Editor: Pastor G L Winter – [email protected] Vol LIV November - December 2019 No 6 Contents: Page 65: What Luther Says About—Spiritual Liberty Page 66: Devotion—Matthew 21:1–11 – Part 1B—Pastor T Winter Page 67: Dear Christian, Don’t Be Unequally Yoked with the Godless, Corrupt World!—Pastor B Winter Page 70: How Firm a Foundation—Part 2—Pastor S Wood Page 71: Christmas Greetings Page 72: Latest news in Archelogy Page 75: The Happy Farmer Page 75: Notes and News …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… W h a t L u t h e r S a y s A b o u t — Spiritual Liberty A Glorious Liberty that is a Blessed Bondage. A Christian is a free lord of all and subject to no one. A Christian is a ministering servant of all and subject to everyone. (SL 19, 988) A Liberty of the Soul of Man. We are not dealing with political liberty but with a different one— one which the devil intensely hates and opposes. It is “the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free,” not from some human servitude of Babylonian or Turkish captivity but from eternal wrath. Where? In the conscience. There our liberty stays. It does not go any further; for Christ did not free us in the political and in the carnal sense but in the theological or spiritual sense, that is, He has so freed us that our conscience is free and glad because it does not fear the wrath that is to come. This is real and inestimable liberty, in comparison with the greatness and majesty of which the others (political and carnal) scarcely are one drop or speck. For who can tell how great a matter it is for anyone to be sure that God is not angry or will never be angry, but that to eternity He will be a gracious and kind Father for Christ’s sake? The fact that we enjoy the favour, protection, and help of the Supreme Majesty and that He will finally so free us also corporeally that our body, which is sowed in corruption, in shame and in weakness, will rise again in incorruption, in glory and power— this fact is certainly a great and incomprehensible liberty. (SL 9, 603) The Sin of Restricting. This liberty, friend, do not consider it a trifle to forbid what God does not forbid, to destroy the Christian liberty that cost Christ His blood, to burden consciences with sin where there is no sin. He who has the audacity to do this will also be audacious enough to commit any wrong yea, he has thereby already renounced all that God is, teaches, and does, including His Christ. (SL 20, 207) The Gospel Liberates Man for Loving Service. We must distinguish between the Christian life lived in faith and that lived in love. Faith is queen over all laws: the Christian means to be justified Page 66 Vol LIV, November – December 2019, No 6 through grace alone, and so he is free from all laws…But in the other area (that of love) the Christian is subject to all laws, bears the Law and the burdens of the Law according to the old man, seeks to serve and to promote the good of his neighbour. Here Romans 13 applies. (W 26, 17) Acknowledgment: From What Luther Says , Book 2, Nos 2409, 2410, 2412, 2421, 1986 Copyright Concordia Publishing House. Reproduced with permission under licence number 19:2-2. Devotion Matthew 21:1–11 Part 2 Christ’s entry into Jerusalem (Continued from September – October 2019 edition) The prophecy fulfilled: (v4-5) All this was done The point is: Jesus was consciously fulfilling that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by prophecy that He would come as King. Luther: the prophet, saying, Tell ye the daughter of “He is a peculiar (unusual) King: you do not seek Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, Him, He seeks you; you do not find Him, He meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt, the finds you; for the preachers come from Him not foal of an ass. from you; their preaching comes from Him not from you; your faith comes from Him not from Kretzmann: “The daughter of Zion is the Church you; and all that your faith works in you comes of Christ, the sum total of all believers in the from Him not from you.” salvation gained through His blood. The King is Jesus Himself, at that time still in poverty and The triumphant entry: (v6) And the disciples humility, but still a King most mighty. His went and did as Jesus commanded them. coming banishes all fear, for it means the subduing of all enemies. Only people must not They openly proclaim Him as the Son of David, get the idea that His kingdom is of this world, as as the true Messiah, they wish Him blessing and a great many modern theological leaders are salvation from above. Far and wide, the people dreaming. In His kingdom, in which He is King joined in this demonstration in honour of the and Lord, He does not teach how we should till lowly Nazarene. They gladly sacrificed their the soil, plow, sow, reap, attend to household holiday garments, their festival ornaments, they matters, collect money, wage war, govern land brought the palm branches and waved the green and people, but places that in charge of worldly fronds of early spring to give full expression to kings and lords....For Christ in His kingdom their joy, to their confession of their Lord, the teaches us through His Word that we are poor, Messiah. It is most unfortunate that this lost sinners, condemned to death, subject to the exultation was only temporary, and quickly devil; but that He through His death and blood, forgotten. And yet the Spirit of the Lord had here, has delivered us from all sins, from death, and for a short while at least, taken hold of the from the power of the devil, in order that by faith people. God wanted thus to give testimony on in Him we should be justified and saved. behalf of His Son, before the shame and the horror of the cross would be laid upon Him. And “‘Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King it was prophetic of the time when every tongue cometh unto thee, meek;’ as though he would would confess that Jesus is the Lord. say: He comes for thy benefit, for thy peace, for the salvation and joy of thy heart; and since they (v8) And a very great multitude spread their did not believe that, he prophesies that it should garments in the way; others cut down be spoken and preached. Whosoever but believes branches from the trees, and strewed them in that Christ comes in this way has Him thus. O the way. what preaching, singular and at this time almost unknown!” Another act of homage instigated by the will of the Lord to fulfil the prophecy. 