166 Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.12(4) 1997 Parasitoids The most important parasitoid of E. lani- Natural enemies of the woolly apple , gerum is the , mali lanigerum (Hausmann) (: ): a (Haldeman) (: ) (Tillyard 1921, Lundie 1924, Bodenheimer review of the world literature 1947, Evenhuis 1958, DeBach 1964). Very scanty information is available for other S.K. Asante, Department of Zoology, University of New England, Armidale, parasitoids of this aphid. DeSantis (1939) New South Wales 2351, Australia. reported the occurrence of Neoanisotylus Present address: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Oyo Road, sp. in E. lanigerum in Argentina. In the United Kingdom, Rosenberg (1934) and PMB 5320, Ibadan, Nigeria. Stary (1976) reported the occurrence of Proan simulans Prov. and Areoproan lepel- leyi Wat., respectively as parasitoids of E. Summary In view of its economic importance, a lanigerum. Childers and Rock (1981) re- Literature information was used to considerable amount of work has been corded Balaustium putmani Smiley (Aca- compile a summary of natural enemies conducted on its biology, ecology, popu- rina) whereas Marchal (1929) reported Al- (parasitoids, predators and a fungal lation dynamics and control by the use lothrombium fuliginosum Herm. as ectopar- disease) reported attacking the woolly of insecticides, resistant apple varieties asites of this aphid in the United States apple aphid, and natural enemies in all the countries and France, respectively. Gurney (1926) (Hausmann) under field conditions. in which it occurs (Baker 1915, Staniland observed that Aphelinus niger Girult para- Five species of hymenopterous endo­ 1924, Hatton et al. 1937, Bodenheimer sitize E. lanigerum in New South Wales parasitoids and two species of Acarina 1947, Evenhuis 1958, Brown and Schmitt and Queensland before the introduction (ectoparasites) were reported to attack 1994, Asante 1995a). Despite the exten- of A. mali. E. lanigerum. Altogether, 73 species sive work on its natural enemies world of predatory belonging to five wide for over a century, there has been Origin and introduction of A. mali into orders and seven families (i.e. Coccinel­ no attempt to collate the literature. Hence, other apple-growing countries lidae, , Hemero­biidae, For­ the information on the natural enemies of The most significant advance in the biolog- ficulidae, Lygaeidae, Syrphidae, and Ce­ E. lanigerum remains scattered and ob- ical control of E. lanigerum was made in the cidomyiidae) have been reported to feed scured which precludes the selection and early 1920s when A. mali, an endoparasi- on this aphid species. Verticillum leca- use of suitable biological control agents toid, was introduced from its native home, nii (Zimm.) ViËgas was the only fungal in regions where (Halde- North America, into many countries in an pathogen reported to infect this aphid. man) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), the attempt to control it (DeBach 1964). This Although Aphelinus mali (Haldeman) most important parasitoid of this aphid parasitoid was originally known to occur has been widely acclaimed as the most species (DeBach 1964) has proved to be in areas of the eastern United States and important natural enemy of this aphid ineffective. Canada (MacPhee et al. 1976). It was initial- species, a review of literature, however, This paper presents a worldwide ly introduced into Europe in the early part revealed a number of other natural en­ review of the natural enemies of E. lani- of 1920 and has since then been released in emies which should be considered in gerum. It provides information on natural 51 other countries; becoming established biological control or integrated pest man­ enemies which could be manipulated for in 42 (van Lenteren 1990). It was intro- agement programs of E. lanigerum. the biological control or integrated pest duced from North America into France management of this aphid species in dif- in 1920 and 1921 (Marchal 1929), South