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11-21-1985 1985 Brown and Gold Vol 69 No 7 Nov. 21, 1985

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J Well ness Center Controversy Continues . l Admidst the recent ex- very little to no original some people still claim they Many faculty members indoor track is also planned citement about the new input. But according to Vice had little input on the actual dislike the idea of using 1.5 to be smaller than originally Wellness Center that Regis President for Student Life, decision to build a Wellness million dollars for this pro- anticipated. Echoing similar l1 will be building, a great deal Dr. Stephanie Wernig, who Center. ject. Expressing the general concerns is Student Execu- of controversy has surfaced. is largely in charge of this The most controversial view of the faculty, professor tive Board President Bridget Students, faculty, and even project since the components aspect of the entire program Dr. Noreen Dornenburg said Burke. Concerned for the some of the Jesuits have of 'wellness' fall under the is the facility itself. Stu- ''The problem is with the school and its future, Burke expressed great concern Student Life Department, dents, faculty, and Jesuits allocation of funds, rather offered her own thoughts over the issue of the new both faculty and students alike support the actual than being against wellness that the building might be Center. took a needs assessment on wellness concept, but as per se." Many of the faculty nothing more than a building One of the concerns voiced wellness related activities Jesuit Mike Baranzine ex- are upset that such a large and not something that is the lack of initial input that last year. While faculty plains, the "Project (Well- amount of money will be would draw the attention of students and faculty had into response was minimal, stu- ness Program) sound good, spent on this "luxury-as it Regis students. the whole project. Both of dent response showed strong but the building is problem- has been called-while com- Moreover, a basic these groups claim they had interest in wellness. But atic." paratively' little money is assumption in the financing being used for instructional of the center is that it will be purposes. The general feel- largely self-supporting due Oxfam Fast Today for Hunger Relief ing among the faculty is that to the increased enrollment By RENEE WHITEMON t~ vest urges people to give up this is a gross distortion of numbers it will attract. But The Regis Campus Minis­ OxfamfJ a meal or more during the the college's priorities. But students, faculty, and Jesu­ try office, along with Oxfam Amenca1 day or to eat a simple meal of Dr. W ernig points out that its all appear to have grave America, will be hosting the rice and water. The Campus the 1.5 million dollars has doubts that students will Fast for a World Harvest, Ministry will have a sign up been earmarked specifically come to Regis simply be­ today, November 21st, in the table outside of Saga for for a W ellness Center and cause it has a Wellness Student Center. students, faculty, and staff program, and if it is not Center. Hopes for increased The Oxfam fast is a to donate the cost of their going to be used for that enrollment figures seem es­ nationwide activity held the skipped meal. Off-campus purpose it won't even be a pecially dim when reports Thursday before Thanksgiv­ students can bring their part of the present funding reveal that the number of ing which is a time when donations to the Campus campaign. college age students in this Americans traditionally Ministry office located on the The facility itself is ex- country is decreasing. share their gifts with famil­ second floor of the Student pected to contain nearly A site for the Wellness ies, friends or communities. Center. 15,000 sq. ft. of space, and Center has also been a It provides a symbolic day Regis is observing Oxfam according to Dr. W ernig, the heated subject. The facility for people to participate in this year not only to raise building is still running on is now expected to be placed the struggles of the poor and money for the Third World budget. She went on to say east of the science building hungry in many parts of the countries, but in conjunction that the facility itself would and just south of DeSmet world. with the awareness of other require under a million dol- Hall. Ground breaking Oxfam America, the spon­ worldwide interests. Ac­ lars to build, which is should be this spring, and it sor of the fast, is a non­ cording to Father Bunnell, comparatively inexpensive. will take about nine months profit organization, interna­ director of Campus Ministry, But according to a closely to complete the facility. This tional agency that funds social issues of which Regis involved source, many of the would displace some 22,000 self-help development pro­ should be aware are the call original parts of the center square feet of parking, or jects and disaster relief in to end the threat of war, a have been removed in order around 50 parking spaces. poor countries such as Africa, letter campaign toward the to keep the building within This is another touchy area, Asia, and Latin America. Summit, action against nu­ budget limitations. Original considering that the parking clear proliferation, and anti­ plans for a jacuzzi, locker is already overcrowded. A Fast for a World Har- aparthied. rooms, and the like have Continued on page 3 been apparently cut out. The 6"'uc:rru puu""-· __ _ understand the meaning of Byrne'siyfiCs. ""'rrus-r.ro~~ or --.