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1 (WTwiima^cvaliiiTtey^eom V — ThleTUI j w s IE. Tw in giills, IdahC^ho/98thyearjN ^^1 0 7 T h u r s d^iT : A prin?. 2003 " " " " " 5 0 c c n c s ^ C O Q P M O RUNING N u W e a t h e r o f l c;h ie firesigin s a nn id scc r u t i r ay: P artly d o Audit: questionsc loan o)of university funm d s to q u a s i - p rrivate i ’ foundatioron for project in!1 B o i s e \ j f i 9 d ia nn c e c e o f showeiwers, high Th»to>ocIat«trtwl Press____ ^______adm inistradvc leave whililile he recov- full respon:onsibility for what has hap-ip- Gov. D irk Kempthorrjm e, who talked f - 53,low34. ^ ' ers from prostate cancerr ssurgery car- pcncd. Itt is dear that I did not pur-JT- Hoover out of taking aranother job last Oorfn ao BOISE - University of Idaho • lier this month. He is nott expectedc to sue my ovoversight of this projectct year, said the presidedent has “been Pag® President BoiBob Hoover annoimced his, re tu rn to the job. . aggressivel’?eiy enough.” one of thc truly dynanamie university resignation1 WV ednesday following the “The university is faciicing signifi- Before; goingg on medical leave,e, presidents that Idaholio has had. H e' ' 17 V release of an independent audit that cant financial ch^engcs,is, which are Hoover mimaintained there was no has taken th e imiversii a g i c a l l e sity to ne\v lev: M V iscriticalofof a university develop- m ade worse by difficultie;ics surround- attempt to violate any rules or poli-lli- els. I am sorry to see hinlim go.” Good new s: Goodingg ta x p a y - projectx tin B o ise . ing the financing of thcc University des but prpay fo r a« Hoover, pi uncovered. not try to talk Hoover

N a t i o n — F o r saijrety’s sa\KE ------Breakttirougli: H i e uJ.S. . s and 50 N orth K orea agree too talktt s Houst over Korea's nuclear'program pr PageA S I delaysrs M o n e y I tax voote ■w -) I Senate’s pennyny hike

w on’t cover coi: : o s t s ,

governor warnsm s

i ThoTImes-Neweand Coming up em pty: Teersens ■ . • . ■ The A eeoclated Press arounjl nation strugglejle to find , - ^ siunmer work in downm PoPolice In Jerome Wednesday. PPage E l against the 1 -centt salessti tax increase. Thc Democrats h hav a v e b e e n S p o r 'I' s Offficials diedicatite new ISP] bulilding Please seeTAXEWES. Page A2 Gone for good: Michaellel Jo rd an p l ^ his last gai lid, induding some invesdga-I- Budget paninei an d prom ises h e w on'tSL r u, Govemo;l o r , I S P c h i e f s a y 88 fpercent budget ci;ut w on’t reduce ppi r o t e c t i o n and support posidons across J. the statitate. Three captains’ posi- PlP a g e B l ByMaikHBinz ;------1 The ISP’s formei “ r r m" v, u ■ ! > will also be cut, and twoi; sees requeststs nme»Nawiwrtwrtter______SSee C It for yourself Strickfadcn, saidId he hopes Ihe nt ,troopers’ slots wiU be left An open houM for tfw putmo a t theUi Jerom e office serv lied, Charboneau said. He O p i n i o n JE R O M E-1-They hope it win set new Idoho State Police Region 4^ type for headqutiS -A S X t say which, if any, of thoseI for late chaianges g. ISP’s other five regi I H b a lcl^ a o s aprecedentofof safety and effiden- headqusrtefs In Jorome has t»en Tiight happen in Region 4. Bring the kids: . h a , “ “ “ 8 ByJulle Pence scheduledsch for'1 4 p.m. Soturday.. "It says to the mpthome said the decision tak e flim a t fam ilies Wid Tiytogto'coiconsolidate th e inves- -fhe JQ so m eb o d y r e a llyly cares, eye,. . / “ I'l ^ Tlmes-Newt writer gambling parent, toda/: The headquartors building Is ot 1£ in the ISP budget wasn’t an1 ------a / s e d i- rigative andd patrol i divisions of West, vve 2 0 0 South. though it costs somome moacy," he one, b ut he doesn’t think it •• torialsays. th e Idaho Staiitate PoUce has been _ _ said. - --- ' BOISE - On the 1101 0 1 st d a y , affect p'ublic safety in the^ most legislative commitimittees arc PPageABj no easy task. n Gov. Dirk ------' T h e e n tire pro j Sif ^a,e.°”' tiambcrs of commcrcc cut a i shut down. KempthorneB titold an audience of 1 wd million, which indududed the land, «j would like to see m ore troop- ibbon to signify thc offlc:Icial architectural des: But that doesn't mean e a n som e ISP trooper!ers and others in • eslgn and con. 1 the road. I would like to see pening of th e office. ^ lawmakei^ are finishedcd vwith try- r p Jerom e on WeiVednesday. open struction. The stai “ m o rei forensic services,” C o m i n g u'* p • “Ittook70(?00 pages of leglsla- It Jf is more secure than pastpt from the 2000 fiscal ing to change things.5. OOnce the pthorne said. “But we justJ House and the Senotetc aagree on i l a r 4 ' ' tion to m ake:e iti one streamlined officffices, ISP Director Col. DDan The Jerome UrbS’a^RorS S tmove forward with those ‘The Laramie Projei harboneau said durtng i tax hikes, frustrated legislatorsleg unit,"Kempthiithomesaid. Chai his Agcncy contribiibated about s r i ^ t now.” peech. Officer safety aroui could try to m anipulatete hhow that H ^ e y ^ Com pany of FotFools The ISP Reg:eglon 4 headquarters ®P®® lund $ 10,000 coward thcthe purchase of .. » leaders ]g over the past few Jerome and dedlcat- «cadeadquarters has'been an issssue thc land, ' money is spent. p re se n t th e story o f th e 1 , , years; frequentlyfr< asked the state■ And it won’t b e throughlugh legisla- th o m e a n d o ther dig- si^ci,nce 1998. It was then ththat Jt could take ;i 'while before for mort of a gay college stu d en t i lore money, saying troopers’ tion. To g et w hot theyey couldn't c n t m a n itaries Wedn«dnesday - is the first • Troorooper Linda Huff J''?® w any more m oney isisavaUable. z are alr«ilready spread thin. Thc sm alltow n. nbushed and shot to death ' get done in committee:tees, they in th e state thothat houses th e inves- iQp,” Kempthorne thishis week signed agency’:cy’s forensic labs are also le re a r parking lot of th e IS] I might try to get somene desiredi F H d ^ ln tigadve end1 patrolp units under r legislation that trirtrims ISP’s bud- often1 backedbt up with evidence . Coeuoeur d ’Alene office. ' changes through;h th e one roof. . g e t by a b o u t 8 pepercent in the from casesca all over the state, TheTlmes^ews “She was executed because s! Legislature’s budget wridm d n g com- ■ The ISP coloolor guard raised the “Sl ■ coming fiscal year.r- D etecd>ctives have said that often ore th e iinlform of a state troc ‘ mittee, the Joint F Fi in a n c e - American andnd Idaho flags, and wore Charboneau saiilaid he doesn’t bogs theirtht investigations down, •, and because the safeguar ’ Appropriations Committeuttee. speeches wewere made. Then th in k th e c u t will w: hurt his bccnuscise it takes so long to get evi- ere not In place,” Charbone; ’ Some folks think it’s’s notn quite Kempthorne! andOl representatives were leau agency’s overall effeiffectiveness. dencee analyzed; and results id. “They are in placc here." I n d e x of the Jerom

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s - l ' ■■; ■ . * Vm »lnf«lli,Uito Ttanday, April117,2003 17 TF BESTAVAOE EM! T oday: Llgw.jj/idi^idoly scattered showors possiissiblo. oiherwiso ------^.•■'••-partly clQudyr-Higl4i0hs-irrlho-50s^------Today—------IToofgl ------_ L S r t u i d a y _ — Tonight: Loll-ovorjvor rom and/or snow show ors.irs o n d chilly. ’ Lows In tho 30s- B:ri3a£a»n& Tomorrow: Coolcol and broozy wiih mostly sunrjnny skios. Highs na " ■ in Iho <10g to n e aor r 50‘ ^__,-62 35 0.01*. i ______s ^ - 61 38 0.04- 3?^ I ^'s2Z3C3SBmaHnD rk>daol light A low moix>n> Broozy otUmosrs Warmer and mostly Pnitfy lunny. a bU lf>cncn»o#lhOC»ood 8, m Iu ’ . showorwor octhrtty, ahowarstre with partly doodygh/Lo» n / M Ay»Uei«ita1 ta 'f ia i':. oAr Zm n renm LAii. High ailnlOM Wa^YMrto s:UN u r VALLEY, SURRbUNOJD IN G M TS. to DM 5.81"- IMB/afOTcaaJaiaUfli^ sm • _ Sunday Sunriaa: 0:40LA«_8ur»*t: A S.-2S PM Uokh Uodtra : y c S j Wunll'unlhor diaturbancos rrtoving throug Low aain1H3 A»B.WMrV*lv»aQ6e««»' iuelX w ttvyM r nrms n h m ttC1 to jugh Iho fofllon will Tomporaporaturo A P»oeipitBl»n valU Ihroogn OpmOf yoalordsy r ^ Dfoduoduco a fow acollofod oll-and-onn ohoworoo ihrough « - S g S d W ItTo0 orond of Itio wook. Any nccumulollilotlons will bo Horn Moon Phases Moonanrlse U.V. INDEX . Ih olliorwiso panly cloudy skios. and MoAoonset :Snowpack ^ : : : ^Today HIght 3S lo 49 Tonlflhnht'a Uo*» 1710 27 ^ 0 3 ^ ' 7bd«y'-;17'lieieertwi:*rik ia 'm ■toonMb'TMAtl. 'im k t MX ^ - B O I S E An Isoldlod hom shffshowor cannot bo April 23J Uayl Uaye Ma)laylS Friday Moonrit*:11ii;1;17 PM Moo«t«(; 8;0SAM 8nak*ikaftWyomlng: F 88% rulod out ihiouQh oa rhahVwr tha Inda* tho 5 2 1 oarly Fridoy os a u n Otr.r. NmMoon . Hnt Otr. Fullln Uoon StOMdn UoonrtMt.iaaiM Uoeoaafc-^t^jUl HmSinai»i%c«no(TTW«w>'mii(aw;w . are tunproiaeUon rtaadad woathor disluitxincoKO movoa through. K T f lW ! Thoroaltor, sMos will start 10 cloar oui. bul tlio winds: willwi pick up aa ’ EEBEBEIiBSSB Today Tomorrow 9«iurItmlay Today Tomorrow Tc Today.lay. -Tomorrow T fi0pe OllWB -- .07 Sl pe :8S-«r3» Fany 47 31 »n <0 20 pc 51 35 w AstnteOry 42 30 me 5: ' sfc” 55 4o'Sii aSsht" s3 i 40 “ ■57'4o'r^"''S2S" “ yf*70 03 th 70 61 Ih B H K N O R TrH H E R N U T A H 30 tf) 40 20 an S KB-pe » nium -.. 47-i 055 I02 m 05 02 pe P«ti 79 S54 tu 70 54 tu showersSwiIIrornalnlrtmo Wl ar w GkitKcnm. 77 .ss nw 51 si 01 tu m aft - 74 ss-jM r . a i . u . atroqBxna-Jui (orocasi lhl 51 M (T»j 47 22 rne 58 20» au Ootton 38 29 rrw 45 40 me n ^ C fy 57 34 I pePC 40 30 me 0«r*i 04% 1 Ihrough tho fosI ol ORV'- .63 40 me 5« 42 me. er'4212 mo CMdaMia.sC 8S la me 8« • 40 pe 04 41 tu FtodaJwwsro 'tho lh. t)ul ( only light Qooo.ng 00 “ TC 55 JJ'-"*ir.me 65 33 tu auanoaJte 77.r. (6Siiu .Tarsa.r - ib M -:. -88'su-w «e--.-7oin £ . SS 35 an 50 27 PC 02 34 i me 71 40 PC Cairo 73 j 04 52 r .04 40 an occumulalliilallona aro Orac* ' - Bl 29 *h 44 20 ah 83 aa~pe c m aae'. eIM '.«8 60 mo - c m n ' n 50 03 ah 51 25 pe 63 32U pc OavtMnd 53 40 me 04 49 me SIPBU 41 29I me 40 33 me OtnoM 00 4 si:.s s-:isr ,s.s _ . 81 31 ah 40 25 ah «< 31 1 40 gu 70 4S pe 70 0 -■ ■ a;”-’" 11 po Oanar ao 38 «o 63 28 an .-iBHUMay 80 3&L msme 48 31 me . wnonno.. 70.7> .7U me SI .70 an i -m m k . v bb.b Idaho PnilsIs 52 33 ah 47 25 ah 54 2B!B pc Dtt Uolnta 4fl 30 me 5252 42. r StnOltp) 04 55.me me 05 50 pe Jomtaltrn 04 4 88.BB.-#e.-J037-aM ^spoO.MTMT ' 94 30 ah -S3 28 mo 5a 34 1 40 PC « 40 to Tt*>o 00 505 me 70 57 pc M me tMlKC- . 41 4t an. STST 48 me. a n R M x . A3 40l.-pe pe ;84 60 au. . JehMMIWO 73I 63 B au Ta.BO au - vimw : .ss.'.4i 54 32 ah 52 20 ah 57 3212 pc ElPBto 75 Sl me 7070 49 tu SewM 50 30 me 8s.'.Miiu'.M:a3:^' 54 37-ah 64 38 po 80 43 me 54 43 me KwallCBy 05; 72 7 igaa OS 49 me 00 50 33 ah 47 23 ah 61 288 :PC UMReOt 73 S3 PC 7878 00 PC WA 53 30 me 52 35 PC et 422 me. LftAj^OeM 02 st me 0404 54 pc 63 35ah 48 27pc 80 34(4 pe UtmiMt: 74 84 PC 70TO 83 pe 55 33 »h 49 24 ah 50 308 | ” flo pc asas 72 tu fjPiW’ i m u n i P ahiUT GO 38 ah 40 31 ah SS 38 j 47 37 mo WA 49 31 Sh Sl 32 pc 54 377 I w NatTMto 00 52 lh 7272 57 pc 41 20 th 39 IS th 40 100 I po NtwOkM 88 04 au 83 03 08 ta r ' Ye»t*«J«VsSUit«E; 45 22 on 43 17 sh SO 211 (pe ri.h.'fcr* 40 35 me 51 40 me r it« Extrwnw - High; OInlLowl Low: 1 2 s ;,la. MT „ 30 21 me 33 13 n 37 15 I woamcr li»y: su'ourI'Ounny. pc-pntlly clouety. mc-mojily cJOLcJoufly. c-ciouoy, Sau CHWmaCay 80 SO pe 78 -68 me ? X lii-ihufKjorsloimn, uh-oli.h-oliowof3.fi.nn, on-enow. Il-Murfioa. w-iw-wlna, m-mlMJog Omaha 50 37 me 54 41 th V 60s'

Evory Thurstrsday In The Tlmas-Hoviows Ca;/ rotfay TodBy Tonwrrorrew Todty TorTomcnow u Plly HI U W< HI u HI Lo W d 733-0931 C a l^ 57 20 tu SA 2Sa w r n ^ln'iin ' T n 00 Ciarvitoo*. 50 32 lh 49 25 54 34 n Valid to 6 p.m. to< Edrr>ont>n 62 27 pc 62 28 nunida( Ko4o^ 50 34 th 54 343 “ vSSS***' M 40 S “ 20 « r Y^fcdayaKtdoolUonal ExIramM: ' \ 677-4042 LethtxWoa 57 32 tu S7 300 , tu Wtw«aa . 4S 32 n 68 6S 34 I , t Hloh: 95 al Wink. T _ J negina 45 M r CO 34 : Low: 10 fli Happy.ppy Jack. Ant.

Syria saysi it’ssnot Changes. ______1Taxes___ Continued from Al Chairman FreFred Tilman, R-Boise, Continued from Al from the state,, butbu th ai's still shy 11 legal, while others thinkik it’s not and also thele governor’s1 legisla* holding ho out for a completi'te tax Republicancan Gov. Dirk shelteiiring dip] nice. But it’s the way thirlings hap* liaison onor education issues, package pa lhat indudes a geirencral steadfast mark of )lomat pen sometimes in thele Idaho Darrell Deideide. In the works are , salsales tax increase but redEduces SlOOh^on. Legislature. And in facict, until reformsns the education com- salsales taxes on food items3S and ^ the 70-memlember Housp, 36 ” DAMASCUS, SyriiM-ia (AP) - Syria the w ar• againsta( the U.S.-led coali- JFAC Co-Chairwoman1 1Maxine mittees simpl;Iply couldn’t m anage increases inc soIsofLewlstq&'lt — ------T w in F a lls ...... But in recent weeks,'Oallakley’s "JFAC approprii>riatiDns'''Tust h n w ' w a i e ^ e d a l l y <<:rit :ritical b f W c e Faili. by Lee; PiPuhlicaiiiini Inc.. a ha , __ nalcd a» Ihe day or the week cn which Foundation, !; , , Mail tutxcriplion* mud he pai _ thle e 1Idaho'iW ster,C«nier» hash The report blamilame^ W ay 'c, ;• . anii #re available only whe« 'ill be publlihed. l-j r. pleate lend ehanjo of I m f f - i — ' I begujsgun; future phases have be>een >^ovras^cedBpai ’ not tn«lniained. Malt rales:. All (date rtlci. i^.o: pP.O. Box 54«, Twin Falli. H indefdefinitisly ddayed. . , ,^eave o n F e b : 6 , foi I; ; ; daily and Sunday M.OO'pcrper week, d . ^ 83303. [1 '■ only S4.00'per week, Sunda>iday only $3.00 ‘ 4 a st 41 M P0I Critics' have contended thatth . runnin^i tbe project h - -"-“J llillMiB’MBt , Tl M ing public m ^jgy. to th e fot T n ^ tjT^aliii itioh'~ b Qusiji'pf^vBts. up;- . the pri»J^iiiaM iS " , waa-I19 improper b etau ^ it mlxi "T , Times-N-News telephone diil i r e c c o r y ‘ ' ®wpu Ixtsd . .w e r e d i ^ ^ w i f f i B It w tr t» «i xpayer dollars'wiffi priva^ate fact. (Fotmdbdon) fu \ :CiicuIatioo (Daniel WalValock, Director)«•)...73i0931,E«.l pds and |nrrided.no>ca^^M .OQ . rization w u obtain 1! : ;CIa«ifiedAdvettbtingOlg (Deby Johnson, Manager)0 ...... E x t.2 " eak^ ' -S fact, contxacts w w ;; ' New* (O ark Wolwofth,: th,Bilanaging Editor)...... > E * t3 ,144 ■yr. - ■■ Kbnteher;acknoiAedged tHe uni*ui 'th e fe e t i ^ i M r otoactiva a i dttmg. , Retail AdraztitingCMUcinice Smit. Adveitlang Directscto r)...... X x t.4 “ rdtytused ain accotuit to p t Weekly aanetGoffuiffin. General Manager)...... ^ Pagesis C6-7 .• ■ le of cndit r Publkher Stephen Hartlartgen...... Jitt249 Jj -yi.i- e :';Uniier*i|:y=':':of ^Id a l I ' ...... ' F ou«u n d ^ p o ^

“ — T — r ------^ I " ' ' / . 'i\ Y I ^ ' . .* -■ ■ . ' f B ■ . ' I ; ’ •I „ ' ' I . ' 't ' V' - Tlwunday,Aptg 17,2003 T1mwft«n,T■rt, Twin FtOt, i W

N a t i o n'J"-' ...... ssss=s^=sssssssss=sss Res(searchers’sideirtifyL S A R ^virus i l A n l o n d o t•NT (AP) - Experiments “ under a microscofscope. a IIK in monkeysys have confumed the More China c a s e s -/. A 8 Sdentists hadad beent almost cer-, g o n p e ^ Awar ' cost scid far at $2 identity off thetl virus that causes _ . tain the new formfom of coronavirus severe acui:ute respiratory syn- Youngster Improves “- C l first isolated froi •: WASHINGTON(.N(AP)> Ihe Iraq United from sick patients ed States is counting on con-I- him and the Pentagon in spending drome, theI WoridV Health Organi- — ------. M arch 21 by th t ^■war h as cost a t Im the University of least $ 2 0 billion tributiationsfitim other coim tries to0 the money. zadon annbuifaunced Wednesday, an bibecause a crown shape is ■".'and probably will is seen Hong Kong waswa: the cause of ill consume that' payparKin of thu rebuilding cost, In human costs, thee Pentagon] important stestep toward developing wwhen the viruses are inspispccted' SARS.' ' jnuch or more in the next five Mearlanwhile. President Bushh ' ■ said the war’s offidal ddeath, rose newdru^toto combat tlie disease. _ ^months, the Penta(itagon’s top bud- signedtl ai 579 billion supplem entalll to 12S. induding a Mariuinc corpo- It '«11 alsoIso help sdentists trace B SetofScersaidWedWednesday. budgete t m easure that wiU financee ral killed in a March 23 firefight the evolutiction of the virus and H . An additional1 $S biUion to $7 combaibat, reconstruction andd near Nasiriyah, Iraq. TThere are could helpIp them (ietermine H billion will bc neecceded to pay for 'domestiStic anti-terror efforts, now three AmericansIS listed as whether it: jijumped from animals m ': getting U.S. trooroops from the Bushsh signed the measure wkhh missing. to humans, anda if so, from whidi - Persian Gulf regionion to their home no ccre:remony and no lawmakerss A t a separate news conference,co animals. Tes'ests are under way in bases, officials said,aid. That process presentait - the kind of treatment hee Maj. Gen. Stanley McIcChrystal pigs and pouloultry to see how sus- i Named B E S T B l is just now beginninning. reserve:ves for bills he docs not par- said that althougli majoijor combat ceptible theIhose animals are to Those totals do0 not» indude the ticularlju-lylike. was ended, there arer stills som e SARS. Consumers Di « yet to bc calculated;ed sum s for post-. Whitelite House spokesman Scottt Iraqi towns diat U.S. foiforces have Sdeniistss haveh now determined j Digest -war reconstructiortion of Iraq, the McClellellan said Bush was con- not reached, includinglg an area it is causcdJ hby a new member of -Defense Departmeiment’s comptrol- cemedid byI what he viewed as the2 north of Tikrit, Saddamn Hus.sein’s: the coronavirvirus family, po nam ed W ~ April ‘033 Ier said a t a news1 COconference. T he lack of3f latitude1 the m easure givess hometmvn. D o cs reviview case of'detainee ( witfth brain damn a g e SAN JU A N , P uenlerto Rico (AP) - hang liimliir s^ Jan. 16, Afghan Taliban regime. H V.inj;ua"‘ Doctors ore reviewiswing the condi- U.S.>. officials,( in cooperation1 The men began arr tion of a detainee« vwho has been with thethe governm ent of th e m an’s5 January 2002. None hrhave been -oalife support foror ithree months hom> e country, will decidci chargcd or permftced ••■Since a tte m p tinng g suicide at whetherier to continue his care, ter- while they are inierropogatod for • puantanamo Bayy nnaval base in minatete lifeI support or send himI information that could h(help iti (lie ■Cuba, U.S. off:officials said back to ti his home country,, U.S. fight ag ^ n st terrori.s Wednesday., P e n taagon g t spokeswoman Lt. Human rights grou h a v e The detainee, onem e of about 660 Cmdr.. BarbaraHi Burfeind said. questioned whether inindefinite . from some 42 coun)untries held at The! militarym says the detainee! detention and interrogatiation meth- ;the U.S..base, h as: beenbc kept alive is onee of< 17 who have made ods have contributed t ' Value M595 New Locati(io n ! C T T! Ultra Clean Shine •* Hoi1 Spring $pas ua lb onlr spas lo b« rt OK ' through chihippers | . ^ '! c l 8vy^ eodi li n (eamers DigestslIwiiDltiiipas., I , ‘10000 O f f /aw n^apes 1300 i= A ddison Av.Spi Prosecutors deddtnded last week : „ ,, that brothers Ari4rie and Bill E tiers W ilg c n b u rg h a di nno criminal • Ptdivrxrs intent, but animalll ri rights groups : w ant charges rcconsipller r „ I ) * , 1 / 1 9 6 0 BiUE Iakes veterinarian, prosci)secutor Eliza- : O m cn/le m Curbs IIC Ce 1Delivery Frida^^ UCES Blvd^ N. I Faus ! beth Silva said. “It’s < iVGll Twin Fa t’s cruel a nd it’s | OuUioo On Di S n a k e PA IM T W ^ ’oPiHJoH callous, but it’s p artrt ofo any am m al : . , , , Decorative Rock'^^ P O O L & SP/ 4 Joim't Paul PA INC. 208/734- • husbandly operation,’on.” she said. , 3 4 - 8 1 0 3 ...... ‘ or 800/681 -,' r-i The WUgenburgs^ Vwere banned : andBiBark! 6 8 8 - 7 7 2 7 TwiiFdltl yvaT< » ‘0’ 1-from moving aging,3, uunproductive j •v-r HOURS: 9-6 MOM.-FT,l-ntl. • 10-5 SAT. Kimborlyrly Super V EilliaboTadles S SauiAUNAS To o iy {SrUtT lU llIWMtu t II trHUtHUT] hens from iheir randinches due to a : N C Ww Inventory 140 South Mainun ■- Near Cenier Streol ^ -t)uarantinc for exotiiotic Newcastle • Kimberly ^ disease, a virus whidfiich has forced : A f rriving i ' Daily! “* ' California ranchersrs toI slaughier • ' “••'• nearly 3.4 m illion>n 1b ird s sin c c ^ 3 •• ''O a o b ^ . 3 3 - 9 4 4 6 E r IG H D E A L S3 O N A T V S IBUILT TO LLAST TOU( =reeC3-YesBiVC o v e r aig g e ..... I n t L E TT T H E I« F I 1 > C 0 N !I S T R U C Tn I O N B E ^ s t a r t i n g $ 4 2 8 8i S j ^ A N D as low a s f6. 9% APR i Right now, get the incndiislry’s best service packagcag e: our r A R CO A D B L CO C K T O 3-yearcoverage‘ vs. iindustry’s standard ol only/ 6 rmonttis). - B g i Il'sABSOUJTELYFRflE E on all aduli Traxter-'^-. QueQuest •'•■and . jB jS j OuUander models.. A/> relail value over S600. B i n T E R H E lARING! l • Plus! For a limited timime. gel finandng a s low a s3 6.56.9%ton " adult Traxter. Quest. COutand and 08650^“ m odels,.Bis, But tfiis oHer expires June 30,0, 2(X)3, So hurry in to yoourur nnearest Bonbardier~ ATVdejlealer s < t " i * A | | f ^ J l ! )N1.V 3 PASSENGERS ■ T H J E SERVICE ALL MtMAKES ^ <0 H.O.'S 330 H O. TraKltr UAX WE w t v r S a l . , 1 V \88V P L U S Oulltnder 400 H RVICE 0 PA R T S MAX______All xustomeers tested withv a ATV M o t o r S p o r hearing los*ss will receieive a SER

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. MotorCcoss HeliTie^ kJillonot ctiargo on soioctotJ ATVs; thruThru Aprtl 30iti f^pliiTfhWttrttkfyiyofhwhefier, J '- i UptoSISOMduo^i IB A R D IB ^A[TV— l F ollow N o O ne.

Bf'fltV.COm* ?oa] (tofflturgiM Inc. M iisn< I IrMmttti ol DoniU'iI*! Inc sr rti luDtiAinn tf> t, 7003 to H. 700} lut UniM Sum mH tiln DtM. tnd un^M tduR Oimt.nt. TtiTtii1«r<»90uiU'«frr o( Mch meom wmr. tttpKl inr WKibit Inr 4 hi;i nu»M iltu'telteimm twnvM«VM»rtnt4ult«Mn B y «rtNr nccmiMndt mu tl ATV itm W*l0«» * rt«rv»d.’* TtWwiurti md » ntgultr*)urmuion. It« IW row dtM> 0<. n U S cit oxIMATVSaltrymudidi^l ATV M to ItaMm H r«( r«« MMi:1 Unmlotnti wd lef iJomwue um n im Ut«tKl SUir1. pnUdhn tWUnt. Mnn r«cm*«>. tkil ■ N M l Mb. mm iM M HT*« MMM {uniclpiln«ua«nn4BBr>bvM>ArViMlr>« ‘(k(m AmU ism tn ■liBBSiSOflhltoee 'J MU HNM «■ Waa Mnlk. MMM Mi<9 mo«h»tl o( BoRituiiMr UnBM Wmwrr Momtnandtd M i tw drMn^^B Md oUk tnd I mMt M M MMM Mi r» prDhiMM. AIV; AWi •« injM tint ot grunttmmi i>r Ct cipu rioiicui me. 101 t hi;Mt rwlnNin w to Mktg tn ATV. Al intnMMonlmukiwrtloinicauMtneMUnaid I, M «trnn Uvtn I. » Am M. nm. riitM APnlliat t yilBiigCwm.iyitWrWtrtwr^t MwrnMrttlmdil«mnlCfli(itAPnttlolUarcft V a * » m . imBm t»B%tenfceiM«inoort iiM>uktUip»nuJeiuti«rtiroa»wSI.<100 . < ^ M * tA PO u tn.19 PX t IMO IHIK*]■ NWi I "•*-emr twt • Ntneee emi■ UUOOO WH» » t n a » >W—fctrteAWBncomr

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jm \ TbM»NM^ Twki FabFaa»,Mito TtaRMi«y.A«rill7,200:t003 r CINCINNATI (AP)F) - A judge toldjameunes Toran, 27. « To'ran was a passenisenger In a car ' k.-» . Judge: « Juror^ declared a m istrial afteifter a juror fell At the N a t i o n Jie request of/tlie defeifse,;e, milled over by policeice 1 la st year. H e .)•» asleep during th e trialll cof a man fac* R u e l^man a i dismissed the jurors ai)dr)d jumped out and begtlegan shedding :j'6 _can’t sleep ing cocaine otsrges. • ' . j et 'a'ti'ewiew'tiiaI..Torw be iunrOh ’’ dothes Olid bags of coacocaine.-authtlri- •<*; ^ “you'titfve'ii'rldht ( ti jp / o 2r y e a r s ln p'risStnfI f ties aD'eg'Sn’o liieTi founaT4‘,900, a who arc awake,” JutFudge -Robert ’ : convicteJWo of.oU.charges, ftu4tngog nmniuaition'$heU.cadcasings, a s<»le jiw. U.S. poimderscap pture during ( trail Ruehlman bf Common3n pleas Couit. - cocaine^e p o n to n and traffiddng:' -■ and d ru ^ in the car. of termorist Abul1 Abbas WASHINGTON (AP(AP) - Ameri- rocket-pro;)rop,eiled grenades, pass- ciin o ffic ia ls tm Wednesday W ports fromom Yemen and Lebanon \Vcif;licd oprions forr hthandling ter- and otherier documents, military rorist mnstcrmind Abt\b o l Abbas as offidals said.sai ;;. Italy prepared to SL-el;.eek his extra- U.S. offi.iffidals view Abbas’ cap- if; dition and the P P:a le s tin ia n tu re as a1 mni ajor w in in th e w ar on - ; Authority demanded:d hhis release. . terro rismm and a vindication of tr* U ^ . officials wouldId rnot disdose P re s id e;nt n t Bush’s charge that lilr i ■Tilil i their plans for Abbasbas, capturcd Saddam Hussein’sHi regime in Iraq by Amciican spedalial operations was harborjoring terrorists, forccs Mottday nightIt i; in Iraci dur- No matter ati where they take c iiiR o ne o f sev eral raids ra in and Abbas-Iii:Iiis real nam e is Moham- .IrcondlUonlnB. m a m aroutui Baghdad. m ed A bbabas - his American cap- T h c ra id s on h hi< id e o u ts of tors arc suresur to grill him about his 9 ” A b b a s ’ P a le s tin e! LiberationL ties to other o terrorists and Front also nabbed othiather suspects Saddam , whowl sheltered Abbas for and turned up weapon:>ons induding years. ______Tests fo()CUS HUGEl^virings-daalBrpdjscouito on missi»ing ^

womanI I RICHMOND. Calif.f. (A(. P )-T h e : . . invL‘Siit;ati<)n in to two tw bodies found ill San Franciscisco Ilay is R l focused on (ioterminintling whether they were Ijici Petersorson and the baby slie was carryinj^ing. a state Se Habla criminalist s;iid W ednesnesday. 1^1 ^ The state crime lablb i is compar- itifi DNA from Petersoirson and her Espafli^rir ) | ; parents with tissuee iiand bone taken from thc dccomp■m|X)sed lx)d- ies (if a woman andI itinfant boy . found this week a milelile apart on the rocky shoreline eastea of San m e ^eals arei in BURL V Fraticisco. “Wc don't have anothother person in mind." said lab su Jdltn Tonkyn. a t m M H A iNSEhWj The 27-year-old substitute su W teaclier vanished onn C hristm as live from her home in Modesto, 90 miles southeast off Richmond,R Her husband. Scott Peteeterson. s;iid ■■■■. U M h e s;iw her as be left to go( fishing ' nr rebates up to S3.D01001 that moniinf; in Uerkele:eley, not far from where the bodiod ies w e re found. The lab w as annlyi^iiyzing cheek j x = s = e M . swabs taken from the missing >, ^ woman's parents andd )iliair from ^ her hairbrush. Those findingsfini will ' be comjiarecl with DNAVA from the IP bodies that were foufound. The \ d child's body still hadI the th umbili- • ‘ m ca! cord attached, Tl « • « i l « l Asked why invesvestigators t t u u m m ___ w e re n 't iisi«i« d e n taal l rccords. n f o r 6 0nilDNTHS* p w u n Tonkyn snid th e lab wawasn’t pro- vided with teeth from1 ththe Contra Costa County Coroner'ler’s office. "Sometimes not a fullill skeleton ^ has been found," Tonkynkyn Siiid. . . According to piibiishethetl reports, UK the mostly skeletal adultacii body Orty B UVE K eZI* * 3 ™ 0rt«inilKn7»L0?a m 1 n u n s ^ was cliid in maternityy uundergar- UiMiPrtcf m .sss' Ort^KSVa v n u i @ H ment.s. w ithout a headd aand miss- m « K W Jffl- 081* UiMetCI ing p arts of the limbs. (E S4JK9* s f u m u n I7 J 8 Ort^NJRP t77.BDS . r o m « « ! Drt^yMBP t4aiS7 Laci Peterson’s famiimily mcm- S3:MfPrtct m SSl'* u tF rtd m m * bers remained setjuesile ste re d in IdM PrtaSm r • Modesto on Wednesday,ay. "llie re ’s no news, we're justt waiting,"w ■■ stepfather Ron Grant.sntski said. Vj "U ntil they confirm tliei!here really IJiS A L E - SALEE-SALE-SSALE-SALIi r S A L E - l LE - SALE - S A L E H j isn't anytliinj;." SALE-SAI Scott Peterson, 30. a Si 200003 Chevrolet a sjilesman, 2003 Chevrolet hasn't surfaced publiclyly ssince the evaller 2003 Chevrolet bodies were discovered-ed Sunday Mallbu LS w /su n ro o f Venture Van LT • w/DVDw and Monday. While his in-laws s t k 0 3 U 2 snx)d by him early in thtthe inx'esti-- nation, a rift developeded after he ^ acknowledged havingg ana affair ^ . . 4 ' ). B 4% with a l-’resno woman wliwhile mar- jln a l MSRP...... S 1 6 .8 1 0 ried. E P rlc*...... $ 1 3 ,3 4 4 OOriginal r MSRP...... $2 2 ,6560 6 : ' Original MSRP...:.$-$ 3 0 ,7 5 0 ^ - ;ALE Price...... $18.48!I8 5 » SALE P rice...... $2 ;AVE $3,466* 2003>03 Chevrolet ■c* 2003 Chevrolet r?nn*®°*2003 Chevrolete t Research hcl O l d s Taho\hoe 4X4 SAVE $4,175'^ Suburban 4X4 SAVE $5,01W * S^]0Crtw) - A rare disorder that tums childtildren into sSALE Price...... $32,:2 .7 1 7« SALE Price...... $34,:14,260* SALE Prlce....:..{^.$2:.$22,IIS* .TJI old pc'oplc and often causiuses them SAVE $7,OOC1 0 * SAVE $7,19797* SAVE $4,83837 * i to die in their teens hah as b een linked to a single genetiiletic muta- tion. a finding that mayly h d p sd- ence learn more aboutu t norm al .dealer diiiscounts^r)n ALL newy a n d ^ s e d :l^tiicles! aging as well. The disorder, c a lle d Ultitid^h^wiifbe) accep t... Hutchtnson-Gilford proge3geria syn- Thursday . (=rlFriday Satuijrday, drome, is caused by a sing!inglo “mi*- ;.fBsardles8 0fw halatyouovral • spelling” or m isplaced DNAD^ moi- ij'JJ-J.Uiij ecuJe within thc humanm genome( Oa that contains some threeree bilUon w*Bam-8pm 8amm-8pm :.Qam- CALL f olir r F R E E i l t i t \ DNA units, said Dr.. F ra n c is ■ ' IW B h id e e e * Collins, head of the NcN atio n al Human Genome ReiR e se a rc h MILLIONS of dollars In n m aiand used vBABrikKitaiBl. Listitute and the seniorr audiorau of vehides offerlerqd at huge disco»unt prices! ^ • Mtk« *■ M WtaH a t e h « n a report appearing thisis week in • FIdaii ■ ! ml riF * < • th e journal Nature. Victims of progeria apptppear nor- • mal at birth, but by 18.8 rm onths begin to develop sympttiptom s of • accelcratcd aging. Thc ski]skin takes ' ; • on the appearancc of th e very S i i 1 ; ^ old, bones bccomc fragi lam# agile and . ■ r most of tlie children are•e baldt by i: / ' ■ ____ the aRc of four. The jcliildch reo ___ l a l n n s t l i never grow much tallcillcr than -i.-rrt - three feet Their internallal organs ~ ‘ also quickly age and deathath Is usu- ally caused heart diseUsease o r w i f i ! stroke at an average agejo of fI3 . - J - - ™ Even os teenagers, s alid id !Dr. W. ' ' Ted Brown, the childreire n with progeria will weigh only/ 3(30 to 35 ' , ' m m potm ds.'

