Evaluation Revamped If You Feel Like Celebrating, You Can Go to the University Complaints of Student and Will Go to the Academic Bers
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,I .. _ ...... _~ .... _,_ • .., .. '<0 .... _ ,_,_._. _ .... ,_, ...... __ , .. ., ,.,. ":'f :.t,.:~" .... "I "II ......... ' ..............,. •." 'I _ ...... ' •••. ~ 4I.~ ~"" '.""' . ,", • ~ f',~'''' :. :' ".-- • • .. .... ." ...... ~ y '.1."',.,.... .. .' '" ,. .' ". lili.\75::aM U_ The Be yourself Volume 40, Issue :l1. California State University, Chico Wednesday, April :1.5, :1.998 Matt Notley Mallagillg Editor Orie more time If you did your duty as a stu dent last week and voted in the Associated Student elections, then good for you. And if you did n't, you get a second chance to Jason RiddIck Richa.rd Eisom prove you are true to your school. '.. -, . Today and Thursday, A.S. run-off "I/students want "I kn'owwhere election polls will be open from 8 to see revenue a.m. to 7 p.m. There are only five . t%ells sharing as high polling stations this time around . efforts. l k!,ow - at the Bell Memorial Union, . as it can get, if the Meriam Library and at Butte, . the players and Holt and Whitney halls. tlley want to see -, Wondering why there is an A.s.io~~sed . the players ~mother election? It's because in knowlne. I the president and vice president toward ',~tudellts races no candidate receivcd 50 rather: thanA.S. have the percent of the vote, plus one vote. The top two vote-getters officers, then student's best are then placed in a run-off. ."".' ... ;.. <. .:'.,.,., .... ··.ii'::·:.' ,. .,;. .The Orion/Ed Van Veen they ~hould interest at . In my opinion, the difference Incll"Aa!!;od awareness· or the fiee·lollipops, Voter turnout jumped 2 percent: One infivestudenis voted • between the two presidential can . elect me." . heart:" , didates could be compareo to a canyon. Richard Elsom and Jason Riddick are about as far apart on ForA.S.Vice President: the spectrum as two people can get. Elsom is a progressive and .,1:' today Riddick a conservative. So think ·at 10:45 p.m. Thursday. "I to focus efforts. lknow the play- about your ideologies at the polis. Just a reminder, last week The ~fi!~~~·e<I\\f·:"frti,1,;::~rit~~.. .ha~~~6~~J~th~?se ;l~~~ed stu- ers~~~:g;:::.r~. ~~~e~~~e's Orion endorsed Elsom. , ;:'\.Close,· races., in·. last .week~s . dents have. endorsed him this'far. business and he wants students to . .. A~s()ciat~d:. Students·· : election "If the students want to see become more interested in it. A poetic month ~~:£J~.' : ::liiive~ resulted illi. a run-off: to. 'be .... revenue sharing as high as It can A.S. executive vice president Not only is April the first .';\heldt(}day and Thursday,' ,~. .. get,: if. they want to see A.S. candidates Stephanie Kidd and Carrie Denniston Stephanie Kidd month of baseball, tax' time, \ ·:\:·;(.votersvfjll now' chooscthcir. focuscd. toward the· students Carrie Denniston also finished in "1 feell represent .. ''It-Iy' maill when days get longer and my ,:·.,·.·,-,.,·".-·::,:;'.;;:t1e~. .A:~.:'presidentarid·e?l~ci~live .. 'rather. then A.S. officers - then a close ra·ce_ Kidd lead with brother's birthday, it's also •:';;;::~·:jj.9.~:~p~e~i(~e~~Jr:o~" tlJ,~,!tc;lit.:flJl~. they.~ho~ld. el~r;t me:' '.:.:". 1013.. Yo.~cs,_topping7.Depni~t,!)n,.' .'_ tile average 11l.essage is get National Poetry Month. On a ·'~ishers:cRichard Elsom'anCiTason.'·'" ·:,:Els'om - saId he' wusil 't :sur- . by 76 votes.. ... .. • .. .. out there and national scope, Andrew Carroll, :}Grnd:f.fJJurJ:a'~· ~:,:Riddick;.:are conlpeting<;{Qr~.Jh~. ,·;pns(!d.heJ.nd Riddick are' i'llthe . .. Derittiston'said over the Jlext .stude"t.l Ilave tile . .,.... '. executive director of the vote. Stlldents· ,.....,-... _, .. _. ' .... ' .•..... pe~~fJ:~e"~t~~'alo~'·:·~ru~~~;~ki~d ofwhat I exped- '~~~n1~ft~d~~~:Itb~~t ~~rf:l~Pus· mostexp{;;~riJ~; American Poetry and Literacy who wanta Project, will do his best imitation . ' ed.But it was still a reJief." "I feel that I represent the aver- I"ve worked with of a modern-day Johnny ..... UllUJ'U ...... ~ .i •• Elsom and . Elsorn, who was in New York . age student," Denniston said. proactive, Appleseed. Carroll will drive .·,:. .1' ....... '.Ul'wr.., 'tmished the ballot race·· during elections as head delegate Her three years experience the A.S. for three interactive coast-to-coast in a Ryder truck .presideritwith31votes of the Chico State Model U.N .. with the A.S. proves her.to be giving away 100,000 poetry ......•.... '.' ,betweenthem:lliddick finished team,said he's incredibly proud qualified and dedicated to the years. I luzve the candidate should books in supermarkets, prisons, '''·jLS';PlisidenC:;'liri theleadwith.702 votes. of his campaigri·, team. ?lho, position. she said. "I'm not just dedicaJion-l'm. vote for me - schools, hotels, truck stops, jury '0:'.' .