----­ the music was answered on their next, and latest, . brought the level of understanding down IBM PC Volunteer to the common man. , who wrote all the lyrics, 256K didn't plan it like that, but the band is saying that it's Corps great if the public can perceive the messages. 2 FLOPPY DRIVES Little Creatures has also brought changes to the band. GRAPHICS VIDEO ADAPTER By CRAIG SCOTT Do you enjoy diversified The members number four again: David Byrne, Tina PARALLEL PRINTER PORT kinds of work with equally Weymouth, , and . ·I feel that MONOCHROME MONITOR diversified groups of poor, this constant change may be the reason for the band's COMPLETE STARTER SYSTEM! disadvantaged people? If so, continued success. Their willingness to adapt gives them you may be interested in the fresh blood and ideas when needed but lets them avoid ONLY $1,995.00 Jesuit Volunteer Corps. over playing the music. Still, I hope the band has settled Jesuit volunteers live and into its final form. Constant radical change will probably MODEM work in various settings destroy the band in the end. 300/1200 BAUD across the United States for a Little Creatures seems to be a bit more personal than INTtRNAL OR EXTERNAL year or more at a time. The the former . The first side of the AUTO ANSWER I AUTO DIAL program can deepen their album takes a poke in the pro-life direction, showing that WITH SOFTWARE FOR THE IBM PC own spirituality while · they sex and love are to be admired and enjoyed. "And She $199.00 serve members of the com­ Was" and "Little Creatures" are very explicit in their munity at the same time. content. The second side takes a dimmer view of life, The challenge to Jesuit focusing on several of the problems encountered. Some DS/DD DISKETTES volunteers is to integrate people have claimed that the album is an attack on CERTIFIED 100% ERROR FREE Christian faith by living and abortion. Though the songs take a pro-life attitude, I feel PLASTIC BOX OF 10 working among the disad­ that the real message lies in living one's life to the fullest. ~ $14.95 vantaged. The corps today The TALKING HEADS have put some good, interesting has some 350 volunteers music on the market. They always manage to produce new ~ (303) 232-8620 serving throughout the na­ innovations with each progression. Hopefully this trend AMERICAN COLLEGE DISCOUNT COMPUTERS, INC. tion. will continue and this group, which strives for personality, 3000 YOUNGFIELD, SUITE 100, LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 shall keep suprising us. i N I ~ I ~ 8 b I f{ N !"".... ~ U1 November 21, 1985-THE BROWN AND GOLD -Page 3 Controversy Continued THE REVIEW SHEET Even if new parking is made the program has been going Burke said, ''It is crucial that available, that will require on adequately within exist­ everyone feel a part of this.'' additional money from the ing facilities. They also point Otherwise, she states, there college. to the large amount of is going to be both resistance While some see that site unused office space around and resentment-and that is as complimentary to the the campus as possible sites something which no one fieldhouse, others still see to house the various offices wants. this center as ideally being which will be a part of the The issue has some strong an extension to the field­ wellness program. They political implications as well. bouse. Because some suggest that a great deal of Many staff, faculty, and aspects of the fieldhouse will money and trouble could be even Jesuits were reluctant be duplicated in the Well­ saved by planning programs to talk or refused to comment ness Center and because the around existing facilitites, on the Wellness Center center hopes to use the even though supporters of when asked for fear of fieldhouse pool, many peo­ the center insist that a true negative repercussions. ple fail to understand why wellness program cannot Despite the rumor of hav­ the W ellness Center cannot operate correctly unless all ing a possible public forum be an expansion of the of the components are locat­ on the W ellness Center, Dr. fieldhouse. ed under one roof. W ernig stated that she sees On the other side of the Other concerns include: no need for such a forum. coin, some feel that if the the high priority this project She stated that the decision center is part of the field­ has been given; the concern has already been made by bouse, athletics will take for its role in the Regis' the Board of Trustees con­ priority while weakening the academic mission; the as­ cerning the completion of the spiritual, emotional, and so­ sessment program which will W ellness Center, and there­ cial components of wellness. be required for everyone fore the subject is really no By T. MICHAEL SCHMITZ When Athletic Director who wishes to use the longer debatable. The TALKING HEADS broke into the realm of public Chris Dittman was asked to Wellness Center; and an success in 1983 with the album The Name of This Band is comment on this he said advisory committee to be HOW DO YOU FEEL? the Talking Heads. Originally a punk-quartet, the band quickly that he understood organized soon that many The Brown and Gold expanded to nine members and then to success with the why people wanted to dis­ feel is already useless at this would like to know how you leadership of David Byrne. But