2 Vol LIV, November – December 2019, No 6 Page 67 (v9) And the multitudes that went before, and of the Passover. The most often quoted Messianic that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Psalms in the New Testament are: 2, 22, 69, 89, Son of David! Blessed is He that cometh in the 110 and 118. name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest! Reception in Jerusalem: (v10) And when He was They were now proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, and He let them do it. “Hosanna” means “Save, saying, Who is this? we pray thee.” They repeat words from the Hallel (Psalm 148:1) “Hosanna in the highest.” Cf The Greek word for “stirred” means “shaken as Luke 2:14. by an earthquake;” hence Jerusalem was “thrown in an uproar” or “in turmoil” or “went wild with It is a burst of acclamation, prayer and praise to excitement.” The response: (v9) And the Jesus, involving Messianic titles, the nature of multitude said, This is Jesus, the Prophet of His person and the nature of His work. Psalm Nazareth of Galilee. 118:25–26 is quoted by them, a Messianic Psalm —TJW and also a Hallel Psalm, always used at the time Dear Christian, Don’t Be Unequally Yoked with the Godless, Corrupt World! 2 Cor 6:14: “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” Some of the members of the Corinthian congregation were in danger of joining in with the vile, Godless ways of the world in Corinth. Immorality, stealing, drunkenness, indecent living, gambling, idol worship and homosexuality were widespread and unchecked (1 Cor 6:9–10). Paul appealed to them that by grace through faith in Christ they belonged to Christ and are called “the temple of the living God” (2 Cor 6:16). As a result God says: “I will dwell in them and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people” (2 Cor 6:16). How then could they even think of being joined closely and intimately as with a yoke to unbelievers in common worldly activities! The Greek is so strong here that Paul tells those who are doing this to STOP it. For blood-bought redeemed Children of God it is absolutely monstrous and abhorrent that they pollute themselves with the poisonous, vile filth of the sinful world and endanger their faith! Paul also refers to the Church Law of the Old Testament (Deut 22:10) which forbade the yoking of an ox and a donkey, a clean and an unclean animal, together to a plough.
Long Term Remedial Measures of Sedimentological Impact Due to Coastal Developments on the South Eastern Mediterranean Coast
Littoral 2002, The Changing Coast. EUROCOAST / EUCC, Porto – Portugal Ed. EUROCOAST – Portugal, ISBN 972-8558-09-0 LONG TERM REMEDIAL MEASURES OF SEDIMENTOLOGICAL IMPACT DUE TO COASTAL DEVELOPMENTS ON THE SOUTH EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN COAST Dov S. Rosen1,2 1Head, Marine Geology & Coastal Processes Department, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR), Tel Shikmona, POB 8030, Haifa 31080, Israel, Tel: 972-48515205, Fax: 972-48511911, email: [email protected]. 2Director General, Sea-Shore-Rosen Ltd., 2 Hess St., Haifa 33398, Israel, Tel:972-48363331, fax: 972-48374915, mobile: 972-52844174, email:[email protected] Abstract Coastal developments in the 20th century in the South-eastern Mediterranean coast have al- ready induced sedimentological impacts, expressed as coastal erosion, silting of marinas and other protected areas, and cliff retreat. New development activities are underway or planned for implementation in the near future. The forecasted future sea-level rise (already apparently detected in the last decade in the Eastern Mediterranean) and storm statistics change due to global warming, as well as future diminishing of longshore sand transport in the Nile cell, add to the increased sensitivity of coastal development in this region. This paper presents a review of the various projects underway or due to be implemented in the next few years, discusses in an integrated manner the outcome of various field and model studies on the sedimentological impacts of these developments, and presents a series of re- medial
Page 1 A REVIEW OF SEA LEVEL MONITORING STATUS IN ISRAEL Dov S. Rosen Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research, Tel Shikmona, Haifa 31080, Israel Introduction Sea-levels have been measured since the early 1920’s at Jaffa fishing port, but these data are not available, except for some data found at the PSMSL in UK during the 1950’s. New sea-levels were gathered at Ashdod and Haifa ports, and since 1992 at Hadera. Recently sea-level is being recorded also in Tel-Aviv, inside the Gordon marina, and at Ashkelon marina. The information presented in this report was derived using historic sea-level data gathered originally by PRA and archived at the Permanent Service for Mean Sea-Level (PSMSL) in UK. Additional sea-level data were gathered in the recent years by IOLR for PRA in Haifa. Correlation between simultaneous data gathered at Haifa and Ashdod in the past, and between Haifa and Hadera in the recent years allowed determining the relationship between long-term elevations at Haifa, Hadera and Ashdod. Recent History of Sea-Level Monitoring on the Mediterranean Coast of Israel Sea-level has been monitored in Israel during the British mandate in Jaffa harbour, in Haifa port and in Eilat. The measurements were performed using a float-type mechanical mareograph (sea-level recorder as in fact it measures the total sea-level due to astronomic tide as well as other parameters (temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind surge, wave induced set-up, etc.). However, the records of sea-level data gathered during the period prior to the establishment of the State of Israel are not available and have probably been lost forever.
