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January 2011 Vol. 7

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This month’s selections from The Japan Times Kabuki apologizes for drunken brawl

Alex Martin prudent behavior’’ brought about the Details on why the STAFF WRITER incident. brawl erupted in the first Ebizo, who in the early hours of Nov. place have remained a Kabuki star Ichikawa Ebizo, injured 25 was apparently drinking heavily mystery. Ebizo said he during a midnight brawl in a Tokyo with friends in a bar in the Nishi-Azabu was attacked when taking bar late in November, apologized on area, suffered serious facial injuries care of a drunken friend Dec. 7 for disappointing his fans and after reportedly being hit several of the assailant. promised to keep away from alcohol. times by a 26-year-old suspect. However, media have Junichi Sakomoto, president of Sho- He was forced to skip an annual reported that, according chiku Entertainment Co., for which yearend stage performance in Kyoto to employees of the venue Ebizo works, said the star be sus- and television commercials featuring and other sources, Ebizo pended from performing indefinitely. him were pulled. was acting violently be- At the Grand Prince Hotel Takana- But Ebizo said Dec. 7 that he re- fore the fight started and wa in Minato Ward, Tokyo, Ebizo, the called being hit by several people, al- possibly initiated the al- son of famed kabuki actor Ichikawa though he did not elaborate, saying the tercation. Danjuro and a well-known television investigation is ongoing. During the news confer- celebrity, spoke to the media for the Ebizo, whose real name is Takatoshi ence, Ebizo said he had no first time since he was hospitalized Horikoshi, said his doctors told him he previous encounters with after the incident. fractured his left cheekbone and lost the assailant or his friend. ‘‘I would like to apologize to those two front teeth, in addition to other in- Ebizo’s reputation has who support me, those who love kabuki juries. He said the injuries will take been further tarnished by and all those involved for the trouble I two months to heal. revelations of reckless have caused,’’ said the 33-year-old Some 660 reporters, photographers drinking sprees and be- Ichikawa Ebizo YOSHIAKI MIURA actor, speaking somberly and wearing and television crew packed the confer- cause he was out drinking a dark suit. ence hall. One reporter commented it the same day he had canceled a news pect and his friends may have ties with Apart from a slightly bloodshot left was the largest news conference for a conference promoting a New Year’s the underworld. eye, Ebizo appeared fine. celebrity he had ever witnessed. show, citing health reasons. Ebizo’s father, Danjuro, 64, has also ‘‘I won’t feel like having a drink for a While the police say they have an ar- The incident has attracted incessant apologized for the incident while say- while,’’ Ebizo said. rest warrant for the suspect, he was media attention the past few weeks, ing his son has only himself to blame Ebizo said his ‘‘arrogance’’ and ‘‘im- yet to be apprehended. complete with speculation that the sus- for his actions.

Kennedy, Tulio, No time for drama as coldblooded Takahiro Masukawa and Narazaki all Grampus get the job done quickly standing 185 cm or taller, there has been a physicality about ANDREW McKIRDY resolve, however, and that determina- Grampus this year STAFF WRITER tion has been the cornerstone of his that few opponents team’s success. have been able to live While Grampus’ unblinking Grampus have responded to every with. march toward the title has deprived the league defeat by winning their next That is unlikely to J. League of late drama, it has provided game, and never gave up first place sit well with the rest a testament to the quality and efficien- after going top for the first time in mid- of the league given cy of the newly crowned champions. August. Stojkovic was quick to credit that Nagoya has been Grampus wrapped up their first-ever defender for kicking sand in their title with a win over bringing a winning mentality to the faces off the pitch as on Nov. 20, in doing so becoming the dressing room after joining from well as on. Stojkovic first team to clinch the trophy with Urawa Reds at the beginning of the has overseen an ag- No surprise: manager Dragan Stojkovic games to spare since the single-league year and the 29-year-old’s bombastic gressive recruitment holds some silverware with his team after it won the J. League format was introduced in 2005. passion has indeed played a crucial drive, and the likes of title on Nov. 20 with several games to spare. KYODO For fans accustomed to the excite- role. Tulio, Kennedy and ment of last-minute upsets, Nagoya’s But others have proved their worth, Alex have not come cheap. tic Davi, have been weeded out quickly. generally smooth progress has not too. Striker Josh Kennedy has weighed Throw in the fact that Nagoya was So can Grampus take over from been met with universal approval. A in with goals, Danilson Cordoba has able to keep hold of its key men while where left off and series of narrow wins and a solid de- provided thrust in midfield, Keiji rivals lost theirs after the World Cup dominate the J. League for years to fensive foundation have done even less Tamada, and Magnum and the romance of the club’s rise come? With the FIFA Club World Cup to enchant the neutrals, but manager have supplied the attacking invention, takes on a more clinical light. returning to Japan — and Sta- Dragan Stojkovic is unlikely to care. and goalkeeper has But as many have found to their peril, dium — next year, the demand for Stojkovic has been chasing the title kept things tight at the back. clout in the transfer market does not Asian Champions League success will ever since coming to Grampus as a Danilson in particular has been a necessarily translate to success on the test the manager’s ability to juggle his player in 1994 and only the coldest of revelation since arriving on loan from pitch. The right blend of players must priorities. hearts could begrudge such a fine ser- Consadole . The Colombian’s still be found and it is to Stojkovic’s But with a squad as talented and vant of the Japanese game his moment muscular dynamism embodies what credit that those who have not fit the deep as this, who knows what he and of glory. Behind the smile lies an iron Stojkovic’s team is all about, and with mold, like the prolific but individualis- his players are capable of achieving.