even as the critics lauded associate the ' center from stage in the game. feel about the W ellness their music for the first time, rumors of splitting-up began athletics despite the fact that The issue, unfortunately, Center. We welcome editor­ to spread. David Byrne was out composing the score for a the fieldhouse was a possible is causing a great deal of ials and comments from movie, and Chris Frantz were forming the option. He went on to say, tension between some facul­ students, faculty, and other , and Jerry Harrison and ''I've supported the Well­ ty and staff. Dr. Wernig concerned individuals from were recording solo albums. Still, the band did not split ness Center all along." expressed a great deal of both sides of this issue. up. And the musical experience had just begun. Another question is whe­ concern for this and stated Please turn in all responses The band entered obscurity until the arrival of the ther or not Regis even needs that there was never any to the Brown and Gold office Speaking Tounges album. This album heralded many of a special facility to house its intent to alienate anyone on the second floor of the the group's more famous songs such as " Killer" Life Directions Program. from this project. But as Student Center before and "." Using "Burning Down Many opponents insist that Executive Board President Thanksgiving Break. the House," the band entered the video market-an area they would soon dominate. After their huge success with Speaking Tounges, the New Director to be· Honored Tomorrow next logical step for the band was to make a film. This more extensive summer evolved into the famed "" movie and Dr. Dan Clayton has been designing a new core curri­ culum for Denver University school program. live album. Directed by , ''Stop Making named new Summer School Clayton has much praise Director for Regis College. undergrads, and will be Sense" was filmed over a three concert period in teaching a course on human for the summer school pro­ Clayton replaces Dr. Vicky gram under Vicky Bradford December, 1983 at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood. Bradford, professor of Com­ relationships, a core course, this semester, at D.U. and her assistant Judi Ami­ Featuring concert footage and interviews, the film munications, who served as don. Amidon is now Clay­ affirmed the groups validity. Since its release and special Summer School Director for Clayton is excited to be at Regis. He stated that he ton's assistant. Clayton MTV sponsored tour, the film has delved into the region of three years. Clayton previ­ wishes to expand upon the ously held the position of holds the fac1,1lty at Regis in cult classics. great esteem. ''They are summer school program Assistant Dean for Graduate developed by Bradford by "Stop Making Sense" also showed to the world the School Programs at the Uni­ devoted to teaching," ex­ creating new summer insti­ metamorphosis taking place in the band. Adrian Belew versity of Denver. plains Clayton. "Even tutes that the Regis faculty was clearly gone. The band still had nine members: David Clayton holds a Master of though I have held adminis­ are interested in, which he Byrne, Chris Frantz, Tina Weymouth, Jerry Harrison, Arts Degree and a Doctoral trative positions, I still think hopes will develop atten­ Degree from the Graduate of myself as a teacher first." dance not only from the , , Steve Scales, Lynn Marby, School of International Stud· Clayton plans to keep lines of Regis student body, but from and Ednah Holt. ies at the University of communications open be­ the outer community and The critics, who otherwise loved the music, had one Denver. He has been most tween himself and Regis other colleges and universi­ major complaint-the lyrics were not accessible to the active lately at D. U. in faculty in order to develop a ties. : one needed a Ph.D. in psychology to understand the meaning of Byrne's lyrics. This aspect of the music was answered on their next, and latest, album. Little Creatures brought the level of understanding down IBM PC Volunteer to the common man. David Byrne, who wrote all the lyrics, 256K didn't plan it like that, but the band is saying that it's Corps great if the public can perceive the messages. 2 FLOPPY DRIVES Little Creatures has also brought changes to the band. GRAPHICS VIDEO ADAPTER By CRAIG SCOTT Do you enjoy diversified The members number four again: David Byrne, Tina PARALLEL PRINTER PORT kinds of work with equally Weymouth, Chris Frantz, and Jerry Harrison. "I feel that MONOCHROME MONITOR diversified groups of poor, this constant change may be the reason for the band's COMPLETE STARTER SYSTEM! disadvantaged people? If so, continued success. Their willingness to adapt gives them you may be interested in the fresh blood and ideas when needed but lets them avoid ONLY $1,995.00 Jesuit Volunteer Corps. over playing the music. Still, I hope the band has settled Jesuit volunteers live and into its final form. Constant radical change will probably MODEM work in various settings destroy the band in the end. 300/ 1200 BAUD across the United States for a Little Creatures seems to be a bit more personal than INTtRNAL OR EXTERNAL year or more at a time. The the former TALKING HEADS albums. The first side of the AUTO ANSWER I AUTO DIAL program can deepen their album takes a poke in the pro-life direction, showing that WITH SOFTWARE FOR THE IBM PC own spirituality while · they