

Supplemental Information

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1 Content Outline Topics Addressed by PICOT 1 Question CPG Section How should HTN in children and adolescents 1 to <18 years of age be diagnosed in the office? 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.8 Among children and adolescents 1 to <18 years of age, are oscillometric devices comparable to HgS devices for diagnosing systemic 4.5 HTN? Among children and adolescents 1 to <18 years of age, are wrist devices comparable to HgSs for diagnosing systemic HTN? 4.6 Among children and adolescents 1 to <18 years of age, what is the role of ABPM in the diagnosis of systemic HTN? What is the role of 4.7 ABPM in diagnosing MH or WCH? Among children and adolescents 1 to <18 years of age, are home BP assessments comparable to in-office measurements obtained by 4.9 medical personnel using a HgS? Among children and adolescents 1 to <18 years of age, can school-based and/or school nurse measurements serve as effective and 4.10 comparable (compared with in-office HgS) method(s) for diagnosing HTN? Among neonates 0–1 mo of age and among infants 1–12 mo of age, what is the best method for diagnosing HTN? 4.1a, 3.3 Among children and adolescents 1 to <18 years of age, does the use of ABPM identify children with HTN who are otherwise missed by 4.2, 4.7 routine office measurements (ie, MH), particularly among at-risk and children at high risk (eg, children who have obesity, children with OSA, children with CKD, children with repaired aortic coarctation, and children with a history of renal or heart transplantation)? Can use of the EHR assist with improved diagnosis of HTN in youth? Added (section 4.4)

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 2 Content Outline Topics Addressed by PICOT 2 Question CPG Section Among children and adolescents 1 to <18 years of age with suspected renovascular HTN, what is the recommended diagnostic evaluation 5.2, 6.8 (a–b) (eg, renal ultrasonography, computed tomographic angiography, magnetic resonance angiography, renography)? Among children and adolescents with a history of repaired aortic coarctation, what is the recommended method for diagnosing (and 5.3 evaluating for the presence of) systemic HTN? What is the recommended diagnostic evaluation for systemic HTN in children and adolescents (including history, diagnostic evaluation 5.4, 6.1, 6.9, 6.10 for secondary causes of HTN, including endocrine related causes?) What is the role of perinatal history, nutrition history, physical activity history, and psychosocial history in the diagnosis of systemic HTN 6.2 in children and adolescents? What is the role of physical examination in the diagnosis of systemic HTN in children and adolescents? 6.3 What is the role of laboratory evaluation in the diagnosis of systemic HTN in children and adolescents? 6.4 What is the role of the ECG in the evaluation of systemic HTN in children and adolescents? 6.5 What is the role of the echocardiogram in the evaluation of systemic HTN in children and adolescents? 6.6 Are children and adolescents 1 to <18 years of age who have been exposed to particular environmental toxins (eg, lead, cadmium, 5.5 phthalates) at greater risk for developing systemic HTN? Among children and adolescents 1 to <18 years of age with suspected endocrine-related causes of systemic HTN, what tests are best for 5.4, 5.6 diagnosing these various conditions? Among children and adolescents 1 to <18 years of age, what over-the-counter medications are associated with elevated BP or systemic 5.7 HTN? When should monogenic forms of HTN be considered among children and adolescents with systemic HTN? 5.8 ECG, electrocardiogram.


NoExp] OR preHTN[tiab] OR neonate[tiab] OR adolescent[tiab] AND preHTN[mesh] OR HTN, renal[Mesh] OR adolescents[tiab] OR Search Terms “ ” OR HTN, renovascular[Mesh] OR adolescent[mesh]) “ ” white coat HTN[Mesh] OR masked ( BP monitor [tiab] OR PICOT 1: Searches Run on September “ ” 1, 2015 HTN[Mesh]) AND (child[tiab] OR BP monitoring [tiab] OR children[tiab] OR child[mesh] ambulatory BP [tiab] OR BP “ ” “ OR child, preschool[mesh] OR monitoring, ambulatory[mesh] ” “ ” “ ” PubMed: (HTN[tiab] OR high pediatric[tiab] OR infant[tiab] OR BP measurement [tiab] “ ” BP [tiab] OR elevated BP [tiab] OR OR infants[tiab] OR infant[mesh] OR BP screening [tiab] OR BP hypertensive[tiab] OR HTN[Mesh:​ OR infant, newborn[mesh] OR determination[mesh] OR office BP PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 3, September 2018 1 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 3 Content Outline Topics Addressed by PICOT 3 Question CPG Section What nonpharmacologic therapies are available for the treatment of systemic HTN in children and adolescents? 7.1, 7.2 (a–d) What pharmacologic therapies are available for treatment of systemic HTN in children and adolescents? 7.3 (a–c) What therapies are available for children and adolescents with systemic HTN who are poorly responsive to a single agent? 7.4 What nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies are available for the treatment of systemic HTN in children and adolescents with CKD? 8.1a What nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies are available for the treatment of systemic HTN in children and adolescents with 8.1b proteinuria? What nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies are available for the treatment of systemic HTN in children and adolescents with 8.2 diabetes? Does recommended pharmacologic therapy for the treatment of systemic HTN in children and adolescents vary by race, sex, or ethnicity? 10 What pharmacologic therapies are available for treatment of systemic HTN in children and adolescents with acute severe HTN? 11.1 What pharmacologic therapies are available for treatment of systemic HTN in the athlete? 11.2 What pharmacologic therapies are available for treatment of systemic HTN in children and adolescents after heart or kidney transplantation? 11.3

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 4 Content Outline Topics Addressed by PICOT 4 Question CPG Section How does the presence and the severity of systemic HTN influence indirect markers of CVD and vascular dysfunction? 6.7 Among children and adolescents with systemic HTN, how does the presence and severity of systemic HTN influence comorbidities such as 9.1 dyslipidemia? Among children and adolescents with systemic HTN, how does the presence and severity of systemic HTN influence comorbidities such as 9.2 OSA? Among children and adolescents with systemic HTN, how does the presence and severity of systemic HTN influence comorbidities such as 9.3 cognitive impairment? How does the diagnosis of systemic HTN in children and adolescents impact the long-term risk of HTN into adulthood? 12

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 5 Topics Without Specific KASs Section Topic Reason for Absence of KAS 3.1, 3.2 Definition of Expert opinion; population data analysis 4.1 BP measurement technique (including measurement in a neonate) Expert opinion 4.6 Forearm or wrist BP measurement Lack of sufficient evidence 4.8 Measurement in children with obesity Lack of sufficient evidence 4.10 School measurement and the role of school-based health professionals Lack of sufficient evidence 5.2 Secondary causes: renal and/or renovascular Lack of sufficient evidence 5.4 Secondary causes: endocrine hypertension Lack of sufficient evidence 5.5 Secondary causes: environmental exposures Lack of sufficient evidence 5.6 Secondary causes: neurofibromatosis Lack of sufficient evidence 5.7 Secondary causes: medication-related Lack of sufficient evidence 5.8 Monogenic hypertension Lack of sufficient evidence 6.2 History: perinatal, nutrition, physical activity, psychosocial, and family history Expert opinion 6.7 Vascular structure and function Insufficient normative data to define clinically actionable cut-points between normal and abnormal vascular parameters 6.9 Uric acid Lack of sufficient evidence 7.2c Wt loss and related cardiovascular risk factors Equivocal data 7.2d Stress reduction Lack of sufficient data to support a particular intervention 9.1 Comorbidities: dyslipidemia Lack of sufficient evidence 9.2 Comorbidities: OSA Lack of sufficient evidence 9.3 Comorbidities: cognitive impairment Lack of sufficient evidence 10 Sex, racial, and ethnic differences in BP and medication choice Lack of sufficient evidence to support varying treatment by sex, race, or ethnicity 11.3 Hypertension and the posttransplant patient Lack of sufficient evidence 13.1 Importance of preventing hypertension N/A 13.2 Strategies for prevention Lack of sufficient evidence in youth 14 Challenges in the implementation of pediatric hypertension guidelines N/A 15.1 Economic impact of BP management N/A 15.2 Patient perspective and pediatric hypertension N/A 15.3 Parental perspective and pediatric hypertension N/A OSA, obstructive sleep apnea; N/A, not available.


SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 6 Criteria for Reference Selection, Target Population for Each PICOT Question Population PICOT 1 PICOT 2 PICOT 3 PICOT 4 Infants (0–1 y) X X X Children (1–13 y) X X X X Adolescents (13–18 y) X X X X Subpopulations of interest X X X X Sex (boys or girls) Race and/or ethnicity (white, non-Hispanic African American, Hispanic, Asian American, and other groups, if specified) Obesity status (overweight or obese) Presence of comorbidities (DM, CKD, dyslipidemia, and history of transplant [renal or cardiac]) Intervention Not applicable Use of blood tests, Lifestyle modification Treatment of hypertension ECG, echo, only versus placebo; with lifestyle and MRA, and other 1 antihypertensive antihypertensive diagnostic tests in medication therapy the identification of versus placebo secondary causes and/or lifestyle of hypertension in modification alone; children >2 antihypertensive medications versus 1 antihypertensive agent Comparator Clinic or office- Specific to each Placebo Lifestyle-only intervention based manual BP individual measurement or secondary cause monitoring such as that taken in a physician’s office by a physician, nurse, or other health care provider Outcome Correlation between Correlation Potential benefits (ie, Primary outcome comparator groups between various reduction in BP, Change in cIMT (eg, oscillometric instruments of improved cognition, Change in FMD versus manual diagnosis for improved symptoms, Change in LVH BP) using Pearson the individual etc); adverse events Change in correlation secondary causes resulting in an microalbuminuria statistic. Mean of HTN intervention; response Adverse events or harms BPs may also be to therapy based on (eg, hypotension, compared by using the etiology of the HTN electrolyte abnormality, a paired t test angioedema, cough, (patients serve as etc) their own control) or Kruskal Wallace test (comparison of median BPs). Results will be compared by subpopulation (ie, race, ethnicity, wt status, etc) Eligibility for study inclusion and exclusion were predetermined and used for article selection. In this table, we describe the criteria for reference selection, target population for each PICOT question, subpopulations, intervention, comparator group, and outcome. DM, diabetes mellitus; ECG, electrocardiogram; MRA, magnetic resonance angiography.

“ ” “ “ ” ” “ ” OR oscillometric[tiab] OR cuff[tiab] auscultation[mesh])) OR ( BP AND ti OR preHTN:​de,​ab,​ti OR elevated “ ” OR sphygmomanometry[tiab] kiosk) OR ( BP AND forearm AND BP :de,​ab,​ti OR white coat HTN :de,​ OR sphygmomanometer[tiab] OR measurement)) ab,​ti OR renovascular HTN /de) AND “ ” “ ” sphygmomanometers[mesh] OR “ ” arterial tonometry OR ( BP Embase: (HTN/de OR HTN:ab,​ ​ti OR (child/de OR child*:ab,​ti OR AND (auscultation[tiab] OR hypertensive:​ab,​ti OR high BP :ab,​ pediatric:ab,​ ​ti OR infant/de OR PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 3, September 2018 3 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 7 References Selected for All PICOT for KAS Generation PICOT Search Deduplicated No. Selected No. References Selected No. Primary No. Primary References Added References After Abstract and Title References After Full Text After the Updated Search Review Review for CPG 1 2381 2363 304 39 61 2 1567 1565 225 21 96 3 6958 6710 631 44 22 4 3857 3744 219 17 30 Total 14 763 14 382 1379 124 209 Sixty-two references were included for topics not covered by the 4 PICOT.

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 8 Excluded PICOT 1 References Abstract Only (Full Non-English Adult Only (Relevant Data Repeated in Outdated Other (eg, Not Relevant Ultimately Excluded Text Not Available at Language and/or Pediatric Studies Another Study to Stated PICOT, Non-US at Time of KAS the Time) Non-US Population Available) Population, Review Article) Generation 57 87 37 0 2 54 28 A total of 265 references were excluded.

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 9 Selected References for PICOT 1–Related KASs KAS Total KAS References (Search Selected Added Search Selected LOE A LOE B LOE C LOE D System Background and Added) Review 1 4 4 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 2 6 6 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 3 3 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 4 3 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 5 11 5 6 0 3 6 0 0 2 6 4 1 3 0 2 1 0 0 1 7 6 3 3 1 2 2 0 0 1 8 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 8 2 6 0 6 1 0 1 0 11 7 4 3 0 0 7 0 0 0 A total of 55 references were selected for KAS generation.

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 10 References Excluded for PICOT 2 Abstract Only (Full Text Not Non-English Adult Only (Relevant Data Repeated in Outdated Other (eg, Not Relevant to Stated PICOT, Available at the Time) Language/Non-US Pediatric Studies Another Study Non-US Population, Review Article) Population Available) 25 46 10 0 1 70 A total of 152 references were excluded.

“ ” “ ” infan*:ab,​ti OR baby:​ab,​ti OR babies:​ de OR ('BP' NEAR/2 measure*):ab,​ CENTRAL: (HTN OR high BP OR “ ” “ ” “ ” ab,​ti OR newborn:​de,ab,​ ​ti OR ti OR ('BP' NEAR/2 screen*):ab,​ti OR elevated BP OR hypertensive “ ” neonat*:ab,​ti OR preschool child :de ambulatory BP :ab,​ti OR ( BP AND OR preHTN) AND (child* OR “ ” OR school child :de OR toddler/de (auscultation/de OR auscultation:​ab,​ pediatric OR infant* OR neonate* “ OR toddler*:ab,​ti OR adolescent/de ti)) OR sphygmomanometry:de,​ ​ab,ti​ OR adolescent*) ( BP NEAR ” “ OR adolescen*:ab,​ti OR juvenile/de) OR sphygmomanometer:ab,​ ​ti OR out (monitor* OR measure* OR ” “ ” “ of office BP OR cuff:​ab,​ti OR arterial screen* OR auscultation OR kiosk) AND“ ” “ “ ” “ ” ” OR ambulatory BP OR office ” “ ” tonometry :ab,​ti OR oscillometric:​ “ ( BP monitoring /de OR BP ab,​ti OR ( BP AND kiosk) OR ( BP BP OR oscillometric OR cuff OR “ ” ” monitor /de OR BP monitor :ab,​ AND forearm AND measurement):de,​ sphygmomanomet* OR arterial ti OR non invasive BP monitor / ab,​ti) tonometry ) 4 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 11 References Selected for KAS Generation for PICOT 2 and LOE KAS Total KAS References Added Search LOE A LOE B LOE C LOE D SR Background (Search Selected and Selected Added) 12 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 13 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 14 7 6 1 0 0 6 0 0 1 15 6 6 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 16 4 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 1 17 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 18 4 3 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 A total of 28 references were selected for KAS generation.

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 12 References Excluded for PICOT 3 Abstract Only (Full Text Not Non-English Adult Only (Relevant Data Repeated in Outdated Other (eg, Not Relevant to Stated PICOT, Available at the Time) Language/Non-US Pediatric Studies Another Study Non-US Population, Review Article) Population Available) 1 54 360 0 1 135 A total of 551 references were excluded.

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 13 KASs Generated Related to PICOT 3 KAS Total KAS References (Search Selected Added Search Selected LOE A LOE B LOE C LOE D SR Background and Added) 19 7 6 1 0 4 3 0 0 0 20 13 5 8 2 4 5 0 2 0 21 3 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 22 3 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 23 8 6 2 2 0 5 0 0 1 24 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 25 6 0 6 2 2 2 0 0 0 26 4 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 27 3 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 1 28 5 4 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 29 5 4 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 30 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 A total of 60 references were selected for KAS generation.

PICOT 2: Searches Run on September 2, 2015 OR ((pheochromocytoma[tiab] hyperthyroidism[mesh:noexp]​ OR “ ” OR pheochromocytoma[mesh] hyperaldosteronism[mesh:noexp]​ “ ” “ ” OR neurofibromatosis[tiab] OR OR renal artery stenosis OR “ ” “ ” “ ” PubMed: ( secondary HTN OR neurofibromatoses[mesh] OR renal artery obstruction [mesh] “ “ ” “ renovascular HTN [tiab] OR HTN, primary aldosteronism OR OR adrenal hyperplasia [tiab] ” ” “ renovascular[Mesh] OR renal primary hyperparathyroidism [tiab] OR adrenal hyperplasia, HTN [tiab] OR HTN, renal[mesh] OR hyperthyroidism[tiab] OR congenital [mesh] OR polycystic SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 14 References Excluded for PICOT 4 Abstract Only (Full Text Not Non-English Language Adult Only (Relevant Data Repeated in Outdated Other (eg, Not Relevant to Stated Available at the Time) and/or Non-US Pediatric Studies Another Study PICOT, Non-US Population, Review Population Available) Article) 1 10 110 0 0 59 A total of 180 references were excluded.

PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 3, September 2018 5 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 15 Definition of Abnormal Ventricular Geometry If Hypertensive and the Following LVMi >51g/m2.7 or LVM >115 g/BSA for Boys or LVM >95 g/BSD for Girls RWT >0.42 Normal geometry − − Concentric hypertrophy + + Concentric remodeling − + Eccentric hypertrophy + − Low EF (<50%) N/A N/A LVMi, left ventricular mass, indexed; N/A, not available.