Introduction ferent geographic regions. Africa in 1920 (Georgala 1953) and Uru- The woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lani- guay early in 1921 and 1922. From France, gerum (Hausmann) (Hemiptera: Aphidi- Materials and methods it reached Austria in 1926 (Werneck 1931) dae) is one of the economically important Information on the natural enemies of E. and batches were sent to Argentina, Eng- and most widely distributed pests of ap- lanigerum was obtained using abstracts in land, Italy, Chile and Spain from Uruguay ple, domestica (Borkh.) and other the Review of Applied Entomology (from (Trujillo 1922, Nonell 1932). From Italy, it species of Malus, , , 1913 to 1994), Biological Abstracts and was imported into Malta and Gozo dur- Sorbus and (Eastop 1966, Hill original journal articles. The search was ing 1933ñ34 (Borg 1936). This parasitoid 1983). A native of North America (Baker made in the Dixonís Library, University was introduced into Holland in 1925 (van 1915), it now occurs throughout the apple- of New England, Armidale, New South Poeteren 1925) and Mexico in 1953 (Coro- growing countries of the world (Eastop Wales, Australia. Original articles which nado 1955). From Ontario, Canada, A. mali 1966). Both the nymphs and adults cause were not available in this library were ob- was introduced into the Okanagan valley, damage to apple by feeding on the roots tained from other libraries in either Aus- British Columbia, in 1929 (Venables 1931). and stems, particularly the tender places tralia or overseas through inter-library It reached Transcancasia from the Crimea on the trunk and branches, new lateral loans. Furthermore, on-line and CD-ROM in 1932 (Stephanov 1935) and Korea from growth and areas with damage caused services were used to search for other in- Japan in 1934 (Nakayama 1936). Cisílik by mechanical injury (Asante 1995a). Its formation which could not be obtained and Kawecki (1935) reported that A. mali damage to apple is much more serious in from the journal abstracts. appeared in Poland without having been the United States where root infestation is artificially introduced. prevalent (Marcovitch 1934, Brown 1986). Results Similarly, Kovacevic (1937) reported Infestation of the aphid on apple roots and The literature reports that E. lanigerum is its discovery in Yugoslavia in 1930. The shoots has been shown to reduce survival attacked by five species of hymenopterous parasitoid was introduced into New Zea- of nursery trees and to weaken mature ap- endoparasitoids, two species of Acarina land in 1921 (Tillyard 1921) and from there ple trees, leading to the loss of vitality and (ectoparasites), 73 species of predatory it was brought to Tasmania, Australia, in poor quantitative and qualitative yields insects and a fungal pathogen. Other spe- 1922 (Nicholls 1932, Wilson 1960). In Aus- (Sherbakoff and McClintock 1935, Klim- cies found to be associated with this aphid tralia, A. mali reached the Stanthorpe dis- stra and Rock 1985). pest are hyperparasitoids. trict of Queensland in 1923 (Jarvis 1926), Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.12(4) 1997 167 New South Wales and Victoria in 1924ñ25 moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Georgala 1953, orchards. The functional response data ob- (Gurney 1926, Pescott 1935). Bengston 1960, Adlakha and Hameed tained in the laboratory for F. auricularia, 1972, Yothers 1974, Hely et al. 1982). On P. australasiae and H. conformis all fitted The effectiveness of A. mali as a the other hand, Holdsworth (1970) stated well to the type II model of the Holling biological control agent that in addition to killing A. mali, some disc equation (Asante 1995b). These The effectiveness of A. mali as a biologi- spray programs used generally in apple predators were found to consume larger cal control agent for E. lanigerum has been pest control, also control E. lanigerum so numbers of early than later instars of reported worldwide such as New Zea- that the natural control