and Calligraphy Exhibition of the City Artists”

starring the top Chinese 20th century artist Qi Baishi

The Ziller artspace (Vasilikis 1 str., Agia Eirini Square) has the pleasure to host the “Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of the Xiangtan City Artists” which will be inaugurated on Monday 26 March 2018 at 16:00.

The exhibition, not only salutes to Qi the towering figure of art (01.01.1864-16.09.1957), but also intends to communicate and calligraphy to the Greek public, so as to enable friendly dialogues and enhance cultural exchanges.

During the exhibition, a documentary entitled “Dialogue between Qi Baishi and Pablo Picasso” will be projected, whereas the visitors will have the opportunity to admire the artworks of 22 Chinese artists additionally to Qi Baishi.

Qi Baishi, a native of Xiangtan, , was an outstanding painter and seal engraver. He was a professor of National Art College and an honorary professor of Central Academy of Arts; he also served as the honorary president of Beijing Art Academy and the chairman of the China Artists Association etc. He was awarded “Outstanding Artist” by the Ministry of Culture in 1953, International Peace Prize by the World Peace Council in 1955 and “International Cultural Celebrity” in 1963, on his 100th anniversary. In 1993, the Qi Baishi Memorial Hall (Fine Art Museum) was also founded in order to commemorate Qi Baishi, a master of art, a world cultural celebrity and a World Peace Prize winner. The museum is, among others, home to 800 belongs of Qi Baishi including his , wood carvings, seals and calligraphy, and also 2,000-plus art piece of other contemporary artists.

The event is sponsored by Xiangtan Cultural Development Limited - Qi Baishi Art Museum under the support of Travel Odyssey, Hellas Group and PostScriptum companies.