” “ ” “ “ ” “ ” ” “ ” blood tests OR /renin ((( magnetic resonance OR kidney disease [tiab] OR “ ” polycystic kidney diseases [mesh] ratio OR (aldosterone AND renin)) computed tomography OR neuroblastoma[tiab] OR “ ” OR digital subtraction ) “ ” “ Embase: ((secondary NEXT/3 neuroblastoma[mesh] OR “ ” NEXT/1 angiography):de,ab,​ ​ ” HTN) OR renal HTN :ab,​ti OR aortic coarctation OR Sleep ti OR echocardiogram*:ab,​ “ ” renovascular HTN :de,ab,​ ​ti OR Apnea, Obstructive [Mesh] OR ti OR echocardiography/de “ ((pheochromocytoma:de,​ ​ab,ti​ OR obstructive sleep apnea [tiab] “ ” OR angiocardiography/de OR ” “ neurofibromatosis:​ ​de,ab,​ ​ti OR OR attention deficit disorder with “ ” electrocardiogram*:ab,ti​ OR ” primary aldosteronism :ab,​ti OR “ hyperactivity [mesh] OR attention electrocardiogram/de OR (renal “ primary hyperaldosteronism :de ” “ deficit hyperactivity disorder OR “ ” “ NEXT/2 ultrasound):ab,​ti OR duplex ” “ OR hyperthyroidism:ab,​ ​ti ” ADHD[tiab] OR attention deficit ” ultrasonography :ab,​ti OR duplex ” hyperthyroidism /de OR primary “ ” disorder [tiab] OR Williams “ ” sonography :ab,​ti OR (aldosterone hyperparathyroidism :de,ab,​ ​ syndrome OR lupus[tiab] OR lupus “ ” NEAR/1 renin) OR screening test / “ ” “ ti OR renal artery stenosis :ab,​ erythematosus, systemic[mesh] “ ” de OR (blood NEXT/1 test*):ab,​ti OR ” “ ti OR kidney artery stenosis :de OR wilms tumor [tiab] OR wilms “ diagnosis/de) ” “ ” OR adrenal hyperplasia :de,​ “ ” tumor [mesh:noexp]​ OR liddle ” “ ab,​ti OR polycystic kidney “ ” “ syndrome OR cushing syndrome ) ” CENTRAL: ( secondary HTN OR “ ” disease :ab,​ti OR kidney polycystic ” AND (HTN[tiab] OR HTN[mesh] OR renovascular HTN OR renal disease :de OR neuroblastoma/ high BP ))) AND “ ” “ HTN OR ((pheochromocytoma de OR neuroblastoma:​ab,​ti OR ” “ OR neurofibromatosis OR (child[tiab] OR children[tiab] aortic coarctation :ab,​ti OR aorta “ ” ” “ neurofibromatoses OR OR child[mesh] OR child, coarctation /de OR obstructive “ ” ” primary aldosteronism OR preschool[mesh] OR pediatric[tiab] sleep apnea :ab,​ti OR sleep “ ” primary hyperparathyroidism OR infant[tiab] OR infants[tiab] disordered breathing /de OR “ “ OR hyperthyroidism OR OR infant[mesh] OR infant, attention deficit disorder :de,ab,​ ​ti ” “ ” hyperaldosteronism OR renal newborn[mesh] OR neonate[tiab] OR attention deficit hyperactivity ” “ “ ” artery stenosis OR renal adolescent[tiab] OR adolescents[tiab] disorder :ab,​ti OR ADHD:ab,​ ​ ” “ “ ” artery obstruction OR adrenal OR adolescent[mesh]) AND ti OR williams syndrome :ab,​ti ” “ hyperplasia OR polycystic kidney “ OR williams beuren syndrome / “ ” “ (diagnose[tiab] OR diagnosis[tiab] ” “ ” disease* OR neuroblastoma OR ” de OR lupus:​ab,​ti OR lupus ” “ ” OR diagnosis[mesh] OR magnetic aortic coarctation OR obstructive “ vulgaris /de OR wilms tumor :ab,​ resonance angiography OR “ ” “ sleep apnea OR ( attention deficit ” ti OR nephroblastoma/de OR “ ” MRA[tiab] OR computed ” “ NEAR hyperactivity) OR ADHD “ ” liddle syndrome OR cushing “ ” tomography angiography [tiab] OR ” OR attention deficit disorder OR syndrome :ab,​ti OR cushing “ ” “ ” digital subtraction angiography “ ” Williams syndrome OR lupus OR syndrome /de) AND (HTN/de OR “ ” OR echocardiogram[tiab] OR wilms tumor OR liddle syndrome HTN:ab,​ ​ti OR high BP :ab,​ti))) AND “ ” echocardiograms[tiab] OR OR cushing syndrome ) AND (HTN electrocardiogram[tiab] OR (child/de OR child*:ab,​ti OR OR high BP ))) AND “ ” “ electrocardiograms[tiab] OR pediatric:ab,​ ​ti OR infant/de OR ” “ (child* OR pediatric OR infant* OR renal ultrasound OR renal infan*:ab,​ti OR baby:​ab,​ti OR babies:​ ” “ “ ” neonate* OR adolescent*)“ AND duplex ultrasound OR duplex ab,​ti OR newborn:​de,ab,​ ​ti OR ” “ “ ” ” “ ultrasonography OR duplex neonat*:ab,​ti OR preschool child :de (diagnos* OR magnetic resonance ” ” sonography OR ultrasonography, OR school child :de OR toddler/de angiography OR MRA OR computed “ “ ” doppler, duplex [mesh] OR toddler*:ab,​ti OR adolescent/de tomography angiography OR ” “ ” OR tomography, x-ray OR adolescen*:ab,​ti OR juvenile/de) digital subtraction angiography computed [mesh] OR blood test OR AND OR echocardiogram* OR 6 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS

“ ” “ “ ” electrocardiogram* OR (renal NOT ( addresses [Publication Stage I HTN: SBP or DBP 95th ” “ “ ” NEAR ultrasound) OR duplex Type] OR biography [Publication percentile or higher; SBP 130 or ” “ ” “ ” ultrasonography OR duplex Type] OR case reports [Publication higher, DBP 80 or higher, not Stage “ ” sonography OR blood test* OR Type] OR comment [Publication II HTN “ ” (aldosterone NEAR renin)) Type] OR directory [Publication “ ” Stage II HTN: SBP or DBP 12 mmHg Limits Type] OR editorial [Publication “ ” or more higher than the 95th Type] OR festschrift [Publication “ ” “ ” percentile; SBP 140 or higher, DBP Type] OR interview [Publication “ ” “ ” 90 or higher AND ( 2003/01/01 [PDat]: Type] OR lectures [Publication “ ” “ ” 2015/12/31 [PDat]) NOT Type] OR legal cases [Publication “ ” “ ” Critical HTN: SBP or DBP 30 mmHg ( addresses [Publication Type] OR Type] OR legislation [Publication “ ” “ ” or more higher than the 95th biography [Publication Type] OR Type] OR letter [Publication Type] “ ” “ ” percentile; SBP 180 or higher, DBP case reports [Publication Type] OR news [Publication Type] OR “ ” “ 120 or higher OR comment [Publication Type] newspaper article [Publication “ ” ” OR directory [Publication Type] Type] OR patient education Critical HTN should be colored with “ ” “ ” OR editorial [Publication Type] critical value colors or markings.‍ “ ” handout [Publication Type] OR OR festschrift [Publication Type] “ ” “ ” popular works [Publication Type]) Elevated BP, Stage I HTN, Stage II OR interview [Publication Type] “ ” “ ” AND ( review [Publication Type] OR HTN should be colored with high OR lectures [Publication Type] “ ” study characteristics [Publication value colors or markings.‍ When OR legal cases [Publication Type] “ ” Type]) hovering over the BP value, it should OR legislation [Publication Type] “ ” state whether the value represents OR letter [Publication Type] Embase “ ” elevated BP, Stage I HTN, or Stage II OR news [Publication Type] OR “ HTN.‍ This technical report does not newspaper article [Publication ” address thresholds for low BP, which Type] OR patient education Limits “ ” may also be important to identify at handout [Publication Type] OR the discretion of the EHR vendor and popular works [Publication Type]) practice.‍ AND“ ” AND [2003-2015]/py NOT “ ” ([editorial]/lim OR [letter]/lim OR Step 1: Compute Age and Height ( review [Publication Type] OR [note]/lim OR [short survey]/lim study characteristics [Publication Age is in years (eg, 5 year + 6 months + OR 'animal experiment'/de OR 'case Type]) 15 days = [5 + (6.‍5/12)] year = 5.‍54 report'/de) AND Embase year).‍ ([article]/lim OR [article in press]/ lim OR [cochrane review]/lim Height is in centimeter.‍ Limits OR [systematic review]/lim OR •Age_Ht• is an interaction term– .‍ × [controlled clinical trial]/lim OR – – [randomized controlled trial]/lim OR For boys, Age_Ht = (Age 10) •• (Height 150) – × AND [2003 2015]/py [meta analysis]/lim) – NOT ([editorial]/lim OR [letter]/lim For girls, Age_Ht = (Age 10) APPENDIX B “ ” OR [note]/lim OR [short survey]/lim (Height 147) OR 'animal experiment'/de OR 'case Step 2: Initialize the knots,​ which report'/de) are based on fifth, 27.‍5th, 50th, Techniques for the Implementation AND ([article]/lim OR [article in 72.‍5th, and 95th percentile data.‍ press]/lim OR [cochrane review]/ of 2017 CPG BP Definitions Into the Step 3: Decide which percentile you ’ lim OR [systematic review]/lim OR EHR and Computing BP Thresholds are trying to compute and choose [controlled clinical trial]/lim OR that column s coefficients.‍ [randomized controlled trial]/lim OR Age: Compute y_1, y_2, y_3, y_4 as [meta analysis]/lim) It is recommended that when BPs are follows, using ta1 to ta5: presented in EHRs that the EHR be Limits able to identify the following cutoffs: y_1 = Age “ ” y2a = max (y_1 - ta1, 0) Elevated BP: SBP or DBP 90th “ ” – AND ( 2003/01/01 [PDat]: percentile or higher; SBP 120 or y2b = max (y_1 - ta4, 0) 2015/12/31 [PDat]) higher, not Stage I HTN y2c = max (y_1 ta5, 0) PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 3, September 2018 7 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 16 PICOT 3: Searches Run on September 16, 2015 PubMed Search Strategy: PICOT 3 (hypertensi*[tiab] OR “high BP”[tiab] OR “high BPs”[tiab] OR “elevated BP”[tiab] OR HBP[tiab] OR HTN[tiab] OR WCH [tiab] OR “white coat effect” [tiab] OR HTN[Mesh:​NoExp] OR prehypertensi*[tiab] OR pre-hypertensi*[tiab] OR preHTN [tiab] OR pre-HTN [tiab] OR preHTN[mesh] OR HTN, malignant[Mesh] OR HTN, renal[Mesh] OR HTN, renovascular[Mesh] OR white coat HTN[Mesh] OR masked HTN[Mesh] OR “HTN, Essential” [Supplementary Concept]) (child*[tiab] OR child[mesh] OR pediatric*[tiab] OR pediatric*[tiab] OR pediatric*[tiab] OR preschool*[tiab] OR pre-school*[tiab] OR school*[tiab] OR youth*[tiab] OR infant*[tiab] OR infant[mesh] OR infant, newborn[mesh] OR newborn*[tiab] OR neonat*[tiab] OR toddler*[tiab] OR adolescen*[tiab] OR adolescent[mesh] OR juvenile*[tiab] OR teen*[tiab] or young adult*[tiab]) BP table*[tiab] OR BP[tiab] OR DBP[tiab] OR Diastolic Pressure*[tiab] OR Pulse Pressure*[tiab] OR SBP[tiab] OR Systolic Pressure*[tiab] OR mm/hg[tiab] OR Mmhg[tiab] OR OBP[tiab] OR Percentile [tiab] OR “BP”[mesh] OR “Sensitivity and Specificity”[Mesh] OR end point* [tiab] OR endpoint*[tiab] OR Reference standard*[tiab] OR Reference system* [tiab] OR reference value*[tiab] OR normal range* [tiab] OR Normal value* [tiab] OR Reference Range* [tiab] OR Normotensive*[tiab] OR “Endpoint Determination” [Mesh] OR “Reference Values”[Mesh] OR “Evaluation Studies as Topic”[Mesh] #1 AND #2 AND #3 BP of hypertensive children “Preventive Health Services”[Mesh] OR “School Health Services”[Mesh] “Behavior Therapy”[Mesh] OR “Body Weight Changes”[Mesh] OR “Life Style”[Mesh] OR “Health Behavior”[Mesh] OR “Meditation”[Mesh] OR “Sedentary Lifestyle”[Mesh] OR “Risk Reduction Behavior”[Mesh] OR “Risk Factors”[Mesh] DASH [tiab] OR “Dietary Approaches to Stop HTN” [tiab] OR Diet [tiab] OR diets [tiab] OR dietar* [tiab] OR dieting [tiab] OR Nutrition* [tiab] OR “sodium intake” [tiab] OR salt sensitiv* [tiab] OR Sodium-Restricted Diet* [tiab] OR Low-Sodium Diet* [tiab] OR Low-Salt Diet* [tiab] OR Salt-Free Diet* [tiab] OR Fruit* [tiab] OR Vegetable*[tiab] OR Vitamin*[tiab] OR “Diet”[Mesh] OR “Diet Therapy”[Mesh] OR “Diabetic Diet”[Mesh] OR “Food Habits”[Mesh] OR “Vitamin D”[Mesh] OR “25-Hydroxyvitamin D 2”[Mesh] OR “25-hydroxyvitamin D” [Supplementary Concept] OR “Vitamin D Deficiency”[Mesh] OR “Vitamins” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Vitamins”[Mesh] OR “Dietary Supplements”[Mesh] OR “Performance-Enhancing Substances”[Mesh] Exercis*[tiab] OR active[tiab] OR inactive[tiab] OR activit*[tiab] OR “Exercise”[Mesh] OR “Exercise Therapy”[Mesh] OR “Motor Activity”[Mesh] Wt Loss[mesh] Complementary Therapies [Mesh] #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 ACE inhibitor*[tiab] OR ACEI[tiab] OR Acetylsalicylic Acid*[tiab] OR angiotensin-converting enzyme-2*[tiab] OR Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor*[tiab] OR Adrenergic α-Antagonist*[tiab] OR Adrenergic α-Blocker*[tiab] OR Adrenergic α-Receptor Blockader*[tiab] OR Adrenergic β Antagonist*[tiab] OR Adrenergic β-Blocker*[tiab] OR Adrenergic β-Receptor Blockader*[tiab] OR α-Adrenergic Blocker*[tiab] OR α-Adrenergic Blocking Agent*[tiab] OR α Adrenergic Receptor Blockader*[tiab] OR adrenergic receptor blocking agent*[tiab] OR α-Blocker*[tiab] OR Angiotensin Receptor Antagonist*[tiab] OR Angiotensin receptor blocker*[tiab] OR Anti-hypertens*[tiab] OR Antihypertensive*[tiab] OR “Anti-Obesity”[tiab] OR Aspirin*[tiab] OR β blocker*[tiab] OR β-Adrenergic Blocker*[tiab] OR β Adrenergic Receptor Blockader*[tiab] OR Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonist*[tiab] OR Channel Blocker*[tiab] OR calcium channel blocking agent*[tiab] OR loop diuretic*[tiab] OR renin inhibitor*[tiab] OR Type 1 Angiotensin Receptor Blocker*[tiab] OR Angiotensin 2 Type 1 Receptor Antagonist*[tiab] OR Selective Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist*[tiab] OR Vasodilator agent*[tiab] OR vasodilatant*[tiab] OR vasodilatating agent*[tiab] OR vasodilating agent*[tiab] OR vasodilative agent*[tiab] OR vasodilator drug*[tiab] OR vasodilator substance*[tiab] OR vasodilator*[tiab] OR Sartans[tiab] OR diuretic*[tiab] OR Benzothiadiazine Diuretic*[tiab] OR thiazide Sensitive NaCl Cotransporter Inhibitor*[tiab] OR Depleting Diuretic*[tiab] OR drug therap*[tiab] OR medicinal therap*[tiab] OR medicinal treatment*[tiab] OR pharmaceutical therap*[tiab] OR pharmaceutical treatment*[tiab] OR pharmaco-therapy[tiab] OR pharmaco-therapies[tiab] OR pharmaco-treatment*[tiab] OR pharmacotherapy[tiab] OR pharmacotherapies[tiab] OR pharmacotreatment*[tiab] OR pharmacological therap*[tiab] OR drug treatment*[tiab] OR pharmacological treatment*[tiab] OR “Aspirin”[Mesh] OR “ascorbic acid, aspirin drug combination” [Supplementary Concept] OR “Adrenergic alpha-Antagonists”[Mesh] OR “Adrenergic alpha-Antagonists” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Adrenergic beta-Antagonists”[Mesh] OR “Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors”[Mesh] OR “Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Blockers”[Mesh] OR “Angiotensin Receptor Antagonists” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Calcium Channel Blockers”[Mesh] OR “Calcium Channel Blockers” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Diuretics” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Diuretics”[Mesh] OR “Vasodilator Agents” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Vasodilator Agents”[Mesh] OR “Antihypertensive Agents”[Mesh] OR “Antihypertensive Agents” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Anti-Obesity Agents”[Mesh] OR “Anti-Obesity Agents” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Drug Therapy”[Mesh] OR “Drug Therapy, Combination”[Mesh] OR “Sodium Chloride Symporter Inhibitors”[Mesh] OR “step therapy”[tiab] OR “step therapies”[tiab] mostly drug classes and drug therapies OR Amiduret[tiab] OR Amiloberag[tiab] OR Midoride[tiab] OR Kaluril[tiab] OR Midamor[tiab] OR Modamide[tiab] OR Amidal[tiab] OR Amlodis [tiab] OR Astudal [tiab] OR Norvasc [tiab] OR Amlor [tiab] OR Istin [tiab] Atenolol OR Tenormin* [tiab] OR ICI-66082[tiab] OR ICI66082[tiab] Benazepril OR benazapril[tiab] OR benzazepril[tiab] OR Labopal[tiab] OR Lotensin[tiab] OR Cibacen*[tiab] OR Briem[tiab] OR CGS-14824-A[tiab] OR CGS- 14824A[tiab] Bisoprolol OR CL-297939[tiab] OR CL297939[tiab] OR Concor[tiab] OR EMD-33512[tiab] OR EMD-33512[tiab] OR EMD33512[tiab] “Calcineurin Inhibitors” “Candesartan cilexetil” Captopril OR Lopirin[tiab] OR Capoten[tiab] Chlorthalidone OR Chlortalidone[tiab] OR Phthalamudine[tiab] OR Chlorphthalidolone[tiab] OR Oxodoline[tiab] OR Hygroton[tiab] OR Thalitone[tiab] Clonidine OR Klofenil[tiab] OR Clofenil[tiab] OR Chlophazolin[tiab] OR Gemiton[tiab] OR Hemiton[tiab] OR Isoglaucon[tiab] OR Klofelin[tiab] OR Clopheline[tiab] OR Clofelin[tiab] OR Catapres*[tiab] OR Dixarit[tiab] Doxazosin OR Uriduct[tiab] OR Alfamedin[tiab] OR Cardura*[tiab] OR Zoxan[tiab] OR Cardular[tiab] OR Doxazomerck[tiab] Enalapril OR Renitec [tiab] OR Renitek[tiab] OR MK-421[tiab] OR MK421[tiab] OR Eplerenon[tiab] OR Inspra[tiab] Esmolol OR Brevibloc[tiab] OR ASL-8052[tiab] Ezetimibe OR liptruzet[tiab] OR Felodipin[tiab] OR Felo-Puren[tiab] OR Felobeta[tiab] OR Felocor[tiab] OR Felodur[tiab] OR Felogamma[tiab] OR Fensel[tiab] OR Plendil[tiab] OR Flodil[tiab] OR Renedil[tiab] OR Munobal[tiab]