•• , •, •!; • I k (* ■

•• - - ______TlwfidtTiar.A prtl7,2003 TImeMiewt,, T»tiT«tn FtUs. Idaho M S ' , /■ ■ HS fA T IO N

Iren provddehaiinnting renninderol)f Iraq’s Iconditioim \ p ^ : ~ ■ , t i i ^ andait( almost all of them are mph, uod the children areire'leftina cence. » wijwindows or a door, just a flata t roof ^ ^ KnlgttRhWwNew«S«iS«ntea barefoot!ot on the hot sand and grav- cloud of dust. At timeses; on the He tossess herh a piece of candy that th< bakes in the sunshinele. H e ■ - "r e l Hsy iey use deliberate gestur^ wrong side of the winind, they and it whizzczzes by her head. He wears we a brown shirt, tom ata t th e I . ^ Aa f n A n w o n t h e r o aLD d TO BAGH- nyingtoito ■ bccom e almost invisible.:. feels bad butlut hc is glad it didn’t bottom. bo He stands wiihoufirm ov- M '•••' y [ K DAD, Iraq -;Hundradreds of Iraqi A little:tle boy in a white flowing The Marines have beenlat told not hit her. ' infing, as a giant convoy of Mai[orines l3 c?:'-'--'*- . ; ^ diildreri stand by thithe side of the gown, ratter^rat and flowing in the to give the children anyly food o r H e’s a hard-rd-charging M arine, an goes goi past. He holds up his left n«d,'wovingattheU,eU5. troops., breeze,!, .taps ti his mouth and then water. It creates chaos, theytl: have expert withI JustJi ab6 ut every gun thumb thi and smiles. I point at S t-' As thousands of}f MarinesJ and pats ifs'belly,hfs over and o^ver. been told, because the5 < cW ldren in th e corps. AndA h c never shows a and am he smiles even harder. soldiers head noinorth toward Others1 JiuiJi hold out both hands, , swarm the trucks. As thele M arines soft side. Not)t undln now. Is I he hungry? i Baghdad In massiveve convoysi that palms up,up, hopeful and eager, look- say, if you give a child a 1bottle of T he next day,da; Westlake sees the , W1 here are his parenis? s n ^ to the horizon,on, the children ing despeiperate. water, there’s no way to be sure giri again,Dn on the trip back soutli W1 hat will become of him? line the route throughugh the desert. Mostc are oi out in'the o p ^ desert, he will be the'one who)0 gets to to Camp Vipciper, and he can’t get What\ will become of his coun-c - r 1“ Some hold em ptyty wV ater bottles, and you)u can’t be certain where drink it. h e r out of h isLshead. ll try? try ■ f t- begging for a drink.c they live,ve. You search the horizon But you can't help it. “How do I gogl about adopting an H I e ’s a b o u t 3 y ears old, \ : Many just smile,iie, some with and seee at small brick hu^ off in Staff Sgt. Jeremy Wesi!Stlake, of Iraqi?” h e a«iki “I could pul her in dark dai eyes and a big smile, justLst like V ^ • looks of apprehensionsion, olhers with the distaitance, the only building in Charlie Company, 6 th Engineer E my sea bag; anda take her home my youngest child. looks of Joy. Mostt holdhi up Iraqi sight, jutbut there’s iio other 'sign of Support Battalion, sees; a tender svith m e . She’se’s just adorable.” W \ e keep driving. Keep scia|ii.'r A U ocdttavp. dis|>enser and a toik-i loili biiwl briisli I C w tM M - iw w c a r q u a tl • p U o f i i o u iii.sitle oiiL- of ilic hailbaiiiri)(lilts, Liwd^irpflcM . t mastfUdt ••It’s th e oi! for p a la c e ]>i o- -1004- point liupectloition " w f U b e gram,” he siiicl. at bitinghii: reference . 9 ' to the U.N. jinif-ramram tiiat allowcil r c f i u e d -GMFactny Warrant] 3 %* Iraqi oil e.xporis on condilioni; thai -Maiicst^asedpridnf Special fiu aatimg i tile procet'd.s went.■ent to food for alontee ' on seelect yehlicles n a l U b k - civilians. - Satisfaction guaranti Franks’ visit too Kagluiad.Hi froin his command heatleatlfiiiartiy’s tn Qatar, came les.s; tiiiithan two weeks after Army tanksks firstf; rtiinlilcd HUGE Si isler discountIts an every v^ eh icle - iovi Inancing thniugi) the capitaltal and;i one ux-eK Savings - des w interest fir after Iracjis, aiiledied by Marinev, toppled a statue ofo f, Sadtiarn in .i 2002 Buldc downtown city sqitaqitare, stgnalinc Cenwty the end of Iiis rej-inicinie. stk0 J329 3 A ^ Saddam twice was the target ol' 0 2 a 0 2 P a r t i K■ cB m dA a U.S. honihs tlroppupped on I’lacus wtiere he was hulievilieved to be. lull t m s m ki-ZSJUmUfai - Slt.SI.9DD his whereaboutss arare unknown. ‘' ' i i U.S. officials say tliL-ythe} tlon’i know ZDDIDIilimoboblli A uran if he is dead or alive.ive. SAIE Price...... 11,900 i k "The fact of iheIhe matter is. G M C EIRTIFIEDPi R ^ ■t|[«133IOA--S3,3DDHlln SIB.IB.B3D I lliDuglj, he is gom,'.e. W hether be is dead or alive,. helu is gone." 'iw ' jL- Secretarj’ of Statete ( Colin I’owcll S e i * 2003 Oldsmoblh ZOOIChivTTiTilnir'.' ■ . told Associated IVe^Press Television 02 Pontiac U S A im - . stk«ii05»-l-37,8llD WM' S28.8 . 8 8 ^ a H News. ••He is no lonptingerin tiie lives E S stkt r3309A^ Cranand Prix of the pe«)i)le of Ira<|.'•a(|." u k(# * 1 3 2 9 6 ^ y ^ g ^ Slowly, cities aero;icross Ira(| wci e ZDDZCIiiv y AitniVinAWDA , stniggling to shedd thell effects lus many m ore CERTIFIEDC to ch< helo keeo order.r. AndA citizens B GM CER1 GM CERTIFIED ihoosafrom I sought to pick uptp thil eir norm al j lives. "The m arket is: openopi and protl- .....SI2.900 SALEP ucts are availal.ilable," said RTIFIED - Gl Tadanioiiii Ahdel-/lel-Aziz as she P shopped with h er,-r stuist for eggs. i bread and vegetal.-tables ill th e I w m S i t t E - B lIWOUTPRIC i CES -SALI.E - SALE - SSALE downtown Irkheitaita .Market. But I witli jMiwer only parti;artiallv restored I 2000 Volkswagoi '002 Chrysler " 1999 0Chrysler 2000 Cadillacc and teini>eratures•es in th e ‘H)s. ^ Beetie Coupe I V S A t E - Sr i Cruiser k LHSSedidan ____ Devllle some residents bouglitlun .Vfotn stk»2317Ajm tk# 3005A J^^^^^K . stk0 H. stk* I32S8B^ blocks of ice. American coininanmandos hacked gon 20C by about 40 Marinesines staged the A PTi raid on the residentlente of Rihab i 1 ' ^ Taha, dubbed “Dr.Dr. Germ" by ' I I i su g est^r^l..$ 14.4: \ U.N. weaixins inspectpectors. Taha, a ' ■ NAOA su g ested NADA sugested reuJI..$l$ 1 6 ,0 0 0 'W .4 5 0 NADA s u g e s teJreta»..$22,700 d r microbiologist, wasas ini charge of ^ NADAWhoiesal NADA Wholesale...... $1$ 1 3 ,4 7 5 i sug. wholesale..$I I .8,S; 7 5 NAOA w h o lesale.lie...... $ 1 9 ,5 2 5 Ira(|'s Secret hiologica^ical labaratory. PRICE...... $ 1 2 ,5,500 ( SALE PRICE-...... $ 2 0 ,4 9 9 SALE PRICE...... 'SALE ' ' PRICE...... $$ i; 1 3 ,4 7 5 _ ^ .SAt£PI suspected of weaponi/iiig w« anthrax. ISAVE[edreull..$14,750 gw SAVE $2,52^1 SAVE $1,950?g SAVE $)2 2 ,2 0 i E Three men emergierged from the ^ sale...... SI2.500 W m id on h e r hom e withivitli their iiands ...... $12,500 SA r up. and American tnx;trtxips remtivetl ■ 2 bobchovy ^ 2003 Chovy BlaSlazer e 3 1 6 ,9 0 0 several boxes of doculociinients. Her S whtto/pewi $ 2 ,2 5 0 g.....$ 2 4 ,7 0 0 ^ ^ brown- stk#! 13306A1 ...... ^ wliereaboutswereiinl• unknown. ^ . ^ \ 2 0 0 0 P o n tia 2002 Ford Taunurus ^ Administration officialsoff cited S tan-stfc#; ..... $ 1 2 ,9 0 0 ^ rad - 8ti(« 310105A...... 5 $ 1 0 ,4 5 0 the desire to eliniiiialiiiate weapons vy Tahoe of mass destructionion as one key mvter>stk#3177A...... rea.son for tiie war..although alt none tiac Montana has yet been found.J. "W••^ e’te leally I H(#3086Ai ...... srdiscountsf s o n M n e vw and uset? d vehiclesis ! just in th e early stages sta^: of lhat” search. Brig. Gen. VinVincent brooks told reporters att a I b rie fin g in j H a d p i 'oblems? W e \work with over?r 2 5 d i f f e r e n t lle e n d e r s to Qatar. Huge deatlBi U.N. w eapons inspinspectors ;ilso i B a t ipossessions, mmissed getyyou the LOW pp a y m e n t s y o uJ dI e s e r v e ! failed lo find any an banned weapons during prew;re u a r .searche.s. past credit prcTs m h ^ ip ! * On a p p m v d avdiL Fi Hans'BHx, die chiefief insj>eaor.i i.s ‘Oueloaddoatanes.s ataadytmtoU. i c e work for you. expected to appearL-ar before the ankruptdes,re^ U.N. Seairity Counciltncil next week . ’ J.' _ to discuss a pos.sibleble resumption Bvments...]/yBC£ of the effort - even■en though the United States has not invited the- 3tx)ur.eixpsriehc international teamam back into . Iraq. A Marine spokeskesman, Cpl. John Hoellwanh, said tlie terror- ist training campp ccconsisted of aBoul 20 permanentn t I;buildings on l i m n 25 aaes south of Baghdad,Baj and was operated by thetht Palestine InnlilSiI Liberation Front andan< the Iraqi 1221 iw: government. He said recruits wer ly instructed in theie artai of ^m ^ [[^ making, adding thattha Marines found chemicals,, be b e a k e rs a n d PlOBZES pipes at the site, alonflong w ith q u a ­ tlonnaires that askedked rccruits to state their preferenceace in.missions. ' V Hoellwanh said monymi volun- >2221 tccred for suidde missnissions.

. --fi ' *.■ y. ' ' ' BESTflAVMUUiLf^COin >INI[QM P a g e A - 6 T’tiiirsday, t April 17, 2 2003 T h1C e 'TimcsrNcws^ i E d it o rRIAL ______-N ext Gamlibling’s inmpact on t, turn1 the S(screwsio n S jyria houghSJ^nwaslIS conspicu- ' ously om itted frorom » lTPresident Bush’s's “axis of ^ . A m htcnvr^rM-.ii^n,i. t. : q ay this fi is fo r trib e s th a t t ra dlitionalTintcrtainm i t cnt.t. ing supporter of terroriirism and h a v e jjoined the This inin effect, recruits a wholee -stockpiler of weapons>ofmass o ^ • n atio nia] a ] Indian gam- ’ new generationge of gamblers, destrucdon. b l in g; movement: Thele irony: of this marketingg Syna is th e only Arabab country ^ ^ T h e y k i I. that actively backcd Sai know how to ployis is how the family is actu* saddam , ^ / playS th e g am e. ally onione of the biggest victimsn repotlcdly ------;• To generate momore money at of thehe gambling industry, encouraging ;■ suicide Y( •; their casinos, Indi;idian tribes are Divorcirce, bankruptcy, crime, i ' o s s i •’ - bombers to ; seeking ways to0 keept visitors drugs, ’s, and prostitution, all^ cross into Iraq, K j • fo r lo n g e r |x}riod.sids of time. TTie accomf ^ E I N mpany the world of gam-•• sheltering t j longer rourisrs, rs t= C T = aa= s= bling. And when1 Imqi w arfugi- !a l e v i ■ Slay, the more someone iss tives and pos- they play tliele O u r v i e w : Tribal c!)3Si- a: a d d ic te d to casi- sibly storing ^------tables or slots. j no gambling, the2 nunconventional weapoiK>ns for *5 nosttiafwanttoadd And that means family is usually^ Saddam. more money fori r amenities to their garram- left in the wake. By focusing on those! provoca-p ’ W M gfttm thc house. There’s nothing, tions, the B udi adm iniststration is ing facilities are taldng ’ corrccting a serious flaw Unf{)rtunately, ' 'y w rong w ith water*. iw in its ’• war iigainst terrorism . TlThe •; the target of thisis aimatfannilies. parks, roller ; strategy is none ' region’s most vidous tensrrorist H|wM ■_f^ coasters and■ grtmps, including Hamas other than thee W hatdoyoutiiinl lasan d ' IHK. shopping malls,> Lshmiic Jihad, m aintainn (opera- fam ily. ^ We welcome viewpoiroints attractionI tional centers in DamascSCUS.AS ' O fficials s p e a k ­ unto itself, and1 one administration insidiider put it. ing last week atIt fro m o u r r e a d e r s o nitfliS t t tribes have every any taxi driver in the Syiyrian capi- the National right to build tal knows the address of.}fhalfa HHH a n d o ttie r is s u e s . ’^7 % ' ' Indian Gaming ______them for profits. dozen terrorist groups. A ssociation’s ' Worse, Syria arms andJd protects the probable But when the iie trigger won't b e reformist re movement and arrrrest- own stockpile ofof chemicalc and annual conventionon in Phoenix park oror venue is linked with the Lclianese terrorist g r Palestinian1 teterrorism but in Hc7l>olliih. Until Sept. 11 ing Syrian dis.sidents who halad biological weaponipons and its sup- sug^’csted addinglg waterparks,\ casinosos, it lulls consumers n . Hezbollah’ss missiles.rr w w; ritten an open le tte r to him Heztwllah held die world im port for terroristist gg roups ' gas stations, miniliniature golf into tin Id record W hereas: Bashar’sBi faiher, th e d( the gambliivg environ- in the n»iml>t;r of A m eric demanding democracy. But Washingtongtonne^togo! courses and anotlother amuse- ment withwi the deceptive per- leans late Syrian dictatordi( Hafez Assad, Wilh Saddam gone, Bashailar further It should I killed througti terrorism,n. In two m aintained di uld demand that ment venues. ce p tio n 1 dfdit control over Assad A Ls now the A rab worldId’s Syria end its occu]ccupation of >n that it’s a whole.some suicide bombings in the! 1980s,1 Hezbollali am Docs the hot-hahanded gam- setting. andsawitasanexpe- leading le; rejecdonist of pcace:e with Lebanon, permitnit BeirutI to disarm 8- Hezbollah m urdered 260'0 ,. dienttooltob , b i e r l ik e to c o o01 l o f f w ith a T h e i; 0 be w ielded with cau- Israel. Isi He recently assertedi td iat Hezbollah andI assertass control over ! issue has local rele- American troops stationeled in tion, Basharr hash em braced Isj : splash in the wave krael's legitimacy would nevever be its own country,y-. ive pool? Not vancei to t Idaho, since thc Lebanon and Saudi Arabiibia. No Hczljollah’s5 romandcrc self-image ac : really, But'the spou: terror organiziuion maint; accepted by the Arab world.i. An A m ericann invasion in of Syria louse and kids Coeurr d’Alene 'I'ribc has ntam s as the Arab1 avant-garde.a\ Syria has opposed every M —;—-mighuenjoy it.'Thi greater global reach than M iddic most likely will1 notno be necessary Thus, the key planned2d to build amenities to Hezbollah, he has said, is a “ray E Ea ast breakthrough, from tlie ; to having players s Hezbollah, whose cells an le to produce results,ults. Unlike s spend more go with;h its tniditional casino, m d of liglit" for■ theth A rab worid. Tlie Lsraeli-Egypuan Lsr peace treatytyto Saddam. Bashar A raising network extend to sixTwik- “historic relati ir Assad has shown ; hard-earned morloney is get The tribe tri has reportedly ladons" betw een Syria th tin e Oslo process. And now SySyria tiiat he can be pressured.pre; W hen tinents. Deputy Secretaryry o f State and Hezbollali accompanying guesjests to enjoy pickedJ thet land for a family lah, he said shorUy is is taking i on the U nited State;!es. th e Turks threatenatened to invade ’ Richard ArmitagerecenUit^y noted after die Israe the other amenitilities, which park of ol some kind. But •aeli w ithdrawal, “will The mufti of Damascus, SyiJyria’s Damascus unlessrss heh handed over that Hezbollah “may be llthe(tcr- Ijcmuchstron leads to an extendeided stay bankers' onger and m ore effec- . liighesi-ranking liij religious leadader, th e Kurdish terroriTorisi leader rs won’t finance the pro- rorists’) A-teain, while al-C1-Qaida tive dian they 'I’hc strategy isn’isn’t new. The ject unti ey were in die past.” r ret e c e n j urged Muslims to attu tack Abdullah Ocalan,in, thet Syrian lead- ntil the state clears up may lie actually the B-tearam .’ That is one p « tribes are stealinglg a; page out legality ( promi.se the young American An troops in Iraq. As:agov- a er quickly obliged,?ed. y (luestions surrounding Syria’s support for HezbrzboU^ Assad has faidaithfuUy kept. err of the book of Uisas Vegas and tribal ga endangers the entire Midt em m ent em ployee in a policcce If the'U nitedI StatesSta is serious gaming machines. This ddlcEast. It wasn't supposedsur to happen state, sta he would never have iss ; its grand transform Since Isniel's withdrawal f issued about uprootingg terrorism,tei it can- irmation into is a bigig reason why Idaho’s ll from this way. thatllu! call without Assad’s tadt Lebanon in May 2000, Hcj ut n ot stop w ith Itss victoryvie in Iraq.' ' the Disneyland off ththe desert. tribes spentspi S4 million to pass [ezlwUah \viien Bashadiar Assad inherited approval. ap] ’ Years ago, Las ^ has reiw rtcdiy placed up t ■Hie jihadist w arIT agagainst the West s Vegas was Initiativeive O n e last fall, his fadier’s regregim e three years Ai fter years of Syrian provo<'oca- has been actively n : facing heavy compel 10,000 Iranian-supplied mitnissiles ago, much was Jy nurtured by ; ) petition fn>m Hopefefully, the Idaho ifas m ade in>thc inter- don, doi W ashington is finally several key MiddleIdle East regim e along the Israeli border. '11I nose nadonal media ; states that legaliiilized tribal Supremene Court will soon put dia about the nbw responding. res Tlie Bush admini.‘listra- Focusing die strugglestru on || * gaming and riverbo missiles, capable of reachi.bers n of th e current adrdminis- abuses by th c; FBIFl and C IA unm tl nm oved. H opefully, none of: was so “ disgustingljngly inaccu- tration. On th e PNAC W ebbsite, . Ashcroft wantsis toI resurrect the dienliem will ever n eed to p ark in they speak euphemisncally n a ra te .” ------^------1 ly of glory days, andid thenI some. Under hancandicapped space! ' As for com paringing Iliim to “leading" the worid to politlitical his terms, anyor/one his people con- 1 I ama a great supporter of i itting in touu c h and economic peace. M ore i Hitler’s minister of informatiorCi e realis- sider threateninlin g for any reason policolice. but they were certainlyly how m uch m ore ridii ; Wont 10 mako your feelings;s knownkr to yoor 560 Filer Ave.'.Suite Si A tically,ti diey are planning a new,i could ju st disapiappear. So m uch for out c I fcpfc»eriaiiv8s tn Coneress?5SS? Here's r»w: Twin Fnllj, 10 83 ut of line in this occurrence!I you get? father’sler’s miun p u r-| '83301 higlily h: profitable em pire. IIraqis r the li^tof dvilivilization and die Wi 734.6780. Faj 7 We. ihe unhappy shopkeepei)crs, pose is to M ve thte e liilives of babies, M 734-3905 just jl the first country on theileirlist. rule of law. Orwirw ell's 1984 is com- succi Sen. Mike Crapo In Washington; jcceeded in g etting a m m ibcrcr of not to annihilate an entirei raceiif I have chariged m y m ind d about: ing uncomfortabtably dose.' hand In Twin Falls, call or «wlto; ,520 Haa Senatolato omce Building r . andicapped parking spots for)r people, Bush in one ^vay. I no longei;cr How do we respond?re: W rite, our%or valued custom ers during ih Lindo Noftls. senior regional«l directord Wasfilnfiton, OC:DC 20510 ,1.think h e is leading a person this Exact opposite; goalsgot if you g(*t (202)224-275252 “ m al talk. K eep thi e avenuesa' of free ■ roadw d dosure. We invite all o ur 202 Falls Avo.. Sulto 2 crusade. J diink that sharpc; r m y drift. Twin FallB. ID 83301 frfnail: M p’j/cre/cralg.sonate.cov/enMil ^ Jcr discussion open,en. Pressure custcistomers - handicapped and1 nr ot T here is one p air rt t cof your letter 734-2515; Fax 7330414 minds are manipulating hinim by Congress to repcjpeal the P atriot - toto continuec to visit u s down- appealing to his natural arrc that'I do agree with:ith: “The moro< In Wasliington: fjo- Act. And. in fiethe fall of 2004, vote towniwn. You arc im p o n an t to us!s! often an u h lru th is nm entioned. J I l l Bussell , Rep. Mikee £Simpson « g!gance and siniplisdc thinkir dng the monsters outOUI of office! MARYBENNETT My the m ore likely it! is dialt it wiU f c Washineton. DC 20510 In Twin Foils, canwwrtte:can habits. h! He is their biggest clcheer. STEPHEN PO Ctioille Barnet,s. agrlCuRurea field director ]c POPPING T Tw w inFalls believed. And if oneone keeps | ; (202)22«142 leader. He only thinks he’ssin i TwinFalls CEdifor’s note; M a ry B cnne > « ver-s belief." 5 Ir* Washington:i: • This happens to desclescribeyour C 133S Longworthrth BuildingI freedom *>■' .” Bush loves this orone, deserve bette : Sen. Larry Craig frKer can’t back actions pJafectly. TlumkTlu you foi! ' ■ Washingion. D.C.>-C. 20515 too, to b ut leaves m ost of th e wwork This letter isn * In Twin fall*, coll or write: 5 regarding an ind- th6 unintentional[personal pei Phone; (202) 228225-5S31 to to the attorney general. Aihishcroft dent 1 observeddon c Main Street Up> hisil assertions »■ Mike Msihewi, rcglonel dimcto•ctor . Fac(202)225«^8216 wJ description, w holeheartedly em braced tlth e two days aftd -ththe construction In Ini response to a letter by Johi I - UJ ihn TYLER WALTONON . USA Patriot Act a nd h ^ drara fte d road d o su re toJrepair.the n inter- Walslalsh: Burley boonesbury By Garry Tru^ea>au M a lla rd FII-lllm o re By Brucf■uce Tinsley y - ' ^ s a ita ia • OeNOfM. r / ^ IdcefA'i. TO _ < /VJOvysBTi / . I ■ ' 90o n t \ j say. ^ / ONMofO. . * e r s n y j v J ( M I v a t J ■ _ 1 wm.

Lj Q- A 'v r ' ■ J h' ^ ' 1 a i t m j * i \ I ^ P ii A® MBTWiW - ^ ^ ■ ■ ■'* ■ . ■' " ' f •' ■ • - , - ll •. / .

Thtndntfay,April 17.a003 Tbi»*fl«n,TM, Twin Fads. hWtt A-7

O p i N i O K r = — ^==sasBas£=s:s ____c I' } ^ E E nTERS - ]y^^yp©eoptefeiaredthi Q I Writee to us — j "^-Classmates neeleededtinie le worstit in Irac ^ nee the invasion of Iraq ^ TimeInies-News wel* tomoumfbraQa f t t e n d n ------W h y d idd so s m any people focus portray p worst-case scenarios ■ was under way. why did os. But M c o m e s5 leletters from t t Tojacklinte^ImanofBuU: tf , , « TK n->. on o th er inf iformation. Sccond, g g re a te r cost and dramaiicall stions will b c d ebated, b ut a . f y X , T . mailed to PO. 1 sio n . T h e d e a th ofao fl schoolmate or magic\your enem y’s arm y • AsscsswaitA in War." . I g r a d e s is te r th a t is mi y daughter’s •' assessss riski is connected to what for each ceases to exi.‘xist, w ithout your ; classmate. informiTOation you are measuring. In th e U.S. m ilitary, I soldier that fires a gun, drives a kill a specific leader. r = ; L a d e h a d touchci±ed so many lives With»Iraq, Ir nearly everyone ■ a p rotracted struggle I in s tu d e n ts a n d teac tan k o r flies a w arplanene, there j w leachers, and wc assumem ed this would b c a m ajor ands of coalition casu- I n e e d to re s p e c t amd n d show her the conflici are some 25 other militiitary per-. andthousam lict betw een a superpow er L‘heiglitened by the I I h o n o r th a t sh e descieserves. W e also AnAa s: sonnel who provide crit-itica!flit». altieswcreh a sizable, com petent adver- iffidals continued to I I n e e d to sh o w th e; familyfai that, as a Qry. port. This support goes•sbeyond"^ i w ay U.S. offi I WlHO DO I c o m m u n ity , w e suupport p i them in providing am m unition,1, ifuel for o rtly a fte r the w ar started, ; their grief. A halff aa day( k n o t tanks and intelligence.•• ’ C t A / - g o in g to m a k e o r b n dv ilian casualties 15,000 people, un Army break a student, ly division | * L t tI v G ; and maybe we shoullould think about ;ascd, as did British d eaths (or a carrier task group)p) islijfe a POLES U.S. forces, while V^ITH YO)U SAY ; teachingtheyoungingaboutrespect F' small d ty , w ith all its mecha-mi AMERICfiN rican troops slowed th eir AN FLAGS ICLSIQCK • < a n d re sp o n sib ilityy alonga) with math nism s for w ater, food, cccommuni- tCA I \ ! a n d reading^ torial acquisition. This • • I W E L D IN G cations, mechanical rcpi’P f ™ - ! 331 • J a c k , d o y o u ev/en en have a child? infonnamation suggested to France' medical treatment.'Uriliih k e a S ennany, th e British public I ,If y o u do, w h a t if thisthi had hap- Gei d ty , however, a division3n m oves _ J j e n e d to y o u r child?ild? and re•etired a U.S. generals th at and kills. • ’ G o o d jo b , K imberly b e r administra- *he war/ar was going badly, The U.S. a ir w ar an dle c a m ) d f o f \ tio n i Thee F rench and Germ ans paign, facilitated by Spep ed al ! SH A N N A B R ElEDING ED w ere pprimarily r concerned about Forcesw ho identified k(key com- K im b e rly Iraqi ci^civilian casualties, British m and and control targ etets for ans focused on troops killedI bombing, and the rapidd advance-i j ^ H . y v by I Kimberly officialslals did the tri™iendly fire, and retired m en t of groilnd troops,, eelim inat- P ^ ^ ‘ I ; right thing for memorialm! Pcrsmnan G ulf W ar m ilitary com- cd th e Iraqis’ ability to) oorganize m anderIcrs, w ho had won a quick, Mr. Lintelmann: troops; their “m ilitary dty " col- le w ar against Iraq, r I n re sp o n se to you lapsed. T he b attle becan“ine B U IL D T ^ a s t e^er^yQ isicaf sed success throug the THE SHELTER! Jer about Kimberly’s increasingly a fight hctwtw een an „ mt of territory acquired, and iicr t)roliii.“r, release for the memtcm onal service, organized military much:h in ean d w h a t a s h a m e th aityouhadihe ty c vhile these indicators are m en w ith guns and rockckets. "El-Bce," aia rc 6 years old rtant, th ey are not th e key 7 t h a u d a d ty to sa y suchid io selfish l ^ f h ? W hen this is the case, thithe and a l.abb/Dalmation/1 cross "fiiachine alm ost always v Thurs.,, April 17 tilin g . W ia te v e r you:rour conncciion " ’ Wins. B oth dogs)gs arc well • ' o r c o n c e rn w ith KIim im berly may be, m a n n e re dd, , quiet, and need you obviously don’t!I’t know enough f""_ 3 - a b o u t th e s itu a tioin n tot( understand p jrZ j the opportiirtunity to live out & Fri.,, April IS" that had the districtict noti released __ s , stress TAXIN:ng your s y ^ th e ir lives:s ttogether at a those kids, the majorijority of them Here’s a 1040 thathat won’t cause you stressfss. Take new- liomt*K* after some "• w o u ld h a v e b e e n ata t th'et memorial J | 7 I advantage of ouiour April special and feeeel your tragic fainil • se rv ic e an y w a y . nily circunistanccs. 7:3JO p.m. .0 melt away. You’ll ' W o u ld th a t h a v e bh e e n the better iH IWi ( v I) 15ANIMALSHELTIR V S ' l l Consultation. SpSpinal Examination, X*rton St N (w est of CSI)CS ' th e ir stu d e n ts p re s e r ;!inUi)m/i*cb/[n'tv>nlitir sent? If you » If?P ' • times will fill upip faf. st. Call for your3 today llM. lwlnljlKHHll.1 733-6610 C hildcare provided k n e w a n y th in g aboo u it L a d e - th a t ^ - sy! led s h e w a s a c h e e rlc aader d e and an ^ ' Family Chlroprapractic Clinic • Dr. Max JohJhnson 'a c tiv e m e m b e r of herhei student (Goodttifm - b o d y , yo u .w o u ld havtinterestin t ir ______l l A A\ m in d . H o w e v e r, yo3U u shoulds be______U i l w l .jli a s h a m e d a n d s e e whswhat h was a ______BREiRfnOS-CflKES • I w a s te o f y o u r tim e! to w rite such a______f ESPRESSO ^ cruel and selfish Icttcitter. ______^ In lo v in g m e m o ry■y ofo Lacie,______-opE»sj~. 7 9IiANTELLEWA\JAYNETSKA ______MondayJay-Friday 7am-6pm ' i i ^ Satunturdays 8am>3pm# At Town i ♦rt Ccnfre (Behind Arctic CirclecWm ( ' - T w in F a lls _____ G:>os«J o Sunday 682 Blue Lake:akci Blvd. N. » Twin Falh « 73(’36-8S12 ^ t I3BZZZEZEBZZ9 U iMiPriBtyoor P ri V . \E3-smm DIflKa] PIctunturn frats yoor ^ 1HOUR P H O T C Digital C unenera Card or CD! O S etS 4x6 f t TRENDSET1 m DISCOVEREil£RAST •T^osna{>oanl]amvlg«mcntol «nngmaI>»r OofimrCSaCiyitMllitttfft dements >n itv irou[URcmI??®cmprcnioto p | Q akC5 H P05M>IO 10 i E gt-iiinniFM g . I iL Big Print oTtr value pcrfo^rtcoaii?i«aii?wtfiiiaic«i I printtinOittetlwfn cncciivotr3Ct>onntou;'»AM>i • ForcxctDcm iQn«n. cticciweciwwciv,ea:f'er I ewoffg/vtf. 'aicuiixinslruciionaccounisf: (Iming ccntiol and even ireacr*ireacritcar. I D4TidRitl,&4rm«aO SuporOpDflQrmanco and longOf^wcar V • A rargc d si;ci fsr mo mcsiXXIKpuar k ■ I Q t - /■-' ■ •^O.OCO-mioi'caiArcarwa/Tariryrranry pdiJDs. vans and soon uiiiT/vjiiif/vwieics i3e:9®* P155/0O R13 W/WJ ., ,533.57 P185/75 R14 W/W/ ..S41.14. P20S/75R1=115 RO W L...... ___ S 6 2 .7 7 iB i^ P205/75R1:R 15W A V ...... ------S47.23 P235/75 =115R1 R O W t...... ___ S 6 7 .8 0 i P235/75 R^15 li W A V ...... S53.61 30X9.50 115Rl ROWL 6 -Ply ...... ___ S 7 9 .0 B I P205/70R1J115 ...... S48.50 LT235/75 R15 R ROWL 6 -Ply ...... ___ 5 7 8 .3 8 I P205/65 R1f115 ...... • ■ - -S49.92 LT225/75 R16R 8 Pr...... •, .5 8 2 ,7 0 1 P215/70 RIJ115 W /W ...... ,553,80 LT21S/85 R16R 8 Pr...... ___ $ 8 2 .7 9 I • P185/70R1C114 ...... ,5 4 1 ,9 2 LT245/75R R ie iO P r ...... ___ 5 9 3 ,1 8 ^ P185/65 R1<114 ...... 545,04 LT235/05R16 R 10 Pr...... ___ 5 8 8 ,6 7 FI«EE!' n P205/SSR1€116 ...,5 6 6 .1 8 LT265/75 R16R- 6 Pr...... 5 9 2 .9 5 . Ujl P225/60 R1E116 ...... ----- 564,10 a.75R16.5.5 8 Pf...... ___ S 8 7 .0 5 . m i Digi Prints ■ P215/60Rien 6 ...... ----- $57.63 I 31x10.50 RlR15 R 0W L 6-Pr...... ___ 5 8 4 ,5 8 -m ET7I ^ F u j m i i n ^ RnePlx 2650 Zoom Oil $ 44 1 8 V a l u ^ I *3S 3x optical zoom . PC-CamJam modo, movlo pUrchmotttwFullfllRi FlnePb(38Q0V Digital Camerar F i if ttS r e e :B i c y c ll e T i r e racordino 2890 e r 3600 6x optical zoom, dfaital video rscoicording, e s ! PC-Cam Internet Modo, USB conninnKtlon •OdholSOmHionhjn bicydes h tho U.S., onfy 43 mJion aro/onddonatloa:l nc 6 iimo$ayojf. ladailn 16MB tot r p n / ^ C w i Oflwendrfids V23/03. Receiy« iMetnpOon IneJttdu 18MB xD PleJura Cm1^ TMl loaves 107'miBonhtho'doaclma/lici' mil .smmgInoaragaraoos. Most ol them Alth del liros! \ •OrKocsRiunwfs'hiishavotatfrMlircsonihcit B-cycJos. Ifwycy wiboootodfwgarascartJonwi i VwrDad...ll3tfnMij!wl AirBidora wil ooalo mote cyciais...y*tiitfutacfi nileroaioab>ggcrmartml!^—_ I 2 mligqp pbtttt fOfarua^iooi lj NototJoadmukorrkor. . RidelFlatfree Fot>rever! . 16X1.95 , . .$ 1 4 .9 9 V oih 'er sizes Available!)/ ' V ^ / ' S " ------; ^^0199 lyi C a n o n EyeQGoZOOODIgltaMtat Camera • - EOS Rebel n *00!J9“ L.._JFree H at RRepairs Withh Coupon. 1600x1200 ros., 4xdlalta]:iltal zoom, macro M inolta w/Ouantaray 28>90AFZoom mode. SO/MMC.vIdBoclip!clips, web cam, Freedom ZoZoom 130 Quartz Data 3 AF^ systems, seven focusing point’to , on. » * ■ •'«cs = IncludesB m ounting aim d balanclit!I n g ^ TV out. USB, PC/MAC com,nimpatltile, 1.6“ . 37.5-130mm;im zoom , mutl>t»amAF, red* han' handed operaflon, buift-ln flash : ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ - * cojorLCDdjsptey^.a eyarKhBinofU flash, full auto lactCtaoitU U l-rTlU W m m ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 5 - SAMEl■LOCATION FORC160 YEARS! • BANNKCARDSWELCOCOME ; TWIN FAUS! I I CA S p e c l a l O n CAMERA STORE H i I Vaoper Tires . . . t P u J I f l l m . best kBown foi'qualll'/ly since 1914." FOR ALL YOURHJR PHOTO H I M Warehoused LNEEDSI ; 6 P » B f c '/•^joa.B lue Lakeskea.llydN.: ;.^ H S I lORRHSOIN • 734-914*9052 ■ ■ ■ TIMliftALIGNNMENTCENTITER WEST • TWIN FAL a L i q n m e n i ■ 1^ 7 3 ^ - S 0 3l S a '■ - ' N ' • ••' *• .. f ij. , •

