Printed on Recycled Paper ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 #599, 12th Main, HAL 2nd Stage,Indiranagar, Bengaluru-560008, Karnataka, India Email:
[email protected] Phone: +91 (080) 41698941, 41698942 Fax: +91 (080) 41698943 Acronyms ACT Arid Communities and Technologies SBT Soil Biotechnology ACWADAM Advanced Centre for Water Resources SCOPE Society for Community Participation Development and Management and Empowerment ASER Annual Status of Education Report SHG Self-Help Group BIRD-K BAIF Institute for Rural Development- SOPPECOM Society for Promoting Participative Karnataka Ecosystem Management CDL Communication for Development and SWM Solid Waste Management Learning TMC Town Municipal Council DMA Directorate of Municipal Administration UAS University of Agricultural Sciences Ecosan Ecological sanitation UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund FES Foundation for Ecological Security VJNNS Visakha Jilla Nava Nirmana Samithi HUDCO Housing and Urban Development WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Corporation WatSan Water and Sanitation IDWM Integrated Domestic Water WASSAN Watershed Support Services and Management Activities Network IIHS Indian Institute for Human Settlements WQM Water Quality Management IISc Indian Institute of Science WSP Water and Sanitation Programme ILCS Integrated Low Cost Sanitation WSSCC Water Supply & Sanitation IUWM Integrated Urban Water Management Collaborative Council IWP India Water Portal MDWS Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation MGNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forests NEERI National Environmental Engineering Research Institute NGO Non-Government Organisation NITK National Institute of Technology Karnataka PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal PAHELI People’s Audit of Health, Education and Livelihoods Reference, partial reproduction and transmission by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise are allowed if the copyright holder is acknowledged.