Even before we entered the 10th year of carnage, ‘forget it and move on’ became a common expression from various quarters. People started talking about what Gujarat has achieved in the past few years. “Vibrant Gujarat” became a slogan within and outside Gujarat. Development and Editorial Board Gujarat became synonymous. Leading industrialist started queuing up for P. Lalitha Kumari investment in Gujarat. Narendra Modi was projected as the man behind Asmita Resource Centre for Women development. All this is so systematically done that even those who had Secunderabad, shed tears during Gujarat carnage became vocal or silent supporters of Narendra Modi. The Time magazine from America put Narendra Modi’s Pervaiz Mohabbat pictures on its cover. The same country had denied visa to Narendra Modi Cathe Foundation nine years ago. Lahore, Pakistan Denial or forgetting history is a politics of extremely dangerous nature. If such events are forgotten we will never be able to learn lessons from such Sharifa Sidiqqui horrifying events. How can you tell those people to forget who lost everything India during this period. How can you tell those people who, after the carnage was over went back to villages and were allowed to stay there under strict Shruti Chaturvedi conditions imposed by their neighbors. Ten years after Godhra and Gujarat Institute for Social Democracy we have to resolve that we will not allow such events anymore to happen. Delhi, India And also for justice to be given to victims, we have to keep our memories of Gujarat carnage afresh. Dr. Richard Devadoss Cornerstone Chennai, India Ten Years On...!

Zakir Hossain Nagorik Udyog Dhaka, Bangladesh

Nobo Kishore Urickhimbam Centre for Social Development Manipur, India

Coordination by

Institute for Social Democracy Fr. Cedric Prakash sj* New Delhi, India

E-MAIL Ten years on…! [email protected] My unborn child WEBSITE Still screams in pain As cruel swords Plunder her mortal remains…. Ten years on…! My son, ten years then Still haunts my day and night As I search him relentlessly In hope and in light….

Ten years on….! I writhe in sheer agony Me, they cut and chop In a way most barbaric Will they ever stop…?

Ten years on….! I am no longer a child But I still grovel in the earth Looking for my aged mother The one who gave me birth…

Ten years on….! I wake up in gripping fear My body is agitated Remembering those hideous men Who left me decapitated…

Ten years on….! My quest for Truth and Justice Will never die These need to prevail Only to nail the lie…

Ten years on….! 'Forgive and forget', they tell me 'Forgive', I can, if there is remorse 'Forget' never, never! I say And I continue to run the course… 25th February, 2012

(This poem is written remembering the tenth anniversary of the Gujarat Carnage which began February- end 2002, leaving thousands - mainly Muslims - dead and many more homeless.)

(*Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is the Director of PRASHANT, the based Jesuit Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace.)

2  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 Can we salvage anything from the debris in Gujarat? Muharram arrived too soon

Mushirul Hasan perpetrated in the land of Gandhi. Survivors mourn their dead, the hapless victims of unprecedented hate and aggression. The Gujarati Muslims — a mix of Khoja, The dead cannot tell their tale, but the living Bohra and Memon communities — are do. The tragedy of Karbala took place in 680 markedly different from Muslims in Uttar AD on the bank of the Euphrates in Iraq; it was Pradesh and Bihar. Follow their social habits re-enacted on the Sabarmati River a few weeks and cultural traits, ago. For the Gujarati and the depth of their Survivors mourn their dead, the Muslim, every evening integration with local hapless victims of unprecedented is sham-e-ghariban society may surprise (the night of the you. They neither hate and aggression. The dead mournful). The dawn spearheaded nor cannot tell their tale, but the living brings little hope of a actively supported the safe future. Darkness Pakistan movement. do. The tragedy of Karbala took place envelops the lives of They speak Gujarati, in 680 AD on the bank of the the rich and poor, the not . They are urban dweller and the religious without being Euphrates in Iraq; it was re-enacted rural folk. Raat aur swayed by Muslim on the Sabarmati River a few weeks subah bahut der gale orthodoxies. Their milte-rahe (daybreak cultural symbols, ago. For the Gujarati Muslim, every and night lay long in mostly secular, lie in evening is sham-e-ghariban (the each other’s arms). Gujarat, not in the night of the mournful). The dawn True, Hindu- volatile Indo-Gangetic Muslim violence has belt. In short, they are brings little hope of a safe future. rocked Gujarat before. the quintessential Darkness envelops the lives of the But this carnage has Indian. This makes the turned its major cities story of their genocide rich and poor, the urban dweller and into a graveyard of so much more the rural folk. Raat aur subah bahut secular nationalism. poignant. M.A. Jinnah talked of The Muslims der gale milte-rahe (daybreak and two nations in the observe Muharram night lay long in each other’s arms). 1940s. Presumably, he (month of mourning) erred in his judgement. with usual solemnity. Processions are underway Yet, those of us who harp on composite culture mourning the martyrdom of Imam Husain, the as the principal feature of Indian society need grandson of the Prophet of Islam, and his family. to leave Gujarat out of our frame. Those of us For the Muslims of Gujarat, though, Muharram who celebrate secular nationalism, as opposed arrived a bit too soon. Their lives are shattered to the two-nation theory, need to arrive at a by the orgy of violence. Burnt houses and more nuanced understanding of the past. The commercial establishments and the debris of ‘Unity in Diversity’ claptrap will not do. shrines and mosques, including one built in the As in Tel Aviv, where the UN Charter lies 16th century, stand mute witness to the horrors in tatters, Gujarat has become a live testimony to

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  3 the utter contempt that the Indian Constitution Lahore jail in the 1950s by Faiz Ahmad Faiz, and the rule of law have been reduced to by the these lines sum up the sense of loss, tragedy and BJP’s elected representatives and their VHP and humiliation of India’s Muslims in 2002. RSS allies. Yet, the chief minister remains in office Violence continues sporadically, spreading despite the country-wide demand for his to the tribal belt. People flee their villages to resignation and, receives, from the country’s home become refugees in their own place of birth. minister, a testimonial of good conduct. Long live Relief camps are inadequately equipped; yet the the sangh parivar’s solidarity! The police practitioners of modern hate, having performed commissioner’s appalling conduct and indiscreet their brutal operations with meticulous care and statements must be comforting to scores of senior planning, prevent food and medicines from police officers prone to wielding the big stick reaching the victims. Reminiscent of what against the minorities, Dalits included, and trade happened during the dark days preceding the union leaders. Even if indicted by a commission, transfer of power, they have called for the social he will go scot-free. The government-appointed and economic boycott of the Muslims. commission is itself an alibi for inaction and a Scores of politicians, having heard and massive cover-up operation. seen it all, do precious little to mount pressure A few months ago, SIMI, an organisation on the central government to provide relief. Why of a couple of hundred misguided youth, was don’t they observe a symbolic fast, the banned to please George W. Bush. But has traditional but effective Gandhian method, as Uncle Sam directed this government not to ban an act of penance? Previous prime ministers the VHP and the Bajrang Dal? Many of their visited sites of violence and brought some members, masquerading as karsevaks or comfort to affected families; the present one has Rambhakts, adopt terrorist methods to kill, loot not moved out of 7, Race Course Road. and intimidate the Muslim and Christian The NDA allies produce the familiar noises minorities. More than anything else, the without rocking this government’s boat. stormtroopers of the BJP-RSS have tarnished Kashmir’s chief minister growls but to no avail. Hinduism’s tolerant and eclectic image. In an Self-proclaimed disciples of Rammanohar Lohia ugly display of violence, they have now attacked and Acharya Narendra Dev do the same. The the citadel of democracy in Orissa. All in the socialists in the NDA, too, will make their peace name of the benign Lord Rama! Somebody has with the establishment and remain firmly to call their bluff; else, they may cause ensconced in the ministerial benches. incalculable damage to our polity and society. Love of power, in various limited forms, Provisions of TADA and now POTA have is almost universal. There is, however, a great been pressed into service to nab ‘terrorists’, difference between power desired as a means though the perpetrators of the worst possible and power desired as an end in itself. Only in crimes against innocent civilians are still at large. myth does Shiva drive a straight path through Their knives are still out in the open. Only the the opposition with his trident. In politics, the Muslims — already battered and bruised — find NDA partners, free India’s gold-diggers, will themselves at the receiving end. They continue bow before political exigencies. to suffer, their agony prolonged by the apathy In Gujarat’s bloody landscape, the Muslims and criminal neglect of the Gujarat cannot be expected to pay heed to liberal and administration. ‘‘Bury me, oh my country, secular exhortations. Yet, they must eschew any under your pavement/ Where no man now form of retaliation. The nation’s glory lies in our dare walk with head held high/ Where your hands, in fostering reconciliation and promoting true lovers bringing you their homage/ Must go camaraderie between the religious communities. in furtive fear of life or limb/ For new-style law This is a moment of trial not just for the Muslims, and order are in use/ Good men learn, ‘stones but for the Indian nation. Freedom is in peril; locked up, and dogs turned loose’’’. Written in let’s defend it with all our might.

4  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 THE ROLE OF NEWSPAPERS DURING THE GUJARAT CARNAGE : a brief analysis for the period Feb 28 to March 24, 2002

By PUCL Vadodara and Shanti Abhiyan, Baroda to or sources identified? Who are the people interviewed? Gujarat has been ravaged by unprecedented • Rumours : Are the news reports violence since 27th February sending shockwaves substantiated? all over the country. The spell of genocide that • Editorials and analytical articles : What are followed the Godhra massacre have seen the perspectives offered to the readers? newspapers playing a significant role in the long • Incorrect reporting : Are there reports which spiral of violence. Shanti Abhiyan and PUCL we know to be false? (People’s Union For Civil Liberties), two Baroda- According to this framework the based organisations have been following the newspapers we reviewed fall into different vernacular press as well as the English categories. We present our findings vis-à-vis newspapers to analyse news reportage individual newspapers section-wise. throughout this period. The purpose of our analysis was to find out I how the local press presented the riots to the THE LANGUAGE PRESS readers. We wished to examine if the print media 1.1 SANDESH, Baroda Edition has in any way aggravated the relentless tensions According to our above framework, the Gujarati in the city through inflammatory or communal newspaper Sandesh, Baroda has crossed all limits reportage. For this it was important to look at of responsible journalism and has been at its individual newspapers and to also compare across inflammatory best. While it is difficult to give an newspapers. We have covered exact translation of the articles and news reports newspapers like Sandesh (Baroda Edition), Gujarat that have appeared in the newspaper we have Samachar (Baroda Edition) and Gujarat Today. selected a few reports and summarised them in and Indian Express are the Annexure. As Shanti Abhiyan and PUCL have two English dailies that we have analysed here. formed a few fact-finding teams, it has been A framework of analysis was drawn up to possible for us to compare facts unearthed during ensure a standard evaluation of all the newspapers our field visits with the news that has been we were scrutinising. The framework attempts to reported. locate all the factors that would influence the The Annexure also contains brief analysis quality and content of reportage. This in turn of individual articles. determines readership response to incidents being The major characteristic of Sandesh, in the reported nationally and locally. Additionally, it period under review, has been to feed on the also helps to contain or conflagrate communal prevalent anti-Muslim prejudices of its Hindu tension and hostility. readership and provoke it further by Framework of Analysis in Brief sensationalising, twisting, mangling and • Headlines : Were the headlines provocative distorting news or what passes for it. The average or inflammatory? Hindu reader in Baroda feels that he is getting • Photographs : Where did they appear? What value for money and ‘real’ reportage. kinds of photographs are used? Some characteristics of news articles, • Language : Has the language been reports and editorials appearing in the Sandesh: derogatory, offensive or biased? • Sandesh uses headlines to provoke, • Sources : Where does the paper get its communalise and terrorise people. On 28th information from? Are interviews referred Feb 2002 the main headline says: 70

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  5 HINDUS BURNT ALIVE IN GODHRA. We know for sure that the incident in Another report on the front page says: Macchipith reported on 16th March is AVENGE BLOOD WITH BLOOD. This is a ridden with falsity (see Annexure). We quote from a statement issued by a VHP enclose our own fact-finding report along leader. Sandesh has simply used his words with a transcription of the Machhipith as a headline. report in Sandesh. Similarly the incident of • In another instance on 6th March 2002 the four Muslim youth being picked up for headlines scream HINDUS BEWARE: HAJ carrying arms in a Tata Sumo singularly PILGRIMS RETURN WITH A DEADLY misrepresents reality. Going by Sandesh CONSPIRACY. In reality hundreds of reports it appears as though the youths had terrified and anxious Haj pilgrims returned a whole cache of arms in the vehicle. The accompanied with heavy police escorts to truth is that they had only one firearm and homes that could have been razed to the that the owner had a licence for it. We can ground. Yet again on 8th March 2002 a produce a copy of the complaint filed by news item with the headline WHEN the person in question if need be. Likewise, MUSLIM LEADERS SHOUTED SLOGANS there were misleading reports about LIKE ‘ ZINDABAD’. The Tandalja which has a large Muslim report goes on to say that the Circuit House population. It also houses the largest relief in Baroda witnessed ‘an unprecedented camp giving shelter to more than 5000 event’ when Muslim leaders of the city got people from the city and nearby areas. together to shout slogans like the above, Sandesh has been deliberately spreading and appeal for peace. The implication being false information about the build up of that Muslims are not patriots and are tension and police action on the Muslims. therefore not usually prone to give such Some members of Shanti Abhiyan live there calls. However, given a situation where the and we know for sure that there is no tension community was/is being decimated they there. In fact, on 18th March Sandesh was decided to give in and proclaim their forced to publish a refutation issued by patriotism. Muslims are consistently Shanti Abhiyan members in response to an portrayed as anti-national as is evident in article that there was tension in Tandalja. several reports. (See Annexure) • Most reports concerning the post-Godhra • The most horrific acts of violence are violence usually begin with a preceding repeatedly sensationalised with the use of a sentence namely that, ‘In the continuing few devices. For example, large bold letters spiral of communal rioting that broke out are used as headlines particularly when as a reaction to the ‘demonic/barbaric etc., referring to gruesome acts like the burning Godhra incident...... ’. The denunciatory alive of people. Photographs of burnt, adjectives used liberally to describe the mangled bodies are a common feature on Godhra incident are strikingly absent in the front page or the last page which usually reporting the subsequent genocide. This carries local news (see Annexure). Most introductory statement reinforces an colour photos have the color of red for blood hierarchy in the two sets of crimes that accentuated in a gory, visual fashion. were/are being committed. This hierarchy Alternatively photographs of militant, trishul has been established by the VHP and even wielding karsevaks are splashed across the the Chief Minister Narendra Modi when he front page. Both kinds of photographs serve justifies the genocide in Newtonian terms. to instil fear or terror and to provoke intense This calls into question the supposed passions and mutual hostility between the objectivity of Sandesh as a newspaper. two communities. Repetitive justification of the post-Godhra • When reporting the death count, red stars violence serves to neutralise the horror and are used for sensationalised and crude injustice of the subsequent violence. emphasis (see cuttings). For example, on • There are several instances of misreporting. 11th March 2002 headlines declared

6  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 ‘TENSION IN AYODHYA’ in large red impoverished Muslims across the State. letters. After the Supreme Court delivered • Often the news items do not seem to have the judgement disallowing shiladaan at much concern about the veracity of the facts Ayodhya, the newspaper proclaimed ‘HEY presented. There is no attempt to qualify RAM: THE SUPREME COURT’S REFUSAL’ statements or to name sources of in large letters splashed across the front information. On 7th March a report claims page on 14th March 2002. None of this can to have discovered Godhra’s ‘Karachi qualify as balanced or responsible reporting connection’. The connection being that an at a time when the city and State was facing entire area in Karachi is named Godhra. its most turbulent and bloody period in There is no attempt to authenticate the recent history. In fact it instigates further information. Even supposing it were true violence as amply proved by events that how does Sandesh justify entire streets in have occurred since. New Jersey, US being named after Indian • Sandesh has effectively circumvented the leaders or Indian localities. This is a clear code of conduct that disallows naming of instance of anti-minority bias being used communities involved in the violent this time to stoke fury and hatred in the conflagrations. Scattered across the minds of Hindus. newspaper there are numerous reports • Similarly, on 1st March 2002 the headline where ‘mobs of religious fanatics’ abducted of a news item claims that a ‘mini-Pakistan’ tribal women and therefore had to face the is in existence in the Navayard area of the wrath of the people, or when rumours that city. The article goes on to say that ‘pockets’ ‘religious fanatics’ were about to attack a are being created in the city and instructs temple caused tension in certain areas in the police to take note of the reportedly Baroda city, which brought ‘devotees’ out ‘criminal’ U.P. migrant labourers who live on the street to protect their place of worship in this area. Much mystery and terror seems (see Annexure). Areas in the city and State to surround the term ‘pockets’, almost as if with a large population of Muslims are a small basti of Muslim migrants from UP described as ‘mini-Pakistans’, denoting both who had their houses and hand carts burnt danger and enemy thus creating grounds by a mob of over 2000 was planning a for the use of the most extreme violence. grand conspiracy in their ‘pockets’. The term Short of proclaiming ‘Hinduism is in danger’, ‘pockets’ when combined with the Sandesh seems to very effectively spreading unauthenticated information about people and deepening a sectarian mindset in a way with criminal records living here, seems to that would do Hindutva votaries proud. suggest that it is a hideout of some sort However, this will not help in normalising which, if not wiped out could create a law the situation or relations between and order problem. That the basti, (named communities. Roshanpura) today lives in complete terror • Clearly selective usage of words and phrases and has a huge question over their serves to identify and further communalise livelihoods, is indeed a sign that such the minds of people. More significantly and reports are feeding into some larger often with tragic consequences it also serves machinery of which Sandesh is only a to denounce all Muslims as religious fanatics mouthpiece. and all Hindus as devotees. In doing so • On 1st March 2002 again there is a news entire communities are sought to be report that claims that all of Sabarmati demonised or lionised disregarding the fact Express would have been put to flames had that both communities are heterogeneous the train not been delayed. The headline and cannot be stereotyped in this manner. claims: A mob of 7-8 thousand was waiting In addition, it also serves to justify, condone for the Sabarmati Express to arrive at and valorise any kind of violence against Godhra. The mob was, needless to say, a the victims of the post-Godhra riots who mob of religious fanatics. There is no attempt are in overwhelmingly large measure to name sources or to substantiate this

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  7 information. Given the reality that the facts checked the information either with the IGP or of the Godhra incident are yet to come out Railway police. The report does not give names and that there are reports about the of any of the girls or any other details. One more misbehaviour and provocation of the report on page 2 gives details of an eye witness karsevaks, such reporting casts a doubt on Hetalben, when the train reached Baroda. She the intentions of the newspaper. Even more said, “young girls from Amaraiwadi travelling seriously when the police itself seems to be with us are lost.” issuing contradictory statements about an Main report says that 4 bogies of the train ISI hand and then ruling out the possibility were torched. The report says that incident was of ISI involvement, even castigating police pre-planned, based on information given by a officers responsible for issuing such railway employee. Names or other identity of the statements, this is irresponsible reporting at source does not appear. best and inflammatory at worst. On 2nd March there is a report that Sandesh These are some of the main features of the carried a bogus newsitem. news coverage by Sandesh. The newspaper There is no news from shelter camps nor clippings and our detailed note on the reports are there any interviews with victims. will further corroborate these points. Sandesh’s On 6th March the last page carries a report sale has reportedly fallen in recent times. It is with the headline: THE PLAN WAS TO TORCH plausible that it has been resorting to sensational THE WHOLE TRAIN, NOT JUST ONE BOGEY. and irresponsible reporting in a bid to boost sales. In yet another box item on last page a report Whether this is true or not, Sandesh has states that ‘a mob was ready for the second attack.’ consciously sought to project a communalised The source of the information is not mentioned. It version of events and inflicted serious and long- seems that the story is based on a conversation term damage to a society already fragmented with some Railway Police Force jawans. The way along communal lines. It has been our experience these reports have been presented is instigative. that its Baroda readers particularly Hindus This is the day when the top story on last page is frequently quote Sandesh reports to refute any about how gradually the situation is returning to arguments in favour of moderation and normalcy. restoration of communal harmony. We have On 7th March the last page carries a found that, over the past month of violence newsitem presented in a box that claims that people’s own experiences in their neighbourhoods ‘..ISI is creating trouble in Gujarat, Kalota and his as well as reports in the national media are often colleagues are important links, Dy. Commander relied on less than Sandesh’s reports. This is of ‘Huji’ arrested in Calcutta has confessed the indicative of the influence that Sandesh has been conspiracy .” The report uses the term ‘Rambhakt’ able to wield in the present condition. We doubt several times for the travellers on board Sabarmati the intentions of such newspapers as their Express on the fateful day. coverage is deeply saffronised that it threatens to On 6th March the headline of a report says, destroy all notions of responsible and balanced ‘Torching of the train at Godhra was pre-planned. reportage. Strict action needs to be taken against Kalotta was tipped by a railway officer how to such newspapers for flagrantly violating codes of cut open the vacuum pipes”. Source of journalistic ethics and to make them accountable information not mentioned. to society at large. Caption of a story on last page, 7th March: 1.2 , Baroda Edition What was purpose of the youths roaming in white 28th February 2002 to 28th March 2002. Tata Sumo with 12 bore rifle in position. The sub Reports heading cries: They carried news clippings of the Main report on page 1 on 28th March: 3-4 young Godhra incident being pre-planned. girls have been kidnapped. The report of the Chief Minister’s visit to The source of information is not mentioned. Baroda carries the caption : ‘Mysteries of the Again on page 10 there is a report of the VHP Godhra conspiracy are opening up slowly..’ leader Kaushik Patel saying that 10 girls have However, the story does not open up a single been kidnapped. The reporter has not cross- mystery. (Page 3, 8-3-02)

