East Riding of Yorkshire Council 

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East Riding of Yorkshire Council  Agenda Item No. EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL Report of the Director of Planning and Economic Regeneration Reported to: Eastern Area Sub-Committee Date: 18 January 2021 Ward: Beverley Rural Parish: Newbald Parish Council Application for Erection of 2 livestock buildings, 1 straw storage building with associated feed bins, hardstandings and access and siting of a temporary agricultural workers mobile home including associated infrastructure At Land West Of Moor Farm, Cliffe Road, North Newbald, East Riding Of Yorkshire, YO43 4SR By Mrs Lucinda Hemingbrough Application Number: 20/01149/PLF 1. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION 1.1 This application seeks full planning permission for the erection of 2 livestock buildings which will each house up to 995 pigs, 1 straw storage building with associated feed bins, hardstandings and access and siting of a temporary agricultural workers mobile home including associated infrastructure. 1.2 Outline planning permission under ref. 17/03208/OUT has been previously granted for the principle of this form of development on the site. Although this permission has now lapsed, it is still a material consideration in relation to the current proposals. 1.3 The proposals are still considered an acceptable form of agricultural development in this countryside location where agricultural development which contributes to the local economy would be acceptable in principle. The proposals would have acceptable impacts on the character and appearance of the area, neighbouring amenities, the highway network, nature conservation interests and the surrounding environment, which would accord with requirements within relevant policies within the East Riding Local Plan Strategy Document and National Planning Policy Framework. Although significant numbers of objections have been received in relation to the need for the development and its perceived detrimental impact on the surrounding area, these are considered to be suitably addressed. 1.4 The application is therefore recommended for APPROVAL with conditions as set out in the report. 1.5 The application is referred to the Eastern Area Planning Sub-Committee for determination at the request of Councillors Greenwood and Rudd to allow a full debate, and also at the request of Newbald Parish Council who have strongly objected to the development. 2. SITE DESCRIPTION 24 2.1 The site lies in open countryside towards the western end of Cliffe Road, approximately 2km to the west of the centre of the village of North Newbald. The application site is within a field located on the side of a valley in an undulating landscape, rising to the east towards the village of North Newbald, and the west towards the village of North Cliffe. The site lies within an important landscape area on the western edge of the Wolds. 2.2 The site is bordered to the west and north by a large wooded area, Houghton Moor, with partial tree and hedge cover along the sides of Cliffe Road to the south of the site. The east of the site is open though there are stands and plantations of trees within the surrounding area to the east. To the west of the site approximately 330m away in the wooded area lies a dwelling, The Cottage, with another residential dwelling, Moor Farm (which since the previous permission has had planning permission granted for conversion of an outbuilding to a dwelling for occupation ancillary to the main dwelling) lying a similar distance away to the north-east. Approximately 100m to the south-east is a dwelling at Moorlands Farm with a caravan storage use also operating from this property. 2.3 The site lies in flood risk zone 1 which is of the lowest probability of flooding from rivers and the sea, and with no identified surface water flooding risk. 3. KEY POLICIES AND DOCUMENTS East Riding Local Plan Strategy Document (ERLP SD) - 2016 S1 (Presumption in favour of sustainable development) S2 (Addressing climate change) S4 (Supporting development in Villages and the Countryside) S8 (Promoting sustainable transport) EC1 (Supporting the growth and diversification of the East Riding economy) EC4 (Enhancing Sustainable Transport) ENV1 (Integrating high quality design) ENV2 (Promoting a high quality landscape) ENV4 (Conserving and enhancing biodiversity and geodiversity) ENV6 (Managing environmental hazards) A1 (Beverley and Central sub area) National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) – 2019 Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 4. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY Application No Proposal Decision Date 19/03791/REM Erection of 2 livestock buildings, 1 straw storage Withdrawn 21.04.2020 buildi ng with associated feed bins, hardstandings and access and siting of a temporary agricultural workers mobile home following outline permission 17/00328/OUT (Access, Appearance, Landscaping and Scale to be considered) 19/40215/ Non Material Amendment to planning approval Approved 16.12.2019 NONMAT 16/01276/OUT - amendment to Condition 16 Wildlife Enhancement Plan 17/03208/OUT Erection of 2 livestock buildings, 1 straw storage Approved 11.04.2017 building with associated feed bins, hardstandings and access and change of use for the siting of a 25 temporary agricultural workers mobile home (Layout to be considered) (Resubmission of 16/01276/OUT) 16/01276/OUT Outline - Erection of 2 livestock buildings, 1 straw Refused 09.08.2016 storage building with assoc iated feed bins, hardstandings and access and siting 5. SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION RESPONSES Newbald Parish Council Newbald Parish Council have submitted a lengthy objection in relation to the development. They strongly object and requests that this planning application is considered by the Planning Committee. It is recommended that it should be refused on the following grounds which have been summarised: Contravention of Local, Strategic, National Planning Policies and Policies in the Development Plan: Would not constitute sustainable development which aims to improve the economic, social and environmental conditions and seeks to address climate change by supporting developments that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This development is also proposing a business which does not meet the financial criteria for the 1.5 jobs listed as a justification. It neither utilises an existing building nor is well designed but rather a large new development in open countryside and in an area of special interest. The negative impacts on local amenity, wildlife, residency and increase in highway dangers massively outweigh the increase of 0.5 of a job, which is the only benefit to the community. Overshadowing/Loss of Outlook and Detriment of Residential Amenity; Cliffe Road leads to and is part of a public footpath and public bridleway appreciated by residents during the recent lockdown. It leads to woodland and a nice wild meadow which is very welcome as much of the countryside surrounding Newbald is already given over to farmland. The unit will in effect create a no-go area where residents, visitors and tourists will no longer be able to enjoy a walk. Screening is not sufficient to prevent loss of outlook for the walkers and cyclists that use the bridleway and loss of the long standing natural meadow, a haven for walkers, would adversely affect the local residential amenity. Since outline planning in principle was granted, new residential accommodation has been approved and therefore further residential properties will be adversely affected by the proposed development. Planning permission has previously been refused in Market Weighton for new dwellings close to a pig unit due to the unhygienic relationship between them and the negative impact it would have on the residential amenity of residents, and the same rules and policies should apply in reverse to this application. Whilst historically a farming area, the nature of this intensive industrial pig rearing risks the health and safety of nearby residents and will have a detrimental impact on the Newbald community as a whole. The pollution of the air and ground, the risk of vermin, light pollution and the loss of privacy are just the some of the ways the residential amenity of local residents will be impacted. Potential disease and health risks to humans from pig operations and associated emissions (ammonia, airborne particles) as detailed in research would be exacerbated. Residents and visitors to Newbald alike choose to be here because they enjoy the countryside, which includes being able to breathe clean air and should not be threatened by an environmentally unfriendly industrial pig farm unit, especially when Government Ministers are legislating for measures to reduce air pollution. The landmark “Environment Bill” will enshrine environmental principles in law and measures will be introduced to improve air and water quality, tackle plastic pollution and restore habitats so plants and wildlife can thrive. It would seem prudent to ensure that any 26 new development also meets the requirements of this new bill. Given the recognised detriment to health, it is totally inappropriate for such large scale pig units to be sited so close to homes, gardens, places of work, the Village Hall, the church, the school and playing fields which should be protected. People deserve to be able to relax at home without the threat of being confined indoors because of airborne pollution from a massive pig unit situated too close to their properties. It’s just not reasonable for eit her the pig farm developer or ERYC to force this upon a community of council tax paying residents. Highway Issues: Cliffe Road is long, single track, unlit, with no passing places to safely allow HGVs and/or other vehicles to pass each other. It is in a very poor state of repair. and unsuitable for heavy trucks to use safely and already struggles with its current traffic levels. The road would be further damaged by additional traffic and heavy trucks servicing the proposed pig farm. The final part of th e truck’s journey, just before the pig farm entrance, is essentially a dirt track. This track forms part of a well-used bridleway and there would be nowhere for walkers, horse riders and cyclists to get out of the way of the trucks as the track is too narrow which would raise safety concerns.
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