>:'1.:('" ··:·,.Riddick was embraced by sev-· worked because ..they wanti!d to .. jumpinginto k". .. waiting rooms, zoos, libraries ::'(uulwce~:'.F':eral:6[his.friends' when the -see the best candidate win." Kidd said she was surprised Ilotjllstjumping that's what 1 and other unusual places. For :;·'·'!"':'~'·';';:::··':i:·.,,~.results:"'erearirlouriced' in the He said theA.s: needs a strong into it." $talld jor." more information, get on the :i·.:·pi~sidi~i.;::,·;;:';fl:oritoftheBellMemoi:ial Union . leader to guide it.~'I know where see Election p. 8 I Internet at www.poets.org. :':/':,',: <·~;~.>::'·~I~;;.!:':.,.':; ~::~:;'~~.'::-'.<.":::': "~.,:,;,:,;:.;:.... ,,, "';:",," ':: ':: ,; ''', ',:;~~.:, '" , Here at Chico State, Gary Thompson's English 120 poetry class celebrated the month by cre ating a class web page devoted to the literary craft. Check them out at www.csllchico.eduJengIJpoeuy. Evaluation revamped If you feel like celebrating, you can go to the University Complaints of Student and will go to the Academic bers. For example, one question Center (next to Selvester's Cafe) Senate on April 23 for discussion. stated, "The instructor gives lec for a free poetry reading by Carol Evaluation of Faculty Edie Vela, University Student tures that are easy to outline." Oles Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. Evaluation of Faculty committee Vela said this doesn't pertain to Or grab a double feature of poet forms lead to overhaul chair and professor of psycholo all faculty - including theater fac ry and go to Cafe Siena for an gy, said the new SEF could be ulty, who don't necessarily lecture. open poetry reading at 6 p.m. Chantal Lamers used as early as fall 1998. He said the USEF committee If you want to get real crazy, Senior Writer "Faculty have been complain came up with eight new questions go to Duffy's Tavern at 7 p.m. on ing for a long time that the ques that are included in another form, May 2 (yeah, yeah, it's close Faculty at Chico State tions don't apply to them or the the Student Instructional Report enough) for "Word Core '98 - University arc deciding whether way they run their classes," Vela II. If approved, the SIRII will be Celebrate the power of spoken to flunk the current Student said. "So we asked faculty and used on a trial basis for two years. word." The Orion's own R. Eirik Evaluation of Faculty form. student organizations what kind One of the questions included The Orionl Jeanne Woodbury Ott will host the event, which The new SEF form was of questions they wanted." 0.11 thc new SEF evaluates how Delegate Brenna Silberstein, right, applauds as votes are tallied features four performance poets already approved by the He said the old form included well an instructor follows the electronically at the Model United Nations in New York City Saturday•. from San Francisco. Academic Senate's Faculty and questions that didn't apply to the Policies Committee on April 9 curriculum of all faculty mem- see SEFs p. 8 I Reach Matt Notley at [email protected] Model UN team ·'nside .1------, Better lab printouts, but pricey upbeat after loss Opinion 7 Library responds to high demand for the laser print privileges was one reason for A Sado-Masochistic feminist? ing continues, workers at the change, said Jerry Ringel, Jeanne Woodbury the three years I have been dean, Sports 9 demand for laser prints Student Computing said dot head of Student Computing. Senior Writer this was the strongest and bcst UC Davis knocks off Wildcats to matrix printers may be phased Reference materials, which nor prepared delegation from Chico takeover first place in NCAC. Ben van der Meer out completely. mally require a printing fee, NEW YORK - Chico State that I have seen. They're real Entertainment 1..3 Senior Writer "It's a great thing to have would instead be stored on a University students knew they professionals in my book." Classic "Princess and the Pea" laser printing, because these disk and then taken to a com didn't need an award to remind Professor for the MUN class, redone by Butte College students. Dot-matrix printers are now printers suck," said Lisa Teeple, puter lab, where they could be them that they had worked hard Rick Ostrom, said it was a "mys Dimensions 21.. an endangered species on the a seni'M in liberal studies, refer printed for free. Excessive at the National Model United tery" why his students did not Chico State University campus. ring to the dot-matrix printers printing of documents from the Nations conference held in New earn one of the certificates Every.<?!1e must eat, so how passed out Saturday in the U.N. healthy, .i~"a fat free diet? But the technology that replaces that are used now. "But this World Wide Web was also a York City last week. them will cost you. After the closing ceremonies, General Assembly Hall. Calendar._ .... , . 1..6 looks like it might affect the peo problem.