listenings have only reinforced this him short, favorable first impression. As a follow-up to the tremendous Haven ’t found the answers like Group Album, American Garage maintains the high standard of the previous some that I know effort, and even improves on it. < I ’m just stuck in a fairly nice maze If you don’t know, the group consists of Pat Metheny on guitar, on Piano and keyboards, on bass, and Dan Gottlieb on drums. On “Chanson Pour Les Petits the album, Egan and Gottlieb remain in the supporting roles to which rhythm Enfants ” is by far the best song on players are usually delegated. The only exception is when Egan occasionally the album. It is a Cat Stevens takes over or supplements the statement of the theme, but he has no solos on sounding song about two aliens who record as he does in concert, where he improvises with authority and land on some Carribean island where imagination. Here he combines with Gottlieb to form a rhythm section in the they are celebrated. The two fly great tradition of jazz rhythm sections. Listen to how Gottlieb plays fast and Jimmy Buffett’s new album is away in the night, but Buffett leaves loose with the beat, and how Egan supports him solidly throughout. appropriately named Volcano; it starts the listener on earth to let him listen May’s piano playing reminds me of that of Keith Jarrett. He has the same out explosive and ends up dormant. to the rest of the album and possibly lyrical tone and the same jazz coloring. Mays uses grace notes to imitate The first side of the album seems to fall asleep. blues intonations, accents the offbeats, and attacks the keyboard with a deft, pick you up off the planet Earth in the As you flip the album over, but daring touch. His solos are featured more prominently on this album than title track, and lands you on some thinking to get more of the same, be on the last, which is all to the best. For an outstanding example of his abilities enchanted island in “Chanson Pour prepared. Buffett has become laid- as an improviser, listen closely to his solo on “ The Epic.” Les Petite Enfants.’’ back, and it becomes hard to Metheny is a stand-out even in this fine company. I’ve never heard a more The album opens with a good “Survive” the rest of the album, original guitar sound. He plays through two amps, with a device that delays one-two punch with “ Fins ”, a song because it is possible it might put you the signal between them ever so slightly. The device has the effect of making about local bar pick-ups. It has a in “Dreamsicle” land. This side is every note sound like it is being picked twice, as if Pat were playing a 12- and classic Buffett beat resembling full of some down right corny lyrics, not a 6-string guitar. Metheny’s tone and technique are that of the jazz and “ Livingston Saturday Night,’’ and a but some of the songs are still filled not the rock artist. He uses a pure, full sound, without distortion and without very catchy calypso tune Volcano that with Jimmy Buffett magic. frills. He doesn’t bend the strings or emphasize the blue notes (flatted thirds contains a “NO NUKES” reference “ Lady I Can’t Explain is one of and sevenths) and his style is very melodic and engaging. In his solos, he to Three Mile Island, as well as those half-assed Buffett rockers with emphasizes message rather than technique. He’s not out to dazzle you with allusions to other political issues. Most little commercial potential. “ Boat runs of sixteenth notes. Listen to “ (Cross the) Heartland” for an example of of the album reflects Buffett’s rather Drinks” is one of the better songs on his unhurried improvising. But it’s not that he doesn’t have the chops. His unique life style. His lyrics seem to the album, but it is hidden between solo on the title track dispels that illusion. In fact, his dexterity is all the more question whether or not he has two snoozers that detract from its impressive for the clarity with which each note is sounded. All in all, he is accomplished anything after a dozen quality. “ Boat Drinks” is a classic perhaps the finest of a tremendous crop of young jazz guitarists. albums. These self-evaluating lyrics Buffett take off, much like “ Cheese­ Mays and Metheny collaborate on the composition of all the tunes on this are nothing new for Buffett. In his burger in Paradise.” album. I use the term “composition” advisedly. None of the tunes are in first attempt at music, Buffett was a “Dreamsicle” is filled with blues song forms, with repetition of verses of alternating verse and chorus. failure in rock n roll, which he awkward rhymes and phrasing, yet They are more suite-like in form. Methey doesn’t always avoid meandering in reflected on in his first hit “Come is is a very pleasant sounding song his solo compositions, but Mays’ influence seems to be a positive one, since Monday that doesn’t rock you, but remains the tunes on the group albums are remarkable for the tightness of their I ’ve got my Hushpuppies on interesting. If you are still awake structure. This is by no means difficult music: the melodies are all eminently I guess I was never meant after that cut, “ Sending The Old Man hummable, as friends who’ve been bugged by my tweeting can testify. For glitter rock n roll Home, ’ ’ follows - it must be an ode to One thing I heard in concert that I’ve missed on the albums is just how hot Nytol. I’m not sure, because I can’t this band is. They can really build up a head of steam. I found this Buffett spends half of his life seem to listen to the whole thing at particularly true during Metheny’s solos, when he has the full sound of the getting rowdy in concert on the once without catching forty winks, or band behind him. The music is so pleasing you may have a tendency to play it main land, and the other half pushing the reject button on the turn at almost background levels. Don’t! Turn it up!! This is not cocktail music, “ wasted away again in Margarita- table. This song reminds me of a bar not Muzak. The band attacks passages head on, with crisp phrasing and ville.” Volcano focuses on what this in the middle of Montana, with a driving rhythms. They play loua live, so listen to them the*way they want to life style has done to Jimmy Buffett. fourth rate guitar player sitting in the be heard. The album continues with “Treat corner playing a guitar with a broken It’s just a shame we won’t have a chance to see this band Friday night. The Her Like A Lady” and “ Stranded on string. Ironically enough, the group is probably the best new jazz band since Weather Report. But this a Sandbar” . The first is a rather nice acoustic guitar is played by James week has seen the cancellatin of two of the best musical ensembles, bar ballad to the sea which is co-written Taylor. genre, in the world - this band and the Chick Corea/Gary Burton duet. I was by David Loggins, who had the hit Jimmy Buffett’s new album is afraid that might happen when I saw how few people turned out for the Sonny “ Please Come to Boston.” In this nothing to rave about, but for the Rollins concert earlier. I’ve heard a lot of complaints about what a cultural tune Buffett sings that he is “ in Buffett purists it is an enjoyable wasteland South Bend is. But when the opportunity arose to catch two danger of extinction too. ’ ’ The latter album. Volcano has already climbed superlative acts in the same week, we blew it. Given the importance on live