Uclges Pick Royal Pair For
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NO. 26 i OPC Event uclges Pick Royal Pair for... Saturday AluDmi of Qldahoma Presby At 1963 Beaux Am Ball terian CoUep will bave tbelr a Tipper_ Livingston, Durant, -and Dan Dever, LawtoD&. nual luncheoa at 12:80 p.m. S&t urd&y In tile OPC dlniDg ball. were ~rowned king and queen of the Beaux Arts Ball last Serving as toutmuter wm be week. Sponsored by Tau Kappa Epsilon, they were crown Mark Tong, Korean craduate of ed QY President A. E. Shearer. OPC ana Southeutem State Col· _Dennie .McGovern, daughter o.f the Troyce McGov~ms lege who ia now a student at the ·and Michael Baskin, son of the Wade Baskins, were crown 'O'rflveraity of Oklahoma M~ical ~ool. bearers. · · - P"residing ~t the business ses Elizabeth Le~saw, Durant, won pha Sigma Tau and Brenda for sion will be Mrs. J. Vincent Hill of first place in realistic mural paint- Tau ~ppa ~o~ Okla.homa City who heads the ~ ing. Her title -was "A Chinese :noor. Shows Bated alumni group. A report to the Fairy TiUe:-Sky O'Dawn." Eliza First place for the floor show alumni on OPe's progress and fu beth's pjlinting was sponsored by went to Sigma Kappa, and hQnor ture plans will be given by James Delta Zeta. able mention went to Alpha Sig· ~r~ .- Oklahoma Qity, chair Karen Cobb's mural ' 'The Search ma Tau. Alpha Taus were first in 'V&fl of the board of trustees. for the I)all · L~" won first booth competition, and S i g m a The theme of the program, pl~ce in the stylized division. Kar Kappas won honorable mention. "OPC is Music to My Ears,'" will en •ts. also from Durant. Zelma B ow man , McAlester; be carried out in music by Beverly Clark Lawton, won hon Curtis Luesa.da, Antlers; and Em Barbee, Stigler; Donald dhen, G11fiin; orable m~ntion in stylized with my, Brenda, and Mike DuggiDa, Taiwan, and Rollin Kekahbah, Durant, won calltume prizes Pawhuska. hia mural of Japan. Brenda Dan iel, Wilburton, won honorable Best performer bonors went to Dining-room decoratiODI!J Will al mention in realistic wlth her mur- Renee Robyler, Wewoka, and Pbil so carry out the musical theme In .U of Siam. Clark painted for AI· Dunham and Jimmy Green, Do p~tel colors and fl'e8h ftowera, rant. ~cented by black mU81cal DOteL Mrs. James J. CourtDey, Du BPldents wl!O will be lD4ucted rant; Helen Johnecm Ardrey, Ard intJ the AlUDiDi Auodatton are more; and Dr. Clifford D. Jlott, Peggy Brown, Loco; Joe BW .Ful· Death. -Claims. Deniaon, Texas, :Judced the com ler, Clayton; Gwen Oleadale, OlE petition. Alpha Tau accumulated lahoma C i t y ; lDvaliDe aome., the most points in over-all compe Broken Bow; Blakely Barri8oD. tition. Holdenville; Jamea B. Jon..: T. A. ·Houston Ronnie Wright'• Blue RoDdoe go; Tereea Sanchez, San Aat:Gmo, provided the mwdc for tile evaat. ~exaa. and Brenda WJDprt, Du · A diatlngulshed and colorfUl Mt, Calif. career ended _ SatUI'day w h e D ,; . death claiiiled Tboma.s A. Houston, retired member of the Southeast Glenda OwenaGete ern. faculty. Senate Sets Diredo~ C•plites Clst. ~ose fort~te enough to have Math Aseistantehip known :Prbfessor Houston as a classroom teacher or as a debate coach. who wris hOnored through· At Oklahoma State Election 'Day · Of Oilchn's Production out the nation are conscious of the deep losl hia death brings. They A recent reclplent of a m.U.. The an-school election of student Dr. Dorothy Higginbotham, nical personnel ia still needed. Peo are also coriscioua of the many mattes BCholarabip Ia Glenda senate officers will be Wednesday, speech profeuor, has named 'the ple to help in making the elabor contributions he made to the col <>wena. C&ddo eenior. She will at ffay 1. Student senate president, cast for the SSC Children's Thea ate costumes, sets, and make-up lege. tend Oklahoma State UDivel'lllty tre production "Reynard Tlle ~re essential to the production. vic"e-president, and secretary-trea Although· he retired In 19:S2, next fall under a graduate assist Fox." h&d antship. While pursuing work to The three performances of the· Southeastern cont\nued to be a vi surer will be voted on at that ward her master's degree abe will Doug Duke, member of the play, which was first done at, the tal p;art of his ~e and he frequ time. Balloting will be in the ad- speech department, will play the University of Texas, will be May ently visited the campus. tt>ach eight hours each semester. 