John F Marszalek | 9780807126349 | | | | | The Petticoat Affair: Manners, Mutiny, and Sex in 's White House / Edition 1 Trivia About The Petticoat Aff As it The Petticoat Affair Manners in his account, Jackson and his foes were not so much debating what was improper for women to do as arguing whether Mrs. At times Marszalek suggests that Margaret Eaton's The Petticoat Affair Manners somehow symbolized all the uncertainties and anxieties engendered by the era's great political, economic, and social upheaval. However, it turned out to be a dry listing of the events with little to no commentary on them. Though his copious bibliography lists many manuscript sources, these have not been fully utilized for what they reveal of female agency in the affair. More than years No identities are negotiated or contested, no "categories of analysis" invoked. John F. The book is a good read. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Whether it makes its case convincingly is another matter. The renowned "Eaton Affair" of Andrew Jackson's first presidential term is one of the most fascinating episodes in American political history. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Calhoun were destroyed, and 's political star was in the ascendency. One recent interpretation that takes this tack is Kirsten E. President Jackson's involvement in such a public and nonpolitical topic is one rarely seen since in history. Politically, the chief beneficiary of the affair was Secretary of State Martin Van Buren a widower with no wife to contend with who sided with Jackson, paid calls on Mrs. In dramatic detail, John Marszalek recreates every step of this gripping plot, and of an era when even the most powerful politicians ceded to an honor code that could not be broken. Lists with This Book. But this perspective, strong as I thought it was, is not Marszalek's main thesis, and the rest of his book seemed weak and noncommittal in comparison. Eaton had done it. About the Author John F. John F. Get A Copy. What a character Margaret Eaton must have been! Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Branded a "loose woman" and snubbed by Washington society, Margaret lived a public life that was considered inappropriate for any woman: she was combative and outspoken, the daughter of a Washington innkeeper who socialized with her father's guests. On what motives did they act? Other Editions 6. Uh-oh, it looks like your Mutiny and Sex in Andrew Jacksons White House 1st edition Explorer is out of date. Marszalek's larger claim is that the role of women itself was at stake in the controversy--that Margaret Eaton became the focus for debate over the very "meaning The Petticoat Affair Manners womanhood. The Petticoat Affair: Manners, Mutiny, and Sex in Andrew Jackson's White House

The resulting imbroglio dragged on for two years. Mar 04, Mutiny and Sex in Andrew Jacksons White House 1st edition Burns rated it really liked it. Such a finding would reinforce recent scholarship suggesting partisan differences over sex roles, and in doing so would invest the Eaton affair with a profound significance indeed [1]. Nov 02, Brooke rated it liked it. President Andrew Jackson's first administration was a difficult one marked by such controversial topics as Indian removal, the rechartering of the Bank of the United States, a tariff crisis, and nullification. Showing Tiffany rated it liked it Jul 05, It was men who carried on the controversy in public, who gave the speeches, editorialized for the newspapers, and wrote the letters intended for publication. Peggy viewed the situation as being the result of envy and jealousy, but President Jackson felt it was a conspiracy aimed at casting judgment on his choice Cabinet officials and as an attempt to cripple his administration. Welcome back. But Marszalek does not show this to be so. This work may be copied for non-profit educational use if proper credit is given to the author and the list. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Marszalek tells his story straight, seamlessly melding meticulous research with a conversational style. The book is a good read. Those looking for a modern full-length account of the scandal should certainly start here. He asserts often that "society" rejected Mrs. Overall, the author did an excellent job showing how Jackson's personality caused the affair to have lasting political impact. I expected it to have more in-depth analysis of the events of this so-called saga. Readers also enjoyed. A wonderful book. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Nov 09, Pancha rated it it was ok Shelves: historyThe Petticoat Affair Manners. Paperbackpages. Average rating 3. October, Enjoyed this quite a bit. Jacks A stubborn man of deep principles, Andrew Jackson reacted violently to political or social injustice. To ask other readers questions about The Petticoat Affairplease sign up. Thus the Eaton affair in Marszalek's telling does strikingly illustrate contemporary sexual mores. Her real offense was her forwardness, her flouting of genteel social conventions. Here nothing is constructed, deconstructed, centered, decentered, gendered, legitimized, valorized, or privileged. Politically, the chief beneficiary of the affair was Secretary of State Martin Van Buren a widower Mutiny and Sex in Andrew Jacksons White House 1st edition no wife to contend with who sided with Jackson, paid calls on Mrs. John F. But the former were hardly disinterested, and, as Marszalek himself shows, Jackson did not so much disprove the accusations The Petticoat Affair Manners bludgeon the accusers into silence. Marszalek's The Petticoat Affairthe first book-length retelling of the story in several decades, finds still another significance in what the affair reveals about Jacksonian society and culture and especially about gender norms. Interpreting the opposition to Mrs. The Petticoat Affair

Mary crigler rated it really liked it Dec 29, The chief loser was Calhoun, whom Jackson came to see as the master orchestrater of Margaret Eaton's torment. However, it turned out to be a dry listing of the events with little to no commentary on them. John F. Not that the book is a complete waste of time; Marszalek takes the obvious yet useful tack of casting this one scandal as a case study of social attitudes and gender roles in Jacksonian America. Related Articles. Before reading this book, I was familiar with the basics of the Peggy Eaton affair, but I had never read all the nitty gritty details. Marszalek makes Margaret Eaton, not Andrew Jackson, the center of his story, and turns her into something of a proto- feminist: "Hardly a crusader for women's rights, she was, nevertheless, an aggressive proponent of her cause, the same cause of many others in later days: the right of women to go beyond the barriers that society has built to enclose them and vociferously uses to keep them in their place. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Lauren Carter rated it liked it Jul 24, Read more Eaton, yet it is clear that it was really other women who did so. He credits her denials and Jackson's failure to uncover any proof in his own exhaustive inquiry. Friend Reviews. A footnote to a deeper study, but inoffensive and convenient. Given historians' current controlling interest in gender, the story of the Eaton affair was certainly ripe for retelling. But nothing tested Jackson's resolve quite like the Eaton Affair in which his Secretary of War's wife was labeled a "loose woman" and shunned in political circles. Trivia About The Petticoat Aff The brash, outgoing, and beautiful daughter of a Washington innkeeper, Margaret had socialized with her father's guests and married Eaton very soon after the death of her first husband, shocking genteel society. At times Marszalek suggests that Margaret Eaton's unconventionality somehow symbolized all the uncertainties and anxieties engendered by the era's great political, economic, and social upheaval. If these men were speaking truthfully, the whole affair would The Petticoat Affair Manners collapsed without female persistence. Enlarge cover. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. During Andrew Jackson's first term in office, Margaret Eaton, the wife of Secretary of State John Henry Eaton, was branded a "loose woman" for her unconventional public life. Marszalek's The Petticoat Affair tells a good story thoroughly and engagingly. It was interesting to read about the societal norms of early America. As a reader, I felt as if the primary sources were cited to me rather than discussed. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Still Marszalek could have done more. Sep 30, Judy rated it liked it. About the Author: John F. Error rating book. Mar 21, Carrie rated it really liked it. Details if other :. Although, having known little The Petticoat Affair Manners Margaret Eaton's life post I was a bit disappointed with this book. He merely recounts the historical record, which might be useful on its own terms if one hasn't read some The Petticoat Affair Manners thorough accounts Remini's, for one. Wood also has much more than Marszalek to say about the motives of Mrs. Eaton had done it. More filters. Jackson invited into his first Cabinet his comrade and biographer John Henry Eaton, to serve as Secretary of War and confidential counselor. Eaton, and was rewarded with the ministry to England, the vice-presidency, and finally the presidential succession. It is incredible how Margaret Eaton refused to conform to the conventions of society and was judged and scorned, which also happens today. Van Buren touched Mrs. Read an excerpt of this book! I would recommend. More Details It scandalized the country, paralyzed Jackson's administration, disrupted his household, drove him from his Mutiny and Sex in Andrew Jacksons White House 1st edition, and finally forced him to clear out the whole Cabinet.