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ORW 1978-11.Pdf +' -~ RACEWALKER VOLUMEXIV I KIMBER9 COUJMSJSI OHIO .NOV:EMllER,1.978 .MEJCIOANS,SWEDES TOP ORW WORLD nAUKUOS For the fotr th etraight year Mexico• e Daniel !:Butieta 1e at the top of t he Ohio Raowalker• s Ann11al World Ranking at 20 k1lan eters . And hie teammate , Raul Gonzales, left litUe doobt in the 50 ldlaneter ae he lttada ttce Rankings for the eeoond straight yea r, This is the ninth year we haveundertaken to rank the world' e walke rs in the two pr ernier events . And f or th! tiret t.ime, we go 15 deop rather than 10 as in the past . Also for the first time, we are r anking the ladies at 5 ard 10 l<ilaneters . It I e no real eu;•prl se to see the Si1edes on topof thoee rank ­ inge-Bt-:1.tt-Marie Carb i!On !l.t 5 an! Siv Gustawson at 10. Also inol11ded in the following compendiwn are U. S. ra nkings in all faur events and both world and u.s. liste or top performances in all four. The Rankin gs ar e purely the subjective ojlinion of your editor baaed on each competitore perf<rma.noea throu_ghout the ;year. Looking at th e lieta, we eee continued improvement in the depth of ·, p>rfoxmance , Last year we lister\ 47 walkere in the 20 with l aet place being 1:27:57, Thia year we fi nd 45 nt 1:27:00 or better. Even more tel.Ung, 19 -walker s bettered 1:25 this yea r, compared to only 7 last · year . Impro~e:nent at 50 was even gre ater. Fifty men were under 4107 compared to 43 at 4:15 or under laat year . And 16 broke the '• hour bar­ rier compared to last year' e three . So let' e move into the Tiankinge, 11t,1trting with th e 20. ( t) indicates per formance on the track . ill!l.Qffi'I' WORLU20 KMRANKIIO 1. Daniel fhutiata, Mexico 3. Pyotr Potche nschuk, USSlt 1:28:39 (1) Jalapa 4/30 1:25:40 (l) Ruase 4/23 1:25:10 Bergen 5/20 1:23:33 (3) Vilnius ½19 1:23:37 (ll(1 Ma dri d 5128 (t) 1:23:43 (2) Prague 8 30 1 :2515'• (1 Mai!ano6/3 l:28123 (5) Tbiliai 9/17 1129:09 (1 Oen. km. <lames7/15 4. Anatoiliy Solomi.n, USSR 2. Roland Wei.Beer, East Oerm&l'\T 1:25:25 (2) Bi,r5en 5/20 1:2 5:37 (1) Dresden 3/5 1:23:30 (1) Vilnius 7/19 1:25ill ll)Naumwrg 5/1 1:24:12 (3) Prague 8,30 1131:50 6iMalmo 6/3 1:29114 (7) Tbiliei 9/17 1,2 7, 41 2 vs It.,sw,,~. 6/10 1:211136 1 Dreaden ½l 5. S:,ria Yakov~ev, USSR l:2Jrl2 . 1) Prague 8 30 1:23:30 (2) Vilnius 7/19 1124,148(4) Prague a.30 NOVEMBER1978 PAGE2 PM!ii 3 Myalivzyev :I.a an enigma with two very fast wine but a mediocre competitive RACEWALKEft t-.OVEllliER VOLUMEJJ.V, WJMBER9 muo 1978 record against the better Soviets rut we have placed him in the 15th slot, , Juet missing ranki"g were Polee Jan Ornoch, who had five racee between '!he Ohio Racewa.l.keris Plblish~ monthly in Columbus, Ohio. Sub­ 1:25:55 atrl 1:26:55, and Bohdan lhl.akowski, ninth at Prague but twice a scriptilm rate is $4.00 peryear ($6.00 1'or First Class Hail, $8.00 loser to Ornoch, for Overseas Air Mail). Fditor and Publisher: John E. (Jack) Mort­ land, Address all correepondenee regarding both editorial and sub­ 1978 World Liat-20 Kilanete~s scription matters tot Ohio Race-walker, 3184 Sl,llMli.t St,, Columbu1, Ohio 43202. Secooo. Claea Postage paid at Columbus, Ohio 1:23:12 Roland Weisser, E.G. 1~2;:41 8<,t&ertoB.iccione, Italy l.: 23: 26 .Pyotr Jt,sli VZ:VAV, USSR 1:25:43 DomingoColin, Mexico rt;.Jose Marin( Spain ll . Re1JnaSolonen, Finland l:23:JO Anatoiliy ,lSolO!lin, USSR l:25:5lt Pedro Aroche, Menco 1:27:36 ~6J Madrid 5/28 (t) 1:26:36 (l) Raisio 5/1 1:23:JO Boria Yakovlyev, USSn 1:25:55 Jan Ornoon, Poland 1:26:19 1) Akja 6/24 [Q Bergen 5/20) 1:23 :33 Pyotr Potechenechuk, USSR 1:25:56 }liykotnich, USSR 1:24:38 5) Prague 8/JO l.:28:17 ~l) Jokola 6/8 l:23:37t Daniel Biutista, Me>doo 1:29:12 l) Jyvakala 7/16 l: 25J 57 Bohdan B.ilak.oweki, Poland l: 23: 