
Week commencing October 19, 1903. Tremont Theatre. - Grand Opera in English at this playhouse in Rudyard Kipling's " The Light Monday and Friday evenings, also Wednesday That Failed." Only matinee Saturday. matinee, " Tosca." Tuesday and Thursday even- Globe 'Theatre.-Last week of Charles Dick- ings, also Saturday matinee, "' Carmen." Wednes- man in "Captain Barrington." This new American day and Saturday evenings, " Lucia di Lammermoor play has already and Cavalleria Rusticana." found a place among the biggest successes of the year. Mlajestic Theatre.--Kirke La Shelle produc- . -Second week of Annie Russell tion of 's fascinating American romance, in " Mice and Men." The whole atmosphere of the "," will end this week. Next week, play is refreshing, and there is hardly a dull moment Lawrance D'Orsay in "' The Earl of Pawtucket." during the entire four acts. Colonial Theatre. - Limited engagement of Columbia Theatre. - Fay Templeton and the Frank Daniels in "The Office Boy." Handsome original New York cast present " The Runaways " costumes, elaborate and artistic stage settings, tune- for a limited engagement. This already popular ful music and bewitching maidens, will greet the opera scores the same success in as else- audiences at the Colonial during this engagement. where. Castle Square Theatre. -" Sowing the Wind" . - Forbes Robertson and is being presented by the regular company this Gertrude Elliott will open a two weeks' engagement week. Next week, "The Cowboy and the Lady."


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