Gold Canyon Office address: 6640 S. Kings Ranch Road United Methodist Church Gold Canyon, AZ 85218 Phone: (480) 982-3776 Fred Steinberg, Senior Pastor Church E-Mail:
[email protected] [email protected] Prayer Chain:
[email protected] Web site: Vol. 21 August 2008 NO. 8 From The Pastor: Wouldn‘t it be great to hear your sermon idea “Any Requests?” come alive one Sunday morning? Of course you will have to attend to hear it. You can send your During the 2008 Summer Youth ideas directly to me through my email Service Project in Grand Junction,
[email protected] or via snail mail at the Colorado, we held a BBQ night for church. I hope to hear from you and see you on the residents of a mobile home park. Sunday. We also invited people from many of the places where we worked dur- Grace and Peace, ing the week. Hamburgers and hot dogs were cooked and served while people played football and volleyball. Then a D.J. played songs while people sang along. I never would COUNTRY WESTERN have expected Heather Rodenborg, Beth Steinberg, SUMMER SCHEDULE and Dr. Val Sheridan to sing Karaoke together. They were entertaining as they tried to sound like Tina During August and September, the 5 PM Coun- Turner. There were many song requests that evening. try Western Service will be offered only on the Some good and some just fell flat. But it was nice to last Sunday of the month. The dates are: August able to request the music that we sang.