sex and love are to be admired and enjoyed. "And She $199.00 serve members of the com­ Was" and "Little Creatures" are very explicit in their munity at the same time. content. The second side takes a dimmer view of life, The challenge to Jesuit focusing on several of the problems encountered. Some DSIDD DISKETTES volunteers is to integrate people have claimed that the album is an attack on CERTIFIED 100% ERROR FREE Christian faith by living and abortion. Though the songs take a pro-life attitude, I feel PLASTIC BOX OF 10 working among the disad­ that the real message lies in living one's life to the fullest. $14.95 vantaged. The corps today The TALKING HEADS have put some good, interesting has some 350 volunteers music on the market. They always manage to produce new (303) 232-8620 serving throughout the na­ innovations with each progression. Hopefully this trend AMERICAN COLLEGE DISCOUNT COMPUTERS, INC. tion. will continue and this group, which strives for personality, 3000 YOUNGFJELD, SUITE 100, LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 shall keep suprising us. Page4-THE BROWN AND GOLD- November 21, 1985 Regis Employee Treatment Questioned Speakeasy Dear Editor, There are a couple of issues that I wish to address in this in order to keep ·some closeness of wage grade similar to social and letter. I know that it isn't something that is of concern to their old job. Regis, I'm sure that if you had been honest all of the campus, but I thought that the students should with your employees you would have never had your work Delicious! know what actually happens in the administration of done for you. I don't know anyone who would ever cut their own throats! Your ethics in dealing with people is Regis College. Please understand why I can't sign my By Andrea Dale highly questionable. Regis has sought for faculty name to this. The "Speakeasy Cafe" is members to pass on the high values that Regis calls their Regis College has been blessed with a lot of people that a new get together place on mission, when in fact, the school doesn't live by them. are interested in Regis' mission, are sincere and caring for Regis Campus. This cafe is Regis, you have a lot to learn in regards to setting goals others; these people have many talents. Both the faculty in the Student Center in the and priorities. I'm not saying that goals and such aren't and staff have people that are here for these reasons (it's same place where the Belial important, just that there are other things that have to be obvious they aren't here for money!), guaranteed, but Bar was last year. The hours taken into consideration. Things other than how much some are here merely for the tuition-remission benefits. are 7:30-12:00 p.m. from money a project can bring in. It's not all in money, Regis, Now, the reason that I am writing is because, recently, Sunday to Thursday. where you can achieve your goals, but in the people that Regis College had a company from another state come to The cafe features a 36-inch you employ. How could you have forgotten that? Or is it evaluate work positons in order to give adequate raises, ·screen TV, designated that you just don't really care? Or is it that the voice of and also so that Regis would have a list of job descriptions. nights ,like "football night" These were very long, detailed forms that had to be filled money speaks too loudly around here? Regis, I'm glad that I have gotten to know your staff and on Monday (actually Bronco out, and turned in. The persons who filled these forms out night, I suspect), and movie were under the impression that doing this would help to faculty, but your business ethics leave something to be desired! You find it too easy to fall back on some of the old night on Tuesday evenings. increase their pay or add personnel if needed in given The foods are many of the areas. Now, what actually happenned with these forms sayings i.e. we're a business; sometimes we have to make some decisions that we don't like. I have come to a tried and true munchies of was this: the forms were filled out by all the staff Regis students: pizza, soda, members, in length and returned to the Personnel Office. decision and it isn't an easy one: I'm ashamed of you for your low tactics! Maybe if you would clean up some of the nachos, popcorn, burritos After some time the results came out with some really and potato skins as a new unforseen surprises. Many people's jobs were shifted messes that you have made then you wouldn't have some of the problems that have occurred. addition to the menu. For the around. Their job levels were lowered, and so were their first week of opening it has wages. Some found it necessary to leave their job, while been pretty quiet but it is a Traditional Student others were forced to move somewhere else on campus great spot for those week nights when studying is finished or when you desperately need a break TO REGIS COMMUNITY What Went Wrong? from your 24 hour, 10 page Thanks to Sue Slattery and Doug Jones who By Adam Bunnell paper that is due in eight sponsored and taught the CPR course on campus It was one of those meetings you don't mind attending. Saturday, October 26. Twenty-seven people, students, hours, or you just don't care You could feel the energy and concern. It wasn't one of staff,. and faculty attended this all day session and anymore. those meetings where everybody is so diplomatic and benefitted greatly from the