disturbance may E. lanigerum within the same time pe- land (Tillyard 1924), Australia (Nicholls not become an economic factor. riod. Many studies have confirmed that 1932, Evans 1938, Sproul 1981), South F. auricularia is an effective predator of Africa (Lundie 1939), India (Rahman and Hyperparasitoids of A. mali E. lanigerum (McLeod and Chant 1952, Khan 1941), The Netherlands (Evenhuis Evenhuis (1958) recorded three species Mueller et al. 1988, Asante 1995b). Asante 1958), Japan (Hukusima 1960), Russia of hyperparasitoids, Pachyneuron aphidis (1995b) reported that an adult F. auricu- (Boldyreva 1970) and Iraq (El-Haidari and (Bouche), Asaphes vulgaris Walk and Cera- laria could consume up to 107 individual Aziz 1978). phron sp. from E. lanigerum in The Nether- nymphs of E. lanigerum per day. However, The introduction of this parasitoid has lands. Also, P. aphidis has been reported to F. auricularia has only been recorded in been cited in the literature as the first ac- attack A. mali occasionally in Yugoslavia Australia and The Netherlands as a preda- knowledged case of successful biological (Kovacevic 1937) and Australia (Asante tor of E. lanigerum. Also, the seven spe- control program of an aphid species (van 1995a). Moreover, the two Pteromalids, P. cies of predatory Hemiptera found in the Lenteren 1990) and of a tree fruit pest aphidis and A. vulgaris have been reported literature have all been recorded in The (MacPhee et al. 1976). In western Aus- to attack A. mali in Crimea (Meier and Netherlands (Table 2). tralia, its introduction has resulted in one Telenga 1933) and in Germany (Sprengel of the Stateís most outstanding successes 1931). Conclusion in biological control (Sproul 1981). It has, The following species have been record- It has been found from this study that however, been found to be ineffective un- ed from E. lanigerum in New South Wales, apart from the exotic endoparasitoid, der cool climatic conditions (Massee 1943, Australia; Ophelosia bifasciata Girault, Mo- A. mali, which has been introduced into Miller 1947, Rawat et al. 1989, van Len- ranila comperei (Ashmead), a Chartocerum all apple-growing regions of the world teren 1990, Asante and Danthan­arayana sp. and Paramyiocnema nr. flavithorax (Gi- to control this cosmopolitan apple pest 1992). On the other hand, in warm dry re- rault and Dodd) (Asante 1995a). In all cas- (DeBach 1964), E. lanigerum is naturally gions, A. mali occasionally fails to establish es, the authors reported that their effect on under predation by the European ear- itself (Talhouk 1941). the parasitoid was insignificant. wig, lacewing, several coccinellid beetles Various authors have reported that its and syrphid flies in many apple-growing rate of multiplication is slower than that of Fungal pathogen regions (Table 1). its aphid host (Bodenheimer 1947, Even- The only identified fungal pathogen of In view of the current worldwide huis 1958, Balevski and Vasev 1962, Kuang E. lanigerum is Verticillium lecanii (Zimm.) concern of the effects of frequent use of et al. 1989). Temperature has been found to ViËgas. This pathogen has been report- broad spectrum insecticides necessary have a differential effect on A. mali and E. ed to attack all life stages of E. lanigerum for the control of other key pests, such as lanigerum (Ehrenhardt 1940, Bodenheimer in New South Wales, Australia (Asante environmental pollution, development 1947, Bonnemaison 1965, Kuang et al. 1989, 1995a). Large numbers of the aphid were of pest resistance to insecticides, insecti- Asante and Danthan­arayana 1992). Whilst found to be killed by the fungus as the cides residues in food and adverse effects the lower temperature threshold for de- aphid population density increased. Its on beneficial organisms (e.g. pollinators, velopment of E. lanigerum was estimated incidence, however, was confined to only predators and parasitoids), it is impera- at 4.2∞C (Bodenheimer 1947, Bonnemai- a few trees, hence, the overall impact was tive to develop