Bringing Up Father By McManus The Air W 30 I GOT WHO KtM "THAT VJS-LV-- HE PUT A wh act? Too SAf< TOO’RE LOSER On To-day MV UTTH PET BACK4 es ajt the FA*T OMS OM ; THACT OKIE IS OF FIVE THE POOR UTTLt 4 FRO*JT DOOR? 'tOO*TH\«> IS THE HUMORED- C5A,RUN)(i V/OOUO REA^PIFl”? THE 006 Too this have died or a T WHEHEWl 0(0 is Tour UOtiT- \ MEAM HE broken! HEART TT75" COHC To the Pope Inaugurate I KAJOW »t- ome Too FROM? TOUO ME — AM WITH to hide 13 CASEY? New Vatican Station y THE OCX1. Me V/4FE JOVT pa»o a <Suy FWE-HU»40REO FER The Columbia Broadcasting sys- Cabled advices from the Columbia tom announced this week comple- representative in Rome to-day A OOC JUST UKE tion of arrangements to broadcast on quoted Vatican authorities as em- .///>% HUM? Ita network throughout the United phasizing that the papal broadcast States and Canada an address by is intended for all nations rather Pop# Pius XI inaugurating the new than for one and htat both vast powerful Vatican radio station on American networks have been au- s—dr Thursday, February 12, the ninth thorized to rebroadeast- the cere anniversary of his coronation. mony. He added the following de- Never before heard over the radio, scription of the proposed proceed- the pontiff will talk to the entire ings: Christian world. The ceremonies in "The Pope will be escorted from which he will figure will be broad- the Vatican palace to the new sta- ~ oast at about 4 p. m. (Italian time), tion’s portal, which is decorated in • 1111. lat'l Future Service. lee. 10 a. m. EST. colorful faience. The pontiff will be Orw( Brttals rlgkte rmm« Testa of the new station, HVJ, guided through the station by Sen- have Indicated Its efficacy in reach- ator Guglielmo Marconi, builder of ing America and Australia as well as the station, and Father Gianfran- Buck Rogers, 2430 A. D. Will Bore from Within Phil Europe. Short waves emanating ceschi, noted Jesuit electro-physicist By Nowlan and Dick Calkins from the great new transmitter have who is president of the papl acad- brought voices and signals clearlly emy. Wather Gianfranceschi will to American listeners in points as explain to the pontiff the details of [we -rPAjtDRSuor V/CfER,lvl-m6JOU IWILMA, ALL RIGHT ARCAlA-BOf OP TUE AS> / H&vtUEC /SHWH/-AROALA; distant as Connecticut, New York the powerful station and Pope Pius TO 1UE. SOREACE- COWrROUVOONrTlOCk ME IM IROLJS Woo <30 LEFT v GlPlS VCKievj tUAT ( will pree os/, and Nebraska. Awaiting further then will press a button starting the %. WAD ROOM* fUP/ LET ME UELP AS WES POUUD- <SA\P de- OUR At TUAt V/ERV V-T14E trials, the Columbia engineering power. NOO WUVXT TOR KILLER WOO'RE ATRArtOR* SUALU partment has not yet decided defi- "Commentators, probably speak- FLVIW& SOB KAUE* -DCMJKl "WERE MOMEK1X \NTU&/—^ 8E,, —— nitely upon the facilities for re- ing in several languages so that the TO EXPLORE CJUSf CHOCK VJlTUOOT AMU SU\P ALIO uolo /Hullo.'w ours/JL, Several alternatives broadcasting. greatest possible audience may have SOME RUIUS OF HIM THE L-LOVE it's have been presented, all of them, in a clear picture of the scene, will de- UJltU tests thus far conducted, providing pict the occurrences. LOST' ATLAMTIS- .HOUD ,W\IA/ excellent audibility. "The pope and his retinue then WILMA. THE REST The short wave signals are sent will pass in solemn procession to the COMMANDING; vOP tuem* out from two towers surmounted by papal academy building in the Vat- WAD BALKED crosses, standing on the ican Christian gardens where the solemn in- KILLER KANE'S highest hill in Vatican city. auguration and observance of the anniversary of coronation will be ATTEMPT TO held. Speeches will be made by Sen- CAPTURE OUR ator Marconi, Father Gianfransechi CRAFT, AMD UAo and finally by the pontiff, who may DESTROYED W6- SU.8 1060 also say a few words at the Wf||l™ opening AS WILMA WAS 90& AIV of the ffetsrs Kilocycles station itself. OM THE SURFACE The ceremony probably will end with a benediction pronounced in RESCUING MALLE'S P.M. Latin by Pope Pius—the first papal KAU6 HIMSEU- t:60—Through Lighted Windows— MEM, benediction to be heard the Jane Dillon. by EAR BELOW, faithful throughout the world”. i:16—From the Realms of Cham- Columbia said that CLIMBED OUT OF ber Music. engineers the tests, with station HVJ on HIS OWING SUIT AMD fetfr—Rlnso Talkie—NBC. operating a of 8t4$—Uima Islanders—Mike Han- frequency 16,120 kilocycles and COfVRItHT JOHN W DILL a transmitter a DM. U. D. PAT. OP* director. with rated at power apl, of had 6i#6—“Speaking of Sports”—Art 10 kilowatts been thoroughly * in both the McOlnley, sports editor. satisfactory. Reception east and middle-west so • >M—News; Weather. ararnged Freckles In Trouble that no local Blosset Irli—Diamond orchestra—Norman disturbances could mar By Cloutier, director. the trials, was entirely suitable for and indicated that .