experience. Everyone should try out indll:ect that you yawn yourself into mental boredom. Sue will be sponsoring another full day CPR course the "Speakeasy Cafe" and Issues were raised and fought over and explained. There next semester. I would encourage all members of the enjoy an hour or two of just was no turf fighting, no power struggle. As Sally Ryan, Regis community to take advantage of this opportunity talking (as the name im­ Doug Aleski, Sue Slattery, Bill Kelly, Joe Giacalone, and receive this valuable instruction. plies), watching TV or satis­ Henry Doyle, Carol Marfut, and I sat planning ALCOHOL fying a momentary craving AWARENESS WEEK there was only a concern for how for a ''munchie. '' we might get our message across. ;<~;;f. d.1-,cs Direct~r. ~s al Education we approached it indirectly. we brought in outside experts who could talk about-the physiological fact of alcoholism as a disease and what it can do to families-even those members who are not themselves Regis Retreat The Residence Life Department of Regis College is alcoholics. We invited in breweries to show movies on looking to fill male vacancies in the Resident Assistant responsible drinking. We asked panels of students and Offers Peace Program for the 1986 Spring Semester. Students faculty and staff to talk of their own experiences. We By ANDREA DALE interested in the program should possess leadership invited the police to talk of the_dangers of drinking and The weekend retreat for qualities. All candidates need to have completed two driving. And we advertised everywhere we could think Regis Men was a success semesters of college. Starting November 19, 1985 of-classrooms, dining room, residence halls, at Sunday according to the students applications may be obtained in room 216 of the Student Mass, on the radio, in the Brown and Gold. who attended it. The Ger­ Center. Deadline for applications is December 2, 1985. It isn't that no one came. The handful of people who did man convent near Boulder come often seemed interested and were glad to have an was peaceful and quiet, a arena in which to talk about some of their issues. But the perfect setting for personal In the last issue of The Brown and Gold, Craig Scott was listed as Sports Editor, Andrea Dale as Features Editor and Renee numbers were disappointing-not only because we put so reflection. The nuns were Whitman as News Editor. These titles are not correct. All three much work into the program but because we all know that hospitable, and the German were named as Associate Editors with no individual titles alcohol use and abuse is an issue at Regis and none of us food was said to be "delic­ conferred as yet. feel that we began to address it as it should be addressed. ious''. So what did we do wrong? Perhaps we should have The retreat was held Nov. included more students in the planning. Perhaps we 10-11. Around 10-15 male should have advertised differently. Perhaps we should students of Regis college have chosen a week other than the week after attended the retreat. Rich midsemester exams. Perhaps we should have enlisted Love, a sophomore found his better faculty and staff support. Perhaps we should have time there to be a reassuring BUSY BEE waited until the chances for good weather were not so experience. He feels that the "The Friendly One" great. Perhaps an Awareness Week isn't the best way to retreat helped him realize attract attention. But all those perhapses do not add up to that he wasn't the only one an answer as to why we failed. Probably the most cogent with worries about his career reason is simply that people were not ·ready to hear what and life, "I feel more L\\1. ~ we had to say. One of the great paradoxes of the universe confident about facing the is- that in many areas that really matter inlife most of us future." MAYfAG 1fmj LAUNDRY have to learn the hard way-on our own. Those of us who sat around that table planning knew that well. Rev. Vince 0' Flaherty But we do not intend to give up-nor do we intend to lead most of the activities on 4922 Lowell Blvd. wait for another ALCOHOL AWARENESS WEEK to raise the retreat and the students 458-9913 our voices. We believe that alcohol is both a delight and a really enjoyed his warmth danger. We believe that some people are physically and humor that weekend. unable to drink because they have the disease called Paul Hartigan R.A. of • DROP OFF SERVICE alcoholism-and that those people, although they have to O'Connell dorm felt it was a stop drinking on their own power-need the challenge and "good time for serious peer • ATTENDANT ON DUTY ALL THE TIME growth.'' This weekend gave the support of those who love them to make that first step. • RUG & SLEEPING BAG WASHER AVAILABLE We believe that many in our culture abuse chemicals and the students time to think . we want to be a part of creating an environment where one about their problems, • FRIENDLY HOMELIKE ATMOSPHERE can be a responsible drinker or an abstainer without thoughts and emotions. They took time out for thPTllselves ALSO SELF SERVICE pressure and ridicule. We hope that we can help before a 46 WASHERS 42 DRYERS ute or a career or a Irlenasmp 1s aesuoyea. that they normally would not have time for. • OPEN 7 AM TO 9 AM DAILY - Fresh Aire: Is It Live or Is It Mem'orex? By KEVIN GOESS of their recordings are de­ Mannheim Steamroller is Revox. On the one hand they had Fresh Aire-the future of signed for the