ecologically sound and son 1965) and 5.2∞C (Asante et al. 1991), very low. The mortalities caused by this sustainable management strategies for all that of A. mali was estimated at 8.6∞C in pathogen during peak aphid populations important crop pests. There has not been, Palestine by Bodenheimer (1947), 8.2∞C in ranged from 1ñ14% (Asante 1995a). to date, a comprehensive review of the France by Bonnemaison (1965) and 8.3∞C natural enemies of E. lanigerum in Aus- in Australia by Asante and Danthanaray- Predators tralia and elsewhere. The present review, ana (1992). Altogether, 73 species of predatory insects however, suggests that predators and the According to Kuang et al. (1989) the in- belonging to five orders namely, Coleop- fungal pathogen, V. lecanii may contrib- trinsic rate of increase of A. mali was 0.1146 tera, Diptera, , Derm­aptera ute effectively to the management of E. and 0.1628 at 20 and 25.5∞C, respectively, and Hemiptera have been reported to feed lanigerum if they could be conserved and while that of its host, E. lanigerum was on E. lanigerum in many parts of the world augmented in apple orchards, particularly 0.1390 and 0.2647, respectively. It has been (Table 1). The most important family (in in areas where A. mali has been reported reported that predators and parasitoids of terms of numbers of species recorded) was to be ineffective due to climatic reasons. It insects, in general, tend to have activity which formed 48% of all the has been reported by a number of authors and development thresholds higher than predatory insects. They have been record- that predaceous insects can play an im- their hosts (Campbell et al. 1974, Neu- ed in 13 countries with most species occur- portant role in regulating populations of enschwander et al. 1975). By developing ring in South Africa, Australia, Germany herbivores (Hunter and Price 1992). more slowly than their hosts, some para- and the United States of America (Table 2). Hall (1980) reported that V. lecanii infects sitoids ensure the continued availability Syrphidae and Chrysopidae formed 21 and ; and most attempts to introduce of a minimum host supply and thus their 14%, respectively, whereas the remaining fungi for the biological control of aphids own survival, but would fail to contribute 17% was made up of Cecidomyiidae, For- have involved an inundative approach in any significant way to the control of the ficulidae and Lygaeidae. Syrphidae and by using a fungus-based preparation as host (DeBach 1964). However, the main Chrysopidae have been reported in nine a mycoinsecticide. A commercial product cause of reduced effectiveness of A. mali and five countries, respectively. Very lit- based on conidia of V. lecanii was devel- has been attributed to the frequent use of tle quantitative work has been conducted oped in England mainly for use in green- broad spectrum insecticides against oth- to evaluate the impact of predators on houses against whiteflies, aphids, thrips er major apple pests such as the codling E. lanigerum populations in apple and mites (Hall 1981). 168 Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.12(4) 1997 Table 1. Predators of Eriosoma lanigerum reported from different localities. Insect species Reference Location (a) Coleoptera: Coccinellidae Adalia bipunctata L. Del Guercio (1925) Italy Marchal (1925) France Speyer (1935) Germany Ravensberg (1981) The Netherlands Adomia variegata Gze. Speyer (1935) Germany Alesia sp. Anon. (1921) South Africa Allograpta obliqua Say Alden (1930) USA Chilocorus stigma Say Michelbacher and Borden (1944) USA C. bipustulatus L. Del Guercio Italy Marchal (1929) France Borg (1929) Malta C. rubidus Hope Hori (1930) Japan C. similis Ross. Hori (1930) Japan C. quatuorpustulatus L. Riveros (1916) Argentina Coccinella septempunctata L. Borg (1929) Malta Marchal (1929) France Hori (1930) Japan Speyer (1935) Germany Singh (1942) India Bodenheimer (1947) Palestine C. axiridis Pall. Toyoshima (1938) Japan C. repanda Thunberg Asante (1995a) Australia