55 Vladimir l,cy-ekotl"\}'cli,·ussn 1:26:08 .B:, ~etavseon, Sweden , f. Maurizio DaMilano, Italy 1:24:§1 l) Helsinki 8/5 1:24:05 Nikolai Polozov, ussn 1:26:15 Yuriy Beneik, ·Czech, 1:26:39 (ll Piacenza 5/'Zl 1:24:18 Yevgeniy Yeveyukov, USSR 1:26:16 Matveyev-, USSR 1:28134 (3 vs,B,G,, Sw., Fr,6/1012, Domingo Colin, Henco 1:211:23t Hartwig Gauder, E.G. 1:26:18 Grcxnov,USSR 1:26:42 (l Ital. Ch. 7/2$ l:J0:08 (2) Jalapa 4/30 l:24:36t Raul Gonalllez, Mexico 1:26:24 filkolai Vennitschenkt, USSr 1:29:41 (1 London 8/6 l:~5:4J (4) Bel'gen 5/20 1:24:38 Joee Marin, Spain 1: 26: 27 Nikolai Paknov, USSR 1124:58 (6) Prague 8/30 1126:19 (2) Malmo6/J ~:24:46 Aivare Rlnnbenicks, USSR 1:26133 Charnov, USSR lJ, Xevgeniy Yevsyulcov, USSR 1:24: 43 Karl.-Heinz Stadt.muller, E,o. 1:26:41 Vla dim1.r Oolubniteohi)r,USSR 41'., Hartw~ Oe.uder, East Ge1,naey l: 24:.51 ReimASalonen, Finland l:26:4li Alessandro Paz_zatini, Italy 1:26:13 (3~ Naumburg5/ 1 1:26103 (5) Bergen 5/20 1:24:51 Cornel Petneinaki, Ruxnania 1:26:44 Stefan Petrik, Czeoh. 1:26:55 (3 Malmo6/3 1126:39 (2) vu. F.G, Pol 6/24 l.:24:53 Alekseeyev, USSR 1:26:47 V, Tsvetkov, USSR 1:24:23 (l. Londong 6/10 (t) 1124:lJ (5) Vilnius 7/19 l.:24:53 Vikto~ Semyenov, USSR 1:26149 Boguslaw Kmiecik, Poland 1:29:48 (5) v. USSR, Pol 6/24 1127:43 (3) Tbilisi 9/17 1:24:53 Maurizio DaMilano, Italy l:26:.51 Marie Pet•»sons, USSR 1:25:16 (7) Prague 8/JO l.:25:05 N, Molovenkov.; USSR 1:26:52 Imre Stankovics , Hungary 14. Roberto Blecione, Italy 1:25:08 A. Strateenko, USSR 1127:00 Roland Weigel, E.G. · \a,. Raul Gonzalea, Mexico 1126:39 (3) Ital. Oh. 7/25 1:25:29 Felix Gomex, t-r~co 1124126 (2) Madrid 5/28 (t) 1125:f+l (8) Prague 8/JO 1:25:34 BoguelawDuda, Poland All additions and rorrections to t hil 1:31:58 (2) Cent. Am.Q,. 7/15 l125135tGerard Lelievre, France 15. Pyotr Myelivzyev, USSR and other liate are walcaned. 10. Karl .. Heinz fta<ltmullar, E.G. 1:23:26 (l) Kalingingrad 5/12 1978 ORWU.S. 20 KMRANKINGS 1:25:34 (2l Naumburg5/l l.:24 :29 (6) Vilnius 7/l.9 1:29:02 (4 Malmo6/3 1:24105 (l) Odanek 9/3 1. T<XldS~1ll;r 1:27110 (1 VII It,, Sw,, Fr,6 0 1:3011,,5( 9) Tbilisi 9/17 1:34:46 (1) AAUCh. 6/10 5, Neal Pyke 1:24:43 (1 ve. USSR, Pol. 6~ 1:32:13 (4) vs. USSR7/8 ~ Jalapa 4/30 JXl Prague 8,30 l:,52i42 (13) Colo. Spr. 7/28 ~ AAUOh. 6/10 1137:43 (l) Palo Alto 5/14 B:111tista-was perha pa not as impressive and dominant as be was last yeat­ 2. Lar;ry Walker 1136:57 (1) Colo, Spr. 7/28 but with a fast ti.~e on the track, just off hie world1e record, and 1:3 3:54 (1) Los Angeles J/22 decieive victories over Solomin an<1Yevsyukov at Bergen and the top 1:35:27 (2) AAUCh. 6/10 6. Marco Evoniuk East Oermaruiat Malmo• he tl&.8 an obvious choice for first •••• Weiseer 1:34:15 (3) va USSR7/8 1:39:46 (1) Lafayette 5/28 topped a very good year, but for one bad race in the heat at Malmo, with 1:37:15 (2) Colo. Spr. 7/28 1:37:38 (5) AAUCh, 6/10 his great . yictory in the l!)Jropean Ohrunpionshipe at Prague, .,th e !inieh l 1:37:59 (10) Appelbo 6/25 positions in that race accounted for the next tix positions, but all J. Dan O'Connor 1:34:ll (7) OttsJon 7/2 these men had good supporting reoorde. Solanin held Isutieta i-athe.r 1:J6:52 (9) Jatapa V3o 1:37:43 (J) Colo. Spr, 7/28 close at Bergen and beat Potsohenschuk in a faet race at Vilniue. Both 1136:20 (Ji AAUCh. 6/10 men faltered in th, Soy;iet championship, reportedly in high heat. Pot117 1:32:43 (5 Ottejon 7/8 7. Jim Heirin~ gets the nod £or third off his Prague race, Marin was beaten by !ive 1:3910'7 (4 Colo, Spr. 7/28 1:381 (SJ Jalapa 4/JO Mexi«laneon the track but was very impressive at Prague... Gonzalea was DNF AAUCh. 6/10 hard to Nlnk since he didn't o a ainet the other to men ot than 4. Dave RomanaJcT 1:41136 (.5) Colo.
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