audiophile, not the first to experiment The click track itself pro­ eye-catching visual effects, classical music. Fresh Aire­ and slices of vinyl go for up with these techniques, the duced another problem. To and cutesy little bits like eighteenth's century rock to twenty bucks. problem was that they used keep the complex (and spec­ putting a cricket cage on and roll. Fresh Aire ... I went into the perform­ taped music so extensively tacular) light show in sync stage with a mike in front of Once again Mannheim ance with heavy expecta­ and in so many different with the music, the click it, making it entertainment Steamroller has made one of tions; their music has made ways that you lost track of track was essential. It be­ to watch. But on the other their semi-annual jaunts for some truly mind-bending what sounds the performers came very important for the hand was a complete lack of through Denver, and this experiences just coming out were making and what was musicians to pay close at­ stage presence on the part of time I managed to be at the of a stereo, I figured that the coming off the tape. Is it live, tention to it. The result was the performers. They rarely Paramount to witness the same stuff done live would or is it Memorex? to produce musicians listen­ acknowledged the audience event. For the uninformed start sending people into 1 even went on a paranoid ing to their headphones click (paying more attention to the out there, Fresh Aire (as other continuums. It didn't. trip that some of them were merrily away and not listen­ clicking in their ears) and played by Mannheim Steam­ Since the performance I have only "air-guitaring" what ing to the audience, their during breaks in their parts roller) can be loosely classi­ spent considerable time was coming off the tape, it eyes focused a few feet in they would casually relax fied as New Age music, but meditating on what went became very disturbing. On front of them as they con­ and flip through ~heir music. much more driving and wrong. top of that, Chip Davis' truly centrated on the metronome So do you watch the show or upbeat than most of the One problem I have iden­ remarkable talent lies in in their ears. The whole listen to the music? I stuff, which tends to be tified was their heavy reli­ mixing and remixing the point of performing live is couldn't tell, and it kept me rather spacey. ance on tape. To duplicate tracks in th!3 studio (the that communication with the from enjoying t.Re whole Fresh Aire relies heavily the wealth of sounds on their music has long been used by audience, that psychic feed­ procedure at all. on percussion (drums, harp­ albums with only five live sound dealers to demon­ back that makes a synergis­ The moral of the story, I sichord and piano) and in­ performers would be incon­ strate speaker systems), tic relationship out of written guess, is that Mannheim· spired electronics, combin­ ceivable. So they prerecord­ which made the music com­ music. Steamroller becomes really ing the best of acoustical and ed things like the symphony ing off the tape sound better Another major fault that I great in the studior, where synthetic to make a really orchestra, nature sounds, than the instruments on found with the performance the genius of Chip Davis (the catchy kind of music. Its and extra instruments and stage. And on top of that, was that it didn't know ) can be seen, and complexity ranges from one synchronized them with the they kept giving the lead whether it was trying to be a he can re-mix and play with finger plunking doggedly live performers with a click melody to an instrument on show to watch, like a Broad­ the tracks as much as he away at the harpsichord, to track-timekeeping 'clicks' the tape, giving the whole way song-and-dance musi­ wants. As live performers, orchestration that would piped to the musicians via show the disconcerting feel- cal, or music to be listened except for a few moments of have made Ravel blush. All headphones. ing of being five musicians to, like a classical symphony. greatness.they just don'tcut it. backing up a sixteen-track

By SUSAN SLATIERY blistering and covers an area immunized in the last five and dry. years. 4) Call or return immedi­ Bums can occur at any less than the size of the palm of the hand may be watched · Follow-up Care ately if: time and anywhere. It is •drainage has soaked at home. All others should 1) Return to your health important that you are pre- through to the surface of be evaluated. care provider in two days for the first steps taken in burn a dressing change. dressw~. · Transport the burned per­ •the patient has a fever care are the most important son to your nearest emer­ 2) Elevate th.