M T)nM»flm.TMnl»taFaBt,l

W o r l d3 ,N.Kor(rea seek (end to nukest£I ahdoff [ g natinrkiiltri SEOUL, South:h 3Korea (AP) - wouldd stas rt A pril 23. Pyongyang earlier insistedii on sions on thethi Korean Peninsula, "■The U n ite d S taates te and North Chini ina will participate in thee negotiations onljily with roiled forr monthsn by sabre-rat- onW ««)Mdqr,a. - Korea will try to resolve: their discussjssions, 'the first betweenn Washington, but agigreed last tling rhetortoric from North Korea . six-month stantandoff over Washiihington and Pyongyangg week to allow Chinina at the and massivsive, Joint U.S.-South % aSoottiKonn Pyongyang’s suspespected nuclear sincee U.S. ' officials said inn table. . K orean miliililitary drills, ^ « p U e r ^ b | - weapons progra;ram in talks Octobeiber th a t N orth K orea adm it-t- "I think that at oum r u rg in g , Y et th erere is a sense of urgency orranged by Chinaina, the commu- ted running ru a clandestijiee China, at a very seninior lev.el, dbout thele situation because t tiwtniMvMor . n ist N orth's d o sestest ally, U.S. and nudear:ar weapons program, pressed the North K( Koreans to North Korearea, alread y believed to ~ ^ Pnrniifoimlnth* South Korean officials oi said Washishington has called forr a^ree to multilateralal talks, as ^ave onele or two nuclear .i. W ednesday. m ultilatilateral talks to resolve thee did South Korea andid Japan,” weapons, couldcc extract enough ^ ,'i\ dscnffltBitzsd zont ■ The Beijing talkalks could hap- issue,, anda renewed its promisee smd Sean McCormack,k, g nation- plutoniumim_for_s5ver0l_raQte_H l i . brtwwn Worth and ------7pen“as-early-ns'ne:nexrweekroffi^------W e'dhwlesday td“try t'oTjring otherr al security spokesmcnan at ihe bombs withithin months if it begins . ■ I F ^ K o r a a . . cials said. Jopanesnese media, cit- nationsns - esped^y South Koreaa W hite House. reprocessiniiing existing stocks of ■ ing unnamed sourcurces, said they and Japfa p a n -in to th e talks. The talks likely willill cool ten- .sp en t n u dlear ea fuel. |H SARSca^ e s may be mii o re than esti]tim a te d ■ Knight RIddflf NewtSi» service______

BEIJING - In a scathing cri- tique of the Chinninese govern* ment's response to a worsening cpidcmic in its caprapital, a Worid Health Organizatzation team of experts discloseded Wednesday that the actual numu m ber of severe acute respiratory,, or SARS, cases in Beijing may bei m ore than five ; ...IH times the officialial figure and growing fast. . !.Cj I The WHO teamTl rreported that I Beijing is woefullyy u nprepared to 6 } contain the epidemicmic or to treat th e large num bers•s o:of people like- ______, 3 V ly to fall victim to3 the& sometimes 30” GLAS!•STOP I------fatal disease. )ODS 5 CU. FT SELF-CLI.EAN rP0INT6y®[, It also reportedcd strong evi- B l ' dcncc of a continuinuing Chinese RANCGE governm ent cover-u]r-up. The WHO =REEZER i ,• Saff-Oeon Oven team released its findingsfin a fter a • Cafomic Gloss Cooktop four-dny review of the capital’s hospitals and healthJth care institu- • RSibonKaating Elements (ions. > Supei-lorga Oven Copodty . . . "There’s not mucluch nmc for a UT, • naciionic Ovsfl Conticb *4! learning process bebecausc SARS • Stondcid Window ...... is spreading." teamim leader Henk ------m * jg • Fren»less Gkiss Ovw Oocf - . . . V ’-:; j H Bekedam warned at a press con- ference. The global SAR;\RS epidemic SUPE»ER CAPACITY originated in Chinelina's southern SUPER CAPA< Guangdong provincenee. WHO data ___ show there have betbeen 193 cases AUTT O D R Y E R . to date in the Unitecited States with ______-S«peii.5lli5 Cu. Ff. Copodty ^ WASHE no SARS deaths,. andan 103 cases • Genilo Ho(rtxrt SSysiem ^ • Super 3.0 Cu. Ft. Copodty with 13deatlisin CarCanada, • Automcricc D(>D(Y Sysiem ^ i • 8 Automotic Cydes . Officinlly, Beijingng Ihas had only Double Duty S«ga(Jt(x®AflrtiitoJ 37 probable SARSS ccases, incliid- ...... -SCydes ing four deaths, sinsince the first ...... ** ' • 3 Tompciofw[OtUK ' , ^ , •3Wflte(Laveis case in the ChineseJSC capital was ■ •4Wosh/SpinSpeedConiino!«ns its • lumblB PiossiJloss® Cydo diagnosed early last s tr m onth. •On/OfIJncWiKW-CydaSignol. •3Wosh/RiiiseTemp«atuia.CcdBntnotions,. Bul WHO teamI mmember Alan ------.IntD raftm tum light . -•Poicetoi Basket Schnur said the actualact number . A.- .felW3M probably is Iwt^veonon 100 nnd 200, ’ w hile ‘‘well over 1,( ,000 p eople" CTRA LARGE are under medicalal observation( o EXI apa because they havee showns. symp- " 6 .0 C< u . F t. C a p a c ity SUPER C ACITY if toms of SARS or■ hihave b e e n ip close contact with SAISARS patients, cDRYER WASHE v • 3 Wosh/Spiii Speeds'...... Message foiound i •'SCydesiAuh: Automotic Cottons Cyds a __i EnsyCofeCyc9Cydaw/AuioWriiile' • U Wash Cydes with CydaCountdowt • AutoBoiaKa Suspension System in walls at formerfi FiBfl/Peimoftmonaflf Press CydB;-” ( Timed Dryy (71(70 Min.) Nazi prisonncam p dsdions m x w i i m ■_ msBiioaww ORANIENBURG,^G, G e rm a n y L (A P) - A p o ig n a nIt t mn essag e of homesickness liiddenlen inside the SEL■LF-CLEAN HOTPOINT I ’ -o ' I walls of a former Nazilazi concentra- H P tion camp in 1944 by an impris- .f/i lagleClM ir^^ oned German commuimunist and a ^ fUlA N G E I9CU.F1■T. deported Polish studeident has been m •S.OCu.Ft.S<-t. Setf-daonino Oven ‘ TOP FREE2 unearthed by construitruetion work- I • Ufl-UpPortelairtelo!i>{nameled ^ ers. Upswepi CoolCooktop - 9 ^ -IREFRIGERI^ R | J | The m essage was foifound April 2 I • Two 8' &;Two6'PluJlnColiod® Twi . WITH GLASS S(SHELVES j U M concealed in a bottlele iiinside a hol- I Heoting'Bamelaments j low wall of the former / I Sachsenhausen comommander's K • RemarobleOrleOn^ecaOtipBowlj < office, Cuenter MoMorsch, the 5haryes' for resistance against5t NNazism and _____7M4S40 ^ f- :ri X \ il7N.Niln<>W

n m iO ^ b SMIbhH jm f , , ,%

______••V'-’...... -■ i V ' I.

T - ^ Coinlining Friday . H In sSIDE i o f th e w eekly_____ Local sportss ...... B2 r:7-"WSCAR Insidsider' page.. ■ ■ ■NBA...-.:—...... B 3------S p YourSports ...... B4 . . . a Qm ' ______Sports Etlitor.: .Ka.inHaU, 735-3239 (Hot.Houn: 2-11 pjn.) Uhc Timcs-Ne'Jews' ______T h u rirsday, : April 17, 200^03 - S c c t i o n B

' ' M o r n i n g S po r tsQ u o teF®- BsaseballIrevievWS secuurity alifter fain violejm c e : : c i ^ concern and questions threu-oughout Kevin Halliillinan, major league “I “ just turned around andid got “For it to happen tw Latesi!St assault the majors. n twice in our d ty b a s e b a ll’s sc(security chicf, and lym lyn off me," he said. “Thc goodg i.s unconsdonablc.”Ic.” It camc just three mdnthsn Sandy Aldersc rson, executive vice hand-to-hand har combat tliey tatauglit In a Chicago police'reixirt,poli the______aLJDia&somcjl e g o o d ------b r i n g ! —— 1before-U.S.-C«llalar-Fieleld-hosts ----- presiden t-o^bi gs-batteiy,---- rbasebtill“opcrnrions minvorked;- mir ------— lan was idcntificHc3 ras Enc I)yba.s, thc All-Star game, andid a b o u t in th c commi.s.siissioner’s office, were Diaz E was nol hurt, but thete fan ’ 24, of Bolingbrook ihinking-ser seven months after a s ook. III. He was I similar looking into thithc attack. S d ig Kiid needed n e t treatment for miilinor chargcd Wednesda trespajassing charges attack on a first base coad isday with a{^ra- Alvarez to thee laI n d o f tch at thc bascb^ wouldlid re-exam ine sccuri- injuries inji at a hospital after J)tbeing vated battery and i odated Press______' • stadiiun. ' nd criminal trcs- ty a t all stadiuniums. thrown th r to the ground £and passing. Baseball commission* the $2.99 buf ner Bud Last Septemember, Kansas City roughed rou up by players. He-• on Wednesday to investi- rand we urge that the gnillilty par- •help thc 40 •year-oldye Diaz, who rheihe city and, frankly, the orfiimimiza- He address ;iiinoiin( IC assault on first base ttics lie prosecuied to tlie )iincements will (hnotiu■‘•in.d,,,;,!, le fullest served in thcli L U.S. M arine Cori>s tionion.-” W hite Sox ^unerat iiiiinailager be made Ki remindiind fans of ilie Laz Diaz, which raised «.extent of the law,” SeliK s;ii-lid. Reserve. Kenional sports, Minico Invitational^a, aDt Rupert career statss t an NBA uni- H Here’s a look at tthc Jordan CC, 10 a.m. , 0 form, it was I H Top 10, in ascendingiing order: Girls CaldweU Invita’italional, at ~ B3»3 good. iM 1 nw ho is thisIhis guy? July Purple Sage GC, noon One of thc ■ l U l , 19R4. JoJordan r leads H l^ school tennisS greatest plaplayers in NBA history I g| H the collcgiate Olyinpyinpic leam to Twin Falls at Burley,y, 33:30 p.m. played thee finalfi gam e of his illus- H | its third straightt winwi over an Minico at Bladcfoot,t, 3:3:30 p.m. inous careereer Wednesday night, H NBA all-star teiteam th a t not m tlie; sisetting that he would M includes Kevin McHacHale, Mark have preferferred but in a special Aguirre and Ma(;icIgic Johnson, In BRIEF atmosphericrc nonetheless, L: . , ' PHI Before th e U.S. gets get its gold J o r d a n ’s final fii moment on thc m ^ medal, Spanish coac ;nach Antonio loatfiio court endedied with him receiving W Diaz-MigucI says,s, "E" veryone Adult soccer lle e a g u e applause andani a lengthy standing • jumps and conieses tdown, but if ovation froir■om nearly everyone in ^ Jordan stays u p.” meets tonight t h e a r e n a- - iinduding th e coaches The double nicknickel. March .TWIN FALLS - Ann corganiza- and the otheiier players. j 2 8 ,199S. In his fifthI game tional meeting for a ;summer o.„,, lease sec JORDAN, Page B2 K ^ backmonth after hiatushis 18-moi adult soccer league will.vill be held H fromto basketball play base- tn | tonight at 7:30 p.m. atot tthe Twin ______H ■■■ ball,into Jordan Madi.son goes inti Falls Parks and RecRecreation I- 7 VRT]TING SHOTS, H SquareUld hitsGarden New and offices at 136 Maxwell A' 9 H 'York with 55 points,ints, a record Team representativesves or play- I for a Knicks opponennent. ers Wishing to formm a te a m The layup. JumJune S, 1991. should attend. For more>re informa- Mike goes rightighty to lefty j ‘ tion, call John Jacobsor•son ■ in mid-air for a la>-u]a>"up to show 2265. H the8 Lakers it's nof) lolonger win- H nin' time. The clecirilcirifying play Copus Cove hosts H helps thc Bulls boubounce back I from a Game 1 loss in tiieir team roping Jackpk p o t I first Finals, and they:hey go on to BUHL - A 3 for 12 teancam roping I beat the LakersI in fiv e fo r jackpot will be held al p.m . ,v their first title. toni^t at Copus Covee AArena in ^ shrug. June[une 3, 1992. Buhl. For more informatnation, call ^ / Mike isn't haphappy with 5 4 3 ^ 9 5 . talk that Portlandin d ’s C ly d e Drexler should be thtthe league’s i MVP. So he hits DrexlerDre and I Men’s twilight goll t e e s ; the Blazers withI sixsi three- I off at Canyon Sprir pointers and 35 ])oin)oints in the * first half of Gameme 1 of th e - • '■ ■ .. • \- TWIN FALLS - Lcngl p lay Finals. for m en's twilight golf;olf starts The Shot II. MayMa. 7, 1989. today at Canyon Sprinirings G olf A double-pummp p I.'i-footcr J Course. MIctiael Jordanian alioota hla penult!- J over lealsCraig Game Ehlo 5steal? “ ,Tee times begin at S:30S:; p.m . mato ihot, aI freefr« throw. The crowd V ond ailayoff first-round series playi wilh individual match pl I play run- dapped („ ,h,.Ihraa solid minutes after Q !! from the Cavs,o'd who'd swept all ' ■ ning throtigh August. A “ six gamesie Bulls from dur- the B ’ " and Idaho Golf A^odatic id his last two points - 6 ing thc regular seasoiason. Jordan m u t b e paid prior to play.lay both from fre#IB tthrows. Jordan fin- MlcIMlchaai Jordan drives into Phlladadolphia's Qreg Buckner In thelrlelr gome Wodnosday In Philadolidolphlo. Jordan mado hla last scores 44 in G am e: 5,!i, iincluding I Ished tha gameme on the iwnch. scheicheduied NBA appearance a s a \player In a 107-87 loss. the last two baskets.:s. Blaine County regi!g i s t e i s Please sec REASON!SONS. Pace B2 youth baseball, sof HAILEY - The Blaine“ ( F i v eers outlasist Leafs in triplee OT Elilinois granits permissssion Rccreation District wilw ill h o ld sign-ups today from 6-7:2-7:30 p.m. TTw AaaodatodtedPresa______Paci’ac ic k Roy barely missed liis s Lightning .3, Capapltals i f for youth baseball andd softballs ------ond n d stn^ght : sliutout. for players ages 5-14. TO R O N TOro - Mark Recchi The Th Avalanche, who finish WASHINGTON)N - Martit^S,t. M.UA)r Kansas tto talk to SSelf Registration will bee hheld ot scored his secoxond goal of the gome thc1C regulart season by winning•J, 25 Louis scored twovo goals as the ftasocloted Press______Hemingway Elementaryy oior at the with 6:06 rem.jmaining in the third off theirth final 37, now lead tl{his Tampa Bay Lightrtu n in g b e a t th e Tho Aas G iieniientlier did district office a t 3Q8 N.. Main M St. overtime p e rio d to g iv e bestncst-of-scven .Western Conferer■ence W a sh in g to n CcC a p ita ls 3-1 n ot)t r e lu r n a in Hailey. F or m ore infdtt'dtmadon, Philaddphiaa a series-evening vie- quuanerfinal ar serie^s 3-1. W ednesday niglit to even tlie first- CHACAMPAIGN, 111. - Kansas callill seeking _ c a U 788-2117. toty over Tororromo, The Th Avs,.who also got a jjojjigc round playoff seriesies at 2-2. rcceivcived permission Wednesday comm'mment. Ed Belfour fromom Dan Hinote, will try to, egjij Game 5 in'thee best-of-sevenI to spea)cak with Illinois basketballII " Ii t ‘’s r e a lly rday. series is Friday in Tampa Bay, coach:h BillI Self about replacingg Bill’sll’s situation lates IP Playoff made 72 saves thesle series in Denver on Saturd; Pleasant valley shati before Recchi’s Marilarian Gaborik had the goalII Jfor ■ wliich inight or migllight n ot be gn tmd evened thc bbest-of-seven e Eastern home icam has even-en ha d a lead. Bill,"’ saidsa Illinois sports informa-J. w aitirliting period rt Lynn McMastcr cardedI a rou n d C o nference pliplayoff series at 2-2 . BlUe tion ddirector in Kent Brown. Itil one p arty of 31 to win .the nine*hol lues 4^Canucks 1 Saturday night in c t Senators 3, Islanlanders 1 , If left Illinois'on Wednesday pmr pp.P Z4 n T .io o Joe r Sakic took 1 cuse in tho national titlee 25-7 and won the Big5 TeTen tourna; joln,caU423^. , )k the edge off anoth- offselfset a 33-20 shots deficit, ctcan Conference serie eiwo. , er loud crowdird with two goals In doso» o o ut th e series in Game 5} (on Thursday night. Ad ment championship. In tthree sea- Adrian Aucoin uUnoinois' athlctic director Ron1 sons with th c Dlini, Self i ■ Coo^taM MMraporti Il tbe game’s firstrst eighti m inutes, and Fridayiday nJght In Vancouver. , ^redforthelslandc cU is 78-24. ■

]• i...... ' ,,V ■ ■ V ■ •


S p o r t s

S e n ^t o r s s w ei i e p i i i i i e -■ t e a m i l ]n e e t a f i W hite Sox,lRoyals returi m t o By Kovin H«ll nm—-Wew» writer businesb at IU.S.CeUuIaia r F ie ld CHICAGO (AP) - FrPrank Nation^ Uafue{ue G O O D IN G -H ostc Gy, center,c launches through thele air en route to capturing the^leboy•110^neter I Dan:>amaso Marte,'and that was aiafter start In franchise1 his:histoiy. -r. ' Newkirk of Murtaugh, Igh. both fin- high hurdtaitei Wetlneidsy tlurlng the Famiersiers Natlonal-Zloni Bank Invitatiatlonal track meet at Idaho SchiSchool for the Deaf J®le gavei up the tying homerer to ishing four-tenths of a second .„a Bllni Lhgel Berroa in the e i^ th inni back of the Bulldog. Mnd In Gooding. Higley finlihedI in 16.0 socondi to nose out WiWendell's Sean Goodbody andd HMurtaugh'a Matt ^ other NL scores:es: •' ! "No up-sei," said H Hi islcy. who N»wklrl(, bothbot of whom finished In 16.4. Othnher AL scores: Marlins 3 , PhllileIIIIeBl has already beatenn C G oodbody m ultiple winners wi this day. After week wi at the A ngie W yatt.” in 34-3,5 and the th 300 hurdles in - this season. taking winsins in both the triple (42 Novis had one less miss■ ffor the 49-6. Teammatlate Jillian Cutler loston 6, Tam[iaBay4 Cubs 10, Reds8 4 Goodbody, who camamc back to feet, 11.2515 in c h e s ) a n d lo n g (20- win wi over Reeves, who camim e the was in d o se pursursuit w ith four sec- BIu(Hue Jays 7, Yankees 6 Cardinals 15, BrewersBrt 2 ' b e a t H ip le y in th e; 300-mcter 3' 11.25)jumpmps. Novis took the high closest cl of the trio to cleaear 6 -2 , ond-place finishcshes. 11^ event, said he didn't helphe! himself jump as oneor of three leapers, snaking sn over the bar befoifore his Wendell spejpeedster Jaynie Irioles 4, Indians 3 Braves 3 , Ex[ios:os 2 by crashing throughigh several along wityith Jim Reeves of ankles an caught the obstadee ati the Goodbody contintinued her domi- Twhwins 4, Tigers 2 Pirates 6, Metsls 32 i j gates. K im l«rly’ aai n d B ra n d o n M a so n o f last la: second. nance in the sprsprints with wins in 'Tve got to learn to run over Bulil, to dl ea e a r 6 0 . M urtaugh senior Lacey PcPerkins the 100 (12.8),, 2002( (27.0) and 400 *"5ingels 9, Rangere 8 Marlins 3 , PhlllleiIlles 1 S j them and not throughIgh ’em," he “I camcc inii tlie re a n d m y ste p s led lei the girls with four goldsds: win- (60.9), She alsiilso anchored the ■ - said. kind of felfe ll o f f ,” , h e s a id . “ M y ning ni, the long jump in 165-5, f th e T r o ja n s ’ w innnning 800-meter II Levi Novis was onele cof several best is 6-4.•4. I did that just-last pole po vault in 9-0, th e triplele jum p sprint m edley tciteam. II IMS Major Lea t;« 3 0/1 Icm Ceoirt)CtXK tl-0.4 Iin[U».DJ»aV«Vr.? I60.J 5«*n i U >< (B«*A TrrW. HcCT. Gce»ln),l AlAll Times MDT • OuMnsWCC; Krt»^tBJtO 5 WMH.r>v^,i»a:.a iiia.; w»}|V.r:» 9 iJ OjslrgJOnCk. 4 n«^?i>4& iM:i.C™j^l61151 1 trB»Curmr«.u^ju7i l>5 6 CMjn urc 4 V»irrJO)lS W*rp.l UcifP.ili'il*.■ Vluug» X3S } umAaMr-1 lut*.* ll0Afr».i KKaO-iMnnM 410.; ntmfU UfcfjuTi Dfl 3 Simian.«■n.kVxdn>«.3i.31 4 OiCTM E astO ivI^ t «/•!«'•, iCin Kccu Gun « « I 5 Kid IW i y, J 3 ( 3 [mmjuKrU^.ti 4 Cuurotlatfmn Tom Cixi]rn)>74 S W L l[fi! fMOrqlOl 0 1 ViinM40i; • V> rUu .*^10 Pd GB LIO str Homen e Away htr 'Jow York II 3 ..786 - 7-3 L-l 6-2 Om - 1 iji it : i»(U i.i 0«iMkkf«n.V, >•2 5-t 0 ^ 170.4 uai«'trt. ' imj I 't5 7 MjnO.iiCua.- i^r-MSlSJ.S Boston 9 5 .643 2 Z-64 W-3 3-1 CfntiMs OoctVij uo 1 >xrfrua<.winM.ni. BallirJallimoro 5 S -385 . 5.5 4-6 W-1 2-41-4 3-4 0^5 ttaPwi-1 fW" riiiHotvyi vii.0in]»J5.:jMiaKraW««l O1C0fiti».1(ixdr,(Ai.»^^.»rc«li.(Wj.TtOT.(k»lW1, Tamr V*lrr O? 3 TJtKl i 41 KotiuM) ft/j JOSS.4 "eWm &oa*^.’n3tUct.j«C<«V*V,Ooo !«..lw.3111.) Si*n^&U^Wa>]IW.3MS.4 JnumoKoMi. I nnM44t.)WMiW<.44a.44a.4&/4147.5Ckm.f..r, rampa ' ‘'"‘f Bay 5 9 ,,357 6 4-6 L-2 4-6^ 1-3 00 JUt V*kr.3>iV>k) i UtOtcfiCtrxM WtnM XCi.t Ttf..lln,iP>nn MVtVUrjeil ■Wrl*nX'i.r< IWniliO Ujt*Ujti.91 » 101 Ce:^entml Division UDOft/i-i [>j,U(,u« (Vjojfij iC4i;; ;? IlUH 'oncn : ivmi (wt' in c 3 w. 4 fMMr^lJJ »i(»> -1 Ucr, Ptftn »o. J *t;4LcrU H7 3 ^7 4 w LPd GB 110 str Honwmo Awy Intr r.llJ114t,w bkUMryitV;LtVib, UJ J nr.lAkw,Codr.i'J9 CcoiCco>,}tS 3 80 4 1 Wcn>4. C70..t £ n>(i«jS7.*c«Mrt&iBTnF«t7. Kam M * t »j to(IroJr.; Itu e J Ikum urt*.,■ MCi4 5 4 &Mflr.3 14 7 5 CVX.JCVXiJnjrt 4 UiMlbnirx>»rfl70 i C>,K(pnpn [kA. k lUTM IVXM. U 4 CansasCity 11 2,846 - z-8-2 L-1 5-0rO 6-2 0-^; >VanM l;t.' JIVfT-V.l « »rtlroci< Koa»,j 574 0 ■ i4«wA«6: njoamm Chica:hicago .8 6,571 3.5 z-7-3 W-1 4-t-t 4-5 0^: ■ Ln CMta}/ hmJrt 41 4 J Ujs u««il OHCUOHU- I MtrW«ClM>Il. 0>/l t)4 91 J Ur>^ lUoa uViM* 4 n»a.W4»jn.KrWr Mrnflt■linnosota 6 6 wT M ("T " W i 3 .irlk-^ ‘r Krlr'>r.4]0 4 tx>8’S’S! 3 4 JntoKrn 1 y-4,0 djtb Soa. (ifi. J7.4.______ri«o. .571 3.5 5-5 W-5 2-3 -3 6-3 0-0, tri (krax*; «)» « ttrrtftmP!------r.wr.%Tf ni:5 ntsttinjn tjsjjnj fe-lCtC 5^1^ >«rt.’'0 7 :ieveiar>t} • 5 9 , :.357 6,5- -3-7 L-1 3-6-6 2-3 00' ViWJ .13 3 OMIki &xi»i .'d(i5.;ir VltrJ nS - 1 ijvn iJfU'.V' r: 4 J .w IW»», «rt«, 030r «vj ».tt Jlh J! / (kulnj 4 140 3 Ct<&.k CMkc Co4>.; 4M0 4 KeSrtpl . IJ3133 3 U^V«*«:. 131,4 SJirit 0>sm. C«.Ckrm 41)51 Iwnn, lk.r>, t .'J ' S;oattloomi 8 6 .i l»tJlW.!kW^ . Owdnj jmo 1 A. M-J.t»l VwHlif 11? 6 6 CftuJlViJl fm 13 C 1 C*C.*TifV/urn Ck«nf««>. 14 0 C (tel .571 - 6-S W-4 5-3-3 3-3 0-0 l«»)rT. Scosn; Fas .14] UUOOHilU-i C«ilrgiCt:>o>' “InahoirTi '8 7 ,533 ,‘ .5 64 W-1 5-1•1 3-6 0 ^ sroVj-i.j'’ ^ I OcuV<; «--T« ««r|3*4J,J ra-ira -1 4«rt i«r>»\, Ocajnj : JS 9 J IhrrH mn i3i34 U'0.)V Ciuln] Wmlri}4<). 3 O-C"^ 3 11 ? « iU}f/.t\*, 315 J (1tttJr'traxJJl.'.JK ^ JJbe.4 C .500 1 z-4-6 L-6 5-1•1 2-6 00 Te«aseitas 6 9 .400.^ 2.5 4-6 L-t 4-5 5 2-4 0^) NATICnONALLEAGUE S p o o n e;r i tosses o EEaste Division “ 3ne-hitter' i n B r u i nis’ 8-0 shilutout W L FPd GB uo str HomoTO Away Iriff Monin Tho Timos-Nows______onircal 9 6 .€.600 - z-6-4 L-2 4-22 5-4 O-O;. , John I’oinrenke went 2-1 Softball PhiladNladclpnia 9 6 .6.600 - &-1 L-t 5-44 4-2 0H>-‘ ■ .ocal sports wwith if a home run and doubk liania 7 8 A.467 2 Z-64 W-3 3-4 4 4-t 0^1‘ MOUNTAIN HOI ______^______tW(two RBIs and Cody Howe/e rto n Highland 17*1010, Burley 3-3 Rofki:OFida 7 9 ,4,438 2.5 5-5 W-1 W4 2-5 0-Q- U u ih A tm a S p o o n e r gii for the day but we •‘<•'■1struck out 10 in the victorory to POCATELLO ev*Y0F)( 5 10 .3.333 4 2-8 L-1 3-33 2-7 0-0; first-inning single to I’au .0 - Highland sed more." leaiload the Trojans (4-4), who0 play swept a nonconfiinference softball ' C^er«ntralDhrision Tliat was enougli. as;lh th e sL-n,or T „ i„ F;,1|, W L Pd P GB LIO str Heme ills travel.s to Jerome atEa t Buhl on Friday. doubleheaderr with Burley a.-.,, l» Awy Irtf. , didn’t serve up another icago 9 6 .600.6 - 6-4 W-2 6-3 R it two Tuesday, winningng 17-3 and 10-3, 3 3-3 OO- six innings while fanniiS n s ' . n ' Remington Daniels hil }uston- e 6 ,571 .5 .5 z-5-5 W-t 5-44 3-2 OO. Twin Falls’ 8-0 shuh u io u i at honhome runs and Kraig Molinala also Sierra HansenL‘n and Erica Hill pjHjbuttsbufgh 8 6 .571 .5 .5 4-6 W-1 2-33 6-3 OO- Mountain Home Wednesinesday. T^if* honhom ered for the Wildcats. cach had two hitslits in G am e 1 for Sl.Loi.Louts 8 6 ,571 ,5 .5 5-5 W-1 3-22 5-1 CWI ____ the Bobcats (3-J . Justine Williams wun^ent 3-for-4 ...... T The Filer varsity visits Gh 3-9) and Jalynn Cincinincinnati 5 10 .333 .a 4 z-4-6 L-2 3-65 2-4 OO lwai;k60 5 10 .3 w ith an RBI and ru nI scoredst to ’-« FerFerry on Friday. ■’ M orris w ent 2-foi-for-3 in Game 2. Ui^wai .333 4 5-5 L-1 .1-55 4-5 0:0: Ic^ad th e B_ruins (7-3);•3); K risia , , Burley plays at WcWood R iver today We/Vest Division Ganibrcl and Marciec ie H a tc h Late Tesuliults - a t4 p ,m . W L PPd GB 110 Str Hmen Away IrC' added two hits iipiece ? WwxMOfLjVI SanFrinpFancisco 13 2 .a.867 - z-B-2 L-1 7-22 60 (Hi. :e and first D o e o h o ll M.1 CoiOFailiOFado 9 5 .& baseman Jamio lidwardsrds doubled 0 3 5 0 0 3 1 1I S:^IKrtM QSa-12144 Omi .643 3.5 z-7-3 W-2 5-1 I 4-J 00-. SanDi.inDiogo 7 7 ,5(,500 5,5 z-6-4 W-2 5-5 > 2-2 OQ. off th e wail in the thirdd lcleading 10 Wendell 12 ncflitMraij IVnM 0 ^ 01 12-1, Filer JV 1-3 ^'crur*, lou >i3c9 DanialDk " IJ 1V*n) 16*0(1»WM7” S LosAnsAng(!!os 5 9 ,3!,357 7,5 3-7 L-4 2-2! 3-7 00- the first run of liic game. Ucut vd Ucru. CM, Mw)«w-o»rtL-ucorti«i. >1. Artioml20na 3 11 i.214 ' 9.5 2-0 L-2 2-6> 1-5 00 Despite 13 hits, the BnBrains still WENDELlLL - W endell split a Omi z-firsliFSt gamefl was a wili left nine runners on base.ise. d o u b le h eader a d with the Filer rhrMWnril Om]am] 8W16I0-J4J iiAfiuifr] AMERIiRICAN LEAGUE “I’m not suiJur-exciteiited about' junior varsirsity, winning 12-1 *403«l CMIOOO-ITJ luw ' * ^ ’‘^,5l(SCa-9l9 - Tuesdaday's Late Game it.- Twin I'alls coacllach Nick before failinging in the niglitcap 3-1 iftnrfuni&pTcr 0«cn)ll I illY(.> ^ a: I. Urm iifl uB I, BftKOMlCiritrt nutmrdiu“ ^■-’(ili'L.0^ , , 0. Soatiioatllo5.0akland3 Baumert said. “We didd getg some latcTue.sday.ly. Wednef)esda/s Games Boslcxision 6, Tampa Bay 4 Ballimiofo4.CIo«tland3-0f0 4 ' MlFU1(5&vie50la4,OotFolt2 Chi(agoVniitoSox4,lu4,Kaji5asCFty3' Jordan _ Tofonicronio7, N,Y. Yankoes 6 Anahoinahoim 9.Toxas_5j • ------OalilanililandetSeanio.Eato Contlnuod from 61 / Bul tliat wa;was merely a footnote 'LanLnrry Huglies is going to foulLli out advantage in thele first round of Toda•day's Games H e soaked it all up withviih a wide on th is s tirrirring night, the last soonoon, so put m e in then.’” the playoffs. Theyley open against ■omo (Wolkof 1-0) at N.Y, Yantoos (Woa>oavor00).11:05a.m. smile and a wave to the crowd time the basiasketball public was Eed. c o u rt sccond later so that Jordan urt pass was picked off[by 1 ogainst the Lakera-■9 -willbewhat hissevein^enth NBA season. This qui-i- wn with a broken footFoot, and tjf«j be removed from the gamame and Jordan fiminally pulled his Aaroriron McKie, leading co ono0 of most people remcmember most ets tnllroik that he was too selfish,1, ' 63-point game is l^lsis firstf t i i^ receive the proper send-ofll-off. In a w arm ups off andai re-entered the Philaliladclphia’s 31 fost-breje a k ab o u t his career, HIsHla la st two sea- th at hhe e scored: too much, that hiss overSO. , , rare sccne, the 10 player/ers who gam e >Wth 2:35:35 left for his brief point:ints. Jordan's final field-go;oal SODS in.WashingtoD']t> w ill b6 soin^ . • persona)nality was too dominating,I -4 Tho pose. Junele 14,] 199^.^ train e d on the court tiUTaimed to final appearancihce. attem:empt w as a niissed layup wi:ivith wbat-'ofa foom ote.'>■ 'A tearfiirful Jordan embraces thee Xjordan hits thee game-wi»«.T.gi Jordan and applauded, too.00. “I played heitiere. I told him I at 8:133 remn aining- “From Michael’sti’s standpoint, champiiipionship trophy with his's' ner against Utah forir titleti NoiSu The 40-year-old Jordanm ^would least have too 1be able to come “I'nT m not CTDarrassed,” jordtdon. be wanted desperaiirately to bo in fatherr anda best friend James byy and holds the pose,, convinciilis,^co have prefen-ed to end hisis careerc back (to Philadadelphia),” Wizards said,d, “but‘ it’s Just n o t... 1 ^ hadhs the playoffs,” CoUittlins said. “But I his side,de. everyone he's saying go in the playoffs, but the WlWizards coach Doug CoiCoIllh$ said. told better tter feelings in terms of plalay- jusfgetasensethattat a fte r tonight DUHmm Shot L 29,1982.L lifeasabadcetb^^^ never clicked during hiihis two him to go backick in for a minute. ingI aa competitivec gamA" is over, he’ll breatijathe a sigh of •• OpreFreshman Jordan’s 16-foot- sand hits finished H e saiti, T m stL 45 points in the game an years in Washington and fin stiff.’ I said, T l e ^ . -AlleUlen Ivejson scored 35 poinUlts relief and s a y ‘Voubu know what, er withItb.lS seconds left ^vess shot after stealing theh e ] J » U & ^ 37-45 in both seasons. ■ They want to s< ) s e e you.* H e said, as thethe Sixers dinchcd home-couJurt ,, ies done now.*” N o rth1 CCarolina the NCAA dtle8 KarlMalone. - ' ( , V'