8  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 Another newsitem presents a story in the temple and pathshala threatened to be blown first person singular form. A girl who saved herself using remote control.’ The story seems to be from the torched bogey narrates how she could exaggerated. (P.1, 24-03-02) do it, ‘….The mob tried to pull me out, but could ‘Possibility of weapon attack. Secret not succeed…’ She adds firmly while sobbing, agencies receive information; Religious and ‘sacrifice and hard work put up by my parents Educational institutions shall be targeted. All DSPs would not go waste’. (Last page, 8-3-02) alerted.’ –report on p.2, 24-03-02 Indiscriminate firing from Fatehganj Sabarmati Express incident was nothing but Mosque: the headline of an 8 column story on a pre-planned incident. Several youths would be page 8 on 16th March. ready to commit crimes on just one signal from Main accused Bilal Haji is described as Bilal (last page, 26-03-02) ‘SUTRADHAR’ even before the trial. Police out to nab Nisar, who has conspired A report on 16th March describes incidents to kill large numbers of people. in Machchhipith as if only Muslims were culprits. Headings and Layout The headline claims ‘private firing on Rambhakts’. For first 3 days the reports start from above the The report goes onto describe the whole incident title of the Newspaper. as a pre-planned attack. Nowhere is it mentioned Sub-heading of the report on p.2 reads: if the Ram Dhun procession was taken out with “Women, who got down from the bogey, after it police permission and what were the conditions was torched, were taken away i.e. kidnapped. laid out by police for taking out such a procession. Photograph of a woman karsevak exhibiting The role played by the mob in the procession is a sword held in her hand while travelling to not at all mentioned. Ayodhya from Jharkhand. (P.10, 15-3-02) In a Sunday supplement, an article by Cartoon on page.10 on 16th March is Bhalchandra Jani justifies demand for Ram inflammatory. Janmabhoomi temple. Cartoon on editorial page is inflammatory. Page 1 of 18th March carries a photograph It describes Human Right Commission as Danav of bombs recovered by police during combing Adhikar Sangh. operations in Danilimda area of Ahemedabad. About Godhra The caption says: People talking of secularism History of communal conflicts in Godhra. The should be asked if protecting criminals is story narrates incidents of 1948. secularism. Pro-Pakistan elements in Godhra have On 20th March, three anti-Muslim stories frequently created terror since 1927, but have been published. Headings run like this: ‘Even administration fails to wake up to this. (P.2, 5th in Pakistan madrassas are being controlled, why March) ‘Terror of fundamentalists in Godhara not then in Gujarat?’ ‘Order for removing loud dates back to pre-independence era.’(last page, speakers from mosques. Anti-India Literature and 23-03-02.) cassettes recovered from Kheda district.’ ‘Illegal Positive Stories madrassas operating in Gujarat in the guise of Muslims saved a Hindu shopkeeper’s shop in religion and educational activities. Halol ( P.5, 2nd March). A report on page 10 of 21st March reads: Residents of Ram-Rahim tekra in ‘Mob of 1000 encircled LIC building from all Ahemedabad is an example of communal sides with a plan that mirrors Godhra’ This is a 3 harmony (p.1, 5-3-02). Hindus saved life of a column 50 word story which repeats the phrase Muslim woman in Halol ( P.5, 5th March). ‘pre-planned like Godhra’ five times. The story is No one wants riots. Rare scenes of highly exaggerated. Another story just below this communal harmony in sensitive areas of city (Last has similar qualities. It reads: ‘Plan to torch 2 page, 6-3-02). autorickshaws carrying 30 school children Elol village near Himmatnagar is an studying in English Medium school in Modasa example of communal harmony (p.5, 6-3-02). prevented by the police.’ This report too is A Muslim woman offered shelter to a Hindu exaggerated and inflammatory. family (P.3, 7-3-02). ‘Sat kaival temple receives threat: Sarsa At Bhoj village in Padara taluka, Muslims

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  9 were given shelter in a temple. (P.8, 7-3-02). Jai’ and filthy abuses ...’Kill Muslims, cut “Oh! He is our Rahim Chacha…our Muslims...’ The paper also carried a report and guruji..and they saved him (P.11, 10-3-02). photograph of youth Arun Paswan Article by Bhaven Kachchhi in Sunday who was also attacked at Vadodara railway supplement. station. At Lilapir Dargah of Talaja, devotees What surprised us was that the editorial of include all- Hindus and Muslims. (P.5, 11-03-02). the 28th focused exclusively and in great detail A Muslim old woman saved from mob by a on the railway budget announced the previous Hindu youth.’(p.2, 22-3-02). day. There was no reference to the Godhra A pregnant lady sent to Hospital by a incident. Since we did not have the entire paper Muslim youth taking risk of his life. (28-03-02). of the 28th, we are unaware whether the incident 1.3 GUJARAT TODAY was condemned elsewhere in the issue of the Gujarat Today is an eleven-year old Gujarati daily 28th. However, we feel that an editorial comment with a circulation of 70,000. It is published by the on the incident was due, and the editorial Lokhit Prakashan Trust of Ahmedabad. The provided the most appropriate space to project paper was started by Muslim liberals and is the paper’s viewpoint on the incident. probably the only daily which has a large Muslim 2. Information readership. The print quality of the paper is low. The paper has been providing important and Photographs are not very clear and there are no useful information for its readers. Some of these colour photographs. The paper carries news from are : villages and district towns not generally covered • Details of phone and fax nos. of police by the mainstream media. control rooms in Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, It is important to analyse the role played by Vadodara and Godhra. These were issued Gujarat Today given that it caters to the very on the 28th itself to enable victims and section of people in Gujarat affected by the state- relatives of injured persons to contact the wide violence following the Godhra incident and police for information. undoubtedly plays an important role in giving • Details of relief camps in Ahmedabad - their information and building opinion among location, kinds of facilities available (as well Muslims. In this report we have covered the period as those necessary) in the camps, as also from 28th February 2002 to 16th March 2002. appeals for assistance. One limitation in our analysis was that we were • Reports and updates of incidents in the state. unable to access the issues of 1-5 March, and also These reports are detailed, and include the the first and last pages of 28 February. Nonetheless, names of attacked shops and their owners. we feel that a broad picture emerges from our 3. Investigative Reports analysis which is indicative of the editorial policy The paper has carried detailed investigative the paper has followed through the critical reports of the violence. Some of these are: situation faced by the Muslim community in · Details on conditions of people in the relief Gujarat since 28 February. camps, including issues of legal assistance, 1. Report on the Godhra Incident (28 February) marriages organised and deliveries of babies in The paper reports that the karsewaks caught the camps (6th March); hold of some Muslim tea-vendors at Godhra · Investigation into the Naroda Patiya station and forced them to say ‘Jai Shri Ram’ incident, with details relating to the procurement which sparked off the incident. This is also of petrol, diesel and gas cylinders used for highlighted in a box on another page. The paper, burning; in contrast to the more temperate language of its · Use of the inflammable chemical ‘Lakgel’ later reports, says that when the Sabarmati for burning (8 March). This has not been reported Express arrived at Vadodara station, ...’the saffron in any other paper. mob of Bajrang Dal and VHP ran like dogs, 4. Reports of Communal Harmony through the attacking people with their swords... the Violence karsewaks got down from the train shouting Most of the space in the newspaper over the first slogans like ‘Har Har Mahadev, Bharat Mata ki two weeks was devoted to extensive reportage

10  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 on the carnage. However, space was made 28th February issue on the previous day’s incident available every day to profile incidents of at Godhra, we feel that Gujarat Today has communal harmony. maintained a good balance in its editorials and Given the terror, insecurity and alienation commentaries on the Gujarat violence. These that Muslims in Gujarat felt over those first few include several editorials reflecting concern with weeks of violence following Godhra, it is the fall-out of the riots and how their effects commendable that Gujarat Today consciously might be mitigated. The editorials over the editions sought to project the more humane side of inter- surveyed did not always address the communal community relationships to its Muslim readers riots/violence. Editorials on only five of the through these reports. For example, there was a thirteen days were about the violence in the state. report on how the lives and properties of 175 The paper has carried commentaries by Muslims of Naroda in Ahmedabad were prominent liberal intellectuals and humanists of protected by the local shepherds; how Hindu Gujarat, such as an article by Mahesh Dave which doctors of Bhavnagar saved properties from fearlessly reprimands the government for its role burning and made efforts to treat the injured; in the riots (8th March), a translation of a relief of foodgrain and clothes provided by Hindus Siddharth Vardarajan article which had appeared to victims in Jhagadia; and a group marriage of in the TOI (9th March), accounts by Indu Kumar Hindu and Muslim youth in Mangrol. Jani (in his Sunday column) of the kinds of Also reported was news of Prantij, where a materials supplied to relief camps, and articles by woman sarpanch successfully stopped riots Nagindas Sanghvi titled: “India will be destroyed occurring in her village. The March 8 edition not by the atom bomb but by superstition and gives news related to peace committees in Vagra, communal fanaticism” (7th March) and “Ram Palej, Dholka and Bharuch. On 10th March, the gave up Ayodhya and the throne, but his followers paper had a report on how Hindu families saved are prepared to shed blood” (16th March). the lives of 15 Muslims in Kavitha village near An interesting report we came across was Borsad. While there are reports of Juhapura, based on interviews with older people who had where Hindus were saved by Muslims, there is experienced the 1969 riots, the worst the state also a report on how looting of both Hindus and had previously witnessed (8th March, p.7). The Muslims took place. article concluded that the present riot were worse The 12th March issue carries news of a than the ’69 riots. Hindu family of Dehgam who sheltered 20 7. Conclusions Muslims in their house, and a boxed item on a Based on a quick and by no means exhaustive relief camp in Bhalej village, Kheda district, run analysis of coverage of the riots by Gujarat Today by Hindus and Muslims. The 15th March issue from 28th February to 16th March, we feel that carries a report of how Muslim women saved the the paper has, on the whole, managed to maintain lives of Hindus. News of unity among Hindus a good balance in its reporting, and has been fair and Muslims of Lambadia and Sami are reported and even-handed in its commentaries. This is in other issues of the paper. more significant since Gujarat Today is a Muslim- 5. Role of the Police owned paper which is primarily read by Muslims. The paper has attempted to maintain a balanced The paper has been restrained in its reporting perspective on the role of the police over the first and its choice of visuals, temperate in its language two and a half weeks of communal violence. and has eschewed shrill and potentially Maintenance of peace in Padra is attributed to provocative matter. Where rumours were the local police, while the arrest of 28 Muslim mentioned, they have been presented as such youths in Vadodara is strongly criticised. There is and not captioned with misleading headlines, as a report on Varnama where the police refused to was done by some other newspapers. It has entertain complaints against specific individuals. regularly carried items highlighting However, the arrest of a VHP functionary in interdependence of communities and incidents Kutch is lauded. of help and co-operation extending across 6. Analytical and Editorial Reports community barriers. It has investigated incidents Barring the absence of editorial comment in the and carried detailed information which did not

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  11 appear in other newspapers, thereby providing a of the violence and government inaction/collusion useful service to its readers. of the state machinery. Overall, our analysis suggests that Gujarat Both papers carried a number of interviews Today has played a responsible and positive role with victims of particular incidents of violence in during the violence in the state, for which it Baroda, rather than relying exclusively on police deserves to be commended. handouts. 2. THE ENGLISH PRESS A number of articles featured examples of We have looked at the two English daily communal harmony and interdependence: these newspapers in circulation in Baroda – The Times include instances of Hindus helping Muslim of India (Ahmedabad edition) and the local neighbours; of affected families in which there supplement Baroda Times, and were intercommunity marriages; and profiles of (Vadodara), and its local supplement Vadodara places of worship in Baroda which were venerated Newsline. While Baroda Times has generally been by both Muslims and Hindus. guided by a youth-and-entertainment perspective, While incidents in rural areas were reported, it has also, over the past year, carried several these were generally less extensively covered and reports on the local history of the city. Vadodara investigated Newsline, on the other hand, has been more local We feel that Indian Express’s Vadodara news-based. Newsline should be commended for its coverage Both papers, in our view, have been fairly of incidents in the city, and Times of India’s Baroda balanced in their reporting. In both cases, there Times for its attempts to create – through interviews appears to have been an editorial policy in place and reports over the first two weeks of the violence– explicitly directed towards non-sectarian and a sense of secular concern for the city. non-inflammatory coverage of post-Godhra events We feel that, while the overall reporting has in Baroda. been by and large satisfactory, there have been Incidents were not sensationalised by some shortcomings; perhaps some of these can be provocative headlines (as happened in the case attributed to the difficult situation and the of some local Gujarati papers). In both cases, constraints (including physical threats) on although communities were named in many cases, reporting particularly by the English language no pejorative and inflammatory terms were used press. Some of the areas/incidents which have as has been the case with Sandesh; rather the been poorly covered are : combing operations by term ‘mob’ was repeatedly used. the police, which have been grossly biased against The choice of photographs in both papers Muslims; police atrocities against women (most was sober. Both papers desisted from showing of which also occurred during combing dead/mutilated bodies, or close-ups of the injured. operations); conditions in relief camps, and Photographs have generally been of people in involvement of persons named by the people in hospitals, areas under curfew, individuals and various areas. families affected by the riots with accompanying Indian Express has done a fairly intensive interviews. coverage of the riots through investigative reports, For the first 10 days after the Godhra analytical articles and editorials. However, there incident, there were follow-up stories, including are two examples which may considered to be in investigative and analytical reports. On March 3, questionable taste: one was the headline of March TOI (p.3) carried interviews with a few relatives 24, which read “Dial M for Modi, Murder?”, and of victims of the Godhra incident, some of whom the daily tally displayed on the first page over the counselled restraint while others urged revenge. first two weeks (?)which was titled ‘Modimeter’. Both papers have referred to rumours, naming them as such, and not passing them off ANNEXURE as facts. However, sources of rumours and their effects on the prevailing situation in localities SANDESH HEADLINES AND REPORTS have not been adequately investigated by either 28th February, 2002. paper. Page 1 Editorials in both papers have been critical 1. 70 HINDUS BURNT ALIVE IN GODHRA.

12  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 2. SABARMATI EXPRESS BRINGING leader armed with an open sword appeared RAMSEVAKS FROM AYODHYA BURNT and prevented the fire brigade from putting BY A VIOLENT MOB. out the fire. Other religious fanatics joined 3. Photograph of burnt bogey and dead bodies them and an atmosphere of communal with the caption: Peace In Flames. Flaming tension/discord spread in the entire Godhra attack by violent, anti-national elements, city. more than 60 Hindu brothers and sisters 3. ABOUT 10 YOUNG GIRLS WERE PULLED burnt alive. OUT FROM THE RAILWAY CARRIAGE 4. AVENGE BLOOD WITH BLOOD. The BY A GROUP OF RELIGIOUS FANATICS. headline quotes the VHP leader from Dholka The newsitem goes on to refute the headline. Rajendra Shah who says that the ‘Hindu Analysis: What is the intention in having samaj will have sharp reactions to the killing such headlines if not to provoke? On 2nd March of innocent ramsevaks. We will have to Gujarat Samachar another Gujarati newspaper avenge blood with blood’, says Rajendra said that this report was false. Shah. 4. THIS IS THE UNHOLY ACT OF THOSE Page 2 WHO WANT TO BREAK THE COURAGE 1. THE DISTRICT COLLECTOR [of Godhra] OF KARSEVAKS: KAUSHIK PATEL SAID ONLY ONE THING: THIS IS THE Page 8-9 HANDIWORK OF ANTI SOCIAL 1. Photographs of the Godhra carnage spread ELEMENTS. THIS IS THE SORRY STATE out over two pages. Centrefold. OF THE ADMINISTRATION. The Godhra 2. News report with headline: 8-10 WOMEN District Collector is being criticised here for DRAGGED INTO BASTI. not attributing the train massacre to Analysis: The report says nothing about Muslims, who are anti-national according this incident except for a passing reference in the to various Sandesh reports. last paragraph. Why have a headline as 2. THE DEAD ARE NOT MERE RAM provocative as this? SEVAKS, THEY ARE THE HEIRS OF 3. TERRORISM WITHIN THE BORDERS: IT RANA PRATAP, GURU GOVIND SINGH. HAS BEEN GOING ON IN GODHRA FOR Analysis: The Ram Sevaks are being YEARS. valorised here, and their lineage being traced to Page 10 Rana Pratap et al. On the whole Sandesh has 1. DO THE TC, DRIVER, AND IN-CHARGE conferred upon the Ram Sevaks the status of STATION MASTER [OF THE SABARMATI martyrs, and has consistently referred to the EXPRESS] BELONG TO A CERTAIN massacre as a ‘balidaan’, (sacrifice) COMMUNITY? Accusation by VHP. This Page 3 made the situation more tense in Godhra. 1. THE VICTIMS MASS MURDERS: 10-15 Analysis : This was basically a rumour that GIRLS WERE PULLED OUT BY Sandesh has picked on and sensationalise, adding RELIGIOUS FANATICS: 10-The report says: to the tension in Godhra and elsewhere. 15 girls were dragged out of the Sabarmati 2. THE GODHRA INCIDENT IS Express, this is being hotly discussed in REMINISCENT OF CHENGIZ KHAN’S Godhra. As a result there is tension. The ATROCITIES. survivors of this incident also said this. The Page 13 police is also trying to look for this. These 1. TODAY’S RESOLVE: JINNAH’S HEIRS IN girls were trying to escape from the train, GODHRA HAVE TO BE PUNISHED. police has denied it, but Kaushik Patel of Article by Hari Desai. VHP has accused. The article purports to go back in history to 2. MUSLIM LEADER PREVENTED THE FIRE Partition and the role Jinnah played. It accuses ENGINE BY BRANDISHING AN OPEN Jinnah of threatening the minority community in SWORD. The fire brigade learnt of the fire Pakistan to convert or face the ire of the State, a at nine O’clock and rushed to the spot soon policy that is still being followed. It also refers to after. But at that very moment a local Muslim how the minority community in Bangladesh is

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  13 being treated: Taslima Nasreen has written about demonic Godhra incident. the gang-rapes of minority women there. Today Page 3: in India after the burning of the Sabarmati Express 1. A MASJID AND 3 FACTORIES BURNT IN the issue is not that of the interests of the minority ANKLESHWAR community here or about Hindu liberalism. It is a Page 5 conspiracy against the nation. Those responsible 1. STATION MASTER ALSO INVOLVED for this repulsive act have to be punished and IN THE SENSATIONAL GODHRA exposed before the nation. The burning of the MASSACRE. train can only be seen as a well-planned strategy Page 15 to destabilise Gujarat. Some elements were not 1. THE GODHRA INCIDENT IS NOT happy with the fact that Gujarat was free of COMMUNALISM IT IS THE BLACK communal tension under the BJP. So these anti- SHADOW OF TERRORISM. nationals instigated Muslim against the karsevaks Page 10 who had gone to Ayodhya as part of the VHP 1. ‘POCKETS’ OF MINI-PAKISTAN IN programme for construction of the Ram Mandir. NAVAYARD. The report says that ‘pockets’ The concluding paragraph says that Hindus have of a certain community are being created in been attacked, every action will have a reaction. Navayard. The police ought to take note of The next few days will see this. The last sentence this(!) is: For how long will we tolerate this? People from UP have settled here. They 1st March, 2002. possess illegal ration cards and could be Page 1 criminals running from the law. 1. GUJARAT BURNS: CALL FOR BHARAT Page 16 BANDH TODAY. 118 DEAD. 1. THE BODIES OF TWO HINDU GIRLS WHO Comment : The headline is splashed across WERE ABDUCTED FROM SABARMATI the page in large red letters. A red star is drawn EXPRESS FOUND NEAR KALOL IN A around the death count. BAD CONDITION. 2. HORRIFIC REACTIONS TO THE GODHRA The report says the girls were raped and INCIDENT: MORE THAN 50 PERSONS then cut up, sprayed with petrol and the bodies BURNT ALIVE. Many places of worship were burnt. There is also talk about the body of a targeted. Numerous incidents of petrol and third girl having been found: There is a limit to acid bomb-throwing. barbarity’. 3. 70 BURNT ALIVE IN CHAMANPURA, Analysis : This report is mischievous in the AHMEDABAD. extreme because of its explosive content and 4. A CAR PASSING THROUGH KHEDIA because there is no attempt to verify this, no VILLAGE NEAR KALOL WAS STOPPED sources have been quoted. This report was later BY A MOB, A GIRL WAS ABDUCTED. denounced as false by Gujarat Samachar, another Analysis: None of these headlines choose Gujarati daily. to condemn this violence. Sandesh does not see fit to speak of the limits 5. BURNT ALIVE IN DEROL, KALOL IN of violence being inflicted on the Muslim PANCHMAHALS. The report states: ‘People community throughout the State. While the mob bent on avenging yesterday’s mass murder in Godhra is ‘demonic’, ‘diabolical’, ‘evil’ the burnt 6 men of a certain community alive’. violence perpetrated on thousands of innocent Analysis: The avengers here are seen to be Muslims in Panchmahals is not condemned. justified in their acts of violence. There is no Unverified newsreports of this sort are mention of letting the law take its course, no provocative in the extreme and can instigate censure against such acts of violence. further violence. Page 2 Page 16 1. PAKISTANI NATIONAL ARRESTED BY 1. RELIGIOUS FANATICS STAGE ARMED RPF IN CHANCHALAV RAILWAY ATTACK ON WAGHODIA ROAD. STATION. The report says: Suspicion of The report says that a group of armed Pakistani agency ISI’s involvement in the religious fanatics attacked Chandranagar on

