\ •» tl * f K K M v ,y , IF & v h\1 '*"* * ^WI9IKP ' * """"wSJ* , .; • -' *t'^ ^ ' ifi' * 11 "3.'^ 1" <• ""•I'ffl I H WAHPTKON RLMKS; TIJf1kSI>.\\ APRIL 12.1900. << ty rsi'"'s "Free State baseball in Fergus Falls, Fargo >. behind him of raiders and to relieving and Moorhead, and will doubt­ + £> vu K- ? Attack Resumed by the Boers. Mafeking, for which purpose the entire And will have constantly on Eighth division, now arriving at Cape less visit Grand Forks in the hand a full supply of - Heavy Cannonading Near Town, has been ordered to Kimberley. tiearr future. His object is to * Elandslaagte Lady Sarah Wilson and other Mafek­ w ing correspondents send diaries of the j form a baseball league in tlie -ti*\ BAKER'S GOODS doings there showing that the Boers valley along lines which will "• ( have tried by withdrawing, from their insure to the people of these > '-j- Mysterious Movements Around trenches to lure the besieged into a cities good baseball without Fruits, Confections and Canned Goods. -*A Winter wired ambush. Fortunately the British Try a Loaf of our Whole Wheal Bread. engineers discovered the mine, cut the too much expense.' Mr. Challis Ontlook your Plumbing Campaign. wires and unearthed 250 pounds of dy­ was one of the umpires of the now, and have anything that is i namite and war gelatine. «S Red- River Valley League of wrong set right by the "Pipe ROTH NEUSTEL, Props. WAHPETON, N. D. What the chances are for an advance Doctor." It will be better than A&IWAL NORTH, .April 10.—An en­ to Pretoria may be judged by the fact 1897. He has a thorough waiting until the whole system- gagement took plac& yesterday at Wep- that only 6,000 to 10,000 horses are on knowledge of the game, and their, way to the Cape and from the is deranged. It will be lew epe(. The Bper Vickers-Maxim did has excellent business judg­ OUR PLATFORM considerable ejecntion at first, but the further fact that the military tailoring troublesome and less exdensiv* British gnns soon got the range and did department only within the last three ment as well. The difficulties weeks began the manufacture of woolen great havoc. The Rooxville commando WE ARB PROTECTIONISTS—And want to see the liomes of khaki uniforms. It is said it will take in the way of baseball in the Expert Service y- A the people protected with Adamant Wall Plaster. has gone to . at least two monthB to provide 200,000 valley are not slight, the dis­ in plumbing usually costs a lot- WE ARE EXPANSIONISTS—And want the farmers to pur- , The fighting at Wepener was severe uniforms. tance between cities which are of money, but it will surprise v chase more land use more building material. and lasted all day long. The Boers re­ you how well we do such work ceived a check. The casualties were j REJOINING COMMANDOS. able to support teams being WE ARE REPUBLICANS—And want a moderate tariff on one of the most important. at moderate charges. building materials ourselves. rather heavy on both sides. Another Many Bo en Are Again Ittklng Up Anas commando is advancing toward i Against the British. There is more in the game just WE ARE DEMOCRATS—And want the people to freely trade Wepener from Dewet's Dorp. | ALIWAL NORTH, Monday, April 9.— now, however, than there has I R. EGGEHDORFER. with us. « Small bodies of the enemy have been Heaving fighting was contined at been for several years and it is WE ARE LUMBERMEN—And carry a full line of building Wepener this morning. The result is seen across the river near the town of Odendentstroom. The pont (ferry) has material. rv tinkqown. ' Three Boer commandos are hoped that something may de ; been destroyed. There is another com­ velop before long which will attacking tlie town. mando of 600 at . A larger H. G. ALBRECHT GULL RIVER LUMBER COMPANY. LADYSMITH, April 10.—Heavy firing one has left Smithfield for Wepener. lead to definite results. was heard farly this morning in the There are two commandos around v djrection^of Sunday's river. . It contin- Wepener, but thus far there has only WYNDMERE. jpMtovmasMOjrjiw,, NEWS OF THE WORLD I been outpost firing. A lieutenant of oert for a few hours. To tlie Editor of The Times: Manufacturer of and Dealer in No details of the engagement have Brabant's horse has been captured at JJO.WYVKLL. The "St. Paul Dispatch" Enter­ been received. Rouxville by Boers, who had previously Two car loads of Emigrants i surrendered. The landrost is also- said were side-tracked here last REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER, prise Gives it to Its Headers. PIKTEUMARITZBURG, April 10.