m a inlay, April 17.2003 tto w M mn , TwkiT F« b . Idaho fr? '

c p o r t s saa g g a ^ i giBB— g a e a a S BBs^^B^^^BoaseaBS ^^BB sasssss^ ------S c o r e s AANDSTATSS '■ .V; Mavericl] ;ks beat SSpurs h. B a s e b a l l ___ . W HlAT’S ; ON T.r . v . a s a g >■ a'^fTMMTC J ------xnbxM ■■■ hfciiaifJwwsr' - jSJs. «Din«,DniMTiMT*4 ^ - v :» isssss! for1 first 60-wiri( seleasoh • I - '® * « | g ) o o i f « '• • > a s i a H Is M li IS H . SAN ANTONIO'(AP)--Dirk Cavaliers 9B, 6 ,1Raptors 88 f l j j •Euro Tour, AlgaiveOieO pende •NHL Playoffs, BBnilnsatjvI Devils,' :S iasiisi' Nowitzki'n scored 25 p a sss's'ija Wednesday " n i^ t to leadlD°iuas I CLEVELAND-iD - Rookie Tierre ■ > ‘ Poitu8fl).flmfoundund,ne,SiJD. Games,ESm,(>N,6pjB. LAU,.^ .. E g ‘ Brown had 166 ppoints and nine- ^ i I ill] S iia£i,si!B p p' ast the San Antonio Spurs »*?« -PGA. The Heritage,e,fif«round, fi . • NKLPlayof«,’Oik.oilers at S ^ , nNBABQXM ^ O a giving the M avericks their fiS"^fii assists as thee CavaliersC .beat- ^ ^ I Wm* i l \ ■ U8A,2 jun. Game5.ESPN2.•N2,8d0pjn. « a a s , i E win g season. Toronto in w hata t vwas likely Lenny' nsured ™l«^ns’lost gam.;ame as coach of the H o c k e y M ■ r S The victory ens r /aF-M a®'"- i c b a l l ______| p r — ljr»fi»MMOUIA^>IOU ^ ^ that Dallas, the. J f 4 ! seed in the We;■estern ™ ° 1 s-year«ldold coadiJS expect-- ____ -^'■ar----1 havoS ■ edi" be fired by Toronto general I f l Conference, will hi — taMtH411HJ)»— *1.3U Ccbruiu econd Wilkens. the-1,le -le a g u e ’s c a re e r' m a o • MLB, Athletics a t MeMariners, W - J ^ A K s T r " I it reaches the se > > > F8NW,2:30pjn.\, s a s » Pl y f f V l round of th e playoff;fft leader in coachin:hing victories and xvrauifi bh u d I Thc Spurs dinchched the ;°™M1.292.1,11,.114) rarely had a »pioaci»iiiiS>«(i>—1< >nt»K3.B» ncc on full raster to workork w ith this season iiii 3 £ " , ! ! ! ! g ’■'^TwSSSoSSi"^” JQtop seed in the conferenc ,,i"i..l, I Otrjtf. 4 0 1 ' .N»»y^i,w«wjw»>ma»«m3-i Monday M and played withou;)ut two R aptorss were wi ravaged by i ii 4 5 | i ^ 4 . SS"* ! ! ! Se OM» S 4 t 7 ^.raIm*-:Knii starters. Tim D uncan and SteI.ephen tSSwS'Sub?"**'" £ * ilHI0 i 0 t WiMOvlQsiw JoJackson were placed on .teiCMnan CUeSlAREB B399,RIW«8a cSSijllr' injuredin: list Wednesday, -but" t a h Bucks 93, IWaglaglc 87 OCMiri ^ ^OCMI li*nnai1.Cc*ni]eiM3iH>w3-i >viwUl be in uniform w hen the 5 S^i'SSSSith; c Spurs M ILW AUKEESE - Tim Thomas (MOUKNXMSSM ] Usau i I J a O aii iP Sffl openop cheir firsr-round stscries scored 21 p o innts ts and Desmond K n o c r OMMO Kusa I 0 [»<«*«> U»Onniia isas“.sia '? -.. s s s i ^ ®«f hH S .- ! ; again.st Phoenix tlu.s weekendnd. M ason h a d 19.9 j points as the LMt 0 0 Sf-iiCircicn M»uOM.Spn 'Leading by four at tliei; half.1 Milwaukee Buck [gja f ? ? § j f ; ' ! S / iilsSi’ H n EX a » Utmnnrt.itn Ds licks won for the s«i» ^ 0 ] I Oka" 4 I i H S r S J ; Dallas quickly built its man argin eigluh time in nineline games. ■ S K ' 2 T iM 7 intoini double digits in the! tthird The Bucks secur^cured the seventli i J ■ 1 0 0 0 =“' « ® Si- ?., 2 H ilijS i; NKLFtayoffSifm ququarter behind Nowitzki’s4 eightc seed in the Easte:istem Conference £1' !f!S!SS !l;• • S !!•!»K .! ! £i»' I’"! ■‘IT rrs" ■ £a v m n w u iM ic r po;points in the period. S! ! ! IS» 110 Iew Jersey in thc IMC ? I j'-^ g0 '0 0 0 f K,: first round ofjf ithe playoffs, i ” I S’* isssE; TImberwo^esTI, 95, Grizzleses 87 Orlando got thee ciglithei seed and . M >> * > iVnic } 0 1 1 li«a(( 0 0 n^amJDitiiKiiN*•V’' “' S r i Sb*om*nft«;i.*.«x» S 5 ^ ■s:mm a«lrm b o w •' f»"P ^mpMiWM4aivW J will play the top-s□p-seeded Detroit O CiKft>»r»l- au»t MEMPHIS. Tenn. - “S !!! a3SS<"S}2S! fcMWB«n»ftinoi44 Mi ■ .stntin i-uiA'amr>4n 78DS1C110T,W[IARDSB7 . Minnesota Timbenvolves diminched Pistons. n n m g n ^ CDinoiM WMinwa:) »^*S£mSto£oJ»7‘De?to ho n n eo rSra'lU? home-court advantage in »1SMIlQa»r44KMti>il Grizzlies on W ednesday niglit,It. slw of his first trip: I 0 ‘ ’. . , S!!!ffiI loal 3 0 0 1 9m0^04 triple-double witli | SSjS^I^^MrCL. fKevin G nm ctt had 19 ix>iiu!lUs, 16 1 / points and 112 2 rebounds, ns ^ 5 « r t ^ !’■* s s lwo52»ifriMH<«.71Ioro)> rebounds and eight assists toolead 1 Indiana secured:d tht ird place in 0 0 0 1 I ? uS e^22j Minnesota, wliich ended the OtK> t»MM?4(V«Kn?4UAlliW »5eicr.*i round, but needed. s SST i i0nn 0; 0 1 Ooznp^ 9 isil111 ««>■ led. a victor>' (if a. ■ 4 9 : l£S 0. 0 0 0 S««*^’'WCQ‘“ JGHTW«13,CAmAlSl ^Celtics6 . 99, Pistons 92 Philadelphia lo,sss to tu gain a spot in I fe niisf lS3??iS2SJ'' '^ ' ‘ ‘ 23IS^-'o^ OOO PACCRS3S90.PCT583 , iSS’. 3 0 0 nKMbi) 0 1 y BOSTON B - Tony Delk scoreccd 17 siandines. UXKnl> <110 } £dFU(«S«nl • T ^ - •WMMII Q*i10M?.nM w SSftn } ] ? ,S ' lii! S afeiii>M>roog.j:rrcn»iio. poilpoints before sitting out the foiiourth ,, • , , • 0 0 T-in<^»0BJ<1) *’ ^ awggp-i .a>TMMZninM??i< li:&ZNtfr9 «3m3B(kgWMSn»c»CP*w> carters as the Boston Cellsltics NEW ORLEANSNS - Baron Davis' M c S S K i r " " luned up for the playoffs. sc o re d 21 p o in ts ) n m to to e> TS(«^rQett timUnCnA nts as Hornets 2?SS;S -Detroit, the No. 1 seed inn the defeated Atlantai to finish the reg- • ----- , - - I j s y . , a^M *Bpo»5iiuii4c.iinn Eas > ■ »» S S ? 2M1 East, will open the play&r^Oa s had ning streak. *" * " i s s s w ireviously clinched thc si.vtli1 -sixns Jam al Ma.shbum l 2l I ® I S S3 ) -i 3 S.hMMS(Ir»,M fi^iwCTtonteriTiuiinijnircb:;IMU m tl im had 15 [xiint.s, • 5 [J^I 4 0 0 0 CMlip n the East, and they will plajlay at ■ 11 assists and 10t relxnindsrei for his i ° >«n:s 3 0 0 0 >UMtA § S ? 5 !S3S^W S ' nmp 0 0 0 0 T^up S § > . , 3 £ indinna. third career triple-dte-doiible. ° ° CJnatfi IOOO ^ ® 9 g M J S s- J 0 fs?5'?c^5i: a « M CMur'»»*WtP,Oiiaji r ^ S tS S K«»wi*»*-'ri«(ioci ^ sDUl»ATmSllSLAM)CRSl b™ J PADRES3.D00( ' SS^<2 ?S Chargersc deal LB SeauU Darnell said the connrommitnient lo I MDBU 1D9W KU4S>.itI«t?)04< i^npnivi I 0 0 Utmjwii 7(7} a<»'»TOitMi.V«tinOipt»»gi increase the pursiiirse for Tlie I D I >10 0 0 ? iv«l» 9 0 0 0 Dtt«lOtnd f o ?0 SSri7M6M^t1n»ll M Nr UnMAlIiM.7U «.Ctet |j ^ » 4 0 0 0 O^'O 0 ' KSifd S 0 I 0 90«acmii 5 0 0 0 y^y3:>,i’jmHtHM?.itrit>Tr70Wi ■ (Slaffmi:^I Akusn tm cri :c,«ji»i DAVIE, Flii. - JiiiiiDr SiS eau year, before the tobaiobacco coni|)a- 4 0 0 ? ' OMUJ 67?? UiHIS 4 1 lo TMMI?3 |. wanted to look sharp onn his ny began exploringiig leaving1 the 3 0 0 0 ^ ? 3 ^ 1 0 § H ? ? ^ Ol Pwie--VMaoiiai«iii IMS c C™»30M _,_WH 5 J J ! first day with the Mi;liatni .sponsorship busine?iness after .i2 4 0 10 Uf(n»m^rttRFRlE«;Caxi Dolphins,B, wearing a blue-• |pin- years, 934 9 4 tprrr»I>« Haiti*, S i-p I t t t CKupS 0 s 0 0 ivua S K f fJ iS S S ! ? X , V i i K r “ ‘ stripe s, .suit, a red lie and kblack bl But for now, thc fa t-JSA.Ili;nilL-» I«1»— 1>in ^(0«na unki&nOl c focus is Jinly k 5i^ S S S m • I3CS»| ______PWATBe,MEI5. a'i!!! ESSS 3*1 f-j3o -Si;.size-ins;uidals. on the upcoming Ma'M ay 17 event, anfp 0 0 0 0 SoMiOxnlUTnt n una. Dl U£«r, uvinr. «M< • J ^ ' >t» 3("*™ptc ta s.; 0 1 I HOfiKETSS WAIANCKE3.WI101 S9iK*WXS77 a a * 2 0 V9 the ch downside of a sparklk lin g consecutive ye;ir, »« fl i H! ? § S § -^r<*a s i l l IS2.'c J ? I ? I S ? (WnXOMiafM^IiMC. Mlp^LCanOmaiSatJIIWWr.StO?. CUcarecr. The Dolphins eagtgerly f ' 3 111 (rrap providedpr a new hom e, act)! fn?n >tHili 4 ? J 0 Ss.n'-^>r«?iov^ania s»*“ p a £ rquir- Super Bowl hero•0 gets§ hit cSJ* 0 0 0 0 5ca'Ki;:,» iS iS " ” ing th e 12-tinic I’ro Bowl Ii ', J ? 1 ? 3^i£Mjn *" «n*.;?4iaim«1«>4i iSSSSiuJi I 5 llll^ -k » J" » » S S i 1 ! S ~ , MmUnt?iniTTi)£i*>i hi)backer Wednesday in exchailange With assault char{large ^ l/amtlOCKlrO>it forfoi a late-round 200-1 draft pick.pi c i,i-;a r w a t e u;,, Fki.fi - Super “ III: r^ziftOMOAisinaJf.J«M4.1*«,1JM? tcSB nS7.t Const.xe tmn .to mr, - « » ■J ; ! i ! ■ 3 ! ! "Jujiior Seau needed1 tth e Bowl hero Dwiglit; Smith Sn of the ^ » iisiS :anli?WI WrrwiitS-IJ-a Mi nuMoDiiraa g ® ° j teMm S a 5 S SS ESgs Miami Dolphins more thann the Tam{)a Bay Bucs waswa arrested i i i l jlMtOUW il»ltJ4^[a:>(C»x?2lMait.CMl. a^iStnairtU'toTMnnB.NMItkKKU Miami Mi Dolphins needed Jununior Wednesday and chacharged with ™ : ' BUIEUYS7,YAM(£B6 • • » > S ~ " "“ ° ® ° l ’i>f,»!.n«T>»iJ»»raOT»uii«.C»>r»M ltaD'iJj4Jif« CTOTO >s M. yiir [OTLIJ SJJ t 9 (3Q>«34Ii»ttim/nlinnw.unrtu’ioti road a-djuiiIcui i- .Seau," he .said, clutchin;ng a brandishing a haihantigiin at ncu9> W1091SM 0 0 0 1 o*-**™ H*nn*J|T»raWOn» m ^ aiMtu fVh«»l4»UC« BiHH C-«>rRi}n!»n]i|l|C<'-/«xu7iiu»5iiaw». 22" ;'•’ § ® MiMiami jersey with his fatnilliliar another motorist. fKWI 5 'l 0 ?? } n n n ! 'M0«n?4|X&(un1t I 1 I tiuihrtnAoii*?!';/]^ • rai* No. 55. Smith, a third-roi-round draft ^ 5 j s 5 § J f e 0 0 0 ? OwliTaJfO^AUU aUtS4.CAWCttl BUC*S93,93.M*fiJC87 • • 'g S r ' Maybe so, but the Dolphihins pick in 2 0 0 1 . re-•turned tu i two ^ 1 0 ? itr-e,vi*0i.iCcni6rfw»fCcMrOnwnwteM OlMOfn 'TOuwlOilnJIiScptliiL:.-. 1157 were deliglited with the act|uluisi- interceptions f«ir toucouchdow ns in ■ 5 0 1 t IllS 1 s;;' i ! n tio n . S ean g iv e s th e m eiijliglit Tampa Bay’s Superir B Bowl victo- I ' i«iWH?J4.H«Tji7flO 25^T5^^?5ft2:v, i : i . SS--' T ^?J* ^.|? 00.,, rreturning e i Fro Howl playe,'crs. rj- over tlie Oaklandnd 1 R aiders in iii 0 ; I I QbVfTS&ASTIK incincluding seven on defenseL' - a Januar>'. A backup ci 5 ™ ‘ S . f CH«M?1.PmUi»?(«)a ” ?>ii3r7Sji,’SlJki«.(ra!rtiirc>j.5i<0«.av*v ^,., p cornerback ^ 1 0 1 )oem UNRw *,»H DU»»lJOOH.tWl'4Dt*43411.!UlIMBMIi - (Ul»miRum staggering total for a team tlthat in 2 0 0 2 . h c is e.•xpected x p to ' £ HIMIljmtrMOOa 0 S'""—""' ft9J03 S 1 1 0 Cnscnc t9 au«.vinriuci irA im'c b'Kut»S40W »^J0 9 0 0 0 Witail atoi/ro i»« missed “ *• the playoffs and hasasn't become the startinglg f:free s;ifety . 5 2 .> .« irarsu been to the Sui>er Bowl-sinlince next season. p R i SBS*®"’** ^ . rIJcSjtnJ'ijSs*’***" Jun% < 0 0 0 JOU4 n ? 5 s1984. He was charged1 withwi aggra- ^ I I MAn»S3,PHUJISLJSl ? J ’ I ^ 5 »0 0 K ^ Srin ^ £ S S - ~ tal motorist wlio complaiiilained that a ’ ' | i-!!! S ' ! ! ! ! ^ AUSTIN, Texas - Te.xn.s poi ^ k U I ;I I' 3 0 I 0 m e 4 ?§SS Tu«day«Lrt.^NBABoxes T loiqt man in a sport utilit;ility vehicle ■!;! & TRALBLA2IRS:RSm sues 102 T * e n n i s J,guard T.J. Ford was taken to a pointed a gun at himm ata a tniffic b J §0 0 lS«W IH I 2 * » » » ' Cart) hospital hos by ambulance aftf te r liglit. n3«*-aai(j7/n) n I 0 a 0 cioasetJM S l i f H I s ' «~'sH S rffia !;c u bei:being injured in a-pickiip bas-bi AMaSS,RANQERS8 1M?JialMI*»7JI7J4 • '{5J ^ ^TEM ^ ^ '& !!!iS'?!!! i S S W ketball game Wednesday at » Giants closer Nenin \ w ill m ai^ j y uKc ccampu.s a n gym. «'•' ra,ffis,i3lis S £ T “ tJMtftwy i>i>u?r. I ! £. slsrr ” n ra n « >•««»*« Mil Stum "It is not life-threatening„g," undergo shoulderir s u rg e ry ^ un^tao 7Jtttxra U SKot« n I , J g , i<) n gr t S S s s s s " sS mS iS? lexas spokesman Sco:ott SAN FRANCISCCSCO - S an Mc(McConnell .said. • Francisco Giants clo* * i ’ ' 6 Inn S1 5 1 r a e c :: closer Robb ? g 0 I >W(la>ltMr«H4U.tgjmD>?40tu)»r»»1-l. FordF was undergoing furthither Nen will undergo arthroscopicarti ill- ^ * kaJ^femawiMl eva2valuation, mostly for precacau- surgery on his ailii B 11 j ffi’f I !• s,"' U ll 1S S £?Snat 52 !oi**aio-..-,.»- liling right = •' ' iSfS*’"'” ?« 1 0 0 lionary reasons, McConnele l l tth o u ld er F riday inLos Los Angeles, ii!! «3?c£iTOnp5Sj iSoHrw\f>«>W*Tei9ir>IU**..H*>. aiid. H e would not provide fufur- Nen has been on thcth e disabled p iisir' ■■”'■”■ iiiiii! i ! & 5 S » , H J J snrxiM'.^74n. thei ^GlIl'YSl'llS&iSTysiI> PMta>DjaBM%r8 . B a s k e t bBALL a w S 5 ^ i ^ h 9 ^ aMPmwSiOKmT>Me- Hi 6 sspitai, near .the campu>us. undergoing thc sameic procedurep , Kum vMmw SKiiWSiii. iSs*'— «> ht. vhere he was being examinencd in November, HrikifdBwk»ttd|-ail ^ a s r i ^ ^ t ’i‘oiVii:sssisssiKsiS’ •Mi»»i»0 3 a r S B ,. wVInston in winner will - M I Johnson said Tuesc■esday the i- I a I i a ^ ; i I MktalJodn'iT{$CmmSbt» — locket a record $1 mlliioi■on m en's soccer, indoor)r titrack and K W fMlmvKMrnFM. C(Co n c o r d , n .c - T ho wirdn- field and cross countrintry teams. i S i i ] «KMr»inUR»MW. ****■er of NASCAR's'annual AlUl* and the w om en’s swimrimming and l | : p g | S : tar liice will earn a rccord $$1 diving teams would1 beb< discon-» T f s r T i l S 3 S S S S e lillion payout, an-irirzrc^se: cof tinued. 1 ' f e ■ * ^ ‘ i i s W $250250.000 from last year.' Johnson also said a w' om en’s "5t • *p: . I R.J. Reynolds will pay th[he. golf team would bele aadded in bulk iS i of thc $3.5 milhon tota-tal 2004 “as pan of gendender equity ' ti '3 u 1 I nc«oo9} s Si»llili i J H S. -H i ' ffiCf pursurse, which was announcei»d considerations." I io M nM ixi0> n a i WedWednesday, even though th'the. Tho department is facingI a & . 3 s; 2 ; ! i; ' s s s s s >bacco company rccendy'citeited $650,000 year-cnd loss»s Ifor 2003, , • D a w ' " »• s s s a s s a i nancial losses 'in givining Johnson ^ d . Thc cuts'ats will save V ^ . R J ^- • ’^ • J S S 5 “ “ im «oan . tr Jlli J i ' a S S S ^ S S s fino ,} - MMaMlUnnkiU)CSI ' NAS'AS CAR permission to look fo r th e d epartm ent aboutu t S$557,000;' i * r » > ™ * f » § S ”s ! l s i s ' ^ i|S m e nlother o t] series sponsor.. ; ' sSEswas;* . rRJR j , spokesman'-'Denji;ny. ■ Gonvbdtan\kanvAvteinli - 7'.. ss. i?nir - ■ E « J 2 i

'i»- . .'■ , ' ■ ■ l i i l i i i M i M » 4 T1nw#Nws,TWlnFrkiFaa*,idato Tbimtfiy,A|>f 17r,2003 ,2

c m Yiom^Spi miiburSpoftsi 733-0931, Exf. 229Q'9iHours:2-ll pj^.)

. R gmpiPIN’ STOMPIN’ / ALL-STARS „ . Jerome]Ree Distriict __ l^AMS TAG): k l e h o o p s t oOURNEY^ i ■ ' p f S announcces hoops champs< ■ Tho Tlmea-News______and brothciliers Scott and Mark ' H B r Holtzen addtJded 14 and 11 points, JEROME - It wass back to respectively,ly, in th e loss. . “High School" for the wwinners of German1 1Dairy earned the the tournam ent champi

CG y m - t a s t i c _

I H B oy's S ^te

H yH K ':.y^^3l

iliL, . ' -Je / ■• -. w I : Ifi W j J

Top, the St. Nicholas girts team wam won the gold division titlele alat the annual Coeurc d’Alene on March 14. AndAndrow MoIIor tournament In Mailarch. Johnny Miller coachedI tho team, which. ' nxe tnn«iai^ — Let u Idah... l i f pQp^T«H.ip,rtoutiU;> ;•. k o v n O i m ^ B'o w i . in ' c; L7<3MS 7/ln>,H^M MWa>J tlie f , !«v,; 4 ^ Q*u3 rMU*T.M (WCS:0»«W»t»5 &*£>,«■-,Iia-j;3 Ha, Tl >n«n}ij t<%oj,«ajanM.ja«»V. ii«l:»5«.nwpAa» Ko)">>XfX' H* r«U*T.« Ul.**»jl>r.««.11; lCK3S£?asu..T»nf 7:i Bnv^iac^ TltStMYTUKS jred Smith bers UONWYWIUB StnCl r>r4r Ut S^m u«i ^ G u n SlaiesUI a >'^ixrnlV OkiCo^r.: f-'W lOfS (WUU. OM■MUryfy, Wr. Or»J,Coc«*1 SUfAVM SUM 4»: r ■ I ATT!e children’s B divi- NeilGOLFERS HJ4?I.S!lvMf»U«sirS If your home }{olf ^ V a ^ |t P)P o o r s - Vi tolWHOi >v**-"*** >W»Of5S£MS(UT<(W>.-.-t.')Ilk'S (kt W(Jo)sCKiucj^Ckmi>n< s^.> Carlnamcnl Ihls weekend »wnei8 IU>C«»16M 0«txtWJVS'JS'S UaCvy 191 174 ySi^^aua r» " rt, 'l^^ro ST 5!; ^ you eu"’« set a lemhvrshlp ^ »!’■’ RMZtRCU. m siatfiM HJ tes eard or currcnt 1C Paul’s SlS p o rts ar lkauirp..1^tu..’ U» ltvi*U:(Va.l\-C>«rv».',:t.’>U,r\A^ >j,P kCK3SOCUI>«S^alnat>tn EJ>\iEJHjtiK WQ.UXID " 0«-vuCjiwJCOU0 Edltarrj^lB SEBta tm Hntti «>g. U»’>, >i:lr \ 1234 Oflklcv Ave.,e., UBuriev. ID '•f ViO^ffSCWltiUiiCocM.TO UCKSCMCJ.G«<»SAmaie> EE3l«^W3)ty l41»aCc<^57i/W^HrW,Ml^ ■ £ 1™ J/• s 208-678-1573 o r 4 3 1 - 4 ^ 7 ■! S/-r-cniJ)J UJU»n;r!>";rs [SKarrjin Cc>%T«ii:0>iK]Un]4i) ritntOotn^'M Cnr, WMOfSSOSS:£r.nitu*Tur 0«iTM> tMJ4J(U (i l*rrt i:* Ccm«[lao«IIt , f*aiTY TiwniOuanvi:_ frnfarm fu/»noilS;S OcOiyrMO'T'tjis:; Luonsnwna SOttlOrwlKe!««4:j UjCiafi-1 , ^ I scncs: Mm O'anim 164. rUiFlwUzf Vwoa40a»«ea[ian4iS,«.-,I, GF Um«»i ;i; Uar,r>inc»aCc:Mo«40I A p r Carti-un XJ L-u OrUrtor m lUfjUtn U>.T CWtlI>«»&»r*-«.XO CirrwO^.Oan«.R| OMClJtrCinlW tkmtllu;>U JLP Whwi you want ttittd o iM r i g h t . Th3"rvji El«>V9rV»'-'» A.t«i]a IU. Tvy I n. HMI IV,I PLEASANT VALLEY GOU . swOTwwJM’aw tJo^sc..^>-vrue iMONTnomes Uv)fran3iCciuc*tU SO0VIUOf3SZnCS:Dttr.l»uCie C^K •>r< SOC3. Zvrm Oarrwi '.V. lUM Onln < E N T IO N ______( KImberiy, Idaho Toro Super RRc e e y c l e r IrlH! E»lUtCoiK».ltaj"&M‘«(a“ ‘’•JPju Konr,.;»l UrM -75 HOOSmtS ;olf coursc is having a Tournar m CWOI SM (krrw um Onir,nir,4]). 4: TmaU0rtXr<$7.>«tnr :i g. Daortra AM FvosTua I P. 5M01 (IjSa I«. Ocrt>» HW*)s ,I r - t IGA card tt play ul... sofcnvtotfn eocu CU var'>u» na SOttlDi^r«t.'4 CW«Dcft3.tt TKM.uonKHwa (MtUMrrSn Ui-.I).«.4*J J«1 «WX ne 60SS Da^Snsi ue. u> Zavnana477.Dw 4 TO3LET oSc& Ed o<«> m iu> r«ui .-?7.'.O oh^mi naijran*JJ,Biit«nC»T*r471 K7rsSUKS:ni«nrr«cS't.Dc(CfC'BtCmjl Dain-ilCT ccUin.Kjia Da V^ .V. W w*-« Nom TO, fU U« «»3 ___ cmsTuucuo IU jASkxuKigr kCoiveaiYYAM MTS (MCS (*«> ftntn :‘j lv«, Cm StnO: Oa Ormw 717. MinCkW 3REEN FEES Krrs KHEA Iiv OiK9i UMVilV:.-«(.'t.(dO»(Om CO S^a^Bfwla>ra^.I«t^lTt•«^35 ' . ‘ Utrr*m»i*n!.t J*MnT^;i9 '*»• (MCI acn [>,wa> :n. lUi DtoM BOnOUCS. tiwdjoiu rMIVy««x n,«r voors'sERCS: COTM (W iUacwe^' cw XKiceaM.xTacK r.3W*n»Want;iT,., T>tKO*rW«« ltari;« UiUtoSis uon o n s JbaUtmrt. ArtiVmrUnJ Vl 423-5800 im illl store QfU (MO l>,m Sf'lM IM. Kj*r"_ tnck Mru Ouw Om M AlanlanM V7. KICKS CLUCK Cona Dano ill.i.S^irw, S'in ' e‘AthM(^eiDcGSMwei:'ei7UU z„ •im*DtmSS.K^4ti;^:x Uncn tl 7. n»r tyt«m. ftoi IjncaucauarOM. . 1*. Ofl ftfifMaBTifm 9MC nvcn aoM. suuYCY ICrSQMC&rn4ltainXA.U»:kTiScrarocn UnCYKOS otl mmw M. Dee Si4«« :«.j«:r> imscncs.C'Miuxuwjai.i'var a SOC3:^adriMM4)4.-m>le«x<4iS. K7n OUCS iM IM> 9<. Um rw tss EJf^nCwlwurnlHO-lC***;0(«>n. ^LanluiiS'S.™ 7 C H E V r JsViKrUK ltr. tn»n MMd IU 0«UanBC4C>iiUk7<» KMm aOYS (MCI r»*>IM.ZK>il««iaaiai.■>I«. KMDn«EkCamCk£iaeaia Tarrnr )S CUMilK CKUCfallUCMCoOKO> 1» IXUKCcWlMtU&IwMScallW. CMnk MS, Ki«|iin Sir'll 3U ■UiMT ErcMMMU litfTjim leitm tM. PM«i HI Oorai no. Ihm S^txioi XI OKS SnU [k ,imi Dm m Cur> OnJOMCft CkM> U«7j(iil mTOji»iinSCffc”??-xuiro[ SlUPSiKr""” ' N Id,iMIIHU>{»V[UraxlU>W«™ • ' •• rlMM UnawtiaiMMKtK WMKI ONO I«Y>, ow M 4 . 10 yoar QTS*oni}lno - sra. scnE&UtfiJcma< la AM* Fold I St.sa.Gn* (k aoc»AtaerM>sa.(MU«»»«i(^rl»< and mowl ■O0fS IE*Bfc W. vra rtnm IEm»MA9lM<>lliMW2. ' U m ite d tc ludes diesel engines) ^ iMBxnjMaMM 41 r (M utw (wikiSMCm :is. ilia Oran-W, »; • Patontod Supor Rocytocyclor* cuttlhg ‘•ystom rtutahos lorr 0a tMMlttry a n d ■ «O en ou n 9*ra 9aru;) Tt. (MM IU0mlPiilM.fk*t2no>1SI.Sk(ft ■MCMcm vick M1) ^ W WM Tat IM thjw III. te>M CM>f i 11 • Durobk) c ast aluminumlum docki u a ^ tn u iy niTOinii» • n v o yo a r full warronty , » « . S P i e $9.9 Ity ■ • ■_% ____ 7 3 3 . 3 0 3 3 l m «aXS?!u!ian>^ H.TM nrn«ttCMC>raassSs™' ■ ,» MiiA u i2 r?au£?nI«»I!wM^^" > I« Oj(e VMM* IO.■lito Id OIL S HUE ^ lM> Ul, hKB &MM 1« CM M» MKiCMaECM.>4tie.E«iud:orii thia M otors" . MMaa>1H,(MT(,al1taR°T mcK<»,«l7.0M)Mr(U.K« ^ ^ 3 9 ^ 9 . - . to GM vehicles (exdud J |4a5Addt»onAvi.W„TwlnFtlinFtas «734-4ni7; '

ipointm ent N f- - lease call208-7;

■his " W e lc o m e ti? L ith i ^ o ff e r e x p ire s A p ^ 3L ’ . ■ I V

: MRI yields bene» n eflt» : n s id I : - 'ftjidiasc will hcllielp I \DE O b itu a rie s...... c z i ;Mini-Cassia,pa^tHftsofUcah. ______Id a h o /W e s t___...... C4 - I “ — I - P a g « C 3 — ------3 -V ^4 L L B r e a k ...... 06-7 I ]•;,? ' ' . ’ , ■ m CifjiE/E/TuorChad BaUhsin, 133-0\3-0931 :E x/.2 S 4 ■ !

