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182 TAMWORTS. STAFFORDSHIRE. Borough SurveyDr, Frederick Edwartl George Brad~haw, district, John Joseph :Norton, -·Urewas, Burt~m-on· Aldergate Trent; Fazeley & Kingsbury districts, Thomas :Bu::don Inspector of District Rates, J ames Hastilow, Hospital st L.R:C.P.Edin. Fazeley; Tamworth district, Herbert Jn. Inspector of Nuisances & Common Lodging Houses, Frdk. Fa us set :M.D., :M:. Ch. Tamworth Edward George Bradshaw, .Aldergate Superintendent Registrar, George R. Shaw, zz Church Manager of .Assembly Rooms, Frederick Hughes street, Tamwurth; deputy, .Alexander John Bartel~ Sergeant-at-Mace & Town Crier, Thomas Justice, 12 Church street, Tamworth l\Iarmion street Registrar of Marriagas, John Watton, Victoria road, Tam~ worth; deputy, Henry Starkey, Marmion st. 'l'amworth T.AMWORTH RURAL DISTRIGr COUNCIL. Registrars of Births & Deaths, Fazeley sub-district, Artbur Clerk, Herbert John Cheatle, 22 Church street, Ta~orth Brown, Victoria road, Tamworth; deputy, Tom 'Bond. Treasurer, Joseph William Beevers, National Provincial Church street, Tamworth; Tamworth sub-district, Bank, Tamworth William Robert W'bite, .Albert road; deputy, Mrs. White- 1Iedical Officer of Health, Herben John Fausset M.D., The Workhouse, Wigginton road, Wigginton, is a build ::.\i.Ch. Cole hill, Tamworth; deputy, Cyril Pr:chard ing of brick & stone, available for 195 inmates; Fredk. Burd, .Albert road, Tamworth H. Lawrence, master; Herbert John Fausset M.D. Surveyor & Engineer, Henry John Clarson C.E. 22 Church medical officer; Mrs. Lawrence, matron street, Tamworth Education Committee. Sanitary Inspector, John W. Parker, Heath street Att<>ndance Officer, Edward A. Hatton, Hospital street PUBLIC ESTABLISHMEl\'TS. Clerk, John H'unt Dewes, ro Colehill, Tamworth .Assembly Rooms, Corporation st. Fredk. Hughes, mgr PUBLIC OFFICERS. Cemetery,Wigginton road, Corporation act as burial board; John 1\Iatthews, town clerk; Henry Selvester, keeper Assistant Overseer & Collector of Poor Rates & .Assasse<J Cottage Hospital & Provident Dispensary, The Leys, Miss Taxes for Tamworth Borough, John .Alien, ro Bole~ Mary Clark, matron ; the medical men of the town sPrve bridge street County Court, Town hall, Market place ; office ol' the Certifymg Factory Surgeon & Medical Officer to the Post court, Bolebridge st. ; His Honor Wm. Mulholland, Office, John Holmes Joy M.A., M.D., J.P. Manor house K.C. judge; Robert Nevill, registrar & high bailiff; Collector of Poor Rates for Wigginton, Jas. Wallis, \Vood~ the court is held every two months ; the district com lands prises the following places :-In Staffordshire: Canwell, Inland Revenue Officer, Waiter John Cowper, 5 .Albert road Clifton Campville, Croxall, Drayton Bassett, Edingale, Income Tax Collector, John T. Robinson, II Church st Fazeley, Harlaston, Hints, Statfold, Syerscote, Tarn Inspector of Police, John M arson, 24 Church street worth, ThrJrpe Constantine & Wigginton; & the follow Veterinary Inspector for Staffordshire & 1Varwickshire,. ing in Warwickshire :-.Amington & Stonydelph,Austrey, William Tempest Olver M.R.C.V.S Bolehall & Glascote, Kingsbury, Middleton, Newton PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. Regis, Seckington, Shuttington & Wilnecote For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in that of St. Editha's Church, Church street, Rev. John Henry Birmingham; Luke J esson Sharp, Whitehall chambers, Courtney Clarke, surrogate & vicar; Rev . .Arthur John 20 Colmore row, Birmingham, official receiver ; Charles Bratt & RPv. Norman L. Lycett, curates; 8 & ID-45 ·woollett & E. Cox, 45 Copenhagen street, Worcester, a. m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m.; week days, 8 a.m. & 6 p.rn.; assistant official receivers thurs. 7.30 & 8 a.m. & 7 p.m.; wed. & fri. 11 a.m Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress St. John the Baptist (Roman Catholic), Aldergate, Rev. Amendment .Act," William Arnold, 23 George street ; Henry Norris F.S.A.L'Jn. priest; mass 8 & 10.30 a.rn.; J. G. Lowe. Colehill & George Kinson,g Victoria chmbrs ve,pers & benediction 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 8 p.m Inland Revenue Office, 5 .Albert road, Waiter John Cowper, Baptist, Gungate, ro.45 a.m. & 6 p.m.; thurs. 