song is the most direct examination to the number nine position in the performance in jazz, this is a loss not even fine recordings like this one can of Buffett’s life. charts, and may go higher, but it is recompense. We can still hope such opportunities will come along again, and ' 7 enjoy this life as a jester not the best Buffett has put out so that next time they won’t be blown. Seems to keep me moving around... far. We were at a party will enjoy “6060-842” , and Hero His earlobefell in the deep Worship” sounds a lot like Patti Someone reached in and grabbed it Smith, only better. It was a rock lobster The album ends with “ Downtown” , “Theres a Moon in the Sky(Called Petula Clark’s hit from the 60 s. The I’m not no the Moon)” is a backhanded tribute B-52 's version is much more interest­ to the Space Age. Nobody gets left ing than the original, and is a good out, not even the Van Allen Belt: indication of the type of music they limburger... Many gamma rays around it really like. Combine the originality Van Allen Belt surrounds it and liveliness of 60’s rock’n’roll with This is the space age the power of the New Wave and you Michael A. Korbel Please don't worry..... have insight into what the B-52’s have on their minds. It’s embarassing to admit that the Planet Claire has pink air “ 52 Girls” is my favorite from the record I’m reviewing has been to All the trees are red album, one meant to sing the praises more parties than I have this No one ever dies there of the “principal girls of the USA” . semester, but in this particular case I No one has a head It has the strongest and fastest beat could never have kept up the pace. of any song I’ve ever heard. Its The newest group that the New Wave It’s easy to see that extremely deep extemely hard to sit still during this has deposited on our shores is The lyrics are not in their game plan for song, as you want to jump up and join B-52’s, and it doesn’t take long for commercial success. Two songs on Linus in dancing the “ pogo” . Having one to realize that they’re just a little which the lyrics really do conjure up fun is what this music is all about, bit different. By using some rather strong images of rather absurd visual and it’s rather apparent tha. The unique instruments (walkie talkie, occurences are “Rock Lobster” and B-52’s have an awfully g xl time toy piano, and smoke alarm), their “ There’s a Moon in the Sky (Called with their music. sound is not one that can easily be the Moon). “ Rock Lobster” could I’m not sure what “ Dance This lost in the crowd. “ Planet Claire” easily have been the theme song for Mess Around” , is all about, but its a was the immediate favorite off the any one of countless numbers of great song to scream at the top of album, although no one could prob­ inane beach movies that come out in your lungs. A dejected lover askes ably tell you why, although lyrics the sixties. It tell of a beach party the question: “ Why won’ you dance seem to be the group’s strongpoint. where everyone has matching towels with me, I’m not no limburger?” Can you imagine anything more and everything is slightly out of the Those of you who call (or write) meaningful than: ordinary: phone numbers on bathroom walls The Observer Thursday, November 8, 1979 - page 10 *9 * .. . Kennedy * 3 [continued from page 3] that he has been unable to find NOWYOUCAN +\ an issue on which he differs I northern New England, and the sharply with President Carter. * State where the first presiden­ He replied by singling out the * tial primary will be held next Carter Administration efforts to EARN OVER $6,500 * February. combat inflation. * Speaking at a local restaurant, He said that if he is elected, it * Kennedy repeated his criticism would be “ clear from the very * of the Carter Administration’s start” that the person respon­ WITH ARMY ROTC. * handling of energy and said sible for the battle against Before you graduate from college! Because now, you can com­ “The soaring profits of the oil inflation. i companies announced in recent Kennedy also released yester­ bine service in the Army Reserve or National Guard with Army weeks are being achieved at the day a statement that he under­ ROTC. It’s called the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMr). I expense of the consumers of went a physical examination And, depending on your academic year when you enter, SMP * America, particularly the home several days ago and was found * owners of New England who to be in excellent condition. It can help you earn over $6,500. * have to pay the exorbitant and disclosed that he had successful Here’s howlt works. If you qualify and a vacancy is available, * unconscionalbe prices the surgery for minor skin cancer * you become a member of an Army Reserve or National Guard unit * industry is now charging for on June 22, and in a report on * home heating oil and other taxes, Kennedy said he paid as an officer trainee and, at the same time, enroll in the Army * energy products.” $315,508 in U.S. income taxes ROTC advanced course at your college. Your Reserve or Guard * Kennedy was asked about last year. His adjusted gross * membership will pay you a: the minimum level of Sergeant E-5, and * criticism from the White House income was $702,697. you’ll receive $100 a month during the regular school year as an * * Army ROTC advanced course cadet. 3 At the end of your second year of advanced ROTC, you’ll be * Choir presents concert tonight commissioned a second lieutenant and, assuming there’s a vacancy, * * The Saint Mary’s College Col­ is open to the public with no serve with a Guard or Reserve unit while you complete the require­ * * legiate Choir, a mixed-voices admission fee. Accompanists ments for your college degree. Upon graduation, you may con­ group including Notre Dame are Becky Zink of South Bend, tinue service with a Guard or Reserve unit while pursuing your 3 students, will join the SMC Ann Armstrong of Elkhart and civilian career, or you can, if you prefer, compete tor active duty as * Women’s Choir for a dual Barbara Phillips of Ballwin, * Misourri, and Carol Calahan of an Army officer. * concert in the Little Theatre of * Moreau Hall tonight at 8:00. Logansport. So if you’d like to earn over $6,500 while you’re still in college, * The Collegiate Choir will pre­ The Women’s choir, which get into SMP. Because SMP can help you do it. You can bank on it! * sent selections form Holst, sings annually at a spring Mass Brahms, Hovhaness and Hair­ in Chicago’s Holy Names Ca­ For further information, contact the Professor of Military 3 ston; the Women’s Choir has thedral, has recently received a Science at your school. chosen works of Deering, Jos- grant from the Indiana Arts quin, Rossini, Schubert and Commission to support a num­ Mendelssohn. Schubert’s ber of concerts throughout In­ diana. Both choirs have made NATIONAL * “Staendchen” will feature * mezzo-soprano Nancy Ken­ several appearances in the GUARL * nedy, voice instructor at the Michiana area. a College, as soloist. Sprague, who earned his ARMY ROTC ARMY NATIONAL GUAREX ARMY RESERVE * Raymond Sprague, assistant D.Mus.A. at the University of professor of music and director Colorado, Boulder, is a member of both choral groups, is concert of the review board for The master for the program, which Choral Journal. FIRST ANNUAL university of Ketchum vs. university of Notre Dame FOOTBALL CAME