TheTim es-Nc•Jews 'Thurirsday, April 17, 200;103______T S C c c c i o n C -

: ArouUND y . THE VM^LLEY J " S o s p i o o k s i f o r sspac€t*' ******'* Serving theireir Country ^ucatlon boai»ard meets Profiles of servi ______w omen w ith local < ^ tics1 who arc______------tmlay In Goodiiding------deployed to Iraq Ira and the : C o d i n g - n i e! IdahoId B oard of Middle East. Inforiform ation sup- Education will focusIS oon sev eral No plied by their fomamilies. i , CW ld U i t B ehindI ActA mandates today a t ics m o n thly ly m: eetin g a t 9 tL.m. at the Idaho ScSchool for the ■*r Deaf and the Blind,i, 24502 Main St. in Gooding. Among the policieIcies to b e dis* cussed are “adeqti;quate yearly h ' progress," “highlyily qualified” teachers, “highly qualualified" para- 1 ^ 1 professionals andd persistentlyp dangerous schools. Idaho is in the lidst of shaping policy designed to' meetm e those fed- . I: eral mandates. T he board will alsoIso focus on the creation of serviccice areas for \ Idaho's universities} andat communi- : ty'colleges, in whichch :local insdtu- I Jacqueline K. ClaiClark tions will have prioriority over the • Age: 20. development of eduiducation pro­ • Homelown: File grams when visitingng Institutions Filer. desire to provide thle e programs.f • Local family:r. Parents,Pr Ray Also on the agendaid a is a discus- '% and Sue Clark, sion concerning th ei ususe of stu d en t • Servicc. dateate of enlist- fees a t Idaho’s coUeglieges and how !lMii m ent: Navy, AugustUist 2000, they m ight change in tth e future. • Runk, ussignmjnment: Potty T he m eeting is operpen to the pub- ' ■ • officer 3rd Class,JSS, f-iiiincry lie. m technician, USS5S Abraham, Lincohi, Persiim ChilChilf, Public can comnmment on [^ _ • Task: Operatesitos and main- I cetTintn/Tte nw»«m^ tains the Phalanxanx Close-In ‘ proposed powerer rates Weapons System,n, a rapid-fire BOISE - Public commentsco on looding County Mamorlal HoipltalItal ward clerk Jessica Bay, right,ht, checks on patient Helen AllrAllrod Wodnosday. Tho hospitalal Is running out of space, espo- gun used as theu hilast line of Idaho Power Co.’s proposedpr rate itally for outpatlanta, and Is aeshinIhlng a $10 million bond Issuo to build 0 new facility. defense against antanti-ship mis- reductions will be aciaccepted until siles. M ay s. • Additionul inf voters to approve a 810 mmillion Qoodlng Momoriolrial Hospital offidols troeiroenterologists, urologists, pod. large com m ercial, 20,2:0 ,2 p ercen t for twnd litue to build o newV hospital-h »oy they want th«tho community to be atristrists and other specialty phys: industrial and 0,5 penjercent for irri- “\veVe just don’t have any/ Gooding County voters cnnin cast Involved In thoI pliplons for Q new hot- ^ianians from the Wood Rive • gation ciistomers. . . space,’:e," said Jim Henshaw, the Ihoir bollois from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m, pHal. Planning amand public Informa- valli"alley, Twin Falls and olher oui The proposal, sububject to the hospiu f at tJie following locations:; tion meetings will be held at 7 p.m, jyjnr I )Ital’s-president and chief /ing areas travel to Gooding seisee approval of the IdiIdaho Public executiu tiv e officer. • Qoodlng: CoHeje of Soutfuthern on the followingg d.dates at tho follow- thgi,leir patients at the clinic sn. (Gage, and the public objects1 to a written- housee can£ expect his tax bill to • About A t 80 to 85 percent of theIjq daughter, Amya. comment-only format.Qt. incrcas<:ase by Sl35ayear. ------hospital’s o sf patients arc oion • Service, dateite iof enlist- ^ .Com m ents can be: mmailed to the The,e cuirent( hospital is 22,500I additional 51.6 million wouldw be problem. It’s's outpatienti space, Mediledicare. As a district hospitalal ment: Air Force,ce, January PUC at P.O. Box 8372')720, Boise, ID squar<^r0!m of SARS1 1victim shoiIWS signs off recovery, familyf says He e-mails his famiamily every I Click on “File Roomom” then on mes-News and O remn for 1 the recovers fromm SARS.i Mlelissa eli and Melody - to hichi II 6^get tu start 1 “Electric Cases.” SereIcroll dow n to The Time; calling once a week.ek. te a c hher c who The boy has;as a mild diffusion in wife■ife’s native country when h Idaho Power cases aar n d c lic k on Tho AbboiBoclatod Presa______- Coinpihipi/ttiiiyAjriit’ C ase No. IPC-E-03-5. lo v edd C h in a his left lunp,, but bi other symptoms fell•11 i!ill. Tlwmpson ORE\EM, Utah - Mickey en ouglIgh that have siibsideided, said Michelle Jam Jai es Salisburj’, who grew u| ,“5 ' Meeting on rec: ccenter ury is cheerfully recover- as think- Salisbury, lethe oldest of the four in1 TTwin'Falls and graduate! For<] list o! othercr peoplept sciv- A , Hong Kong from severe iifg f moving children Jamiimes Salisbury had from•om Twin Falls High School ii itl the war fromfroi Magic I collaboration is5 ttoday respiratory syndrome, the a h u I with his firstwife. wi 1970570, w as rumemlwred Tuesda;y ? Valley, go online to) www.ma^i:!wu I ! that killed his father on l | i ^ ' J Salisbubury and Jiahui Salisl:lishury hasn’t decid- as> lovablylo .quixotic, a man witl* ’ vallcy.com and1 ch'cA:c on 1 K E T C H U M -A scco.ico n d m eeu n g April 9.J. th e ir• 5 -y ear- ed w hether she’sshi going to fly to swasvashbuckling ideas to chang' focusing on recreatioi ' 8 *^ "/Imcricti at War.” 7To submit tion facilities yet 6-j6-year-old Mickey doesn't • o ld tltriplets Hong Kong: totc escort her son thele world,i including one abou in/cjmiation and phophotos about collaboration will bee heldh from 2 k n o w ththat his father, former there.. He was home or allowow Mormon church drop;ropping what hc called a “fret to 4 p.m. today at the locat scrviccmcn and ani womcn iie Kentwood Twin Falls F resident James f ir s t leaders to arrarrange an escort. dom'am'bomb” on Afghanistan an ration Iraqi ^ Lodge on Main £ Mlck«i,Sall.bijiy involved in Operati Street in Salisbui)ury, is dead. Jiahui rican to James andd MickeyP Salisbury Iraq,aq, according to the Desere Freedom, please• caicalt Times- ^ Ketchum . S a lisblury, u r the child’s mother, die of SSARS. were livingng to g e th e r in Now;ows. The bomb would consist o News clcrk Sharisa5U IBames at The meeting, sponsoisored by the said shele hasn’t been able to tell Mickey rem ains underrquaran- c Shenzhen, Miina,Chi w here Jam es a librarylibi of books and items lik 735-3259 or c-ma■mail shar- Blaine County Recreatiiation District, him thata t his father died. The boy tine and under the care ci of Salisbury, 51,, had h taken a tempo- thele U.S,L Constitution. barncsQhot mail.cor.com. Please V will focus on exploririring ways to continu*lues to ask for a phone authorities from (he Chihurch of rary job teachiching English at a H He c put th e idea lo paper anc includc your ownn name n and work together, inventdrtttlrymg possi- number:r tot talk to his father, Jesus Christ of Latter-dayay Saints university. FleHc was considering sentnt it : to U.S. Secretary of Statiate contact iVi/bmicin'on.'n. ble sites in additionion to those Jameses Salisbury’s family held in Hong Kong, and aI Ifamily moving Jiahuiai and a the couple’s 5- . Please j sec RECOVEBY, Page C3 Jilready in the works,5, anda review- a memorlorial service Tuesday in friend visits him doilyly os he year-old trip]iplets - Melinda, ing the operational fetfeasibility of proposed projects. The public is invited,ed. For infor- Yol m ation, call 788-2117. >uth Ranchi jgains honoor CeUuliilar phone! tower1 sitinlg temporalarily CompII«d fromm astaff reports forr highway trtrash pick-i]up worriies Jeromee historic tr;rails group)

J The Tlmeine»News______' was named Adopt-A-Hih ighw ay By Sharron L- A Akers asspcisociated with the tower, the fSnowpac/^ group of the year for Distritrict 4. TImes-Naws coicorrespondont eliiipment q u i shelter, and thehe Want to iielp preservepn 9 ra e /s )SHONE - There’s good Honors will be prese s e n te d —^ ^ acces:cess of road construction. new s andmd bad news for a welder today during the' Idaho JEROME -; - Members of the B ut everything was in order. the OregonI TiTrail? . . W otanhsd %olA>g: w h o r eecently c traveled Idaho Transportotion Board’s meetingn: Idaho Chapte)ter of the Oregon- The Thi m en found that th e tower'cr - H ighway 24 between Minidoka . . in Twin Falls. Youths firtErom th e C a lifo rn ia TTrails r Association is wwe ell-w ithin the req u ired dis-is- m tfoluntaertsreralM•l»o needed Uppir 9nak* ntvtr es 91% ondShos]loahone. educational/treatmentt icenter had a bit ofif ja scare recently ‘onctnee from the trails and thatlat m # to placo Carsonltconlte mark- -Salmon Filla BOBOS 64% -nio babad news is your welder’s ' • have collected more tharan 5,000 when they heiheard a sunment of e tower ** will not endanger thehe W ers along the hlslhistoric troll :'B«lmon 100100% ^ helm et: flewfl. off the back of your pounds of trash the pa:•ast five the historic ail or have any adverse OiUcy 49 ic trail was being trail se system that strotchos09 thoU stato J®? truck ancm d ended up. in a barrow years, an average of abouDut 1,000 encroachedi uupon by modern effecifects. ^ Ig Wood W of Idaho. If you llko to hhike ond 25? SZ pif- Thele good nows is you still ]poimds per year, occorditiing to a technology, SusanSu: Pen^ly Neiuel, com ore interested In helpin{Iping tho • WttkiWood a r be able to reclaim it hom itransportation departmen ^ry«Porti;r«ton 79 uifnews Associatlorlon member Clair .phaniiance coordinator of th e Idahc • Idoho Chapter of the9 OnOregon- aho Youth Ranch near irelease. 'PIOUM ■ 9&^ ^ : Shfld^h Rickets andI JeromeJi Historicol .Statea te H istorical Sodety, in o let- t Cailfomla Trails Associaiociotlon pro- Y ouths usually clean th 74' the two- Society Pre;resident Francis terr recomre m ended that th e asso-^ servo Its heritage, reacreach Clair helmet was one of tho mile i segment of highwayay three Egbert recentl ition have a qualified archae- ntly visited the site datio Ricketts by e-mail atI ' K ^ •• more interesting Ini items that or < four times per yearar, said of a propos* □gist m onitor the tow er's con- osed Blue Lakes ologij ■ vlrglnlaCnortririm.netor)t or presi- , youth* fnfrom the ranch collected Curtis ( Stuart of theI 'Youth telecommuni:nication tower in sruction ^ i -and ground-disturbing ^ dent Jomes McGill atitJwmcglllO Jw MjjgJjA-w i .— ..-during{ a recent Adopt-A- Ranch. 1 The outings »p»nHally take . Jerome Countinty after they had activitivities. pobo*.com. H ig h w>ay ay aw e e p w e s t o f . betw1 een four and flve htniours and heard a towerrer was being built Jerom.e Jer Coimty Planning and M ln id ooka. k The Idaho Youth prove ] physically demandidtagon onlhoNorthA:I Alternate Trail. Zoni)ning Administrator Artr t People may atse writee to McGill at ■ 'R an ch ,, a charter putldpant of participants. ] Because hhis is to ric tra ils a re Brow;ow n saild he and E g b e rt hadBd 305 Melba Ortve, Nampa,mpa, 83686 Id:daho a Transportation * ^e do a lot of communim ity ser- protected b y 'th the National Trails Inspected sp i the;proposedxell>11 or Ricketts et 516 E. 300 S.. • P ep artznment’s t program to clean Acr, the monen examined the Jerome, 83338; or telephilephone ' . the conic-riders of trash, recently PloaseseaHiaHWAY.F'.PageCS ground-distuiturbing'activities Pleaso see TRAIL. Page C3^ Ricketts at 324-2017.

— . 4 — - , ^ _____ —— f------______■ "1 M TkM»llM«.TMnFa Tlmd*r.M ll7.20,2003

y - M A G I/ALLEY/IDAH( ^ r o ~

m r C r n ra n d ttpr g e f e t r ai s l T I J e rr i o m e C Onmdlpl i l ^ M i By Mary Lou P otts. exceedi tJthe time limit, as long ai year renewal Additionallal informa- [ay 6 Tlmes^cwa correspowwndent progressss ican be seen., don will be available too th1 e c o tm - ^ c r a■ances n to th e d ty will be tar- d l before a filial dedsion BUHL - Jiist in tintime for spring geted forfor d e a n u p as soon as possi- • Arsenic - The < t e o n i r r d ean u p , th e City Couloundl Monday hie, couniund l m em bers said. "XTL vou rigation received three bids toI cd e a n th e lordinaance approved two ordii•dinonces that Other;r councili business indud- deal with keeping pre dty’s water for arsenicc rm1 io v a l. ByOWoThomNitatRoala co prem ises dean . ed: TTie d ty has to comply wi com pete to see who can cleaean up lie is invited to»help hel plant treos. The cleanup andnd weed ordi- ♦ Pawi w i* a n e w TIma*#^«Mcciimulatc nor pepermit (the) •Scwo . - , m ent of Irriga:^tion water delivery said. sai mission is rewritw riting th e c ity ’s ver swap - Duane Mdssner • Downtown project - il^nieposit, collcctii>n1 oior accumuln- 0 5 ,3 p t - Bybee orraeasuringtg cdevices. *1 com prehensive! pUplan and is sfeek- i Farms on Melon Valley said the dty’s downtown "R esidents can take their ex ■;^*Tion o f any garbage, vn revittll. The counci:icil will vote on the or or accumulated weeds and : m g com m ents fronfrom both th e C ity other refuse” anywl sked the city to trade his ization is about 40 percc fie urb an renew al charges of about SI 6 a ordinmccMiijla y 6 . tra sh to th e city d u m p slt< dty, plete and on schedule.i '‘ " ' '*>; T h e ordinal for the use of his property basem ents have been fill nance would divide Fourth Fo Avenue West near A letter of.wamine responsibility wcL; , • VWeo projccti[ector - T h e co'un- :h the dty built ari acccss two coal chutes will be 1 ty for the dty irriga- pulpublic works offices, Rothwt : first step ^vinc a pro] = tilled .n lioJ^ys.emI b e tw e e n p ro p e rty said. saii • Ol approved thele purchasep o{^ an — resident 10 days to < the sew er line for mainte- tliis week,” he said. toci,mplS™S SSiri'm;md repair of the sysiem. . owners and ththt e d ty . T1 he d ty also offers brush dchoD- Ii)fo c u s v id e o0 projectorp Ifor 5 3 ?ie deanup ordinance Gietren said uncil agreed to the swap, Transportation Departme^ J? 5° Property’ ownerso would be ping pin services (b residents forjrSlO S2,565 and a HevHewlett Packard done, a sccond lei mf a advertisers to raistaisc funds for downtown imprcprovement project smalllall.parking lot west of Cit-ity youth basebali. " I0:4f? a.m . to d ay atIt the t church ------has been put on : )n hold for an o th er H allill could1 also be eliminatedd :if Brett and Michelle.:lle A rriaga and (Wliite Mortuary, Twirwin Falls). - ■'D eath NCOTICES — four or five w eekeks. neces cessary. Chuck Steele, repre;presenting t^e Idaho SandI anda Gravel was “Tli Tliora W ake of Burl “The downside of the delayy iis association, had requestedreqi help Uirley, se m c c Faye E. NM oore annoiinounced by Payne Monuaryryin tentatively schcrheduled to start we’re at 11 a.m . to d a y at t irley. r’re not going to have a pave,/ed from th e c o undl foror parkp r e p a ^ . 11 the Burley BUHL - FiFiiye E, Moore, 82, of work on the aspl;sphalt public park- parki LDS Wost Stake Cei rking lot for Fossil Days,s,” Brett Arriaga askedced permissfon Center, 2420 Buhl died1 1Tuesday, April 15, _ , ing lot right away.aw The Idaho Coun Parke Ave.; burial ' luncilman Jim Scott saidid. to install a 3-foot-hijt-hi^ wooden ill w ill be a t 2003. i( at Snake River ctn(the! June Ward Power Co., hovowever, has not “Thehe upside is we will havi Pleasant View Cen-emetcry in Rehabilitatio ive barrier on one of thethe backstops tion in Bulil. TWTWIN FALLS - Ethel Juiung scheduled the wiwork to bury the somene additional time to negoti3ti- for safety, Hurley; friends may■Ciill ca from 10- A rra n g e m e m e n ts w ill b e Vyarcard. 83, of Twin Falls diilied underground cab:able for the block ate; someso add-ons with the conon- An inventoiy of dr IO:-!.'; a.m . b e fo re the tli funeral announced I ■ dty materids d by Farmer Funeral Tueslesday, April 15, 200 3 , P{ until April 28. ThiThat creates a con- tra cctor. to T h ere is th e option 10 g appoinointing Hester, the commisis- ■ Jackpot Fire Departmirtment Captain Cyd ELKO, Nev. - B r . ^ 3 ^ - ^ ' call Thursday,ay, April 17, 2003, Irom DillonIon; two great-grandm othor Brad Hester won sionerer also acknowledged otliers;rs Brian HugUl presentedtedtwobi^for , 5 -6 p.m. at31 tho P a rk e 's Mogic Loiss LulowLi and Imogono Oakesg Qiji unanimous appriproval as the whohad ha applied. a rescue truck for h is c Valley Func iiis departm ent, ineral Homo, 2551 ol TwiTwin Falls; aunts and uncle:Igg, new est m em berr oof th e Ja c k p o t In1 all,all seven people respondeded Hugill recommendedled the coUhty ' ’w"Kimborly Road)ad. Twin Falls, Idaho. A Jo n a n and Roni Goodtng of Twi^viri Advisory Board duringdi an Elko to hethe county’s call for a boardrd accept a bid of $71,931,930 froifrthe ''lm Sofvico0 WillV bo hold loiiowing FallsIs aand Joromy and Rachol Oilicillon County Commissission meeting membe —V the visitation al nber, and four names werere Cobalt firm in Boise.e. TheT commis- 1 at 6 p.m. at Iho luneral of OtOakloy, Idaho' and man□ny , W ednesday afiem•noon. o selectected for final consideration: ■'m homo underr it- Iho diroclion of Sislor cousin n: sion agreed and authluthorized/the jsins. Sho will be doarly missosed Hester, an Elkoko County sher- Edwin/in Youngman, Patricia Boosson.Sc All services by all. ia purchase, which iss ab o u t $4,'000 iff's deputy, willII replace Beth While,le, A< nita R aya and H ester, and arrangorromonts aro under iho Hor3 3 Paula Villalobos. 62 o01 l .Filer, died . U e9 FR. Adams SunOay, April 13, 200?003. at St. r, L0 eo 0 R. A dam s, 5 8 , of Buh Opponeients sue to hhalt Idaho h ; , Alphonsus Hospital m Boii lighway pro.•oje(| Boise. Idaho. possecsed away S unday. April 1313, Paula was born JunoJ29. 2£ 1940, in 2003.3. atI Magic Valloy Rogiona^ol LEW ISTON (AP] Cloolo, Moxico, Iho daughterdai of " lical Center in Twin Falls. ^P) - A consor- beginninming construction until they/ highway is slated to " Mcdical tium opposed to the to be btiUt Juan and Mana Sandov.joval Cindo. ■>; • ' Loo30 was ; born May 20. 1944. Ir the realignment compleJlete an environmentalI , across the westernrn edge of j " of U.S. Highway 9 5 . On Seplombor 13, 1956,56, she mar- York. SoulhS< Carolina, lo Anhur anc >5 over P aradise im pactct statements and conduct a1 Paradise Ridge, w hichdithe d grot^ riccJ Jo su s Villalobos. Paula Pa grow ■ . Eva Adams. Lee did his schoolingnn Ridge has sued1 thet state to more ddel etailed safety study. call “one of the region' f,,” require an environn ;ion’s w ild^it up in Mexico, bolofo bO(bocoming a rV-'liv:- ; inSoulfoulh Carolina and rocoivod hlE inmental assess- ' Thei lalawsmt says several envi- and m ost b eautiful Iw d i •U.S, citi/on and movingmg 10 Buhl, ,nt m ent of the Moscow- indmorksi*',. ' i 7 ^ ‘ 1 1 roo as 0 m echanic. Ho sponl )w-area project. ronmentental issues have not beent It will then reconn Idaho in 1981. Paula was'as disabled. in n e c t viijh oars in the U.S. Army includingng T h e P arad ise RicRidge Defense adequatelately addressed, indudingI Highway 95 half a mile Sho was a momborlor of tho’ 3 'our ol n ile soutH df jr ol d u t/ln Vietnam. He reiirodocj Coalition filed suimit in federal wildlifeife, protection of notive! Moscow. The new roui Immaculato Conceptionon Catholic ' rM (rom Iho ihc military as a First Sargentmt court Tuesday again route wobTd Church in Buhl. Idaho. In I ainst the Idaho Palousese prairie, wetland preser- circumvent the curreTrent roWe In her spare , i and mocmechanic. Loo married DoTorisris T ransportation Dep.epartment and vadonan timo, sho onjoyod sponaending timo , * ■®S*< Maddo> »and urban sprawl. over Reisenouer Hill,ill. T h e m i dox Docombor 6 . 1983. Loeae the • Federal Highway The su with hor childron and hor3r grandchll-o DolorlsOol hove boon in Buhl for • suit olso requests a safety of th e 2 1 -mile stretchtch of hl^- or Admirustratlon. TheTh project is study of dren. < Ihe la3St s f13 yoars. Ho was employed of the ridge’s local dim ate way also will be expaxpanded to four miles south of M S u rviving Paula a ro hc m alg am alo d S u g ar In Twin f Moscow. offog,wi, wind, ice and snow, whii^ four lanes. Constructuction cost dro n . J^onica C havo? ol Fi J ^ a W e a n1 lPearl F“i,£T;. Lee was a loving husband T he coalition wantUlts to stop th e m akess theth ro u te unsafe. for th e e n tire p ro je c t is agencies from buy : t i s $ 6 0 ^ - . Villalobos ol Twin Falls.Is. Giiborto uoading Faihof3r aiand Grandfathor.i / uying land or * The! newn four-lane divided Uon. ; Vlllolobos of Qoorgio Leah-Joan Po 0 is survived by his wlfofo ; Valadez ol Moxico. Jorge V Poarl Gooding mado DninfiJrls. ono daughtor; Tamara je V, lalobos her journoy hoihomo to Heaven on X £ v •a — ; of Moxico. Joso D, Josusj s oc l Texas, April 14.2003. ns. Beverton, c5r.,-Sevan sons; ; ' hor mother. Maria Cl hew Adams. Buhl. Thomas C indo 01 Leah-Joan wow as born on August Ac?ams'^ I,” Use T/>e T Edinburgh, TX. 9 sistor;lors Irma 16, 2002. to He ns. Buhl, Iko A dam s, Aloha. Times- ; CIndo, Marla CIndo. Blanci Heathor and Jeromy o7 rihRick Issler, Pokln, ill.. Gone inca Villaro. Q oodlng df Bol30lS 0. Sho SUflOred A ntonia C Indo, Rita M. Gt idoro. S.C.. Loo Adams. Ca,.1° A f e i V s Markck e t p l a c e Gonza oz. so v ero b rain1 d a m a g e a l birih, , . Rosario Rodriguoz. n A dam s. C&. O ne siste r; :. -Elida which 3he wouould never recover ^"^^bSrk n classifiedt d a d s p p m ; Rodrlnuoz. and 2 b ro thhers. e r Juan from, ara Adams., York. S. C,. ' J o s e c in d o . a n d J o s u si A,A. Cindo. Bug, a s her p /d Adams. Fort.MIII, S,C. and<) t o t u n ; Also survMng aro hor ISbr r. p a ro n ls r e fe rre d IQ n l n ojrandchildren. ^ \ ’Va^dchll- .her. was a io6 ugu h tittle llghicjr, ; -dren arid 4 gfoal-grandchllc nSbrlal Funoral S l i c e s will bo ;hildfon, . Despite her physijysicai h a n d ic a p , s h e hflW I p o s s e s sslons i ' .V P I Her fathor, one sisler i Saturday. April 19.-2003. al 2 Bf a n d her proved lo t>e sira■irong-willed'andvery S m « F " husband Jesua precododed her courageous in f « F am w Funeral C h a ^ l. 1300 ' Into casi s h . y B n hor battle for Ilf©-.' 1 In Buhl. S7»'7i00 : I ^ O'* I30l'fani6ihiCihSifcct J T ______\ ______i _ ‘'' '

;••' -' ■ ■ ■ - • BESTI AVAILAB^ ( COPl ; ' - T ...... TF ' W»dn*t

■ • M a g i c V a l l:. eeyAVe^ vM RI u m rB em eH fe]Mini-CCassia M-C vo]»lunteers] >help H ospital dedecides to j|B j faster sc ^ mmachines a of today look j^urchase, nnot lease H d if f e r e nnt t than carly models, keep waaters s^fee lg said the imaging tube ' By Shari Chaney used to bebe nearly 8 feet long and By Lorraine Cavener tIm«»Mews writerer ______now 5 ccloscr to 4 feet long, Tlmes-Wewfl correspondont t-_ ____ •' ling on_th'e. test,- thc V BURLEY-Padi'atients in Burley, ? head mny never enter RUPERT-For one group.ofgr d .1; .Rupert, Salt Lakeke ICity and Orem, th e tube. Minidoka County volunteiteers, it’s It •.♦.v Utah, are benefitijfiting from a $1.2 jT-IIE tubetui is also wider, {ill about safety. »• if'-jnillibn- purchaslase by Cassia ig-said. It's about 62 inch- The Minidoka C o u n ty ...... ' Regional Medicala lC C entcc______es wicle, compared cc to 55 indnis______iV-atcrvvayt-Committee-h for older m; I- i.: The hospitalll r e c e n tly p u r- machines. task of helping the Min!inidoka . Bigger s • '.c h a s c d a m a g nnetic e t resonance dim ensions alleviate the County Sheriff’s Office:e m ak e — claustropl ;• .;::imaging machinee a fte r leasing an >phobic fear some sure waterways in the; cco unty Y •n.MRIforahumberccr of years. vSH patientsi mayr have, hospital are safe. 1 Although th e maim achine w as pur- spokesw■oman on Geri Alejandro The committee, whose~i Onn to look at the brainn or spine, quencies kr provides a stai•tate-of-the-art Patritrick Spaulding, who pro- knock the protons out w i ake” area, said Doug Grii 1- Spaulding said. Doctoi.ors may be of place, Th. Griffiths, Jamos notchorand ond othor volunteers . '.machine to area hohospitals, Olson vides: technicaltc support and trav-'■ trying to find out wh> The energy the protons ai committee member. In said. hy patients send off gettetting hack into place is r spend port of Tuosdlosday placing buoys els with ith th c m achine, .said he cana are having headaches o: area, boaters need to slow Minidoka Memomorial Hospital do 10 to or.wizures. what createItes thy image doctors t .w h ich on Lake W olcott.L ThoTh buoys provide I to 18 exam s per day a t each^ or they may be loojo k in g fo r .^ee. to avoid creating waves. \ Administrator Carlarl Hanson said hospitaltal he visits. tumors. cnn interfere with other bo;loats nr Iioators with Informtormation. . i the machine cominfling from Cassia An M ally cool technology,” people. p M W takes 20 to 45 m inutes,:, Thc scan also does \ve.veil at look. olson'sa?d.‘ •’••is a more up-to-dti-date unit and Spauld:ilding said, depending on In a typical year, the huoj 1 ing at orthopedic pip ro b le m s, ------loys nre The wnterwnyslys comc m ittee is .i ' co sts M in id o k a MiMemorial less which1 partp of the body is being placedp on th e lake April I. I’latt volunteer ojjeratir ; Spaulding said. Timcs-Nctu;iw.-i writer Shari Chaueti s ration, snid I’latt. f .:than other MRIsIs ithe hospital studied.2d. The MRI can be used to> T h e new m ach in e hi said. But this year the wwater who supplied the leased. has a high cm be nvclufhetl Uf thc ncu'sjxji)er\t 1« the hoai forihe look aat t any part of the body - m a g n e tic s tre n g th , Sj level in the lake wns too10 low. buoy mission Tiies( S p a u ld in g Mim-Cassiaia . Bureau at 677-W-f2, a uesdav. . “One, it’s savinging us money,” head to:to toe. said, w hich leads to mc and committee inemmbers Plntt recenilv nore detail £.vf. 63S.f. or bti e-ttudl at o Illy retired for •••Hanson said. "Andid two,r it’s a bet- The; majorityir of scans are done: in the images. It also r c o u ld n ’t get on th e lake-• iuntil health rensons aft ) resu lts in schanctj@maf.'laMicvalleii.ami. ' April A 15. after more than 3 0 years of work•ork ill th e J.R . The lake was about a foot Simplot Co, point:>i;!io |>ro'cessing helow normal for this tim im e of pinni. PIaii’,>; docioiicior lold him iic year on Tuesday, commi G oiknrs will get n itte e only had a v c irr to to live iieciiusei : price brea memberm nnd Minidoka Co ;ak for plalying monre holes -ouniy of heart prohluins.::ns. So he hmighi' Sheriff's Lt. Randy W:tVhite his hoai. whidi he liams told the council he said. 1 he refers lo as B urley coun as th e stre e t leaves Bui;urley city and^fiH^ StreetSt will he chip his-IOKk). 'ringing this plan lo them limits. That would slowtw d rivers scaled this ye: ise "you hired me to man­ d ow n as th e y e n te r HiHeyburn, . Annexat: ,-votes to chail a n g e f e e ic golf course and raise rcv- ation - The council ^ w here the speed limit isIS mph, approved, on enue.s.” they sny. on a single reading Trail ■* ___ By Shelley Ridenourif M ayor'or Jon Anderson reminded after suspenc-■nding th e ru les, an - •; •nmos-News writer • City-county meeeeting - ordinance j< Continued from C l ______W illiam3ms his "chnrge” is to to annex Stevens trails to niake_siire Anderson reminded thele council Place into !hethc ciiy. Residents of tower cite and determined lire liiiii progress increas*ase revenue at the wolf (1 thnt does not desirov.• ihisilii bil of hisio- BURLEY - GoGolfers who course, and residents the q uartererly meet- that streett had I asked to be >•"the tower was not located1 ni ear ing betw een tlie City Cou . become so enamamored with In a m memo to the mayor and lundl nnd nimexcd. or on thc Oregon Trnil. T hep;plan- -n,e nssociaiio . Burley’s municipal i the Ca.ssin County comminissioners • New firer ning and zoning cornmiss al course after council,il, W illiams also said h e ’d renicn - The council ssion placed hisioric signssign ill selecii-ij • '. they play nine hole is ,«heduled for noon Mo4ond:iy m i,ired five ne npproved the site. loles that they stoppedid advertising the spring ne.w volunteer fire- .spots along the Oregon Ort iniils in ■ _ want to play the secoecond nine will discount the ciHincil chamberss at City men: David I In conjiuiction with the I nt rates in eastern Idnho. Hall. It’s open to th e publi :I J. Graham, Jorgu ,, ' -■ U.S. itiaho. These signiigns cost Sfild) , '.isbon get a pricee break. b City When h(he received permission ol'C- Gonzales, Kcv:cvin Millward. Dave Bureau of Land Managem( • Library party - each and ik-icril>ehe vnriiius siies '^Council member:icrs decided from thehe council to offer a dis- - Julie Praegitzer andnd Brian Randklev. the association spends■ a lo n g th e tr a il si Woodford, director of the spring months marking the r il su ch ns hox '' Tuesday. c o u n teed d rate to people who he Burley . iv„n.,. -_ Council ( members • graves, river-crossi Public Library, updat graves, river-trossings nnd ot ossings, Indiiin • ' ' Golf Pro Mike WilWilliams asked clippedi aa coupon from a nuwspa- a ;e d th e stall a water tap anil other scrimmages and ma; council on the upcomii historical sites nlong the tr niiissncre spois. ■‘.th e council to cJiangeIge the golf fee p e r ad,1 , hhe cautioned them that liiiRHlsl meter and totc n ot c h a rg e fo r -ri', "■“■'■ SiBns are paidd f, for hy dona- birthday party at the 1 The group also m<»niiors i ,-now in place. Todayay anyone; who the mildild winter might mean ■ lib rary . „ a ,e r u.sed in the I new children’s tions. ' '.;^pays for nine hole;>les and then fewer peipeople would take advan- -sdiedtiled for April 26. flower park bt She said a hook sal being developed at f •‘Wants to immediate!itely play nine tage off tlthe offer this year than itle ru n s llih and .MilletHer. I - i more pays thc S10.50.50 nine-hole did a year Friday and Saturday, A ear ago. ; p<:rmit - A $50,000 Hospital _ fee twice. That costssts $3.50 more That p: proved tb be the case. 'and 26. On Saturday,\ wi e , » s • P rrnit w as ap p ro v ed con ; th a n if th e g olfer’ h?had paid thc Williams:as said the promotion gen- include ’ fiddlers and otheie r musi. b u ilJm S P«;rin Continued from Cl cians, author Garj’ Hogg : 0 Enterprises to . p atien ts from Gooclooding: 13 p e r­ VS'17.50 g r e e n s fe;e e to play 18 crated ababout $ 1,000 this year. J budget revenue from prope ■ holes. stories, a car show and a i h e fo rm e r C J ’s p e rty cent more patientsils fromfi WendeU; O therr ccouncil business inclu.d- | [axes - or $400,000 of the holospi- 11 p ercent m oree p;patients from ■ Often. WilliamsIS ssaid, when cd: of the winning entries in )n Billiards at 42425 Overland Ave. into an offic ral’s annual $6 million bud(dget. Bliss; nnd a 4.“; perceircent increase in golfers find out thejhey can’t just • Spee< essay contest. fice for Coldwell * 7 eed limit - Donald Allen ‘ ^ ,, B a n k e r C uirtis rt Realty and . rhe rest of the money conames patients from Hagengerman, 'pay the difference-•®rS7 -they asked th< • Cinco dc Moyo - C •"simply quit golfing fi the council to consider Council Cornerstone ArAppraisal. ‘rom.billing for services: aand "They're utilizingling our hosjjiial g for the day. reducinglg tthe speed limit on East members , agreed to le vlcdicare reimbursemcrents, more than they ever ; "That reduces revenue M iP .n i • .vall - The council ever have in ihe lue to th e a ty . M ain Strcin-eet. H e suggested th e 35 Administrator ' Mark J lenshawsaid. past,” Henshaw said ’•:hesaid. work out terms to rent tth e o° 3 “Srced to lett .s|jaces in the hall- ' naid. “ I think it’s .. mph limiiTiit b e ex ten d ed fa rth e r \ jated I’^-’cau-se they canI findfin the quality’ A • Council m em berss didirected City east, tope R ite Aid building to the CiCin?oT "■ City HallH= be used as an LiLast year, the hospital trea: perhaps the stop sign at i 'dine care close to hoihome. We give ® ; • Attorney Randy Stoneotie to p rep are th e s tre e Mayo committee for its £onni. d honor wall wheihere people can dis- patiilatients from 42 states, indud eet’s intersection with laiity of care we •a resol'ution for theireir considera- Idaho Hix event. The city owns thatat build. P'“y if “f' their family mem- pati■atients from Twin Falls a n d qualit tion at the next coun( highway 81. The mayor ? • sen'ing in the w ar Bois utpa- can for the size ho.spiD.spiialwenre.” ^ unal meeting asked Citylity Engineer Leon Bedke ing. The festival organizer !oise. And the hospital's out: . ’ which would change tl tieni e th e fee. T he to discussISS the, change with offi- looking ^ for a new site thi: ient volume is steadily ri.sing. .new'plan calls forr tlthe second cials fi Mitton said. . Refund-AlAnderson reported thetie lastI three years, the hospi■nit^ tfridr.:ftr Sanilu MUIlt ■ nine greens fees to from the Idaho ’P” f ‘ car,bcrvachedat 735.735-326-iorl>oe- to be_S7 for Transporta • Asphalt work - The coundlc Bank officials had has:as seen a 10 percent increase adults and S6.75 for ! •nation Department. m ail at smiller :idnlu, agreed to payay the city back zens and youths on )n weekdays previouslysly asked the speed limit Asphalt ^ to purchase aboiout 160 “ ff the $3,500 it had f i ,^ h d S8 for everyone•ne on week- on Main S tons of asphalt at $185; ; r^r, assessed the citycit in late fees on JH ■ *6h d s. • I Street remain 35 mph, BedkeB said parts of 16th ; two loans. Highway _ , ContContinued from Cl learn responsibility;y atand values,, .A rizona o£Bc idals CoU] ice projects." Stuart said. “Ti‘The Tiiose who help1 d cli e a n th e sec- imtry musicicians perforrm tonightt i n " L E ghole idea is to give back to thetl tion of Highway 24 are always .T ep o rt first b( ammunity. This is just onee of shocked by the amoimount of trash M border »-New8______h about J34 illegal immiim igrants 1 in Phoenix yiifields Hohoki:am ruins, art md For information1 ahoutah adopt- >Vt?re known to have died rtifacts Sa;lfare, juvenile corrections: o r in g a. s tre tc h of highw higl ay. privativate requests. Most stay eighght statewide coordinatinator Sherie •Icfesert. P H O E N4IX IJ (AP) - Hohokam th the e 100-acre site, archaeolo ilogists The Hohokamim w ere a prehis- to 10 m onths in th e discipline“>> cnix, surprising archae- several sev months while theyy com- oped a dvilizatiorion w here Phoenix Federal Route 161. ono the ologistswho■ho had thought there pleted pie work. State law reqiquires now stands, builuilding dozens of ,T p h o n o O ’o d h a m In I: d ia n :hance of finding more that tha an archaeological studidy be villages and fanarmsteatls in the 'Rpservation, said U.S.5. BorderI American InIndian ruins in popu- done dor for most constructionm pro- area. state board willIll look at local roads iFatroI spokesman I la te d areas5 of the dty. j'ects Jea to proceed. I With 700 knowown sites already The» idiIdaho Traiupoftatkw Board willI from thc Rod Lion/Cnnyofiron JSprings .■j^arillas. The investigs tig atio n ins were found in Archaeologists A said • theyt mapped, archatjol eclogists believed discus5CU55 projcct proposals for rooflsiin ir Molol 01 1357 Glue Lakes B turned over to tribalal ipolice N o v e m b er in1 a field where a believe beli all human remains cs Blvd. ot IS and there was little chanccc h for funher andmd noor Twin Falls and other matter:ors fl;30 a.m. U Indudes; ..*JThe m an h as not been:n identi-i - moJor subdi)division is planned. tJurial bur artifacts have now^h■ been discovery of artifitifacts in popiilat- when I F e a n n g IqoOoting or vandalism at rem len It meets In Twin Falls todoy one"’d • A look a t the Twin Fails sc removed from tlie site. ed areas. toursjrs areai highways on Friday. corridor study. ThebaI board will meet today In thc City \) Counciuncli chambofs ot 305 TWrd Avo.^ • A visit wtth Buhl Mayor3r BarbaraBe E,. andanc tho mooting Is opon to tho Gicizen lo loom otwut streo improve iRecovery ______^______put}llc.Wic. Horo IS the twofd's schcduio:o; K— * A ito p at tho Inlorstato 8^ ^Slnoedf^Cl ■ Matthew, 16,16 , lives in Orem. lo r’j or’s degree. After workinglg for Tlie family gran[^ted permission iTodiroday Hlgtiway 93 IntorchangoI projectpnij undor' K ^ n Powell and severifcral U.S. ' . James Solisilisbury’s parents, Joe seve«veral years in the family'ss trav-t for Chinese offici construclion. iciols to perform Thof*boi win 10 » |U t o r s , said his 22-year-Jar^jld son tuidMiuy.livtlived for many years in el Jb business, he earned a mast *board mMtlns start at * A tilp on Idoho Highwayly 46 (Wendoll-: istor’s ■ an autop.sy on Soli-^ b u r y . M ichelle «.m.X andoi will Includc discussion of o yMRKoy. a stu d en t a t: BiBrigham Twin Falls,, wherew they operated degilegree in (ducation and cour “ to-Buhl highwoy). which Is ththo focus unsel- said the family is leaning1 toward BuhliMfrWondcII to routo, ond Highway S g u n g Universfty:...^...... a travel ogcn