TABLE 16 Continued PubMed Search Strategy: PICOT 3 Fosinopril OR Fosenopril[tiab] OR Fosinil [tiab] OR Fositens[tiab] OR Tensocardil[tiab] OR Fozitec [tiab] OR Hiperlex [tiab] OR Monopril[tiab] OR Staril[tiab] OR Newace[tiab] OR Dynacil[tiab] OR SQ-28555[tiab] OR SQ28555[tiab] Furosemide OR Frusemid*[tiab] OR Fursemide[tiab] OR Fusid[tiab] OR Errolon[tiab] OR Furanthril[tiab] OR Furantral[tiab] OR Hydrallazin[tiab] OR Hydrazinophthalazine[tiab] OR Apressin[tiab] OR Nepresol[tiab] OR Apressoline[tiab] OR Apresoline[tiab] Hydrochlorothiazide OR Dihydrochlorothiazide[tiab] OR HCTZ[tiab] OR Dichlothiazide[tiab] OR HydroDIURIL[tiab] OR Oretic[tiab] OR Sectrazide[tiab] OR Esidrix[tiab] OR Esidrex[tiab] OR Hypothiazide[tiab] Irbesartan OR SR-47436[tiab] OR BMS-186295[tiab] OR Avapro[tiab] OR Karvea[tiab] OR Aprovel[tiab] OR Lomir[tiab] OR Dynacirc[tiab] Labetalol OR Labetolol[tiab] OR Albetol [tiab] OR Trandate [tiab] OR Normodyne[tiab] OR Presolol[tiab] OR SCH-19927[tiab] OR SCH19927[tiab] OR AH-5158[tiab] OR AH5158[tiab] OR Dilevalol[tiab] OR Labetalol[tiab] Lisinopril OR Lysinopril[tiab] OR Prinivil[tiab] OR Zestri[tiab] OR MK-521[tiab] Losartan OR Cozaar[tiab] OR DuP-753[tiab] OR DuP753[tiab] OR MK-954[tiab] OR MK954[tiab] Metformin Methylphenidate OR Metadate[tiab] OR Equasym[tiab] OR Methylin[tiab] OR Concerta[tiab] OR Phenidylate[tiab] OR Ritalin*[tiab] OR Tsentedrin[tiab] OR Centedrin[tiab] OR Daytrana[tiab] Metoprolol OR Betaloc*[tiab] OR Betalok[tiab] OR Spesicor[tiab] OR Spesikor[tiab] OR Lopressor[tiab] OR Seloken[tiab] OR CGP-2175[tiab] OR CGP2175[tiab] OR “H 93-26”[tiab] OR “H 9326”[tiab] OR Rogaine[tiab] OR Regaine[tiab] OR Loniten [tiab] OR Cordipin*[tiab] OR Corinfar[tiab] OR Korinfar[tiab] OR Nifangin[tiab] OR Procardia[tiab] OR Vascard[tiab] OR Adalat[tiab] OR Fenigidin[tiab] Olmesartan OR omesartan[tiab] OR “RNH 6270”[tiab] OR CS-088[tiab] Prazosin OR Furazosin[tiab] OR Pratsiol [tiab] Propanolol OR Inderal[tiab] OR Avlocardyl[tiab] OR AY-20694[tiab] OR AY20694[tiab] OR Rexigen[tiab] OR Dexpropranolol[tiab] OR Dociton[tiab] OR Obsidan[tiab] OR Obzidan[tiab] OR Anaprilin[tiab] OR Anapriline[tiab] OR Betadren[tiab] Quinapril OR Accupril[tiab] OR CI-906[tiab] OR Veroshpiron[tiab] OR Verospirone[tiab] OR [tiab] OR Spiractin[tiab] OR Spirobeta[tiab] OR Spirogamma[tiab] OR Spirolang[tiab] OR Spirono*[tiab] OR Spirospare[tiab] OR Verospiron[tiab] OR Aldactone[tiab] OR Aquareduct[tiab] OR Duraspiron[tiab] OR Espironolactona[tiab] OR Flumach[tiab] OR Frumikal[tiab] OR Jenaspiron[tiab] OR Novo-Spiroton[tiab] OR NovoSpiroton[tiab] OR Practon[tiab] Terazosin OR Adecur[tiab] OR Apo-Terazosin[tiab] OR Dysalfa[tiab] OR Hytrin*[tiab] OR Deflox[tiab] OR Heitrin[tiab] OR Flotrin[tiab] OR Magnurol[tiab] OR Novo- Terazosin[tiab] OR ν-Terazosin[tiab] OR PMS-Terazosin[tiab] OR Sutif[tiab] OR Tazusin[tiab] OR Zayasel[tiab] OR Urocaudal[tiab] OR Dyrenium[tiab] OR Dytac [tiab] #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25 OR #26 OR #27 OR #28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35 OR #36 OR #37 OR #38 OR #39 OR #40 OR #41 OR #42 OR #43 OR #44 OR #45 OR #46 OR #47 OR #48 OR #49 individual drug interventions #11 OR #12 OR #50 All Interventions combined #4 AND #51 BP of hypertensive children + behavioral & pharmacologic interventions

– – y3a = max (y_1 – ta2, 0) Height: Compute x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4 w3a = max (w_1 – tb2, 0) similarly to the above, using t1 to t5 y4a = max (y_1– ta3, 0) – w4a = max (w_1− tb3, 0) − – 3 3 – Age_Ht: Compute w_1, w_2, w_3, w_4 − − y_2 = [(y2a) (y2b) (ta5 ta1)/ w_2 = [(w2a)3 (w2b)3 (tb5 tb1)/ – 3 as follows, using tb1 to tb5 (Note, this − 3 (ta5 ta4) + (y2c) (ta4 ta1)/ (tb5 tb4) + (w2c) (tb4 tb1)/ is similar to the above; however, the 2 (ta5 ta4)]/100– – 2 (tb5 tb4)]/[(100)− ] − 3 3 – denominator term is 100 instead of − 3 3 − y_3 = [(y3a) (y2b) (ta5 ta2)/ w_3 = [(w3a) (w2b) (tb5 tb2)/ – 3 100).‍ − 3 (ta5 - ta4) + (y2c) (ta4 ta2)/ (tb5 tb4) + (w2c) (tb4 tb2)/ w_1 = Age_Ht – 2 (ta5 ta4)]/100– – (tb5 tb4)]/[(100)− ] − – 3 3 – w2a = max (w_1 – tb1, 0) − 3 3 − y_4 = [(y4a) (y2b) (ta5 ta3)/ w_4 = [(w4a) (w2b) (tb5 tb3)/ – 3 w2b = max (w_1 – tb4, 0) − 3 (ta5 ta4) + (y2c) (ta4 ta3)/ (tb5 tb4) + (w2c)2 (tb4 tb3)/ (ta5 ta4)]/100 w2c = max (w_1 tb5, 0) (tb5 tb4)]/[(100) ]

PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 3, September 2018 9 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 17 Run September 9, 2015, With Publication Date Limit and Publication Type Filters: 4497 Results hypertensi*:ab,​ti OR ((elevat* OR high* OR increas*) NEAR/3 ('BP' OR 'BPs')):ab,ti​ OR HBP:​ab,​ti OR HTN:​ab,​ti OR WCH:​ab,​ti OR ‘white coat effect’:ab,​ti OR 'HTN'/ de OR 'apparent excess syndrome'/de OR 'borderline HTN'/de OR 'diabetic HTN'/de OR 'essential HTN'/de OR 'gordon syndrome'/de OR 'hereditary HTN'/de OR 'hypertensive crisis'/de OR 'liddle syndrome'/de OR 'malignant HTN'/de OR 'masked HTN'/de OR 'metabolic syndrome x'/de OR 'orthostatic HTN'/de OR 'posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome'/de OR 'preHTN'/de OR 'renovascular HTN'/exp OR 'resistant HTN'/de OR 'systolic HTN'/de OR 'white coat HTN'/de child*:ab,​ti OR 'child'/exp OR 'adolescent'/exp OR 'juvenile'/de OR pediatric*:ab,ti​ OR pediatric*:ab,ti​ OR pediatric*:ab,ti​ OR preschool*:ab,ti​ OR pre-school:​ ​ab,​ti OR pre-​schools:​ab,​ti OR school*:ab,​ti OR youth*:ab,​ti OR infant*:ab,​ti OR newborn*:ab,​ti OR neonat*:ab,​ti OR toddler*:ab,​ti OR adolescen*:ab,​ti OR juvenile*:ab,​ti OR teen*:ab,ti​ or ‘young adult’:ab,ti​ OR ‘young adults’:ab,ti​ (table* NEAR/3 ('BP' OR 'BPs')):ab,ti​ OR bp:ab,​ ​ti OR dbp:​ab,​ti OR sbp:​ab,​ti OR ((diastolic OR pulse* OR systolic OR arterial) NEAR/3 (pressure OR pressures)):ab,ti​ OR 'mm/hg':ab,​ti OR mmhg:​ab,​ti OR obp:​ab,​ti OR percentile:​ab,​ti OR 'systolic BP'/de OR 'diastolic BP'/de OR 'sensitivity and specificity'/de OR 'end point':ab,ti​ OR 'end points':ab,​ti OR endpoint*:ab,ti​ OR ((reference* OR normal*) NEAR/3 (range* OR standard* OR system* OR value*)):ab,ti​ OR normotensive*:ab,ti​ OR 'BP monitoring'/de OR 'reference value'/de OR 'standard'/de OR 'evaluation study'/exp #1 AND #2 AND #3 BP of hypertensive children 'preventive health service'/exp OR 'school health service'/de ((behavior* OR behavior* OR lifestyle* OR 'life style' OR 'life styles' OR risk* OR wt) NEAR/3 (chang* OR factor* OR modif* OR reduc*)):ab,ti​ OR 'behavior therapy'/ exp OR 'wt change'/de OR 'lifestyle'/de OR 'lifestyle modification'/de OR 'sedentary lifestyle'/de OR sedentary:ab,​ ​ti OR meditation:​ab,​ti OR 'health behavior'/ exp OR 'meditation'/de OR 'risk factor'/de ‘Dietary Approaches to Stop HTN’:ab,ti​ OR diet*:ab,​ti OR Nutrition*:ab,​ti OR ((sodium OR salt*) NEAR/3 (intake OR low* OR sensitiv* OR restrict*)):ab,ti​ OR 'dietary intake'/exp OR Fruit*:ab,ti​ OR Vegetable*:ab,​ti OR Vitamin*:ab,​ti OR 'diet'/exp OR 'diet therapy'/exp OR 'feeding behavior'/exp OR 'vitamin'/exp OR 'vitamin D deficiency'/de OR (performance-enhancing NEAR/3 (drug* OR substance* OR supplement*)):ab,ti​ OR 'performance enhancing substance'/exp Exercis*:ab,​ti OR 'exercise'/exp OR 'kinesiotherapy'/exp OR 'physical activity'/exp 'body wt management'/exp 'alternative medicine'/exp #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 mostly nonpharmacologic interventions ‘ACE inhibitor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ACE inhibitors’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ACEI’:ab,​ti OR 'acetylsalicylic acid':ab,​ti OR 'acetylsalicylic acids':ab,ti​ OR ‘angiotensin-converting enzyme-2’:ab,​ ti OR ‘Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic α-Antagonist’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic α-Antagonists’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic α-Blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic α-Blockers’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic α-Receptor Blockader’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic α-Receptor Blockaders’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic β Antagonist’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic β Antagonists’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic β-Blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic β-Blockers’:ab,​ ti OR ‘Adrenergic β-Receptor Blockader’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic β-Receptor Blockaders’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α-Adrenergic Blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α-Adrenergic Blockers’:ab,​ ti OR ‘α-Adrenergic Blocking Agent’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α-Adrenergic Blocking Agents’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α Adrenergic Receptor Blockader’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α Adrenergic Receptor Blockaders’:ab,ti​ OR ‘adrenergic receptor blocking agent’:ab,ti​ OR ‘adrenergic receptor blocking agents’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α-Blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α-Blockers’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin Receptor Antagonist’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin Receptor Antagonists’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin receptor blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin receptor blockers’:ab,ti​ OR Anti-hypertensive:​ ab,​ ti​ OR Antihypertensiv*:ab,ti​ OR ‘Anti-Obesity’:ab,​ti OR Aspirin*:ab,​ti OR ‘β blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β blockers’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β-Adrenergic Blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β-Adrenergic Blockers’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β Adrenergic Receptor Blockader’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β Adrenergic Receptor Blockaders’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonist’ OR ‘Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonists’ OR ‘’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Calcium Channel Blockers’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcium channel blocking agent’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcium channel blocking agents’:ab,ti​ OR ‘loop diuretic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘loop diuretics’:ab,​ ti OR ‘renin inhibitor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘renin inhibitors’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Type 1 Angiotensin Receptor Blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Type 1 Angiotensin Receptor Blockers’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin 2 Type 1 Receptor Antagonist’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin 2 Type 1 Receptor Antagonists’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Selective Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist’:ab,​ ti OR ‘Selective Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists’:ab,ti​ OR vasodilatant*:ab,​ti OR vasodilator*:ab,ti​ OR (vasodilat* NEAR/3 (agent* OR drug* OR substance*)):ab,ti​ OR ‘Sartans’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiazide diuretic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiazide diuretics’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Benzothiadiazine Diuretic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Benzothiadiazine Diuretics’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiazide Sensitive NaCl Cotransporter Inhibitor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiazide Sensitive NaCl Cotransporter Inhibitors’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Potassium Depleting Diuretic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Potassium Depleting Diuretics’:ab,ti​ OR ((drug* OR medic* OR pharmac* OR ambulatory) NEAR/3 (therap* OR treatment*)):ab,ti​ OR 'acetylsalicylic acid'/de OR 'α adrenergic receptor blocking agent'/exp OR 'β adrenergic receptor blocking agent'/exp OR ‘dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase inhibitor'/exp OR 'angiotensin 1 receptor antagonist'/de OR 'angiotensin receptor antagonist'/exp OR 'calcium channel blocking agent'/exp OR 'diuretic agent'/exp OR 'vasodilator agent'/exp OR 'antihypertensive agent'/exp OR 'antiobesity agent'/de OR ‘antihypertensive therapy'/de OR 'drug combination'/de OR 'thiazide diuretic agent'/exp mostly drug classes and drug therapies 'amiloride'/de OR 'amiloride':ab,ti​ OR Amiduret:​ab,​ti OR Amiloberag:​ab,​ti OR Midoride:​ab,​ti OR Kaluril:​ab,​ti OR Midamor:​ab,​ti OR Modamide:​ab,​ti OR Amidal:​ab,​ti 'amlodipine'/de OR Amlodipine:ab,​ ​ti OR Amlodis:​ab,​ti OR Astudal:​ab,​ti OR Norvasc:​ab,​ti OR Amlor:​ab,​ti OR Istin:​ab,​ti OR amloc:​ab,​ti OR amlopin:​ab,​ti OR levamlodipine:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘uk 48340’:ab,ti​ OR uk48340:ab,​ ti​ 'atenolol'/de OR Atenolol:ab,​ ti​ OR Tenormin*:ab,ti​ OR ICI-66082:​ ab,​ ti​ OR ICI66082:ab,​ ti​ 'benazepril'/de OR benazapril:ab,​ ti​ OR benzazepril:ab,​ ti​ OR Labopal:ab,​ ti​ OR Lotensin:ab,​ ti​ OR Cibacen*:ab,ti​ OR Briem:ab,​ ti​ OR CGS-14824-​ A:​ ab,​ ti​ OR CGS-14824A:​ ​ ab,ti​ OR ‘benace’:ab,ti​ OR ‘boncordin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘brien’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cgs 148241’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cgs 14824a’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cgs148241’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cgs14824a’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cibace’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cibacene’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fortekor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘zinadril’:ab,ti​ Bisoprolol/de OR Bisoprolol:ab,​ ti​ OR CL-297939:​ ab,​ ti​ OR CL297939:ab,​ ti​ OR Concor:ab,​ ti​ OR EMD-33512:​ ab,​ ti​ OR EMD-33512:​ ab,​ ti​ OR EMD33512:ab,​ ti​ 'calcineurin inhibitor'/de OR ‘Calcineurin Inhibitor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Calcineurin Inhibitors’:ab,ti​ 'candesartan hexetil'/de OR 'candesartan hexetil':ab,​ti OR ‘Candesartan cilexetil’:ab,ti​ 'captopril'/de OR Captopril:ab,​ ti​ OR Lopirin:ab,​ ti​ OR Capoten:ab,​ ti​ 'chlortalidone'/de OR 'chlortalidone':ab,​ti OR Chlortalidone:​ab,​ti OR Phthalamudine:ab,​ ​ti OR Chlorphthalidolon​e:​ab,​ti OR Oxodoline:​ab,​ti OR Hygroton:​ab,​ti OR Thalitone:ab,​ ti​ 'clonidine'/de OR Clonidine:ab,​ ​ti OR Klofenil:​ab,​ti OR Clofenil:​ab,​ti OR Chlophazolin:ab,​ ​ti OR Gemiton:​ab,​ti OR Hemiton:​ab,​ti OR Isoglaucon:​ab,​ti OR Klofelin:​ab,​ti OR Clopheline:ab,​ ti​ OR Clofelin:ab,​ ti​ OR Catapres*:ab,ti​ OR Dixarit:ab,​ ti​ 'doxazosin'/exp OR Doxazosin:ab,​ ​ti OR Uriduct:​ab,​ti OR Alfamedin:​ab,​ti OR Cardura*:ab,​ti OR Zoxan:​ab,​ti OR Cardular:​ab,​ti OR Doxazomerck:ab,​ ​ti ‘enalapril'/de OR Enalapril:ab,​ ti​ OR Renitec:ab,​ ti​ OR Renitek:ab,​ ti​ OR MK-421:​ ab,​ ti​ OR MK421:ab,​ ti​ OR amprace:ab,​ ti​ OR ednyt:ab,​ ti​ OR naprilene:ab,​ ti​ 'eplerenone'/de OR Eplerenone:ab,​ ti​ OR Eplerenon:ab,​ ti​ OR Inspra:ab,​ ti​ OR epoxymexrenone:ab,​ ti​ OR mexrenone:ab,​ ti​