Saturday All students are cordially invited to the November 10,1979 University of Ketchum’s 1:05 p.m. Homecoming Formal Dance November 10,9:00 p.m. Atkinson's Park, Limelight Room, Sun valley inn Ketchum, Idaho Sun valley, Idaho

Formal Attire The Observer Thursday, November 8, 1979 - page 11 Citizens vote on number of tax bills Voters across the nation look­ 1980 .” ed into their pocketbooks and By nearly 3-to-l, Californians then cast their ballots to slap ordered all levels of govern­ lids on tax increases, to order ment in the state to hold future - -T: limits on government spending spending at the previous year’s w i s e s t - ' J&22W I** and to refuse to pay new bottle level except where inflation or BP® «*»*’ flflHBBM Rfi and can deposits. population growth hiked costs. In Washington state, voters Seventeen months ago, voters m on Tuesday overwhelmingly a- in that state sparked a national greed to link increases in state tax revolt when they approved taxes to the growth of personal Proposition 13, which slashed income, and they turned down a California property taxes by $7 bill that would have required a billion. 5-cent deposit on all cans and Paul Gann, a sponsor of both bottles. California measures, said he “ I think the message coming will launch a national move­ out of the polls is that the ment “ to bring federal spend­ people want Washington state ing under control...by removing government to live within its from our Congressmen the means and quit taking a larger power to spend this nation into and larger share of their in­ economic ruin. ’ come,” said state Rep. Ron In northwest Missouri, voters Dunlap. in Worth County turned down a Dunlap predicted that Tues­ tax increase of $5 on each 1$ 1,000 day’s polling foreshadows tax of assessed property value. limitation measures that will Officials said they’d be forced “ roll over the whole country in to close the courthouse when the money runs out later this These ducks take a final dip in the lake before it begins to freeze oyer from winter. month. In Oklahoma, however, voters Coalition rejected a proposal to give taxpayers a federal income tax . . . Governm deduction on state tax returns. sponsors Supporters blamed the mea­ urged the United States to efforts to free the hostages. sure’s failure on confusion a- [continued from page 1] reject the shah’s regime and The Palestine Liberation Or­ mong voters whether it would contact Khomeini. Its other ganization group was “already quarter night save them money or cost them State Department spokesman member is William Miller, a on the way” to Tehran, said a more. Hodding Carter indicated Senate committee aide who spokesman for U.N. Secretary- The World Hunger Coalition Ohio voters turned down by official surprise over Khomei­ speaks Iran’s Farsi Language. General Kurt Waldheim. will sponsor quarter night to­ nearly a 3-to-l margin a propo­ ni’s reported refusal to meet The two left Washington Tues­ sal to require consumers to pay with the U.S. envoys. He said “ It looks to us that the PLO night at Saint Mary’s College to day night after conferring with initiative is now much consider­ raise money for Mdukatshani a 10 cent deposit on beverage “ we have had enough contact President Carter. Carter told containers and outlaw cans with with them to get authorization ed as an important step,” Land School in South Africa. reporters yesterday he hoped Waldheim’s spokesman said. detachable snap tops. for the mission.” the trip would succeed in Students will collect money in The United States does not front of the dining hall. WHC But in Maine, voters trounced He said the trip was specifical­ freeing the hostages. “We by a 5-to-l margin an effort to ly approved by Iranian officials. pray it will,” he said. officially recognize the PLO raised about $60.00 for the guerrilla chief Yasser Arafat, school at a quarter night last repeal the state’s 22-month-old The mission is led by former Tehran radio did not say bottle bill, which requires de­ Attorney General RamseyClark, whether Kohmeini would also who visited Khomeini shortly week on the Notre Dame after he returned from exile in campus. posits as a means of curbing who met with the ayatollah refuse to meet with a special litter. during his exile in Pari: and PLO delegation going to Iran in France last February.

ND - SMC offer justice courses

Notre Dame: GOVT 455 Economic Development St. Mary’s: Jameson 2TT4 AMST 263 American Society and Politics SOC 234 Social Work in Action McGowand 10 MWF Same as ECON 380. An introductory American Studies courge Ferlic 9TT11 * designed to explore the. development of American social forms and institutions from the K e f ’ T§^T2,0|ny/?frS3OCiery SOC 334 Social Work Methods II # Civil War to the present. . Second of two ; This course. is divided into five sections and Martucci 9 MWF semesters but first semester is not a prerequi­ includes examination of the role of technology in modern societies and in developing nations, SOC 433 Social Work Internship site. technology in the context, of general theories of Martucci 12 M and 12 W ECON 353 Labor Economics social and cultural evolution and other topics. THEO 242 Christian Ethics Today Leahy 9TT11 . .... After drawing on economic and political Malloy 1 MWF , ^ PHIL 430 Justice This course is intended as an introduction to history to clarify the present predicament of the discipline of Christian Ethics. Third World Countries, the course focuses on Sterba 1TT3ITT: major issues in economic and political moderni­ This course will focus, on John Rawls’ A THEO 311 Evolution of Social Consciousness in zation. the New Testament Ford 9 MWF ECON 400 Development—The Third World’s approach to justice. Subjects treated will be poverty and wealth; uest for Justice Conflict Resolution the land; women: slavery; business ethics; oulet 9TT11 i purity and dietary laws. BThird World development is an important Smith arena in which the quest for justice goes on THEO 340 Moral Responsibility around issues of mass poverty, dependency, and PNV 348 Voices of Nonviolence Mertensotto/Heppen 2TT4 hopelessness. The course focuses on the values 1TT3 Yoder This course will deal with ethical reflection on and troubling ambiguities surrounding various issues of justice of business. development strategies. ANTH 400 Same as ECON 400. ANTH 446 Current Issues-Food in Culture THEO 348 Same as PNV 348. Van Estenk 1TT3 ECON 482 Trade and Development Problems of This course will explore the interrelations THEO 350 Christians and the Third World African Economies between different approaches to food use. The Hommes 9 MWF course is open to students with specific interests This coyrse will study the struggles of The f ■ . - . •__ . • This course will cover (.1)(1) the structure of Urban Plunge. This course e> between law and society in g — ... ^------,----j § , fir ml THEO 378 The Unseen City the United States in particular. The class will interaction between business and society. McNeill .2TT4 . , , study through case studies how the American The main aim of this course is to develop a legal system alters norms, allocates resources SOC 400 Same as ECON 400. critical understanding of the complexity of and protects interests. relationship^, in cities anp to analyze the ^vaiue SOC 417 Sociology of Urban Planning GOVT 410.Urban Politics Lamanna 9 MWF . . . " mslnti This course is a basic.introduction to yrban FUfhfs course will take &n historical overview of sociology with an emphasis on the application to must-be'Tprejregistered with the Center for urbanization and examine the pohnca institu­ contemporary city planning practice. Experiential Learning, 1110B East Memorial tions which emerged to accomodate the city s Libraiy. The course assumes that students have unique economic and social conditions. The following FOUR courses will be offered at participated in the Urban Plunge. The Observer Thursday, November 8, 1979 - page 12


SATURDAY, NOV. lO 9-1 Tickets-#3.50 each -sold in dining halls or through hall reps

music provided by Orphan

refreshments -cider, munchies, Obviously worried about Iran’s oil export shutoff, this student has gone to grant lengths to marshmallows, and other fun stuff be sure that his domer horn can still be heard. [Photo by Tim Me Keogh]