14  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 Waghodia Road. The air was rent with cries of The report says that a mob of religious women and children. A group of youths from a fanatics started fires near the Chanchalav neighbouring locality intervened. But for that railway station to free a Pakistani citizen. there would have been a second Godhra. Analysis: No sources quoted, no Analysis: The report is provocative in the verification. extreme and stokes hostility. No sources are Page 10 quoted. If an incident was indeed averted why is 1. JALARAM TEMPLE IN CITY TO BE it that the newspaper sees fit to report something ATTACKED: RUMOURS CAUSE like this in such a blatantly communal manner? DEVOTEES TO GATHER HERE. The report Throughout the report there are assumptions says that hundreds of ‘devotees’ gathered about the murderous intention of the crowd of at the famous Jalaram temple in Karelibaug ‘religious fanatics’ and the alacrity with which after hearing rumours that it would be Hindu youths prevented this. There are doubts attacked by religious fundamentalists. about the veracity of this incident. BAPUNAGAR REELS UNDER BLIND 2nd March, 2002 PRIVATE FIRING ALL DAY. IF YOU DO NOT Front page, top right KILL THE ENEMY THEY WILL KILL YOU. Agar 1. Photograph of burnt, mangled bodies. tum ne dushman ko nahi mara to woh tumhe Provocative in the extreme. mar dega (written in ). 2 RIOTS IN AHMEDABAD Analysis: Extremely provocative: aggressive UNCONTROLLABLE. 250 give up their Hindu posturing. This kind of a headline breeds lives in uninterrupted violence. The people and instigates further violence. who died were killed, why should Sandesh 2. Photographs on the last page of burnt bodies. seek to justify this? Analysis: Provocative. 3. ADIVASIS ON THE WARPATH AFTER 3rd March, 2002 FUNDAMENTALISTS/FANATICS Page 1 ABDUCT AND MURDER ADIVASI 1. Photographs with caption: Bodies burnt in GIRLS. Mehsana. The report says a religious place was Analysis: This set of photographs are in attacked and people cut to pieces in Pandarva bad taste and is extremely provocative. village. Page 2 Analysis: Muslims being seen as fanatics. 1. 72 HOURS AFTER THE GODHRA The report justifies the tribal attack on the religious MASSACRE VADODARA DISTRICT IN place. There is no substantive reporting of FLAMES. A mob of 700 attacked a religious abduction or murder of adivasi girls, this is just a place in Sakheda village and burnt two piece of information loosely inserted into the houses. report. There are no mention of sources, nothing Analysis: ‘Mob’ here does not say religious about where and how the information was fanatics, so presumably this is a Hindu mob. received. Page 3 4. PAKISTAN IS NOTHING BEFORE INDIA. 1. IT IS SAID THAT SOME ‘NAR IF INDIA SO DECIDES THERE WILL BE PISCHACHIS’ (demons) INVOLVED IN NO SIGN OF PAKISTAN: FERNANDES. THE GODHRA MASSACRE ARE SEEKING Analysis: Jingoistic. SHELTER IN TULSIWADI AREA. Another Page 2 issue being discussed hotly is that there is a 1. PERHAPS THE FIRST TIME IN THE posse of arms hidden in the nooks and HISTORY OF COMMUNAL VIOLENCE crannies in the portion of the Vishwamitri [IN BARODA]: 4 factories burnt in Sardar river valley that passes by Tulsiwadi. Estate by an unruly mob. Destruction worth Analysis: This entire article is based on lakhs of rupees. Flames engulfed the factories rumours and in fact gives substance to them. burned for 6-7 hours. Very provocative and instigates violence. 2. ATTEMPT TO BURN CHANCHALAV Page 8 RAILWAY STATION NEAR GODHRA. 1. A FRENZIED MOB WITH A FUNERAL

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  15 PROCESSION OF ONE RAJU BARIA IN 6th March, 2002 SAVLI VILLAGE WHO DIED IN FIRING Page 1 ATTACKED SHOPS, HOUSES, CABINS. 1. HINDUS BEWARE: HAJ PILGRIMS The report says: the mob was shouting RETURN WITH DEADLY PLANS TO slogans like, ‘Rajubhai Amar raho’, ATTACK. ‘Rajubhai hum Ayodhya jayenge’, 7th March, 2002 ‘Rammandir banega’. Page 8 Analysis: Why print such slogans in an 1. NOT JUST PEACE: RELIGIOUS already explosive situation? The intentions of the TOLERANCE NECESSARY: THE newspaper are questionable. GODHRA MASSACRE: PREPLANNED Last page CONSPIRACY? 1. Photographs of bodies. The report says even if the karsevaks Analysis: Both sets of photographs are travelling the train were shouting provocative disturbing in the extreme instigation fear, terror slogans they should not have been burnt like this. and communal anger. People’s anger exploded, it is but natural. Every 5th March 2002 action has a reaction. This is a natural thing. If Page 5 we talk about the police, after all the police are a 1. A report says that ‘those who burnt a 17 part of society. For how long will they remain year old alive wore a ‘Pathani’ dress’. aloof from popular sentiment? What can 5-10 Analysis: The implication here is that it police men do to control frenzied mobs of 500. was a Muslim who committed the act. In an Page 14 atmosphere so vitiated by communal passions 1. GODHRA : THE MINI-PAKISTAN’S this detail has been deliberately added to stoke KARACHI CONNECTION. Report claims communal hostility. that Karachi has an entire area named Page 9 Godhra. 1. PAKISTANS’ EFFORT TO INSTIGATE 8th March 2002. RIOTS IN INDIA UNDER THE NAME OF Page 1 ‘OPERATION’. Pakistan’s military rulers 1. THE VHP IS SOFT ON THE MANDIR want to use Indian citizens in their devious ISSUE, BUT MUSLIMS ARE STILL ANGRY. plot to fan communal tension here. (VHP naram to Muslim garam) Analysis: Completely unsubstantiated and 2. WHEN MUSLIM LEADERS SHOUTED provocative in the extreme. SLOGANS LIKE ‘HINDUSTAN Page 12 ZINDABAD’. The report goes on to say 1. MEHSANA’S MOULVI GIVES A CALL TO: that the Circuit House in Baroda witnessed FACE THE ‘KAFIRS’, FINISH THEM, an unprecedented event when Muslim ‘ALLAH HO AKBAR’ IN ASHAPURI IN leaders of the city got together to shout NAVAYARD. slogans like the above, and appeal for peace. Analysis: The Moulvi in question is from 9th March, 2002 Kota, not Mehsana and the call he gave from the Page 1 loudspeaker was a warning that the basti was to 1. MOBSTERS STILL DO NOT LIKE PEACE? be attacked and that women and children should News report with a photograph of a dead seek the shelter of the house. The loudspeaker calf’s head in a plastic bag. The news report has been since confiscated and it is the sound of asks: Who has done it? The report goes on ‘aartis’ from the neighbouring Hindu basti that to say that it was a dog that had dragged prevails in the mornings and evenings today. the body of the calf into a street. These are facts that PUCL and Shanti Abhiyan Analysis: What was the intention of the teams have found out after visits to the area. newspaper in splashing a photograph like this on Sandesh has indulged in wilful mis-reporting and the front page? Was it to deliberately foment the news item is riddled with factual errors. This trouble? puts into question the veracity of Sandesh Page 7 reportage. 1. 4 YOUTHS WITH RIFLES ESCAPED IN A

16  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 TATA SUMO FROM THE CURFEW victims of riots from nearby villages in RIDDEN FATEHPURA AREA. The report Vadodara who have come here, some goes on to say that these youngsters then Muslim leaders have used their political made calls on their mobile phone to Calcutta, connections to set up illegal colonies on Bombay, Bangalore after reaching Tandalja. Corporation land. Information about 2. PRIME ACCUSED IN THE GODHRA dangerous activities have come to the fore CARNAGE IS HIDING IN BOMBAY AND in these colonies. The VMC also knows WAITING TO ESCAPE ABROAD. about this. Rehabilitation is only an excuse. Analysis: When there is such tension and at Analysis: The truth is that these are relief such sensitive moments, printing headlines camps where terrified Muslim victims have taken without much verification points to dubious shelter. The anti-Muslim bias of the newspaper is intentions. in full and virulent display when it purports to Page 16 expose the ‘dangerous activities’ that are going 1. A report tells the readers that in 1948 people on in these relief camps. from Pakistan set the Tricolour on fire in 2. SADHUS DEMONSTRATE IN FRONT OF Godhra’s Iqbal High School. A teacher who VMC OVER THE POSSIBILITY OF shouted Vande Materam was thrown out MUTTON SHOPS COMING UP IN FRONT of the school. OF THE ISKON TEMPLE. The report says Analysis: The only objective of recalling Hindu religiosity will be instigated if this is and re-printing this kind of information at a time not stopped and an Andolan will begin. In a like this is to fuel the fire. box in the same article it says, sadhus chanting 15th March 2002 of ‘Hare Krishna, Hare Rama’ transformed Page 1 the Municipal Corporation into a religious 1. DHARMAYUDH IN AYODHYA. spot. A footnote says, ‘the Municipal The report starts with an assertion that, Commissioner and Mayor faced the blazing ‘there will be a dharama yudh in Ayodhya question of the sadhus...What if a masjid is between ‘bhakti’ and ‘shakti’. built in front of the mandir? There is constant 2. Parmahans’ threat to commit suicide reference to Hindu citizens and Hindu appears four times on the front page. devotees. 3. PROHIBITION OF PUJA ON ALL Page 6 MANDIRS ON 67 ACRES DISPUTED 1. The editorial compares the VHP and RSS. LAND The RSS is much stronger than VHP. If the Analysis: There could have given a less Mandir Andolan has to be carried on inflammatory headline. properly and with a long term perspective Page 14 then it is not possible without the support 1.4 ARMED YOUTH CAUGHT IN THE of the RSS. The VHP accepts this. SENSATIONAL TATA SUMO CASE 2. THE SC JUDGEMENT ANGERS HINDUS: RELEASED ON 5 DAYS REMAND. ‘TALK OF THE TOWN’. Will there be a Analysis: There are no such reports about 1992 action replay in Ayodhya today? In Hindus being arrested. box: The government allows Muslims to read Page 4 namaz during office hours and Hindus are 1. There is a tiny news item in corner about a prohibited from performing puja. meeting on communal harmony in Page 16 Rustompura village. WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN AYODHYA Page 5 TODAY? CITIZENS IN SUSPENDED 1. Banner headline: IN THE NAME OF LIMBO. SHELTER MIGRANTS FROM OTHER Analysis : The headline makes to create VILLAGES ENTER CITY. The report warns anxiety and terror. that moves to set up Muslim colonies 16th March 2002 overnight on Municipal Corporation land Page 1 in Tandalja, Wadi, Akota. It also says that HOLI OF VIOLENCE IN BARODA. Large

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  17 red letters. Written with death count and number KADIYAWAD, DABHOI. of injured in large numbers. The entire page is Inset box : Why did a kerosene tanker go filled with news about violence in Baroda, and to a Muslim area before the attack on the the Ayodhya issue. Ranawas, ask the residents of Dabhoi. The Analysis : The headline almost jubilantly report says that a kerosene tanker went into proclaims the violence that claimed the city on Kadiawad area and kerosene was distributed in 15th March 2002 the area. Page 2 Analysis : What is the intention of this 2. Ramdhun programmes highlighted in news item? It is a routine matter that kerosene various parts of the district. Muslims had tankers go into all residential areas. Kerosene is already finished their namaz before the the main fuel for household purposes. There is Ramdhun began. a deliberate slant here meant to distort facts. Analysis : No mention of Muslim fears. 2. ‘YOU HAVE PLAYED YOUR ONE DAY They have inserted this bit of information to MATCH, WE WILL NOW PLAY A 5 DAY sensationalise the reading of the namaz. In an MATCH.’ Two communities on warpath in atmosphere of such violence the newspaper could Wadi, one of the communities threatened have easily exercised restraint. The Ram Dhun the other saying this. programmes are almost posed as a victory. Analysis : Why is such a threat being Page 3 highlighted? The CM Narendra Modi is also said 1. VIOLENT MOB RAZES DARGAH NEAR to have made references to cricket matches in SAYAJI HOSPITAL. The report has another context. Does this mean that Hindus two photographs : one of policemen threatened the Muslim promising to wreck havoc? surrounding the razed dargah, and another The headline is instigative. of Hanuman idols installed there. The report Page 9 stresses that the dargah was razed as a result Photographs all over the page. One of them of the ‘private firing’ in the Macchipith area has a congratulatory caption that says: ‘women of the city. chanting the ramdhun’. 2. MACCHIPITH VIOLENCE LEADS TO A Page 13 MOB LOOTING AND SETTING FIRE TO 1. Box in article: THE SACRIFICE AND SHOPS NEAR NATRAJ CINEMA. STRUGGLE FOR THE RAMJANMABOOMI. The Analysis : The violence in Macchipith is article gives a history of the Ram Janmabhoomi now being used to justify the orgy of violence ‘struggle’ in which 3 lakh Hindus have died since that followed much like the way in which Godhra the 15th century. has been consistently used to justify the genocide. Analysis : Dubious. There is no mention of 3. STONE PELTING ON THOSE GOING TO sources. The article is meant to foment trouble. GIVE CONDOLENCES TO THE PEOPLE Page 14 KILLED IN THE GODHRA MASSACRE 1. RSS STATEMENT: WE HAVE NO IN BALASINOR. 3 Hindu youths stabbed. RELATIONS WITH BJP. The post-Godhra violence Analysis : Mention of Hindu youth, there is was a natural reaction of the Hindus. never such mention when Muslims are stabbed Analysis : Constant reiteration of post- or attacked. This is designed to deliberately stoke Godhra violence as a reaction. communal passions. Page 15 Page 5 1. YOUTH FROM VASNA MERCILESSLY 1. RAMDHUN IN RAMESHWAR MANDIR. ATTACKED IN JUHAPURA. The report THOUSANDS OF DEVOTEES describes how a mob came into Juhapura. PARTICIPATE. This man was returning from work and he Analysis : Once more there is glorification was surrounded and attacked. In the of the Ram Dhun programme. Hindus as devotees meantime a jeep entered the lane, saw the as compared to Muslims as fanatics mob and sped straight into the mob Page 7 dispersing it. The driver rescued the youth 1. MUSLIMS ATTACK RANAVAS IN and made off from there.

18  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 Analysis: This is a positive incident where not suffused with the spirit of devotion. The Ram the man was rescued by the jeep driver at great dhun programme was part of an aggressive call risk. The article and the headline chooses instead given by the VHP, it was not a show of intense to highlight the attack rather than the rescue. devotion. Such shobha yatras have caused terror Page 16 and fear throughout the city. Going by Sandesh 1. HEADLINE: ANGRY MUSLIMS FIRE ON reporting, it seems as though a city immersed in AND ATTACK RAMSHOBHA YATRA. Ram was attacked. The events that unfolded in What happened in Macchhipith that caused Macchipith actually followed a very different the city to burn? sequence. Our separate report clarifies this in The report says: In the afternoon the city greater detail. was infused with spirit of Ram. Women, children Page 16 and youth burst into the main roads, Ram had 1. WAS THE MACCHIPITH MOB ATTACK suffused the city. At a time like this the entire city PRE-PLANNED? was plunged into violence because of the attack Analysis : To our knowledge no mob attack by the fanatics of Macchipith. When a shobha takes place without planning. Sandesh has chosen yatra emerged in the Raopura area in the to pick on this one because it concerns a minority afternoon chanting Ramdhun, people were dominated area of the city. dancing and chanting Ram. Everybody was 2. PRIVATE FIRING OF MUSLIMS FROM immersed in devotional sprit. The police was also BOTH MASJIDS IN SADAR BAZAR, present. The shobha yatra reached the Macchipith FATEHGANJ. The report says that two crossing. Dhols and manjiras were played. groups clashed and after a pitched battle At Suryanarayan Baug an acid bulb shot there was private firing. out from a rooftop in Macchipith. The ram bhakts Analysis : The headline is misleading. In of the shobha yatra looked towards Macchipith Fatehganj Muslim families were attacked and to see where the acid bombs were comming from. their shops burnt. And an armed mob was spotted. They had swords 17th March 2002 and were shouting. The women in the shobha Page 2 yatra ran in panic. The youth ran towards the 1. RESIDENTS OF RANAWAS, DABHOI police. But by then a shower of acid bulbs was ANGRY. ‘ THE ADIMINSTRATION IS raining down from not one but five rooftops in RUNNING AROUND FOR MUSLIMS, BUT Macchipith. There was the armed mob down on NOBODY HAS COME TO WIPE OUR the streets and up on the rooftops were acid TEARS’. bulbs raining down. Analysis: The truth of the matter is that the Violence disrupts bhakti ras (the spirit of administration has hardly done anything for the devotion) and mobs face each other. The Muslims. We have enough facts to prove that Macchipith mob comes forward taking advantage reality is quite contrary to this claim. By of the ‘coverage fire’ of acid bulbs from the highlighting such grouses and by not balancing it rooftops. Stones, bottles rain down from the sky with stories from relief camps or Muslim bastis, and the police is surprised. The violent Macchipith Sandesh reveals its inherent communal biases. mob comes on to the street. Before the people and Page 10 police understand what is happening the 1. RAMMANDIR WILL BE BUILT EVEN IF notorious elements of this area, namely Nooru WE HAVE TO USE FORCE: Mistry, Ayub Clubwala and Ysuf Kadia start PARAMAHANS. private firing. One the one hand was the Analysis: All RSS and VHP statements are ‘covering’ stone throwing from the rooftops and given pride of place in Sandesh. Appeals for peace, on the other was the mob was on the road. The instance of Hindus and Muslims protecting each police was outnumbered. There was panic. The other are given short shrift. violent mob was ready to attack the people on Page 12 the road. 8-10 people could have died but the 1. THE MUSLIMS OF HATHIKHANA, police came right on time and fired. MITHAFALIA ATTEMPT TO DESTROY Analysis : The entire city was terrorised, THE HANUMAN MANDIR. The report says

