Decolonising the Caribbean Dutch Policies in a Comparative Perspective
Gert Oostindie & Amsterdam University Press Gert Oostindie & Inge Klinkers Inge Klinkers Much has been written on the post-war decolonisation in the Caribbean, but rarely from a truly comparative Decolonising perspective, and seldom with serious attention to the former Dutch colonies of Suriname, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The present study bridges both the gaps. In their analysis of Dutch decolonisation policies since the 1940s, the authors discuss not only political processes, but also development aid, the Dutch Caribbean Caribbean exodus to the metropolis and cultural an- tagonisms. A balance is drawn both of the costs and benefits of independence in the Caribbean and of the Decolonising the Caribbean Dutch Policies in a outlines and results of the policies pursued in the non- sovereign Caribbean by France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States. Comparative Perspective Gert Oostindie is director of the kitlv/Royal Nether- lands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Stud- ies and holds a chair in Caribbean Studies at Utrecht University. Inge Klinkers successfully defended her PhD thesis on Caribbean decolonisation policies at Utrecht University and is now an editor for various academic presses. In 2001, Oostindie and Klinkers published the three-volume study, Knellende Koninkrijksbanden. Het Nederlandse dekolonisatiebeleid in de Caraïben, 1940-2000 and the abridged version Het Koninkrijk in de Caraïben, 1940-2000, both with Amsterdam University Press. Amsterdam University Press Decolonising the Caribbean Decolonising the Caribbean Dutch Policies in a Comparative Perspective Gert Oostindie & Inge Klinkers Amsterdam University Press Cover map: the borders between the various countries in the Guyanas are disputed.The present map does not express the judgement of all countries involved, nor of the authors.
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