NOTICE Bulletin!, New York

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NOTICE Bulletin!, New York , ■ _ , ^ . t TPOESDAT, AUUiUiW T, WW ) Manchester Evening Herald Average Daiiy Circulation For the Month o( Inly, 1944 The Weather Foreesat of D, 8. Weather Bureeu montha and haa aeen plenty Of ac- David E. Hawley, son of Mr. Uon. He expects to leave again Govertinieiit Pays Second Lieut K en n eth .,M o r­ and Mrs. Robert F. Hawle^of C^ Dubaldo Bovs ncx^ week for a new assignment. 8,728 Cloudy u-itb ruin begtaalng enri.v rison. son of Mr. and Mrt, ■ bum Road. M a n c h ^ r, Who at­ Tax on Properly lonight and eontinulng to Thura- Morrison, of 67 Elro street, has Bruiio A. Dubaldo who com­ H A L E ’S Member of the Audit da.v; little temperature change to- loiit Town tending summer school a t WUbra- Given Parties p lete his basic training at the U. i-eported for duty at Sheppard hant Academy, WUbraham, MaM., Wednesday Morning Speciah ef Clrculntiona iV ^tl net ee wnrm Thuniday. FiSd. Texas, one of the Army .wr 8. Naval Training Center at ■th'i Mind Requl*« M**« la ranked among the honor stu­ Sampson, N. Y., in June, was Manchester la not losing any of Manchester—-A City of Village Charm Forces basic training centei^ dents according to • hia scholastic U celebrated tom onw All three eons of Mr. and Mrs. home from. Boston for the week­ the income from the Martser prop­ Regular 79c • $1.00 and $1.19 a t 8 o’clock at 8t. Brid- was commission^ ^ c e m ^ ». standing which haa Just been m- end. The brothers are well kilown leased for the month of July. T ^ Julius Dubaldo of 59 Irving street, erly located on Oak street which VOL. LXHL. NO. 258 (C1nael6ed Advertlehig. en Pnge'Tt) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2,1944 (FOURTEEN PAGES) ch for the late Maa. Peter, Victor and Bruno, have as musicians and years before PRICE THREE CENTS XSyffrSS’SSSrSij.u periodical check-up m the rwort they entered the service formed a was taken over by the government Beurpa. Schtml a t Miami Beach, Flu^d*- of each student Is part of the Indi­ been home on furlough recently; NOVELTY SCARFS and Before coming Into the Army lieu­ dance orchestra. They were thrill­ as Mr. Martzer is ap enemy alien. vidual guidance that may be prop­ and aa one of them.eVictor. who ed at the opportunity to play The rents are collerted by the :re Sparks, a native ^ tenant Morrison was employed by erly regarded as the cornerstone ho has lived in T o l^ , Ohio, the Connecticut Mutual Life Insur- has been stationed at canip again, ensemble, and performed at Manchester Trust Company as New Filipino President Signs Oath lay yaarV is vialUn* his of the Academy’s program. Charles Maxey, Paris. Texas, with the a couple of ahower parties In hon­ was thefbrmer case, but Instead of In Talcottvllls and Man- ance Company. L, Stevens, Headmaster of tne VANITY SETS Army brought home s bride,i there or of the bride In the family. Mrs. the money going to Mr. Martzer Close-out of smart, colorful pastel la aecompanled by nis Academy, pointed out, have been celebrations at the Du­ Sartor entertained for her new it is now sent to the government Nazi Forces ored Forces Hit Rev Karl Richter, pastor of the scarfs In 16" x 36” and 16" x 43" sizes. Cfi^. .........- '*'1,; ' " baldo home, and at the homes of sister-in-law at hor'Kome on office In Chicago, and from Chica­ Concordia Lutheran church w 11 the married daughters, Mrs. Jo­ Some vanity sets. Not all, colors in 4 9 ) ^ take his vacation during the month School street, and' fully 30 .young go comes the checks that pay for j each size. Lepen tneeting for the discus- of August, and leaves t^orrow Private 1^‘isier seph Sartor- and Mrs.- Prlm<^ people attended the party and pre the taxes due to the town and the |M Rotary projects and p n ^ Amadeo. ' .«ehted her with a choice assort South Manchester Fire District.' for his old home in Michtgan. He It will be recalled that Julius Regular $5.98 and $3.98 V aHll be held at the Country plknt to visit relatives in Iona, ment of gifts. Another greenback Tby the Rotary Club this eve- Home on Leave Dubaldo with hiS daughters, Mrs. and gift shower was held in her e ; Twisted Nazi Lines; at 6:30. Reports of the Sev- lyinslng and Grand Rapids. Sartor and Mrs. Amadeo, spent honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. x - ■ iAnnual Assembly of Rotary considerable time in Texas, In Au­ Julius Dubaldo. Mtlonal. l«9th District, held The commltta# In charge of the P»fc Harry Leister, of 82 Flor­ gust, 1943, visiting Victor who ELASTIC PINAFORES $2 .0 0 faatfleld. Mass., last Tuesday Grange fair win have a meeting ence street, has returned home was then stationed at North Camp Sizes 10 to 18. AH Sales Final._______ I be given ^by officers who at- tomorrow evening at eight o dock after two and otie-half years in the Hood. His bride was the former HOSIERY the meeting. „ In the Masonic Temple. , South Pacific. Private Leister le MIee Murray O'Brien of Parle, and ' No-Seam Bareleg Chiffon Weight in Noose ?