TABLE 17 Continued 'esmolol'/de OR Esmolol:ab,​ ti​ OR Brevibloc:ab,​ ti​ OR miniblock:ab,​ ti​ OR ASL-8052:​ ab,​ ti​ 'ezetimibe'/de OR Ezetimibe:ab,​ ​ti OR liptruzet:​ab,​ti OR ezetib:​ab,​ti OR ‘ezetrol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sch 58235’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sch58235’:ab,ti​ OR ‘viemm’:ab,ti​ OR ‘zetia’:ab,ti​ OR ‘zient’:ab,ti​ 'felodipine'/de OR Felodipine:ab,​ ti​ OR Felodipin:ab,​ ti​ OR Felo-Puren:​ ab,​ ti​ OR Felobeta:ab,​ ti​ OR Felocor:ab,​ ti​ OR Felodur:ab,​ ti​ OR Felogamma:ab,​ ti​ OR Fensel:ab,​ ti​ OR Plendil:ab,​ ti​ OR Flodil:ab,​ ti​ OR Renedil:ab,​ ti​ OR Munobal:ab,​ ti​ 'fosinopril'/de OR Fosinopril:​ab,​ti OR ‘acenor-m’:ab,ti​ OR bpnorm:ab,​ ti​ OR dynacil:ab,​ ti​ OR Fosenopril:ab,​ ti​ OR Fosinil:ab,​ ti​ OR fosinorm:ab,​ ti​ OR fosinonorm:ab,​ ​ ti OR fosipres:​ab,​ti OR Fositen*:ab,​ti OR fovas:​ab,​ti OR Tensocardil:​ab,​ti OR Fozitec:​ab,​ti OR Hiperlex:​ab,​ti OR Monopril:​ab,​ti OR sapril:​ab,​ti OR Staril:​ab,​ti OR Newace:ab,​ ti​ OR Dynacil:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘SQ-28555’:ab,ti​ OR SQ28555:ab,​ ti​ OR vasopril:ab,​ ti​ 'furosemide'/de OR Furosemide:ab,​ ​ti OR Frusemid*:ab,ti​ OR Fursemide:​ab,​ti OR Fusid:​ab,​ti OR Errolon:​ab,​ti OR Furanthril:​ab,​ti OR Furantral:​ab,​ti hydralazine/de OR Hydralazine:ab,​ ​ti OR Hydrallazin*:ab,ti​ OR Hydrazinophthalazine:​ ​ab,​ti OR Apressin:ab,​ ​ti OR Nepresol:ab,​ ​ti OR Apressoline:​ab,​ti OR Apresoline:​ ab,ti​ OR alazine:ab,​ ti​ OR alphapress:ab,​ ti​ OR apdormin:ab,​ ti​ OR apresolin:ab,​ ti​ OR apresolina:ab,​ ti​ OR aprezin:ab,​ ti​ OR clorana:ab,​ ti​ OR deselazin:ab,​ ti​ OR dralzine:ab,​ ti​ OR hidral:ab,​ ti​ OR hydralacin:ab,​ ti​ OR hydrapres:ab,​ ti​ OR hydrazaline:ab,​ ti​ OR hydrazinophtalazine:​ ab,​ ti​ OR hydrazinophtalizine:​ ab,​ ti​ OR hydrazinophthalazine:​ ab,​ ti​ OR hydrolazine:ab,​ ti​ OR hypatol:ab,​ ti​ OR hyperphen:ab,​ ti​ OR hypoftalin:ab,​ ti​ OR hypophthalin:ab,​ ti​ OR idralazina:ab,​ ti​ OR lopress:​ ab,ti​ OR nonpolin:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘novo-hylazin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘plethorit c’:ab,ti​ OR ‘praeparat 5968’:ab,ti​ OR resporidin:ab,​ ti​ OR solesorin:ab,​ ti​ OR tetrasoline:ab,​ ti​ OR travinon:ab,​ ti​ 'hydrochlorothiazide'/de OR Hydrochlorothiazide:​ ab,​ ti​ OR Dihydrochlorothiazide:​ ab,​ ti​ OR HCTZ:ab,​ ti​ OR Dichlothiazide:ab,​ ti​ OR HydroDIURIL:ab,​ ti​ OR Oretic:ab,​ ​ ti OR Sectrazide:​ab,​ti OR Esidrix:​ab,​ti OR Esidrex:​ab,​ti OR Hypothiazide:​ab,​ti OR ‘apo-hydro’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aquarius’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aquazide h’:ab,ti​ OR ‘behyd ra’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bisalunil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bpzide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bremil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘chlorosulthiadil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘chlorsulfonamidodihydrobenzothiadiazine dioxide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cidrex’:ab,​ ti OR ‘clothia’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dehydratin neo’:ab,ti​ OR ‘di-ertride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘di-eudrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diaqua’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dichlorosal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dichlotride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dichlotride k’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dichlozid’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diclotride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘didralin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dihydrodiuril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘direma’:ab,ti​ OR ‘disalunil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘disaluril’:ab,​ ti OR ‘disothiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dithiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diu melusin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diu-melusin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diumelusin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diurace’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diuret-p’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diurex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fluvin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘h.c.t.’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hidrenox’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hidril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hidroronol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hidrosaluretil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hudorex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hychlozide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrex-semi’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro aquil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro chlorothiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro diuril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro saluric’:ab,​ ti OR ‘hydro saluric k’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro t’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro tonuron’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro z 50’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro-d’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydroaquil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochloro thiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlorothiamide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlorothiazid’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlorothiazide intensol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlorothiazine’:ab,​ ti OR ‘hydrochlorthiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlorzide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlothiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydromal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydroronol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrosaluric’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrosaluric k’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrothide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrozide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrozide 50’:ab,ti​ OR hypothiazid:ab,​ ti​ ‘hypothiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ivaugan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘maschitt’:ab,ti​ OR ‘microzide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mictrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nefrix’:ab,ti​ OR ‘neo codema’:ab,ti​ OR ‘neo flumen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘neoflumen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘newtolide’:ab,​ ti OR ‘niagar’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pantemon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ridaq’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tandiur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiadril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiaretic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiuretic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘urodiazin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘urodiazine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘urozide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vetidrex’:ab,ti​ Irbesartan/de OR Irbesartan:ab,​ ti​ OR SR-47436:​ ab,​ ti​ OR sr47436:ab,​ ti​ OR BMS-186295:​ ab,​ ti​ OR bms186295:ab,​ ti​ OR Avapro:ab,​ ti​ OR Karvea:ab,​ ti​ OR Aprovel:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘approvel’:ab,ti​ OR ‘arbez lr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ifirmasta’:ab,ti​ OR ‘irban’:ab,ti​ OR ‘irbesartan hydrochloride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘irbesartan krka’:ab,ti​ OR ‘irbetan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘iretensa’:ab,ti​ OR ‘irovel’:ab,ti​ OR ‘irvell’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sabervel’:ab,ti​ Isradipine/de OR Isradipine:ab,​ ​ti OR Lomir:​ab,​ti OR Dynacirc:ab,​ ​ti OR icaz:​ab,​ti OR ‘isrodipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pk 200110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn 200 110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn 200-110’:ab,​ ti OR ‘pn 200110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn 200110 n’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn 205033’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn 205034’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn200 110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn200-110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn200110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prescal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sdz 200 110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vascal’:ab,ti​ Labetalol/de OR Labetalol:ab,​ ti​ OR Labetolol:ab,​ ti​ OR Albetol:ab,​ ti​ OR Trandate:ab,​ ti​ OR Normodyne:ab,​ ti​ OR Presolol:ab,​ ti​ OR SCH-19927:​ ab,​ ti​ OR SCH19927:ab,​ ti​ OR AH-5158:​ ab,​ ti​ OR AH5158:ab,​ ti​ OR Dilevalol:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘abetol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ah 5158a’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ah5158a’:ab,ti​ OR ‘amipress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘biascor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hybloc’:ab,​ ti OR ‘ibidomide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ipolab’:ab,ti​ OR ‘labelol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘labesine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lamitol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘liondox’:ab,ti​ OR ‘normodyne’:ab,ti​ OR ‘presdate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pressalolo’:ab,ti​ OR ‘salmagne’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sch 15719w’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sch15719w’:ab,ti​ Lisinopril/de OR Lisinopril:ab,​ ti​ OR Lysinopril:ab,​ ti​ OR Prinivil:ab,​ ti​ OR Zestri:ab,​ ti​ OR zestril:ab,​ ti​ OR MK-521:​ ab,​ ti​ OR ‘acerbon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alapril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alfaken’:ab,ti​ OR ‘carace’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cipril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘coric’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dapril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fibsol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ici 209000’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ici pharma 209000’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ici209000’:ab,ti​ OR ‘inopril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘linopril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘linvas’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lipril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisi abz’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisibeta’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisigamma’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisihexal’:ab,​ ti OR ‘lisipril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisodur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisopress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisopril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisoril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lispril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘listril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mk 0521’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mk 522’:ab,​ ti OR ‘mk0521’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mk521’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mk522’:ab,ti​ OR ‘n (1 carboxy 3 phenylpropyl) lysylproline’:ab,ti​ OR ‘n2 (1 carboxy 3 phenylpropyl) lysylproline’:ab,​ ti OR ‘noperten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘novatec’:ab,ti​ OR ‘presiten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prinil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sinopril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tensopril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tensyn’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vivatec’:ab,ti​ OR ‘zestomax’:ab,ti​ OR ‘zestril’:ab,ti​ Losartan/de OR Losartan:ab,​ ti​ OR Cozaar:ab,​ ti​ OR DuP-753:​ ab,​ ti​ OR DuP753:ab,​ ti​ OR MK-954:​ ab,​ ti​ OR MK954:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘ex 89’:ab,ti​ OR ex89:ab,​ ti​ Metformin/de OR Metformin:ab,​ ​ti OR ‘apophage’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aron’:ab,ti​ OR ‘benofomin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dabex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘denkaform’:ab,ti​ OR ‘deson’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dextin’:ab,​ ti OR ‘diabetase’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diabetase s’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diabetformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diabetmin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diabetmin retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diabetosan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diabex’:ab,​ ti OR ‘diafat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diaformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diaformina’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diaformina lp’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diametin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diamin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diformin retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dimefor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dimethylbiguanide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dimethyldiguanide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dmgg’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dybis’:ab,ti​ OR ‘eraphage’:ab,ti​ OR ‘espa- formin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘euform retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fluamine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘flumamine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fornidd’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fortamet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glafornil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glibudon’:ab,​ ti OR ‘glifage’:ab,ti​ OR ‘gliguanid’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucaminol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucofage’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucofago’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucoform’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucoformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucohexal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucoless’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucomet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucomin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucomine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘gluconil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage forte’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage sr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage xr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage xr extended release’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage- mite’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucotika’:ab,ti​ OR ‘gludepatic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glufor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘gluformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glumeformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glumet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glumetza’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glupa’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glustress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glyciphage’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glycomet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glycon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glycoran’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glyformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glymet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘haurymellin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hipoglucin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘i-max’:ab,ti​ OR ‘islotin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘juformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘la 6023’:ab,ti​ OR ‘la6023’:ab,ti​ OR ‘maformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘meglucon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘meguan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘melbin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘melformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mellittin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mescorit’:ab,ti​ OR ‘metaformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘metfogamma’:ab,​ ti OR ‘metforal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘metformine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘metiguanide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘metomin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘metphormin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘miformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘neoform’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nndg’:ab,ti​ OR ‘reglus-500’:ab,ti​ OR ‘riomet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘siamformet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘siofor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiabet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vimetrol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘walaphage’:ab,ti​

PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 3, September 2018 11 TABLE 17 Continued Methylphenidate/de OR Methylphenidate:ab,​ ​ti OR Metadate:​ab,​ti OR Equasym:​ab,​ti OR Methylin:​ab,​ti OR Concerta:​ab,​ti OR Phenidylate:ab,​ ​ti OR Ritalin*:ab,​ ti OR Tsentedrin:ab,​ ​ti OR Centedrin:​ab,​ti OR Daytrana:ab,​ ​ti OR ‘attenta’:ab,ti​ OR ‘c 4311-b’:ab,ti​ OR ‘c4311-b’:ab,ti​ OR ‘c4311b’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quasym’:ab,​ ti OR ‘medikinet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methyl phenidate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methylfenidate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methylphenidylacetate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methylphenindate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methylphenydate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methypatch’:ab,ti​ OR ‘penid’:ab,ti​ OR ‘phenidyl hydrochloride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quillivant’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quillivant xr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ritaphen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘rubifen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sr 20’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tranquilyn’:ab,ti​ Metoprolol/de OR Metoprolol:ab,​ ​ti OR Betaloc*:ab,​ti OR Betalok:​ab,​ti OR Spesicor:​ab,​ti OR Spesikor:​ab,​ti OR Lopressor:ab,​ ​ti OR Seloken:​ab,​ti OR CGP-​2175:​ab,​ti OR CGP2175:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘H 93-26’:ab,ti​ OR ‘H 9326’:ab,ti​ OR ‘beloc duriles’:ab,ti​ OR ‘belok zok’:ab,ti​ OR ‘h 93-26’:ab,ti​ Minoxidil/de OR Minoxi*:ab,ti​ OR Rogaine:​ab,​ti OR Regaine:​ab,​ti OR Loniten:​ab,​ti OR ‘alopexy’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alopexyl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alostil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘apo-gain’:ab,ti​ OR ‘crecisan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘growell’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hair-treat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hair-treat forte’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hairgaine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hairgrow’:ab,ti​ OR ‘headway’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ hebald’:ab,​ ti OR ‘kapodin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘kenacin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘locemix’:ab,ti​ OR ‘locion epc’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lonnoten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lonolox’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lonoten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘manoxidil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minodyl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minona’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minotricon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minoxyl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘moxidil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘multigain’:ab,ti​ OR ‘neocapil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘neoxidil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nuhair’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prexidil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘regroe’:ab,ti​ OR ‘regrou’:ab,ti​ OR ‘regrowth’:ab,ti​ OR ‘rehair’:ab,ti​ OR ‘theroxidil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tiazolin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ylox’:ab,ti​ Nifedipine/de OR Nifedipine:ab,​ ​ti OR Cordipin*:ab,ti​ OR Corinfar:​ab,​ti OR Korinfar:​ab,​ti OR Nifangin:​ab,​ti OR Procardia:​ab,​ti OR Vascard:​ab,​ti OR Adalat*:ab,​ ti OR Fenigidin:ab,​ ​ti OR ‘adefin xl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘adipine xl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘afeditab’:ab,ti​ OR ‘afeditab cr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aldipin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alonix-s’:ab,ti​ OR ‘angibloc’:ab,​ ti OR ‘angipec’:ab,ti​ OR ‘antiblut’:ab,ti​ OR ‘apo-nifed’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aponifed’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aprical’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aprical retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘atanaal softcap’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bay 1040’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bay a 1040’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bay a1040’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bay1040’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcheck’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcibloc’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcibloc od’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcigard’:ab,​ ti OR ‘calcigard retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calgina’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cardifen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cardilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cardionorm’:ab,ti​ OR ‘chronadalat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘chronadalate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘chronadalate lp’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cipilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘citilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘coracten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cordafen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cordaflex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cordalat’:ab,​ ti OR ‘cordicant’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cordipen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘coronpin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘corotrend’:ab,ti​ OR ‘denkifed’:ab,ti​ OR ‘depin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dignokonstant’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dilafed’:ab,​ ti OR ‘dipinkor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘duranifin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ecodipin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘emaberin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fedcor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fedipin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fedipine 24 cr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fenamon’:ab,​ ti OR ‘glopir’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hadipine s.r.’:ab,ti​ OR ‘herlat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hexadilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘infedipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘jutadilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘kemolat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘megalat’:ab,​ ti OR ‘mifedipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘moderat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘myogard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nadipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nedipin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nefedipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nelapine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nelapine retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifar’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifdemin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifebene’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifecard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifecor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedepat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedicor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedicor gocce’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedin sc’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedipat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedipres’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedirex lp’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifehexal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifelat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifelat-q’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifensar’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifensar retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifepidine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifestad’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifical’:ab,​ ti OR ‘nificard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifidine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifipen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nipin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘normadil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘novo nifedin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘novonifedin’:ab,​ ti OR ‘nyefax’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nyefax retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nypine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘odipin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘orix’:ab,ti​ OR ‘osmo-adalat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘phenygidine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pidilat’:ab,​ ti OR ‘pidilat retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ronian’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sepamit’:ab,ti​ OR ‘slofedipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tibricol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘unidipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vasdalat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vasdalat retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘zenusin’:ab,ti​ Olmesartan/de OR Olmesartan:​ab,​ti OR omesartan:​ab,​ti OR ‘RNH 6270’:ab,ti​ OR CS-088:​ ab,​ ti​ OR ‘alteis’:ab,ti​ OR ‘benevas’:ab,ti​ OR ‘benicar’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cs 866’:ab,​ ti OR ‘cs866’:ab,ti​ OR ‘olmec’:ab,ti​ OR ‘olmetec’:ab,ti​ OR ‘rnh6270’:ab,ti​ OR ‘votum’:ab,ti​ Prazosin/de OR Prazosin*:ab,ti​ OR Furazosin OR Pratsiol:​ab,​ti OR ‘adversuten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alpress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘atodel’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cp 12299 1’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cp12299 1’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cp122991’:ab,ti​ OR ‘decliten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘deprazolin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘duramipress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘eurex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hexapress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hypotens’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hypovase’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hyprosin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lentopres’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minesin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minipres’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minipres retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minipres sr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minipress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minipress sr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minipress xl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minison’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mizosin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘patsolin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘peripress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prasig’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prasozin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pratisol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prazac’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prazopress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diffutab’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pressin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prozosin’:ab,ti​ Propanolol/de OR Propanolol:ab,​ ​ti OR Inderal*:ab,​ti OR Avlocardyl:​ab,​ti OR AY-​20694:​ab,​ti OR AY20694:​ab,​ti OR Rexigen:​ab,​ti OR Dexpropranolol:​ab,​ti OR Dociton*:ab,​ti OR Obsidan:ab,​ ​ti OR Obzidan:​ab,​ti OR Anaprilin*:ab,​ti OR Betadren:​ab,​ti OR ‘acifol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘adrexan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alperol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘anapryline’:ab,​ ti OR ‘angilol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘angilol la’:ab,ti​ OR ‘apo-’:ab,ti​ OR ‘apsolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘arcablock’:ab,ti​ OR ‘arcablock retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘artensol’:ab,​ ti OR ‘authus’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ay 64043’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ay64043’:ab,ti​ OR ‘becardin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bedranol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘beprane’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bercolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘berkolol’:ab,​ ti OR ‘β neg’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β tablinen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β tablinen retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β timelets’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β-timelets’:ab,ti​ OR ‘betabloc’:ab,ti​ OR ‘betadipresan’:ab,​ ti OR ‘betaneg’:ab,ti​ OR ‘betaprol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘betares’:ab,ti​ OR ‘betaryl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘blocard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘blocaryl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cardinol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cardinol la’:ab,​ ti OR ‘ciplar’:ab,ti​ OR ‘corbeta’:ab,ti​ OR ‘deralin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dextrolevo propranolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dibudinate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dideral’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dL propanolol hydrochloride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dL propranolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘durabeton’:ab,ti​ OR ‘duranol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘efektolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘efektolol retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘elbrol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘emforal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘farmadral’:ab,ti​ OR ‘farprolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘frekven’:ab,ti​ OR ‘frina’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hemangeol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hemangiol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hopranolol’:ab,​ ti OR ‘ici 45520’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ikopal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘impral’:ab,ti​ OR ‘inderex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘indicardin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘indobloc’:ab,ti​ OR ‘innopran’:ab,ti​ OR ‘innopran xl’:ab,​ ti OR ‘inpanol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ipran’:ab,ti​ OR ‘l propranolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lederpronol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘levo propranolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘levopropranolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘napriline’:ab,ti​ OR ‘noloten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nsc 91523’:ab,ti​ OR ‘obsin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘oposim’:ab,ti​ OR ‘phanerol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prandol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prano puren’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pranopuren’:ab,​ ti OR ‘prestoral’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prolol plus’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pronovan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propabloc’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propalong’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propanolol hydrochloride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propayerst’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propercuten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prophylux’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propra ratiopharm’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propral’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propranolol hydrochloride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propranolol hydrochloride intensol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propranolol isomer’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propranur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘proprasylyt’:ab,ti​ OR ‘proprasylyte’:ab,ti​ OR ‘reducor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sagittol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘slow deralin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘stapranolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sumial’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tenomal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tensiflex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘waucoton’:ab,ti​ Quinapril/de OR Quinapril:ab,​ ti​ OR Accupril:ab,​ ti​ OR CI-906:​ ab,​ ti​ OR ‘accuprin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘accupro’:ab,ti​ OR ‘accupron’:ab,ti​ OR ‘acequin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘acuitel’:ab,​ ti OR ‘acuprel’:ab,ti​ OR ‘acupril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘asig’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ci906’:ab,ti​ OR ‘conan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘korec’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pd 109452 2’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pd 109452-2’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pd 1094522’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pd109452 2’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pd109452-2’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pd1094522’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quinalapril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quinaten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quinazil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quinipril’:ab,ti​