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  19 that Muslim gave a call to ‘cut the Hindus, areas. That is inevitable. Now there is a break the mandir and make a dargah...’. understanding that those who live Analysis: The report fails to substantiate in water will stand to lose if they are hostile their claims. There is reason to doubt the veracity to crocodiles. of the information contained in the report. Analysis: This is the ‘broader perspective’ Page 12 that Sandesh offers its readers. Offensive, anti- 1. Even after Godhra, Dabhoi had remained minority posturing is routine in the analytical peaceful. This was disrupted by Muslims articles. This article serves almost as a mouthpiece fanatics. Residents of Ranawas demand of the RSS when it issues a warning to the minority immediate arrest of anti-national elements. community to behave or face the consequences. Analysis : Muslims consistently being 19th March 2002 portrayed as anti-national. They cannot be mere Page 12 anti-social elements as stated by the Godhra 1. SAI MANDIR AND THE HINDU AREA District Collector Jayanti Ravi. IN TULSI WADI UNDER VIOLENT 18th March 2002. ATTACK BY MUSLIMS. Mobs of 5000-7000 Page 1 attacked the area according to report. 1. VIOLENT CONVULSIONS IN Analysis: Gross exaggeration of the VADODARA AGAIN. 3 DEAD. Banner numbers, deliberately done. headlines in large, red letters. 20th March 2002 2. Top right : close-ups of corpses. Page 3 Analysis : Both newsreport and 1. 70 HINDUS WERE BURNT ALIVE IN photographs designed to sensationalise gruesome GODHRA AND THE RIOTS IN SHEHAR incidents of violence. LEFT 44 DEAD. 16 BODIES HAVE YET TO Page 3 BE IDENTIFIED. The report is basically 1. FANATIC MOB OF MUSLIMS FROM about an appeal by the administration for BAWAMANPURA TRIED TO BURN help in identifying relatives or kin of the 16 HARISH PETROL PUMP. dead. This crucial detail is mentioned only Analysis : Muslims being portrayed as in the last paragraph. fanatics once again. Analysis: The deliberate formulation of Page 5 sensationalised headlines are meant to terrorise 1. TANDALJA TENSE AFTER RUMOURS or communalise an already divided society. Even SPREAD. The report says that the rumours an appeal by the administration becomes an spread in the area and there was panic. excuse to indulge in terror-mongering. Once people realised it became quite peaceful. 2. SHANTI SAMITI TRIES TO MAINTAIN Representatives of Shanti Abhiyan say that PEACE. The newsitem is tucked away in it is untrue that there was private firing or small corner of the page. that police had burst teargas shells. Nothing Analysis: Sandesh obviously has its priorities has happened in Tandalja, but some people all set out very clearly. News like this can are interested in fomenting trouble. encourage other such attempts to maintain peace Page 7 but that does not seem to be on the Sandesh 1. Photographs of those injured and dead. agenda. Page 11 Page 14 1. Newsplus, a regular column. Inset box: 1. Photographs of weapons and broken There are Muslim dominated areas in temples. various parts of the country. Here, during 21st March 2002 communal riots Hindus have to bear the Page 7 consequences. In Gujarat, Godhra stands 1. SUDANESE YOUTH CAUGHT IN out during communal riots, but there are FATEHGANJ. DOES HE HAVE AN ISI echoes of Godhra in other ‘pockets’ too. CONNECTION? The report says that Those who stand to gain in one place must residents have complained of private firing remember that they will lose out in ten other by him. His ISI connection is being explored

20  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 says the report. The police found an iron who attacked whom. No sources have been pipe in combing operations in his house. quoted for headlines, even when they have simply Analysis: The fact of the matter is that the been lifted from speeches by VHP leaders. Sudanese national is a student in the M.S. Headlines are also misleading, and often followed University. He lives in a room above the masjid in up by reports that do not substantiate headlines. Fatehganj. He was reading the namaz when Photographs are meant to incite communal anger, violence began there. He was arrested and it was fear and terror amongst people. The anti-minority only when the Embassy intervened that he was stand is obvious in the slant in news reporting. released. Why has Sandesh not reported this and Editorials and newsitems often written in a way instead made claims about his ISI connection? that implicitly and explicitly justifies carnage after Page 16 the Godhra incident. 1. Photographs: Dead bodies in Bharuch, all A BRIEF NOTE ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA IN close ups. BARODA 23rd March 2002 A. Local TV Channels Page 1 On March 14 a group of PUCL representatives 1. Close ups of dead/injured. told the Police Commissioner that TV Channels 2. THE NAKED DANCE OF VIOLENCE IN need to be warned. We tried to obtain copies of VADODARA. Headlines in large red letters. the offensive tapes before the NHRC visit, were Page 2 not given those. The Police Commissioner gave a 1.3 DIE NEAR FATEHPURA LAL AKHADA. notice to the local channels, they were also off the ARE THE TWO MUSLIM POLICEMEN air for two days but then were back again and POSTED AT THE POLICE POINT going about their work with a vengeance. In the RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS? last week of March, owners of two TV channels Conclusion were arrested, VNM and News Plus, when in When Muslims were at fault names were taken, fact the other two channels, J TV and Deep were perpetrators were clearly identified. When far more inflammatory. Muslims were the victims of murderers, arsonists, Given below are some samples of the looters, etc. then it has not been clearly stated inflammatory stance of the channels.


Feb. 27, 2002 VNM Channel Ajay Dave’s (VHP ) statement that we will retaliate with violence and create history (in relation to Godhra incident)

From Feb. 27 J TV Kept repeating images of the Godhra incident many times a for more than a week day, thereby attempting to create feelings of outrage among Hindus.

March 15, 2002 Siti Cable Common man on the street said how Hindus want Ram Mandir. We are beginning an andolan today which we will stop after we achieve our goals

March 15, 2002 Deep Channel Showed rally after shila daan . 3 local leaders Deepak Kharchikar (Shiv Sena), Niraj Jain (Bajrang Dal), Ajay Dave (VHP) gave speeches and interviews at the Machhipeeth naka. These contained anti-Muslim sentiments. ‘Muslims will have to live the way we want otherwise we will pull them out of their houses and kill them’.

March 16, 2002 VNM or News Plus Ajay Joshi ‘we will be training Hindu youth to be ladayak In Cable (warriors, aggressive ???)’

March 29, 2002 VNM or News Cable Mayor said ‘like Hirankashap destroyed evil, we will also destroy deshdrohis’.

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  21 B. SAMPLES OF FAN MAIL AT Muslims only to get their votes (Congress for WWW.NARENDRAMODI.ORG. e.g.). The opposition should realize that its duty The CM of Gujarat is proud of being email is not just to oppose every decision of the govt. and internet savvy and he has often let it be but to also support the Govt. in the interest of known that he has a website. Given below are some the nation. In such a situation you have taken samples from his website aimed at cynical self- all the courage to stand against the Muslims promotion. If there is any need for “proof” of his and give justice to the majority, you really anti-Muslim, and therefore unconstitutional deserve to be thanked. Come to our city and attitudes they are here at this site. Legal action u’ll realize that people are virtually worshiping against Modi as well as the site hosts seems to be you. I understand that the stand you are in order. taking is a difficult one, and I also know that 1. Dear modi ji, you are like a god to us. there will be even some Hindus too who will Thank you for saving Hindus. But you are dislike your stand, but a vast majority is with not doing enough. We will not be you and love you. Please continue and don’t satisfied until you send your sena out to bother about those critics, we will make sure Muslim countries like Pakistan, that you remain the CM forever. Thanks a lot Afghanistan to rape Muslim women, kill once again. I wish there were few more and burn Muslims. Thank you Rakesh Narendra Modis in this country... —Rupal Kumar Trivedi [email protected] Yours Truely 2. SIR, I FAIL TO FIND WORDS TO Rupal ([email protected]) EXPRESS GRATITUDE TO YOU FOR 4. The very fact that anti-national elements THE WAY HINDUS HAVE BEEN were effectively paid back during his PROTECTED IN THIS STATE DESPITE tenure is reason enough for us to salute ALL THE CRITICISMS ALL OVER THE him” - Vishal Patel (A student in COUNTRY. YOU HAVE ENDEARED Ahmedabad) YOURSELF TO ALL THE GUJARATIS. 5. Respected Modiji, We are proud of you THE WHOLE STATE IS SOLIDLY for maintaining Gujarat so well. Please BEHIND YOU. HATS OFF TO “ASLI don’t get shaken by the critics, we Hindus MARD”!!! all over the world love you so much and p.j.desai [email protected] we will pray for you always. Thanks and 3. “Lots of thanks for all that u have done take care” - Shreeenivas Gadi to us. We (Hindus) were a victim of 6. “It’s ploy to tarnish CM’s image through Islamic violence since long.” 2nd phase of riots sponsorship?’ - Dearest Modi sir, Lots of thanks for all 7. Sir, We are really pleased by your that u have done to us. We (Hindus) were a excellent handling of the riot situation in victim of Islamic violence since long. I Gujarat. The English press supported by remember killing of Hindu pilgrims in Vaishno power-hungry congressmen are out to Devi, Amaranth and in almost all over India tarnish your image & that of the innocent Hindus were killed by Muslims only powerful Hindu samaj. These people are on the name of religion and jihad. The entire very few in numbers & the majority of us underworld is run by Muslims. It is very sad openly support you & your dynamic that in spite of all these years of Muslim handling of the situation. raja khara terrorism, some of our leaders still support the


Obituary/Announcement of ‘Besna’ of This obituary seeks to make a martyr of one of the victims of the Godhra one of the Godhra victims tragedy, reminding everyone of his sacrifice.

Boycott of Muslims Signed in the name of a “true Hindu patriot” this one urges all Hindus to boycott the entire Muslim population in all possible ways – some of the suggestions include not hiring them, or working for them in their establishments, not buying from, or selling to them; not watching films in which Muslim actors/actresses have worked. If they fail to do so they are threatened in the name of Hanuman and Ram.

On the absurdity of the economic A 2-page note pointing out that economic sleight of hand or criminal boycott misconduct is not confined to any particular community.

Rise! Awaken! Slogans of “Hindustan Zindabad” go along with slogans of “Jai Shri Ram”. It aims at coaxing Hindus to stop bearing “Muslim atrocities” that they have been inflicting on Hindus since long. Its time to rise up against them. This one is signed in the name of Paramhans.

An R.S.S. highly confidential letter. This is the most vicious of them all: it lists 34 ways in which they aim to harm/ kill/isolate all the minorities – some of these methods include, injecting their newborns with slow poisons by enlisting Hindu doctors, accumulating arms, boycott all secular programmes, encourage the use of alchohol and drugs in areas dominated by the minorities. It also says that such activities should be reported to the office in Nagpur, where they can also obtain further information if they require it.

“Hindus and Sikhs Beware!” dated 13 An appeal to Muslim youth to volunteer to “entice” heathen girls (‘kafirs’) April 2001

Historical decision regarding “Quran” An order passed by a Metropolitan judge – A booklet including a judgement in a Delhi court, misquoting Vivekanand, Quran, Shri Aurobindo and M.K. Gandhi in the wrong context to suit their objectives. In order to avoid the rectified stand of these great people they have not indicated the timings of their statement. This is being misused as propaganda against the minority. ”Jehad” An utterly profane piece critical of Muslims and valorising Narendra Modi for his “great deeds.” Shaheed Hone wale Marhum Musalmanon ki Aaho Pukaar A self critical piece attributing the present sorry state of Muslims to not living by true Islamic edicts. Which includes Muslim haves not sharing their bit with have nots by not paying the correct Zakaat, not keeping fast as prescribed, not having a roving eye on women, etc. Na Sambhaloge to mit jaoge …. A piece of advice – “God helps only those who help themselves” — to Muslims of various denominations to unite, to boycot the poison-spreading Sandesh newspaper, and asking Muslims to take up self-defence and not bank on the Government and the Police. A letter written by Vimala Thakar of Mt. Abu dated March 2, 2002 A “friendly” communication that does not communicate. It touches on various issues, “the preplanned conspiracy of the Godhra carnage … the so called ‘secularists’, the misguided Muslim youth, and perhaps the terrorists exported by our neighbour Pakistan who could have decided to terrorise the Hindu devotees in such a way that they would not dare to go to Ayodhya and cooperate with the Project of the VHP of building the temple.” It ends by appealing to support the Prime Minister of India’s appeal for restraint.

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  23 COMMUNAL VIOLENCE IN GUJARAT- ROLE OF THE MEDIA (Adjudications rendered on 30.6.2003 in 24 cases)

PREFACE is true that localized incidents communal violence “There are many religions as there are individuals; are not uncommon in the post-independent India. but those who are conscious of the spirit of However, when reported in the media, they assume nationality do not interfere with one another’s and induce repercussion of national, and sometimes religion. If Hindus believe that India should be international, character. peopled only by Hindus, they are living in a During the riots in Gujarat in February-May dreamland. The Hindus, the Mohammedans, the 2002, some NGOs, and Committees consisting Parsis and the Christians who have made their renowned senior citizens visited Gujarat and gave country are fellow countrymen and they will their assessment about the role of media. Likewise, have to live in unity if only for their own interest. Editors Guild Fact Findings Mission consisting of In no part of the world are one nationality and few senior editors visited Gujarat, interviewed one religion synonymous terms; nor has it ever people gave a report with particular reference to been so in India.” the role played by media and found that some —Mahatma Gandhi papers had indulged in giving slanted reports. Twice during the crisis the Chairman of the We have forgotten this advise. Rather completely. Press Council appealed to the media for restraint There can be no explanation for the insane and care. The first came on 4.3.2002 immediately carnage in Gujarat, which burned, experienced after the riots broke out and is produced below. barbarous violence and left in its aftermath all “When the nation is fully and seriously round fear, hatred, insecurity and grim vengeful engaged in fighting terrorism, it is unfortunate attitude among the people. The agonizing that the present crisis in Gujarat, which may lead thoughts and introspection forced on the society to communal unrest through out the country has by the carnage cannot be eluded. A pertinent occurred. question here is whether the media played their The media, which enjoys the utmost freedom role fairly on the expected lines adhering to the of expression, has a great and vital role to play in norms. There are 32 large and vernacular moulding public opinion on correct lines in regard publications in Ahmedabad alone prominent to the need of friendly and harmonious relations among them being “Sandesh” and “Gujarat between various communities and religious Samachar”. Therefore this applies more so to the groups and thus promote national solidarity. local journalists who have to play a careful and The press should strictly adhere to proper responsible role in such situations of crisis. norms and standards in reporting or commenting All disorders, which acquire communal on matters, which bear on communal relations. character, make news. It is axiomatic that they One such important norm is not to distort, or cause divisiveness and hatred among the common exaggerate not to employ intemperate, inciting people. It is needless to say reporting of such an and unrestrained language. The local papers event is as sensitive, delicate and challenging as particularly should strictly adhere to this norm. the event itself. The information is disseminated The role of media in such situations is to be should no doubt factually be correct but at the peacemakers and not abettors, to be same time should not be inciting and on the other troubleshooters and not troublemakers. Let the hand, should be palliative. Voices of concern could media play their noble role of promoting peace be heard from varied quarters that the “Media” and harmony among the people in the present did not play its legitimate role during this period crisis in Gujarat. Any trend to disrupt the same and at least few papers by their unholy either directly or indirectly would be an anti- dissemination of news polluted the atmosphere. It national act.

24  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 The noble traditions of our media have discuss the role played by media in reporting always been to build up national solidarity. I incidents during the carnage. The Governor was appeal to them to rededicate themselves to play the Chief Guest. The Chairman, Press Council of this noble role. India addressed the conference apprising them In situations like these in no time “A about the norms to be accepted and followed and Suodhan becomes a Duryodhan”. Our concept is impressing upon them that the media’s role not to allow that.” should be to quench the flames rather than add Again on 3.4.2002 having noted with explosives to the devastating situation. concern the somewhat sensationalized coverage The Press Council by the norms set out, of the riots, referring to the appeal of 4.3.2002, ordained the media to avoid sensational, the Chairman, Press Council of India issued the provocative and alarming headlines, avoid details following appeal- that might hurt religious sentiments; as also the It was fervently hoped that the media reports that could undermine the peoples would heed the appeal made to it in the interest confidence in the maintenance and restoration of of the nation as a whole. But it has been noted peace and law and order. with deep anguish that a large number of The Press Council gathered as many as 800 newspapers and news channels in the country paper cuttings and carefully examined the same. and, in particular a large section of the print and Wherever there were violations of the norms; the electronic media in Gujarat has, instead of Council proceeded to take suo-motu action alleviating communal unrest, played an ignoble against such papers. In addition it received role in inciting communal passions leading to individual complaints. After processing, the large scale rioting, arson and pillage in the State Inquiring Committee held its sitting at concerned. Ahmedabad and after hearing the parties in the It is once again emphasized that the media matters made its recommendations. Since issues should strictly adhere to proper norms and are common to these cases they are grouped standards in reporting or commenting on matters, together below for comprehensive understanding which bear on communal relations. One such of the situation and views of the Press Council important norm is not to distort, or exaggerate, thereon. not to employ intemperate, inciting and unrestrained language. The local papers ADJUDICATIONS S.NO. I-XXIV particularly should strictly adhere to this norm. I-II. Complaints of Dr. Shujaat Vali, Lara The role of media in such situation is to be Mother Health Care Centre, Godhra, Gujarat peacemakers and not abettors, to be against Gujarat Samachar and Sandesh.(14/47- troubleshooters and not troublemakers. Let the 48/02-03) media play their noble role of promoting peace III. Complaint of Shri Usman Haji Ahmed and harmony among the people in the present Qurayshi, General Secretary, Forum for Social crisis in Gujarat. Any trend to disrupt the same Justice, Ahmedabad against Sandesh (14/118/ either directly or indirectly would be an anti- 02-03) national act. IV-V. Complaints of Shri Shahabuddin, It is also brought to the notice of the media President, All India Muslim Majliees-e- that any news report printed or published by the Mushwarat, New Delhi against Gujarat Samachar print media or relayed by the electronic media in and Sandesh. (14/157/ 02-03) and (14/ 229/ 02- contravention of ethical norms in reporting or 03) commenting on matters pertaining to communal VI-VII. Complaints of Dr. Shakeel Ahmad, harmony is likely to invite penal action under the Administrator, IRCG-Cell for Legal Help and provisions of Section 295-A of the Indian Penal Guidance, Ahmedabad against Sandesh and Code and allied provisions. Please take note and Gujarat Samachar. (14/305-306/02-O3.) be advised accordingly. VIII. Memoraudum from Citizens of On 22nd July 2002 the Gujarat Daily Ahmedabad regarding spreading of violence Newspapers Association organized a conference through print media in Gujarat against Sandesh. at Ahmedabad on a request by the Chairman to (14/307/02-03)

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  25 IX. Objectionable clippings relating to newspapers Sandesh and Gujarat Samachar, Gujarat riots for suo-motu action against Vishva leading dailies of Gujarat, which the complainants Hindu Samachar, , Dainik listed herein below, alleged, played a role not Jagran, , Asian Age, Rashtriya consistent with the guidelines relating to coverage Sahara and The Mainstream. (14/386/ 02- 03) of communal disturbances. The complaints X. Reference from an anonymous against Sandesh and Gujarat Samachar have been complainant regarding publication of an summarized below: objectionable photograph in the Hindustan Times, New Delhi. (14/20/02-03) I-II. XI-XII Complaints of Shri Hindumal M. Dr. Situjaat Vali, Shah, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh against Deccan Lara Mother Health Chronicle, Hyderabad. (4/84-85/02-03) and (l Care Centre, 4/142/02-03) Godhira (Gujarat) XIV. Complaint of Maj. General Don Patrick Versus (Retired) Ooty, Tamil Nadu against Hindu. (14/ 1. Sandesh, 105/02-03) 2. Gujarat Samachar XV. Complaint of Dr. K.P. Hardas, Nagpur. Dr. Shujaat Vali, Lara Mother Health Care Centre, against Indian Express, Maharashtra.(14/ 116/ Godhra, Gujarat filed a complaint on 26.2.2002 02-03) charging the press with publication of misleading XVI. Complaint of the President, Jeevit and inflammatory reports during March ýÿ April Hindustan, Kolkata (through Ministry of I&B) 2002 and playing a criminal role in spreading against The Telegraph. (14/308/02-03) riots in Gujarat after Godhra violence. The XVII. Complaint of Dr. Krishen Kak, IAS complainant submitted that Sandesh and Gujarat (Retired) Delhi against The Times of India, Samachar had published objectionable, Delhi(14/106/02-03) misleading news items and rumours, adding fuel XVIII-XXI. Complaints of Shri Sharad C. to the fire. Dr. Vali requested the Press Council to Misra, Mumbai, Dr. D. N. Godhok, Mumbai, Shri take necessary action to restrain the Press from Hardayal Bhalla, Mumbai and Shri D. C. Gupta, spreading communal violence. Mumbai against The Times of India. (14/122- Comments of the Sandesh and Gujarat 125/02-03) Samachar were invited on 10.7.2002. XXII-XIV. Complaints of Shri V.D. Mishra, Commissioner of Police, Aurangabad Comments of Sandesh Maharashtra against , Saamna and Managing Editor, Sandesh in his comments dated Vishwamitra. 3.8.2002 while denying the allegations made in the complaint, submitted that the complaint was SERIAL NOS.1-8 false, improper, illegal and lodged with a biased Complaints against Sandesh and Gujarat mind. The respondent submitted that the Samachar. “Sandesh” never committed any breach of Year 2002 was a year of trials and journalistic ethic nor intended to commit breach tribulations for the country. Parts of Gujarat faced of journalistic ethics at any point of time. It denied early in the year, a burst of frenzy that prompted publishing any misleading, objectionable, many to question the principles of secularism exaggerated, inflammatory and biased news enshrined in our Constitution. The situation also items/pictures relating to the Gujarat violence brought to the fore, the role of Media in the crisis during the period from March to April 2002 as situation. alleged in the complaint. According to the The Press Council of India received stores respondent the reports were carried in good faith. of complaints against the print media, some Further the news, which were published in national level publication, which the Press Council “Sandesh” daily during the relevant period for has dealt with separately and some Gujarat based promoting/maintaining harmony amongst the newspapers. The subject matter of complaints communities, had not been cited in the said letter adjudicated herein is the reporting by two Gujarati of complainant, which showed that the