—Heavy to.have broken his oath. Many Boers Specialflargal lis in Farm Lands. cannonading commenced this morning who have already taken the non-com- Saturday. If anything has been lacking to in the vicinity of Elandslaagte. HARNESS Masonic Temple, WAHPETON, N. . make a perfect metropolitan news­ | battant's oath are rejoining their old Four new buildings are being ' commandos. paper of the St. Paul Dispatch, the BETHCTJE, Orange Free State, Mon­ completed in town. want was entirely filled when ii day, April 9.—It is expected that the ^J.BO. H. GJBRTSON. completed arrangements for the Boers will endeavor to retake and de­ SLEEP IN TRENCHES. The butcher has moved his Ot all Kinds. special foreign cable service which ATTORNEY AT LAW. is now brightening its columns. It stroy the bridge over the Orange river. Greatest Vigilance Is Ezerclied Around family to town. Bloemfcnteln. is really astonishing how the re­ Consequently, extraordinary precau­ Mr. and Mrs. Pelvit took a Ofllee.over Nelson's store, Wahpeton, N. Dak. cent war with Spain has developed tions have been taken. A force of Boers LONDON, April 11.—The Bloemfontein the American thirst for the news of is located 12 miles east. As a matter of correspondent., of The Telegraph, tele­ team to Moore ton, Thursday, the world. It placed America in a graphing Sunday, says: Light and Heavy, I PEAKS, M. D. fact, the Boers practically again hold for John Dorsey. tA new position in regard to the rest The railway and telegraph are work­ HOKOMKOPATHIO PHrSICUN & SURGEON of the earth and gave new impor­ the Free State eastward of the railroad, Telephone 6. ing well. Works and trenches have The masquerade ball at the tance to the events of the world at and are greatly encouraged by their suc­ been prepared in suitable positions tfpeotal attention Riven to chronic dtmoultles large. If the movements of foreign new drug store Friday night, and diiseasesot women and children. cesses at Beddersburg and Korn spruit. around Bloemfontein.. The greatest Collars, Blankets, Whips, Ply powers were once of interest they was enjoyed by a large crowd. Ofllee and residence over Hittenhouses drug became doubly so when America LONDON, April 11.—The Boer attack vigilance is exercised. Some of the Nets, Lap Robes, Tart '• store. troops sleep in the trenches. WAHPETON, N.DAKOTA rose into place as a world power. on General Brabant's force at Wepener Mrs. h. H. Lilly carries the The St. Paul Dispatch recognized *ras resumed again at dawn. The en- Confirmation has been received of the Goods. this when it secured this cable ser­ attack on two or three sides on ports that the Boers are in laager in mail from Moselle to Home­ H. DEVINE, M.D. vice, with its news from first hands Monday lasted until 2:30 o'clock in the considerable force with 10 guns ^it stead this summer. No longer is London the sole afternoon, when the firing ceased and | Donkerspoort, 18 miles southeast. The PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. source of all European news, awl I British scouts report another body still Mr. and Mrs. Bratten were In fact a Pull Supply of Everything* it was believed that the enemy had been in this line. Offloe and residencein Pierce Block.Wahpeton no longer is the news of the world beaten off; but it was announced from ! closer. The Eoer patrols have grown visiting in town, Sunday. filtered through British channel* ! North Dakota. Aliwal North that the fighting had very daring, venturing much nearer and tinted with Knglish ideas. It j our tents. A. Pelvit made a trip to Lid- comes to the Dispatch straight apain begun. E.PURCELL, from each European center and Brabant's force, numbering from 2,000 ! PKETOMA, Saturrlay, April 7.—Ad- gerwood, Monday, after feed. REMEMBER.