10% OFF aU vitamins .. . Democrats & health foods [continued from page

L The Observer Thursday, November 8, 1979 - page 13 Mcmtaineering REGULATION

You, a faithful follower of this less serious business. If you are : space, have been a moun- going to down the mountains, : taineer'for some time nows rather than vice versa, you must You’ve studied the funda- be confident of your standing. : mentals, selected your Between the head and the feet : gear and experimented We^ er lies the area known to pros as “the with methodology. In short, body!’ Mountaineering you are nobody’s fool. None­ bodywear is usually based theless, you also know a little on personal preference. knowledge is a dangerous thing. However, keep a keen So you want to learn more. eye out for one common A fan criterion Your clothes Smart thinking. for all First, you must realize that seasons All weatner should be comfortable and once the basics of mountaineering headgear flexible, allowing for open are mastered, it is only nuance movement, specifically in the which distinguishes the true vicinity of the arms. A free artists from the merely adequate. and responsive arm is a Therefore, attention to detail, mountaineer’s best friend. especially in matters of clothing, Certain accessories, of is vital. course, complement and Always protect the head complete the regulation according to seasonal fluctua­ garb. Expedition flags tions. In winter, a warm hat to mark your territory is mandatory. (The head, after in public places, con­ necting ropes for those all, is the chimney of the flexible body. Avoid cerebral heat loss - arm who prefer the security it diminishes your psycho­ of mountaineering in physio abilities.) tandem and back­ In summertime, V xMKo: packs filled with a sun visor or a beer nuts, mugs, billed cap will bdttl6 openers and other para- guarantee crucial aw*** visibility among phanalia. Beyond the craggy peaks. these standards, Pay particular A wardrobe styles Instructions: range from the rustic regard to your foot- Insert contents of Fig. A Expedition ' g a r S h g e s should into trail3ferrln

Toehold Toe rope / Q

Don’t just reach for a beer. BUSCH Head for the mountains. ©Anheuser-Busch, Inc. St. Louis, Mo The Observer - Sports Thursday, November 8, 1979 - page 14

[continued from that they would permit the Division in the interhall play- case, but added that “ we would Off-Campus team to compete in offs.” be extremely reluctant to commissioners and coaches in the playoffs without Murphy. Should the protest be upheld, change the rule, since it has each hall with a proposal, Among the fourteen halls Holy Cross would win the been in effect since the season asking that the interhall office approving the proposal was division. Holy Cross lost to began. It would take something change the rule and allow Holy Cross, who filed the Off-Campus, 28-0, in its regular extreme to force us to change . .. Murphy Murphy and his teammates to original protest. “ The Holy season game. the rule for this case.” continue in the playoffs. Cross team voted, " Murphy Tom Kelly, director of non­ Of the sixteen halls on explained, “and the team has varsity athletics, siad that his campus, fourteen approved the said that they feel Off-Campus office would allow the Off- proposal. The other two stated should represent the Central Campus team to present its

The men's and women's tournaments are both single elimination. Each match consists Molarity by Michael Molinelli of three games (best-of three series). The pairings for these raquetball tournaments will appear each Thursday in The Observer. It is I I CAN'T F16UKE YOU OUT You* t h e o l o g y is a t h in NO ONE - Ato OtE the responsibility of the participant to contac j YOU COME; AKXWDTRYW6 70 SELFSEW ING EMOTION IdTTH MITCH, TVE NEVER SEEN 1 STANDS BETWEEN ME his or her opponent and set up the match in I 5ARE4D THE W08D 0F6CD, A/i 3ASIS IN REALITY. NOW YOU 5 0 DYNAMIC ABOUT AND MY each round. (Phone numbers are listed in ! Bl/r YOU HAVE LITTLE GOOD BYE!/ 1 parenthesis below.) The results of the ANYTHING BEFORE WHAT FOOD SALES PIZZA raquetball matches must be turned in, in knowledge of what youre ' DON'T you MOTIVATED YOU? person, to the Interhall office before noon on saying (a Ja NT 7t> H£A8 the gollowing Wednesday. Failure to report the results to the Interhall office will mean disqualification of both participants. Results will only be accepted if the participants have filled out the proper interhall insurance forms. After the first week of the tourna­ ment, any participant who has not met the insurance requirement will be dropped. Due to the design of a single elimination tournament, some participants receive byes. Those participants listed as having a bye should check next Thursday's Observer for their opponent. Men's Raquetball Gerald Miller (3338) v. John Schafer (6934) ACROSS 31 Bishop’s 61 Aim 22 Faulkner’s Tom Philbin (1652) v. Barry Phillips (1628) 1 Pitch headdress 62 Dog Dying” Ken Schmitz (8892) v. Mark Mulligan (6428) 6 Nutty food 34 H.H. Munro 64 Fencing 25 Apostolic Greg Fisher (6770) v. John Trimbach (1210) The Daily Crossword for hogs 37 Slack move missive Bob McDonald (3537) v. Bob Wegener 10 Roman poet 38 Picture box 66 "Beware 27 Haphazard (277-0333) 14 Pacific 39 Friends in the — . . . ” 29 Driver’s Terry Reagan (8375) v. Greg Butler (1166) islands Paris 67 Mild aid Kevin Quinlan (6765) v. Tom Jackson (6759) 15 Turkish 40 Imitative expletive 30 Napoleon Joe Krug (1601) v. Dave Yordy (3670) general 42 “One giant 68 German city on Elba John Reust (1735) v. Tom Trozzolo (3326) 16 Kind of — 'for man­ 69 Standard Mike Schatz (1016) v. Richard Cordova (1024) 32 Ages John Cherf (233-5524) v. Dennis Cotter (1689) star kind ” 70 Algerian 33 Ecstatic 17 Paul Stark (1582) v. Terry Finn (234)0467) Novelist 43 With care governors 34 Epic tale Steve Dyer (8907) v. Chris Slatt (1725) Sinclair 45 Hayfield 71 Palmists, 35 Final word Frank Dedace (3092) v. Tim Lawliss (6873) 18 Hampered 46 Once, once for example 36 Political Mike Lynch (1185) v. Al Adams (1183) 20 Owed 47 Slant mogul Don Shank (8762) v. Rob Phillips (1437) 21 Wine 48 Altar slabs DOWN 38 Immaculate Mike Reff (4351) v. Bob Hogan (7791) 23 Sponsor of 50 Greek en­ 1 Farrell’s 41 Member of Kevin Cleavey (8875) v. Mark Saunier (7816) Gl shows chantress Lonigan Cong. Tom Jenson (6755) v. Kevin Young (1670) 24 Binges 52 Network 2 Baseball 44 Was first Dave Kallenreider (3558) v. Jeff Stahl (1845) 26 Joshua or 56 Mecca for fly at something Greg Kane (2256) v. Ed Looney (1398) Ella the ailing 3 Lace 48 Horseman­ Claude LeRose (8876) v. Ron Lorenzini (1623) 28 Makes ready 58 Kindles or face ship Brent Buetters (1786) v. Reggy Payne (6867) 4 Self 49 Passages Mike Regali (1579) v. Gerry Mulcahy (8321) 5 Cavalryman 51 Ken Siefert (233-6052) v. john Beck (1733) Yesterday’s Puzzle Solved: Incited Pat Conally (1650) v. Jim McGuinnis (8532) Become P E A T A K A P T A H Jim Jenista (3265) v. Steve Krickle (277-5581) D R 6 Dillon or aware of Joe Dohopoiski (3018) v. Chuck Meakin A R M Y E L 1 T E L E N A Helm Felix of (1161) T I E R 1s A L T T E A T Y 7 Taj Mahal “The Odd H E N R N 0 A S 1 S I P site Couple” Players receiving byes in the second round: D T R E B B S 8 Serapes 55 Places of R E M I S E E s 0 U E E G E E Kevin Gallagher 9 Minstrel bliss A L E R T P 0 U T S R R S John Onufer musician D 0 N E A R A T E A T 56 Use a Paul Pineps A P T 0 W E L E A S E 10 Wallet item distaff Dave Esprig R E S R V E D A R T E R 11 Tennesseean57 Child: comb, S E E DM 0 R A L 12 Currier’s form Women’s Raquetball S A N T A ■ s A G E A A M colleague 59 “Do a s — P R E A R A N G E K R A 13 Part of a 60 Does a hay­ betsy Klug (7942) v. Barb Lach (6426) Missy Sorapure (6752) v. Julie Rice (2194) 11/ 8/79 A T I T A M A 1 N D E C K pedestal maker’s job © 1979 by Chicago Tribune-N.Y. News Synd. Inc. T Y N E F A G 0 T A S H E 19 Lava’s Tracy Gilliana (6717( v. Laura Leitzinger All Rights Reserved 63 Doctrine cousin (2184) 65 Avail Kathy McHugh (6717) v. Martha Gallagher (6791)