^teu 3 Pockets suffering fboni’ malignant malaria their marriage took place on May i FLOOR LAYING Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Kelley of Heavy or Light W'elght. was a good turnout of and is still being treated at the 20. , AND SANDING (teer workers on surgic^ Germantown. Pa.. “"Uouncea the Army hospital at Camp Devene. Peter J, Dubaldo, who Is a fire-, Other Nazis Fight Vio­ ailnga at Center church pariah birth of a daughter. Janice Caro Harry, like eo many others, says man second class in the Navy, has Reflniahi^ and Waxing. RAYON HOSIERY Stride TowanI Brest I MfiS night, and It Is hoped that K on July 30. Mrs. Kelley was that this sickness is one of the been In the South Pacific for ten . E.stimates Gladly Given With reinforced cotton foot for extra lently on 20-Mile Arc Peace Looms Sooner Turks Break Links And Rennes in Brit* ^■ssions tomorrow from 10 to the former Janice Remig of Pine worst enemies that the armed ARTHUR wear. Values to 62e. lyedncsday # at the American Lieglon home street. ___ forces In the South Pacific has to CALL 8 2 5 4 Momlni^ ........... ............ Y .............. * ,Jjr• In Defense of War­ tany; British Crack Pbe well attended. However, the contend with. There are now am­ ALICE COFRAN 39^ saw;' Chemiakhovsky Center of Line and Bt quota la still far from com- Dr G. A. F. Lundberg Just re­ ple supplies of quinine and medi­ (Known As qiieea Alire) Than Once Expected With Nazis Today I«m, and H will be necedsary to turned from his vacation Y^’ster- cal personnel in these war sones. to SPIBITDAL MEDIUM Reopens Huge E^ve Reach Point 13 Miles Et again Monday and Wednes- day and was caUed out of town In battle this disease. Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son ] next week at least. tnethe aiieriiwi,-aftemoon^on an ui, ./ Them e feverlevei isin contracted by the Bum With a Veil. Toward East ' Prussia Say, Broad Indications Rus­ South of 4]aumont; is now expected to be back in ms / bitten by a amopheli- Readings Dally, Including Sunday, $1.00 SUMMER JEWELRY churdM Tinian Will Bc 4,735 Britons ement— office on Thursday. ^ / nae mosquito found In tropical On 2QO-Mile Front; O f Germany and Japan sia Will Consider ISetv, 16 Miles Separate Brit* swamps and Jungles, which car­ • A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appolnt- HALE'S SELF SERVE Necklaces Bracelets Harriett’s Beauty Salon, 129 Bolton Orange will have a a, ries the malaria parasite Into the ■nenL In the Service of the Peo­ 10 Miles to Border. Recoiling on Every Finnish Request for \ ish, Yank Spearheads^, street Is closed fur v^ca- ple for SO Veurs. The Original In New England! Earrings Brooches Another Safe Listed Robot clal meeting on blood stream affecting the blood 169 Church Street, Hartford, Conn. World Battle Front. Armistice and Liberty.' untll Monday, August 14th. August 4, when the first and aVc- plasma. 'This is followed by 39^ Moscow, Aug. 2.—(IP)— Supreme Headquarters Al­ ond degrees will be conferred, rfnd spasms of high fever and then in- Phone 6-t024 President Sergio Osmens (.seated), new president of the Philip­ another meeting on tenae chills. Thousands of Germans trap­ Loj^don, Aug. 2.— (IP) — Bomber Base pines, signs hi^ qath of office as first duty in hlr. new post in the London, Aug. 2.— (IP) — Bomb Victims lied Expeditionary Force, confer the third and fourth decrees BABY SHOP ped in Latvia and Estonia by off ice of Secietary of Interior Harold L. Ickes in Wa.shlngton. Asso­ Aug. 2.—(IP)—M u 1 t i p 1 6 on candidates. Wed. Morning Specials! Prime Minister- (Churchill said I ciate Justice Robert H. Jackson of the U. S. Supreme eburt, who ad­ Turkey aligned herself with; IF YOITRE FOR TOP VALUE a swift Russian plunge to the today he felt that the final | Capture Gives United ministered the oath, and Miss Maria Osmena, the new president’s the United Nations today to.; 14,000 Injured, 817,- prongs of British •and Ameri-: Charles Victor Brown. A. 8 . of Seek Extension IN A NEW HOME I p l a n n in g f o r a 144 I-,enox street, has completed MOSQUITO NEHING Baltic sea 30 miles- west af end of the war against the States Second‘Unsink- daughter, look on.
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