26  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 complainant had cited certain news items with the Hindu community. biased mind. Generally all Gujarati print media The complainant submitted that the as well as journals published in English language impugned news was totally false and did not had also highlighted the alleged incidents in their have any basis. In fact the Government including newspaper and magazines/journals. The news the Defence Minister had clearly mentioned that item had been published in the large interest of no such incident had occurred. He averred that the members of the society and to make them such news was not reported by any other conscious for their lives and therefore it could not newspapers and alleged that the news item was be said that the published news items in question published with an ulterior motive to create hatred were misleading, objectionable, exaggerated, in the minds of the people of the majority inflammatory, and biased news item/pictures community. It had enraged their communal relating to the Gujarat violence. These were not feelings and led to retaliation. The incidents provocating, instigating or the tendency to whip occurring in Godhra thereafter were proof to the up the communal tension. The respondent ill effect of the said news. submitted that the alleged news were published The second news item published on 6.3.2002 in good faith without any bias and in the interest reported that as per the intelligence report, the of members of the society at large and not to add lives of Hindus would be in danger after the Haj any fuel to the fire of riots in the state of Gujarat. pilgrims return. The news item further goes to The respondent further stated that “Sandesh” say that on orders of ISI, the terrorists were ready has also published a numbers of news, which to attack Hindus at various places after the Haj helped to cool down the situation, and published pilgrims return. Huge amount of RDX and other appeals of political leaders to maintain communal explosives were ready as per a well-planned harmony in the society. programme to sabotage Hindu places. But these Gujarat Samachar did not file comments. agencies were waiting for the Hai pilgrims to A copy of the comments of Sandesh was return to begin their attacks. forwarded to the complainant on 10.9.2002. Shri Qurayshi alleged that the impugned news item enraged the Hindus in Gujarat and III. also created a sense of insecurity amongst them. Shri Usman Haji Ahmed Qurayshi, The Sandesh had thus sabotaged the peace in the General Secretary, State and these news items were only intended to Forum for Social Justice add fuel to whole fire of the riots and creating Ahmedabad. vengeance in the minds of the people of both the Versus communities. The complainant requested the The Sandesh Council to take immediate action against the Shri Usman Haji Ahmed Qurayshi, General Sandesh. Secretary, Forum for Social Justice, Ahmedabad in his complaint dated 20.4.2002 against Sandesh, Written Statement Gujarati daily, Ahmedabad alleged publication A show cause notice was issued to the respondent of false and immoral news items thereby adding Sandesh, Ahmedabad on 18.6.2002. Managing fuel to the fire during the Gujarat riots. The Editor, Sandesh in his written statement dated complainant submitted that the respondent had 5.7.2002 submitted that the news-item was published a news item captioned “Dead bodies published in good faith and with an intention to of two young women found in very distorted caution and alert the public at large to take condition” (English translation) in the issue dated precautionary steps and also to protect members 1.3.2002. The news item reported about two girls of the society after taking necessary note of the allegedly abducted from the Sabaramati Express news. According to him, the said news-item was and found dead later on. It further reported that published in other newspapers also. He denied the worst aspect about it was that their dead that the news-items were meant to create any bodies were found with their breast cut and further disturbances or to add fuel to fire. A copy removed from the body and that the horrible of the written statement was forwarded to the sight had created a feeling of vengeance amongst complainant on 23.7.2002.

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  27 Counter Comments Samachar” and “Sandesh” in particular for The complainant- Shri Qurayshi in his counter inflamming religious passions in Gujarat. Shri comments dated 20.9.2002 submitted that the Shahabuddin Syed also produced a copy of an incident that happened at Godhra on 27.2.2002 article by an eminent journalist Shri Batuk Vora was condemnable. The complainant alleged that on the subject published in the Mainstream. Some many a times the print media sponsored violence of the contents of the article, which are as follows, had broken out. At different times some big daily give an overview : Gujarati newspapers sowed the seeds of “If a question is raised to any literate communal and racial violence and nurtured them. member of the minority community in According to the complainant, the “Sandesh” Ahmedabad as to who played the most communal was anti minority and trying to project Muslim or criminal role during this carnage, and he or community as fanatic, frenzied, anti-social and she will invariably shoot the reply : anti-national. The news items published by the Two things : The police under Narendra respondent newspaper were, he alleged, distorted, Modi and two leading Gujarati daily newspapers exaggerated, provocative and suppressed the -Gujarat Samachar (GS) and Sandesh (SD). truth. You ask any Hindu fanatic about these A copy of the counter comments was newspapers, and he or she will certainly give forwarded to the Sandesh respondent on them a clean chit.” 22.10.2002. The writer quoted the opinions, of different persons about these two particular newspapers, Additional Written Statement: Gujarat Samachar and Sandesh. Managing Editor, Sandesh in his additional Shri Shahabuddin requested the Council to written statement dated 23.10.2002 submitted take suo-motu notice of the news and views that the complaint was a one-sided version of published by the two major dailies of Gujarat for presentation of the events starting from the 27th the period from 27th Feb to 26th April 2002 to February 2002. The newspaper had not the review their performance in the light of the code slightest intention of prejudicing one community of conduct laid down by the Council. against the other nor had it ever indulged in the The complainant in his letter-dated same. The newspaper reported the actual events 20.6.2002 again requested the Council to take as has been reported by other newspapers and cognizance of the violation of the code of the electronic media of the country. The conduct prescribed by the Council by sonic newspapers had no intention to create any ill newspapers in Gujarat. The complainant also feeling for any community and it had not done referred to the report of the Editors’ Guild of anything, which affected the peace and tranquility India, which indicted the Gujarati press, and harmony in the society. The complainant, he particularly the Sandesh and the Gujarat claimed, had not stated the correct facts but Samachar. The complainant further submitted presented distorted version. that the National Human Rights Commissions had also noted the phenomenon and during the IV- V. visit of AIMMM delegation many Complaints Shri Syed Shahabuddin, from the victims were heard and the Gujarati President, All India Muslim press was held responsible for igniting and Majlis-E-Mushawarat, fanning communal violence. New Delhi. Comments of respondent “Gujarat Versus Samachar” and “Sandesh” were invited on 1. Gujarat Samachar 26.06.2002. 2. Sandesh Shri Syed Shahbuddin, President, All India Comments of Sandesh Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat, New Delhi in his Managing editor, Sandesh in his comments letter dated 22.04.2002 drew the attention of the dated 03.08.2002 submitted that the contents, Press Council towards reports published by the averments allegations made against “Sandesh” Gujarati press in general and “Gujarati by the complainant were false, improper, illegal

28  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 and had been made with a biased mind. The writer of the article, enclosed with the complaint respondent submitted that while the news items were made with ill will. According to the published in Sandesh on various dates as alleged respondent, all the newspapers in the State had in the article of Mr. Batuk Vora, were all published reported what actually happened in Gujarat and in “Sandesh” daily during the alleged period, other parts of the country. Sandesh had not those exhorting the public to maintain the deviated from its line of unbiased reporting of harmony amongst the communities, had not been news. It did not take side with any community cited in the article which shows that the author and always attempted to place on record the real of the article, Shri Vora had cited certain news picture. items with biased mind. The respondent further The respondent stated that a Commission submitted that not only Sandesh but generally headed by a retired Supreme Court Judge, Hon’ble all Gujarati Print Media as well as magazines, Mr. Justice G.T. Nanavati, was enquiring into the journals etc. printed and published in English details of these disturbances. The crimes language, also highlighted the alleged incidents committed on both the communities by anti-social in their newspapers and journals. The alleged elements and anti-national elements were being news items were published in the larger interest cited even before the Commission. Therefore, it is of the members of the society and to make them not as if something was imagined by the conscious for their lives and therefore it cannot newspapers or some imaginary events were be said that the “Sandesh” had committed any cooked up by the newspapers for the purpose of breach of journalistic ethics. getting some cheap publicity. The respondent According to the respondent, the contents submitted that the complaint was devoid of any of the article in question did not have any substance and liable to be dismissed. evidential support nor was it legally tenable. The No comments were filed by respondent article written by Mr. Batuk Vora of “Mainstream” Gujarat Samachar. published in its issue of April 20, 2002 was a “Personal View” of the author in regard of the VI-VII. alleged subject matter i.e. “Gujarati Print Media’s Dr. Shakeel Ahmad, role in the carnage” and after carefully going Administiator, through the article, it could be inferred that author IRCG Cell for Legal Help & might have some grievances against the Gujarati Guidance, Ahmedabad Print Media. Versus The author of article failed in appreciating 1. Sandesh the news items published in “Sandesh” for 2. Gujarat Samachar establishing peace in the society and appeals of Dr. Shakeel Ahmad, Administrator, Islamic Relief political leaders to maintain communal harmony Committee Gujarat (IRCG)-Cell for Legal Help & amongst the members of society, contended the Guidance, Ahmedabad filed a complaint dated respondent. 22nd July, 2002 against Gujarati dailies - The respondent further submitted that in “Sandesh” and “Gujarat Samachar” for the alleged article the author tried to defend the publishing distorted, concocted, fabricated and electronic media by saying that they are newly exaggerated news items during the Gujarat riots established and were not able to understand the after Godhra incident. The complainant alleged root cause or the psychology of both the that the vernacular press, particularly the daily communities and conflict in Gujarat. In this newspapers- Sandesh and Gujarat Samachar, had context the respondent raised a question whether seriously and grossly inflamed the situation during live telecast of violence shown by the electronic the riots in the State in violation of the established media, could be called ethical while the print norms of journalistic ethics. The reporting and media, which published same news of violence a publication of the news items by both these day later, were unethical? newspapers had also been since long directly The respondent editor, Sandesh in his vindictive, incriminating the Muslim community additional comments dated 08.11.2002 submitted for creating trouble in the society, being prone to that the insinuations and allegations made by the create disputes and pick up fights with the Hindu

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  29 community. According to the complainant if a country and Sandesh has not deviated from its detailed analysis of their daily reporting is line of activity of unbiased reporting of news. The undertaken, one conclusion could be drawn that respondent stated that the newspaper had never the reporting had been unfair and partisan and portrayed or justified any act of violence either they have completely blown out of proportion by the Muslim or by Hindu community. It had the incidence of the so called attack on the majority reported the actual events as had been reported Hindu community and their sufferings, in turn by other newspapers and the electronic media of instigating retaliatory action against the Muslim the country. The respondent submitted that the community. complaint was devoid of substance and therefore, The complainant alleged that the said the same may be dismissed. conduct of the newspapers clearly established A copy of the written statement was for- that they had not discharged their obligatory warded to the complainant on 22.11.2002. duties of free, fair and unbiased reporting of giving true picture to the society thereby facilitating and Written statement of Gujarat Samachar advocating the maintenance of peace and The managing editor, Gujarat Samachar in his harmony of the society. On the contrary the said written statement dated 16.10.2002 while denying reporting contained rumours and alarming news the allegations made in the complaint submitted with an intention to incite Hindus and cause fear that they acted in complete bonafide manner or alarm to the Muslim community. following the norms of freedom of the press. They Giving references of some news items; the had complied with their duty to reach out to the complainant submitted that the respondent masses and put forth the true and correct state of newspapers splashed coloured photograph of the affairs in the State and the country. During the acts of slaughtering of animals with a view to period of the unfortunate riots in Gujarat their incite feeling of disgust and hatred amongst the newspaper Gujarat Samachar had observed Hindu community alleging cow slaughter in broad severe restraint in publishing the news items, daylight and public places. It also reported that which could add fuel to the riots and spark off the members of Vishwa Hindu Parishad had been further riots. trying to stop the same but were attacked by the A copy of the written statement was Muslim community running for their lives. The forwarded to the complainant on 21.11.2002. complainant referred particularly to the news VIII. Memorandum from Citizens of item published in Sandesh dated 28.02.2002. Ahmedabad regarding spreading of violence The complainant submitted that when the through Print media in Gujarat. said newspapers were expected to show restraint The citizens of Ahmedabad vide their and report and publish the Godhra incident giving memorandum dated 22nd July 2002 drew the a true and clear picture to the public, they attention of the Press Council towards the role of published malafide, distorted, concocted and media during the riots in Gujarat and thereby fabricated stories and the incidence. Show-cause spreading violence in the State. It was stated in notices were issued to “Sandesh” and “Gujarat the memorandum that at different times one or Samachar” on 09.08.2002. two big daily Gujarati newspapers had sown the seeds of communal and racial violence and Written statement of Sandesh nurtured them. Many a times print media Managing editor of Sandesh in his written sponsored violence had broken out. Among statement dated 18.09.2002 denied the allegations Gujarati dailies, the newspaper “Sandesh” had made in the complaint. The respondent submitted spread violence by publishing news and articles that the newspaper had not the slightest intention in provocative and instigating language. of prejudicing one community against the other Referring to several instances, the nor has it even indulged into the same. According complainants submitted that the Sandesh Daily to the respondent all the newspaper in the State newspaper was anti-minority and it published of Gujarat and Mumbai, published in English or totally biased, partial and provocative news items. Gujarati had similarly reported what had actually It projected Muslim community as fanatic, happened in Gujarat and other parts of the frenzied, anti-social and anti-national and

30  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 depicted them as terrorists. It was further alleged fired at the mob, so that mob was irritated in the memorandum that the news items and killed him. published after the Godhra incident were twisted, 8. 01.03.2002 page 16 heading: Out of distorted, false in facts, exaggerated or presented kidnapped young ladies from Sabarmati half truths and instigated and provoked. Captions Express, dead bodies of two ladies recovered- to photographs and box-item were printed in breasts of ladies were cut down. Actually tricky and deceptive manner. no such incident has happened. Police The details of the 17 news items alleged by authority denied this incident. (Gujarati concocted or provocative were as follows : daily newspaper “Gujarat Samachar” dated 1. 28.02.2002 page 1 continued on page 14- 02.03.2002 carried news of denial of any Title stating that: 60 Hindus burnt alive in incident of breasts cutting.) Godhra. Provocative language used. 9. Deceptive and tricky photo and news 2. 28.02.2002 page 1 heading: 10-15 Hindu 01.03.2002 on the top of front page amid ladies dragged away by fanatic mob from coloured photo of funeral pyres, a big title the railway compartment. Contents- of 98 killed is printed thereby creating an Religious fanatics kidnapped some 10-15 impression of death of 98 persons of majority Hindu women from railway coach. (2) community on the mind of readers. Ladies ran away to save their lives and 10. 05.03.2002 there is a news item on 1st page miscreants caught them. with heading : Karsevaks going ahead 3. 28.02.2002 page 16 bogus story repeated neglecting prohibitory orders. Disobeying with the heading: 8-10 young ladies dragged of prohibitory orders by Karsevaks is away; in slums helpless women were glorified in this news. struggling to escape from the grip of 11. 05.03.2002 there is story on page 2 with the Shaitans. Report by an eyewitness: title “Anger of people against TV Channels”. Bapunagar mob dragged away 8-10 ladies It reports some TV channels had telecast into the slums. reports with partiality creating tensions 4. 28.02.2002 page 5 news item with heading: between two communities. On arrival of Sabarmati Express at 12. 05.03.2002 page 11. A highly communal, Ahmedabad slogans shouted Jai Shree Ram. objectionable, provocative, inflammatory Blood against blood. and anti Muslim article of Manoj Gandhi, 5. Suppression of truth 23.02.2002 page 3: Mob some excerpts are as under. killed a youth in Bapunagar, buses and shops set on fire in Ahmedabad. Actually youth Heading-Gory incidents of Godhra- killed was a Muslim but this paper printed Ahmedabad-dangerous game of Khoon ka badla that a youth owning Khanna mutton shop khoon was killed, deliberately his identity was not Big heading (1) Conspiracy of disclosed. Other victims were Muslims and fundamentalist Muslim terrorists Gujarat is ablaze their properties but “Sandesh” has not (2) Dangerous reactions to instigation of tolerant mentioned anywhere in the news. Hinduism. Subheading in block letters (1) After 6. 28.02.2002 page 2 heading: On the edge of 50 years of Independence what is the reason of sword train driver was hijacked. In fact Muslims hatred towards Hindus of Hindustan? there is no such hijack of Sabarmati Express (2) After the communal riots of 1992 and Godhra train driver any other newspaper either in incident. Muslims should learn that the results of Gujarati or English published such a story. instigating tolerant Hindus can be dangerous. (3) 7. 01.03.2002 Page 1 continued on page 14 If fundamentalist Muslim does not understand heading: 15000 mobs did great destruction: this truth, then innocent Muslims will continue 50 burnt alive in Gulmarg. Society of to be sacrificed in this gory game. Chamanpura (Ahmedabad)-Three died, five 13. 06.03.2002 page 1-8 columns heading injured: mob became fierce. News about “Danger to Hindus” “Terrible conspiracy killing of Ex-MP Shri Ehsan Jafri printed, of retaliating attack after Haj”. Subheading- On the 1st page, the story tells that ex-MP ”Fears of RDX bomb blast or plane hijack.”

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  31 14. 24.04.2002 page 1 continued on page 9 stated in the Memorandum. Title-”Hindu set ablaze, young lady lost doubtfully (sic)-as sunnat for fanatic mobs- Further written statement only chappal and packet of Lays found”. The respondent-editor, Sandesh, Ahmedabad in 15. 26.04.2002 page 5 his further written statement dated 12.12.2002 Title “Ladies going to Dhalgarwad for submitted that their newspaper Sandesh had shopping despite police advise were stabbed reported the details which had been published by by sticks”. all other newspapers in the State and which had 16. 27.04.2002 page 2 Title “Stern string powder been repeatedly aired by the T.V. channels. So which can melt a human being found- white the reporting in the newspaper was the outcome powder sent to laboratory for analysis - of the events, which had taken place for which police astonished seeing 15 kilo of powder - no newspaper was required to be dealt with petrol bomb, country made bomb, kerosene under the provisions of Press Council Act. The and bottles seized”. Respondent requested that show cause notice 17. Bogus story “Sandesh” 27.04.2002 page 1 may be withdrawn. continued on page 14 Title-subtitle “Try to kill cows by throwing Appearance before the Inquiry Committee at them an explosive liquid; police foil an attempt All, the above eight complaints came up for to set the city on fire” translation of bogus story. consideration before the Inquiry Committee on “Anti-social elements attacked the chali of famous 28th and 29th April 2003 at Ahmedabad. Shri jagannath mandir on the night of Thursday and A.J.Yagnik, Advocate appeared for the more than that their intention was to set on fire complainants, namely, Dr. Shujaat Vali and Shri the entire state. Police went on time handled the Usman Haji Ahmad Qurayshi. S/Shri M.A. situation. A conspiracy to burn alive two cows of Kharadi and M.T.M. Alakim, Advocates appeared Dharwad.” for Dr. Shakeel Ahmed. Shri P.K. Jani, Advocate Condemning the incident that happened at appeared for the respondent newspaper-Sandesh. Godhra on 27th Feb.2002, the complainants There was no appearance on behalf of Gujarat requested for intervention against misuse of the Samachar. Shri Batuk Vohra, author of one of freedom of the print media in Gujarat. the impugned articles was also present amongst the audience. Written Statement Shri Syed Shahabuddin, however, in his A show-cause notice was issued to “Sandesh”, letter dated 15.4.2003 in response to the notice of Ahmedabad on 08.08.2002. hearing informed that he would like the Inquiry The respondent, Managing Editor, Sandesh Committee of the Council to take suo-motu in his written statement dated 12.09.2002 cognizance or the blatant violation of the code of submitted that the complainants had not conduct by the Press. submitted any details about their address, residence or profession. In view of the same, as Oral submissions per the respondent, there was a doubt whether Shri A.J. Yagnik, Advocate appearing for the first the complaint was genuine and bonafide. The two complainants submitted that the complaint was in the form of a story rather than complainants have been dedicated readers of in the form of details. Gujarat Samachar and Sandesh since long and The respondent requested the Council to have all regards for these two newspapers. dismiss the complaint as they claimed it was However they took serious objection to the nothing but an attempt on the part of certain publication of two irresponsible news items in disgruntled and disappointed competitors to Sandesh issues dated 1.3.2002 and 6.3.2002 tarnish the image of the newspaper’s publication alleging rape and chopping off of the breasts of in the eyes of the public at large. two women found dead and the second report According to the respondent, “Sandesh” alleging that the intelligence report had indicated was maintaining high standard of journalistic possibility of terrorist attack after the returns of ethics and had never indulged in any activity, as the Haj Pilgrims. The counsel further submitted