C. quinquepunctata L. Speyer (1935) Germany Cryptolaemus montrouzieri (Mulsant) Asante (1995a) Australia Cydonia (Chilomenes) lunata F. Lundie (1939) South Africa Cycloneda sanguinea L. Clausen (1916) USA Diomus notescens (Blackburn) Asante (1995a) Australia Exochomus flavipesThumb. Anderson (1915) East Africa Geyer (1947) South Africa E. melanocephalus Zoubkoff (nigromaculatus Goeze) Lundie (1939) South Africa E. quadripustulatus (L.) Del Guercio (1925) Italy Borg (1929) Malta Marchal (1929) France Kovacevic (1932) Yugoslavia Speyer (1935) Germany Clausen (1956) USA Evenhuis (1958) The Netherlands Radwan and Lovei (1983) Hungary Harmonia dimidiata (L.) Chakrabarti et al. (1988) India H. conformis (Boisduval) Sproul (1981) Australia Hippodamia variegata F. Anderson (1915) East Africa H. convergens Guer. Clausen (1916) USA Tillyard (1926) New Zealand Leucopis puncticoris Mg. Bodenheimer (1947) Palestine Oenopia cinctella Muls. Anon. (1921) South Africa Parapriasus australasiae (Boisduval) Asante (1995a) Australia Pharoscymnus (Midus) quadristillatus Muls. Lundie (1939) South Africa Platynaspis sp. Lundie (1939) South Africa Propylaea 14-punctata (L.) Ravensberg (1981) The Netherlands Rhyzobius sp. Asante (1995a) Australia Scymnus bineavatus Muls. Lundie (1939) South Africa S. castroemi Muls. Lundie (1939) South Africa S. hilaris Motsch. Hori (1930) Japan Thea (Halyzia) variegata F. Lundie (1939) South Africa continued on next page\… Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.12(4) 1997 169 Table 1. continued\… Insect species Reference Location (b) Diptera: Syrphidae Cnemoden vitripennis (Meig.) Evenhuis (1959) The Netherlands Episyrphus sp. Lyon and Tiefenau (1976) France Macrosyrphus confrater (Wied.) Asante (1995a) Australia Melangyna viridiceps (Macq.) Asante (1995a) Australia Metasyrphus (Syrphus) confrater (Wied.) Zaka-ur-Rab (1972) India Pipiza sp. Lyon and Tiefenau (1976) France P. dubia Lundb. Speyer (1936) Germany P. modesta Lw. Davidson (1916) USA P. radicum Walsh & Riley Davidson (1916) USA Syrphus sp. Lyon and Tiefenau (1976) France Fischetti et al. (1969) Argentina S. auricollis Mg. Rosenberg (1934) UK S. (Episyrphus) balteatus De G. Staniland (1922) UK Hori (1930) Japan Nakayama et al. (1928) Korea Rosenberg (1934) UK Speyer (1936) Germany Verma and Singh (1985) India S. pusillus Frog. Jarvis (1922) Australia S. ribesii L. Curran (1920) Canada Marchal (1929) France Speyer (1936) Germany S. viridiceps Macq. Jarvis (1922) Australia (c) Diptera: Cecidomyiidae Uncinelella sp. Del Guercio (1919) Italy (d) Neuroptera: Chrysopidae (green lacewing) Chrysopa corna Stephens Ravensberg (1981) The Netherlands C. formosa Br. Kalandadze (1927) Germany C. perla L. Kovacevic (1932) Yugoslavia C. porterina Navas Porter (1918) Chile C. prasina var. abdominalis Brum. Kalandadze (1927) Germany C. septempunctata cognata Mclach. Nakayama et al. (1928) Korea Hori (1930) Japan C. tenella Schn. Withycombe (1924) UK C. vulgaris Schneider Marchal (1929) France C. walkeri Mclach. Marchal (1929) France (e) Neuroptera: Hemerobiidae (brown lacewing) Drepanepteryx phalaenoides (L.) Prance (1982) UK Hemerobius humulinus L. Ravensberg (1981) The Netherlands H. lutescens Fabr. Ravensberg (1981) The Netherlands Micromus tasmaniae (Walker) Asante (1995a) Australia (f) Dermaptera: Forficulidae (European ) Forficula auriculariaL. Ravensberg (1981) The Netherlands Asante (1995a) Australia (g) Hemiptera: Lygaeidae Anthocoris nemorum (L.) Ravensberg (1981) The Netherlands Antractotomus mali (Meyr-Dur) Ravensberg (1981) The Netherlands Blepharidopterus angulatus (F.) Ravensberg (1981) The Netherlands Heterotoma merioptera (Scopoli) Ravensberg (1981) The Netherlands apterus (Fabr.) Ravensberg (1981) The Netherlands Phytocoris sp. Ravensberg (1981) The Netherlands Pilophorus sp. Ravensberg (1981) The Netherlands 170 Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.12(4) 1997 Table 2. Number of predatory species reported to attack Eriosoma lanigerum of Agriculture, Malta 1928ñ1929, pp. from different localities. 