Geologi for Samfunnet
NGU Norges geologiske undersøkelse GEOLOGI FOR SAMFUNNET Geological Survey of Norway GEOLOGY FOR SOCIETY Geological Survey of Norway Postboks 6315 Sluppen NGU NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway Norges geo!ogiske undersskelse Tel.: 47 73 904000 REPORT Gr%gi((J/SUrrtyofNaMOY Telefax 47 73921620 Report no.: 2013.033 ISSN 0800-3416· Grading: open Title: REE potential of bedrock on Nordkinn Peninsula, Finnrnark Authors: Client: Julian Schilling County: Commune: Finnrnark Lebesby, Gamvik Map-sheet name (M-l:250.000) Map-sheet no. and -name (M-l:50.000) Nordkapp, Kistrand, VadS\il Deposit name and grid-reference: Number of pages: 83 Price (NOK): 228 Nordkinn Map enclosures: I" Fieldwork carried out: Date of report: Project no.: 2.-9.7.2012 18.7.2013 348700 Summary: v Recently, NGU carried out a low-density soil sampling project on the Nordkinn Peninsula, Finnmark, Northern Norway, that outlined regional-scale anomalies for the REE Peninsula (Reimann et al., 2012). The present report is a follow-up study to the soil sampling project and the present study has involved the mineralogical and compositional characterisation of the metasedimentary bedrock with focus on the economic potential in the rare earth elements (REE) of the area. The REE have been shown to be present in comparable concentration ranges in the soil and hard-rock samples, and the REE results obtained for aliquots of hard-rock samples following AR digestion, 4-Acid leaching and Li-borate fusion/decomposition closely match the results from soil pulps after an Aqua Regia (AR) digestion. Total contents for the REE determined in bedrock using the above methods range between 19 and 429 ppm, indicating an overall limited economic potential for the metasandstones with respect to the REE.
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