165 Has Tekhelet been Found? By: MENACHEM EPSTEIN While thousands of Jews around the world have recently begun adding what they are convinced is tekhelet to their ziẓ iṭ , a recent article published in Flatbush and distributed throughout America (Halacha Berurah vol. 9, issue 2, “The Search for Techeiles”°) claims that no one “has presented any concrete proof that the murex techeiles is genuine,” and “that there are clear indicators that neither the chilazon nor techeiles have any connection to the murex techeiles.” In this article, the author demonstrates why these statements are entirely baseless. The possibility of the murex snail being the hillazoṇ of tekhelet has been under consideration for a considerable amount of time. Until recently almost all rabbis rejected this possibility out of hand simply because the dye of the murex is purple. From our tradition we know without a doubt that tekhelet is blue.1 In 1983 a startling discovery was ° Halacha Berurah is published by Tzeirei Agudas Yisroel. Following the title of the referenced article it states, “Reviewed by Horav Shlomo Miller,” and at the end of the article it states, “Halacha Berurah is deeply grateful to Dr. Mendel Singer PhD, School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio and Dr. Yoel (Jonathan) Ostroff, Department of Computer Sci- ence and Engineering, York University, Toronto, Canada for reviewing this article.” 1 Rav Herzog in his doctoral thesis written in 1913 suggested that the murex would be the most likely candidate, if not for the fact that it produced a purple dye. This manuscript was later edited and published as “The Royal Purple and the Biblical Blue” by Keter 1987.
{PDF EPUB} the Cobra and Scarab a Novel of Ancient Egypt by Glenn Starkey Ihr Link Zur Ex Libris-Reader-App
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Cobra and Scarab A Novel of Ancient Egypt by Glenn Starkey Ihr Link zur Ex Libris-Reader-App. Geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse oder Handynummer ein und Sie erhalten einen direkten Link, um die kostenlose Reader-App herunterzuladen. Die Ex Libris-Reader-App ist für iOS und Android erhältlich. Weitere Informationen zu unseren Apps finden Sie hier. Kartonierter Einband 84 Seiten. Kartonierter Einband. Beschreibung. Klappentext. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 82. Chapters: Gardens in Israel, Jewish National Fund forests and parks, National parks of Israel, Masada, Caesarea Maritima, Achziv, Lachish, Shivta, Qumran, Beit She'an, Tzippori, Capernaum, Tel Megiddo, Mount Tabor, Hippos, Ein Avdat, Tel Hazor, National parks and nature reserves of Israel, Khirbat al-Minya, Herodium, Beit Guvrin National Park, Makhtesh Ramon, Ramat HaNadiv, Beit She'arim National Park, Eleutheropolis, Ein Gedi, Canada Park, Al Qastal, Palestine, Tel Arad, Montfort Castle, Jezreel, Yarkon River, Arsuf, Gezer, Nimrod Fortress, Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh, Yatir Forest, Yarkon Park, Ashdod Sand Dune, Maresha, Mount Arbel, Belvoir Fortress, Wohl Rose Park, Ben-Gurion International Airport Garden, Terraces, Beit Alfa, Rosh HaNikra grottoes, Nitzana, Mamshit, Archaeological sites in Israel, Tel Be'er Sheva, Sidna Ali Mosque, Castel National Park, Ein Hemed, Garden of the King, Nahal Alexander, Island of Peace, Australian Soldier Park, Hurshat Tal, City of David National Park, Hamat Tiberias, Samaria, Israel Nature and Parks Authority, Jerusalem Forest, Neot Kedumim, Mazor Mausoleum, Ashkelon National Park, Alexandrium, Gazelle Valley, Gan HaShlosha National Park, Tel Shikmona, Migdal Afek, HaSharon Park, Ramat Gan National Park, The Garden of Mordy, Eshtaol Forest, Emek Tzurim National Park, Bar'am National Park.