TEACHERS The ND Student Players Present

STOP THE WORLD Learn to be I WANT TO GET OFF a Ski Instructor f This 4-session work­ shop, Nov. 1 1 , 18 & Dec.2, 9 is open to skiers Nov. 9,10,16,17 interested in learning the basics of ski teaching and to uncertified in­ Washington Hall 8pm structors wanting to im­ prove their teaching Admission $1.50 capabilities. The focus of the workshop is on teaching techniques, Ask a Peace Corps volunteer why she teaches methodology, skill de­ deaf education in Thailand...ask another volunteer velopment, class why he works as a teacher trainer in Kenya. handling, and other per­ They’ll probably say they want to help people, tinent facets of ski teach­ want to use their skills, travel, learn a new language ing related to both the and experience another culture. Ask them: American and GLM method. Top graduates, REGISTER NOW AT PLACEMENT OFFICE will be offered teaching FOR INTERVIEWS positions at area ski FRI. NOV 16-NOTRE DAME resorts either full-time or part-time. THURS. NOV 15-ST. MARY'S Call or Write: Au-Bowl 1-616-695-3487 TED HIRSCH Instructor Workshop 925 Somerset RPS Mishawaka, IN. 46544 The Observer Thursday, November 8, 1979 - page 15

All classified ads must be received by p.m.,5:00 two days prior to the issue in which the ad is run.The Observer office will accept classifieds Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. All Classifieds classifieds must be pre-pald, either in person or through the mail.