^ without bias or predjudice. This to 3,000, hold positions in a rough j vices from Mafokins say a band of Easter services will be held ATTY, AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. will be gratifying to all intelligent country. It is not known what the nu­ j armed Kaffirs left Mtii'eliing, through We are Collections a specialty. Office over The people of the northwest, particular­ merical strength of the Boers is, but I the burgher's lines during the night of at Moselle and most of the Always Headquarters National Hank of Wahpeton. ly so to that large foreign bor/» ele­ whatever it may be, it is being rapidly April 5 iind woiv followed, anil sur­ Wyndmere children are intend­ WAHPETON, N. DAKOTA. ment which delights in information For > augmented. A body of 2,000 Boers is rounded in the bunk, when they were ing to go. direct from the fatherland. The inarching marching towards Springfon- Dispatch secured a resident cor­ shelled by a Mitxim-Nordenfeldt gun. H.SNYDER. Thompson & Pelvit are two honest men, respondent in every large city on tein from Smithfield, between Wepener The Boors then stormed the Kaffir posi­ H. S• -A . and Springfontein. The detonation of tion, killing 31. The Kaffirs fought Who have farmed in Dakota for 8 years or 10, Ms and ScM Supplier ATTORNEY AT LAW. earthy who uses both mail and cable And while at their farmim,1- a boodle did make in sending in every news event of heavy guns was heard at Maseru, on stubbornly. VOMT to Loan on Real Estate Chatte And you'll And dointf business they are awake Large Stock and Low Prices. Security. Office in Rich's Block. interest and all public gossip that Monday. Sir Godfrey Lagden, the Skirmishes are reported at Biggars­ It wishing machinery, give them a call. Wholesale prices on is dear to the heart of the news­ British resident commissioner of Bas- berg and in the Free State, mostly be­ WAHPETON, N. DAKOTA. Vou'll find grade and prices to suit you all paper reader. In the past six years ntoland, has left Maseru for the border. tween patrols. If with a Fuller-Lee Rise your wheat is sown, SCHOOL BOOKS AND SPPLI158 The Dispatch has made great The events in the" southeast portion You'll have the best crop you've ever grown. To School Boards. Boer I'riHonera at St. Helena. every QBBX1B8 SWEIGLE, strides to the front and is today re- of the Frej State have caused the Book Carriers given free with cognizedl as the greatest evening Eighth division, which had been or­ ISLAND OF ST. HELENA, April 11 50c purchase ATTORNEY AT LAW. newspaper of the northwest. The Niobe and the Milwaukee have ar­ Unclaimed Letters. The subscription price being so dered to Fourteen Streams, to be di­ VLLL PBACTIC* IH AUI THB COURTS Of verted to Springfontein. rived here with the Boer prisoners. Unclaimed letters in the HENRY MILLER, IIINNESOTA AND NOBTH DAKOTA. small it puts a daily newspaper in Their health is good, with the exception MysterloUK Movements Continue. Wahpeton post office for the Office Over Neixon's Store. reach of everybody. Send 25 cents of four cases of measles, necessitating Druggist and Book Seller. for one month's trial subscription Mysterious movements of troops at the Milwaukee being quarantined. The week ending April 10, 1900. WAHPKTOM, . • NORTH DAKOTA. to the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Paul, Bloemfontein are proceeding. The Minn. prisoners are qniet and well behaved. LADIES. FOB PURE newspaper correspondents are not al­ They will probably land Wednesday. Brown, Miss Minnie. gCHULKB *8CHDLER. lowed to telegraph their destinations, The governor has been notified of the Brown. Mies Mary. THE ELECTRO MEDICAL and the presumption is that Lord Rob­ ATTORNEYS AT LAW. desire of the authorities that the prison­ Pern, Miss Ruby. erts is making dispositions to cut off the Purser, Mrs. M.C. LIQUORS, ers be treated with every courtesy and COLLECTIONS A SPEC IALT raiding Boer forces when they try to Rogers, Mrs. W. C. Oflea Nsw quarters in Bnrnt District. And Surgical Institute of Fargo, consideration. withdraw northward from the pursuing GENTLEMEN. Go to the Breckenridge WABPCTOH, - - NORTH DAKOTA. North Dakota. British columns. Only Fifty Remained (Inwonnded. Brake, K. C. The reappeuranca of the Boers in the LONDON, April 11.