7-15. Borg, P. (1936). Report of the plant pathol- Country Coleoptera Diptera Neuroptera Dermaptera Hemiptera ogist. Annual Report, Dept. of Agricul- The Netherlands 3 1 3 1 7 ture, Malta 1934ñ35, pp. 53-61. Australia 6 3 1 1 – Brown, M.W. (1986). Observations of Germany 5 3 3 – – woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum France 4 3 3 – – (Hausmann) (Homoptera: Aphididae) Japan 4 1 1 – – root infestation in eastern West Virgin- USA 5 2 – – – ia. Melsheimer Entomology Series 36, 5-8. Italy 3 1 – – – Brown, W.M. and Schmitt, J.J. (1994). India 1 2 – – – Population dynamics of woolly apple Argentina 1 1 – – – aphid (Homoptera) in West Virginia South Africa 10 – – – – apple orchards. Environmental Entomol- Malta 3 – – – – ogy 23, 1182-8. New Zealand 1 – – – – Campbell, A., Frazer, B.D., Gilbert, N., Tuscany 1 – – – – Guiterrez, A.P. and Mackauer, M. (1974). Temperature requirements of some aphids and their parasites. Journal of Applied Ecology 11, 431-8. Insect pest management and biological woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum Chakrabarti S., Ghoh, D. and Debnath, control strategies offer promise to provide (Hausmann). Australian Journal of Ento- N. (1988). Developmental rate and options and pathways to alternative solu- mological Society 34, 105-9. larval voracity in Harmonia dimidiata tion to insect pest problems rather than Asante, S.K. and Danthanarayana, W. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), a preda- reliance on chemical control (Watson et (1992). Development of Aphelinus mali tor of Eriosoma lanigerum (Homoptera: al. 1975), therefore, it is hoped that the in- an endoparasitoid of woolly apple Aphididae) in Western Himalaya. Acta formation provided here on the natural aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum at differ- Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 85, 335-9. enemies of E. lanigerum will be useful for ent temperatures. Entomologia Experi­ Childers, C.C. and Rock, G.C. (1981). Ob- the development of biological control or mentalis et Applicata 65, 31-7. servation on the occurrence and feed- insect pest management strategies for this Asante, S.K., Danthanarayana, W. and ing habit of Balaustium putmani Smiley cosmopolitan apple aphid in those coun- Heatwole, H. (1991). Bionomics and (Acari: Erythraeidae) in North Carolina tries in which it occurs as a serious pest. population growth statistics of apter- apple orchards. International Journal of ous virginoparae of woolly apple aphid, Acarology 7, 63-8. Acknowledgments Eriosoma lanigerum at constant tempera- Cisílik, W. and Kawecki, Z. (1935). The Financial support provided by the Aus- tures. Entomologia Experi­mentalis et Ap- spontaneous appearance of Aphelinus tralian International Development Assist- plicata 60, 261-70. mali in Poland parasitizing Eriosoma ance Bureau (AIDAB) and the University Balevski, A. and Vasev, A. (1962). Contri- lanigerum (Hausmann) on apple in of New England Internal Research Grants bution to the clarification of the causes 1935. Bulletin of International Acad- Committee is gratefully acknowledged. of the decrease in effectiveness of the emy of Cracovie (Bll) No. 8ñ10, pp. parasite of the woolly aphid, Apheli- 343-45. References nus mali Hald. Izvestiya Nauchno-Issle- Clausen, C.P. (1916). Life history and Adlakha, R.L. and Hameed, S.F. (1972). dovatelískogo Institua Zashchity Rastenii feeding records of a series of California Woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum 143-73. Coccinellidae. University of California (Hausm.) in kulu valley. Pesticides 6, Baker, A.C. (1915). The woolly apple Publications in Entomology, Berkeley 13-21. aphis. United States Department of Ag- No. 6, pp. 251-99. Alden, C.H. (1930). Apple insects and dis- riculture, Entomology Report 101, 1-55. Clausen, C.P. (1956). Biological control of eases and how to control them. Bulle- Bengston, M. (1960). 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