Waitress Wanted. Age 21 and over. HEY GUYS: LeMans Hall invites you to Subways and fossilized plants, Oriental Restaurant, 114 W. Ireland Rd. party at Giuseppes Saturday, Nov. 10 - 9 Rabbits and little red ants, Notices Apply in person 2-5 P.M. Tickets p.m. - 2 a.m. Come Indulge $2.00. D ante’s H ell, An oyster shell; Wanted (1) United Airlines discount Desperately need GA Clemson tix. Call Questions answered free of charge. Good Sean 3114. Might attend this Sat. dance. Beaux Arts Janie Byrne for Vice-President Commit­ coupon. Call 7934. buy! Dial ’OBUD’. Ball, Nov. 10, 9 pm, $3.00. Theme - tee sponsors Happy Hour this Friday. UNDERWORLDS. At the Architecture Time and place subject to change. Watch Wanted: 1 United discount tix. Call Pay $50 for 2 Tenn. G.A.’s. Paul 8330. M.E.O.T.O. B uilding. for further details. Frank, 8693. Chapter after chapter, test after test, Need 4-6 Tennessee Tix. Call Duke, dinner before, dance after, time is filled 1184. Come to the Autograph Party for Used Book Shop. Open W ed., Sat., Sun. OVERSEAS JOBS- Summer/year round. by work and special friends. Keep A BeC edary! 9-7. Ralph Casperson, 1303 Buchanan Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, Etc. plowing on. Need 1 student ticket for Clemson. Rd. N iles. 683-2888. All Fields, $500-$1,200 monthly. Ex­ ME 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. in the Library Lounge. penses paid. Sightseeing. Free info- Contact John B. 8859. Typing. IBM Selectric. Call 277-0296. Write: IJC, Box 52-14, Corona Del Mar, Happy 21st Birthday Mar. You’re the What's up, doc? Ca. 92625. Need 1 Clemson student or GA ticket. Best. Have Faith! B— IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Dial ’OBUD’ Send $1.00 for your 306-page catalog of Buspersons and dishpersons needed- Ryan- Need 1 Clemson student or GA ticket. Come enjoy an evening with Livingston collegiate research. 10,250 topics listed. male or female. I crave you. I dream of you at night. Taylor Wednesday, Nov. 14. Box 25097G, Los Angeles, California, Apply at The Carriage House, 24460 Mark 8760. Your face is my moon. Your eyes, my 90025. (213) 477-8226. Adams Road 272-9220. stars. Your hat collection, my lure. SPECIAL: I need Clemson student tickets. Call 1756 Other than that, you're not such a bad or 6833. Today is Bill D.’s 19th birthday. Call Lyons Specialty Advertising. Badges, Female needs apartment and roommates guy. Congratulations on surviving 19 1584 and wish his hot dog many more to decals and many other types of promo­ for Spring Semester. Call 6777. years. I’ll pray for you. com e. tional materials. Call Mike G. 232-3815. Needed: 10-12 Clemson tix (any kind) for Yours devotedly beautiful sisters and friends. Call 3579 or Need ride to Detroit, Friday, Nov. 9!! in N otre D am e, Ryan, ‘ Attention All Logan Volunteers* Will share expenses. Call Mary 3650. Scood 288-5465. Happy 19th birthday! (Gee, I almost It’s Carnival Red time! This Saturday, I need two G.A. Clemson tickets. Call Ariane Schallwig has promised to chug forgot it!) You've lived a hard life, but Nov. 10, we will have our annual carnival. Maryeva at (SMC) 5157. cider. Jean Menoni is going, even keep it up - one of these days you’ll get it It will run from 9:00 to 11:30 with plenty Need a ride to Chicago on Friday, Nov. 9. right...if you can stay awake! Live it up. of games to play, balloons to pop, and Call Jean at 1338. though she is allergic to hay. Bob Gerth Need 4 G.A. Tennessee tix. Call Joe is going even though he's an accounting It ’s your last year to be a wild and crazy cotton candy to consume. Lots of help is teen ager. NEEDED: Ride to and from Lansing/ 232-7456. throat. Even Maureen McKenna, profes­ needed on Thursday and Friday nights at sional pre-med will be there! Don't miss Neil 6:30 each night to decorate the gym. MSU area on Nov. 9-11 and over P.S. Broken any parietals lately? (Yuk, Thanksgiving. Will share expenses. Need 5 or 6 tickets to N.D. - Tenn. game. the barndance and hayride for Juniors Also, if anyone has any old costume Call 683-1359. yuk!) What a legend!! jewelry to donate, please bring it on Please call Maria at 277-3077 after 6:00 Sat. Nov. 10 at the Diamond D ranch - Saturday. If there are any questions or p .m . please get your tix now in the dining I need 6 Tenn. tickets. Call Russ at halls! Mrs. Sternberg, and this year’s Crown information needed, call Ed at 3479 or 277-1761 after 11 P.M . staff, Walter at 3066. We’ll see you all on Badly need tickets to Soviets, and Sorry it has taken me so long to write. Clemson. Please call Bob at 283-1791. Dear Lake Lawn Lodgers: Saturday! WANTED: GA tickets for any home This weekend will be the balls!!! Rumor I’ve been busy. Hope you enjoy the games. Must be two or more together. paper. Janie Byrne for V.P. Committee to make Paying $10 Men's, $5 Women’s for class has it that Ressurrection Mary will be rings. Any condition. Will arrange Call 287-3311 Danny - Joe. lurking in and about Tom and Michelle's D eirdre official endorsements at press conference room. While Clyde repeatedly retorts, tonight on campus. Shoes are optional. pick-up. Phone toll free 1-800-835-2246 anytim e. Wanted 1 G.A. or student ticket for "Mary Phil we love you dearly, but there Carolyn, Special guest appearance by Skippy the C lem son - Mark 8455. ain’t no way you’re going to float!" In Dan and I have an appointment with Snowball, provided snowfall is in mind. you soon. You know how we ‘rock’ for Needed: Ride to Detroit area on turn the Sister Mary Ellen Green Ma­ As usual, time and place are subject to Desperately need 2 GA tickets to chine Automobile will flow in Terry’s your body. change. Watch for further details. November 9 or 10. Will share expenses. Call 284-5335. Clemson! Please call 7831. room. Love ya, Lovingly, Pat I need two GA tickets to the Clemson Mr. K evil Desperately need a ride to/from North Many Thanks to Jup, Den, Col, Nim, and Jersey Thanksgiving. Share-expenses football game, please. x6522. Lost & Found and give you a live Springsteen tape. To our favorite MANORITES: You've Sus, You guys are, like, so bizarre! M ike 7289. Clemson GA’s Many needed: Groups * ‘ wormed "your way i nto our hearts. Our Really, Ya’H are terrific! together or at least In pairs; Call Collect "hats" are off to you! Love, Betsy LOST: Grandfather’s Movado watch, any day after 9:00 P.M. [716] 586-8690. The ladies from BP alligator band, sometime "Navy" Satur­ Need ride to Va., D C., Md. area for TAH Thanksgiving break. Call Ann 4-1-4673. day. Great sentimental value. Please call Bourgeois, western, capitalist father Tip the bartender at Goose's tonight! Would you believe that we have known (41)5364. REWARD. each other for two months now? In fact, Hey New Jerseyans: Anyone going home wants to see Notre Dame beat the for Thanksgiving? I have ride home. Soviets. Please sell me two G/A's. Call FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE! REGINA HALL'S they have been the best two months of my It would be greatly appreciated if anyone 6766 - ask for Mary. life. I’m looking forward to many more to knowing of the whereabouts of 2 cheer- Need ride back out to SMC. Please call COFFEEHOUSE OPENS THIS FRIDAY Angie 4-1-5465. 