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I d a ho q AVe s t

S = M oA j r e r e s i ti d e n t s ll i ^ v e E ; o u n t y Jiidge^QKs Inteleriors’

Residenints hope ~ ------6,848-newlew-resJdents; a - 2 2 percent - Sprawling suburbsk e Percent clcttange In increase,se. Canyon County, vherer e j a ^ r o nunentaiT] ■ populatloilon tjy many peox o p le com m ute to Boise in change s for tum£naround cicontinue to grow\f county. 2C2001-02 Ada Counjunty for w o r^ h ad th e sec-J SAlff-llAKE CITYf (A( P ) - A can and ahoulhould manage our pub- > Shest growth in th e state a t fede^ judge has appiproved an lie jonds toto p provide fo r m ultiple .-^v: BOISE (AP)) - F] or decades, pop- New immigrants aro revivingJ long-dormantloi _ cent and nearly 6 ,000 new, Intend Depannient pli}lan to halt use, induding iihilion ill th e S Inner cilloa Qt tb s sam o timoI pepeople a r e _____ s53-^l.29<2% to 0.1%_____ residcints.Its.------iing protection o f those w e Silver Valley has all reviews of its-W eatratem land ' - areai that haveha' w ildeni^ char- steadily dedined Dushing on the outer fringes in so % to 1.4% But Por led as mines contin- > search of biggor ■ ■ 0 .2% Porter warned those num- h o ld i^ for n ^ . wilderemess pro- acteristics,"s," :Interior Secretary .’v lie lo close nndnd miners move to ®ricand ch eap er hom es, accordinging lo county ■ ■ i.s%% 10 3 ,3% luld likely drop next year, tection and to withdraww that pro- Gale Norton s find work. on said in a letter sent popjopulation figures from iho Con'o n s u s Buroau. 3 .4% 10 7.3% se two countics have hadI tected status from somete 3 m illion la te F rid alay y to members of v.i Numbers rclea'leased Thursday by some realeai serious economic l^ts.^ acreyinU ^ ------Uitf-U.S.-G<;ns»i.s-l ------—------'nttqrw’cre ere'on'a'ISyear expariaon,^ ■ Utah“Aitomey Oeneileral Mark The wildcilderness decisions ^.'7-. lhat Shoshone G)G nm ty lost another i . I t , b ut it’s bebeen a tough year and a1 Shurtleff said Wednesijsday that Nonon advist!vised Congress about zr. v 2.8 percent of its residents i ^ half with 1 il layoffs at Micron, Jabil, the plan, objected to byjy environ- are containedned in the settlement between 2001 andar 2 002 , leading J . Zilog. aUtl thosetl technology compa- - mentalists who saylt leileaves mil- of a lawsuit bn the Slate in popiih t brought by U tah. T he i Tulation reduction. ■ n ies. So0 ]I’m guessing that we lions of p ristine acres vulnerablevu plan was app: Still, residentsts injj the valley liave ^ approved Monday by .c- J m might sec;IC a real slowdown in Ada to oil and gas devdopmment, wU! U.S. Districtct JudgeJ Dee Benson ; hDjie lhat the! treiidtr is about to 'J | V and Cany- "B usinesses h:ihad a very rough Jit- Teton OCounty had the greatest protection. ye;ir. and tJiere wi th e 2001 Wilde'ilderness Handbook - - > .* were ju.n not a lot populationion grow th in th e state at By suspending will of CTisiomers,” safesaid Shelly Hopper, ild e r n e s s ' a land managejagem ent policy imple- r»!^- 5.9 percen:ent, and ranked 18th In reviews, tbc'departmenjnt would mented in the 1 a real esta te ageiigent with Miner’s iie w aning days of th e Ni-,' the natiorion for the county with limit the amount of landid held by Clinton adminministration -:which H;» R c.ihy in KellCdlofig. "Bur on the the most n its Bureau of Land Mana other hand, thin t new residents in 2 0 0 1 - nagement required thee BLMB: to protea the hings have rcaUy 2002. It gngrew by about 380 resi- eligible for wilderness pn started lo pick n[ protection wilderness qualitiesqua] of lands that n :■ : up. Investors are denis. at 22.8 million acres nati fieltinK interesied itionwide. could qualifyy asas wildemess-areas. ,ki: ed in the area and Foner at Congress, however, coul' sales - whether ii attributed the growth to uid order The requirerirement created mil- Oi r, :r in retail or real the a n a ’ss sercijrcent growtli. C o u rt:t: Hospitaal had rigljht to fire M( a n e s th e sdologist i DVIEI; s ' BOISIi (AF)I - The Idaho Chenoi loweth-Hage - had thee license temporarily sisuspended claimed M S u p re m e C o u rt•I unanimouslyi breakdc• and was denied privivileges to AmedcansIS with1 Disabilities Act former Nampa ing ann interview: for a politicalII practice at Mercy ^tvqUey.ovie w eb sites j • You rate tfie moviivies ^ i; Idaho Uluniversity pputs 10,0001 ' records onlito computeter discs • Read locol viewers r ratings MOSCOW (A (Al P ) - T h e in its mmost original form possi- recorded digitally onjnto com- growing archi Universily of Idahoiho is working lo ble," .saisaid Lewis Ricci, director of chive of music, histori- ‘ prcser\'e lens of iho pact discs and compututer hard cal works amand other memorabil- I thousands of old the iinivniversity’s Lionel Hampton drives, Interdtaie^ c4imusement 1TReat^& I \f r e c o rd in g s in ilthe school's Center’ e r ’s I n te r n a tio o a l Jazz Ricci and his staff anire as^em- ^ Ried estinu archives. CoUeciicnions. . iinate^ th e archive has l~ ~ bling the audio studio0 1off cam- grown to m "W e w ant to protirotect llie music Thei vvinyl rocords will be m o r e 't h a n 1 0 ,0 0 0 pus. They have a huge anda ever- recordings. C H A P I N ^ k U C T I O N L e g is l aA T I V E I T J S a t u r d aay, A p r i l 19, 20033 ' :• I.ocatcd: I\vln rails,Ta Idaho 952 LavlnaI Drive.Dr Go west of Illele Mospital lo Grandview Drive,ve. r — L O GG .— m tlicii ){o soutl)tli on Grandview pasi the golf'If , : • ' l i i i i^ W i couisc m Liviminu Drive, then west lo saic site.itc^______' m S l - Tho Associated Press SaleSal T1me:1;0QpH______Lunchchsanrad « by KAhy ' ICES & FURNITURE SAVI WlilfjpoolWll II,D. Super Capjclly S ig n e d fay th e gov(o vern o r o y riN cs ty 7 cycle 2 s|H-ed clolhes wash washer - W hirlpool • -» M029-I (W ay s unci A V E N O W 7 Suprem e 6 cycle •! iciniK-raiiJrcc clothes dryer - While VVesllniiaingliouse A hum - ind Means) - ______T h r o u g h S'unday i Apriril 2 0 th S?';cr elcctric cook raiigc witli oven c • large Sharp Carousel Allows the Governor use! mlcrowavc - ■ lor’s Office of Coldsiiot refrlKcraior (older unitlit. works good) - l.owery electrli■ctrlcChord ojgan • . .•r Specie.sand Conservai■vation lo coor-^ with beiicli - upright piano wllvlili ornate trim and Ivory keys (good cy cfll) w ith m altrcH • 4 ajsororted size chest of drawers - moimodern oak ward ‘ . 1 Idaho In tro dluced u c In ifin 100% Cotton I an d LoLong Sleove obe close! - modern oak TV slaHand with VCR shelf • woodd phpiece end tnble. ' • v Legislature H ouse; Re,Regular Price $ 2 9 .9 5 I SolidsIs and Prints AANTIQUES Lsdlos Jnltiue A.I.. White Mgf. Co, Chlc.-:Icago III. antique i>ortable pumpmp iorgan, folds up - ; 20 0 3 H 0 Sizes nto a |>oftjble box you can carry.ry. works good - upright piano0 wlwith ornate trim > (A p p ro“ p r ^ ^ A I ^ aimrllng at :nd Ivory keys {rockI condition) -;- antique square lamp table withvith glass ball ijlaw | iipnalions; - I |VC icx)t legs - old Catholic prayer sto! one marble base) - ,e dr.iwef chesl of drawers wllh slskeleton key lock drawees • i;j l.'J gali acid bdttie ! 1 Public Television onesperations in ^ Girls 4ih wooden crate • gal kerosenine can • old cream seperator (floo(floor model)-old ' . i ; 2003-2004, offei- (wts . two 5 gar milk cansis - two 10 gal milk cans - 11 wi /agon and car wheels - .1 old Iron 1 w ooden s|Xlked ; •..o : IICR31 (Ways andnd Means) - SUrtlngtt an wheels • old ore cart (lx>x onlvonly, no wheels) • • S : . m Icddlcgrinder • rnetal Implement:It scat sto . 2 li ks - pair of old hardwood skies» -bushel- 1 baikets : >.* • review of governancece of Idaho’s 2 horse collars - 2 pair of hamcses . copj)cr boiler tub with lidi - ccoal buckt'f • 2 i J the Latest in> FitFi and Fashion ■agon b o w - I950's kitchcn appli;iMances - old botiles - old camera • C higher education systen'«ni. : UenttnttndlMIc* — - ^ New Blues Blouses9 S / Starting at several old glass drawer pulls - lai lera - Avon l»o|tles •• ^ 20iXFIv*XF Pocket ^ J M I O | | 20XCt ■ tm /iA H lace dollies • Norway pillow covecover-2goldifoil I f XC*rp«nler Anm W O m a i from Wrangler / rims of sled dogs from Alaska - LLittle fied Riding Hood tapestrystry - a few dfcjftes s . i introduced In Senatlate ftwow iyy » NOW NC j a x g y j y j Id glassware • milk pliclicr - swavan candy dish - 2 nail kegs -• wc wooden Iwrrcl - J • • lodel A radiator, transmission c : HJM12 (Ways andid Means) - ______M d Lono Sloovo /I ^ g j s I and engine - walking (Moww - park liejjch. t • Expresses support for the Bush HOT TUB, LAWN, QiaAROEN & CAMPINGQ T IT E M S ; niiiiii rII cry nicc ouldoor 7 person spaI 1hot lub with wooden finishill e)exterior, steps. '■ Administration’s Healealth Forest isual Pants )vcr. and chemicals - John Deere:re rotary lawn mower wlth'iww Initiative. jwwer rear wBcel 1 S in Solid Colors■3 byI Wrangler Ladles W ra n g le I Ive and bagger - Cralisman 2 hpip snow blower (only used a few times, nueds ;i I Menone and Ladles Styles iburalor cleaned from setlinc ununused) • push lawn mower ••3lcnls.c3ilppy 3 i< | Low Rise Jeans ^ > Jlecnina bags • down filled inu;lummy sleeping liag - 2 air matli rdcnfng books - small charcoal I nailresses - sef of ; S , Rogular P r « c * ^ .9 5 A f C Values to iq9.85 II barbecue - red wood plantersers •- plant wRs • »’ •. I Subscribe. 73333-0931, I N O W \ ts of lumber trim - hard wood no S il||II extraira rm onftor and keyboard - Chrlsustmas decofsilons and 6ft tree • D& .g : med wall mirror - 2 plant standsIs - slow cooker - nlcc wood pieceileci! wall clo{k- . ; k jw rw arc - electric Juiccr - copper I r lea kettle - pair of swinging bar»rdoot d 3 - 2 « rd ' c S la H i IS''les - chim e clock - Corona comi imlll for grain or corn • aaftI flowers,noi b a ^ s m • - NO J ceramics - copper and Inlaid pia< >iaqun • 2 sewing.baskeis • tapesirJcstry pillow 4oil !U- ^ polntlrntings - toaster oven - 3 boxes of3f caps - blankets - pillow eases game ■ 3--SupcrPonfe4 ^ BABBELS CLEAl:a n e r s ______ne - stuffed animals - cups - betKd spreads - and other miscellarwlaneouj Items. .>r >- Z is doggone good at removiuxing s;wU. . ^ Drins IU all the "old (ri«»di >TE: Tlie Chapins have their hououse-for sale.,nice home on 1/31/3 acrea lot. ttju '' tidi" hanpflf nay view Jt on day of m Ic. They ;• out in your citwct! ^w*^^stetson ^ y have not listed It yet, so yousucantalKJd c: «ct! o X h i l W k \ I tliem n b o)ut u l It at the auction. Ulst Grey Felt Hats lO T t: H arry a n d M ar|orlc are gol;olng to live In their Sih wheel«! trailertr un ll < i . I ■ they build a new home, fet- ots of good household Items forfori sale. . f i BHM e H i OWNER: HARRY I&|UUMOillE CHAPIw > iii f ~ IfiUli.ClMfcOR tiM i . . NoftersAortiM iSarvke I B A B B ELP ■ , ,, S u s /n e ss» tfjaf ,;r ■i CU EA N EISRS : A t PoleMmIrre arid B lue tiakt ’ : AUI^NEERS J ::.^ ::'’- ‘cLERK.''.iK;v::;K ||j. , . ‘Jl 2 2 8 S h o s h o n o St. ^ h e S h o p30 s at M agic Valley :: ■I'JoiBtmm-:::.-- LUtmUnrU M ald i { S Twin Falls, Idahp'Sa HM nwn.«*ho;.r’ .’.ftiJWUd•lUUio. !f I ,(■ ''.T3»:4«24S>-' ■ i 7 3 3 - 2 2 5 8 w.corraiwe»t.i!om >«tMlho*«31412aof.43W123 . .r,53M380 • lUM Itf .* .«ai-7SM-. NOTE; ; - J ; -,,.',’1 • may 1 ^ 1 2 “ ...... — ...... - ' ■ 5 ; NOT

WSTAVAiy ,1,' ...... - ......

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Timday,»ir,A|xlll7,3003 Ttnafliwi.,TwlnFtJl>, TM Idaho C5

______I d a h o3/' / W e ST _____ i ------f i u r y r€^commennds deathiforLpnjgo Idahc1 0 school bl)us crashess, in ju rin g; Ieight ____” _JIEWEORT.:^Or£ ——J ----- > re-.-(A P )______— --- -w ili saythar thls-harli-becn'a r-COEt?R-d’,d ’A L E N E ( A P ) " ^ ^ 0 ‘i^Sentenc«d to deathh f(fo r th e raur* ^ atirfactoty condition at theii hos- directorf “Ho wasIS scscreamittg." tremendous wnke up call1 ifi noth- Witnesses expr^pressed amazement pitajital. v#Xders of hia wife'and:d threetl young . “It’s a very narrotrrow, unforgiving ^ ing else." lhat a school)1 Ibus accident that 0 •^children Wednesday,lay, convicted Officials do not know whyy die road,” llie slierifff said.sai Tlie road is Judge Roben HuddebeiKary dis* inju red sevenn ^.family killer Christ'istian Longo missed the E^tatements aas self* Students and d JS east of Coeur 1 the driver was not canrareened off a two*lane roroad d’Alene and overloc•rlooks Interstate c .-ylvvCiiiwept 05 h e described;d hhis wife os a serving and msincere. . worse. e •;>'v:v".wonderful mother v aboiibout 4 pjn. Tuesday. 90 and Lake Coeurur d’AJene.cl T who would _ . f^*cts of. this case: reachr a The bus le f t a ‘r u r a l ro a d Tl :• •, never do anything to The bus had turned a sharp?cor* c Student Iliiileyy Johnson.Jo 8, hiid • I to HamTher ~ level of perfidy beyond anylyihingl Tuesday aftem2moon and plunged ner y ,7V ':t children, ier onto Yellowstone Trail RcRoad just gotten off the bus and was have ever experierenced," about 400 feet_*et down a wooded ind and driven several hundred f m ke-crii'ih.-tiash.^:------tharpcontrastto-hisclis claim at-triol— “impossible, in my ju d ^enent fo^ Neighbors rushednr to the scene Sid s -^^o.s.wilhat h is w ife, M ary,iryjane, was JM H nd out of sight. Johnson said. “It waswa; pretty had. I you ... to either atone foror these and found fouiJur bloody children The Tl driver’s frantic radio callall to knew it was our bus.' t ■u.r.’xwi. responsible for the deadeaths of their crimes or.expea absoludon.)n.” who had climb nbed up the hill to thehe districti bus-shop was the fifirst R escue crews iisctused a cable line t triTv'i.-twoeldestchildrcn. Huckleberry also saidi Longo1 ihe road. "I just l E - j — li, ust .started praying,” repoeport of the accident. to help puli one child ^ Speaking d^rei■rectly to lied about his wife, but “ththe jury neighbor Sally hiid up the hill, tflM. JJ ly Johnson said. “It “It “I took us five minutes!s to Rescuers foundid the*t d riv e r in ’ ic" •• 'M aryjane’s sister,, SallySn Clark. saw through it, ju.st ass I saw looked so horribrible.” und( I :Longo said he had bet nderstand him on the radioio to the mangled busIIS . a n d h a d an been, “selfish Christian LorLongo bows his hedd as he t^through it, ond they helield you Everyone oon t h a b u s w as figui ■ to sit on th e stand for I igure out what was going oion,” ambulance come to thet bottom of or ih rec days, |, ,entenc«il:ed to death by lethal Injec- acaccountable.” injured, but noinone of the injuries said to talk obout negative lid Carol Brown, Coeur d’AlcJene the hill, rather thanlan icarry him up .voaspcmof uim(i»Oi«nle murdars of his wife, "ftie same jury had earlieliey cron- appeared lilife-threatening, Schc - >• fv iM aryJane lhat in mm; an y c a s e . chool District’s transportatiItion the etnhankmeiit. , and children, Zachary, victed Longo. 29, for the ramurder Kootenai Coununty Sheriff Rocky r»;cM-iweren’t true." of his two older children.. 44-year- W atson said. . “1 feel rem orse, whicvhich is some* Sadi^andMiMadison, Wodnasday In old ol Zachery a nd 3-year-old1 SSadie. Six of the childrench suffered tiling that I haven’t fc. r felt before,” Newport, OnOra., Longo had previously phpleaded cuts a n d bruise.s,W.S while one was in N .- r r .'.io n g o ad d u ± “My actslets are some- guguilty to kUling his Mary Janline and se rio u s co n dlition iti at Kootenai 7 i 7 N :■ .,'lthing that I can't blanlame anyone cured orir that1 I’m walking a their th youngest daughter, 2-year-2 M e d ic a l CL-iittliter with a head ,Ki: ^ielse for. I won’t pretentend that I’m straight andan narrow p ath , b u t I oliold M adison. injury. T he driveiver was reported in SlChallisschihools try four-r-day week E LEAVEE A LEGACY ; CHALLIS (AP) - Fac South C entral Idaho Le;.eave A Legacy Inviles You'ou To A Faced with a of instructio:tional time. II BOBBY BARE | I------?$300,000 funding shortf;irtfall in next “We shoulould see somc savings in M ] I budget, schoolI beboard mem- transportatication, the school lunch \Wi FREE : S E M I N A R ^ B e rs have opted forr a four-day program andam in our hourly w aged /A Proudly Presents Uve’ inh Concert— employees,"is,” board chairman Jay j g ^ T h c Challis School1 DistrictDi also Cook said,d. “We’ll try it for one ^ “The Basics:s of Wills, TrustsS t• iF ^s considering cutsts in some yearandsecscc how it works.” B Bobby Beta re a n d Chariritable Giving” ^ y ctra c u rric u la r activitie;ities and may High scho:hool teacher Earl Skeen ■ -^ sk voters to approveve a supple- estim ates; thedi. shortened week will ■ mentallevy. save the disdistrict about SIO.OOO to ■ & Thom BrIre s h j Non-biased, vakiluable information thatiat J Under the plan, the s le school day S20.000 nextext y e ^ . One advantage I c an help you plaian your financial futurejre will be lengthened byly aan hour to is extracurriirritndar acdvities could ^ Thursday • meet Idaho’s rcquirenrement that take placece on Fridays and not 9 •April 17th | students have 990 houn)urs p er year take studentents out of class, he said. ^ liisiuni Presesented By om Michael Felton Todd Wadswcs w o r th iiis\ioit Od/i’ Denver tighihtens lawn waiater spigots ^ Attomey at Law Certified Public AccA ccouniant H P I Tickets Avaivailable al PelFelton & Felton Attorneys Coopof Norm,jrm an D EN V ER (A P) - Th.The city of 150 peoplele the March blizzard I n p Music CorIJonior Denver restricted outdotdoor water* dtat dumped 221M,iinA\1 Avo. E )cd up to 8 feet of snow H Thursday, Aprjrll 24th at 7:00 p.m. - in g fo r 1.2 million cucustomers in many are:reas was a tremendous H B rjW Twin Falls,Ills, ID Wednesday, saying lastast m onth’s - boost, College ofif Southern Idaho. s blizzard helped easese d ro u g h t Since OctcIctober, Denver Water K ^ 733-8e3609 Taylor Builiiirdlng, Room 256 ° conditions, b ut not enou{lough. has banned . o ra l Ihee cdoor. >d outdoor watering of ^ J THOM BRES i { The rules, which taktake effect lawns excep:ept for athletic fields I For More Information Contcitact Melody Lenkner at 734 > » M ny 1 , w ill allow resiie sid e n ts to and golf tees;es and greens. 734-3914 J “ water two hours twiceice a week. The newV rulesr drew criticism ^ h e Denver Water Bo;Board also from landscascaping industry repre* sjuis imposed surchargesges on resi* sentatives andan golf course devel* y j^ d e n ts who use excess waiw ater. opers who> saidsa they would have m - m '4’" Water Board commiimissioners o devasiatirIting impact on busi* r 4 I * told a room packed witwith about ness...... j FAIU'INW ORTH EST/FATE II .rJm ■rj iSWMa«a/BAVJ AUCTIOMV I SATUBDAY. APBILIL 1 9 . 2 0 0 3 1 M I ; Local^on: 20875 H,vy 26-9.?6-93 - Caroy. lOflho. Thioo mil05 castlast ol Cmcy on H>vy93. T Pjthnrj avmljiblo on l.vnovno comis olthinhwpy Wnich tor• Ihoihe JMA'Auchon Smns. I : ] SALE TIME: t l A.M. LnnchbyLola H E ;Uii^iji;i»i;' r.^ i-i.i.irii, ~ CATERPILIILLAR • FARM EQUIJIP M E N T w D-2 CaiiTpillar w/liydrjulraullc blade h j)on>' engine, goigood tracks, runs UK • 'H ^ Jo lm D m e 466 l)jkT« Ntassey Ntj' I-erguwn 57 3 bltiii plowlow • me ripper blade • H F.vtTMH.in 6 fool bl.Klf lantland leveler • John Deere ptill ty;ty|)i.-ditcher, hyd lift ♦ J ; ^ D 3 U'ctlon harrow • NIPIP 3 pt. blade, needs repair.; Selelelectatlll 3 ni. roloiiller,. • -» to fl. wlcJf • rubtK-r lire 4 iwhi-cl li.iy wagon • 3 pt. frefresno • Jo h n Deere «5 • 5 'ickic inow rr • cultlji.ickcrker • 2 boitom lumble plow •■ iritruck hay pller k stack -E ; ■ lo.idcr • nvo David iir.idlcyIley side rakes • Iron wheel duni|imp rake • Ci:ase manure .'H r . i , , . - ' . I • ;S sprc.idfr. w ooden liDitorn.)in. ground Rraln jtstock l)ed • 1979 WW goosenccncck 16 ft. 4 horse stock nv* ■ ‘ waller • Two liorsc sliop builtbull tandem trailer • 1992 Temconco flatbed tandem 20' x ' I * I ; 8’ trailer • 1972 lUud Kunnenner IH' cam(>er traifcr, rear iMth,ath, sletps six • ABC 40' B k i trailer liousc, 2 betlrooni w/b,w /bath, neetls repair i SNOWMOB>BILES & FOUR WHFEELER ^ fi ,I 1987 Yamaha Phazersnowmiwmoblle • 19H6 Yamaha Thazer,rr, vw/front end damage ■ jjj| ! J. 1997 black iwo placc $nowmiwrnoblle-ilngle axle trnller • 1990?90 Polatls 250 ATV 4x4 ■ • • fotir wliei'lcr w/MacPliersonon strutss • Flatbed single axle Iralli:aller H : t OLDER MILKLKING EQUIPMENTIT & M I S C m ’ , { Delaval milker* • squ.ire• stainless sta bulk tanks (SOO gal.I. itinln.) • compressor • : >.* .iiillki-r buckets* milk c.ins»ts • compressor lines • 4" grain augauger* new fit us-.'d rolls 2002 Ford Taurus1 8SES i » IwtiKxJ wire • H lfl pry Ixir• •• .SO5 III’ Irrigation pum p • 2 smal 2 0 0 2 For^xpiorei JO^or^wmdsta^X nailer Irr. pumps • space sadedi - V6 . Loadod. Low MllesIlest Loadaded Including Roor Heat/AC! i 5 ' * healers • RR tics • siecl |X)stwsis • lumber plies • straw • llvtlivestock supplies • calf • MmUMJUffUl Loa< ' '' ■» table • sheep Jlied canvas • sli • shw p shean ■ scrap iron ^ - 1 “1 , - r s I : l PO WVER E a HAND TOOL!LS * - l S O ^*1i i . i iJiioiln 22.') welder • air compressortot • welding table H< sisupplies • Fomey arc 'IBB J w id e r • bench grinder onI standsta • wheel pullers • lots misc.Isc. hand tools • luttery | H ,* .cliarxers • chains H Wndersrs •• ce M { 2 .wrenches • Skll saws •. pilchlichforks, hammers, shovels, hooxespxes • tap fir die set • rain binls &'j]Bt sprinkler parts • hand jiuM ' .5 '|)ott hole digger • larps • wale« ie r meter COLLECTIBLESC( V-' 19M Ford natbcd tm ck • hors-torse harness • collars • siriglc Stit dcdouble trees • evenen l j-t • horse drawn renovator &c Olheroil Iron machinery • jacksonm forksI • bits • forge St ' 4 GLS forge tools • rail cart whctli • 2002 Chev Mallbu 2000 VW Jetta rll • Iron pulleys • Iron wheels • ggray chrome klldien 2 | 0 0 0 Ford Expedltloiifllles. Loadodi V6 .. A'AT, Loadod, Low MllosI Stockock #04649 (AT, SSunroof, Loaded. Low Milos'DS' lable w /chaln • old tapestriesrIci • satin pillow • old stove • era'crates & wtxxlen boxes BSBBSBSnSI Only 30K Mil • • Coleman iantemj • Imiin lanternsla • cost Iron • old llccnccnsc plates • hames • • martingale w/conchos • foodcx>d grinder ■ shot gun chaps r» 'western attire • old .1...... S O Iv^ t S t , & S € >o I- .Valenilnc3«costumc|ewclty*:ry • rocks & I^ ld a ry Items • prlmlIm ltlm ' ;

* Kciimorc washer k dryer • roundr kitchen bblc w/4 chalhairy ^^tcrtalnm ent ccnier • stereo with speakerscers • occa,slonal chairs • sofasJ • Slesler gas stove • rccllhcr chalrj • end tablciM • blonde bedroom set • coffee(fee tabic • occasional I. cliairs • entertainment cvntMn ter • stereo w/speakers • RCA c SUM A color TV • M idland „• CB radio • niing cabinet • rollawayroll bed • Kenmorc washerter St dryer • Kenmcire rcfrlgeralor • lols of bedding,ng, towels1 & linens • sleeping bagsbaj • heaters • fans • H B wall mirror • kitchen utcnsllilillj • pou & pans • Pyrcx casscnscfoles * Cornlngware .* fruit jars Sc capnlng supplies)11« • cam ping gear • fishing equipmenteqi • 2 burner t h o t plate* Oar B Q grill •goW;oIf clubs • skis • lots of mlsceljanilaneous ■ ‘ 'AVCnONEER'SNOmmimticuction Ij on an old ranch site from theIhe 1930s. Come ftenloy _ •* day In Ihe Wood Wvjf area wilh'ilh JMAJ Aualonetnl w f.'.'-- OWNEDER: j.0;F A R N W 0R T H itM iis i Car«v, Idaho >RBANKABLE CHECK DAY.Y < 0 P 8 A L E . f l i ) I' ■ 18 iMlymuni,- NotrtspeiuMtlbr, p * * P

~^"'T BESTAVAit V ■. i C« HmwNtwt,TM « 1 7 ,2 0 0 3 ' 1 • f M o r nJING e BREAK 7 ' "

. - ACROSS ■■ '■'■1 1 JFK and RF^^ ------5 Tflbto;)fayor - - ^ ‘P r e n i i pp’-offersp] ‘ 10 Potlcoman'3 irotection,i,but0akeesiireyou routo DEAJR ABBY: I hope the 14 Sllar sUr woman whose nlccc3 J.is marrying DEAR ABBY: I utfciled to be DEAR IlAPlAPPILY M A RRI^ Shanhflf against prenuptial agre^ 15 Scutllebuti _ • th e rich doctor w ho w ants h e r to D e a r reements. The documeiment actually d^es " B l . Now, after a nilked m e o t COntcRiporofY ■ When "Harold" andd I married, . A b b y out bf my husband’s defijefinidon. Read on: t? Wnlof BaonolcJ I hc had considerably i inheritdnce &oin my gnuim dm otli- 10 Epypti.in port Y more prop- A U ^ er antf walked away with 20 Agnpo eny and a bigger inciicorae than th90per- DEAR ABI\BBY: I signed a VanBuini cent of the assets we a< 22 Sman guy? did. I wanted him animd his adult i^H H i acquired prenup withth tmy fiance' before 23 Eloctnc bill children to know I w during out: m arriage, Tmm sorry I we married.i. IiIt was nerve^rock- obbr. w asn 't -after —------didn’t insist on one. his money, so I voluiunteered to ond as as*with any legal docu- . ing, b u t w ei wiworked It out. Ilie 24 Coromonlnl I have since remarric procoBoions .•sign a prcnuprial agre<•cement; mont, she;hould not be signed - •led, and - - document protectspro us both. I t- thought.you’d liko to knt 2’- 20 Po3l-«loclion I Harold'.s attorney didrew up tho unless it hohos been carefully read now how gave my fianlance the peace.,of largou my current husband desciscnbes a mind that I lo ^ 30 DEA wofkoro agreement, and I foolishly and under:ersto o d - an Sotvod advantage0 cof your mist. Arttl no, , :CUREAND HAPPY joulo ° "rdr""” k|E|sp I Early on, it becamee clear that you did nc you love. A noble scntimiment to DEAR SESECURE AND not make “too big'a b j e sure. 40 Sprffli snnpo 7 End of grnco 2 M ^ 5. I Harold w anted our finanances kept deal” outIt (of the whole thing. HAPPY: You’reu’re not only seciire 41 Macho du(Jo 0 A«of Wally i! ± !i J . separate. Wc never hj -HAPPILY MAT ; 42 Enily bloomor had a joint Read on: VRRIED and happy, buibut you are also a 9 Porlod •• 5. £. checking account, ondid he made W ITH TWO1^0 KIDS smart woman. 45 CMinoso to1 Madhouso I I ^ N a. -t .npcohiof 111 Miccalculaiod s T u t me feel like 1 needed hish permis- 40 "Tho Wost 12 1 Lnvlnollcom o w n s sion to spend a penny. So kept . Wing- co-Stnr i3Asiflo(roM 1 r r r i m 3’ joh and never om 49 Ff.icluto 1 m ce ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 19 Nontrtlo 1 A £. I Harold for money. 50 Tfii(Jilion.il 21 2 Tompio loom i ■ « — 24 Hoy. ovor horot I W ell. I fin ally got a ro u n d to 5.1 Sucuto, (li 25 2 Working owoy £ i i ii reading the agreeme rinleli05 26 2 Dundoo daggor ALEC 57 Ol India: prof. 2 signed. To my asionislIshm ent, 27 Ofio ol Honry 7 A C i< specified that we wou 58 Adorns Of F.ilco Vlll'ssix EM c F n e v e r 59 E»li,iustod 20 2, Nol a duplicoto; ? s t ;7 own anything jointly.. nor1 have GO Boquiromoni aoor. l S l ° h l » access to anything tJi 61 Loits 2\ th e o th e r 29 Tnangular load acquired during our m';i 02 Pays nitcnhon SiQn riarriage. I wa.s c ru sh e d . In m y eyeyes, that G3 Exxon, onco 32 3; Tonmslofs ng 40 Roducojcoaif 47 Ollor to a We G( 33 Fly in Ifio Inmko document made a moto c k e ry of o tc h a ’ C 0 hitchlilkor Covered DOWN oinimont 4t Woll'o w t Mako boor of 3^ 0 wnil 50 irnt.nod our union. I told Harold'Id I didn’t 34 Bonnoll or 42 Packinging cases 5t individuals kiiow I h:(d married s coflou Randall .J3 Dooli wii so m e o n e . 2 n.npli's 5P0U50 3t 1 wilti Iho 52 Koals works who cared .so little about can fin d the lah 36 Slir up snow 53 Exlincrbird ol u tm y w e l- ^ gtest updates thrroughout the das t a j o n . . . 3 Roman pool 37 Amin or Bonny 44 PighI uniunlls Ununlius fare. Hc maintainedI tthat the •I Socond bannnn 3630 Croaio now 45 Rocodoc 5 Cha/15 dod 55 Ulmosi dogroo agreement was a s st ta n d a r d paratrolors 4C Tost rosirosuil 50 ’Tho is cast' prenup. After that. I knew I h a d to “make my own way.” I cdivorced ■AJJIJ »y.