32  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 that while the Sandesh claimed that the impugned suggesting that it was pre-planned act. report of 1.3.2002 was based on the contents of (b) From railway coach 10-15 Hindu Young the letter dated 28.2.2002 written by Shri Shambu girls dragged and abducted by religious Prasad Shukla, Area Secretary, VHP, Panchmahal fanatics. In some places it was stated that 4 (Godhra) to Collector, Panchmahal with copies young girls or 8-10 young girls. endorsed to District Police Headquarters and (c) Hindu leader named Rajendra Shah is Sandesh, the paper itself had made no efforts to quoted to have said that it was a shameful verify the facts. Further, there was nothing about attack on innocent Ramsevaks and hence the breast cutting in the said letter of Area Hindu should get organized and take Secretary of VHP, the translation of which reads revenge and go for “Khoon ka badla khoon” as follows : “Tire impact of massacre in Sabarmati (Avenge blood with blood). Express at Godhra yesterday on 27.02.2002 has not (d) The lesson to the Jinnah’s followers had subsided and till now we are receiving more and become a necessity. more tragic information. Yesterday from the same The counsel for Dr. Shakeel Ahmad filed a train some anti-social elements kidnapped two-three bunch of clippings pertaining to Sandesh and Hindus girls. Vishwa Hindu Parishad Office at Kalol also filed an affidavit in furtherance to the and the workers from tire surrounding villages complaint. received the news of the Hindu girls kidnapped from Shri P.K. Jani, Advocate of Sandesh the Sabarmati Express at Godhra. These girls were presented the defence in all the cases pertaining forcibly taken to some wilderness and were mercilessly to Sandesh took preliminary objection to the non- raped by the hooligans and were then killed and their filing of the complaint by Dr Shakeel Ahmed in dead bodies were thrown away in a small pond near conformity with the Inquiry Regulations, and Kalol. Some people saw these bodies and so far as our more particularly the clippings on which the knowledge is goes no post mortem were carried out. complainant was relying. As Per the latest information that we received, the The Inquiry Committee accepted the hooligans had poured petrol on the dead bodies and documents and produced by the complainant set them on fire so that no evidence could be traced. with a note from the counsel for Sandesh to the This is a very serious matter, and we request you to effect that the cognizance of the same may not be take immediate step in this matter”. taken by the Inquiry Committee except to the The Counsel reiterated that there was extent that they replicated the annexures already nothing in this letter to justify the report. received in the complaint of Shri Usman Haji Moreover, the newspaper “Sandesh” should have Ahmad Qurayshi and the other clippings annexed verified the facts from the Superintendent of Police and the reply filed may not be considered or of the district, where the so-called incident had taken note of. allegedly taken place. Shri P.K. Jani, Advocate representing Regarding the report charging that more Sandesh submitted that a number of attacks would take place on the return of Haj organizations had risen against the Godhra Pilgrims, he alleged that the report was not only carnage on 28th February 2002 and Sandesh was without basis, it had unabashedly attempted to apprehending danger had appealed to the people provoke communal feelings and enmity. Though not to forget the path of non-violence. The counsel the paper claimed that another paper “Asian further submitted that with the rapid Age” had carried similar report, the thrust of development of means of communication such as that report was different. He also placed reliance TV News channels, Mobile phones arid SMS even on the norms already laid down by the Press people in remote areas instantly knew about the Council to justify his objections. happenings in Godhra. Political leaders visited Shri M.A. Kharadi, Advocate for Dr. Sakeel the State of Gujarat and gave objective, subjective Ahmed drew the attention of the Inquiry and biased speeches. Sandesh had tried to give Committee towards publication of fabricated and space to every viewpoint. inflammatory news reports in 28.2.2002 issue of Shri P.K. Jani submitted that the Sandesh Sandesh as follows : had maintained due objectivity while reporting (a) “60 Hindus burnt alive at Godhra” the news items dated 1.3.2002 and 6.3.2002. A

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  33 Bandh Call was given on 28.2.2002 at the instance simple untailored facts. The analysis of the events of VHP following the Godhra incident but the and opinion thereon are a different genre State authorities had failed in providing altogether. The treatment of the two also thus information to the press. The Respondent counsel has necessarily to be different. In times of crisis, submitted that out of 123 publications in the facts unadorned and simply put, with due care State, not even a single newspaper, except the and restraint, cannot be reasonably objected to in respondent, appealed to the public to maintain a democracy. However, a heavy responsibility peace and calm. The newspapers were flooded devolves on the author of opinion articles. The with rumours and biased TV coverage. The news author has to ensure that not only are his or her item dated 1.3.2002, regarding the treatment analysis free from any personal preferences, meted out to two women, was based on the prejudices or notions, but also they are based on information collected by their reporter written verified, accurate and established facts and do and verbal and had been published in good faith. not tend to foment disharmony or enmity between They had received no denial of the same. castes, communities and races. As regard, news report dated 6.3.2002; the Insofar as the role of the Press Council is counsel submitted that it was based on three concerned, its prime objective is to awaken the sources. The information given by Superintendent press to the need for conforming to the highest of Police of the IB department to the Media. Asian ethical standards. Even in its quasi-judicial role Age (Gujarat Age) had published the same news the Press Council does not don the mantle of a two days earlier. Gujarat Samachar also published taskmaster. Its aims not to punish but to act as a the news. Thus, while the media at large had conscience keeper and advisor to provoke the carried the report that Hajis were trying to create media to introspect on the ethicality of its trouble, Sandesh had, exercised a maximum reportage. This is possible, only if cooperation is restraint. However, all the apprehensions of the extended from all quarters including the press in newspapers came to be true with events that its own interest. followed including killings, explosion etc. The Coming to the cases in hand, the Committee counsel submitted that Sandesh had balanced expressed its displeasure over the absence of the obligation of the press with citizens right to Gujarat Samachar. It noted that Guiarat information. Samachar and Sandesh were leading dailies of The counsel submitted that Sandesh was a the state that reached out to the people in the newspaper of long standing with 80 years in the language they identified with. The impact of their forefront of the media scene in Gujarat and reports was thus felt in every nook and corner of espoused the cause of the public. The counsel the State. The Committee appreciated the stressed in conclusion that the reportage of contention of the counsel for Sandesh that the Sandesh was in public interest carried in good paper had only abided by their duty to inform faith and for public good. Sandesh had acted in a the public and while people had come forward to responsible manner and it had never attempted complain about some of their reporting the appeal to inflame communal passion at any point of carried by the paper for communal harmony and time. The counsel prayed that the complaints reports covering the incidents likely to promote might be dismissed. peace were not brought to the fore. However, at the same time, the Committee felt that the paper Recommendation of the inquiry Committee had been negligent in basing its reports of 1.3.02 Before proceeding to examine the matters on regarding mutilation of the bodies of two females merit, the Committee observed that the allegedly kidnapped from the Sabarmati Express unfortunate incidents in Gujarat between on the document/letter reportedly addressed to February-May 2002 has underscored the the Collector, Panchmahal, Godhra. This importance of the media in imparting to the document did not mention the prime accusation citizens at large, information and analysis in a in the news report and the material on record did balanced and impartial manner. The media, as a not indicate that the veracity of the charge had chronicle of tomorrow’s history, owes an been established at any stage. Further even though undeniable duty to the future to record events as the reported incident had been publicly denied

34  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 and this denial reported by another paper, targeted in Gujarat”. Sandesh did nothing to inform its readers about 2. (1.03.2002) the same. Similarly the report relating to provocative photographs under the caption apprehension of increase in acts of terrorism after “Jalta Gujarat”. the return of Haj pilgrims appeared to aim at in 3. Dainik Jagran (28.2.2002) creating a sensation on the surcharged Objectionable title “Do Hazar Logon Ne atmosphere. The facts therein did not conform to Chun-Chun Kar “Ramsevkaon” Ko Mara”. the information given out by the concerned 4. Vishwa Hindu Samachar, Monthly, Title - authorities. Though the committee did not accept ”Third Face of Terrorism- Television the blanket condemnation of Sandesh and Gujarat Channels and English Newspapers”, Samachar as reported in the article of Batuk sourced from the Times of India issue dated Vohra, it did not appreciate the headlines like 10.7.2002. Report captioned “VHP Monthly “Godhra killings a challenge to the rise of terms Modi Chhote Sardar” objectionable Hindutva” in February 28, 2002 issue of Gujarat portion section of the media works on the Samachar or even some of its later reports/articles policy of divide and rule, just like the that exhorted Hindus to rise as a class against the Britishers. “When lakhs of Hindus are killed Muslims. The Committee noted that a greater in Jammu and Kashmir, farm labourers onus lies in times of crisis on the regional media butchered in Bihar and bomb blasts rock rather than the national media, in restoring the Andhra Pradesh, nobody asks the respective faith of the public in the law and order situation CMs to resign. Then why has Modi been and encouraging communal harmony and amity. targeted to step down?” it said. The Committee accordingly recommends to 5. The Telegraph, Kolkata (dated 11.04.2002) the Council to censure the respondent dailies for Objectionable title “If you don’t like them, the infraction of the norms & journalistic conduct set them on fire”. some of the reports before it and to advise the 6. The Telegraph, Kolkata (dated 17.04.2002) media, including electronic media, to introspect Title “Accused : minister in Modi govt.” on its role in the coverage of these riots, learn “Rape horrors in report” along with from its errors and ensure that in future at least provocative photograph captioned “A rioter its reportage serves to douse the passions of divisive brandishes a stick during the violence on forces and encourages the people of this country February 28”. to rise above the division of caste and creed. 7. The Telegraph (dated 26.03.2002) IX Objectionable clippings relating to Title : “Talking about Gujarat” Gujarat riots for suo-motu action against Vishva Objection : showing photograph of the Hindu Samachar, Hindustan Times, Dainik remains of the burnt people. Jagran, The Telegraph, Asian Age, Rashtriya 8. dated 23.04.2002) Sahara and The Mainstream. Objectionable title “If you don’t like people, kill them”. Complaint 9. Rashtriya Sahara (dated 26.04.2002) The Press Council of India came across a series of Title : “Gujarat ke in Alpansankyon ka Allah news reports/articles/pictures published by a Ke Sivay Koi Nahi”. section of print media after the Godhra carnage 10. The Mainstream (dated 27.04.2002) and during riots in Gujarat, which it found prime Title : Reflections on Gujarat Genocide. facie to be sensational and exaggerated, 11. The Asian Age (dated 04.04.2002) propagating hate and fuelling disorder. Objectionable photographs captioned Suo-motu action was initiated against some “Communal Violence : A policeman of them under the provisions of section 13(1) inspects the charred remains of a Muslim in read with Section 14(1) of the Press Council Act, Abasna village in riot hit Gujarat on 1978. These were : Wednesday. (Reuters)”. 1. Hindustan Times, New Delhi (dated Show-cause notices were issued to the 6.4.2002). Editors of aforesaid newspapers on 25.09.2002. Objectionable Title “Muslim school kids

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  35 Written Statement of Mainstream for covering communal riots are not relevant in The respondent editor, Mainstream in his written the present case. statement dated 07.10.2002 stated that the journal, never published any material that could inflame Written Statement of Rashtriya Sahara base communal passions, rather it has always The editor of Rashtriya Sahara in his written fought against any such trend in Indian journalism statement dated 19.4.2003 submitted that the and will continue to do so in future. Editor, “Communalism Combat”, Ms. Tista Regarding the objectionable write up, the Setalwad had prepared a report on Gujarat Riots respondent submitted that it is the policy of the and respondent newspaper among other journal to accommodate diverse points of view. newspapers brought the same before the public. The write up in question was a communication The captioned news item was published in received from Shri N. Jamal Ansari in response to Rashtriya Sahara after having discussion with an article by Mr. Batuk Vora and was accordingly the riot victims Shri Saleem who had come to published as a communication and not as an Delhi to meet Cabinet Ministers and National article. The respondent submitted that another Commission for Minorities for providing article published in the issue dated 27.04.2002 protection and while publishing the said news under the heading “wake up or perish” presented they had no intention to provoke communal riots, totally different point of view. rather the newspaper had even suppressed the According to the respondent a major section contents of V.C.Ds given to them by the victims, of the country’s population felt humiliated and which were provocative. In the last para of the hurt after the incident of Gujarat and the journal news item they had even published the statement has only accommodated their feeling in writing. of Shri Mohammad Yakub, which speaks of the communal harmony. It was further submitted Written statement of Dainik Jargan that while publishing the captioned news item The respondent editor, Dainik Jagran in his they had taken adequate care and caution but if written statement dated 14.10.2002 submitted any part of the published news item was that the news item in question was based on facts objectionable in the opinion of the Press Council, and truth and nothing was exaggerated in it. then the paper apologized for the same. The paper Further their intention was not to inflame the submitted that before coming to any conclusion communal tension, but rather to project the truth the Enquiry Report of “Editors Guild of India” before the public. may also be considered. The respondent further submitted that though the heading of the impugned news item Reply of Vishwa Hindu Samachar was not wrong yet they will be more alert and The counsel for Vishwa Hindu Samachar conscious in future while selecting the head lines. requested the Council vide his letter dated 21.10.2002 for details of the impugned report Written statement of The Telegraph and was in response supplied the article of Times The respondent editor, Telegraph, Kolkata of India and the guidelines of the Council on submitted in his written statement dated communal writings. 14.11.2002 that the Telegraph has been maintaining in the editorials/reports from Gujarat Appearance before the Inquiry Committee that the State did not witness a confrontation When the matters came up for consideration between antagonistic religious communities before the Inquiry Committee at Ahmedabad on which is what a communal riot represent, but a 28th and 29th April 2003, there was no concerted attack by Hindus on the Muslims with appearance before it. However the representative the intention to kill and destroy. Retaliation by of Vishwa Hindu Samachar who had entered Muslims was so few and far between as to be appearance, left after filing written submissions. inconsequential. According to Telegraph, what Further, in response to the notice of hearing of happened in Gujarat in March-April 2002 was the Council, the editor, Mainstream in his letter not a communal riot but a pogrom. Thus, the dated April 17, 2003 had submitted that he had Telegraph believes that the guidelines laid down nothing to add to the submissions made in the

36  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 written statement. Moreover two wrongs do not make a right. Thus The counsel for Vishwa Hindu Samachar the Committee hopes that the press will be more in his letter dated 28.4.2003 submitted that the diligent and restrained in the future. It feels that notice of hearing was prima facie contrary to the the media would be well advised to give due principles of natural justice and well settled legal consideration to the implications and impact of position as it did not carry complete details about its coverage of this and similar instances when the show cause notice, charges for which inquiry truth and factual accuracy alone cannot be the was to be conducted or the documents relied criterion to determine the suitability of a upon. publication that could as well foment passions as douse them. Recommendations of the Inquiry Committee The Inquiry Committee recommends to the The Inquiry Committee examined the material on Council to dispose of the matter with these record for a comprehensive view of the conduct of observations. the press. The Committee opined that in the X.: Reference from an anonymous situation prevailing in Gujarat at that point the complainant regarding publication of an press had a prima facie duty to report the truth. objectionable photograph in The Hindustan The reports however needed to be so couched so as Times, New Delhi. not to inflame communal passions. Yet several reports scanned by it carried sensational headlines Complaint and the body content thereof were also not worded The Secretariat of the Press Council received an in a way that would induce communal harmony. anonymous complaint on 18.3.2002 against The Not many papers covered the incidents that Hindustan Times, New Delhi regarding personified communal unity and brotherhood in publication of a photograph in its issue dated the midst of communal madness. It recalled at this 5.3.2002, under the by-line of Kaushik juncture the following guidelines already certified: Ramaswamy/HT, showing a four year old child “News, views or comments relating to who had sustained 90% burns during riots in communal or religious disputes/clashes should Ahmedabad. The footnote appended to the said be published after proper verification of facts and photograph read as follows - “Haunted look: presented with due caution and restraint in Four year old Asif who sustained 90% burns, manner which is conducive the creation of an died a few hours after this picture was taken at atmosphere congenial to communal harmony, the civil hospital in Ahmadabad on Monday. All amity and peace. Sensational, provocative and nine members of the boy’s family were earlier alarming headlines are to be avoided. Acts of killed in the riots in Narod”. According to the communal violence or vandalism should be complainant, the photograph was intended to reported in a manner as may not undermine the create tension in the minds of minority community people’s confidence in the law and order arid to provoke them to violence and also to machinery of the state. Giving community-wise confuse the people. figures of the victims of communal riot, or writing Comments of the respondent The Hindustan about the incident in a style which is likely to Times, New Delhi were invited on 17.6.2002. inflame passions, aggravate the tension, or accentuate the strained relations between the Appearance before the Inquiry Committee Communities/religious groups concerned, or The matter was called out for hearing before the which has a potential to exacerbate the trouble, Inquiry Committee at Ahmedabad on 28th April, should be avoided”. 2003 when the respondent’s counsel, Shri Gaurav The Committee expressed hope that the press Mathur, sought adjournment. The matter was will introspect on its coverage of riots and self adjourned to the next day when he again determine its role in similar situations in future. appeared and filed comments at the time of The sensational coverage of the electronic media, hearing on behalf of the respondent-Hindustan which is still in a nascent stage, cannot serve as a Times. yardstick for the print media that has more than Learned counsel for the respondent a centuries experiences to fall back upon. newspaper in his written statement dated

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  37 28.4.2003 raised preliminary objection to the effect that the counsel for the Hindustan Times had that complaint was not maintainable as it was justified the publication of the photograph on the from an unknown person who had not complied ground that it was published to awaken the with the procedure laid down under Section 3 (1) readers to the outcome of violence and wrath (a) and Section 3 (1) (c) of the Press Council involving even the innocent children. The Inquiry (Procedure for Inquiry) Regulations, 1979. It was Committee felt that the publication of the submitted that the Hon’ble Press Council of India photograph was a borderline case as the eye- had also not only called upon the paper to file its catching photograph positioned on the front page comments in place of issuing show cause notice evoked simultaneously, the feelings of revulsion to the Hindustan Times Ltd. and/or its Editor so and sympathy. However, it opined that the name as to enable them to file a written statement in of the victim given in the caption below the defence prior to calling upon the Hindustan Times photograph and reference about the family could Ltd. to appear before the Inquiry Committee for have been avoided since it had appeared at a the hearing. He requested that the complaint time when tension was all pervasive and could, should be dismissed in limine and the proceeding in the circumstances, have the tendency to arouse for hearing and inquiry be dropped, in the interest anger of the minority community during riots. of justice. The Inquiry Committee recalled Norm 23 of the Guide to Journalistic Ethics, reproduced as Hearing before the Committee follows :— “Photo-journalism is an important The Counsel for the Hindustan Times in his oral part of the print media. While intrusion through arguments reiterated the preliminary objection. photography into personal grief likely to hurt The counsel, however, proceeded to make his sentiments or arouse communal passions, should submissions on merits, on the advise of the Inquiry be avoided, publication of photographs serving Committee to present a defence on the substance the larger public interest can not be termed as of the charges instead of going into technicalities unethical or in bad taste.” At the same time, as the object of the Press Council was to instil another norm (24 C of the Guide to Journalistic ethics rather than to punish. On merits, the Ethics) advises the press to avoid mentioning the counsel for the Hindustan Times argued that the names of communities of the victims of the riots. reporter was prompted to publish the photograph The editor should have thus been more vigilant in of the child to show the difference between the allowing the publication of the photograph with pleasant and unpleasant situations. Further, the the caption appended. reporter had duly verified the facts as required. A question had arisen before the Inquiry The only motive behind the publication of the Committee whether the reporter or the photograph was compassion and sympathy for newspaper had any mens rea in publishing the human beings. Every care had been taken to photograph to inflame passion or arouse ill feelings avoid passing any judgment or appending in the minds of the public, in general or particular. offensive remarks to the impugned photograph. The Inquiry Committee found the answer in However, he emphasized that the mentioning negative, as the publication of the photograph of the name of the victim was incidental and in fact the child wrapped in bandage could well be an the reporter expected the people to be sufficiently eye-opener for the rioters. The press, however, moved by the photograph to refrain from further would be well advised to give due consideration rioting. He added that the photograph was to the implication and impact of its coverage of entrenched in the then prevalent circumstances this and similar instances when truth and factual and was newsworthy and that it was not the accuracy alone cannot be criterion to determine intention of the newspaper to inflame passion. the suitability of a publication that could as well foment passions as douse them. No hard and fast Recommendations of the Inquiry Committee rules can be laid down in the matter and the The Inquiry Committee considered the editor has to allow his conscience to guide him photograph, its caption and the written up the path of ethical rectitude. submissions as well as oral arguments advanced The Inquiry Committee recommends to the by the Respondent. The Inquiry Committee noted Council to dispose of the matter with these

