Bringing Up Father By McManus

The Air W 30 I GOT WHO KtM "THAT VJS-LV-- HE PUT A wh act? Too SAf< TOO’RE LOSER On To-day MV UTTH PET BACK4 es ajt the FA*T OMS OM ; THACT OKIE IS OF FIVE THE POOR UTTLt 4 FRO*JT DOOR? 'tOO*TH\«> IS THE HUMORED- C5A,RUN)(i V/OOUO REA^PIFl”? THE 006 Too this have died or a T WHEHEWl 0(0 is Tour UOtiT- \ MEAM HE broken! HEART TT75" COHC To the Pope Inaugurate I KAJOW »t- ome Too FROM? TOUO ME

— AM WITH to hide 13 CASEY? New Vatican Station y THE OCX1. Me V/4FE JOVT pa»o a % HUM? Ita network throughout the United phasizing that the papal broadcast States and Canada an address by is intended for all nations rather Pop# Pius XI inaugurating the new than for one and htat both vast powerful Vatican radio station on American networks have been au- s—dr Thursday, February 12, the ninth thorized to rebroadeast- the cere anniversary of his coronation. mony. He added the following de- Never before heard over the radio, scription of the proposed proceed- the pontiff will talk to the entire ings: Christian world. The ceremonies in "The Pope will be escorted from which he will figure will be broad- the Vatican palace to the new sta- ~ oast at about 4 p. m. (Italian time), tion’s portal, which is decorated in • 1111. lat'l Future Service. lee. 10 a. m. EST. colorful faience. The pontiff will be Orw( Brttals rlgkte rmm« Testa of the new station, HVJ, guided through the station by Sen- have Indicated Its efficacy in reach- ator Guglielmo Marconi, builder of ing America and Australia as well as the station, and Father Gianfran- Buck Rogers, 2430 A. D. Will Bore from Within Phil Europe. Short waves emanating ceschi, noted Jesuit electro-physicist By Nowlan and Dick Calkins from the great new transmitter have who is president of the papl acad- brought voices and signals clearlly emy. Wather Gianfranceschi will to American listeners in points as explain to the pontiff the details of [we -rPAjtDRSuor V/CfER,lvl-m6JOU IWILMA, ALL RIGHT ARCAlA-BOf OP TUE AS> / H&vtUEC /SHWH/-AROALA; distant as Connecticut, New York the powerful station and Pope Pius TO 1UE. SOREACE- COWrROUVOONrTlOCk ME IM IROLJS Woo <30 LEFT v GlPlS VCKievj tUAT ( will pree os/, and Nebraska. Awaiting further then will press a button starting the %. WAD ROOM* fUP/ LET ME UELP AS WES POUUD- M—News; Weather. ararnged Freckles In Trouble that no local Blosset Irli—Diamond orchestra—Norman disturbances could mar By Cloutier, director. the trials, was entirely suitable for and indicated that .*•*—Silent. rebroadcasting Rlnso Talkie. the l:0t— Rex Cole Mountaineers. vjjitu uwoy 0:00—Black and Gold orchestra. 1:41—TTncle Abe and David— SDlMS ALDUS 226 _ Sketch. 1320 /N Neterr WDRC IN FINE giM—Federation Hymn Sing. Kilocycle* T: 00—Niagara-Hudson—Sketch. STYLE, t<00—Fleischmann-Vallee orches- P. tra. M. DESPITE THE Minute Nat’ »r00' ■ :|> Jack Frost’s Melody Mo- BrusilolY, director. DEEP SUC**/ menta; Oliver Smith, Tenor; 6:30—Columbia Salon orchestra. Eugene Ormandy, Violin. 6:00—Sessions Time. ALDUS THE 6:00—La lAltt Lucky Strike orchestra. Lasine Melodists. l&Sgg—Richardson’s orchestra. 6:15—Flaxoline Choristers. ROAO.... liltS—KlMngton orchestra. 6:30—Pancho and his orchestra. 1»;00-|4 Ibln orchestra. 6:45—Tony’s Scrap Book. 4.*. 7:00—Morton Downey, with Fred- 11>t0 Pan1sn*a orchestra. die Rich’s orchestra. 7:15—World Bookman. CIS.* CREEPS” AND 7:20—Stock Quotations. 7:30—Howard FLORA DORA GIRL” Lanin's St Moritz orchestra. DIXIE DUGAN—It Will AT NEW GARDEN Take Some Hoping! 7:45—Watson Woodford, tenor. By J. P. McEVOY and J. H. STRIEBEL 6:00—Colt Shoe Time. HaUlwell of the New IfaMga* 8:00—Piano Twins with Freddie ^ Harden where the all-talk- *Oi—i—txiE.‘ theater, Rich’s orchestra. OH, ~PA!"DIXIE isn't oav_ala. 7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy—Sketch. OP AMD GET HIM AFTER That is ? Because Gaa-r m His left Criminal ItJ, A DAV-S vjoRK— ov/er i/a back of -tHe Foorrj Wonder Picture. “The 7:15—Tastyeast Jesters. STARTED-THEM tjbmp Code” with Walter Huston and 7:30—The Quaker Man. SlT HOME AMO FALL ASLEEP x have to oo mv ^ ■RIGHT'FocrT AMO OF McTAPPLE^ GARAGE, AUP likewise,MV Holmes at State Saturday 7:45-—Friendly Five Footnotes. (SO OOT LEAVE RIGHT Philip AFTER SuPPER —TOO OVMKJ WORK AMO iM PAlLi from f- The Warner Bros State theater 8:00—He Played Her Part — HIM (SROMPlMOr Th‘ WETRE USlMG IS ARcH-CRAMP, Tired to go A/a7 will show for four days beginning Sketch. out— slippikj', WORK OF ALWAV'S Bo-THERS ME TO 0‘S. ABOOT Two OTHER mape ou-r csf WHlcH Saturday an all-talking Columbia 8:30—Salada orchestra. has to ib skis -TH' REST OF sleep hours to NIGHT ^ which is regarded as the 0:00—Blackstone orchestra. OWJLS, LIKE. ad cHillv pavs ! ahem picture EUEM'Mfa vjork

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