9-1. GREAT ENTERTAINMENT FOR follow. leading jackets please contact the Office Help!! Desperately need 2 GA Clemson MJN of Student Activities. ONLY 50 CENTS. FREE DRINKS AND Tix! Call Susan 4-1-4796. MUNCHIES! Be paid for what you like to do the most. P h il... Lost: Gold ring with black stone. Coyle Free skiing. Become an instructor at Royal Valley Ski Resort, Buchanan, Ml. I need student tickets to Clemson. Please Attention Brilliant and Beautiful Ladies- To the most moral guy I know. High School 1957. Extreme Personal call Ken at 1821. G uess W h o? Value. Reward. Please call Karen. 25 min. from Notre Dame. No teaching 3 fine gentlemen need dates to Morrissey experience required. Deadline for first formal this Friday night. Drugs and good #8163. training session Friday, 11-9-79. Call, Need one or more Tennessee tix - call Jim times supplied. If adventurous, call 3482 Mr. Kent goes to Washington. W e’re at 6802. and ask for Chris, Matt or Tim. so proud of you! Lost Green spiral notebook in Business South Bend, 256-2885 or 1-616-695-3847. Your Dependents Building on Wednesday, Oct. 31. Call Need ride to Chicago area on Nov. 9. Call Need two Tennessee tix. Call 3322 or Need ride to Minneapolis lor Thank: Mike at 6866. ~*3ohn SWBflMV ITavTyou "met Kacky>r,. Jean at 1338. 3324. giving. Please call Mary Ann at 4-1-4347. yet? Lost: 1979 silver class ring. Initialed Mr. Ver Berkmoes: AMS, blue stone. Please call Ann at Need 10 GA tix to Clemson game. Call Fag, (SMC) 4349. Be good and enioy the day - now that it 4-1-5282. has finally arrived. Beware between the Is it true whats written on the bathroom For Sale hours of 6 and 8 (It’s a good time to study of Regina Hall? No wonder you’re so After Inventory Discovered: Desperately need several GA’s for popular! (But what about Howard?) One United Discount Ticket ($40 ). Call Clemson. Call 6747. they say - or sleep). Lost: last spring a gold necklace with Love, Love ’n ’ h u gs, diamond pendant and a gold flower- J oe 3598. "the short blond" Shindu linked bracelet. One-way United plane ticket to N.Y.’s Lost: Thursday, Oct. 18, navy short- Friends coming up. Need two tickets for Pal, LaGuardia airport. Must be used before Clemson game. Please call Kit 4762 AHOY SAILORS waisted jacket. Dec. 15 by a girl. Only $50. Call Patty Thanks for Sunday. Lost: Friday Oct. 19, royal blue Lacoste (SMC). The Sailing Club is looking for sailors 2278. Love, sweater in Ladies room of Grace Hall. who have any big boat racing experience. Pal Please contact Cammy #4489. Desperately need four Tenn. tix. Call We need crew to race LurW 44 ft. at For Sale: United Airlines 1/2 price lee at 1738 or 1697 Annapolis. Call Phil 8732. coupon call 8368. My friends on 3rd floor Regina North, Lost Green American Congress notebook Ellen and Anne! You are so nice! Thanks Need Tenn. tix. Call 41-4101 - Tracy. CLASSIFIED ADS in the coat racks outside A-line. Please Comics at Discount- new and old. DC, for everything. Love, return the notes: the final is cumulative. Marvel, Warren. 287-6920 evenings and Payment: All classifieds must be Call Bob at 8777. w eek en d s. pre-paid, either in person or through the Kelly Need up to 15 Tennessee GA tix. Will m ail. Lost- Blue jacket with white N.D. Free Catalog: Avon jewelry, cosmetics, pay $12 each. Call Diane 7906. Mary Barrett, insignia at USC game, gold watch was in Christmas gifts for women, men, and Deadline: All classified ads must be Happy Birthday to everybody’s favorite pocket. If found call Joe at 233-6024. children, 287-6920 evenings. Need 2-4 floor tickets for Eagles concert. received by 1:00 P.M. the day prior to the RA! Please call 232-4462 after 5:30. Issue in which the ad is to be run. The Neil Lost on 11/1: A gold cross and chain. United air ticket, 50 percent off. Call Rick Observer office will accept classifieds Great sentimental value. Owner in 1797. ______MONGOLIAN DOG SLED TEAM CROS­ Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to Paula Shea is the result of stunted mourning. Marie 8028. SING THE COUNTRY STOPPING IN 5:00 p.m . grow th. FOR SALE: Two L78-15 belted snow SOUTH BEND ON THE 17TH. NEED M ikeG . LOST:2 large bfle duffle bags, stolen tires. $50. Call Steve 8661 or 1432. GA CLEMSON TICKETS AND 1 CASE WSND AM64 $1000 Giveaway. from car at South Carolina game, OFALPO. MICK -8212. Win a trip to the ND post-season bowl M oonie: containing clothes. Desperately needed. 4 678-14 Radial tires (14") Low mileage. g a m e. Hope you're sober enough to read this. * Reward. Call 284-4975. Call John at 1689. Need at least 4 GA and 4 student Daily prizes given away. Stop. Mission is to have a bizarre 19th Clemson tickets. Call 3328. Please!! birthday. Stop. Will not let PQ's Lost: At BP’s Happy Hour on Friday For Sale - goose-down reversible coat Tues: Pair Eagles tickets interfere. Stop. Have a good one! night. Ladies gold Caravelle watch with a with hood in excellent condition. Worn Needed. Two Clemson tickets. Please University Park Mall Theater Pass Bernice bracelet band. Could have been left in for one winter but am allergic to feathers. call Diane at 6874. $30 Steak and Ale dinner for 2 someone's pocket. Has sentimental Must sell. Best offer. Call Mike 1649. Coach, value. Call 1284. Please sell me 4 GA Tennessee and $15 Gift Certificate Michael’s Hair Care People who are Athletic Supporters Konica Auto S2 Camera. 1:18, 1/500. Clemson tickets. Call 277-5261. Golden Bear pancake dinner deserve a personal. Not SLR - Ext. 4234. Eddies Restaurant dinner Barb Need 2 G.A. Clemson tix. Please help. P.S. Keep counting. . For Rent FOR SALE: TWO UNITED 1/2 fare Call 4-1-4280. Wed: University Park Mall Theater Pass coupons. Call 272-9384. ______Village Inn Pizza Happy Birthday to Ann Weber! Don't I need 2 Clemson GA’s 4579. Ponderosa Steak dinner you agree that people born on Nov. 8 if Live Free for November! N.D. Apt. for M oving, Must sell. Super Savings! nothing else, have nice blue eyes! Couch and 2 matching armchairs; dining Rent. Call Mark 1215 or 233-6284 after 10 I need 2 or 3 GA Clemson tickets. Please $15 Gift Certificate - Michael’s Hair Care Love and Kisses, P.M. 77.50/mon. room table, single bed, floor lamp. Price Ryan negotiable. Call 234-8643after7 P.M. or call Dave 8782. C enter anytime Saturday. Golden Bear Pancake dinner Eddies Restaurant dinner DEAR SCARECROW, How yummy are your pork chops? Invest in yourself instead of a landlord! THE RICH MAN Wanted Excellent investment opportunities avail­ Thurs: University Park Mall theatre pass able now in duplex and triplex real estate. Personals V illage Inn Pizza Need ride to Chicago this Friday. Must $10 Gift Certificate - Bottom Half leave sometime between 12:00 and 2:00. Your tenants will make your mortgage H iM lk e ' G u e ssW h o ? Chicago loop or any Chicago suburb is payments while you live free. Call today to learn the rest of the advantages: Joyce Happy Birthday Ann Weber - Would we A rm ando’s H aircut & 1 bottle shampoo fine. Will share expenses $$$. Please ever forget you Pan? Golden Bear pancake dinner happy Birthday Ryan! call 232-7314. Kevorkian, 232-1193 or ERA - Equity Realty Assoc. 256-0263. Eddies Restaurant dinner Thursday, November 8, 1979 - page 16 In Murphy controversy O-C questions interhall rule