u p e r t E^ a s t€2 r

gi n t - - ' -

'Hiink Cradtiaiiot. I li Mothers Day ste r s g r

Wiishcr & Dryer Set C edar Chests Saturdaay, April 19th * 5 7 5 3 1™ Many Gift Iicms! m 1 1 : 0 0 am “■4^3 » “ . S » . .{ JS , P a r k Vie' urniture EW F A s G r o u p s :1<3,4-7&; 8-11 YRS.yi; t »V, » m u 541 5lh Sirool.01 .Ruport •436-3201 t,Tt-4m M-tlU* U > -7..' JTyo., OHI.OK M.BVnri At The Rl!upert Sq! i u a r e ^ ■u^< — ‘ifei S pec ial ap -A s Rupert CivicC Audltorrum[Tl E aii^ e r Sallie 6 2 4♦ F S t., Rupert Limited to Slock on IlaHand - While Suppliex l^st Please pick u/up children by 12:45,15pm 509 6lh Stroot U 0% < *ySl( Rupert. Idaho Spor>n$ored By: ^ ' 436»9856 r fwnnrj r.i frtin ri- /«r>> i, -* I Americai:an Dream Realll i t y Evaians Grain E k " o iff 1 I ■ Advanintage 1 Realty R&J RVI' Sales. Service I l^ s u -ge e P ix * a I " Valle H Iley Waste &/ Snake3 River Bowl *®ppy icyclifig, Inc. , 1 4' AMIII Supply )■ ^ . 2J CJ Electric Easter JB’sRRestaurant fro m f ■’Burle:ley Softvvater ^ ' ■ ^ “ TheBBiwfretpre^^” r TheTirimes^Newsi^;;: ews;. H»31 « 6^-411422'.:

’ y i ' ' ■

riiriikiirt^‘^ ‘-Wiiik I 1i li' '' r ■ 11 ■ . b e s t AVAIIABIE C(: o w . ' ■ ■ B TtwridiMlqr,A(Mfll7.2003 *,TMrfFiSt,kW» C-7 M o r n in gGBREAK ifla^todaa y ? Y o u r L a ^ i s a jys Guateiimalans ca:an’t wear'military'^garb Gaatemalons can’t viw ear mili- tary-style-clothing. Th out- -have ftmnd It enicrtainiiig'to'lo fdsa q: lATre d ii^J ^uthem ers get Jloveli]life couldI s i z z l e la w ed . I ------r s their goldfish one by onec ' w ith - that detestable calledcalii ‘'grits’7 To d r c s B up, m e n 01of yester- T dlchopsticks. A. From the Jndirndiaiu. Eyebrows those anc IF APRIL 17IS¥SYOURBrnTO- I------century put on stiff dedetachable J R e v i s i t e d ^ icient Before “Bedlair!Iam" meant bed- •'.•DAY^ this year se«sees a fresh start | neckbands. Cadets wort>re b r a id ^ Egyptian women painted3 .on - lam, it was the nannam e of a London H o r o s c o p e i L M . B o y d J =*;in a new direction.on. Involvement versions. W omen w ore dchokers. In after shaving off their natQtural hospital for tlie insane.ins; You knew ■‘.In real estate businisiness or related . . JJeraldine6 I Saunders tb e v e rn a c u la r, a ll :weirere colled brows - rnet in the middle of the that. But before! that,ih.- it was noth- • I '' otea is likely andd vwill pay off as ------“dog collars." And colollege stu- forehead. At least, that wasas the ing more than a corcommon term for ______;______mi I '•''you take on decis!cision>making gift oiO'narks the end of a happy dents sharpened up thele idiom by '------^— ' most ! popular style. ‘‘^thlehom." • '•?esponsibjJities.. You’llY cxptri- ovenins.ng. coining th e phrase “puttiitting on the A m otherr elephantc spanks her I fjijice m any a thrill.Jl. Y’ our love life SAGI’ dog," gnTARIUS_{Pfo.v^2J .C C ., . baby sometiirtimes. With her trunk, ;----- ^-‘'totdd-sizderCaatloidous-Qjid^ecurl------Z llT Ybfou o are forced to take a ------P#ychoIogist»-long-havave-known— Orwlth-a-shnh rub sJfe pulls up with '' ly conscious, you5u ilike to keep plunge;e anj d n ot worry about the and oft reported thei common< her trunk: t; Supplies, in reservi;rve. Aquarius, outcomjme. Your ESP is spot on. curiosity that a womann ;strikes a switch. WildildJife camera crews match away from h cr^ ' 'Leo leave their marllark. High points Others’■s’ approval is not vital to lelf, a m an have caughtt picturespi of it. ' ■ in August and Novervember. success.ss. You will be shown your I toward himself. But the;ley’ve still Many geocjDerations of Japanese not come up with the why ARIES (Mar. 21-/>l.Apr. 19): You life’s diniirection. fiyofit. *; are confident and1 readyre to tackle CAPR “Decal" came from "dedccalcoma- PRICORN (Dec. 2 ^Jan. 19): nia” - th e sticking of cute ^ y situation. Otheniers w an t to imi- Reflcct;t. No tea is drunk as hot as . late your ideas andnd are ready to. it is bre glass o r whatever. Curiou irewed. Much ado about ridiculous word “cocka t i n follow. You are lodroday’s trendset- nothing.ng. Bide your time. Trust ur talents.ta You J believe you’re in lovlove and want Jl • to celebrate. Are yoiyour romantic W tk E a s tee r T rilo g i • feelings true, or are ire you in love jM HH to attend all Pianist'UaJflnO.M,e:«-B:30 N I with love? 11 3 i l l u d t r u t e d d e r nnionH. : Motorola' V120 Nok)kia 6360 Motorola'la ' V60 • OSMinohi.l kniprliatlti t'Ji 0Wt)-7:M.*:« for 1« • for I LEO O u]y23.A ug.2g. 22): You feel liring yourur fatnily! o HowtoLoiftiifJLfiUXim O.lly7:00.#:j0 D r‘2 9 .9 5 f o r ‘4 9 .9 ‘ rom antic and exudedc sex appeal. ^ OBflngIno t>ownnHou>oiHiD«llv H 7:40.»:M Phonu piicoss adof S30 mail'in robalo. j Your charm is perplcrplexing to the ■>Tbfl Huntffdtffd nil Onlry 7:M-«:M Phona BoothlflUinnD»iry 7:40.9.40 1 opposite sex. Yourr flirtingfl could ■>Timf« ot lh«I SllSun ,fiuaKa£iflhtt:mLaiaaQJ£lfl,r„D«y7:S0 _ S r.elated. You are in r ! in the right 'xJ*3!he Savior i hcl' P.'omo:;:™: J place a t the right ume.timi You long iji • i { for .a change. Havee non fear it is J; 0 0[day, April ?; N EH ( coming. Aquarius pi S u n d a y , ALprili i plays sensa- T W « " V ^ n ' j g c s g . ; f tional role. I JJ5« Ol 15S w^te JMt'j'a tnir!i'.';,' Ft-'e'i I'TnlIUnr^ct*.!! s Scivice i E fund scfijnjc E may .ipp:, s A'l i at 7:00jjpm vf DjtCI to jr' e.irf/ lcirn:fi]li;n (ct A;l ,.i! :i Iw B ! • LIBRA (Sept. 23Z B -O C 2 2 ,: t j 2 0 at 8:00 aia m I m IB 15 SJ5 i;'i new customeii OKcf aoiUf- iji .1: • Attention is on manlarriage part- ‘* T h e £ lSm J Tiers, Avoid self-dec(leception. All E m p t y Toio m b ” ! ! B H ! I t e n J ^ a t glitters is nol golc;old. A changc J of residence m ay be irin th e cards. | B m | | | • Scorpio plays a part. ■ BULLElETPROOF I Magic Valley .M allj_7^7 ^ - 6 5 4 0 J : SCORPIO (Oct. ''232 3 -Nov. 21): Tho moon in your owiown sign puts II7N . Main, H ailey■ 78 7 8 8 -1 9 9 4 ; .^ou emotionally on ededge. On the fjm I I work front, you get a 1lot done. A' L^BW Iill ______V N o w a l O di d v y s s e v H i e a l r e V ______’’< > 1 I . H 8 R SB I ' ( ( I ( retaini Ag i u prirrtenJi^D! i:V-^PPI||PP|HS i^tural pt on\'fja^ flopdfii^r^. ; '{' : '*V"vifi65pjigdioshose lands musijpilss ^■^^fidahSSi d i e w ' t h c '7 iv' ^s' .' I ^ ;5^ Contact yoiir Congre:ressman and . \ ' I ’ "WOworks are substanriall/ unnoticcticeable. & r wildlife,vbut bti it a n ’t E>e managed to' Carefullyy craftcdc plans that we help Senators and let them knowkr how you I hIt iprovides outstanding opportutrtuniticj benefit any■spedes. spt develop assureiure these lands and the feel about designating m ore wildernesses, i . i ; for tolitudc or a primitive andd ' /W ild e rn eeu s s .designation docs not. e c o ^ te m s theythi support will be W call w ant those treasuisures proteaed. ij uniuni»nfined type o f rccrcatibri. assure things5s willw stay as they arc. sustained-foror |present .ind future buc wilderness is not thehc best way. i / The Act prohibits commcrciarciol T he land andnd Iliving things It suppons I ' generations.!. MN an.igeincnt em phasis can M anagem ent under B.I..I..M. and Forest ' Z 'ementerprises, srructures, roads. motorizedm< dynamic,c, ir in constant flux, vary from leavcaving the land undeveloped •Service M anagcniint I’ia’ians have served : cquequipment, .md mechanized trai transpor- / Wildernessrss idesignation does a o t to building roadsro; ;inil h.irvcsting trees, (hese lands well ami wiilc1 cnniinuc to do so. | tation.tati Ir then goes on to enume nicrate insulate it fromrom outside influences, M anagers havelavc iicccsv to .1 full toolbox 1 afea few, limited exceptions allowin*ingsucii Exotic plants in Scnator Larr>-Craig, ts invade, such as spotted of managemernent options tliat wilderness P- ;; actiactivities as outniier-guide scrvic w\w.cr.iij;.seii.eii..ic.gov knapweed, andjnd displace native species, denies them1. .lThey c.in enhance 2 and administration. Urban air influcifluences nearby wildernesses, I , cndiingered speci:s.h.il)i(,itsp. .ind actively Senator M ike Crapo, 5 // I The main focus o f wildernessKS m anage- Passing aircraftraft produce sounds o f th e ' protect if. The;Tiey C.1CI ]irc.aTiI>c and ignite www.crapo.scticnaie.gov ^ ‘ merment is perpetuation ofits wildeiIderness modern world,Id. ' fires needed1 forfo fuel m,in.igcment. 'Iliey C ongressm an Mike: SSimpson, chaiJiaracter. Wilderness is a placee wwhere the / Wildernessis ddoes'not neccssarily can thin denseise stands ol trees, salvage www.housc.gogov/sinipson nlatural a n forces prevail and fire is a isamwg confine its natuilatural processes w ithinits dead trees andnd remove barriers to Congressman Butchh

■ . 1kstavailablgocoff ^ -21 . J .....' # • C* T1nwMmr«,TMnFtiiFtK*,kMb TJwidty,Apfni7,20<2003 ■ [T P'EgTA'L"ljVrVEB;E B B 'A'L 'UEEh'V S V N 'PT C aTTE A6V.EftT I6 EMEt^T’------UWIVEHSAL ‘ABVEATIfleu'eMT— ------5PE&IAL U kl^TT^'8'AL I Suiirg e oon G(ener ral VIvarn ling |J 0 |||ps s a lle s 0Jf nei!W weighiHosss C£i p s utie l^ew Pai3tentLEAN^iawarded U.Ss. Patent foiir weight los155. ClinicalI results comif irm safe anmd • effecVmve use of neiiw oral capsuwIe can be 3 times morre effective> than exercitise and diett aioneii ______^9 K«Hy-T«oiicm ■ - active a Ingredient (3Acetyl‘7-l‘7'Oxo Dehydro’—lhegenenlral-publlCrVeMt is-always-rec UhivirsalAL Mediaa SYHDtcAit' e ARE YOU OVI . ^epiandrosterone) Is naturalurally found in mended t(to consult a physician before b( . rERWEIGHT? everyone's body. To duplicatfcate the ingredi- using it or any weight loss supplenlement, matchiH \YOUR HEIQHT TO YOUR HmiOHT. IF YOU KAU INTOTO THE ;; There seem s to beI only one explanation . .ent, e the active Ingredient.InIn PatentLEAN P is No prescrifTiption Is needed, OVERWEIQI^IQHT OR EXTREME RANGE,S, YOU CAN QBT P»tmtttLEA/>EAN NOW. I why dieters are suesuddenly rushing to drug- extracted e only from naturalral iorganic plant Beginnirning today, PatentLEAN will/ill also - YOUR NORMAL OVERWEtQHT EXTREM EX E ] stores to get thele impressivei new weight nmaterial. Include thehe new FitBreak program FRFREE. HEIQHT WEJQHT RANGE______RAHOeR loss capsule calledled PatentLEAN. PatentLEAN results showow that there Is . As a supplemental si exercise progtigram, 4-ir 8 S -1 1 9 lb s . 120-143 Ib s 14144 IbB > .. Ever since theI Surgeon Si General Issued a a statistically significantIt reductionr of Fitflreak wa.vas developed to be so easyisy that 6*. , 91-123 I b * : ’ , warning for Americaic an s to slim down and the bboth body weight and body bo fat. The almost anyilyone can do It, including people pe . ■ .'s'r 94-127-fbs 126*153 lbs 16164 lb s > . FDA proposed wamwarnings for products con- sstudy ruled out differences:es in exercise, who are InIn th e h ig h e s t o v e rw e ig h t ranges. ran s'z* • ' i33-i •'! . w / , weight quickly, butJt s;safely. sistudy showed results were3re obtained In anywhere, IT 107-145 Ibs 146-174 lbs 17 "PatentLEAN is a huge breakthrough )ijust eight weeks with twentymty-three over- There is is a FitBreak for men and an a 176 lbs > j. with a powerful com:ompound for weight loss, weight w men and women,I, nine n percent FitBreak for fo women. For women,. ItI Is ' - - I f . m i m h s ■ Jie:® *:?-:.- .1 It's safe, sensible,e, andi backed l>y clinical mmales and ninety-one perccKcent females, designed lo l{ develop a desirable fenfemalB , , , ” 114-154 Ibs 1S5-165lbs i8 ia e R ) 8 > science," said Dr.r. J John L. Zenk, Certified O'Consumption included one om thousand body with1 a - f l a t a b d o m e n , sm a ll lower lo - !>'8" : \,:;i»i9o‘jb». - ■ ,i9 ,i» iT b t ;> : . American Board of I internal Medicine. eight el hundred calories eachch iday utilizing body, smallall calves, small and sha;hapely S'S" 1 2 1 -1 ^ lbs 1 6 4-196 lb s 107 10: Ibs > > PatentLEAN is> safe. sa It does not contain O)exercise just one hundred3d eighty min- thighs, liftec[ed and rounded buttocks, lailarger 5 !i0‘ : . i6 S T 2 0 2 ,« » 'i . .'aojibii.'?."-"/. :20: I Ephedra. RemarkabI(able clinical results show ututes during the week. bustline, anand small buV firm arms.s. The 5’ii " 126-173 Ibs 174-207 Ibs 208 201 Ibs > ; • that PatentLEANI canc; be 3 times more PatentLEAN is now availabllable directly to men's FitBriBreak is designed to producJuce a • 6‘ ;;i3i*i7aib» t r s - a i i i b # ...... ’21-’2 < 4 lb * > ■ effective than diet:t andai exercise alone. d e s ira b le "V-shape" torso for menn .and e - r 135-183 lbs 184-210 Ibs 220 22( Ibs > New PatentLEANEAN is a potent natural t a a p ro d u c e a fla fl. t a b d o m e n . - L o s i 6*2“ 139r198Ibi.. 109-225lb« 2 2a 2 e ib » > , ; • derivative for lossss of body weight. The ^iwiiieNiwat wwMiiw M »weip -- For thoses e w h o w an t th e FREE FttBiitBreak e '3' 143-103 IbB 194-232 Ibs 233 23: lb s > results are so stumtunning that on average. I ^ and PatenentLEAN, call TOLL Ff FR EE e ’4- 1 46-IM Ibi ies-23aib« 23( 80% of the weightIht lost is from body fat. I 1-600-70M46 4 6 7 a s k fo r D ept. H083. 2 3 S tb « > ...... ______150-203 Iba 204-244 Ibs I 24i Results quickly shovhowed losses of up to 9.2 m 'TJi*- ■ 1 "People} who\ have not seen you ,o fo r a ------s s : ------245 Ibs > I ’ pounds ol just fat.t. H . w h ile will gaze g; at you with their moulouths I------That m eans PatfPatentLEAN prom ises to o ■ ' o p e n . You v^lllm g e t c o m p lim e n t a f te r cc ' help overweight people pe reduce not just ■ ' pliment. Yoi'ou'll display new zest forT,e"! Hi HenrtWjiIhere R eaderaC aian6etPat6nH £lU their body weight.jht. but an impressive . _ ■ • Dr. Zenk saleaid. 1. You can) g e t PatentLEAN ' toda'Jay direct froni.' thei National i .• majority of the lossss i is fat. ■ ■ Onethe most appealing partsns of ProcessingI CCenter by following the Instructlbjjs Ir below. Your^ order-wjllor •> "PatentLEAN willill outliveo all those fad diets “ _ l ■ I ■ weight loss;s for overweight people is the . carry an uncoiicondltlonal money back guarairantea. - . people have tried,"’■ according ac lo Dr. John L. ' r e d u c tio n inip fat mass. Your focus shoihould A) B y-or•ordering PatentLEAN direct,:t, It win be se n t lo youIU with v :the I. Zenk, former Chieff of Medicine at Sl. Francis - • ' not only beeon i the scale, but also then0 mir- FfiEEEE FitBreak you select below.w. (ff you want both the men'sme and ‘ Hospital. "PatentLE/iLEAM is a huge break- ror. With sswimsuit season and class ch , womemen’s, the first one Is FREE i but the second one Is an through," he said. Body Fat LoiOM reunions fasiast approaching everyone wawants addltic Check here whichch one you w ant FREE: ao to have their PatentLEAN’s powjowerful active ingredient . “! 3ir b o d y c h a n g e fr o m fat to3 very vi : ___ Men’s RtBreak- - ___ .Womenis RtBreak..ik.------I h as been aw ardedd a United States Patent '~ attractive ph')hysical features. 8) For fa for use in weight loss los: and weight manage- , To get PatentLEAN. Pa use the telephc fast^st service to get ,PaliatentLEAN, onler by phone'.one'. Those ' m ent and six additioiitional U.S. patents, num ber we5 aare providing or visit yourai II a credit card (VISA.-MasteiterCard, Olscover/Novus or)r AmerfcanA ^ a iress/Optima) can call 1*8(N)‘7>•704-6467 and ask for Dept)ept. H083; ^ ^ fiilany of today'sy’s popular weight loss drugstore oro r W alM an . « YouI cacan call 24 hours a day. .- products claim theyey boost metabolism but ^ You are! jijust moments away from ! are actually stimulanilant based and have little ; S ta rt of a nevlew body. You will be amazed order. PATENTLEAN by mail,lit. e h c lo ^ $29 (shipping'Is3' Is, FREE) ■ beneficial effect on1 mmetabolic rate, how fast yoi'Ou will lose weight and sha 1 cash, check. or money • ororder payable to PatentLEAf£AN. Print, Metabolism is yotyour body’s way of con- ; up. Enjoy! ■ ne and send with this PatentLE/)E ^ o rder form to: verting the foods you yoi eat to energy (heat) -v j L i PatontHEALTH.LlCPa - and v/aste products,:ts. The time it takes for ' i -PatentLEAN■Pa Hatfotia! P hK ttsiisln p Center 0Bpt.HOB3 JMrlWVM'" this process to occurcur is called the metabol- nt PostalPfl Drawer 2950 TftesoctmtscannrmOwelaastatistia N. Canton, OH 44T2B ■ ” ic rate. wducOonwa In boe/y welgtit *1 ttie PstmfstkMyslenlllcant ___ _ The primary mecnechanism of action for wfifcft MS5 tir ffiodtof thon ctisngesPstantlfAN k group D) PrintIt namen and address: ' . vs ki ttie placebo I those stimulants is suppression of the Spxn^x Prvi)er cakxio consumption anc . appetite center int thithe brain. Many weight rxicognladfyrefroeantvo^ktsiMBnd exenlse sn Mte n tlK .A N ' i :;f I:: .MMduslresugs P/itei loss products also vary ¥Mt ttu tveIgM loss range up to til, >0 contain a potentially tenth ^ pouncb o w elghi wBehs. aiMolManaone- ' K w m dangerous ingredienient called Ephedra, ^ To get your FREFREE FilBraok program with a o purchoso of PatentLEAN,N fifrom area . For nrmne«( tnd tUcCgiam im CUBB£H1 Two sep arate clinical cl studies have HUEABCH. ^ Val. ai. Ho. 7. Ja^r 7H0 ud k 1 © - ^ K drugotoros andd WalMart simply m ake your so!soloction on tho Froo Authorlzal■rizallon Form ” show n that PatentLEitLEAN w as used safely -<<>hrJBhr » n . Jetui L. {iM. M.D. thi teontr 0< B Includod Insido) lhce. and It’s P i said White. scheduled for Immeonedlate delivery and clocyick. Please Include ‘7 forir eacha clock ' ’ slgnalthatthe • a second,-Sisat Is making a limited put3ub- come with-a full,five llllll usmrtiyMCMck«ck MparltiMtal. ive year guarantee. A ordeiIered. Send check, cash orr mmc oney o rd e r'■ \mrnomr, OOV't USOS. 71H U n lv ersatlon of the new automat mere ere nc distributic latic special introductoryy { price Is only being madiide payable lo Universal. Mail^ail to: n o f e e s o r ch a t ;t Time Clock that works I '.hargesto U.S. Perfect ;s In honored fo r th e nextxt 77 days. g e t U te s ig n a l zone to provide a lifetime ( PerfoctTlme every time zc 0 of For fastest delivelivery, readers wtth a ■ m A n -2^ ' ^ 9 because It's R ma. Universal’s new clock:k I Is credit card can Unlvenai Dept K083'83 \ FBEEto precision tim 1 call Toll FREE K all U.S. Citizen lie to the general public direiirect (1-8a0'23B-e545 ask PostB u 2287 'zens. only available sk for DeptK083). To n e larger Des, Order Procssslng CentEnter order by mall, neatly N. C aitto n . OH 447m 2 0 I leslgner from the 0 stly write your name, m m o d e l s a r e a ls -6545} that consumers can ca address, and tha numbifnber of clocks request- J ! also (1-800-238-6 I H P a v a ila b le . rs a d ay. ed (limit 3 please).. SendSi *19.“ for each um> TkcftTtanta nof ofSitKr Htfi Acmn , ca ll 24 h o u r s ‘emarkable clocks have beeJeen Utility style o r •29." for jlsttmlTMtmirtiofRokxMtcfiUS^SK I,Inc. '• • ■” ThesByrer for each Designer style F r e e U S . IUi/iint Col i n s s e !t for rp e l e a s! i o t b m l i e p u bilici l I The U .S. Mint basI anannounced the release date ofo fth e but to all citizens outsic stam ps loose Insidele your] envelope. DO NOT affixifflxthem:- I I new est of the Fifty Statetata Quarter Dollars, To be am ong theJtsld fir e the state. ' '. lulated 3. Mall to: ! For a limited time ttii! general public can get thele rnew coin, send 3 first class) first to get .the FREE gnclrcul:apsule FREE ClCoin ProcttslnD. Maine Quarter Dollar FREE. FR The coins are being ghgiven which preserves Its assbee stam ps for the display caplon. ' PoitatOIt O rtw ir 2287, DBM MEQB3 i away FREE In Unclrculatecated condition foronly three stantamps For delivery, followbeautiful uncirculated condltlort your ■ NortliiCinton.OH4^720 Ci V w m [ to cover delivery ot thee protectivepr display capsule. FREE coin. Limit 1 perow I these Instructions to get ] I Tho coins are special:lal because they &n straighttfrom In I.Wrlteyournamej}er housetiold; rtly o n ______V u m tr r T ^ ths m int In brilliant unciincirculated condillon. You caninnot i a piece of paper., ne arid c o m p ile a d d m s neatl; • THE UNITEO &TAT6a e S MONETARY EXCKANQEQE iaTA letana PHtVATE XOHANOl'dOe MOT AFFILIATED'WITHITH THE ' J find these coins In you/our ch^ge. TTils national effort eff 2. Enclose silong v JSiaOB 0 .8 . OOVeflNM BN^T T o n ANY*aOV6RNMENT'.ENTITY. Er L assures coins are availabJIabte n ot ohty to Mlane residerlents, ^ m p ^ . MONEY CAN0 wHli three fr s t class post W NOT BE ACCEPTED. Send B i? a 'a . f lU T H o nIIB iB N J, I ■

. .. ■/' ______Rtvais bocoiTHuno one: :< Scaibudcs>vl!l{l!lpuidia$e In s idDE e ScatdcCoffctX. Mirtualfunds ...... D3 PageD2 M ONIEY Comics...... D4 Btisiuhs Etiito.■rdr Viipma S, HtiiM tis 733-133-(W/, Ext. 242 The Tim cs-Neviews T h u i jrsday, April 17, 200:103 ; Scction D ...... r ' • i Brief!FLY T )erty I IN Moi)NEY J bb hiiuntssourssfor teen!S I Landlord work!r k s h o p s p aw aitits its ! explain housln;I n g I s s u e s

. ;managers and landlcidlords in south- M B 1 B iigSaa'j; 7. i- ers t a a g f — owne]B F S ^ ^ M Igiiiiiiiiii iiir II iii'im n ii c entral Idaho arc inviinvited to one of ■ I ^ BB two free workshopsps ini Twin Falls ■ H !5?® 2tci:B9nKBi The TImes-Nows regarding housing; issuesis and the R Section 8 Voucher projprogram. 1“'I—^ u TWIN FALLSLS - Richard . The workshops are planned for I I Wliite and Mabellel \ W urster have Tuesday at the Idahoiho Housing and ^ I this in common; Finance Associationin branchI officc, P I T h e s ta te iss susafeguarding 844 W ashington St. N., Suite 300. E unclaimed properperty for them, Vouchers are useded by Scction 8 B and for'hitndredsds oft other peo- participants to rentnt units on the ■ pie or businesses:ses whose last opcn m arket. ,, k n 0 IV tl r — - Lease and concintract issues, I a d d r e s s e s K y n c l a l m e d changes in procedurdure and other ■ ate in Twin ( jr-N ^F.ro|ierty landlord'tenant topic:pics will be dis- 1 Falls. cussed, with Idaho iho Legal Aid ■■ '•■ Tv Services’ Karen McCa:Canhy as guest ■ Idaho State Twin Falls speaker. T a X '------The first workshopop will be 9:30- H A Commission is l(Hiki(H)king for iIid.so IIJO a.m. The second)nd will be 130- B K'' folks, and hopingig tiiev’litl call to ' 3:30 p.m. Seating is limited and claim th e properiy.•ly- reservations requiredred. To attend, B It’s stuff for whicl'hich Idaho hiisi- call the association’!>n’s T w in P a lls H nesses have byeiin lu unable lo find I office at 734-8531, or itoll-free at 1- K the rightful owners,ers, sttch as pay 866-234-3435. roll checks, conteintenis of safe Idaho Housing aiand Financc H deposit boxes, taxIX refunds,re stock administers Sectiorion 8 Rental M dividends, worker’s:er’s compensa- Assistance on behalflalf of the U.S. ■ titm benefits .iml the Department of Housin,ising and U rban H ' Vw Twkv-Xcils'.s' onor Thursdays Development in 344 ofo Id a h o ’s 44 H iP > v # prints names of a samplings of counties. In 2002, the association administered almostt S4.7 million in n addresses are Hoasing Assistance PayPayments to par- ill Magic V alley c» tidpating soutli earn spending money, save- ff o r i,udi,in.n%kiiiv Nii.i «ate.^ . , much toto! find a job for tliis sum- lot i of kids trying to finind jobs manager The JumpStart Co w ith J u n io r colUollege. pay for a car, holp outo l-vl.- iti„ t,l,.„l . Ol.vi, Coalition for mer, hutut hc hasn’t hud any luck iright now, but there’s jijust not Achievement I Personal Financial LiteracyLit spon- s„ far. It Inc.. an organixa- theiilieir families or just gain wo m uch out there.” tion that help rii.,-,.t.il' sors the month-longR oobservation, Tetens !ips e d u c a te young e.xpc.xperience, ns said he has checked out Teenagers like Tetensiis - who people aboutIt businessI and eco^ “ H The D epanm ent of Fin;Fmance panici- several di “ Hut a lol of them apparentin tiy ^kTmii'v il!i!I,'' ( ITl'ii I discount stores and other often i earn their ownI pocket | iiomics, said teunstt are eager to aren pates in JumpStartt tlthrough the retailers ren't getting the opponunitjity,” oiM.li.,. • . otui(ltullr.S',«l iTS near his Oak Grove, money i or are saving for• a car or work. Bodeodeiisiek siiid. “Jusi 4S perceccnt M.A.ChriMion-,,1 0l)ivillc.S>..iiv'|],v,l Idaho Financial Literaljracy Cool.tion Minn.,tmttonie- I and (akes the opportur for college - are having a1 particu-\ ' According to the group’s annu- saidlid they found a paying job hi •tunity to draw “-niA«iiy all- say tliey’re not hiring . larly I hard time getting st attention to the need=ed (or youne „ S summer al survey, 80 f p e rc e n t o f suiniiinnier. Tliat’s way off from tbtl e M.itK-MViirMur i-.ililii time,” he said. “Or they jobs j this year because adults to obtain basic1C rmoney man- „a„,fuU., e of the teenagers wantuit paying jobs this numumber who wanted jobs - andat v.,ii,v i’.,.i„- agem ent skills. lU-time employees.” nation’s i w eak economy. summer, withith younger teens thenle m arket is worse this year.” ' he’s looking at construc- The depanment is.orrerins of basic With the U.S. unemploiloyment focusing onI b a b y -s ittin g a n d John Jol Challenger, chief exec mpanies in hopes of land- r IS;;-r.iltK-i.il..\1..v personal finance preseesentations to . J rate at 5.8 percent andid many other neigliborlorhood sen’ice jobs Idaho high schools durironng Apnl and i*ob with a roofer. But he com t panies still cuttiii{!Ilg jobs, and older teens:ns aiming for work Please sco TEENS, Page [ throughout the year. Department staff membersm« are l-!i!!ln.Klcinknrj|.i ' avaUable to m ake in-scl•school presen- S flflt' tations regarding saviniving, investing »-/*****ireholders urgige U.S. Banccorp Stock]; market wo i^iSE!!' < and other person&l fimfinance issues. . » oes hurt The 45-minute prese drawn from “Basics S'^Sa'viiirandof :hange stock ojoption reporti Invesdng; A Teaching; Guide,”Gi a per- earninngs at Raynmond Jamees ig sonal finance curriculurdum available Knight RMi». In addition, a ^proved Combined wiro repreports S17.57.5 billion. ■lixMa..nNl-ili much power. Proposals app 'ott<,Cl\.irir,ilKlii<- i customized presentationion can be tai- MINNENEAPOLIS - U.S. by b shareholders are non-bi De;Despite the downturrirn, ;SSE:; EE lored to tho level off a particular Bancorp•p shareholders sent a recom n m endations to direcK ST. PUTERSBSBURG, Fla. - The Raymtymond James is increasing;its ii M«tcSlu«,, I'„H.: class. strong mmessage e to management “The company will takjke tiie market’s’s continuing ( woes salesles force,: llie Florida companany i>r -Mjrk r. n. it..ii The department willvill d istrib u te a n d its boboard of directors at its proposals p under advisemmcnl,” Jraeec'l, duwnwn earnings at hadd 5,0505 retail advi.sors at quai educational materials t nes Financial Inc. ter’s i M‘j,k'"Tlvh.r h !^.|u Is throughout annual rp«iQeeting in Minneapolis U.S. U Bancorp chief exec’cutive Raymond Jame; ■’s end. up from 4,831 a yea M.'Ih .^I l..',.,r.,n ItiiTpt. April, and resources arean available this week:;k: Changc your ways. Jerry Ji Grundhofer said Tuiuesday quarter, thele financial f services earlieirlier, M.irih.i Il.iu-^ ...... for children and aduid u lts on th e They wawant the nation’s eiglith after al the vote. Director!>rs h ad company Siiid. ^ “W.‘We are poised to panicipate• iiin .Nt..r% WfiBli. K..l|,l., department’s Webb site at largest barbank to change tlie way it advised a< shareholders toto vo te - fell fc 19 percent, to a betiletter market environment, mSS;: .... 'Li;:; GnMce.state.id.us. r e p o r ts! sstock options on its against a( the tliree proposals,] u.y $15.2 million,I, orc 31 cents per saidid chairmanc Thomas Jamc> For information or to schedule a income ststatement, and how it have h: our positions,” Gnind fiscal first (juarter who0 addeda he expects conditionDtis h'"”!' presentation, educator;tors may call conductss shareholdersl votes, And added. ac en d e d M archI 28, 2; T h a t’s dow n will11 improve ii by the end of thi Patricia Highley of thithe Finonce they wantnt toi require shareholder Even the three shareho S18.8 millioUion, o r 38 cents a year. ..ii1 D epartm ent’s Securideses IBureau, toll . a p p ro v aal l of “extraordinary” wl d S sharo, f„r,l.= sanMime period a 'year OthiDther earnings news this weel .Iti,lv N. U-Mlum- ( who filed th e proposals said fr w a t I-888-346-3378. Pr« dropped 8 i>ercent, fromim companies with Magii .ivmiR- l.ilkv»I.I Pre^tations executive'c pensioni benefits. d d( o n ’t ex p e c t th e M inneu]•inn k Revenues dr. S aiIi'/l .. ii-'T will be scheduled onI a first-come . The sup;upport by shareholders b: S ati, [™-S3S0.3mmi,illion to S350.5 mil- ValleyIley openitions; Kcv.ms..,.i„ b ^ . based bank - wluch has br of all thrhree proposals came office of around Magic Valiej “y ■ Prorils from in despite oppositionop from direc- adopt ad them. investment bank- WWashington Mutual Ei“t:;r , ing revenues fell.II. Raymond1 Jam es .y CB..I i Wall(er Center mow0V6S tors, andi rireflect a trend nation- Still, shareholder propiiposals manage Vashington Mutual said itsit; Mowm ‘ lore shareholders are ar Iger or co-manager V liin o 0 M or are on the rise nationwidede and iferings during the irterly profit rose 5 perceni llito bigger facilityy J U im £ voicing theirthe concern about how mi more of them are passingg than duarter compareired witii nine for f m a year earlier, topping $1 bil icOODING - The Wall'alker Center companie;ies they invest iii are every ev before, according to) proxyr the same perio 1 for the first time. Will occupy its new exparpanded facili- m anaged a riod a year ago. i and how the managers experts ex and corporate gcgover- Investment advise’isory fees also fell, lie ‘ ^ Seattle-based lender addeced Mcm"uV!r.!^lmK. i:'''" ' ty june 2, with 10 morere iadult beds are comper itx careoiiiiiiioi^ Densated, a byproduct of nance na groups. Accordinmg to_ along witli assetsJts under manage- ounts and loans as part of it; arid a 16-bed adolescentIt program.pi co rp o rae te scandals s tliat has shak- ionwide expansion. Record-low T h e address is 605 I lth Please sec BANCORP. Paj“aJcDs" mem, ivludi were2re S16.3 billion at “"I.... Ith Ave. E. in en confiderlence. Please see EARNINGS, Page D2 Michnci ijpinvki CfKxling. ** the end of the qualu an er, down from f : The public is invitedd tot< an open ___ house from 4 to 8 p.m. M ■ May 29, and O n H - •chi.r for good (m home financing{Tkiesday T t i h a .i o c;latwl i h Preas______It was the mostst celebrated bar in a roor- i TWIN FALLS - Wel/ells Fargo ' ,,, , ing, wide-open WesternW town filled with Home Mortgage will offoffer a frge , BUTT^i, M H ont - The M&M G gar Stontore, a bars. Back in theG daysi when Butte’s fabledi H r .. . S home-financing sem inar;ar from 7 to lanctaarkc saloonsi for miners, gamblersrs andt m in es ra n 24 hoi;oure a day producing the a rt . NM]A.iIltUcl. UolXTtl 830 pjn; Tuesday at thele Twin1 Falls cowboys onceon- described by beat poet;t JackJi copper that eleciictrified the country, the ;■ K ero u ac as the ideal bar, closed foror thei saloons ran 24 houours a day to serve miners, ShUoInn. doora for'' in 113 years Tuesday night,, a fewf It was a traditionin th e MStM never surren- ;Attendees will rccei\:eive a free d o : ‘‘Introduction to Homee FFinancing afterer the business manager fileded for dered, even whenn ithe mines sliiit down. thoflrjt ■■ What to do Workbook" and informalnation from baj^ptcy.cy. The owners of: tthe M&M, Patricia Lisac, timo In a. Sm your name oo Idaho'srto's I6cal mortgage and realJ eestate pro- . : not n profitable any more,”” saidsi and her motlier, Pja trid a Delmoe, s;iid they 100 yearsI undaJmediiropeity ownor:vnors list? To f^onals, induding whatmt to expect Charles Buglugni, 78, who h ad leased theB busi-bi have taken greatIt pains to keep Bugni in aKerBuenI cl^yourpnper&.doon0 ono of c^s a first-tim o homebu'buyer; how ness for neaiearly th ree decades. business and thehe M8cM open, but said1 things: important is oedit; howV to shop for Lost callII forU drinks was m ade a t 7:177 p.m.p. BugnI hadn’t paidid regular rent since 1997 * C at 1•90&97^7660.0, ExtE> 7623 C h ap ter? oi home; the loan prograi(ram that is d the dooloors w ero locked a few minuiinutes and ow ed back taxiixes. ,0f ExL 7627. right for you;^>N?‘jnuch^ homet you after 8 p.m.m. Many of the patrons werp c bankniptcy T5 cry- “This is the last;t thingt in th e world I want- ^ * Unitotd the k l^ Statenate Tax ...... cpn afford; andyawn paynilyment ‘ lng. Peoplele who-Tried to lake meiheiitciiitoes ed'to do was to3 close< the doors of the In the ’ Commission. Unclaimeded PropertyP 't^nce programs. werestoppeiped by a bankruptcy trustee, M&M.” said Usac. c. She said iic r late father, Bankruptcy■y ' Section, P.O. Box 3 6 ,Boise, 6ols ID > To r e s e r v e a. s e a t, cscall Todd The businsiness-has been an Institutionion in Dan Delmoe, pouitured four decades of his Court S3722^10. . JicQueen of Wells Fargiirgo at 736- Uptown"Burlutte.for decades, espedally^ mas a life into th e busincless. nulyingpolnoInt during the dty’s uninhibitibited In court papersrs, Bugni listed debts of Butt*. Jotu>)(M>unde^stataJd.i I: ccmpOedfrofntti•taffrepom Sc Patrick’s:c’s Day celebrations. Please see MR. Page 02 SJd.lA.

