Shadow Boxing’ M
, ............ ‘Sv^.'’v;,a,3|5 ■:' ■ AVBRAOB DAILT oaODLATION tor On Hamm mt M y . U M itn WEAUndv IP!: I e l 0. S. WaMOaf 5,769 Bartferd the AodR Hnabet mt BassOy eiondy, oasttaoea eeel 3^. Berese e« Obeelstleee. BigM sad Friday. MANCHESTER— A aT Y OP VILLAGE CHARM Substandards of Regular $1JI9 VOL. LV., NO. 281 A dverriH ig SB Fagd ['MmUkif f f m Soft CftpeakiH aad 4-Year Guaranteed Fine Weave MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, AUGUST *7, 1936 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE Four-Year Guaranteed Deealda Percale SHEETS PILLOW GLOVES Special Dollar Day Only! WAR SECRETARY DERN AVERS FRANCE, CAUCUSES CAST CASES ROOSEVELT ACCUSED Cdon and Natural CARNIVAL $ 1 .0 0 each 42x36” — 45x36” BRITAIN HAVE BUTDMUGHT 'Tan. Sizes 6 to l\'i. $ .0 0 pr. OF Our regular 29c percale pillow case Valuee to |L05. \ Sizes 68x99", 68x108”, 72x99”, that ia so much liner than caaee made FAIIB SPAIN 72x108”, 81x99”. from sheeting. Regular 29c each. DIES IN WASHINGTON ONSTMSCENE Thee* sheeU M the aanie high quiOlty u our Rale's Flnemun and are OF ‘SHADOW BOXING’ M. K. M. Pore Silk Full Fashioned g u a r a n ^ for at least four year# wear. Slight mia-weavea or oU tpoU that to not Impair the wearing quallUes. Sheets have advanced considerably dur- for Member of Roosevelt Cabk Prieto, Socialist ^ o n g Harmony Roles Eicept in tag the last tlx weeks and It will pay you to atock up at this low price. $ 1.00 r Secretary of W a r Passes Away. net Passes Away Foflow’ Man,’’ Calls ffis-^lorntry Few Spots; Some Dele BY KNOX IN SPEEC HOSIERY Fall felts in black, brown, Beautsnrest or Innerspring: 36” Past Color New Pall A B C navy, green and wine.
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