38  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 observations. complainant expressed his disbelief about the narration reproduced by the writer of the incident XI-XIII. leading to the Godhra carnage. Shri Hindumal M. Shah, The complainant urged strong action to Andhra Pradesh, admonish writers and publisher who he alleged Versus indulge in this dangerous game in the prevailing 1. , situations intended “not to heal wounds but only 2. Hyderabad. to keep them alive”. Requesting the Council to take necessary action in the matter he wondered Complaint whether the author had made personal inquiries This undated complaint received by the Council to write the “truth” after two months. He also on 12.4.2002 was filed by Shri Hindumal M. Shah complained against the article by Shri Prem of Kurnool, Adoni (Andhra Pradesh) against Shankar Jha in Outlook giving out the same story Deccan Chronicle, Hyderabad issues dated but the Chairman of the Press Council on 2.4.2002 and 29.4.2002. The complainant drew preliminary examination found that this matter the attention of the Council to the first article that did not disclose a preliminary ground for inquiry accused two ministers of the Gujarat Cabinet, as Shri Jha appeared to be the lone columnist who Shri Ashok Bhatt and Shri I. K. Jadeja of sitting in had cared to check the authenticity of the Police Control Room to direct the killings on provocative e-mail relating to Godhra incident 28.2.2002. Captioned : “Hindutva as a Cast and written that the report being circulated was Weapon” by Shri Praful Bidwai in issue dated false. He infact deserved to be praised for his 2.4.2002, the impugned comment reads as follow: efforts. “Indeed new evidence is emerging of the shocking role played by two of Modi’s own Comments Cabinet colleagues on the crucial first day of the Comments of the respondent Deccan Chronicle post-Godhra violence. Health Minister Ashok were invited on 25.6.2002. The editor Deccan Bhatt and Urban Development Minister I. K. Chronicle in his written statement dated 24.5.2003 Jadeja personally occupied police control rooms submitted that the complaints were with regard on February 28 to direct the “revenge” attacks. It to articles written by two eminent writers, one of is during their presence there that former MP whom, Abu Abraham, has since passed away. Ehsan Jafri’s desperate; six hour-long appeals for Both writers clearly mention, as can be made out rescue were ignored before he was charred to from reading of the articles that they were quoting death. That was also the beginning of the Naroda from various sources. It was with considerable Patiya butchery of 90 Muslims. The activities of thought due consideration and care to their the first day set the stage for the massacre that enormous reputations that Bidwai and Abraham followed.” wrote those words. Their articles were to be viewed The complainant submitted that if the in the context of time when they were written allegations are proved, the concerned ministers and the event, which they were writing about. should be punished otherwise the author of the It was further submitted that the impugned news item should suffer severe complainant was a chronic letter writer to punishment for indirectly provoking people. He newspapers including Deccan Chronicle and he pointed out that the impugned comment had appeared to have taken delight in firing his guns been further highlighted separately in a box to from the shoulder of the Press Council. Besides in the article. no way was he an injured party. If they disagreed In his further complaint lay against the with what was published, there were other fora article of 29.4.2002 by (Late) Shri Abu Abraham for him to vent his emotions. Captioned “The Truth About Godhra” which reproduced, from Mainstream, a version providing Appearance before the Inquiry Committee reasons behind the massacre at Godhra. It The matter were called out for hearing before the concluded, “Reliable sources have reported all Inquiry Committee at Ahmedabad on 28-29th this information and cannot be doubted.” The April 2003. Neither the complainant nor the

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  39 respondent was represented before it. prepared long before Godhra and would have been carried out even without the gruesome Recommendations of the Inquiry Committee Godhra incident.” The Committee on careful consideration of the Shri Don Patrick in his letter to the Council material on record noted that the subject matter and to respondent paper allegedly raised as many of these complaints were two articles, one written as 14 questions with regard to planning of the by Shri Praful Bidwai and the other by late Shri riots and submitted that the author owes it to the Abu Abraham. The respondent editor had public and concerned citizens to answer the defended the publication of the articles on the questions. The complainant averred that if Shri ground that the articles were written by renowned Nayyar had shared the secret information before persons who had also quoted various sources in the Godhra incident, the carnage that followed the same. The Committee did not fully agree with could have been prevented. The complainant’s the defence of the editor. It was of the opinion version was published in The Hindu, issue dated that though the articles were written by reputed 22.04.2002. persons, the space for them had been provided by the editor. The editor should thus have No Comments examined and satisfied himself about the Comments of the respondent editor, The Hindu, propriety of publishing such articles as have the Chennai were invited on 17.06.2002. No reply tendency of inciting communal feelings and was filed. However, in response to the notice for promote discord and mistrust. The information hearing, the paper asked for another copy of the in the impugned articles had the tendency to complaint and then contended that they were arouse and indirectly fan violence. The contents unable to understand the complaint and that of the article, the Committee opined, warranted since they received several letters daily, they might factual verification in view of the prevailing have missed out the complainant’s letter. scenario at that time as had been done by another writer Shri Prem Shankar Jha. However, the Appearance before the Inquiry Committee Committee accepted that the newspaper was not The matter was called out for hearing before the directly responsible for the impugned story. The Inquiry Committee at Ahmedabad on April 28- Committee, therefore, recommended to the 29, 2003. The notice of hearing sent to the Council to allow the matter to rest with an advise complainant was received back from the courier to the editor to screen carefully articles likely to company with the remarks “please give phone affect public sentiments in times of crisis and be number”. The address of the complainant is more circumspect in their selection for publication. correct but no phone number is available on the letter of the complainant. In the circumstances, XIV. the Committee decided to deal the matter on its Major Gen. Don Patrick (Retd.), merits. Ooty, Tamil Nadu Versus Recommendations of the Inquiry Committed The Hindu, Chennai. On perusal of the record, the Committee noted that the complainant had referred to a particular Complaint statement in the impugned article and raised some Major Gen. (Retd.) Don Patrick of Ooty, Tamil questions regarding the nature of the scheming/ Nadu in his communication dated 18.04.2002 pre-planning of the riots and as to whether Shri addressed to The Hindu, Chennai, with a copy Kuldip Nayyar had shared this information with inter-alia endorsed to Press Council of India for the authorities. The Hindu having published the appropriate action, objected to publication of an article of Shri Nayyar had also promptly accorded article captioned “Mr. Vajpayee, the space to the letter of the complainant in full to Swayamsevak” by Shri Kuldip Nayyar in its allow the readers to judge the issue. It had thus “Opinion” column dated 16.04.2002. His specific acted in due compliance with the ethics of objection was to the statement “this scheme of journalism. Therefore, the Committee opined that exterminating a particular community had been no further action was needed in the matter. It

40  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 recommends to the Council to allow the matter that the editor enjoys wide discretionary power to rest accordingly. in selection and publication of any material in a newspaper. The respondent submitted that the XV. letter of the complainant contains personal Dr. K.P. Hardas, remarks and references to Dr. Mushirul Hassan, Nagpur, Maharashtra author of the article. However, the respondent Versus would welcome any letter from the complainant Indian Express, on current topics. Mumbai. A copy of the comments was forwarded to the complainant on 24.7.2002. Complaint This complaint dated 16.4.2002 was filed by Dr. Appearance before the Inquiry Committee K.P. Hardas, Nagpur against The Indian Express, The matter was called out for hearing before the Mumbai for publication of an article captioned Inquiry Committee at Ahmedabad on 28 - 29th “Muharram arrived too soon” with sub-caption April 2003. The complainant Dr. K.P. Hardas “Can we salvage anything from the debris in appeared in person while there was no Gujarat?” by Shri Mushirul Hassan in its issue appearance on behalf of the respondent dated 20.3.2002 and for non publication of his newspaper. letter written to the editor in response thereto. The complainant has alleged that the article in Submissions before the Inquiry Committee question was deceptive and petty. The The complainant in his oral submissions complainant in his open letter addressed directly contended that he had written an open letter to to the author of the article, Prof. Mushirul Hassan, Prof. Mushirul Hassan, the author of the article had stated that the article gave an impression and a copy of the same was sent to the editor of that the judicial enquiry ordered by the Gujarat Indian Express. Since this was an open letter, the Government ought to be cancelled as the author newspaper was morally obliged to publish the in the article had given a final judgment that same. He added that it was incorrect to publish RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal - a BJP combine carried opinion articles when a Judicial Commission had out the carnage against innocent Gujarati been appointed and had not given its report. By speaking Khojas, Boharas, Memons. Countering publishing the article the author had defamed the author’s observations one by one the the whole country. He further stated that he was complainant had concluded that the loss of in the habit of studying all the articles of public human lives is loss of human lives and it did not interest and had been making an in-depth study matter which religion they practiced. of the articles and offering his views on them. In Comments of respondent Indian Express, the past also his open letters addressed to eminent Mumbai were invited on 17.6.2002. authors had been published/responded to.

Comments Recommendations of the Inquiry Committee The respondent editor, Indian Express, Nagpur The Inquiry Committee carefully considered the in his comments dated 27.6.2002, submitted that material on record and the oral submissions of the “letter to the editor” was not sent to the the complainant. It noted that the impugned editor at Nagpur but to the editor-in-chief at article commented on a matter of vital public Delhi, hence it could not be published. He also interest. The complainant as an enlightened citizen adverted to the fact that three months had since of the country had given his valuable views on elapsed and the letter was no longer topical or the same, though he has not been able to produce relevant. The Resident Editor further submitted before the Committee a copy of the covering letter that the paper had over the last several months addressed to the paper. The respondent editor in carried both sides of the issue involved, giving his written statement has also offered to publish them ample coverage. Prof Mushirul Hassan’s any letter by complainant on a current topic. The article covered one such viewpoint. Quoting from Committee observed that though the editor had the Norm laid down by the Council he submitted laid emphasis on the need for topicality of the

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  41 subject of the letter, Dr. Hardas’s comments were 29th April 2003, there was no appearance before prompted by public interest. Thus, if he writes a it from either side. fresh letter to the editor on the issue without making any personal remarks against the author, Recommendations of the Inquiry Committee the Indian Express should consider publishing The Inquiry Committee carefully perused the the same. Before parting with the matter the impugned photograph. In the photograph an old Committee recorded its appreciation of the keen man is shown who is collecting the burnt paper. interest shown by Dr. K.P. Hardas in the in- But for the title of the photograph no one can say depth study of articles of public interest and that those were the burnt pages of Quran, which formulating his opinion thereon. the old man was collecting. It is the caption that The Inquiry Committee recommends to the might have hurt the religious sentiments of the Council to dispose of the matter in terms of the community. In a situation when communal above observations. violence was on, the editor should have been more diligent in giving the caption. The Committee XVI. thus advised the respondent editor to be more The President, careful in future in publishing news reports/ Jeevit Hlindusthan, photographs in tense situations. It recommends Kolkata. to the Council accordingly. Versus TheTelegraph. XVII. Kolkata. Dr. Krishen Kak, IAS, New Delhi Complaint Versus The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, The Times of India Government of India, New Delhi forwarded to New Delhi. the Press Council of India a copy of the letter dated 22nd May, 2002 of the President, Jeevit Complaint Hindusthan, Kolkata drawing the attention of This complaint dated 9.4.2002 was filed by Shri the Home Ministry, Government of India towards Krishen Kak, IAS (Retd.), New Delhi against The the publication of a photograph in “The Times of India for publishing an allegedly Telegraph” dated 22.5.2002 with the request to objectionable article on Gujarat riots titled take appropriate action. In the impugned “Hindustan Hamara - I can never sing that song photograph an old Muslim is shown collecting again” by Shri Harsh Mander in the issue dated papers, may be of a book and the caption to it 20.3.2002. The impugned article had also been say, “A 73-years-old man collects the ashes of the circulated over the web under the title “Cry the Quran in Ahmedabad (AFP)”. Beloved Country”. The President, Jeevit Hindusthan has alleged The impugned article labelled the incidents that such publicity could incite hatred among the in Gujarat as a planned massacre when civil and people and increase tension in the disturbed areas. police administration abdicated responsibility and He has submitted the media should give support the famed Gujarati philanthropy was nowhere to peace and normalcy instead of putting fuel in in evidence. The article lamented that the loss the fire. Muslims suffered appeared to be of concern only to them. No Written Statement: The complainant submitted that it was A show cause notice was issued to The Telegraph, highly improper of the writer of the impugned Kolkata on 9.8.2002. article, Shri Harsh Mander, an IAS officer on No reply has been filed. deputation to a British charity called Action-aid, to publicly air his politico-religious views, and Appearance-before the Inquiry Committee accuse the state administration of connivance in When the matter was called out for hearing before the violence. The complainant also questioned the Inquiry Committee at Ahmedabad on 28- the credentials of the author.

42  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 The complainant alleged that. Mr. Mander’s in response to Council’s letter dated 17.6.2002 article was highly irresponsible, blatantly biased and in not being represented before the Inquiry and there was nothing in it to show that he had Committee to present its defence in a matter of verified the stories that he passed off as facts. great public importance. According to the complainant the published On merits of the case the Committee noted article and its language was biased, inflammatory, that article at several points reiterated rumours damaging to public morale and faith in the that were being circulated at the relevant time. government, serving to increase communal The truthfulness of the facts mentioned therein hatred, offensive to public sensibilities and had not been established at any point of time till designed to undermine the rule of law. He also then but Shri Mander had chosen to base his alleged there had been a complete failure on part views and sentiments on them, and put pen to of the editor of Times of India to perform the the opinion thus formed by him. This is not to say basic editing function of checking on the facts, that the said incidents may not have taken place and to maintain a high professional standard, at all but in the situation prevailing at that time, it sense of responsibility and public service. The was not very easy to sift fact from rumours and complainant has alleged that the writer, the editor conjecture and it was expected of the author as a and the newspaper have colluded to condemn responsible serving officer as well as of the an entire class of service officers, a community, respondent paper of repute like the Times of India, and a state administration in a witch-hunting to be more restrained and circumspect in trial by the media. pronouncing a denouncement of the whole system in a communally surcharged atmosphere. The No Comments: Committee feels that a greater responsibility Comments of the respondent were invited on devolved on the editor of the paper in exercising 17.6.2002. No reply was filed. his discretion to select articles for publication in such a situation. The Committee recommended Appearance before the Inquiry Committee to the Council to advise the Times of India The matter was called out for hearing before the accordingly. Inquiry Committee at Ahmedabad on 28-29th Foot Note: Ms. Sabina Inderjeet, member did April 2003. There was no appearance before it. not participate in the deliberations for the reason of However, in response to the notice of hearing the her association with the Times of India. complainant who was Delhi based, vide his letter dated 17.4.2003 expressed his inability to attend XVIII-XXI. the hearing at Ahmedabad. 1. Shri Sharad C. Mishma, 2. Dr. DN. Gadhok, Recommendations of the Inquiry Committee 3. Shri Har Dayal Bhalla At the outset the Committee considered the 4.Shri D.C. Gupta, objections of the complainant about hearing of (Mumbai) the case being scheduled at Ahmedabad. The Versus Committee observed that as the Committee at The Times of India, Ahmedabad was dealing with all the cases relating Mumbai to the reportage of the incidents of violence at Gujarat, it was appropriate to hear the instant Complaint matter also at Ahmedabad. The presence of the Shri Sharad C. Mishma, Former Economic complainant was not necessary, as he had already Adviser, Ministry of Railways, Government of given all the facts in his complaint. Thus, the India, (ii) Dr. D.N. Gadhok, Former Director, Lok Inquiry Committee overruled the objections of Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi, (iii) Shri Har Dayal the complainant. Bhalla, Former General Manager, Western Before dealing the matter on merits, the Railway and (iv) Dr. D.C. Gupta, Former Inquiry Committee expressed its deep concern President, Birla Yamaha & Indian Tools Ltd. over the indifferent and irresponsible attitude of Mumbai filed this joint complaint dated 23.4.2002 the Times of the India in not filing its comments against the Times of India, Mumbai edition

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  43 alleging transgression of the norms of journalistic dimensions to the case and is thus guilty of spoiling ethics. India’s friendly relations with other countries and The complainants submitted that by tarnishing her fair image in the world. publishing an article captioned: The complainants have submitted that being “The Mask is Off-A Tale of Two Hindus” responsible citizens of India they have filed this by Siddharth Varadarajan on 19.4.2002 and a complaint in public interest and have requested report captioned : “UK mission report may put the Council to inquire into the matter and to take Modi in dock” on 20.4.2002, the respondent, action against the respondent newspaper for Times of India has violated the norms of tarnishing the fair image of the country in general journalistic conduct prescribed by Press Council and Hindu community in particular which of India which enjoin on the Press to eschew believes in the philosophy of the Sarv Dharm publication of inaccurate, baseless, graceless, Sambhav, both within the country and outside. misleading or distorted material. The box to the impugned article captioned: No Comments “The Mask is off” states “a Hindu woman killed Comments of the respondent The Times of India, for saving her Muslim friend in Gujarat has shown Mumbai were invited on 13.6.2002. There was more courage and dignity than Prime Minister no response. Vajpayee BJP’s project of “Hindu” separatism will bring disaster to Indians.” The attack on Appearance before the Inquiry Committee Gujarat’s Muslims is an attack on all Indians”. When the matters were called out for hearing The complainants have submitted that in before the Inquiry Committee at Ahmedabad on the impugned article, “the macabre description 28-29th April 2003, neither the complainants nor of Geetaben’s dead body is imaginary based on the respondent appeared before it. The her photograph reportedly sent by the resident complainants had, by a letter dated April 17, editor of the Times of India two weeks ago. From 2003 expressed their inability to appear before the strident tone of the article it is felt that the the Committee due to their old age. They had author had deliberately gained time to equip requested the Council to take appropriate action himself for the competitive race in Modi-bating in the matter on the basis of the material already projecting himself and the newspaper he works sent by them. for as the champion of the so called secularism. Rather than trying to restore communal harmony Recommendations of the Inquiry Committee he has tried to open the old wounds. No evidence At the outset the Inquiry Committee noted the has been adduced in the article to authenticate absence of the Times of India and observed that it the description of the lady having been stripped, expected better co-operation from leading dragged naked and killed due to her having been newspapers. It expressed its displeasure over the in love with a Muslim boy nor has the reporter callous attitude of the Times of India in neither stated that he was himself an eyewitness to the filing the written statement in response to the incident.” The complainants have submitted that Council’s letter dated 13.6.2002 nor being the “author’s intention is malafide to discredit represented before the Inquiry Committee to the Hindu Community as a whole. His article has defend their case. The Committee then proceeded helped to add fuel to the communal fire raging in to consider the matter on its merits. The Gujarat.” Committee carefully perused the articles. It was Regarding the second impugned news item of the view that the impugned articles cannot be captioned : “UK mission report may put Modi in equated to news items. The author has, in the dock” - “Riots victims families could move British said articles, given his opinion on the situation courts to try Gujarat CM”, the complainants have and in doing so incidentally commented on submitted that the author has deliberately tried incidents reported by various fora and also referred to internationalize the role of Shri Narendra Modi, to the views expressed by many responsible Chief Minister for allegedly engineering the people on the course of action followed by the Gujarat riots by using sensational remarks. The governmental machinery. The Committee opined author has deliberately added international that the newspaper could not be faulted for giving

44  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 space to the opinion of the author, who was, as a 23.05.2002 alleging publication of exaggerated citizen, as much entitled to his opinion, as any and provocative news items in local news papers other citizen. Hence, it felt that no further action of Aurangabad following the Godhra incident in is warranted in the matter. It recommended to Gujarat. the Council accordingly. The complainant has submitted that Foot Note : Ms. Sabina Inderjit, member did subsequent to the tragic incident at Godhra in not participate in the deliberations on account of Gujarat on 27.02.2002, the local newspapers of her association with the Times of India. Aurangabad started publishing exaggerated, XXII-XXIV biased, inciting and irritating news items, creating Shri V.D. Mishra, communal hatred thereby exciting the feelings of Commissioner of Police, both the communities. The complainant alleged Vs. that the daily papers such as “Tarun Bharat”, Aurangabad. “Saamna” & “Vishwamitra” had played a leading (I) The Editor, Tarun Bharat. role in highlighting the incidents and flaring (II) The Editor, Saamna. communal hatred between Hindus and Muslims (III) The Editor, Vishwamitra. by publishing highly provocative, baseless and exaggerated news. The English translations of Complaint the captions of the news items supplied by the Shri V.D. Mishra, Commissioner of Police, complainant are as follows : Aurangabad filed three complaints dated

S.No. Name of Daily Date Published News Headlines News Paper

1. Tarun Bharat 07.03.2002 Stone pelting, arson at Bhigarin Nagar, Curfew imposed. (25 die in fresh violence in Gujarat) 2. -do- 14.03.2002 Who won & who lost? 3. -do- 12.04.2002 Hindus are real enemy of Hindu. 4. -do- 12.04.2002 Hindus are dead & culprits are Hindus 5. Saamna 11.03.2002 Gandhar to Godhra. Islamic world is involved in Terrorism. 6. -do- 12.03.2002 Instigation came from the Mosque to burn Ramsevaks in Godhra. 7. -do- 15.03.2002 Godhra fire incidence is Islamic Tradition. 8. -do- 15.03.2002 Recognized thefts at Ayodhya. 9. -do- 21.03.2002 Godhra incidence took place because Ramsevak kidnapped Muslim girl. 10. -do- 09.04.2002 Sangh Branches increased in Gujarat after riot. 11. -do- 17.04.2002 Hindustani Muslim not problems but disaster. 12. -do- 17.04.2002 Hindu’s goodness is in the hands of polite Hindus. 13. Vishwamitra 04.03.2002 Lots of Mosques Destroyed, Females are raped, Govt. supplying petroleum articles to goonda’s team. 14. -do- 06.03.2002 Effects of Gujarat riots reached upto Muslim justice of High Court. 15. -do- 07.03.2002 Hindu’s value is Rs. Two lakhs and Muslim value is only one lakh in Gujarat. 16. -do- 09.03.2003 Violence in Gujarat started from the incidence of Sabarmati Express (The detailed investigation made by the Washington Post) 17. -do- 10.03.2002 Killings of Muslims, Mr. Chandrababu Naidu disturbed, likely to withdraw Support to Vajpayee Government (Ayodhya is responsible for violence & blooding) 18. -do- 11.03.2002 70 Crore Rupees damaged in only 12 days, will rich Gujarat become Beggar (Dangerous reflections of Hindu terrorism & evil miracle). 19. -do- 12.03.2002 Mr.Singhal, Togadiya & Ramchanrandas who are scare to Government & court are completely free. (Then why arrest of Mr. Kamran & Yunus Siddiqi) 20. -do- 13.03.2002 Caretaker of general people Aslam Bhure as given in tension to all others including central Govt. All are awaiting judgement of supreme court). (Emergency construction at judgement of Supreme court) NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  45 21. -do- 14.03.2002 Supreme Court warns Vishwa Hindu Parishad. Restricted not to interfere. Those who are taking political advantage of Hinduism are feared. 22. -do- 16.03.2002 Ayodhya drama flops due to lack of effective dialogues, emotional scene & sweet music. 23. -do- 03.04.2002 Collected Muslim’s addresses from Corporation, Telephone exchange & Election list (No relation between Godhra & Gujarat riots) 24. -do- 05.04.2002 Godhra incidence; Received E-mail of important information of Those Karsevak. 25. -do- 08.04.2002 Vajpayee visited Gujarat, cried but could not cross “Laxman Rekha” (Alert if tried to touch Mr. Modi) 26. -do- 11.04.2002 Show the proof how your relative died in Gujarat riot otherwise help could not be given (Atrocities to Muslims in Gujarat from Modi) 27. -do- 16.04.2002 “Vajpayee Sabse Bada Papi Hai, woh Girgit Ki Taraha rang badalta hai” (Ramsevak themselves started Gujarat Riots)

The complainant alleged that all the above- newspaper never indulged in acts like inciting impugned news items were damaging and people and spreading communal hatred and it intended to create disharmony. The complainant has played a very constructive role in requested the Council to warn the respondent Aurangabad. According to him the Police newspapers for inflaming communal passions. Commissioner himself had acknowledged and Comments of respondents Saamna, Tarun admired this fact several times in the past. Bharat and Vishwamitra were invited on A copy of the comments was forwarded to 17.06.2002. the complainant on 20.08.2002.