9-11. The performance on May 9 Glenda will graduate in lla.y ministration building all day. title role His last official appearance at Petitions are due in the office of Tiecelin the Crow will be ·per- will be primarily for adults. Fri with a B.S. in education, a mathe day afternoon, May 10, will be for a college f4nction was at the rec matics major imd a physics minor. the Dean of Women Friday, April formed by John Thomas of Hugo. ent Savage Forensic, the debate Elton Yellowftsh of Apache Will adults accompanied by a child as She has maintained a 3.5 over-all 2fi at. 4 p.m. Information concern- play Reverend Epinard the Hedge will the Saturday morning per tournament 'Which he founded. grade average. ing qualifications and eligibility hog, and carlos Gutierrez of Mexi tormance. At the fof-ensic banquet he pre She will -complete her college can be found in the Student Hand- co City will play Brun the Bear. sented tbe·T. A.. ·Houston Oratory work only three years after llJlolt. Finishing out the cast will be Award, estabUsh_ed In hia honor, graduation from caddo B 1 g h 'i'he highlight of the campatg;ns Charles Young of Mc.A.leater as VISITS ATOKA CLASSES to Bob Chainbers, North Texas School will be the all-school picnic, ~JtUes- Ysengrin the Wolf, No'·le the Lion State Uliiv~rsfty student. Her present schedule blcludea day at 5:30. At that time1 the played by Q&ry Drain of TUlsa, John Bale, business instructor, Funeral services Konday were matnx a 1 g e b r a , mathematics candidates will make their ca,mo. and Lendore the Marmot play~a by was a recent guest of the business at the First ~an Church, In methods, intuitional geometry and paign speeches. The event will take Jane !New, Huco. classes at Atoka. which he was an elder and Bible home mechanics. She completed plaee at the amphitheatre or In the Rehearsala for the production Bale apoke to the classe8 on the. Claas teacher. Burial was In the practice teaching at -caddo lfiCil ballroom In case of rain. are in full swing even though tech- topic of careers in busineaa. family cemeterY at Lexington, Ky. School· last semeater. Student seDate Gives Yearbook Friday Night ' . Dance. • , · The Blue Rondo8 will play for the yeil.rbook dance Frida)' Dipt 'Mary -Franklin Gets In the ballroom Tbe daDce wtll start at 8 p.m. 8Dd the main f~ AAUW Scholanhip tun wiD be the CI"'WWIlliC of the ,-.~'book queen by J'olua BawldDII, . Mary ll'rallJdin, j1mlor llqUJih st.sant SeDate pl'tlllldellt major, has beea awalded • ad '1'tiJa year's queea wu chOIIIIl by vanced echolanldp tor uxt year. the U 8 .Air Force Aca.d-.aJ ;rear The 8Cbolanblp ... ~ted by book staff from SSC'1 10 pretty the ',l'ula braDch of AAUW. I08B gtrls They are J~ Wood, 8aDdl'a ·li'I'ILDkliD, a TulaD, hu received Balley, Beverly llay, Bb&roD His. IIlia scholar8b1p three ttm. pre Pat Hutton. Zelma Bowman, Vi~y... Sally :Murray, camma Campbell, Sandy Wood and J_., Dura. T!ae '88 eavace wm be cmm AAUW '1'0 BONOB out followiD&' the umouncement WOMEN GBADUADIS of the yearbook queen ''We apect · the student. to be A tea Thursday, .Kay 2 at the pleaMd with the new book,.. l&id home of Mrs. ll'loy Perkblaon SUe DylloD, editor. Gates, 1309 N. Sixth, will mark StudeDta should briD&' tMir annual recognition of women receipt llipe wileD they pick up graduates by the DUrant chapter ~ S,.vapa at tbe yearbook of of the Americ&ll Aalod&UOD of fice, tn•tcea IIWI&pl' Don 'l'Qck ~niverSity wom-. er -.ph'ned. ~utheastern women grad.uata A n11111ber of mra books were &re invited to call at :Mnl. Gates' tftiiliiilf GIBLS will bave a 111!1W Utle, lMS Ye&l'book q.eea, ordered and wlll be aold on a firat home from 5 to 8 p.m. ~-w- Flltay Dllbt at t11e Yearllook Duoe. come, Iinlt-eerved bula 0 . f'BE SOUf'BEASf'ERN: ~· 0~ . .. · THURSDAY, APRIL .l :~•, Bilt has a gold th paved through history class be- ~=~~~~=~!£~} New Fu!ld!· S~l!r'Eff~J1 "7. cause mart little Jane sits aeross the aisle from him. Bill sit next to Jim i Englisft. This is convenient, too. The 'I only thing he ha to do to pa s a test is just cheat a 'little. s~;~~k-::o=ley~= To Resto~e _F--n~ .Wash~ta Simple, huh? with America. After a period of The Oklahoma Hl8toneal Society s Fort. Washi~ PI'OJ over 20 years of writing about ject is ...Pnce again in full awing. With the receipt 'f nell But what will Bill do when he gets hi education? America, .Steinbeck sets ?ut to funds l'otaling almost $80,000, many new improvemen.