by Mark Perry earned a varsity letter during it then. Sports Editor his sophomore year, serving as “ I don’t think that I should starting quarterback for most of come here and not be able to Because of a violation of the season. play football. You have to start interhall rules concerning Murphy played for Off- over academically and socially, former varsity athletes, the Campus all of last season, and and I think it’s tragic that we Off-Campus team may be helped organize the team this can’t start anew athletically. forced to forfeit most of its year, along with Steve Wolf. In addition to getting the rule games this season, which will “ I did not know about that changed, Murphy said that prevent the team from entering rule, and I have admitted that Off-Campus is trying to get the the playoffs, which begin next all week,” Murphy said. “ I rule put into effect this year, so week. saw a copy of the rules prior to that Off-Campus will be By a vote of 3-2, a committee the season, but I didn’t feel I allowed to compete in the of athletic commissioners, had any reason to question my playoffs. “ I think that it’s selected from the residence eligibility. I am guilty, and the a joke for us to work as hard as halls, upheld a protest filed by protest vote should have been we did this year, and then not Holy Cross Hall on Nov. 2 5-0. be able to compete in the concerning the eligibility of “ What we are fighting for playoffs because we had to Dave Murphy, coach and quar­ right now is to try and change forfeit the games we won,” terback of the Off-Campus the rule,” Murphy continued. Murphy said. team. “ We feel the rule is a bad one, In an attempt to gain support Because Murphy has been and is unjust to students who for its cause, the Off-Campus declared ineligible, Off- transfer here. If I had known team went to the athletic Campus would have to forfeit about the rule before the all the game which he played season, I would have protested in. Representatives from Off- Campus will be allowed to present their case to the inter­ hall office this morning in an National League names Sutter attempt to get the ruling changed. Interhall rules prohibit as 1979 Cy Young winner students who have earned varsity letters at Notre Dame or CHICAGO (AP)--Reliever “ In the National League, an other college or university Bruce Sutter, whose split­ where there is no designated from competing in that sport in fingered fastball saved 37 hitters, a bullpen can figure in interhall athletics. games last season for his about 130 games a year,” Murphy transferred to Notre Chicago Cub teammates and Sutter said. “ I think that may Tracy Jackson will join Kelly Tripuka as a forward oe die Dame last year after two years tied a National League record in be one reason relievers are a green team in the annual pre-season charity game t%.m. at John Carroll University. the process, yesterday was little more recognizable.” on Sunday, (photo by Doug Christian( While at John Carroll, he named winner of the NL Cy Niekro finished second with 66 Young Award for 1979. points, J R. Richard of the Astros was third with 41 points; On Saturday “ I was shocked. I really followed by Tom Seaver of the thought Joe Niekro would get Cincinnati Reds, 20; Pittsburgh it,” he told reporters in Chi­ Pirates reliever Kent Tekulve, cago. ‘ ‘When you win an award 14, and Phil Niekro of the X-Country team like this it’s not really one man, Atlanta Braves, who was sixth by John Smith move on to the NCAA Champ­ Central Collegiate Champion­ but the entire team. with three points. Sports Writer ionships in Bethlehem, Pa. on ships. “ Individual honors are fine,” Sutter credited the arrival on the campus of Lehigh Univers­ Coach Joe Piane has maintain­ he added, “but I would trade it May 23 of former New York All the experimenting is over. ity. ed throughout the season that in for a World Series ring.” Yankee Dick Tidrow with The Notre Dame cross countiy The Irish .have been very his young team had a lot of Sutter, who came within one “ taking a lot of th work load off team can not look pas£ this ^unpredictable in this year’s potential, but to this point it has save of the major league record my arm. Because Dick was able weekend. No matter how well it competition. After a slow start remained mostly as potential. set by John Hiller of the Detroit to work as much as he did, I trains, it has to excel in real in the Notre Dame Invitational, District IV includes the states Tigers in 1973, narrowly was able to keep my strength competition. they rebounded with a strong of Minnesota, Illinois, defeated Joe Niekro of the through the season.” Saturday, the District IV Cross performance against Loyola or Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Houston Astros in voting by the Sutter appeared in 62 games Country Championships are Chicago. They then finished and Ohio. Schools from the Big Baseball Writers Association of for the Cubs, who ended the being held in East Lansing, second in the Big State meet Ten (including Iowa despite the America. season in fifth place in the NL Mich. The four top teams will but dwindled badly in the state of Iowa being in a differ­ The 26-year old right-hander East division after fading from ent district), Mid American earned 10 of the 24 first-place contention late in August. Conference, and all Independ­ ballots to become the second He compiled a 6-6 record and a ents from the six-state area will NL reliever and the third in 2.23 earned run average in 101 Hoffberger explaicompete. baseball history to win the innings, striking out 110 batters Piane expects the most com­ prize. Mike Marshall of the Los and walking just 32 in becoming petition from schools like Angeles Dodgers in 1974 and the second member of the Cubs to withdraw first pitch invite Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Sparky Lyle of the New York to win the Cy Young. Ferguson and Illinois State. Indiana Yankees took the American Jenkins won it for Chicago in BALTIMORE (AP)--Baltimore aware of the rule and invited finished ahead of the League honor in 1977. 1971. Orioles President Jerold C. Gov. Harry R. Hughes to throw second-place Irish in the Big Sutter also received six Sutter said his major disap­ Hoffberger said Wednesday he out the first ball at the second State meet. Both Illinois State second-place votes and four pointment was “ not being in refused to “ uninvite” Mary­ Orioles-Pittsburgh Pirates and Michigan tallied fewer third-place votes for a total of the playoffs. It’s great to get land's governor, a former minor game at Memorial Stadium. points than the Irish in both the 72 points, with five points individual awards, but baseball league pitcher, to throw out the Even after Kuhn’s office ad­ Notre Dame Invitational and in awarded for first-place is still a team sport and I want first ball at a World Series vised him of the rule, Hoffber­ the Central Collegiate Champ­ mention, three points for to play on a World Series game despite a threat of a fine. ger said he refused to tell ionships. second and one for third. team.” Hoffberger was fined $2,500 Hughes about the possible “ If we run up to our capabili­ by Commissioner Bowie Kuhn penalty. ties, we’ll have an outside for breaking a league rule. “ He wanted me to uninvite chance of making the finals,” “The rule said the baseball the governor and I suggested to said a hesitant Piane. Sports Briefs club involved in the World the commissioner that if he felt The seven runners Piane has Series had the right to suggest that strongly that the governor nominated for Saturday’s names to be the first ball not appear that he so advise the 10,000-meter (6.2 miles) race Interhall office to hold referee clinic throwers, but that the final governor,” the feisty club pres­ are John Filosa, Tony Hatherly, decision was up to the commis­ ident said. Carl Bicicchi, Aldo Bartolini, sioner,” Hoffberger said in a After a week of negotiations, Mark Novak, Chuck Aragon, A clinic for all those signed up as interhall basketball telephone interview from Kan­ Hoffberger said he decided he and Matt Cato. Filosa and referees will be held on Tuesday, November 13. Persons sas City. would not renege on the invita­ Hatherly have been running attending should report to the Interhall office in the ACC at “The other part of the rule tion because Hughes is “ a extremely well as of late and 4:25 p.m. said movie actresses and personal friend of mine, a great are expected to carry much of actors, politicians and people of governor, the first citizen of the load. note would not be acceptable to Maryland and a former pitcher The Irish definitely have a Planner, Off-Campus meet for crown the commissioner except in for Easton over on the Eastern tough battle in store for them, extenuating circumstances, ’ ’ Shore. We are dependent on but the race may prove bene­ added Hoffberger, who was him for many, many things.” ficial to the Irish as most teams The interhall soccer championship will be decided this Friday owner of the American League “ I believe those circumstances are not accustomed to the November 8. The game will be held at Stepan Center Field champions until Nov. 1. longer distances. at 4:30 p.m. and will feature Planner vs. Off Campus. Hoffberger said he was not