Comments - Vishwamitra Counter-comments The Executive editor, Vishwamitra in his written Shri V.D. Mishra, Commissioner of Police, statement dated 17.07.2002 while denying the Aurangabad in his counter comments dated allegation of the complainant, submitted that it 17.10.2002 has submitted that the respondent is unjust and unfortunate to dub the daily cannot claim innocence. According to him newspapers communal. According to the it should have restrained itself from publishing respondent it is the duty of the newspapers to provocative news items. Denying the statements publish all the facts freely and fearlessly. While made by the respondent, the complainant doing this, every precaution had been taken reiterated that all the impugned news items of regarding its impartiality and sensitivity. The “Vishwamitra” were damaging. respondent has submitted that the newspapers The complainant has requested the Council held in high respect the sentiments of the people to direct the, respondent to desist from publishing belonging to the other community. The news such provocative news endangering the items questioned by the complainant hurt not a democratic setup and secular concept of the single person. The daily did not receive a single country. complaint, in this regard. The complainant as A copy of the counter comments was the Police Commissioner of Aurangabad had forwarded to the respondent “Vishwamitra” on neither objected to any news nor intimated his 03.01.2003. resentment during this period, nor did he make No comments were filed by the other any request to the newspapers against respondents. publishing the said news items. All the news items published between March 4th April 16th Appearance before the Inquiry Committee were nothing different from what was shown The matter was called out for hearing before the on the various news channels, and published Inquiry Committee at Ahmedabad on 28-29th in national dailies and newsmagazines, averred April 2003. Shri Abdul Kadeer, Assistant Editor the respondent. represented the newspaper, Vishwamitra while The respondent further submitted that the there was no appearance on behalf of the other

46  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 respondents i.e. Tarun Bharat and Saamna. be published after proper verification of facts Complainant was also not represented. and presented with due caution and restraint in a manner which is conducive to the creation of Submissions before the Inquiry Committee an atmosphere congenial to communal harmony, Shri Abdul Kadeer representative of amity and peace. Sensational, provocative and Vishwamitra submitted that the complainant, the alarming headlines are to be avoided. Acts of Commissioner of Police, never objected orally or communal violence or vandalism should be in writing to the impugned news reports. He reported in a manner as may not undermine the never intimated that due to publication of the people’s confidence in the law and order reports, peace in the city was being disturbed. machinery of the State. Giving community-wise He justified the publication on the ground that figures of the victims of communal riot, or those were based on the incidents, which took writing about the incident in a style which is place in Gujarat, and that the reports were also likely to inflame passions, aggravate the tension, based on the interviews taken and news or accentuate the strained relations between the broadcast on television and the paper could not communities/religious groups concerned, or be blamed for reproducing the statement of which has a potential to exacerbate the trouble, others. He stressed that no communal violence should be avoided”. took place or peace was disturbed due to the The Committee hoped that in future at least impugned publications. the press will appreciate the power it wields upon Shri Kadeer was advised by the Committee the public opinion and desist from making any that while the prime objective of the press was remarks or carrying reports that kind be rather certainly to inform, it had also to ensure that the than douse the flames of communal passions. reports were free from any slant or bias as also Insofar as the cases in hand are concerned, the served to wean the people away from communal Inquiry Committee recommends to the Council passion and enmity. It was also not necessary to “warn” all the three newspapers for reporting that the immediate repercussion of the allegedly in violation of the norms of ethical reporting. inflammatory report should be visible in the law and order situation. The Press Council as a body Decision of the Council enjoined to instil ethics had to examine the sum On consideration of the records of the cases and and substance of the effect of these reports. The reports of the Inquiry Committee and having representative was called upon to give an discussed the matter in detail, the Council accepts undertaking to desist from publishing such news the reasons, findings and recommendation of the reports in future. The representative of the Committee in the matters and decides Vishwamitra, verbally assured the Committee accordingly. that the newspaper will not publish such reports in future, but did not give the undertaking in Conclusion writing. Before parting with these cases, the Press Council expresses its deep concern about the future, and Recommendations of the Inquiry Committee the role of media. The Inquiry Committee considered the material It must always be remembered that the on record. It noted that all the three newspapers carnage has given a terrible shock to India’s fair had published a series of news reports, with secular name. It was a national shame. There provocative headlines and a tendency to inflame is no need to reiterate norms that media has to communal enmity between the two communities. adhere to in such situation. However now there They had thus violated Press Council’s guidelines is a greater moral responsibility on the media advising caution in reporting communal riots. It to do their best to build up the national is worthwhile to reiterate the guideline here for solidarity and to recement the communal the benefit of all :– harmony at all level remembering the noble role “News, views or comments relating to they had played during the pre-independence communal or religious disputes/clashes should days.

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  47 The New Footsoldiers! The Ideological and Institutional Incorporation of Dalits into Hindutva Maelstrom

Subhash Gatade to browbeat those sections of Ambedkarites or Delhi, INDIA independent Dalits and tribals formally into the Hindutva fold who had refused to toe the line. ...Continued from previous issue As opposed to Rameshbhai Parmar, Valjibhai Patel and Anandi Parmar Sangh prefers JAI HINDUTVA NOT JAI BHEEM : people who may be born into one of those ENTER THE FANATIC DALIT ! oppressed communities but who are ready to What is common between Rameshbhai Parmar, peddle the Hindutva line. People like Ramesh Valjibhai Patel and Anandi Parmar or for that Patange, Kishore Macwana and Madan Dilawar matter Tikajibhai? Well, as the name signifies all and many of their ilk represent this new Dalit of them are Gujaratis, but the more important 'face' of the Sangh Parivar. People who are ready aspect of their being is that they are that part of to present a new sanitised image of Ambedkar the Ambedkarite/Dalit movement in Gujarat as a Hindu social reformer, as someone who was which refused to be part of the 'genocidal politics' opposed to Muslims. People who have found a of the Hindutva brigade when the stakes were new commonality between the ideas of high. Definitely it has not proved to be a catwalk Ambedkar and Golwalkar or who find for them when the post Godhra mayhem Ambedkar to be an extension of Hedgewar. organised by the Parivar with due connivance At present Ramesh Patange is a senior with the state machinery was at its peak. They leader of the Samajik Samarasta Manch floated by had to bear the brunt of the Hindutva goons the Sangh Parivar and also part of the editorial while some of their own people decided to either team of their Marathi organ Vivek, Kishore join hands with their perpetrators or just stood Macwana formally edits the RSS journal Sadhana mute. Anandi Parmar, a veteran activist of the in Gujarat and Madan Dilawar, is a minister in Dalit movement was himself attacked, Vasundhara Raje's cabinet and one who was Tikajibhai's, another senior activists' house was said to be instrumental in the anti-Christian set on fire and Rameshbhai Parmar, one of the tirade in his home district. founders of the Gujarati Dalit Literature had to Of course the creation of Hindutvaised face prolonged alienation. As far as Valjibhai Dalits or devising mechanism for co-option Patel, one of the founders of the shortlived Dalit Ambedkar, has not been a very easy affair for Panther movement, is concerned he received the Sangh Parivar. One can say that there was a series of threats for not falling in line. transition period during which RSS tried its It need not be emphasised that such people hands at different ways to deal with the Dalit who can think and act independently and yearn issue. For the Sangh which had till then followed for an independent assertion of Dalits as a very conservative, non-reformist type of envisaged by Dr. Ambedkar do not have any Hinduism, which had no place for the Dalits, it place in the Sangh gameplan. In fact, in the post had not been very easy for it to arrive at full genocide phase when sinister attempts were on proof single plan to deal with the challenge to further intimidate, terrorize the religious posed by Ambedkar. But the key thing to minorities planned attempt were also undertaken remember is that the man who led the RSS from

48  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 a Chaturvarnya based exclusive type of Hindutva The RSS network was fully active in the to a more inclusive type of Hindutva was 1981 anti-reservation riots in Gujarat also. One Balasaheb Deoras, the third supremo of RSS. He could find maturing of Dalit-Muslim solidarity gave a piece of his mind in 'Hindu Unity and during this period where Muslims had sheltered Social Equality' (1974). In fact Deoras happened Dalits at many places. The year 1985 proved to to be the first RSS leader to visit Deekshabhoomi be a repeat of 1981 when Dalits faced the wrath the place in Nagpur where Dr. Ambedkar of the same combine. It appears that the growing embraced Buddhism alongwith his followers in bonhomie between the Dalits and Muslims 1956. prompted serious rethinking in the Sangh Parivar Looking back, broadly one can say that RSS itself over its own strategem and it was compelled tried its hands in two different ways to deal to change its track. Within one year, i.e., in 1986 with Phule-Ambedkar or defang the challenge during Ahmedabad’s annual Jagannath rath posed by their ideas. yatra, when riots flared up the Dalits were found i. Stigmatising Phule-Ambedkar, enthusiastically supporting the RSS-BJP combine. opposing reservation or resisting any struggle During the riots all over Gujarat in 1990 in the for Dalit assertion aftermath of L.K. Advani’s rath yatra, Dalits The book by Arun Shourie 'Worshipping continued their alliance with caste Hindus. The False Gods' which tried to portray Ambedkar as BJP strategy of thus winning over Dalits and pro-British politician could be said to be one such thereby consolidating broad sections of Hindus attempt of stigmatising Ambedkar. The book by and polarizing the population along communal a known Sangh apologist witnessed tremendous lines at least bore fruits in Gujarat. uproar in the Dalit movement for factual ii. Sanitising Phule-Ambedkar, supporting inaccuracies and misrepresentation of reservation including struggles for limited Dalit Ambedkar. A few students of Ambedkar also assertion but simultaneously constructing a new exposed the manner in which Shourie had tried antagonism between the Dalits and the to concoct facts to suit his thesis and also quoted minorities. the legendary leader out of context to buttress Sangh realised that instead of attacking his point. It was during this period only when Ambekdar it would be fruitful to construct his another Sangh activist Bal Gangal, wrote a series new image which would suit its own worldview. of articles castigating Mahatma Phule in a A few affiliated organisations were floated Hindutva centred weekly called 'Sobat'. to suit the purpose. The year 1979 saw the The late seventies or early eighties witnessed formation of Sewa Bharati supposedly to promote tremendous mobilisation on behalf of Dalits and educational initiatives among Dalits at an all other democratic forces on the issue of renaming India level whereas Samajik Samrasta Manch the Marathwada University. A large body of (1983) was launched basically to target the Dalits people wanted that the name be changed to and their movement in Maharashtra. Other Ambedkar University to commemorate the work affiliates of the RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal or its in the field of education undertaken by Dr. political platform Jan Sangh/BJP were also asked Ambedkar. The year 1978 witnessed anti-Dalit to focus their attention on these 'deprived sections riots in Marathwada when the then Maharashtra of Hindu community'. assembly passed the bill with a thumping To gain wider acceptability among Dalit majority. The stamp of approval by the assembly masses, RSS even supported the inclusion of led to anti-Dalit riots in the region which 'Riddles in Hinduism' in the government witnessed enough participation of RSS and other publications when there was a great uproar in Hindutva activists. Maharashtra over this spearheaded by Shiv Sena.

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  49 The Shiv Sena people wanted that Ambedkar's was a coincidence that the year 1983 booklet 'Riddles In Hinduism' should not be saw the birth anniversaries of Dr. included in the Collected Works as it supposedly Ambedkar and Dr. Hedgewar falling on contained 'objectionable references about Ram the same date.This prompted him to and Krishna.' launch a new Samajik Samrasta Manch The spatial strategies of Hindutva were in Pune with the understanding that it skillfully employed to help generate new could be used a forum to further new antagonisms between the two communities. And ideas. Mr Thengdi gave a speech on this the target of attack had normally been the occasion which was later published as a syncretic traditions of people where members of booklet with the title 'Samarasta Bina both the communities - especially belonging to Samata Asambhav' (Equality Impossible the lower rungs of society - mingled easily. without Harmony). SAMAJIK SAMARASTA : (quoted in 'Samrasta Ke Sutra, 2006) NEW PRAXIS FOR COOPTATION OF DALITS The nearly 25 year old trajectory of Samajik In the present second phase when the Samrasta Manch could be loosely divided into two Sangh Patriarchs felt that enough groundwork phases. has been done to present a sanitised image of In the first phase the emphasis was not on RSS, it went all out to attract even Dalit masses asking Dalits to join the Manch rather it was on towards its activities. To propagate the message convincing the non-Dalits especially the upper of Manch it brought out booklets, (e.g. Samrasta castes that they need to moderate their stand - Dr. Hedgewar, Dr. Ambedkar), held vis-a-vis Ambedkar. The idea was to present Dr. workshops, organised conferences, took out Ambedkar as a Hindu Social Reformer and Sandesh Yatras throughout Maharashtra convince the caste populace that he should also supposedly to propagate the ideas of reformers be included in the Hindutva pantheon. Emphasis like Phule-Ambedkar. Interestingly it even was on to remove the stigma that the RSS has organised exhibitions of Buddha's life when lakhs been an anti-Dalit organisation. Of course, during of people gather every year to commemorate the this initial phase also Sangh tried to attract 1956 conversion to Buddhism. But one of the individual Dalit intellectuals towards its activities. most daring steps taken by the Manch was the In fact the readiness with which Dr. Gangadhar support it rendered to the publication of 'Riddles Pantawane, a leading Dalit intellectual and editor In Hinduism'. Taking advantage of the birth of 'Asmitadarsh' addressed one of the anniversaries of Hedgewar and Ambedkar (1990) conferences organised by Manch (1988) created the said Sandesh Yatras throughout Maharashtra a big furore in the movement. The Manch as were organised. well as many other affiliated organisations of Commenting on the 'Samrasta' experiment, RSS started celebrating 14th April as well as 6th political scientist Suhas Palshikar explains that December at their own level. the RSS wanted to consolidate its image by To begin with, it would be worthwhile if upholding Ambedkar and at the same time did one takes a look at a RSS activist’s own not wish to lay claim to the radical transformative description of the genesis of Manch. In his writeup legacy of Ambedkar. According to him Sangh in 'Vivek' weekly ' Ramesh Patange tells us accomplished this feat in the following manner : It was the decade of 70s when the word a. To begin with, the RSS conceded that 'Samrasta' was used as an idea in the Ambedkar was a national symbol and an theoretical field. And the credit should icon of national stature (not just a leader be given to Late Dattopant Thengdi. It of Dalits)...

50  SACH  NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012 b. Secondly, Samrasata Manch sought to which opposed the assertion of Shudra- project Ambedkar as being favourable to Atishudras and which is committed to such an Hindu interests and Hindu unity... exclusive agenda is today in a position to present c. Having once asserted that Ambedkar was itself in a ‘new look image’ couched in a liberal/ interested in the welfare of Hinduism, the sounding rhetoric. Samrasata Manch further sought to depict For an external observer the absence of any Ambedkar as religious reformer within significant theoretical-political challenge to the Hinduism... dangers posed by Hindutva may lead to the d. Having pushed Ambedkar into the Hindu inference that the juggernaut of Hindutvaisation reformist framework, the Samrasata Manch of the subalterns is unstoppable. further strengthened Ambekdar's place as Nothing can be farther from the truth. a Hinduist thinker by projecting that he It is true that the internal dynamics of the was anti-Muslim... Dalit movement coupled with the chronic It is for everyone to see that the weaknesses of the radical transformatory or other appropriation of Dr. Ambedkar's radical legacy democratic movements, and an ascendant Sangh could not be resisted in any meaningful manner. Parivar which has operationalised a The split within split in the Dalit movement and multidimensional action plan to coopt the Dalits the confusions rampant in the Dalit intellectuals has definitely complicated things for all those themselves created a situation that Sangh did forces who feel concerned about this new turn achieve a limited success in its expansion. in the Dalit mindset. But with passage of time RECLAIMING THE REAL AMBEDKAR - there is growing realisation in the ranks of the REINVIGORATING THE MOVEMENT radicals within the Dalit movement as well as The saga of Hindutvaisation of a section of Dalits the progressive forces which are committed to a or the appropriation of one of the biggest leader revolutionary transformation of society that they of the oppressed does not end here. need to introspect their mistakes and forge long It is a tragedy of epochal proportions that term solidarities to face the onslaught. the section which has been at the receiving end One is finding new commonalities of of the Brahminical system for hundreds of years interest and purpose in all those formations/ is today metamorphosing itself into the biggest movements who are in one way or other opposed defender of a project committed to building to Brahminism, Patriarchy and Capitalism and Hindu Rashtra want to usher into a society which has done It is disturbing that a significant section of away with discriminations, deprivations based the Dalits (and the tribals) who would form the on these categories. backbone of any revolutionary transformation They have realised that they need to in future seem to have crossed over to a camp reclaim the real Ambedkar, a legendary who which is engaged in furthering hate and peddling asked the workers to fight against the twin its exclusive agenda. enemies of Brahminism and Capitalism, a It is no less shocking that the man who visionary who prophesised that "If Hindu Raj fought all his life against the injustice structured does become a fact it will, no doubt, be the in the Hindu religion and ultimately embraced greatest calamity for this country. No matter another religion asking his followers to be ever what the Hindus say, Hinduism is a menace to vigilant about the use of Hindu gods in any form, liberty, equality and fraternity. On that account is slowly being turned into a Hindu reformer it is incompatible with Democracy. Hindu Raj and a Muslim baiter. must be prevented at any cost" has never been It is disturbing to note that an organisation so urgent.

NOVEMBER 2011—JANUARY 2012  SACH  51 Published by : INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL DEMOCRACY, New Delhi for Peace in South Asia IN PARTNERSHIP WITH : Deenbandhu Fellowship Asmita Resource Centre for Women DeenbandhupuramVia Vemgal Raja Kuppam Teacher’s Colony, East Marredpally, Distt.- Chittoor Secunderabad 500026, Andhra Pradesh – 517599 Andhra Pradesh, India Phone:00919-445269445 Phone : 040-27733251, 27733229, Fax : 040-27733745 Mobile : 919443596651 E-mail : [email protected] Email : [email protected]

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