—The Bloemfontein Ellis, John. Liquor Store, No. 10 Broadway; P. O. Box 652. correspondent of The Times telegraph- Gleason. K. J. Uses the combine treatment of occupied country has caused a revival Q R. OHAFI^JTAUFMANN, of the warlike feeling among the Free ; ing Saturday, says: Two captured Perth, Robert. the great curative powers of Medi­ Boers agree that only 60 men remained Oakes, Geo. (2) * PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON cine andfelectricity. The scientific Staters of the and Philip- treatment fof the specialist cures polis districts. The federal agents are unwounded out of the whole British Call for advertised letters. Office over Purdon s Store Residence at column captured at . frank Eberley s, Fifth St. the most pronounced cases of any busy getting details of the surrendered DON R. DAVIDSON, P. M. VMITOHI . NORTH DAKOTA chronic diseases of the stomach, Boers, and owing to the British garri­ liver and towels, kidneys,weak and sons being withdrawn from these dis­ OPINION OF IMPORTANCE. un .'SevitJ' pt u organs, a!so rheuma­ tricts the British residents are uneasy Announcement. G •.BOWLES, tism, -..Uitrrli, h'.-i'.r, and lung Federal Supreme Court Decides a Famoaa and sent delegates to Springfontein to Tax Vane. I am a candidate for the office of trou!'.' \ poisv.-'-ing. private ask for help. They were told that steps DENTIST. diee;: -. L,r • • r 1 rou-i of STILLWATER, Minn., April 11.—Attor­ sheriff of Richland county, subject the'yv:.•»!•£,!I -... for their defense would be immediately ney Sullivan lias been advised that the to the decision of the Democratic film's Block, over Jamison k Eastman's store a sui• • •. iroin 30 to ui • :»' taken. case of Washington coiuity against the county convention. A good word tively it" pain, no dan^ej. i • • : i- The Boers are reported to have ven- estate of S. M. Bristol for collection of for me from any of tny friends will tion, no lietension from 1 iured south of Biggarsberg, and to be be duly appreciated. i taxes amounting to $66,000 has been de- G. E. MOODY. cured to '• ay cured. posting heavy guns four miles north of | cided by the United States supreme X kay examination ff.u to pa­ Elandslaagte. They are also said to Some Fine Farms For Sale. tients. court. The decision is that the statute have fortified the vicinity of Wessels of limitations makes taxes from 1883 to Wants to Bay Stock. Masonic Wahpeton, Nek. 1888 void, and the county secures judg­ Henry Schultz, the stock dealer, Candidate for C;i-;t;y Judge. General Sir Frederick Carrington has > Temple, N D. ment for the remainder, amounting to is in the market for the purpose of . The question is a^ked daily from reached Cape Town and is going to about $35,000. Taxes were levied on buying all the stock he can get. different parts of the county if I Beira, Portuguese East Africa, forth­ moneys loaned for the estate, and the Mr. Schult/. pays the highest mar­ am going to be a candidate for of­ with. decision is important to the city, county ket prices and would be pleased if fice at the next general election. I people having stock to sell would MARTIN SCHOTT, Prop, C.M.&ST.P.RY. The war office proposes to land at and state. have been somewhat undecided re­ Cape Town before the end of May 20,- call and give him a chance to bid HAN0LE8 UNCLE SAM'S garding this matter but have come 003 horses, which will be^pnveyed there Yellow Fever in San Salvador. on the same. to this conclusion, and wish hereby St. Paul 8. IB in 28 steamers sailing from New Or­ WASHINGTON, April 11.—The marine Monogram Whisky^ Minneapolis.... 9.83 to announce to my friends and the leans, Buenos Ayre" and Australian hospital service Juts received informa­ voters of Richland county that I COLOMBIAN REBELLION. A.M. AM ports. tion that yellow fever is epidemic in FINEST IN THE LAND. 5.40 Lv.... Ortonville — Ar 12.15 would like to be the republican And handles Anhauser-Buseh. e.io Batavla — *Lv 11.43 candidate for county judge and The Westminster Gazette likens the San Salvador. The surgeons of the IniHrgeut gucceaaes Caaae Great Excite­ 4.81 Graceville 11.83 service stationed at the fruit ports have ment Throughout the Country. Brewing Association's L.elegant «.!» ...... Duniont ...... 