Council President Bender called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm in the Council Chamber, a quorum being present.

Members Present: Council Members (President), (Vice-President), Andrew Johnson (Majority Leader), (Minority Leader), , , , Steve Fletcher, Lisa Goodman, Jamal Osman, , Kevin Reich, and Jeremy Schroeder (Quorum - 7) (Majority vote of all members, 7; 2/3 vote of all members, 9; quorum 7)

Roll Call.

Adoption of the agenda.

Ellison moved to accept. On voice vote, the motion passed.

Acceptance of minutes

Regular Meeting of August 23, 2021

Osman moved to adopt. On roll call, the motion passed. Aye: Bender, Jenkins, Johnson, Gordon, Cano, Cunningham, Ellison, Fletcher, Goodman, Osman, Palmisano, Reich, and Schroeder (13) Nay: (0) Abstain: (0) Absent: (0)

Referral of petitions, communications, and reports of the City officers to the proper Committees.

Cano moved to adopt as amended. On voice vote, the motion passed.

The following actions, resolutions, and ordinances were signed by Mayor Hodges on August 6, 2021, at 8:03 pm. Minnesota Statutes, Section 331A.01, Subd 10, allows for summary publication of ordinances and resolutions in the official newspaper of the city. A complete copy of each summarized ordinance and resolution is available for public inspection in the Office of City Clerk.

Reports of Standing Committees

Business, Inspections, Housing & Zoning Committee

1. Rezoning: Alexander Gladkov, 3416 Chicago Ave S (2017-00373) 1. receive file5 2. ordinance3 3. Approving an application submitted by Alexander Gladkov to rezone (PLAN-3639) the property located at 3416 Chicago Ave S from R2B (Two-Family District) to R4 (Multiple- Family District), to allow a triplex.

Action No: 2017A-0263

Act Text: The Minneapolis City Council hereby:

1. Approves an application submitted by Alexander Gladkov to rezone (PLAN-3639) the property located at 3416 Chicago Ave S from R2B (Two-Family District) to R4 (Multiple-Family District), to allow a triplex. 2. Passage of Ordinance 2017-011 amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances related to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.

4. Passage of Ordinance amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances related to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.

Ordinance No: 2017-011

Author: Bender

Act Text: Amending Title 20, Chapter 521 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances relating to Zoning Code: Zoning Districts and Maps Generally.

The City Council of the City of Minneapolis do ordain as follows:

Section 1. That Section 521.30 of the above-entitled ordinance be amended by changing the zoning district for the following parcel of land, pursuant to MS 462.357:

Lot 005, Block 001, Chicago Ave Addn to Mpls (3416 Chicago Ave S – Zoning Plate #25) to the R4 Multiple-Family District.

5. resolution4

Ellison moved to grant. On roll call, the motion passed. Aye: Bender, Gordon, Cano, Fletcher, Osman, Palmisano, Reich, and Schroeder (8) Nay: Jenkins and Johnson (2) Abstain: Cunningham and Ellison (2) Absent: Goodman (1) Announcements