7·30 p.m officer Congregational, .Aldergate, Rev . .Arthur Sidney Massey ~ Income Tax Office, John T. Robinson, collector, 1 I 10-45 a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; thurs 8 p.m Church street Unitarian, Cole hill, Rev. Frederick W. Emms; ID-45 J oiut Isolation Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Rev. John a.m. & 6.30 p.m Edward H. Blake, chairman; H. J. Cheatle, clerk; United Methodist Free Church, .Aldergate, Rev. William ~Irs. Crisp, matron }Iicklethwaite; 10.30 a. m. & 6. p.m.; thurs. 7·45 p.m County Police Station, 24 Church street, John Marson, in Wesleyan Temple, Victoria road, Rev. Joseph Kewley; spector & 5 constables 10.45 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Stamp Office, 2 George street, John White, dietributor Mission Hall, Bolebridge street, William Lorraine Purves. Tamworth Public Baths & Institute, George Joseph Ship missionary & manager; II a.m. & 6.45 p.m.; wed. ley, keeper, Church street 7.30 p.m Town Hall, Market place, James Colernan, keeper Christarlelphian, Offa streetr; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Volunteer Fir~ Brigade Station, Town hall, Thomas W. SCHOOLS. 'Voodcock, captain & 15 members Grammar, Ashby road, founded fllbout 1350 & refounded VOLUNTEERS. & endowed in 1559 by, Queen Elizabeth, was rebuilt in 2nd Volunteer Battalion Prince of Wales's (North Stafford 1867-8, on a commanding site on the Wigginton road, shire Regiment (C Co.); armoury, Church street; Capt. at a cost of about £3,100, & reorganized under a schem~ George Robert Shaw; Lieut. J. H. P. Clarson; Surgn. framed by the Endowed School Commissioners in 1874~ Lt.-Col. Herbert J. Fausset M. D., V.D. medical officer; the endowment consists of £180 yearly, derived chiefly SPrgeant Frederick Barker, instn;wtor from land : in accordance with a scheme of the Charity Commissioners, a free education is given to four boys TAMWORTH UXION. from the borough of Tamworth; & there are 4 scholar The union comprises the following places :-In Stafford ships tPnable at the school, & an ancient library, founded shire : Canwell, Clifton Carnpville, Croxall, Drayton & endowed in 1686, by the Rev. John Rawlett: th~ Bassett, Edingale, Fazeley, Harlaston, Hints, Hopwas buildings include a school room, class rooms & chemical Hayes, Statfold, Syerscote, Tamworth, Thorpe Gonstan laboratory, & the head master's house is arranged t() tine & Wigginton; & the following in Warwickshire: 'receive 20 boarrlers: the governing body consists of Ic> Amington & Stonydelph, .Austrey, Bolehall & Glascote, persons; head master, Thomas James Barford B..A.~ Kingsbury, Middleton, Newton Regis, Seckington, Shut B.Sc tington & Wilnecote & Castle Liberty. The population Public Elementary, Hospital street, built in 1898, at a of the union in 1901 was 24,667; the area, 44,519 acres, cost of £g,ooo, for 540 boys; average attendance, 455; inclusive of 4(~ of water; rateable value in 1903, James Stone, master £!66,223 Spimting School lane, built in r876, at a cost of £8,ooo, Sr. Board day, every alternate saturday at II a.m. at the since enlar~ed at a cost of £6oo, for 424 girls & 376o Tamworth Union house, which is in Wigginton infants; average attendancP, 385 girls & 268 infants; Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, John Miss Rose Preston, girls' mistress ; - Miss Evelyn .Alien, Hunt Dewes, ro Colehill, Tamworth infants' mistress Treasurer, Joseph William Beevers, National Provincial .Aldergate (Catholic), built in 187o, for 210 children; ave:r Bank, Tamworth ag-3 attendance, 150; Miss May Moran, mistress Relieving Officer for the Union, William Robert White, .Albert road, Tamworth NEWSP.APERS . VaecinatiC'n Officers, William Robert White for Tamworth Tarn worth Herald, William Morton, manager; publisheil district & F. W. Sadler for Fazeler district saturday morning, Silver street :.\Iecfical Officers & Public Vaccinutors, .Austrey district, Tamworth Mercury, W. H. Mallett, editor & publisher; _-\lexunder Davidson M.D. Appleby ~; ~ditr.gale pub~d ~ Ghtrtlny; b'rtlnoh c1ffit\>, CtnlrGh f'tWreet .