11.00 that, with their support,! will come British campaign to "the fruitless series Brands of Beer. 7.80 when ton 10.42 before the convention and endeavor of oampaigns in which the large, dis­ been notified and will keep the officials KINQSTON, Jamaica, April 11.—Co­ 7.51 ...... Wbite Bock 10.21 to secure the nomination for this ciplined armies of Spain sought to crush here advised of any developments in the lombian advices jnst received here an­ Opp. Minnesota House, s.uo ...... Blackmer 10.11 8.18 ...... Fairmount 9.59 office. the Cuban insurrection," adding: situation. nounce that a rebel attack is momenta­ BRKCKKNKIDGK. MINNESOTA. 8.86 — Tyler 9.47 Respectfully. "Of course our troops far excel in Three Building Amtuciatiou* Fail. rily anticipated at Savauillo. It is 8.48 Wahpeton 9 25 O. J. WAKEFIELD. added that the place hag been prepared #.08 ...... Woodbull 9.07 •alar and discipline the oouscript arm­ ATLANTA, Ga., April 11. — In the «.1S Abercrombie ... 8.54 March 13,1000 for the expected movement and that ies of Spain and the climate is in our United States circuit court here Judge 9.M Enloe 8.44 artillery has been trained HO as to com­ *,88 8.83 favor, hut our enemies equally excel the Pardee named musters iu chancery for •.48 8.25 Change of Time on N. P. ragged levies of the Oubau insurgents." mand the harbor. At Cartegena all is The Times for Your Printing. • 55 ...... Hickaon 8.11 ! three building aud loan associations 10.08 Wild Kice 8.0511 Under the new time card effect­ which recently failed in this eity. excitement iu consequence of the rebel 10.18 ...... 7.6511 IX IT FOE ALL WINTER. suecegseg and a large body of govern­ Ar.... Fargo .40611 ive February 1st our west bound —Lv train connects at Wyndmere with WmMt a Visit, From Dewey. ment troops have arrived at Colon to Brilna RelucteuUy Admit That Robarta strengthen the garrison there. the Soo passenger going east and Is In for a Lang Campaign. LBZIN»TON, Ky., April 11.—The Lex­ The Oalf Line From Wahpeton to Chi­ returning connects with the Soo ington chamber of commerce has sent LONDON, April 11.—Britons arc now Bad Thntiiiuidt) on Depogit. cago. Fast Freight from Chi* west bound passenger. You can an invitation to Admiral Dewey to visit NEW YORK, April 11.—The trial of eago to Wahpeton. now go to Hankinson and other beginning, though reluctantly, to realize Lexington on his trip South. They will i points on the Soo east of Wynd­ that Lord Roberts in for a winter William F. Miller, the head of the get PATENTS »»>»»»»»« is visit Blue Grass dis­ urge that he the rich quick Franklyn syndicate, was prayUrpvoetnd, Oft HOTS!. Bend model, tMAA f OESMM J mere and return to Wahpeton the oaiapaign lasting several months. This trict after leaving Frankfort. TM0MMW 4 same day. This fills a long felt continued during the day. Many bank oi pboto (or AM nporton ptkBtiUlitj. Book "How *IMWCOPYRMHIS is the end, in a few wards, of the high Obtain U.S. and Tomiga HfttenUftBdTrB4e»MArkj/' wait. L. P. GELLEKMAK,Agent. Suadar Gleiinf Law Valid. officials testified to Miller's having de­ FKE1 Fairest terms mr offered to laves ton*. i PATENTSA n • HI* • hopes baaed apon Lord Roberts' bril- WPATEMT LAWTEU OF tl TUU' ffUetMU .3 '* MMCC M TO M1WAMLITY WASMMWMI, April 11.—In the ease posits iu their institutions ranging from » XfltiM in " Inveatft* te» tiaat dash to Kiasberley and Bloamfea- Carpenters tool chest and toola ef Petal against the State of Minnesota a few hundreds up te many thousands service, lloderats charges. _ i 1 t Baok "HowtooMaia Mbata" of dollars. Miller's defense is that he t. Votetill MlMtii and second hand letter press, for fret* ike sanreaie eeart ef that state, VC. A. SNOW & CO.] •ale. . Apply to W. F. JTifield, Mc- te hold tke United Mates supreme eoart helds paid dividends on demand until the po­ lice raided his establishment and MTEMT LAWYERS, Collougfc'a lumber yard,Wahpeton. Lord the Minnesota Haday staring law fee Off.«.&taMtOfflM, VMHMTM.au it to be yam —


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