REGIONAL Comlvtittee/Comitt: REGIONAL Thirty-Seventh Session/T Rente-Septieme Session Manila/Lvianille 15-19 September 19 86/15
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WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANTE REGIONAL OFFICE FOR THE WESTERN PACIFIC BUREAU R~GIONAL DU PACIFIQUE OCCIDENTAL REGIONAL COMlvtiTTEE/COMITt: REGIONAL \\ PR/RC37/DIY I 1 12 September 1986 Thirty-seventh session/T rente-septieme session 12 septernbre 1986 Manila/lvianille 15-19 September 19 86/15-19 septembre 1986 ENGLISH/FRENCH ANGLAIS/FRANCAIS PROVISIONAL LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 LISTE PROVISOIRE DES REPRESENTANTS2 I. REPRESENTATIVES OF MEMBER STATES REPRESENTANTS DES ETATS MEMBRES AUSTRALIA Dr David De Souza (Chief Representative) AUSTRALIE Chief Commonwealth Medical Officer (Chef de Ia delegation) and Deputy Secretary Department of Health Dr Ian \\' elch (AlternatejSuppleant) Director International Health Section Department of Health Mr Barry James Hitchcock (AlternatejSuppleant) Second Secretary Australian Embassy Manila 1It would be appreciated if additions and corrections to this list could be brought to the attention of the Protocol Officer. They may be handed to the Enquiry Desk in the lobby of the Conference Hall. 2Priere de signaler a l'administrateur responsable du protocole toute addition ou correction a cette liste, en s'adressant au bureau de renseignements situe a !'entree de la salle de conferences. WPR/RC37/DIV /1 page 2 BRUNEI Mr Haji Maidin Haji Ahmad (Chief Representative) DARUSSALAM Senior Administrative Officer (Chef de la delegation) lv1inistry of Education and Health Dr (Mrs) P. Durayappah (AlternatefSuppleant) Senior Medical Officer of Health Medical and Health Headquarters Ministry of Education and Health Mr Harun bin Haji Ismail (AlternatejSuppleant) Medical Secretary Medical and Health Headquarters Ministry of Education and Health CHINA Professor Chen Minzhang (Chief Representative) CHINE Vice Minister (Chef de la delegation) Ministry of Public Health Mr Cao Yonglin (AlternatejSuppleant) Deputy Director Bureau of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Public Health Mr Sun Mingyi (AlternatefSuppleant) Chief Division of International Organizations Bureau of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Public Health Dr Shi Y iqing (AlternatefSuppleant) Chief Division of High Education Department of Medical Sciences and Education Ministry of Public Health Mrs Wang Jinxue (Adviser /Conseiller) Programme Officer Division of Technical Cooperation Bureau of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Public Health 'W PR/RC37/DIV I 1 page 3 COOK ISLANDS Hon. Dr T erepai Maoate (Chief Representative) ILES COOK Deputy Prime Minister (Chef de la delegation) and Minister of Health Mr Robert Robert (Adviser/Conseiller) Section Heaa (Finance) Ministry of Health DEMOCRATIC KAMPUCHEA KAMPUCHEA DEMOCRATIQUE FIJI Dr T.M. Biurnaiwai FIDJI Permanent Secretary for Health Ministry of Health FRANCE Son Excellence M. Jacques Leclerc (Chief Representative) Ambassadeur de France (Chef de la delegation) aux Philippines Dr Jeanne Broyelle (Alterna tefSuppleant) Inspecteur-General des Affaires sociales Ministere de la Sante M. Lysis Lavigne (AlternatefSuppleant) Ministre de la Sante, de la Recherche Scientifique et de l'Environnernent Polynesie fran~aise Dr Richard \\ ong Fat (AI terna tejSuppleant) D irecteur de la Sante publique Polynesie fran~aise M. Jean-Pierre Swyngedauw (f\JternatejSupplE~ant) Attache de Presse a J'Ambassade de France a Manille \\ Pl{fRC37/DIV /1 page 4 JAPAN i'vtr tv\asaaki Kuniyasu (Chief l{epresentative) JAPON Charge d'Affaires ad interim (Chef de la delegation) Embassy of Japan Philippines Dr Keiji Furuichi (Deputy Chief l{epresentative) 0 irector-G eneral (Chef adjoint de la delegation) Statistics and Information Department Minister's Secretariat Ministry of Health and Welfare Mr Eiichi Kato (AJternatejSuppleant) Director International Affairs Division Ministry of Health and Welfare Ms Hiroko Oizumi (AlternatejSupplt~ant) Deputy Director International Affairs Division Ministry of Health and Welfare Dr Hiroki Nakatani (1\lternatefSupph.~ant) Deputy Director International Affairs Division Ministry of Health ana We Ifare Dr Kazuhiko Adachi (AlternatejSuppleant) Second Secretary Embassy of Japan Philippines Dr Takatoshi Kobayakawa (Adviser /Conseiller) Temporary Adviser International Affairs Division Ministry of Health and Welfare KIRIBATI LAO PEOPLE'S Dr Ponmek Daraloy (Chief Representative) DO·.