TABLE 17 Continued Spironolactone/de OR Spironolacton*:ab,​ti OR Veroshpiron*:ab,​ti OR Spiractin:​ab,​ti OR Spirobeta:​ab,​ti OR Spirogamma:​ab,​ti OR Spirolang:​ab,​ti OR Spirono*:ab,​ ti OR Spirospare:​ab,​ti OR Verospiron*:ab,​ti OR Aldactone:​ab,​ti OR Aquareduct:​ab,​ti OR Duraspiron:​ab,​ti OR Espironolactona:​ab,​ti OR Flumach:​ab,​ti OR Frumikal:ab,​ ti​ OR Jenaspiron:ab,​ ti​ OR Novo-Spiroton:​ ab,​ ti​ OR NovoSpiroton:ab,​ ti​ OR Practon:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘abbolactone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘acelat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘adultmin’:ab,​ ti OR ‘alaton’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alatone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aldace’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aldopur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aldospirone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘almatol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘berlactone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β aldopur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘crl 635’:ab,ti​ OR ‘crl635’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diram’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dyta urese’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dytaurese’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hypazon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘idrolattone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘merabis’:ab,ti​ OR ‘osiren’:ab,ti​ OR ‘osyrol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘osyrol 50 100’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pirolacton’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pondactone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prilactone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘resacton’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sas 1060’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sas1060’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sc 9420’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sc9420’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spiridon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spirix’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spiroctan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spiroctan m’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spirolacton’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spirolactone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spiron’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spirone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spironex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ spirothiobarbiturate 03620’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spirotone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘supra puren’:ab,ti​ OR ‘suprapuren’:ab,ti​ OR ‘uractone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘xenalon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘xenalon lactabs’:ab,ti​ OR ‘youlactone’:ab,ti​ Terazosin/de OR Terazosin:ab,​ ​ti OR Adecur:​ab,​ti OR Apo-​Terazosin:​ab,​ti OR Dysalfa:​ab,​ti OR Hytrin*:ab,​ti OR Deflox:​ab,​ti OR Heitrin:​ab,​ti OR Flotrin:​ab,​ti OR Magnurol:ab,​ ti​ OR Novo-Terazosin:​ ab,​ ti​ OR ν-Terazosin:ab,​ ti​ OR PMS-Terazosin:​ ab,​ ti​ OR Sutif:ab,​ ti​ OR Tazusin:ab,​ ti​ OR Zayasel:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘abbott 45975’:ab,​ ti OR ‘conmy’:ab,ti​ OR ‘deflox’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hitrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hytracin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘itrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘kinzosin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘olyster’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sinalfa’:ab,​ ti OR ‘teradrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘teralfa’:ab,ti​ OR ‘terapam’:ab,ti​ OR ‘terasin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘uro hytrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘uro-hytrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘urodie’:ab,ti​ OR ‘uroflo’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vasocard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vasomet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vicard’:ab,ti​ Triamterene/de OR Triamterene:​ab,​ti OR Urocaudal:​ab,​ti OR Dyren*:ab,ti​ OR Dytac:​ab,​ti OR Ademin*:ab,​ti OR ‘iatropur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘jatropur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘noridyl’:ab,​ ti OR ‘nsc 77625’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nsc77625’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pterofen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pterophene’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sk and f 8542’:ab,ti​ OR ‘skf 8542’:ab,ti​ OR ‘skf8542’:ab,ti​ OR ‘teriam’:ab,ti​ OR ‘triampterene’:ab,ti​ OR ‘triamterence’:ab,ti​ OR ‘triamterens’:ab,ti​ OR ‘triamteril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘triamterine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘triteren’:ab,ti​ OR ‘uretren’:ab,ti​ #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25 OR #26 OR #27 OR #28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35 OR #36 OR #37 OR #38 OR #39 OR #40 OR #41 OR #42 OR #43 OR #44 OR #45 OR #46 OR #47 OR #48 OR #49 individual drug interventions #11 OR #12 OR #50 All Interventions combined #4 AND #51 BP of hypertensive children + behavioral & pharmacologic interventions

PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 3, September 2018 13 SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 18 CENTRAL Run September 15, 2015 Identification Search Hits #1 MeSH descriptor: [HTN, Renal] explode all trees 265 #2 MeSH descriptor: [HTN] this term only 13 959 #3 MeSH descriptor: [PreHTN] explode all trees 49 #4 (HTN or “high BP” or “elevated BP” or hypertensive or HBP or HTN or preHTN or “pre-HTN”):ti,ab,​ ​kw in Trials (Word variations 35 345 have been searched) #5 #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 36 266 #6 (child* or pediatric* or pediatric* or infant* or neonate* or newborn* or toddler* or preschool* or pre-school* or school* or 250 443 adolescen* or teen* or juvenile* or “young adult*”) #7 MeSH descriptor: [Child] explode all trees 204 #8 MeSH descriptor: [Infant] explode all trees 13 442 #9 MeSH descriptor: [Adolescent] explode all trees 77 754 #10 #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 250 443 #11 (“BP table” or BP or DBP or “Diastolic Pressure*” or “Pulse Pressure*” or SBP or “Systolic Pressure*” or Mmhg or “mm/hg” 101 034 or OBP or Percentile or “Sensitivity and Specificity” or “end point*” or endpoint* or “Reference standard*” or “Reference system*” or “reference value*” or “normal range*” or “Normal value*” or “Reference Range*” or Normotensive* or “Reference Values”) #12 MeSH descriptor: [Reference Standards] explode all trees 381 #13 MeSH descriptor: [Reference Values] explode all trees 8760 #14 MeSH descriptor: [Evaluation Studies] this term only 21 #15 MeSH descriptor: [Endpoint Determination] this term only 867 #16 #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 101 068 #17 #5 and #10 and #16 2933 #18 MeSH descriptor: [Preventive Health Services] explode all trees 23 405 #19 MeSH descriptor: [School Health Services] explode all trees 1038 #20 MeSH descriptor: [Behavior Therapy] this term only 3687 #21 Body Wt Changes or “Life Style” or “Health Behavior” or Meditation or “Sedentary Lifestyle” or “Risk Reduction Behavior” or 39 807 “Risk Factors” #22 DASH’ or ‘ or ‘Dietary Approaches to Stop HTN’ or ‘Diet’ or ‘diets’ or ‘dietar* or ‘dieting’ or ‘Nutrition*’ or ‘‘sodium intake’ 74 397 or ‘salt sensitive’ or ‘Sodium-Restricted Diet*’ or ‘Low-Sodium Diet*’ or Low-Salt Diet*’ or ‘Salt-Free Diet*’ or ‘Fruit* or Vegetable* or ‘Vitamin* or ‘Diet‘ or ‘Diet Therapy’ or ‘Diabetic Diet‘ or ‘‘Food Habits’ or ‘Vitamin D’ or ’Vitamin D Deficiency’ or ‘Vitamins’‘ or ‘Dietary Supplements’ or ‘Performance-Enhancing Substances’ #23 MeSH descriptor: [Exercise] explode all trees 14 404 #24 exercis*OR active or inactive or activit*OR 'Exercise Therapy' or 'Motor Activity' 8467 #25 MeSH descriptor: [Wt Loss] explode all trees 3743 #26 MeSH descriptor: [Complementary Therapies] explode all trees 14 659 #27 #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 or #23 or #24 or #25 or #26 151 846 #28 ‘ACE inhibitor*’ or ACEI or Acetylsalicylic Acid* or ‘angiotensin-converting enzyme-2*’ or ‘Angiotensin converting enzyme 330 963 inhibitor*’ or Adrenergic α-Antagonist*’ or Adrenergic α-Blocker* or Adrenergic α-Receptor Blockader* or Adrenergic β Antagonist* or Adrenergic β-Blocker* or Adrenergic β-Receptor Blockader* or α-Adrenergic Blocker* or α-Adrenergic Blocking Agent* or α Adrenergic Receptor Blockader* or adrenergic receptor blocking agent* or α-Blocker* or Angiotensin Receptor Antagonist* or Angiotensin receptor blocker* or Anti-hypertens* or Antihypertensive* or “Anti-Obesity” or Aspirin* or β blocker* or β-Adrenergic Blocker* or β Adrenergic Receptor Blockader* or Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonist* or Calcium Channel Blocker* or calcium channel blocking agent* or loop diuretic* or renin inhibitor* or Type 1 Angiotensin Receptor Blocker* or Angiotensin 2 Type 1 Receptor Antagonist* or Selective Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist* or Vasodilator agent* or vasodilatant* or vasodilatating agent* or vasodilating agent* or vasodilative agent* or vasodilator drug* or vasodilator substance* or vasodilator* or Sartans or thiazide diuretic* or Benzothiadiazine Diuretic* or thiazide Sensitive NaCl Cotransporter Inhibitor* or Potassium Depleting Diuretic* or drug therap* or medicinal therap* or medicinal treatment* or pharmaceutical therap* or pharmaceutical treatment* or pharmaco-therapy or pharmaco-therapies or pharmaco-treatment* or pharmacotherapy or pharmacotherapies or pharmacotreatment* or pharmacological therap* or drug treatment* or pharmacological treatment* #29 amiloride or amlodipine or Atenolol or Benazepril or Bisoprolol or “Calcineurin Inhibitors” or “Candesartan cilexetil” or 33 969 Captopril or Chlorthalidone or Clonidine or Doxazosin or Enalapril or Eplerenone or Esmolol or Ezetimibe or Felodipine or Fosinopril or Furosemide or Hydralazine or Hydrochlorothiazide or Irbesartan or Isradipine or Labetalol or Lisinopril or Losartan or Metformin or Methylphenidate or Metoprolol or Minoxidil or Nifedipine or Olmesartan or Prazosin or Propanolol or Quinapril or Spironolactone or Terazosin or Triamterene #30 #27 or #28 or #29 Publication Year from 2003 to 2015, in Trials 208 369 #31 #17 and #30 1330 MeSH, medical subject heading.


SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 19 PICOT 4: Searches Run on September 17, 2015, PubMed: 1758 Results PubMed Search Strategy: PICOT 4 (hypertensi*[tiab] OR “high BP”[tiab] OR “high BPs”[tiab] OR “elevated BP”[tiab] OR HBP[tiab] OR HTN[tiab] OR WCH [tiab] OR “white coat effect” [tiab] OR HTN[Mesh:​NoExp] OR prehypertensi*[tiab] OR pre-hypertensi*[tiab] OR preHTN [tiab] OR pre-HTN [tiab] OR preHTN[mesh] OR HTN, malignant[Mesh] OR HTN, renal[Mesh] OR HTN, renovascular[Mesh] OR white coat HTN[Mesh] OR masked HTN[Mesh] OR “HTN, Essential” [Supplementary Concept]) (child*[tiab] OR child[mesh] OR pediatric*[tiab] OR pediatric*[tiab] OR pediatric*[tiab] OR preschool*[tiab] OR pre-school*[tiab] OR school*[tiab] OR youth*[tiab] OR infant*[tiab] OR infant[mesh] OR infant, newborn[mesh] OR newborn*[tiab] OR neonat*[tiab] OR toddler*[tiab] OR adolescen*[tiab] OR adolescent[mesh] OR juvenile*[tiab] OR teen*[tiab] or young adult*[tiab]) #1 AND #2 carotid intima-media thickness*[tiab] OR CIMT [tiab] OR carotid intimal medial thickness*[tiab] OR carotid IMT*[tiab] OR “Bogalusa Heart Study”[tiab] OR “Carotid Intima-Media Thickness”[Mesh] flow-mediated dilation*[tiab] OR FMD [tiab] OR“ Dilatation, Pathologic”[Mesh] left ventricular geometr*[tiab] OR left ventricular hypertroph*[tiab] OR left ventricular mass*[tiab] OR LVH[tiab] OR LV hypertrophy*[tiab] OR LVM [tiab] OR LVMI [tiab] OR LV mass*[tiab] OR LV diastole* [tiab] OR LV structur*[tiab] OR LV systole*[tiab] OR heart ventricle hypertrophy[tiab] OR heart ventricular hypertrophy[tiab] OR left ventricular concentric hypertrophy[tiab] OR left ventricular enlargement*[tiab] OR “Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular”[Mesh] ((Arterial OR cardiac OR Cardiovascular OR myocardial OR vascular Or ventric*) AND (impair*[tiab] OR change*OR remodel*)) OR “Neovascularization”[tiab] OR Vasculopath*[tiab] OR “Neovascularization, Pathologic”[Mesh:NoExp]​ OR “Neovascularization, Physiologic”[Mesh] OR “Vascular Remodeling”[Mesh] OR “Ventricular Remodeling”[Mesh] OR “Cardiovascular Diseases/physiopathology”[Mesh] “Sensitivity and Specificity”[Mesh] OR end point* [tiab] OR endpoint*[tiab] OR Reference standard*[tiab] OR Reference system* [tiab] OR reference value*[tiab] OR normal range* [tiab] OR Normal value* [tiab] OR Reference Range* [tiab] OR Normotensive*[tiab] OR “Endpoint Determination” [Mesh] OR “Reference Values”[Mesh] OR “Evaluation Studies as Topic”[Mesh] #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 “Preventive Health Services”[Mesh] OR “School Health Services”[Mesh] “Behavior Therapy”[Mesh] OR “Body Weight Changes”[Mesh] OR “Life Style”[Mesh] OR “Health Behavior”[Mesh] OR “Meditation”[Mesh] OR “Sedentary Lifestyle”[Mesh] OR “Risk Reduction Behavior”[Mesh] OR “Risk Factors”[Mesh] DASH [tiab] OR “Dietary Approaches to Stop HTN” [tiab] OR Diet [tiab] OR diets [tiab] OR dietar* [tiab] OR dieting [tiab] OR Nutrition* [tiab] OR “sodium intake” [tiab] OR salt sensitiv* [tiab] OR Sodium-Restricted Diet* [tiab] OR Low-Sodium Diet* [tiab] OR Low-Salt Diet* [tiab] OR Salt-Free Diet* [tiab] OR Fruit* [tiab] OR Vegetable*[tiab] OR Vitamin*[tiab] OR “Diet”[Mesh] OR “Diet Therapy”[Mesh] OR “Diabetic Diet”[Mesh] OR “Food Habits”[Mesh] OR “Vitamin D”[Mesh] OR “25-Hydroxyvitamin D 2”[Mesh] OR “25-hydroxyvitamin D” [Supplementary Concept] OR “Vitamin D Deficiency”[Mesh] OR “Vitamins” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Vitamins”[Mesh] OR “Dietary Supplements”[Mesh] OR “Performance-Enhancing Substances”[Mesh] Exercis*[tiab] OR active[tiab] OR inactive[tiab] OR activit*[tiab] OR “Exercise”[Mesh] OR “Exercise Therapy”[Mesh] OR “Motor Activity”[Mesh] Wt Loss[mesh] Complementary Therapies [Mesh] #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 mostly nonpharmacologic interventions ACE inhibitor*[tiab] OR ACEI[tiab] OR Acetylsalicylic Acid*[tiab] OR angiotensin-converting enzyme-2*[tiab] OR Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor*[tiab] OR Adrenergic α-Antagonist*[tiab] OR Adrenergic α-Blocker*[tiab] OR Adrenergic α-Receptor Blockader*[tiab] OR Adrenergic β Antagonist*[tiab] OR Adrenergic β-Blocker*[tiab] OR Adrenergic β-Receptor Blockader*[tiab] OR α-Adrenergic Blocker*[tiab] OR α-Adrenergic Blocking Agent*[tiab] OR α Adrenergic Receptor Blockader*[tiab] OR adrenergic receptor blocking agent*[tiab] OR α-Blocker*[tiab] OR Angiotensin Receptor Antagonist*[tiab] OR Angiotensin receptor blocker*[tiab] OR Anti-hypertens*[tiab] OR Antihypertensive*[tiab] OR “Anti-Obesity”[tiab] OR Aspirin*[tiab] OR β blocker*[tiab] OR β-Adrenergic Blocker*[tiab] OR β Adrenergic Receptor Blockader*[tiab] OR Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonist*[tiab] OR Calcium Channel Blocker*[tiab] OR calcium channel blocking agent*[tiab] OR loop diuretic*[tiab] OR renin inhibitor*[tiab] OR Type 1 Angiotensin Receptor Blocker*[tiab] OR Angiotensin 2 Type 1 Receptor Antagonist*[tiab] OR Selective Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist*[tiab] OR Vasodilator agent*[tiab] OR vasodilatant*[tiab] OR vasodilatating agent*[tiab] OR vasodilating agent*[tiab] OR vasodilative agent*[tiab] OR vasodilator drug*[tiab] OR vasodilator substance*[tiab] OR vasodilator*[tiab] OR Sartans[tiab] OR thiazide diuretic*[tiab] OR Benzothiadiazine Diuretic*[tiab] OR thiazide Sensitive NaCl Cotransporter Inhibitor*[tiab] OR Potassium Depleting Diuretic*[tiab] OR drug therap*[tiab] OR medicinal therap*[tiab] OR medicinal treatment*[tiab] OR pharmaceutical therap*[tiab] OR pharmaceutical treatment*[tiab] OR pharmaco-therapy[tiab] OR pharmaco-therapies[tiab] OR pharmaco-treatment*[tiab] OR pharmacotherapy[tiab] OR pharmacotherapies[tiab] OR pharmacotreatment*[tiab] OR pharmacological therap*[tiab] OR drug treatment*[tiab] OR pharmacological treatment*[tiab] OR “Aspirin”[Mesh] OR “ascorbic acid, aspirin drug combination” [Supplementary Concept] OR “Adrenergic alpha-Antagonists”[Mesh] OR “Adrenergic alpha-Antagonists” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Adrenergic beta-Antagonists”[Mesh] OR “Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors”[Mesh] OR “Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Blockers”[Mesh] OR “Angiotensin Receptor Antagonists” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Calcium Channel Blockers”[Mesh] OR “Calcium Channel Blockers” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Diuretics” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Diuretics”[Mesh] OR “Vasodilator Agents” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Vasodilator Agents”[Mesh] OR “Antihypertensive Agents”[Mesh] OR “Antihypertensive Agents” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Anti-Obesity Agents”[Mesh] OR “Anti-Obesity Agents” [Pharmacological Action] OR “Drug Therapy”[Mesh] OR “Drug Therapy, Combination”[Mesh] OR “Sodium Chloride Symporter Inhibitors”[Mesh] OR “step therapy”[tiab] OR “step therapies”[tiab] mostly drug classes and drug therapies Amiloride OR Amiduret[tiab] OR Amiloberag[tiab] OR Midoride[tiab] OR Kaluril[tiab] OR Midamor[tiab] OR Modamide[tiab] OR Amidal[tiab] Amlodipine OR Amlodis [tiab] OR Astudal [tiab] OR Norvasc [tiab] OR Amlor [tiab] OR Istin [tiab] Atenolol OR Tenormin* [tiab] OR ICI-66082[tiab] OR ICI66082[tiab] Benazepril OR benazapril[tiab] OR benzazepril[tiab] OR Labopal[tiab] OR Lotensin[tiab] OR Cibacen*[tiab] OR Briem[tiab] OR CGS-14824-A[tiab] OR CGS- 14824A[tiab] Bisoprolol OR CL-297939[tiab] OR CL297939[tiab] OR Concor[tiab] OR EMD-33512[tiab] OR EMD-33512[tiab] OR EMD33512[tiab] “Calcineurin Inhibitors” “Candesartan cilexetil” Captopril OR Lopirin[tiab] OR Capoten[tiab] Chlorthalidone OR Chlortalidone[tiab] OR Phthalamudine[tiab] OR Chlorphthalidolone[tiab] OR Oxodoline[tiab] OR Hygroton[tiab] OR Thalitone[tiab]

PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 3, September 2018 15 TABLE 19 Continued PubMed Search Strategy: PICOT 4 Clonidine OR Klofenil[tiab] OR Clofenil[tiab] OR Chlophazolin[tiab] OR Gemiton[tiab] OR Hemiton[tiab] OR Isoglaucon[tiab] OR Klofelin[tiab] OR Clopheline[tiab] OR Clofelin[tiab] OR Catapres*[tiab] OR Dixarit[tiab] Doxazosin OR Uriduct[tiab] OR Alfamedin[tiab] OR Cardura*[tiab] OR Zoxan[tiab] OR Cardular[tiab] OR Doxazomerck[tiab] Enalapril OR Renitec [tiab] OR Renitek[tiab] OR MK-421[tiab] OR MK421[tiab] Eplerenone OR Eplerenon[tiab] OR Inspra[tiab] Esmolol OR Brevibloc[tiab] OR ASL-8052[tiab] Ezetimibe OR liptruzet[tiab] Felodipine OR Felodipin[tiab] OR Felo-Puren[tiab] OR Felobeta[tiab] OR Felocor[tiab] OR Felodur[tiab] OR Felogamma[tiab] OR Fensel[tiab] OR Plendil[tiab] OR Flodil[tiab] OR Renedil[tiab] OR Munobal[tiab] Fosinopril OR Fosenopril[tiab] OR Fosinil [tiab] OR Fositens[tiab] OR Tensocardil[tiab] OR Fozitec [tiab] OR Hiperlex [tiab] OR Monopril[tiab] OR Staril[tiab] OR Newace[tiab] OR Dynacil[tiab] OR SQ-28555[tiab] OR SQ28555[tiab] Furosemide OR Frusemid*[tiab] OR Fursemide[tiab] OR Fusid[tiab] OR Errolon[tiab] OR Furanthril[tiab] OR Furantral[tiab] Hydralazine OR Hydrallazin[tiab] OR Hydrazinophthalazine[tiab] OR Apressin[tiab] OR Nepresol[tiab] OR Apressoline[tiab] OR Apresoline[tiab] Hydrochlorothiazide OR Dihydrochlorothiazide[tiab] OR HCTZ[tiab] OR Dichlothiazide[tiab] OR HydroDIURIL[tiab] OR Oretic[tiab] OR Sectrazide[tiab] OR Esidrix[tiab] OR Esidrex[tiab] OR Hypothiazide[tiab] Irbesartan OR SR-47436[tiab] OR BMS-186295[tiab] OR Avapro[tiab] OR Karvea[tiab] OR Aprovel[tiab] Isradipine OR Lomir[tiab] OR Dynacirc[tiab] Labetalol OR Labetolol[tiab] OR Albetol [tiab] OR Trandate [tiab] OR Normodyne[tiab] OR Presolol[tiab] OR SCH-19927[tiab] OR SCH19927[tiab] OR AH-5158[tiab] OR AH5158[tiab] OR Dilevalol[tiab] OR Labetalol[tiab] Lisinopril OR Lysinopril[tiab] OR Prinivil[tiab] OR Zestri[tiab] OR MK-521[tiab] Losartan OR Cozaar[tiab] OR DuP-753[tiab] OR DuP753[tiab] OR MK-954[tiab] OR MK954[tiab] Metformin Methylphenidate OR Metadate[tiab] OR Equasym[tiab] OR Methylin[tiab] OR Concerta[tiab] OR Phenidylate[tiab] OR Ritalin*[tiab] OR Tsentedrin[tiab] OR Centedrin[tiab] OR Daytrana[tiab] Metoprolol OR Betaloc*[tiab] OR Betalok[tiab] OR Spesicor[tiab] OR Spesikor[tiab] OR Lopressor[tiab] OR Seloken[tiab] OR CGP-2175[tiab] OR CGP2175[tiab] OR “H 93-26”[tiab] OR “H 9326”[tiab] Minoxidil OR Rogaine[tiab] OR Regaine[tiab] OR Loniten [tiab] Nifedipine OR Cordipin*[tiab] OR Corinfar[tiab] OR Korinfar[tiab] OR Nifangin[tiab] OR Procardia[tiab] OR Vascard[tiab] OR Adalat[tiab] OR Fenigidin[tiab] Olmesartan OR omesartan[tiab] OR “RNH 6270”[tiab] OR CS-088[tiab] Prazosin OR Furazosin[tiab] OR Pratsiol [tiab] Propanolol OR Inderal[tiab] OR Avlocardyl[tiab] OR AY-20694[tiab] OR AY20694[tiab] OR Rexigen[tiab] OR Dexpropranolol[tiab] OR Dociton[tiab] OR Obsidan[tiab] OR Obzidan[tiab] OR Anaprilin[tiab] OR Anapriline[tiab] OR Betadren[tiab] Quinapril OR Accupril[tiab] OR CI-906[tiab] Spironolactone OR Veroshpiron[tiab] OR Verospirone[tiab] OR Spirolactone[tiab] OR Spiractin[tiab] OR Spirobeta[tiab] OR Spirogamma[tiab] OR Spirolang[tiab] OR Spirono*[tiab] OR Spirospare[tiab] OR Verospiron[tiab] OR Aldactone[tiab] OR Aquareduct[tiab] OR Duraspiron[tiab] OR Espironolactona[tiab] OR Flumach[tiab] OR Frumikal[tiab] OR Jenaspiron[tiab] OR Novo-Spiroton[tiab] OR NovoSpiroton[tiab] OR Practon[tiab] Terazosin OR Adecur[tiab] OR Apo-Terazosin[tiab] OR Dysalfa[tiab] OR Hytrin*[tiab] OR Deflox[tiab] OR Heitrin[tiab] OR Flotrin[tiab] OR Magnurol[tiab] OR Novo- Terazosin[tiab] OR ν-Terazosin[tiab] OR PMS-Terazosin[tiab] OR Sutif[tiab] OR Tazusin[tiab] OR Zayasel[tiab] Triamterene OR Urocaudal[tiab] OR Dyrenium[tiab] OR Dytac [tiab] #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25 OR #26 OR #27 OR #28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35 OR #36 OR #37 OR #38 OR #39 OR #40 OR #41 OR #42 OR #43 OR #44 OR #45 OR #46 OR #47 OR #48 OR #49 OR #50 OR #51 OR #52 OR #53 OR #54 individual drug interventions #16 OR #17 OR #55 All Interventions combined #3 AND #9 AND #56 Indirect measures of hypertensive children + behavioral & pharmacologic interventions


SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 20 PICOT 4 Searches Run September 17, 2015, With Publication Date Limit and Publication Type Filters: 1481 Results hypertensi*:ab,​ti OR ((elevat* OR high* OR increas*) NEAR/3 ('BP' OR 'BPs')):ab,ti​ OR HBP:​ab,​ti OR HTN:​ab,​ti OR WCH:​ab,​ti OR ‘white coat effect’:ab,​ti OR 'HTN'/ de OR 'apparent mineralocorticoid excess syndrome'/de OR 'borderline HTN'/de OR 'diabetic HTN'/de OR 'essential HTN'/de OR 'gordon syndrome'/de OR 'hereditary HTN'/de OR 'hypertensive crisis'/de OR 'liddle syndrome'/de OR 'malignant HTN'/de OR 'masked HTN'/de OR 'metabolic syndrome x'/de OR 'orthostatic HTN'/de OR 'posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome'/de OR 'preHTN'/de OR 'renovascular HTN'/exp OR 'resistant HTN'/de OR 'systolic HTN'/de OR 'white coat HTN'/de child*:ab,​ti OR 'child'/exp OR 'adolescent'/exp OR 'juvenile'/de OR pediatric*:ab,ti​ OR pediatric*:ab,ti​ OR pediatric*:ab,ti​ OR preschool*:ab,ti​ OR pre-school:​ ​ab,​ti OR pre-​schools:​ab,​ti OR school*:ab,​ti OR youth*:ab,​ti OR infant*:ab,​ti OR newborn*:ab,​ti OR neonat*:ab,​ti OR toddler*:ab,​ti OR adolescen*:ab,​ti OR juvenile*:ab,​ti OR teen*:ab,ti​ or ‘young adult’:ab,ti​ OR ‘young adults’:ab,ti​ #1 AND #2 BP of hypertensive children ‘carotid intima-media thickness’:ab,ti​ OR CIMT:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘carotid intimal medial thickness’:ab,ti​ OR ‘carotid IMT’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aorta thickness’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aorta wall thickness’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aortic thickness’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aortic wall thickness’:ab,ti​ OR ‘arterial thickness’:ab,ti​ OR ‘artery thickness’:ab,ti​ OR ‘artery wall thickness’:ab,ti​ OR ‘carotid intima media thickness’:ab,ti​ OR ‘carotid intimamedia thickness’:ab,ti​ OR ‘intima-media thickness’:ab,ti​ OR ‘intimal medial thickness’:ab,ti​ OR ‘intimamedia thickness’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Bogalusa Heart Study‘:ab,​ti OR 'arterial wall thickness'/de ‘flow-mediated dilation’:ab,​ti OR FMD:​ab,​ti OR dilatation:​ab,​ti OR ((vascular OR vaso* OR ‘blood vessel’ OR ‘blood vessels’) NEXT/3 (dilation* OR dilatation*)):ab,​ ti OR (vasodil* NEXT/3 (reflex* OR test* OR system*)):ab,​ti OR :​ab,​ti OR vasodilatation:​ab,​ti OR 'vasodilatation'/de OR 'artery lesion'/de ((‘left ventricular’ OR ‘left ventricle’ OR ‘left ventricles’ OR LV OR ‘heart ventricular’ OR ‘heart ventricle’) NEAR/3 (enlarge* OR geometr* OR hypertroph* OR mass* OR diastol* OR structur* OR systol*)):ab,​ti OR LVH:ab,​ ​ti OR LVM:​ab,​ti OR LVMI:​ab,​ti OR ‘heart left ventricle hypertrophy’/de ((Arterial OR cardiac OR Cardiovascular OR myocardial OR vascular OR ventric*) NEAR/3 (impair* OR change* OR remodel*)):ab,ti​ OR ‘Neovascularization’:ab,​ ti OR Vasculopath*:ab,​ti OR 'neovascularization (pathology)'/de OR 'angiogenesis'/de OR 'vascular remodeling'/de OR 'heart ventricle remodeling'/de OR 'elevated BP'/de 'sensitivity and specificity'/de OR 'end point':ab,​ti OR 'end points':ab,​ti OR endpoint*:ab,​ti OR ((reference* OR normal*) NEAR/3 (range* OR standard* OR system* OR value*)):ab,​ti OR Normotensive*:ab,​ti OR 'reference value'/de OR 'standard'/de OR 'evaluation study'/exp #4 OR #5 OR #6 OR #7 OR #8 'preventive health service'/exp OR 'school health service'/de ((behavior* OR behavior* OR wt) NEAR/3 (chang* OR factor* OR modif* OR reduc*)):ab,ti​ OR 'behavior therapy'/exp OR 'wt change'/de OR 'lifestyle'/de OR 'lifestyle modification'/de OR 'sedentary lifestyle'/de OR sedentary:ab,​ ​ti OR meditation:​ab,​ti OR 'health behavior'/exp OR 'meditation'/de ‘Dietary Approaches to Stop HTN’:ab,ti​ OR diet*:ab,​ti OR Nutrition*:ab,​ti OR ((sodium OR salt*) NEAR/3 (intake OR low* OR sensitiv* OR restrict*)):ab,ti​ OR 'dietary intake'/exp OR Fruit*:ab,ti​ OR Vegetable*:ab,​ti OR Vitamin*:ab,​ti OR 'diet'/exp OR 'diet therapy'/exp OR 'feeding behavior'/exp OR 'vitamin'/exp OR 'vitamin D deficiency'/de OR (performance-enhancing NEAR/3 (drug* OR substance* OR supplement*)):ab,ti​ OR 'performance enhancing substance'/exp Exercis*:ab,​ti OR 'exercise'/exp OR 'kinesiotherapy'/exp OR 'physical activity'/exp 'body wt management'/exp 'alternative medicine'/exp #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 mostly nonpharmacologic interventions ‘ACE inhibitor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ACE inhibitors’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ACEI’:ab,​ti OR 'acetylsalicylic acid':ab,​ti OR 'acetylsalicylic acids':ab,ti​ OR ‘angiotensin-converting enzyme-2’:ab,​ ti OR ‘Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic α-Antagonist’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic α-Antagonists’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic α-Blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic α-Blockers’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic α-Receptor Blockader’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic α-Receptor Blockaders’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic β Antagonist’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic β Antagonists’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic β-Blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic β-Blockers’:ab,​ ti OR ‘Adrenergic β-Receptor Blockader’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Adrenergic β-Receptor Blockaders’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α-Adrenergic Blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α-Adrenergic Blockers’:ab,​ ti OR ‘α-Adrenergic Blocking Agent’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α-Adrenergic Blocking Agents’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α Adrenergic Receptor Blockader’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α Adrenergic Receptor Blockaders’:ab,ti​ OR ‘adrenergic receptor blocking agent’:ab,ti​ OR ‘adrenergic receptor blocking agents’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α-Blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘α-Blockers’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin Receptor Antagonist’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin Receptor Antagonists’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin receptor blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin receptor blockers’:ab,ti​ OR Anti-hypertensive:​ ab,​ ti​ OR Antihypertensiv*:ab,ti​ OR ‘Anti-Obesity’:ab,​ti OR Aspirin*:ab,​ti OR ‘β blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β blockers’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β-Adrenergic Blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β-Adrenergic Blockers’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β Adrenergic Receptor Blockader’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β Adrenergic Receptor Blockaders’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonist’ OR ‘Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonists’ OR ‘Calcium Channel Blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Calcium Channel Blockers’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcium channel blocking agent’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcium channel blocking agents’:ab,ti​ OR ‘loop diuretic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘loop diuretics’:ab,​ ti OR ‘renin inhibitor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘renin inhibitors’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Type 1 Angiotensin Receptor Blocker’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Type 1 Angiotensin Receptor Blockers’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin 2 Type 1 Receptor Antagonist’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Angiotensin 2 Type 1 Receptor Antagonists’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Selective Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist’:ab,​ ti OR ‘Selective Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists’:ab,ti​ OR vasodilatant*:ab,​ti OR vasodilator*:ab,​ti OR (vasodilat* NEAR/3 (agent* OR drug* OR substance*)):ab,ti​ OR ‘Sartans’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiazide diuretic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiazide diuretics’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Benzothiadiazine Diuretic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Benzothiadiazine Diuretics’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiazide Sensitive NaCl Cotransporter Inhibitor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiazide Sensitive NaCl Cotransporter Inhibitors’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Potassium Depleting Diuretic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Potassium Depleting Diuretics’:ab,ti​ OR ((drug* OR medic* OR pharmac* OR ambulatory) NEAR/3 (therap* OR treatment*)):ab,ti​ OR 'acetylsalicylic acid'/de OR 'α adrenergic receptor blocking agent'/exp OR 'β adrenergic receptor blocking agent'/exp OR ‘dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase inhibitor'/exp OR 'angiotensin 1 receptor antagonist'/de OR 'angiotensin receptor antagonist'/exp OR 'calcium channel blocking agent'/exp OR 'diuretic agent'/exp OR 'vasodilator agent'/exp OR 'antihypertensive agent'/exp OR 'antiobesity agent'/de OR ‘antihypertensive therapy'/de OR 'drug combination'/de OR 'thiazide diuretic agent'/exp mostly drug classes and drug therapies 'amiloride'/de OR 'amiloride':ab,ti​ OR Amiduret:​ab,​ti OR Amiloberag:​ab,​ti OR Midoride:​ab,​ti OR Kaluril:​ab,​ti OR Midamor:​ab,​ti OR Modamide:​ab,​ti OR Amidal:​ab,​ti 'amlodipine'/de OR Amlodipine:ab,​ ​ti OR Amlodis:​ab,​ti OR Astudal:​ab,​ti OR Norvasc:​ab,​ti OR Amlor:​ab,​ti OR Istin:​ab,​ti OR amloc:​ab,​ti OR amlopin:​ab,​ti OR levamlodipine:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘uk 48340’:ab,ti​ OR uk48340:ab,​ ti​ 'atenolol'/de OR Atenolol:ab,​ ti​ OR Tenormin*:ab,ti​ OR ICI-66082:​ ab,​ ti​ OR ICI66082:ab,​ ti​ 'benazepril'/de OR benazapril:ab,​ ti​ OR benzazepril:ab,​ ti​ OR Labopal:ab,​ ti​ OR Lotensin:ab,​ ti​ OR Cibacen*:ab,ti​ OR Briem:ab,​ ti​ OR CGS-14824-​ A:​ ab,​ ti​ OR CGS-14824A:​ ​ ab,ti​ OR ‘benace’:ab,ti​ OR ‘boncordin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘brien’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cgs 148241’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cgs 14824a’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cgs148241’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cgs14824a’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cibace’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cibacene’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fortekor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘zinadril’:ab,ti​ Bisoprolol/de OR Bisoprolol:ab,​ ti​ OR CL-297939:​ ab,​ ti​ OR CL297939:ab,​ ti​ OR Concor:ab,​ ti​ OR EMD-33512:​ ab,​ ti​ OR EMD-33512:​ ab,​ ti​ OR EMD33512:ab,​ ti​ 'calcineurin inhibitor'/de OR ‘Calcineurin Inhibitor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘Calcineurin Inhibitors’:ab,ti​

PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 3, September 2018 17 TABLE 20 Continued 'candesartan hexetil'/de OR 'candesartan hexetil':ab,​ti OR ‘Candesartan cilexetil’:ab,ti​ 'captopril'/de OR Captopril:ab,​ ti​ OR Lopirin:ab,​ ti​ OR Capoten:ab,​ ti​ 'chlortalidone'/de OR 'chlortalidone':ab,​ti OR Chlortalidone:​ab,​ti OR Phthalamudine:ab,​ ​ti OR Chlorphthalidolon​e:​ab,​ti OR Oxodoline:​ab,​ti OR Hygroton:​ab,​ti OR Thalitone:ab,​ ti​ 'clonidine'/de OR Clonidine:ab,​ ​ti OR Klofenil:​ab,​ti OR Clofenil:​ab,​ti OR Chlophazolin:ab,​ ​ti OR Gemiton:​ab,​ti OR Hemiton:​ab,​ti OR Isoglaucon:​ab,​ti OR Klofelin:​ab,​ti OR Clopheline:ab,​ ti​ OR Clofelin:ab,​ ti​ OR Catapres*:ab,ti​ OR Dixarit:ab,​ ti​ 'doxazosin'/exp OR Doxazosin:ab,​ ​ti OR Uriduct:​ab,​ti OR Alfamedin:​ab,​ti OR Cardura*:ab,​ti OR Zoxan:​ab,​ti OR Cardular:​ab,​ti OR Doxazomerck:ab,​ ​ti ‘enalapril'/de OR Enalapril:ab,​ ti​ OR Renitec:ab,​ ti​ OR Renitek:ab,​ ti​ OR MK-421:​ ab,​ ti​ OR MK421:ab,​ ti​ OR amprace:ab,​ ti​ OR ednyt:ab,​ ti​ OR naprilene:ab,​ ti​ 'eplerenone'/de OR Eplerenone:ab,​ ti​ OR Eplerenon:ab,​ ti​ OR Inspra:ab,​ ti​ OR epoxymexrenone:ab,​ ti​ OR mexrenone:ab,​ ti​ 'esmolol'/de OR Esmolol:ab,​ ti​ OR Brevibloc:ab,​ ti​ OR miniblock:ab,​ ti​ OR ASL-8052:​ ab,​ ti​ 'ezetimibe'/de OR Ezetimibe:ab,​ ​ti OR liptruzet:​ab,​ti OR ezetib:​ab,​ti OR ‘ezetrol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sch 58235’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sch58235’:ab,ti​ OR ‘viemm’:ab,ti​ OR ‘zetia’:ab,ti​ OR ‘zient’:ab,ti​ 'felodipine'/de OR Felodipine:ab,​ ti​ OR Felodipin:ab,​ ti​ OR Felo-Puren:​ ab,​ ti​ OR Felobeta:ab,​ ti​ OR Felocor:ab,​ ti​ OR Felodur:ab,​ ti​ OR Felogamma:ab,​ ti​ OR Fensel:ab,​ ti​ OR Plendil:ab,​ ti​ OR Flodil:ab,​ ti​ OR Renedil:ab,​ ti​ OR Munobal:ab,​ ti​ 'fosinopril'/de OR Fosinopril:ab,​ ​ti OR ‘acenor-m’:ab,ti​ OR bpnorm:ab,​ ti​ OR dynacil:ab,​ ti​ OR Fosenopril:ab,​ ti​ OR Fosinil:ab,​ ti​ OR fosinorm:ab,​ ti​ OR fosinonorm:ab,​ ​ ti OR fosipres:​ab,​ti OR Fositen*:ab,​ti OR fovas:​ab,​ti OR Tensocardil:ab,​ ​ti OR Fozitec:​ab,​ti OR Hiperlex:​ab,​ti OR Monopril:​ab,​ti OR sapril:​ab,​ti OR Staril:​ab,​ti OR Newace:ab,​ ti​ OR Dynacil:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘SQ-28555’:ab,ti​ OR SQ28555:ab,​ ti​ OR vasopril:ab,​ ti​ 'furosemide'/de OR Furosemide:ab,​ ​ti OR Frusemid*:ab,ti​ OR Fursemide:​ab,​ti OR Fusid:​ab,​ti OR Errolon:​ab,​ti OR Furanthril:​ab,​ti OR Furantral:​ab,​ti hydralazine/de OR Hydralazine:ab,​ ​ti OR Hydrallazin*:ab,ti​ OR Hydrazinophthalazine:​ ​ab,​ti OR Apressin:ab,​ ​ti OR Nepresol:ab,​ ​ti OR Apressoline:​ab,​ti OR Apresoline:​ ab,ti​ OR alazine:ab,​ ti​ OR alphapress:ab,​ ti​ OR apdormin:ab,​ ti​ OR apresolin:ab,​ ti​ OR apresolina:ab,​ ti​ OR aprezin:ab,​ ti​ OR clorana:ab,​ ti​ OR deselazin:ab,​ ti​ OR dralzine:ab,​ ti​ OR hidral:ab,​ ti​ OR hydralacin:ab,​ ti​ OR hydrapres:ab,​ ti​ OR hydrazaline:ab,​ ti​ OR hydrazinophtalazine:​ ab,​ ti​ OR hydrazinophtalizine:​ ab,​ ti​ OR hydrazinophthalazine:​ ab,​ ti​ OR hydrolazine:ab,​ ti​ OR hypatol:ab,​ ti​ OR hyperphen:ab,​ ti​ OR hypoftalin:ab,​ ti​ OR hypophthalin:ab,​ ti​ OR idralazina:ab,​ ti​ OR lopress:​ ab,ti​ OR nonpolin:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘novo-hylazin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘plethorit c’:ab,ti​ OR ‘praeparat 5968’:ab,ti​ OR resporidin:ab,​ ti​ OR solesorin:ab,​ ti​ OR tetrasoline:ab,​ ti​ OR travinon:ab,​ ti​ 'hydrochlorothiazide'/de OR Hydrochlorothiazide:​ ab,​ ti​ OR Dihydrochlorothiazide:​ ab,​ ti​ OR HCTZ:ab,​ ti​ OR Dichlothiazide:ab,​ ti​ OR HydroDIURIL:ab,​ ti​ OR Oretic:ab,​ ​ ti OR Sectrazide:​ab,​ti OR Esidrix:​ab,​ti OR Esidrex:​ab,​ti OR Hypothiazide:​ab,​ti OR ‘apo-hydro’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aquarius’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aquazide h’:ab,ti​ OR ‘behyd ra’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bisalunil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bpzide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bremil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘chlorosulthiadil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘chlorsulfonamidodihydrobenzothiadiazine dioxide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cidrex’:ab,​ ti OR ‘clothia’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dehydratin neo’:ab,ti​ OR ‘di-ertride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘di-eudrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diaqua’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dichlorosal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dichlotride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dichlotride k’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dichlozid’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diclotride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘didralin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dihydrodiuril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘direma’:ab,ti​ OR ‘disalunil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘disaluril’:ab,​ ti OR ‘disothiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dithiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diu melusin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diu-melusin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diumelusin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diurace’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diuret-p’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diurex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fluvin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘h.c.t.’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hidrenox’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hidril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hidroronol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hidrosaluretil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hudorex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hychlozide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrex-semi’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro aquil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro chlorothiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro diuril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro saluric’:ab,​ ti OR ‘hydro saluric k’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro t’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro tonuron’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro z 50’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydro-d’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydroaquil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochloro thiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlorothiamide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlorothiazid’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlorothiazide intensol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlorothiazine’:ab,​ ti OR ‘hydrochlorthiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlorzide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrochlothiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydromal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydroronol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrosaluric’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrosaluric k’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrothide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrozide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrozide 50’:ab,ti​ OR hypothiazid:ab,​ ti​ ‘hypothiazide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ivaugan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘maschitt’:ab,ti​ OR ‘microzide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mictrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nefrix’:ab,ti​ OR ‘neo codema’:ab,ti​ OR ‘neo flumen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘neoflumen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘newtolide’:ab,​ ti OR ‘niagar’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pantemon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ridaq’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tandiur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiadril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiaretic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiuretic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘urodiazin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘urodiazine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘urozide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vetidrex’:ab,ti​ Irbesartan/de OR Irbesartan:ab,​ ti​ OR SR-47436:​ ab,​ ti​ OR sr47436:ab,​ ti​ OR BMS-186295:​ ab,​ ti​ OR bms186295:ab,​ ti​ OR Avapro:ab,​ ti​ OR Karvea:ab,​ ti​ OR Aprovel:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘approvel’:ab,ti​ OR ‘arbez lr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ifirmasta’:ab,ti​ OR ‘irban’:ab,ti​ OR ‘irbesartan hydrochloride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘irbesartan krka’:ab,ti​ OR ‘irbetan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘iretensa’:ab,ti​ OR ‘irovel’:ab,ti​ OR ‘irvell’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sabervel’:ab,ti​ Isradipine/de OR Isradipine:ab,​ ​ti OR Lomir:​ab,​ti OR Dynacirc:ab,​ ​ti OR icaz:​ab,​ti OR ‘isrodipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pk 200110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn 200 110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn 200-110’:ab,​ ti OR ‘pn 200110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn 200110 n’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn 205033’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn 205034’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn200 110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn200-110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pn200110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prescal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sdz 200 110’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vascal’:ab,ti​ Labetalol/de OR Labetalol:ab,​ ti​ OR Labetolol:ab,​ ti​ OR Albetol:ab,​ ti​ OR Trandate:ab,​ ti​ OR Normodyne:ab,​ ti​ OR Presolol:ab,​ ti​ OR SCH-19927:​ ab,​ ti​ OR SCH19927:ab,​ ti​ OR AH-5158:​ ab,​ ti​ OR AH5158:ab,​ ti​ OR Dilevalol:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘abetol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ah 5158a’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ah5158a’:ab,ti​ OR ‘amipress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘biascor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hybloc’:ab,​ ti OR ‘ibidomide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ipolab’:ab,ti​ OR ‘labelol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘labesine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lamitol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘liondox’:ab,ti​ OR ‘normodyne’:ab,ti​ OR ‘presdate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pressalolo’:ab,ti​ OR ‘salmagne’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sch 15719w’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sch15719w’:ab,ti​ Lisinopril/de OR Lisinopril:ab,​ ti​ OR Lysinopril:ab,​ ti​ OR Prinivil:ab,​ ti​ OR Zestri:ab,​ ti​ OR zestril:ab,​ ti​ OR MK-521:​ ab,​ ti​ OR ‘acerbon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alapril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alfaken’:ab,ti​ OR ‘carace’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cipril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘coric’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dapril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fibsol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ici 209000’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ici pharma 209000’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ici209000’:ab,ti​ OR ‘inopril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘linopril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘linvas’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lipril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisi abz’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisibeta’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisigamma’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisihexal’:ab,​ ti OR ‘lisipril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisodur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisopress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisopril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lisoril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lispril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘listril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mk 0521’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mk 522’:ab,​ ti OR ‘mk0521’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mk521’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mk522’:ab,ti​ OR ‘n (1 carboxy 3 phenylpropyl) lysylproline’:ab,ti​ OR ‘n2 (1 carboxy 3 phenylpropyl) lysylproline’:ab,​ ti OR ‘noperten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘novatec’:ab,ti​ OR ‘presiten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prinil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sinopril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tensopril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tensyn’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vivatec’:ab,ti​ OR ‘zestomax’:ab,ti​ OR ‘zestril’:ab,ti​ Losartan/de OR Losartan:ab,​ ti​ OR Cozaar:ab,​ ti​ OR DuP-753:​ ab,​ ti​ OR DuP753:ab,​ ti​ OR MK-954:​ ab,​ ti​ OR MK954:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘ex 89’:ab,ti​ OR ex89:ab,​ ti​


TABLE 20 Continued Metformin/de OR Metformin:ab,​ ​ti OR ‘apophage’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aron’:ab,ti​ OR ‘benofomin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dabex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘denkaform’:ab,ti​ OR ‘deson’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dextin’:ab,​ ti OR ‘diabetase’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diabetase s’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diabetformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diabetmin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diabetmin retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diabetosan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diabex’:ab,​ ti OR ‘diafat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diaformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diaformina’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diaformina lp’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diametin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diamin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diformin retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dimefor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dimethylbiguanide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dimethyldiguanide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dmgg’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dybis’:ab,ti​ OR ‘eraphage’:ab,ti​ OR ‘espa- formin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘euform retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fluamine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘flumamine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fornidd’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fortamet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glafornil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glibudon’:ab,​ ti OR ‘glifage’:ab,ti​ OR ‘gliguanid’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucaminol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucofage’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucofago’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucoform’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucoformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucohexal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucoless’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucomet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucomin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucomine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘gluconil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage forte’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage sr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage xr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage xr extended release’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucophage- mite’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glucotika’:ab,ti​ OR ‘gludepatic’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glufor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘gluformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glumeformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glumet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glumetza’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glupa’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glustress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glyciphage’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glycomet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glycon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glycoran’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glyformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘glymet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘haurymellin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hipoglucin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘i-max’:ab,ti​ OR ‘islotin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘juformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘la 6023’:ab,ti​ OR ‘la6023’:ab,ti​ OR ‘maformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘meglucon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘meguan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘melbin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘melformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mellittin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mescorit’:ab,ti​ OR ‘metaformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘metfogamma’:ab,​ ti OR ‘metforal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘metformine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methformin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘metiguanide’:ab,ti​ OR ‘metomin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘metphormin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘miformin’:ab,​ ti OR ‘neoform’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nndg’:ab,ti​ OR ‘reglus-500’:ab,ti​ OR ‘riomet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘siamformet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘siofor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘thiabet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vimetrol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘walaphage’:ab,ti​ Methylphenidate/de OR Methylphenidate:ab,​ ​ti OR Metadate:​ab,​ti OR Equasym:​ab,​ti OR Methylin:​ab,​ti OR Concerta:​ab,​ti OR Phenidylate:​ab,​ti OR Ritalin*:ab,​ ti OR Tsentedrin:ab,​ ​ti OR Centedrin:​ab,​ti OR Daytrana:ab,​ ​ti OR ‘attenta’:ab,ti​ OR ‘c 4311-b’:ab,ti​ OR ‘c4311-b’:ab,ti​ OR ‘c4311b’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quasym’:ab,​ ti OR ‘medikinet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methyl phenidate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methylfenidate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methylphenidylacetate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methylphenindate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methylphenydate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘methypatch’:ab,ti​ OR ‘penid’:ab,ti​ OR ‘phenidyl hydrochloride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quillivant’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quillivant xr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ritaphen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘rubifen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sr 20’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tranquilyn’:ab,ti​ Metoprolol/de OR Metoprolol:ab,​ ​ti OR Betaloc*:ab,​ti OR Betalok:​ab,​ti OR Spesicor:​ab,​ti OR Spesikor:​ab,​ti OR Lopressor:ab,​ ​ti OR Seloken:​ab,​ti OR CGP-​2175:​ab,​ti OR CGP2175:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘H 93-26’:ab,ti​ OR ‘H 9326’:ab,ti​ OR ‘beloc duriles’:ab,ti​ OR ‘belok zok’:ab,ti​ OR ‘h 93-26’:ab,ti​ Minoxidil/de OR Minoxi*:ab,ti​ OR Rogaine:​ab,​ti OR Regaine:​ab,​ti OR Loniten:​ab,​ti OR ‘alopexy’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alopexyl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alostil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘apo-gain’:ab,ti​ OR ‘crecisan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘growell’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hair-treat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hair-treat forte’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hairgaine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hairgrow’:ab,ti​ OR ‘headway’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ hebald’:ab,​ ti OR ‘kapodin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘kenacin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘locemix’:ab,ti​ OR ‘locion epc’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lonnoten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lonolox’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lonoten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘manoxidil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minodyl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minona’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minotricon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minoxyl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘moxidil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘multigain’:ab,ti​ OR ‘neocapil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘neoxidil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nuhair’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prexidil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘regroe’:ab,ti​ OR ‘regrou’:ab,ti​ OR ‘regrowth’:ab,ti​ OR ‘rehair’:ab,ti​ OR ‘theroxidil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tiazolin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ylox’:ab,ti​ Nifedipine/de OR Nifedipine:ab,​ ​ti OR Cordipin*:ab,​ti OR Corinfar:​ab,​ti OR Korinfar:​ab,​ti OR Nifangin:​ab,​ti OR Procardia:​ab,​ti OR Vascard:​ab,​ti OR Adalat*:ab,​ ti OR Fenigidin:ab,​ ​ti OR ‘adefin xl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘adipine xl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘afeditab’:ab,ti​ OR ‘afeditab cr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aldipin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alonix-s’:ab,ti​ OR ‘angibloc’:ab,​ ti OR ‘angipec’:ab,ti​ OR ‘antiblut’:ab,ti​ OR ‘apo-nifed’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aponifed’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aprical’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aprical retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘atanaal softcap’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bay 1040’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bay a 1040’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bay a1040’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bay1040’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcheck’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcibloc’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcibloc od’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcigard’:ab,​ ti OR ‘calcigard retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calcilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘calgina’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cardifen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cardilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cardionorm’:ab,ti​ OR ‘chronadalat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘chronadalate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘chronadalate lp’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cipilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘citilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘coracten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cordafen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cordaflex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cordalat’:ab,​ ti OR ‘cordicant’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cordipen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘coronpin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘corotrend’:ab,ti​ OR ‘denkifed’:ab,ti​ OR ‘depin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dignokonstant’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dilafed’:ab,​ ti OR ‘dipinkor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘duranifin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ecodipin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘emaberin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fedcor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fedipin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fedipine 24 cr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘fenamon’:ab,​ ti OR ‘glopir’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hadipine s.r.’:ab,ti​ OR ‘herlat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hexadilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘infedipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘jutadilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘kemolat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘megalat’:ab,​ ti OR ‘mifedipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘moderat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘myogard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nadipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nedipin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nefedipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nelapine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nelapine retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifar’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifdemin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifebene’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifecard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifecor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedepat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedicor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedicor gocce’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedilat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedin sc’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedipat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedipres’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifedirex lp’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifehexal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifelat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifelat-q’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifensar’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifensar retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifepidine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifestad’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifical’:ab,​ ti OR ‘nificard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifidine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nifipen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nipin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘normadil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘novo nifedin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘novonifedin’:ab,​ ti OR ‘nyefax’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nyefax retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nypine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘odipin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘orix’:ab,ti​ OR ‘osmo-adalat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘phenygidine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pidilat’:ab,​ ti OR ‘pidilat retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ronian’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sepamit’:ab,ti​ OR ‘slofedipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tibricol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘unidipine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vasdalat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vasdalat retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘zenusin’:ab,ti​ Olmesartan/de OR Olmesartan:​ab,​ti OR omesartan:​ab,​ti OR ‘RNH 6270’:ab,ti​ OR CS-088:​ ab,​ ti​ OR ‘alteis’:ab,ti​ OR ‘benevas’:ab,ti​ OR ‘benicar’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cs 866’:ab,​ ti OR ‘cs866’:ab,ti​ OR ‘olmec’:ab,ti​ OR ‘olmetec’:ab,ti​ OR ‘rnh6270’:ab,ti​ OR ‘votum’:ab,ti​ Prazosin/de OR Prazosin*:ab,ti​ OR Furazosin OR Pratsiol:​ab,​ti OR ‘adversuten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alpress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘atodel’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cp 12299 1’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cp12299 1’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cp122991’:ab,ti​ OR ‘decliten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘deprazolin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘duramipress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘eurex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hexapress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hypotens’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hypovase’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hyprosin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lentopres’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minesin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minipres’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minipres retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minipres sr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minipress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minipress sr’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minipress xl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘minison’:ab,ti​ OR ‘mizosin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘patsolin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘peripress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prasig’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prasozin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pratisol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prazac’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prazopress’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diffutab’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pressin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prozosin’:ab,ti​

PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 3, September 2018 19 TABLE 20 Continued Propanolol/de OR Propanolol:ab,​ ​ti OR Inderal*:ab,​ti OR Avlocardyl:​ab,​ti OR AY-​20694:​ab,​ti OR AY20694:​ab,​ti OR Rexigen:​ab,​ti OR Dexpropranolol:​ab,​ti OR Dociton*:ab,​ti OR Obsidan:ab,​ ​ti OR Obzidan:​ab,​ti OR Anaprilin*:ab,​ti OR Betadren:​ab,​ti OR ‘acifol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘adrexan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alperol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘anapryline’:ab,​ ti OR ‘angilol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘angilol la’:ab,ti​ OR ‘apo-propranolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘apsolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘arcablock’:ab,ti​ OR ‘arcablock retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘artensol’:ab,​ ti OR ‘authus’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ay 64043’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ay64043’:ab,ti​ OR ‘becardin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bedranol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘beprane’:ab,ti​ OR ‘bercolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘berkolol’:ab,​ ti OR ‘β neg’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β tablinen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β tablinen retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β timelets’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β-timelets’:ab,ti​ OR ‘betabloc’:ab,ti​ OR ‘betadipresan’:ab,​ ti OR ‘betaneg’:ab,ti​ OR ‘betaprol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘betares’:ab,ti​ OR ‘betaryl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘blocard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘blocaryl’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cardinol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘cardinol la’:ab,​ ti OR ‘ciplar’:ab,ti​ OR ‘corbeta’:ab,ti​ OR ‘deralin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dextrolevo propranolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dibudinate’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dideral’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dL propanolol hydrochloride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dL propranolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘durabeton’:ab,ti​ OR ‘duranol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘efektolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘efektolol retard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘elbrol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘emforal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘farmadral’:ab,ti​ OR ‘farprolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘frekven’:ab,ti​ OR ‘frina’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hemangeol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hemangiol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hopranolol’:ab,​ ti OR ‘ici 45520’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ikopal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘impral’:ab,ti​ OR ‘inderex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘indicardin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘indobloc’:ab,ti​ OR ‘innopran’:ab,ti​ OR ‘innopran xl’:ab,​ ti OR ‘inpanol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ipran’:ab,ti​ OR ‘l propranolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘lederpronol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘levo propranolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘levopropranolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘napriline’:ab,ti​ OR ‘noloten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nsc 91523’:ab,ti​ OR ‘obsin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘oposim’:ab,ti​ OR ‘phanerol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prandol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prano puren’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pranopuren’:ab,​ ti OR ‘prestoral’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prolol plus’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pronovan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propabloc’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propalong’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propanolol hydrochloride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propayerst’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propercuten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prophylux’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propra ratiopharm’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propral’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propranolol hydrochloride’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propranolol hydrochloride intensol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propranolol isomer’:ab,ti​ OR ‘propranur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘proprasylyt’:ab,ti​ OR ‘proprasylyte’:ab,ti​ OR ‘reducor’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sagittol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘slow deralin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘stapranolol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sumial’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tenomal’:ab,ti​ OR ‘tensiflex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘waucoton’:ab,ti​ Quinapril/de OR Quinapril:ab,​ ti​ OR Accupril:ab,​ ti​ OR CI-906:​ ab,​ ti​ OR ‘accuprin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘accupro’:ab,ti​ OR ‘accupron’:ab,ti​ OR ‘acequin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘acuitel’:ab,​ ti OR ‘acuprel’:ab,ti​ OR ‘acupril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘asig’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ci906’:ab,ti​ OR ‘conan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘korec’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pd 109452 2’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pd 109452-2’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pd 1094522’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pd109452 2’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pd109452-2’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pd1094522’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quinalapril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quinaten’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quinazil’:ab,ti​ OR ‘quinipril’:ab,ti​ Spironolactone/de OR Spironolacton*:ab,​ti OR Veroshpiron*:ab,​ti OR Spiractin:​ab,​ti OR Spirobeta:​ab,​ti OR Spirogamma:​ab,​ti OR Spirolang:​ab,​ti OR Spirono*:ab,​ ti OR Spirospare:​ab,​ti OR Verospiron*:ab,​ti OR Aldactone:​ab,​ti OR Aquareduct:​ab,​ti OR Duraspiron:​ab,​ti OR Espironolactona:​ab,​ti OR Flumach:​ab,​ti OR Frumikal:ab,​ ti​ OR Jenaspiron:ab,​ ti​ OR Novo-Spiroton:​ ab,​ ti​ OR NovoSpiroton:ab,​ ti​ OR Practon:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘abbolactone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘acelat’:ab,ti​ OR ‘adultmin’:ab,​ ti OR ‘alaton’:ab,ti​ OR ‘alatone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aldace’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aldopur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘aldospirone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘almatol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘berlactone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘β aldopur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘crl 635’:ab,ti​ OR ‘crl635’:ab,ti​ OR ‘diram’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dyta urese’:ab,ti​ OR ‘dytaurese’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hypazon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘idrolattone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘merabis’:ab,ti​ OR ‘osiren’:ab,ti​ OR ‘osyrol’:ab,ti​ OR ‘osyrol 50 100’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pirolacton’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pondactone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘prilactone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘resacton’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sas 1060’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sas1060’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sc 9420’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sc9420’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spiridon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spirix’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spiroctan’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spiroctan m’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spirolacton’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spirolactone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spiron’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spirone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spironex’:ab,ti​ OR ‘ spirothiobarbiturate 03620’:ab,ti​ OR ‘spirotone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘supra puren’:ab,ti​ OR ‘suprapuren’:ab,ti​ OR ‘uractone’:ab,ti​ OR ‘xenalon’:ab,ti​ OR ‘xenalon lactabs’:ab,ti​ OR ‘youlactone’:ab,ti​ Terazosin/de OR Terazosin:ab,​ ​ti OR Adecur:​ab,​ti OR Apo-​Terazosin:​ab,​ti OR Dysalfa:​ab,​ti OR Hytrin*:ab,​ti OR Deflox:​ab,​ti OR Heitrin:​ab,​ti OR Flotrin:​ab,​ti OR Magnurol:ab,​ ti​ OR Novo-Terazosin:​ ab,​ ti​ OR ν-Terazosin:ab,​ ti​ OR PMS-Terazosin:​ ab,​ ti​ OR Sutif:ab,​ ti​ OR Tazusin:ab,​ ti​ OR Zayasel:ab,​ ti​ OR ‘abbott 45975’:ab,​ ti OR ‘conmy’:ab,ti​ OR ‘deflox’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hitrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hydrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘hytracin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘itrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘kinzosin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘olyster’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sinalfa’:ab,​ ti OR ‘teradrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘teralfa’:ab,ti​ OR ‘terapam’:ab,ti​ OR ‘terasin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘uro hytrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘uro-hytrin’:ab,ti​ OR ‘urodie’:ab,ti​ OR ‘uroflo’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vasocard’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vasomet’:ab,ti​ OR ‘vicard’:ab,ti​ Triamterene/de OR Triamterene:​ab,​ti OR Urocaudal:​ab,​ti OR Dyren*:ab,​ti OR Dytac:​ab,​ti OR Ademin*:ab,​ti OR ‘iatropur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘jatropur’:ab,ti​ OR ‘noridyl’:ab,​ ti OR ‘nsc 77625’:ab,ti​ OR ‘nsc77625’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pterofen’:ab,ti​ OR ‘pterophene’:ab,ti​ OR ‘sk and f 8542’:ab,ti​ OR ‘skf 8542’:ab,ti​ OR ‘skf8542’:ab,ti​ OR ‘teriam’:ab,ti​ OR ‘triampterene’:ab,ti​ OR ‘triamterence’:ab,ti​ OR ‘triamterens’:ab,ti​ OR ‘triamteril’:ab,ti​ OR ‘triamterine’:ab,ti​ OR ‘triteren’:ab,ti​ OR ‘uretren’:ab,ti​ #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25 OR #26 OR #27 OR #28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35 OR #36 OR #37 OR #38 OR #39 OR #40 OR #41 OR #42 OR #43 OR #44 OR #45 OR #46 OR #47 OR #48 OR #49 OR #50 OR #51 OR #52 OR #53 OR #54 individual drug interventions #16 OR #17 OR #55 All Interventions combined #3 AND #9 AND #56 BP of hypertensive children + behavioral & pharmacologic interventions


SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 21 Search Terms Identification Search Hits #1 MeSH descriptor: [HTN, Renal] explode all trees 265 #2 MeSH descriptor: [HTN] this term only 13 959 #3 (HTN or “high BP” or “elevated BP” or hypertensive or HBP or HTN or preHTN or “pre-HTN”):ti,ab,​ ​kw in Trials (Word variations 35 345 have been searched) #4 #1 or #2 or #3 36 266 #5 (child* or pediatric* or pediatric* or infant* or neonate* or newborn* or toddler* or preschool* or pre-school* or school* or 250 443 adolescen* or teen* or juvenile* or “young adult*”) #6 MeSH descriptor: [Child] explode all trees 204 #7 MeSH descriptor: [Infant] explode all trees 13 442 #8 MeSH descriptor: [Adolescent] explode all trees 77 754 #9 #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 250 443 #10 MeSH descriptor: [Carotid Intima-Media Thickness] explode all trees 87 #11 “carotid intima-media thickness” or CIMT or “carotid intimal medial thickness” or “carotid IMT” or “aorta thickness” or “aorta 1728 wall thickness” or “aortic thickness” or “aortic wall thickness” or “arterial thickness” or “artery thickness” or “artery wall thickness” or “carotid intima media thickness” or “carotid intimamedia thickness” or “intima-media thickness” or “intimal medial thickness” or “intimamedia thickness” or “Bogalusa Heart Study” #12 MeSH descriptor: [Dilatation, Pathologic] explode all trees 124 #13 ‘flow-mediated dilation’ or FMD or dilatation or vasodilation or vasodilatation 7697 #14 #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 9274 #15 MeSH descriptor: [Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular] explode all trees 756 #16 ((“left ventricular” or “left ventricle” or “left ventricles” or LV or “heart ventricular” or “heart ventricle”) near/3 (enlarge* 4888 or geometr* or hypertroph* or mass* or diastol* or structur* or systol*)) or LVH or LVM or LVMI or “heart left ventricle hypertrophy” #17 #14 or #15 or #16 13 768 #18 MeSH descriptor: [Neovascularization, Pathologic] this term only 267 #19 MeSH descriptor: [Neovascularization, Physiologic] explode all trees 133 #20 MeSH descriptor: [Ventricular Remodeling] explode all trees 424 #21 MeSH descriptor: [Cardiovascular Diseases] explode all trees and with qualifier(s): [Physiopathology - PP] 17 275 #22 ((Arterial or cardiac or Cardiovascular or myocardial or vascular or ventric*) near/3 (impair* or change* or remodel*)) or 7083 Neovascularization or Vasculopath* #23 #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 23 207 #24 MeSH descriptor: [Sensitivity and Specificity] explode all trees 16 332 #25 end point or “end points” or endpoint* or ((reference* or normal*) near/3 (range* or standard* or system* or value*)) or 64 925 normotensive #26 MeSH descriptor: [Reference Standards] explode all trees 381 #27 MeSH descriptor: [Reference Values] explode all trees 8760 #28 MeSH descriptor: [Evaluation Studies] this term only 21 #29 MeSH descriptor: [Endpoint Determination] this term only 867 #30 #24 or #25 or #26 or #27 or #28 or #29 78 207 #31 #14 or #17 or #23 or #30 105 651 #32 #4 and #9 and #31 2166 #33 MeSH descriptor: [Preventive Health Services] explode all trees 23 405 #34 MeSH descriptor: [School Health Services] explode all trees 1038 #35 MeSH descriptor: [Behavior Therapy] this term only 3687 #36 Body Wt Changes or “Life Style” or “Health Behavior” or Meditation or “Sedentary Lifestyle” or “Risk Reduction Behavior” or 39 807 “Risk Factors” #37 DASH’ or ‘ or ‘Dietary Approaches to Stop HTN’ or ‘Diet’ or ‘diets’ or ‘dietar* or ‘dieting’ or ‘Nutrition*’ or ‘‘sodium intake’ 74 397 or ‘salt sensitive’ or ‘Sodium-Restricted Diet*’ or ‘Low-Sodium Diet*’ or Low-Salt Diet*’ or ‘Salt-Free Diet*’ or ‘Fruit* or Vegetable* or ‘Vitamin* or ‘Diet‘ or ‘Diet Therapy’ or ‘Diabetic Diet‘ or ‘‘Food Habits’ or ‘Vitamin D’ or ’Vitamin D Deficiency’ or ‘Vitamins’‘ or ‘Dietary Supplements’ or ‘Performance-Enhancing Substances’ #38 MeSH descriptor: [Exercise] explode all trees 14 404 #39 exercis*OR active or inactive or activit*OR 'Exercise Therapy' or 'Motor Activity' 8467 #40 MeSH descriptor: [Wt Loss] explode all trees 3743 #41 MeSH descriptor: [Complementary Therapies] explode all trees 14 659 #42 #33 or #34 or #35 or #36 or #37 or #38 or #39 or #40 or #41 151 846

PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 3, September 2018 21 TABLE 21 Continued Identification Search Hits #43 ‘ACE inhibitor*’ or ACEI or Acetylsalicylic Acid* or ‘angiotensin-converting enzyme-2*’ or ‘Angiotensin converting enzyme 330 964 inhibitor*’ or Adrenergic α-Antagonist*’ or Adrenergic α-Blocker* or Adrenergic α-Receptor Blockader* or Adrenergic β Antagonist* or Adrenergic β-Blocker* or Adrenergic β-Receptor Blockader* or α-Adrenergic Blocker* or α-Adrenergic Blocking Agent* or α Adrenergic Receptor Blockader* or adrenergic receptor blocking agent* or α-Blocker* or Angiotensin Receptor Antagonist* or Angiotensin receptor blocker* or Anti-hypertens* or Antihypertensive* or “Anti-Obesity” or Aspirin* or β blocker* or β-Adrenergic Blocker* or β Adrenergic Receptor Blockader* or Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonist* or Calcium Channel Blocker* or calcium channel blocking agent* or loop diuretic* or renin inhibitor* or Type 1 Angiotensin Receptor Blocker* or Angiotensin 2 Type 1 Receptor Antagonist* or Selective Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist* or Vasodilator agent* or vasodilatant* or vasodilatating agent* or vasodilating agent* or vasodilative agent* or vasodilator drug* or vasodilator substance* or vasodilator* or Sartans or thiazide diuretic* or Benzothiadiazine Diuretic* or thiazide Sensitive NaCl Cotransporter Inhibitor* or Potassium Depleting Diuretic* or drug therap* or medicinal therap* or medicinal treatment* or pharmaceutical therap* or pharmaceutical treatment* or pharmaco-therapy or pharmaco-therapies or pharmaco-treatment* or pharmacotherapy or pharmacotherapies or pharmacotreatment* or pharmacological therap* or drug treatment* or pharmacological treatment* #44 amiloride or amlodipine or Atenolol or Benazepril or Bisoprolol or “Calcineurin Inhibitors” or “Candesartan cilexetil” or 33 969 Captopril or Chlorthalidone or Clonidine or Doxazosin or Enalapril or Eplerenone or Esmolol or Ezetimibe or Felodipine or Fosinopril or Furosemide or Hydralazine or Hydrochlorothiazide or Irbesartan or Isradipine or Labetalol or Lisinopril or Losartan or Metformin or Methylphenidate or Metoprolol or Minoxidil or Nifedipine or Olmesartan or Prazosin or Propanolol or Quinapril or Spironolactone or Terazosin or Triamterene #45 #42 or #43 or #44 440 621 #46 #32 and #45 publication y from 2003 to 2015, in trials 993 HTN, hypertension; MeSH, medical subject heading.

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 22 For Boys Age Height Age_Ht 1 ta1 = 5.06 t1 = 107.8 tb1 = −15 2 ta2 = 10.79 t2 = 140 tb2 = 8.9 3 ta3 = 13.22 t3 = 154.5 tb3 = 50.375 4 ta4 = 14.51 t4 = 166.4 tb4 = 112.684 5 ta5 = 17.30 t5 = 179.1 tb5 = 250.040

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 23 For Girls Age Height Age_Ht 1 ta1 = 5 t1 = 106.7 tb1 = 6.701 2 ta2 = 10.70 t2 = 140.7 tb2 = 16.438 3 ta3 = 13.16 t3 = 154 tb3 = 46.8 4 ta4 = 14.51 t4 = 160.5 tb4 = 84.46 5 ta5 = 17.33 t5 = 168.9 tb5 = 203.608


SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 24 For Boys SBP 90th DBP 90th SBP 95th DBP 95th b_0 71.0728 13.6814 102.6662 10.9219 b_age_1 −0.5897 1.7899 −1.2263 1.7121 b_age_2 0.954 −2.0949 0.8589 −1.5447 b_age_3 −3.2255 11.8906 3.2534 6.0756 b_age_4 5.828 −20.3017 −15.7885 −5.588 b_ht_1 0.3275 0.3408 0.1576 0.3914 b_ht_2 −0.0005 −0.0062 0.0072 −0.0095 b_ht_3 0.0181 0.0239 −0.0076 0.0458 b_ht_4 −0.0707 −0.0268 −0.0516 −0.0634 b_age_ht_1 −0.02 −0.0499 −0.0325 −0.034 b_age_ht_2 0.1457 0.1898 0.0706 0.1515 b_age_ht_3 −0.2721 −0.2958 −0.1432 −0.2269 b_age_ht_4 0.1573 0.0953 0.1009 0.0567

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 25 For Girls SBP 90th DBP 90th SBP 95th DBP 95th b_0 92.4497 31.5473 117.6411 42.9427 b_age_1 −1.8508 −0.191 −2.0964 −0.2087 b_age_2 2.5523 0.8482 2.6981 1.2659 b_age_3 −13.6421 −4.995 −11.2572 −7.7504 b_age_4 26.226 5.5448 13.4182 8.4270 b_ht_1 0.2495 0.333 0.0991 0.2634 b_ht_2 0 −0.0093 0.0053 −0.0082 b_ht_3 0.0494 0.0772 0.0132 0.0706 b_ht_4 −0.305 −0.2338 −0.1836 −0.1836 b_age_ht_1 −0.0184 −0.0012 −0.0338 0.0138 b_age_ht_2 −0.1813 −0.3665 −0.4799 −0.4419 b_age_ht_3 0.2673 0.5893 0.719 0.6751 b_age_ht_4 −0.1041 −0.3214 −0.3037 −0.3217

SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 26 Step 4: Compute the Weights, Then the Single Value (eg, That Corresponds to SBP/DBP 90th/95th Percentile for This Specific Child on the Basis of Sex, Age, and Height) Formula for Terms Weighted Term 1 b_0 y_1 = age b_age_1 × y_1 y_2 (see below) b_age_2 × y_2 y_3 (see below) b_age_3 × y_3 y_4 (see below) b_age_4 × y_4 x_1 = height b_ht_1 × x_1 x_2 (see below) b_ht_2 × x_2 x_3 (see below) b_ht_3 × x_3 x_4 (see below) b_ht_4 × x_4 w_1 = age_ht b_age_ht_1 × w_1 w_2 (see below) b_age_ht_2 × w_2 w_3 (see below) b_age_ht_3 × w_3 w_4 (see below) b_age_ht_4 × w_4 TOTAL = the computed value Add the 13 numbers above

PEDIATRICS Volume 142, number 3, September 2018 23