Vol. 485: 143–154, 2013 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Published June 27 doi: 10.3354/meps10313 Mar Ecol Prog Ser Population genetic structure and modes of dispersal for the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri along the Scandinavian Atlantic coasts Eitan Reem1,3,*, Ipsita Mohanty1, Gadi Katzir2,3, Baruch Rinkevich1 1Israel Oceanography and Limnological Research, National Institute of Oceanography, Tel Shikmona, PO Box 8030, Haifa 31080, Israel 2Department of Marine Biology, Faculty of Science and Science Education, University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel 3Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology, Faculty of Science and Science Education, University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel ABSTRACT: The colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri is a well-known cosmopolitan invader of sheltered temperate marine communities which has garnered major scientific attention. We ana- lyzed modes of dispersal and population genetic structures for 11 populations of B. schlosseri along the Scandinavian coasts, using 5 microsatellite loci. The analysis revealed high poly - morphism, resulting in 108 different alleles (of which 58 were private alleles), positive correlations between the number of sites shared by specific alleles and their mean frequencies, and lower genetic diversity values than in previously studied worldwide populations. A complex network of gene flow among sampled populations was revealed, with 2 clades, southeastern and northwest- ern, and higher genetic variation in the latter clade due to either restricted gene flow or more intensive genetic drift. A detailed analysis of allele frequencies revealed possible ancestral alleles. By using Bayesian analysis, 9 previously studied populations from Britain and European Atlantic coasts were compared, encompassing a single geographical entity along thousands of kilometers from Gibraltar (36° 8’ N) to Ålesund, Norway (62° 29’ N).
Medgloss Workshop and Coordination Meeting for the Pilot Monitoring Network System of Systematic Sea Level Measurements in the Mediterranean and Black Seas
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Workshop Report No. 176 MedGLOSS Workshop and Coordination Meeting for the Pilot Monitoring Network System of Systematic Sea Level Measurements in the Mediterranean and Black Seas Co-sponsored by International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, Haifa, Israel, 15-17 May 2000 UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Workshop Report No. 176 MedGLOSS Workshop and Coordination Meeting for the Pilot Monitoring Network System of Systematic Sea Level Measurements in the Mediterranean and Black Seas Co-sponsored by International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, Haifa, Israel, 15-17 May 2000 Editors: Dov S. Rosen Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Thorkild Aarup IOC UNESCO 2002 IOC Workshop Report No. 176 Paris, 6 February 2002 English only Abstract This report provides a summary of the Joint IOC and CIESM Workshop and Coordination Meeting of the MedGLOSS Pilot Monitoring Network of Systematic Sea Level Measurements in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The meeting included presentations by a number of experts as well as presentations of the sea-level monitoring activities in the participating countries, which are listed as submitted by the participants. Future MedGLOSS activities and implementation issues were discussed and a number of recommendations are presented. (SC-2002/WS/21) IOC Workshop Report No. 176 page (i) TABLE
The University of Haifa Department of Archaeology Seminar Seminar
The University of Haifa Department of Archaeology Seminar Seminar program – Semester B (2019-20) Mondays, 12:15, Multi‐Purpose Building, room 210 Seminar organizer: Dr. Ron Shimelmitz --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.3.2020 Prof. Gonen Sharon, Tel Hai College. Fishing for change: Epipaleolithic fishers on the verge of sedentism. 16.3.2020 Department staff meeting. No seminar. 23.3.2020 Dr. Peter Gendelman, Israel Antiquities Authority. Urban development of Roman and Late Antiquity Caesarea Maritima in light of new excavations. 30.3.2020 Mr. Aehab Asad, University of Haifa. The Druze settlement of Daliyat al-Carmel, in light of archaeological finds and historical evidence. Mr. Eli Buchman, University of Haifa. Copper finds in Fazael sites and their significance in understanding the Chalcolithic copper industry of the southern Levant. 20.4.2020 Dr. Shlomit Bechar, University of Haifa. Excavating the administrative palace of Hazor: New finds and new expectations. 27.4.2020 Prof. Nurit Shtober-Zisu. University of Haifa. Lithology and the distribution of Early Roman Era tombs in the Jerusalem’s necropolis. 4.5.2020 Ms. Catherine Ujma. University of Haifa. The Late Bronze Age and Iron Age fauna of Tel Shikmona. Ms. Tal Fried. University of Haifa. A high-resolution record of micromammals from the Middle Paleolithic of Tabun Cave Layer C (ca. 165 Ka). 11.5.2020 Prof. Erez Ben-Yosef, Tel Aviv University. Breaking the fixation: On nomads, kingdoms and the study of ancient Israel. 18.5.2020 Dr. Ilaria Patania, University of Haifa. The context of the earliest pottery in the world. 25.5.2020 Dr. Tawfiq Da'adli, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.