-\OCI{A TIC Vice-Ministre de la Sante (C hef de la delegation) REPUBLIC REPUBLIQUE Dr Khamkeo Souvannavong (AlternatejSuppleant) DEMOCRATIQUE Directeur des Services de POPULAIRE LAO prevention Ministere de la Sante \\ PR/RC37/DIY I 1 page 5 MALAYSIA Tan Sri Oatuk (Dr) Abdul MALAISIE Khalid bin Sahan Director General of Health Ministry of Health NEW ZEALAND Dr B. W. Christmas NOUVELLE-ZELANDE Deputy Director-General of Health (Public Health) Department of Health PAPUA NE\\ GUINEA Dr Quentin Reilly PAPOUASIE-NOUVELLE Secretary for Health GUINEE Department of Health PHILIPPINES Dr Manuel Roxas (Chief Representative) Deputy Minister of Health (Chef de la delegation) Dr Aurora Villarosa (Deputy Chief Representative) Regional Director (Chef adjoint de la delegation) Regional Health Office No. 3 Ministry of Health Dr Virginia Basaca-SevilJa (Al ternatefSuppleant) Director Bureau of Research and Laboratories Ministry of Health Dr Teresa Nano (AlternatefSuppleant) Chief P Ianning Service Ministry of Health Dr Emma Robles (AlternatejSuppleant) Director Family Planning Service Ministry of Health Miss Evita del Rosario (AJternatefSuppleant) Director Division for Social, Cultural and Humanitarian Concern United Nations and International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs WPR/RC37/DIV /1 page 6 PHILIPPINES Dr Antonio N. Acosta (AdviserfConseiHer) Deputy Minister of Health Mr Rhais M. Gamboa (AdviserfConseiller) Deputy Minister of Health Or Antonio C. Martinez (Adviser /Conseiller) Deputy Minister of Health Mr tv'1ario Taguiwalo (AdviserfConseiller) Deputy Minister of Health PORTUGAL Dr Mario Pinho Silva Director dos Servi~os de Saude Macau REPUBLIC OF KOREA Dr Sung-Woo Lee REPUBLIQUE Director-General DE COREE Bureau of Medical Affairs Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Mr Kewn Kim Counsellor Embassy of the Republic of Korea Philippines Dr Dong-Mo Rhie Medical Officer Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Mr Kwang-Kyun Chung Assistant Director International Organization Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs SAMOA Hon. T oeolesulusulu Siueva (Chief Representative) Minister of Health (Chef de la delegation) Or \\'alter Vermeulen (AlternatefSuppleant) Director-General of Health SINGAPORE Dr Moses Yu SINGAPOUR Assistant Director of Medical Services (Support Services) Ministry of Health WPR/RC37/DIV /1 page 7 SOLOMON ISLANDS Mr Philip Funifaka ILES SALOMON Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health and Medical Services TONGA Hon. Dr S. Tapa Minister of Health Ministry of Health UNITED KINGDOM OF Dr S.H. Lee GREAT BRITAIN AND Deputy Director of Medical NORTHERN IRELAND and Health Services ROY AUME-UNI DE (Health Services and Planning) GRANDE-BRETAGNE Hong Kong ET D'IRLANDE DU NORD Dr K.H. Pang Regional Director (New 1 erritories West Region) Medical and Health Department Hong Kong UNITED STATES Dr Gary Noble (Chief Representative) OF AMERICA Assistant Director for Science (Chef de la delegation) ETATS-UNIS Centers for Disease Control D'AMERIQUE Department of Health and Human Services Mr F. Gray Handley (AlternatefSupph~ant) Directorate for Health and Transportation Programs Bureau of International Organization Affairs Department of State Mr Harold P. Thompson (AlternatefSuppleant) Deputy Director Office of International Health Department of Health and Human Service Dr Julia L. Lyons (Adviser jConseiller) Director of Health Services I.B.J. Tropical Medical Center American Samoa WPR/RC37 /DIV I l page 8 UNIT ED STATES Dr Eduardo Del Rosario (Adviser fConse iller) OF AMERICA \\ J--10 Liaison Officer ElATS-UNIS Department of Public Health D'AMERIQUE and Social Services Guam Dr Jose ViJJagornez (Adviser /Conseiller) Director Department of Public Health and Environmental Services Dr Tor res Hospital Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands VANUATU Nlr Selwyn Leodoro (Chief Representative) First Secretary (Chef de la delegation) Ministry of Health Dr Edward Tarnbisari (AI tern a tefS upplE~ant) Principal 1\:\edical Officer, Epidemiology Ministry of Health VIETNAM Professeur Nguyen Tang Am (Chief Representative) Vice-Ministre deJa Sante (Chef de la delegation) Professeur Hoang Due Chan (AlternatefSuppleant) Recteur Ecole de Medecine de Bac 1 hai Dr Nguyen Van Dong (f\lternatefSuppleant) Directeur adjoint Departement des Relations internationales Ministere de la Sante WPRJRC37JOIV I J page 9 II. REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND RELATED ORGANIZATIONS REPRESENTANTS DES NATIONS UNIES ET DES INSTITUTIONS APPARENTEES UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMI\1ISSIONER M r Pierce Gerety FOR REFUGEES U NHCH. Representative Manila THE WORLD BANK Ms Rozany Deen Population, Health and Nutrition Department Washington, D.C. United States of America Ill. REPRESENTATIVES OF OTHER INTER GOVERNMEI'ITAL ORGANIZA liONS REPRESENTANTS DES AUT RES ORGANISATIONS INTERGOUVERNEMEN1 ALES ASIAN DEVELOPJ\IENT bANK Mr Mazhar A. Khan 1\tlanager Social Infrastructure Division INTERNATIONAL OFFICE OF EPIZOOTICS Dr Carme E. Caspe Director Bureau of Animal Industry Quezon City INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF Col. Bernabe N iverba MILITARY MEDICINE AND Deputy Surgeon General PHARMACY New Armeo Forces of the Philippines Quezon City WPR/RC37 /DIV /1 page 10 · IV. REPRESENTATIVES OF NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZA liONS REPRESENT ANTS DES ORGANISATIONS NON GOUVERNEMENlALES \\ORLD FEDERATION OF