*•*—Silent. rebroadcasting <SE£.' 7U£ SHOW the voice of the Pontiff should be RECKLES heard clearly. Q IS DEEPER. OUT a AMD TWE Nevertheless, to make success- WERE IM THE ful rebroadcast even more likely, ad- WEAF BOVS ARE COOKJTBy.... OH ditional pick-up points have been as- signed to make further tests in the OM TUEIR. '♦JAY WELL, UNDy bays remaining before February 12. 4: Melodies. WILL SET tO—Dancing From these tests will be selected the Tt» •:00—Children’s Program. actual facilities for event. JlKATovtJM, TWROOSU *:*0—>Rlnso Talkie. the l:0t— Rex Cole Mountaineers. vjjitu uwoy 0:00—Black and Gold orchestra. 1:41—TTncle Abe and David— SDlMS ALDUS 226 _ Sketch. 1320 /N Neterr WDRC IN FINE giM—Federation Hymn Sing. Kilocycle* T: 00—Niagara-Hudson—Sketch. STYLE, t<00—Fleischmann-Vallee orches- P. tra. M. DESPITE THE Minute Nat’ »r00' ■ <Arco Birthday Party. 6:00—Thirty Men; >:|> Jack Frost’s Melody Mo- BrusilolY, director. DEEP SUC**/ menta; Oliver Smith, Tenor; 6:30—Columbia Salon orchestra. Eugene Ormandy, Violin. 6:00—Sessions Time. ALDUS THE 6:00—La lAltt Lucky Strike orchestra. Lasine Melodists. l&Sgg—Richardson’s orchestra. 6:15—Flaxoline Choristers. ROAO.... liltS—KlMngton orchestra. 6:30—Pancho and his orchestra. 1»;00-|4 Ibln orchestra. 6:45—Tony’s Scrap Book. 4.*. 7:00—Morton Downey, with Fred- 11>t0 Pan1sn*a orchestra. die Rich’s orchestra. 7:15—World Bookman. CIS.* CREEPS” AND 7:20—Stock Quotations. 7:30—Howard FLORA DORA GIRL” Lanin's St Moritz orchestra. DIXIE DUGAN—It Will AT NEW GARDEN Take Some Hoping! 7:45—Watson Woodford, tenor. By J. P. McEVOY and J. H. STRIEBEL 6:00—Colt Shoe Time. HaUlwell of the New IfaMga* 8:00—Piano Twins with Freddie ^ Harden where the all-talk- *Oi—i—txiE.‘ theater, Rich’s orchestra. OH, ~PA!"DIXIE isn't <HNO LOOK- PTC ‘‘The Cat ing ear e an mystery, 8:15—Barbasol are. you getting up — whhr WE Program: Vernon HERE HERT3EQ HR3NT" THIS NOTE i /W CAK Creeps" la now being shown, has is- FOuNO' Dalhart and Adelyn Hood; you latv girl /? "BEEN St EFT IN / CAN WE sued a* appeal to those who have UNDER OUR TJO, ONLY Male Quartet and orchestra. WAIT--— AND already seen the picture. asking 8:30—Popular Review; Bea and DOOR WHfTCW WE ] to their friends /- item not to reveal Natalie: Biltmore Boys with "DO? HOPE. stay hint of the plot’s solution. Piano Pete; Martin and Stor- the of witnes- "Mueh of pleasure en. Accordionists. T t sing a motion picture of this type." 9:00—The Forty Niners. aays HaUlwell, ‘‘lies in the inability 9:15—Old Gold Character Read- the of Hie audience to fathom mys- ings; Lorna Fantin, numer- tery* and their consequent interest in ologist. trying to arrive at a solution. This 9:30—Detective Story Magazine; Untrsrsal production is a remark- Dramatized Tales of Mystery. able success as a mystery story, and 10:00—Sessions Clock Time. Its ending furnishes a most startling 10:00—The Lutheran Hour; Dr Wal- surprise. ler A. Maier, Large Choir “So let your friends see for them- and Organist. selves how the baffling story is 10:30 — Weather Report. brought to a conclusion, and don't 10:30— Bloomfield Community spoil their complete enjoyment of Dances; Sammy Spring and the picture.” his Barn Dance orchestra. “The Cat Creeps,” adapted from 11:00 — Ben Bernie and his orches- the stage thriller, "The Cat and the tra. Canary,” has in its cast such favor- 11:30 to 12 — Bernie Cummins and ite artists as Helen Twelvetrees, his orchestra from St Paul. Raymond Hackett, Neil Hamilton, Liiyan Tashman, jean Hersholt and Montagu Love. 395 The companion feature is “The WJZ Mora Dora Girl” with Marion Dav- on the bill are two screen ies. Also 4:00—Home Decoration—Talk. and Lee and vaudeville skits, Ityan Harmonies. Boss. to-morrow 4:15—Happy Vi ■■rjiimi i i Who's the Coming 4:30—U. S. Band. with Louis Wol- Army is “Danger Lights” 5:00—Brazilian-American Program; Out Our and Jean Way J. R. helm, Robert Armstrong Marimba Band; Abigail By Williams Our House feature will Boarding Gene Ahern Arthur. The companion Parecis, Soprano. By with the Four b» "Animal Crackers” 5:35—Stock Quotations. Marx Brothers. Junior—Sketch. GO ON-GO ON* \ mo, \T the 6:00—Raising But Vs/ORRVE.
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