~ turned area ones. to prewmt swelling. of 102° For higher. gency room or clinic. A true •redness or streaking Here are some Do's and 3) Keep dressing clean emergency exists if: s around the wound. Don'ts of burn care. •The burned area covers Immediately after a burn an area equal to the skin occurs: covering one arm. Do •The victim is less than Avoid Career Clashing Move the person from the two months or greater than burn source. Rinse the 70 years old. By LINDA K. BOUGIE less and costly to your health we offer. Come in early and burned area under cool •The victim has inhaled Forty-two years is an if the mismatch is severe · often throughout your college water. Remove clothing fumes from a fire and has average working lifetime. enough and long enough. career. (fabric can continue to burn difficulty breathing. Computing the number of The Career Counseling Speaking of Resume Writ- skin.) Call for help. While transporting the hours, days and weeks spent and Placement Office staff is ing and Interviewing Tech­ Don't victim, clean towels soaked on the job averages out to 29 here to help you with self- niques-Juniors and Seniors Use creams, ointments, in cold water can be applied years! Twenty-nine years in assessment- the first critical take note-save the following butter or vasoline to burned to the burned area to soothe a job mismatch would be a component of career plan- schedule. Attendance is areas. Wait to have burns the pain. terrible waste. Work can be ning- resume writing, inter- mandatory if you plan to evaluated. (Burned skin is Secondary Care exciting, productive and ful- viewing skills, and job participate in on-campus re­ highly prone to infection) Your health care provider filling, but it can also be search techniques. These are cruiting which begins in Apply ice to burned area will evaluate the burn as to boring, stressful, meaning- only a few of the resources February. (already injured skin is prone extent and severity. Their CAREER (l)(H)J!LilG & PI.ACJtmn' to frostbite). decision will determine how ~ &li!DDLB - SPRnr; '86 *Minor burns in which the much follow-up care is ne­ area is reddened · without cessary. Under their care, SIGN UP OOE WEEK IN ADVANCE ORIENmTIOO/REStME WRimr \tl:>RKSHOPS

M:lNDAY JANUARY 20 11-12:30 1M STtDENT CENl'ER Rot 22 TUESDAY 21 12-1:30 1M R n WEDNESDAY 22 1-2:30 1M R n 'Df(JlS)AY 23 11-12:30, 6-7:30 n n FRIDAY 24 2-3:30 n n


MJNDAY JANUARY 27 12-1:30 1M STtDENT CFNTER Rot 22 TUESDAY 28 10-11 : 30 .AM n n WEDNESDAY 29 2-3:30, 6-7:30 n n 'DI(JlS)AY 30 11-12:30 1M n n FRIDAY 31 2-3:30 1M n n


M:lNDAY FElmUARY 3 11-12:00 FM Rot 221 n R TUESDAY 4 4-5:00 FM n .. WEDmSDAY 5 11-12:00 FM n n 'Df(JlS)AY 6 1-2:00 EM

. ' Colorado Ski Season Off to a Snowy Start As we all know this has been It's that time of year to get your one of Colorado's snowiest win­ skis tuned and get ready to hit ters, and it's only just begun. Al­ the slopes. More new stuff for ready Colorado has received this year: Keystone will begin twice as much snow as expected new night skiing this season. for November. Denverites may Copper Mountain has gone be cursing the rotten roads, but through the largest terrain expan­ skiers are loving the whiteness. sion in ski resort history. Brecken­ Already five major ski areas are ridge has their newest addition, open to the public. Peak 10, ready to go. Vail has First to open was Loveland expanded lift capacity and put in Basin, as usual. Winter Park/ the new Vail Vista Bahn lift which Mary Jane was also an early takes you right to the "big bowl" opener on November 13. Key­ in Mid-Vail. stone/A Basin opened early also, The bad news is lift tickets are on October 18, and Copper began up to $27 now at Vail, Keystone/ operation this season on October A-Basin, Copper and Brecken­ 30, but as yet only half the lifts ridge. You can check out the are going. Breckenridge opened cheaper peaks this year, such as this past weekend, sporting a new Cuchara Valley, Monarch, and Peak 10. Purgatory, or you can look for Vail and Beaver Creek are bargains, at local sporting goods scheduled to open this weekend. and, believe it or not, grocery The National Forest Service was stores. King Soopers offers great kind this year, as the Vail Valley discounts on lift tickets. has received three feet more snow than expected for this time of year. r------~------j Also opening this weekend are Steamboat, Ski Cooper, the old­ est ski resort in America, Ski Bring down the cost ! Broadmoor, and its one little run, Purgatory and Monarch. The Thanksgiving weekend of your education. l will see most of the rest of Col- ~ I orado 's ski resorts open to the Free Zenith ZVM-122 Monitor public. Aspen Snowmass, Aspen With Dual Drive Z-148 PC Mountain, Buttermilk, and Special Student Price Aspen Highlands will start their season, as well as Crested Butte, $999.00 Suggested retail price for Berthoud Pass, and Powderhorn. PC/Monitor Package: $1939.00 Thanksgiving I Festivities I By ANDREA DALE I The Cultural Awareness Committee will be sponsor­ I I ing the Thanksgiving Dance I I Save $800.00 when you buy a Zenith Z-148 PC at on Nov. 22 for everyone who I our Special Student Price ... and we'll throw in a will be here during Thanks­ Zenith 12" Monitor-a $140 value-ABSOLUTELY giving vacation. The dance I I FREE! will begin at 9:00pm in the The IBM PC®-compatible 2·148 PC offers 256K of cafeteria in the Student I RAM-upgradable to 640K without. additional expansion Center. Admission is $2.50 I cards. 740K of floppy disk storage. The ability to sup· per person and refreshments port most peripherals right out of the box. And the MS-DOS will be free. Anyone who operating system-the one most used in the business feels like dancing come and world today. So now you can run virtually all IBM PC soft· have some fun!!! ware-and do it up to 60% faster than the IBM PC/XT at a fraction of its cost! I For the name and address of your Zenith Campus Contact(s), calll-800-842-9000, Ext.12 CLASSIFIEDS Ask your Campus Contact about the Special Student Pricing on our complete line of Zenith PC's, Mono­ SKI CONDO for rent; sleeps chrome and Color Monitors! I 4; 3 miles from Keystone; fully equipped; $40-$50 per night; 1 bedroom and hide­ Get a Monitor Free with your Zenith PC! away bed in living room; Purchase a Zenith Dual Drive Z-148 PC for $999.00 and receive a free Zenith ZVM-122 12" Monitor (a total savings of $940.00 off Zenith's 934-6382 in evenings. suggested retail price)_ . Follow the order instructions in the order packet you'll receive from the Zenith Contact serving your campus. just fill out this information and send the entire ad along with your order FOR SALE: 2 snow tires, packet

