182 TAMWORTS. STAFFORDSHIRE. Borough SurveyDr, Frederick Edwartl George Brad~haw, district, John Joseph :Norton, -·Urewas, Burt~m-on· Aldergate Trent; Fazeley & Kingsbury districts, Thomas :Bu::don Inspector of District Rates, J ames Hastilow, Hospital st L.R:C.P.Edin. Fazeley; Tamworth district, Herbert Jn. Inspector of Nuisances & Common Lodging Houses, Frdk. Fa us set :M.D., :M:. Ch. Tamworth Edward George Bradshaw, .Aldergate Superintendent Registrar, George R. Shaw, zz Church Manager of .Assembly Rooms, Frederick Hughes street, Tamwurth; deputy, .Alexander John Bartel~ Sergeant-at-Mace & Town Crier, Thomas Justice, 12 Church street, Tamworth l\Iarmion street Registrar of Marriagas, John Watton, Victoria road, Tam~ worth; deputy, Henry Starkey, Marmion st. 'l'amworth T.AMWORTH RURAL DISTRIGr COUNCIL. Registrars of Births & Deaths, Fazeley sub-district, Artbur Clerk, Herbert John Cheatle, 22 Church street, Ta~orth Brown, Victoria road, Tamworth; deputy, Tom 'Bond. Treasurer, Joseph William Beevers, National Provincial Church street, Tamworth; Tamworth sub-district, Bank, Tamworth William Robert W'bite, .Albert road; deputy, Mrs. White- 1Iedical Officer of Health, Herben John Fausset M.D., The Workhouse, Wigginton road, Wigginton, is a build ::.\i.Ch. Cole hill, Tamworth; deputy, Cyril Pr:chard ing of brick & stone, available for 195 inmates; Fredk. Burd, .Albert road, Tamworth H. Lawrence, master; Herbert John Fausset M.D. Surveyor & Engineer, Henry John Clarson C.E. 22 Church medical officer; Mrs. Lawrence, matron street, Tamworth Education Committee. Sanitary Inspector, John W. Parker, Heath street Att<>ndance Officer, Edward A. Hatton, Hospital street PUBLIC ESTABLISHMEl\'TS. Clerk, John H'unt Dewes, ro Colehill, Tamworth .Assembly Rooms, Corporation st.
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