13", almost new -$25; bar YOUR NAME (PLEASE PRINT) YEAR IN SCHOOL and 3 stools, exc condition COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY $45; Black and White TV ( I $10. 934-6382 in evening. CAMPUS ADDRESS AREA CODE AND PHONE fl


Two bedroom one bath, I YOUR SIGNATURE one car garage. Ample base­ I Free Monitor Offer Expires December 31,1985! ment storage. Kids and pets I O.K. 3085 West 49th I Avenue. Call 424-5103 for I 7'*1'N !~ferns more info. I ------© 1985, Zenith Data Systems Wben 'lbtal Pert'onnance is the only option. B ANDREA DALE 33.38 and Parker placed YOn Nov. 15 the Women's third with time of 35.29. R gis College Swim Team Tester placed first in the 200 out over both University yard I.M. -with a time of w~n 2:39.41. In the 1 meter f Denver and Metro Com­ diving Carmody placed se­ ~unity College. Against DU cond with a score of 116.95. the score was 48, D U, and In the 100 yard Butterfly Regis 62. Against Metro the Tester placed first with a score was Metro, 39 and time of 1:13.9. Holmes in the Regis 65. 100 yard freestyle placed The overall placing was as first with a time of 1:07.48. follows. In the 400 yard In the 200 yard breaststroke Medly Relay the team of Holmes placed first with a Floris Holmes, Tester and time of 1:27.87. Edwa;ds placed first with a As the first meet for the time of 2:16.74. In the 800 Regis College Women's yard freestyle Edwards Swim Team it can be pro­ placed first against Metro claimed as a success. The and second against DU with coach is Don Lombardi a a time of 11:39.34. senior of Colorado University Flores placed first in the and the assistant coach is 200 yard freestyle with a John Bradley. As a team and indi­ The Regis Ranger Volleyball team finished up their season this past weekend in Alaska. time of 2.21.56. In the 50 vidually this year they have im­ Their final record was 23-9 win/loss overall, and a 12-12 win/loss record in the Continental yard freestyle McLowan proved their quality and strength. Divide Conference. placed second with a time of INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL 1985 Dwyer Wins Vegas Trip Division A. Division B 1. SMDC 8, The Greatest Thing Ever By LAURA FLOOD participate. Congratulations are due 2. Quinones 9-. Whammies The contestants served the 3. Leather Sandwich 10. YBQ Spurts for Tim Dwyer, a sophomore ball into a target, narrowing here at Regis who won 4. DB Bud Light 11. Useless Futilities the number down to three, 5. Against All Odds himself a trip for two to Las with Joe Langer coming very 12. Sing Tang 6. Wham Bam Thank You Marne Vegas. He won this fabulous close to these finalists, but 13. 6 Oinks and 12 Bumps 7. Volleyball Gods prize during the volleyball missing the net. An un­ 14. Snow White and the Seven Dork game on November 7th. known man won a $25.00 gift Thurs. Nov. 21 Sun. Nov . 24 Several contestants who certificate as runner-up, and had won Nuggets tickets 5-6 2-7 8-13 Tim Dwyer had a perfect 12-14 throughout the volleyball serve to win the trip. 3-4 9-11 season by serving the vol­ The Public Relations 1-6 10-14 leyball into a target, com­ group who organized this 5 bye 12 bye peted for the prize. In event would like to thank addition to these competi­ everyone who came out to Mon. Nov. 25 Wed. Nov. 27 tors, two others were select­ join the contest and support 10-11 11-14 ed from the audience by the team. 9-14 8-12 drawing random numbers to Sun. Dec. 1 Tues. Dec. 3 Circle K Plans Activities 3-7 2-4 12-13 9-10 By SHAWN TASSONE Hospital with a Christmas The newly elected Circle K party is a primary activity 4-5 officers consist of President planned for the near future. Wed. Dec. 4 Steve Rupcich, Vice Presi­ Other activities include, 5-7 dents Mary Hoge and Chris helping out at the Samaritan 11-13 Perrella, and Secretary Shelter and working at the Maureen O'Neil. These of­ Arthritis Foundation dinner. PLAYOFFS both division: 1st vs. 4th ficers along with the mem­ Circle K is the newest Dec. 8 2nd vs. 3rd bers of Circle K have begun organization at Regis and Winner Game 1 vs. Winner Game 2 the planning of activities for they hold meetings on 8 Toilet Bowl 7th place Division A the year. Entertaining the Thursdays at 9:00pm in the . Dec. patients at the Children's main lounge of West Hail. vs. 7th place Division B Championship weekday games are in Fieldhouse #5, Sun, games in Starting t~mes for weekday games 7:00, 8:15, and 9:30 1 Mlehael W. Thomas. D.M.D. Starting times for Sun. ames 12:00 1:00 and 2:00 J Fa.aally Dentistry

We Cater To Cowards

5007 Lowell BoulcYard Dcm·cr, C'-Olorudo 80221 ( 303) 455-6333 The Regis Ranger Soccer team finished their s ..ason last week In a loss against Metro. The Rangers were unable to go the NAIA Area Tournament. The final record for the season was eight wins, six losses, two ties. Good Job Kickers! ~Michelob Light.Guide1b Making It In The Real World.

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