, ii ■ ■i' 1. . _ , . ■ J

------■ ' . . . . '-I N * ■ ‘

rkiFilt>,idtfK> Ttandqr.A prillT.a7,2003 • - • ^ ‘ . O lV ,1 . :» It ;. I' M o n e y;■ ( ! = = s = ^ = = = Igs _ _ _ Starbiiiu cks f "ContlnwdfromDl to h a n c indily beat Wall Street U.S. Bancorp financial ir ______interest ra te s spurrurredjnoitgage ____ e x p e c ta t ‘ 1 institution, said net Ilio n in* th e f i r s t q u a rtc W i l l p i l l tatipns, dting.hlgher-rates-_. taledS4.1 billion.-o r-7 9 -i refihdhcrri'B, wniii}iiiih generated for itss iauto and homeowners5 Flrst-quarter'pi'ofii “ increase o f m ore th a n '4 'pp e r c ^ t ■ * iirchasfe _ more fees for the bank.bar insurancimce and better investment‘ Bancorp grew more thato n 2 0 per. “ ntsoshmtare, in th e first quarter. from f |17.8 billion a yearea ; above the 77 cents WaMu said profitjfit for the first results.5-. ' . ccnt compared withi tho first “ ;three months of 2002003 was Sl bil- Thesesecond-largest U.S. person- q u a n e r of 2 002 , th e coj” n » n .« o n by a iw l^ ts surveyed I v Bank £ of America coffee rivalr I- lion, or $1.07 a share,sh: beating ol liness insurerir also hiked its prof- • announced. ^quarter results at the Fueled . by a 21 peJercent SEATTLE (Al(AP) - Starbuc^ analyst estimates,;es. The bank itontJooVook for 2003 a fter posting a Quarterly net incor increase in consumer loans,IS, B onk Corp. is buyingng Ihometown rii^ raised its quarterlyrly dividend to 40 percei . cents per diluted sharer ™ ° 2 0 5 c-based company com- “ •cent increase in operating of America Corp. reponeded first- , Seattle Coffee C shareholders 1 cent,It, tto 3 0 c e n ts. e a r n i n g ; percent higher than a ye; h net income of $4.84 ° ^e Co. for $72 mil- ngs in the first three quaner earnings of $2.42; bbillion. Uon in cash, th e < -• Broadening of theiie bank’s busi- months,s. Net income was $911J1.2 million, bdhon, or 93 cents a share, a y ear the com panies so^d or $1.59 p e r share, u p fromm $2.18 Wednesday. 'ness beyond mortgrtgages could Net tni compared with 5756 millionm in ear her. Att thatt time,-Citigroup income was 94 cents per bilUon, or $1.38 a share, a ' help it offset pressessure from a share, co: the January-Morch periodpi of , o^nedd Travelers Property “ , a y e a r d eal w ithith S eattle Coff^^s com pared w ith 595 m illion, parent company, ______cooling hoiisinn mnrQarket_and-the ____ ur_14.cen ____2 M 2,______Casualty Cor^rp., w hi^ it spun off . . ®; my, Atlanta-bos^ ents.a.sharOra-year-ago—Q— ■ That easily b eaf the $1$ i:4 8 'a ------AFC-EirrerprlJ •eventual rise in interestint rates, favorable Growth in consumerT h a n k in g prlSes— ncliiais ------ble comparison that result- share expected by analyststs sur- Seattle Coffee’ste’s su bsidiaries’^ ■ which have hoveredJd ati the lowest ed partirtly from a large 2002 and payment servicess revenue , , Excludin{ing the Travelers’ veyed by Thomson First Callal]. S e a ttle ’s B estt CtC offee w ith 129 level since 1961. a c c o u niting tir diange. was offset somewhat bby lower Income andd ca 547 million charge ^ T he C harlotte, N.C., bankik - the stores and Torre}rrefazione Italia, • “WaMu had a re;reprieve this Operatrating income of 95 cents . - investment banking aactivity, foranaccoununting change, income No. 3 U.S. bank in assets --bene- 21 stores,JS. j A ll a r e in th e quarter," said Mar:[ark Agah, an per shariarc easily surpassed the according to the companynv in the firstt gquarter of 2002 was analyst at RBC Dainlin Rauscher in consensu: 53,48 billion,.n, or 66 cents a share. fited from historic low intmerest United Smties and Canada, sus estimate of 78 cents a cpected to be coii^ San Francisco, whoto hash an “out- share am Wells Fargo Citigroupp cchairman and chief ™rates on mongages, whichJl have The deA expo: among analysts polled by 0 days, also gives perform” rating on the stock. Tliomsonon First Call. executive Sar>onford I. Weill said in boosted refinancings andI hom1 e "?■*> SO dl Wells Fargo & Co. nreported ^ statement d Starbucks acceiccess to Seatilc “ T h e r e ’s n o d o u bbt t that when Revenu:nue was S7.86 billion, up t that he felt the bank purchases. record diluted earnings; ppe r share in Ken Lewi^-dhairman andd chief Coffee’s wholes;ilesale contracts .in tere st rates rise thitheir margins 7.7 p e rcrcent e from 57.3 billion a for the first quarter, gro I exceptionally strong , ivill deteriorate. Whc competitive executive, said that all thnire e nf about 12,000900 g iw e ry stores i^hen that hap- year earliirlier. m o re th an 10 p e rc e n t fj ve position, which -®* jHins, it’s ali a bout sealicale." Chief e; from Ilie enabled us to deliver outstanding rhe bank’s major businciesses and food serviceice accounts that f e.xecutive Edward Liddy same period a year earlier e first distribute the comcoir pany’s coffije WaMu coniinuedi sellings« many said Tuescesday that Allstate, based er results despite an increased profits in the : Net income was up 8 j q u an er. beans. ■ of its loans to iivoic■oid risk that in Northbihbrook. 111., also benefited from 51.38 billion in tl It of significant politi- Credit losses improved,,1 In Magic Vallealley, Storbuckii homeowners miglit deldefault. from a mimild storm season, which q u a rte r of 2002 to S1.49 b nomic uncenainties.” ' bank said, and its loan lossss'p^t^ hasaKetinmsto.store. WaMu set aside 512S125 million to limited its catastrophe losses, the first quaner of 2003. d that a number of vision dropped to $833 mil cover loans that aren^ ’t repaid, ilie Allstat

PUm« Olv L*lt Chg IW 24 97 -M 33 331 17 - 58 SiP.uec.1l6 J4B7 .02 ■ ______agi « » K;oj». 13e 'nJ SilmSOF I8« 929 -10 ■ ' g s ^ - uieoW ..14 UAxIm M 3833.148 UlaiLiUlenUb - rtU*\A^ isiLM 54..l« 82 1934 . 55 ^ ts -.10 ucoiti ... 889 .36 n r ^ Ifuc’ 'Sfuilej Most Active [tiod IKM) ^ rj .04 McOtUAn ... (99 .J9 BT ... 247 -03 If* 94 1319 -01 USCpt 20 K5I 58 - 67 ScftwoPI 69 1750 -38 " }?r Active (tiOT MM) Aocitj’•J ... 2.16 -Cfl SgSu" '40Wa .08 UtOfflun ... 3268 -SO Snt 100 12 75 . 05 Uflrnth .08p t7.W-l,24 t7.W 5«r*ro 75 3741 -35 NJmo «£] Vol (00) iJil Cho N«mm»4 Vol (00) Ult ChQ H8m« HU ... 7.27 .11 Oocurmim ... IJ68» ..M IMiin ... 337 .,t3 1™ ... uCo ... 112 *S*Lia 35 10 DjtoCrfC Ifll* 3^34 -51 1959 "iS W 830 -12 Motofoin Wo 406720 7.83 -.11 Nn»d.»aiOOTr605735 20 22 -.06 Intel a -.03 UMiCo „. I7,tn -S7 AMTu TiaOM -07 DoVfv 62 75 - 79 M -.SI For 1057260 18.10 ♦» 03 Aiuime« ... 20.77 .|9 g»C» 4 ... ..13 UtnOi ,.. 040 ..to 5»taS*»4tS .., .88 .ij Anwm 6 JO -0' ChjAftfj: FofdU 360?07 0 23 ..00 SPDF'DR 506447 00 25 -1 53 M-aosoflrsofi a 857735 24,01 *30 AiKUC 981 38M -M Doi|». Te»lnsl 330702 1900 .1.78 SemilmiHTr 139215 25 51 . 1,22 Osco »• ■ 13M Tia .24 »M : *yW«I .08 10.78-.01 AM>FflC WU -M 0>UA> £ r ' " ‘s . ^ £ . ; ; : ;;;Luconi 273097 1.49 ... DJIAI 501163 13.50 .22 S S nlm * 7 64 -28 4DJYlnc ... 68 41^I .24 . UooOVI ••08 IBSt .08 UyiHu*)nHTi)r.Cf! iC0u.'«54 .05 EM lADmm 04202 02.70 -1.70 SurMic/CtiC/0 530547 3 32 -,03 AaP-tr 1.28-08 EnnlM ... 35» ■ EMCCp 2Gt084 0 39 .02 SPErEnoy 31174 2t 00 -30 Ofntio0 407570 11,58 *04 n ... 1401 ..11 Cef»*>nC ... 11,18! :• S K3T. i :S 44 DC1A<0” 'i II '-'i s '.2 M35ii -14 62t 27.55 -13 3AtKEnS(tao*Mra) "•M"* ... 128 ..CS Ao5«a . 05 rt -?l Oomn«»^ ■’5a 58^^ *** LowtCoi IW 44M70 70 .73 Srt»Kc 11 47 . 38 "S:MaiTHi L«»I dig %Chfl Kiirw ' U8t Cho %Cho 4 0 7 ror? '** ??oo -J7 Oouem?-«< . .S4I WJI *8»f» ... I.M ..IJ Dmn.OW, -1- 5*rPx ., 3 60 . 08 AMf s : £?»"*"• "■ is " ■ ||0W;44« r;4S ^20 AMR 4 23 . 63 .24 4 UlVerr’em 7.10 .2.90 .69^^ Pstnthor hof 3 54 ..09 .24J *«»«37 ^ ■ ^ H A Z E H ,72 n o .at l.fe|,I.Vllroa«s 2 00 .45 .17.3 6NGk> ... IB.77 -M 14(0 .4: CXjI>IXIm 1 40 4029 -W MttflAj J2I 1749 - 13 Sotocim 294 . 05 EK( 3I0MI 2.34 . 47 . 25 1 AnHaThrn 2.41 .42 .21,1 122S . -.02 _■ S;75 ,:l7 5 ^ Aflnrcos 031 tose -.’0 0»,k«CwCff, 110 1930 .18 MOU 98 29 08 EKCtW 3S6 ..51 .107 EnNlfiJlfififa 2.23 .30 .205 MojtAmr I ' 70? *o[ tSvnll “ 493 ' Jrtnxkt ...u23.73-|!oi A4-x»i>9 II I0J3 •4fl Docnir, mr 2 04 .,34 .20 0 I *£5 221° • U 2 'IS Iw 18? *•” Ojkkiy 091 .1.30 .102 Mjrwtnetnaon 565 . 63 .l25A/Oul8J 331 .53 .19.1 AJW.CP 1 Ia7 USC^ ;; 1930 '..it »n«e _ 1.14 t,|* T' ?o” *08 MQUU, J«.7jl3.l9 l” ' 3' 19 M - 19 AmcAfnOOCS 1060 .2.10 .150 CitiTX.TXNn 8 15 .65 .llOSoeComp-ipn 400 .70 .18.0 ? 2438 *.« eSSw '!* S S1-168 -i ... 1341 .33 SDO,ni TV 284 .07 M4«f-.ilg IM M37 Sir2 68< 23.70 ..IP tnVStt ... 1.R • Orni 12.19 .08 S " ,2 ':s S 5 . 484 .16 UirMtKy ... JJ.7B170-1 84 SwinSS 540 28 77 . 28 Ort4»*wn ... 1,13 ^ 10 32 V • » EMCCpCp ... 8J9 .81 u«w.Ca-» 1»9: Losers (sswMora) . lLosers (B«.«».] . Los 0 ._ ig.77 0 7 Eji1N*h> ... 3»9i '.M. : 'f ’j !jo 774 .09 EKMW 992 -54 SprwrOM JO 1117 -« ^SZMmcxmrnt) i X n ... I860 .77 Ftiun4li 081 33MI -so - NorTn) .68 33 32 -34 SwiUatnUoo ... 332 ^ ««5»n JeuTlOJ -M Ccouo iJj SorJPCS ... 4C8 ..01 —N*me Ui»l Chg ^Ctia Mjm*rw La«l Cho KChg Ntmo < 1433 -41 rmnwD i.m 4A7J-1 ------L.«t Chg %Cho .. 3J7 -08 FrtfftTiU ,,«II.7D ;■;» . 5-0-,'•0««n .. JM -O* AKi* 1 t3( JI40 .14 Coaorim ^^OnPwB^A 9.70 -3 60 -27 6 Anoonon 3.45 -.31 .02 DiotlVB a 2.00. -48 -1B.7 AmrTnJ*» - 4,93 -.08 nmui _ .0 « >00 ■»»; . 0» E9>i'0i 5C7 Tu NWPSct tool .3 52 -200 Dmo. I Na^ . 77.02 .,74 Oraimtm t .. 0 09 -.03 A^niTi . 4g4) .S) [iPjicCc.E .1 .K VI S' o. 12.25 -B5 -6.5 UrK«A ^ ^07 -.03 -18.0 JS T ,.u50S4 -.61 F«M«nOp .., 24.70-11-106 tM3U ... 1341 ... vtm ... I7J4 -uf AUWIUO «I6 -04 CUn 5 " -04 suftlWV102 2267 . 49 NM:NnCappIC IOOC -304 -260 Ne»18k1#k 4 20 - 28 -0 3 NoCniFnFn 2 35 - 50 -17.5 ... 820 - 02 F ^ ... 33 43 . AJUryFn 1437 . |J EDS M I7M " m M^'Ic 144 -J Siirtrtin 841 2S IJ -34 NwCNwCapptD 0i>0-3 1fl -24jnivi8ffl' 3 ... 14,70 -*J FWam ... 6.48 .. AMaie 9» MU) .M CnuiEI ^fflI 3.15 -.21 -63 B/asjEol:0l 700 -1.30 -10.5 AniUTh> _ U2.4I *J2 FOMr .S3 -IS gf£ : IZ; ?M "oi 5l4'«Sl' 52 33 03 - 89 NwCapclQ 050 -2.85 -?31 Em«r«iiSOflH 6 40 - 38 -5 5 lnl(D«icfs;cfS 248 -.40 -13.9 :!! SSS, ;S new • • 48.19 .N *"|>1 ?M 3170 .7S CnOrCPlr»3^r.37M ;?o l l i i w • fsss: 09. 1? ^ :.• IS opMiTitg ...u3a7D.i.40 THOmeome ... 1347 .07 'S Diarv 1 ... 14 03 . 82 F>«C«I ... SSI .1 31» I7M CftpoOT ITO in? 231 .01 Diary Diary .08 ... 161 .01 TUPV*.ipw- 881 1261 ;:S5 *oe. ... 1tH.M« EpLjulU 100 ?#oi -19 USmoj i” 1*7?'^75*-10 0 6345-309 AOvaMvHfKawrwi ... 2tp« 05o IJ01 -07 y 1 40 4 7 75 . 10 Uwanc 25 48 61- OoclirvM 1,701 Doefinoi>"« 403 Oocliftod . 3 41 .U Ovmln ...UM89 .<.S9 roPti ... 44 93 ..1} *CP 1 40m ?4 9.' . 11 Crucflc [65-1 27 !u>ppr« 7M 2910 .21 UnctiUncnangod IB9 Unehan l.«6 aI“ « 52 'so 'w ^ 04 UfKMnoefllOoO 687 AflTtOi :: ;S & ::: iS :1 PFO«g. ,„ 40 63 . 70 TolaliMuM 3,421 TolallS! 007 Tolnll93U8! US _ 3J0 -JS 0»fMi ... 284J ..; Aniwcc 19 m jL im cS wtT 700: W31 -16 uSSl'a)'** IM ” m ■» NowHiflhj t23 NowH-( 3U83 3,726 .73 PUCSi* ., 6 49 . 02 TtiUMlUM .. BJ7 -4J Amlow»r ... t » -81 [qt, i H-flM 2t NewH.ghs -U* Plts»f« a0tu48M -01 T—iron ... t8l -M Amartedl ... ..S4 Cu««Uli» ' » MM !w 2U 27M NowLcw* 20 NO«LOLo« 14 NewUws - ! s :i! a s s ’ : -,I4 P»cSun» ... 2t.oa - » AmwotVg 10 Mii-10} CitVyi I 80 - « Gimnui 19 IBJ4 -48 vSuiIt'c*»T>fl______1,837.074.600 Vol^^mtt s 'g K x :1 - .. 383 ..IS OMtdSCI ... 4280 -X Pienctr* _ 73J1-2,tl Tmit t J4«>M5 76.:ijr AmlosOtv ... MM .I.M EiionUU« l ' K 34 W ' M '** ll®______202.740,8751 Voluma' 1,*02.724,260 .. 8.01 .23 OAMpdn .. J» .1.It PWn3« -, ia04 .94 v _ I Abnel ... 2.00 .07 OinnerM ... I8M -.1-.16 Ptiwil ,. 32.43 -.43 .., 3 ,1 4 ^ *w«cuv 70 47J3 -eg rPLCo 1 ^ TECO 7Cm 1082 -01 H M AaioomJi. .12 1J33 .10 Mnaipn _ .88 Aninim M74.J04 FMnhWSwa ... ltJ7 .89 Uonvus 48 15 74 Anjicn 0 7 PtrmTe ... £43 .08 ttaoSn»sn ,.. 434 ...a;.. AonCop M ??1i .49 FamO*' 39 33»8 -25 UonP> plA2.11 09 79.79 -3 89 TXUCo«p 50 1811 .. U29 89 - 78 mmone ... 40g -c etSms _ 42J0flM, Aciir>y 3.-8 30 U -43 fam4Ji.IjelMI 1 7203-107 UOflYGo 41 :i ;o SS.Weeh -. HMOJO H*tav> JM .C;S! E S ::SS:2! *4ulU ... tn .IS FMCiCn,p 20i;5«ie-127 HagSli/r 92 44 19i§ '.*1 771 . 32 , N«l % YTO U-wk .. 4.C3 .14 l«iW3E . . 1820 -:-72 Pfjcrwi .44 78 94 >41 Trraowj A/CfttlrvSml 711 Sin 105 feC5S«M ... 9P3 .11 USErv:r, ... 3 49 -03. (IP PIC ICO« MJt -35 ro.lun.rw 1 ,, ' . . ro»>o 763 .20 52;523 70 324,00 nutwlJOOO 377.73 -1 07 - 70 1389 . 04 Imunmd ...' 3» . 9; )5.,0 Tc'lnl M 1941 .19 lO.OCi0.069.41 7,273.40 W.l-Jiuo5000 -49 -1 40 -27.19 OuinCH .1 9 38 ..38 ln»giWn _ d « :S -.ft I S S . '5 ! i ;:!! » »M « ... 4 00 .il» lurxag i:j Mil finoiuee 1041IC 5C 59 - 85 Nooicorp ^ 31M - O.WrO -01.03 -1.09 -1 -.W -21.03 ^ C p . -. - 42ja.l.4j nt^bcn ... 23M.tO(t « Po^TW) JSP 29.74 - 6« UfluOnlijOiiI* _ 41M-K1S M35M.I1I FUCQpIO 4 .03 PnwTn 68 2844.t.09 .. . . >0 4ie 890 .02 .'Oc IS1B . Ciooiuc : JS :!i s r :: S.? .10:S DKOntn .„ 1,83 .07 59B 1,98 '.jji;: '1 To7 2641 129 00 -4 64 C«nSoPl .. 7 73 . 04 >nt*l .0* 1l.ti.1.e:1« Pi»iv»r .. 3W .04 ______fg» *7« OATIt IM i: 18 68 . 40 ftowrlw ■* '20212 I.07 TransuCT 12 1815 .35 yro C»>»«iEiJui ....i^.M-2,M ... .M Pnlftnc ... a33 -03 OKicia ?: 15 37 -09 I 1.1 .12 TiMIA Oto 1552 .11 H«m« YTO C«4jong ♦01 PrwOsg .. 800 -.20 lU.tw !*, 19 15 . « c»W ir 5829 .7 18 I4OVP0 160 81W>4 . 13? “ P '*5^ •72 Aibeitw«rtw .70 13 1020 -02 ;; 16 77 ^3^ IIS .71• 77 PumalflOi .. U329 .09 ll.l5ft8 ... 2130 »JJ . 76 77 83 .47 r*«IHC U'S 25 3313 ..09 •** - '8 AJMnlEtmiEcy 1 00 0 1092 .00 .2.2 Inl6rl«nd . 13.39 - IP knbH ... M73-I.48 iijn ... 1020 V^i7 3079 .72 CnMou 7CO ?C 35 00 .11 Mwo>*» S2b 3JI00 - -50 Til»iJII ...aJ0,S3-1.t4 AlMnll! >n>l8 17 4945 -.55 .68 . 01 -47,7 Stjy* ... 23 03 . 0] InrFnSvt .081 21.80 -18 (IOC0T) .60 IC 22.t5 -45 ' ■ .17.3 UyiflvF 02« 27 fUAS*e ... 880 -II V«, (Wq ca M04 -K GMotu t n UlCI 1939 - 20 hslnSm 1.7t( t4 22 05 .05 7 0.70 -.28 -7J SJSco ... “ ia J0E0« .. It,20 -J(S■3i fUmOu. ... 1431 -.29 vkat •0.3 MoonT 8,74 ..06 -10 3 Cnu 2n 1.69 AMMivtl M 4.44 -.40 60 noo -eo cuiesxms) 1?5?:9 1UM .. S16 ... JTOPw ...0 45 -^20 -14 0 noe*T»n 32 lii1 1365 -.10 .1,3 C»t« .. UffUSo 4? 74 .35 OowiaI 3838. 10 84 . 11 Omc«n«. SU )IAtn 2.50 12 71 93 - 69 ♦3.5 ScoltPw I.OOo e s ^ '.08 n«*M 600 . 20 VWmaCpBlCp _ Jl ««'• (to)lnL 7? 760 .07 OoBcrpBl>1 15I 10 70 . 18 Omnicwn 80 60 I2-I »>C .60 ... 22 00 - 60 , 24.50 .,21 .00 Oko ■0. ... 168 am !7» i;oo -73 OoktntnS 448 -12.5 Scnjiofil .50 12! 2ae0 -.19 -7.1 I4S0 ..1] jrptdw g'aa I'lo M B 1^ ^ CINofsywsy 1.841 18 34,43 -.14 ' 10.70 »01 -17 7 CooT*"'* „ .Mta .37 KlATne .. 38.81.l.tS rs. - M sa. IKS ;!j g;; sss" <» .99 14 20 95 -.25 -I?:; “ ' . 28.19 .04 Kjnwi .44 9 64 1 . 01 ^ » >«> ... 23 34.00 -.62 ... 9P4 -08 KnpnTn) .. 4J9 .JO m _ IM I,’!!': tk»K5f 48 ?ce7 -J3 MCAh: oaa27.M-i.o3 Oi ri'o'’*''’ it? 4s ^> !]-M UP3 0 841 97.73 - P7 t>U}t)Okl ■ . :!:? 40 ... 183 -.Iff.- CCKAH ;t .->74 .02 MSOC 7 94. M » ..M 'M l Ml* »kl .oet 24 37.33 -.25 •53 Js"C, -S 1?.;■ • 21.35 ..25 *.0 S g S S i ... »M -82 ... 6-g .035 s CUBCnj 5U .M H -7» UGtUnop 821 7IJ9 .25 DukefWyeRny 1,62 23 27.05 .,14 .9 4 VbW ,24 jn ... 10 00 CuruK 40 30 1? .11 ; USSIM .20 n »8 ..la AG EffwardiEon .64 . JO 28 65 - 20 . 1060 -.17 .30.1 Comcw ■J .. a '44 I,?9 UJo«>h I i'm *ffln SSSfSSg ra -13.1 WalMifl ,361 30 I ! 5434 -.75 .8.0 CitwK.... 4.48 -.03 l«nn4C>i ... 11.70 .2777 .,1H tM* ,M WB ... 903 3.i4« 12,00 . » M la S) I;.27 owrceh 1081 8227-1.U HnhCPCP 3.32 10 35.70 . 26 -6.8 WashFea ,92b io I ; 21.47 -23 -6.0 ...... S3 -.It UnwAtf, .. 3ZSa -86 .. 33.10-I04 Pttfln 2.121 M97 .1 >x 1.06m 14 29,50 - 53 -103 Weflif^fgo 1201 14 - ... t 89 .M LMU .. 7M ..18 ^C O M?0 -S7 lu-n'LTrn l.ce I.M »*a -98 Pc«vCo 80 M90 -! ,32 ,.. 15,59 .02 : 40,74 -.71 -.3 Ccn>y ... »00 >4} luuxa .12 .IJ 14 94 . 24 P».»C»n ■,28 8M1 -.1-i’ I M letiP -10.2 ZtonScp .041 u ■ . *'3.1 ' _ : I A7«1.8e U0M .-,u37J3.t.47' CJGo* .a 13.78 .11 innCP X3I X33 33.70 . 28 Puran .70* 1851 .1.,11 U>*MUn .. 2«M -M _ .64 . 03 UlKUd ... 37t ..tl fm _ laj ..li'; CH*» .. «.oa .10 '«ust ot .09 UnunPiov ia I0S4 .01 - 7JII -33 UNPW .. aai«-1.llil Us. -™;.” "■** ” '! » *18 ' eS 3?M 31 S«nra . 432 »,14 WoildMh«h JO M ‘: * SpS? .tt M W • » mJSJcP .» •Im ■ ■ n n Q [ » M t - «J0 A CMnM .IS MS2-I4I IWon .08 1243 - ” n S a S .s5 a o J'Jo - sS u - iS :S *“8- Cjrankm 1771 -U > ... -. 3 v»lip«» ,60 40 47-rj7 'Mwte: Z li x hm - i |« ■1 tMMMn Z IW CMOCg .. 1017 .Jt HJObaU IJS V*ruonCm1.M 3133-151 'Be«Ttii V Ml 44S2 ; .79 Vttorc ... 3»n-tJ3 ; OM Ci J? gr**** - !I-S =»«>» •* S S rt ” S 'Ja S w . 'S M € ;i° S ”!:;s i!i is n : w Iis C«rWfPnl 40m 7.40 .JO IUI •43 VUdCp 38 2043 ..CB «>•»«'if««e»iwai >wiiimea “ifS; J10 I 601M J8 44C0 -J2 Zne 1 88 24iS 12 .ce•■■ l>F«(MAOfS£ ... 18ss 99 -•w 1; voda» ipd -i7 U ttR ^£1? , i QmuS 1^ i t s .IS eoo .09 PntTnel J3 2929 - 8! WKMMl IM M22 Chfl?lt OwmU.2M BIM -13 rtW RK U#3 -42 PlCOO 1.840 89 10 . 71 Cn>CO iMl 44.33 .70 INCO■ 1002 -OS Pragria«n 2J4 *3» 70 ..1:•:^2 w«iM«t joi »4.M ihmdN CMvgy 1441 34.4] . 14 lOU totO 8288 . » JO 2.4J .M “■ ^ ct« o»o,_ _ J , m> 143 -34 •«0 «o 3I8S -4e PtcmdMI ... 7.90 .■" « W4(gm -IS M.43-IJ0 n.* N M lM m a . ecpcMjBWKK >4 MCM.17* m s 0 4 88«Ktr ' Jl Cam ta 38» -N MO«n« WAMuff tM 363» -.73 l 2 Er. f l OiMWyirBiV ' . s : £ i ! . M \ ::: S2S2S'“ .;t7 W *« 3MutOJ3 -.47 .'■■i ^ fsts ^ : 2 s ES«,.«,!i?:S K ,I 'f. .77t 7SJ5 .cBIil U ^ tss .i. M M U ot 12,40 wn«a ’ " SS :S - fi l.-oi ^74**’^ : JS rs f e » S-iS a ,2s*'iut-«uu . u CMaOan ... 38.3S.T41 inwpiii* ... t0.t2 *.04 OmtCm 397 .'t4 E II .418. n n JjBpA ** Qan tt Ai.T7 -M ’rttan U S i i S ' S • f f ia .iti i S . i i as - 'S :3 "SUI'Mn.17* HSJ & .S J ^ S : n ri? m S ^ 'bj4 rir f Jt* sue » g s s -os Wfywn 1.80 41.1] -.!( {> u3S “ H is SaS '- “ :S CDVai ie> eo3» -m m m m m ^ ^ : s iS S " ; :li ..ii S S S ccM taU d 4ao«-i4) jnybrgcnijs■Je IS.M « jr iM nm _ 4.n .xa•j* wup IM 8 2 0 4 I S j M I £ ««7 ® cmcM M nm -JS. J4M - 17M 4.K HMAW _ 2M OT WMCe. « aio ^ ^ S Z ; OT .J) ^M a n .^Ts ncMHif _ i4,oe -Ji-Jl Wnailoni .. 2308 0 4 j S f B -JW‘1).I0 h « S4J».|.M notfCM JB I9«| ..af SK ' .:.iiS:S Mk - 'U » wtW'- m 1.44 TTM 0 2 ftam J3« 1»8t .~M ■JU 42A1 St 3M sa ir *je n»yM ij7# u u ^ -jo mcb> JO ts ji 4«t M M SS!r.r.SS:3 * vuMir I-Tt* 4W *.M H B f iS ■fi £ £ "U - e a M -jq wy«h M 34.71 -M B I S B cdHmkiiT ^ a i t Zii ta le s' i!iSia i470 HHlBBHHli S : ”1'-" SpiW SS.ii SS^ : CM*B 4S3 *.14 NmcB Lt«U ■■ KTOtffr*. .04 leA *.o» I B K n XnCre, .111 iw -.-jt iM i y l l *r -^ « J i ' '*I » W g c r . i i l HUS* nJlpMUo Be w . a«t -xa IB R a i=? - JB •MX) • oe mJa.».tO * a n^ij BUM* - «8JD><.tSi.ts 2kiiM> _ 44.n-«es I H k S I - M «Ms* Eg M t a »j»r! . u ■ - .11 0 1 : 7 ■ I S 2 t i S ' \ ' ■ ■■ } r. y • k 'V ■' ■ '■ ; ■ (j 'Rm o-PouM K S f f f i S ch Center. * Sharelnreholder Gerald — Jun J.V«n 'JU^ S ’S S ’S S . , ^ - r.-7S HtHlabncwdJlad S 3 ^ on 10.058. th is year’s proposals tot;otaled 998 iVmstrong of ID enver requested a I htfon prta lor aiN>a> tn Lmkn 14.49 onn as of April 14. well ab kl Sj ? Ei]w!qirr»ncy lim 145.5 148J3 I4L8 I4&3S ,3 f. >i.« E * .S ™ '“ above the simple maiorliority Voting on any 1458 145J8__J49,B_;.1««___ wr *4.480, on $0 040, 1^!»3S:5S--£-J S -S |-:g— ssasitt ____record high of 822 in alidi.ofJl996____ 5“ «er^_sharmareholders instead of_____ ‘ An 08.deMr iboA100.23 60.23esjo *.78 Ti_'>u 10,01110.045. ------L a it^ ^ , 802 were filed.1 a super-majorii ««L210028 100.00 100X0 -.53 Tufc-aS S S ffiXencaud ” $1333, on $0,093. jonty of 80 percent of An CwMMdaov ttet£003 . .8S33 >.0037 SOVKX ^ S l . 7 . V,S : S w apc4 morth Waor«ta(y (4.411 on outstanding} shares.sh< 4MI .8798 .8818 -.0077 LOOBte) bu M o m M ■ ^ lii. sil liSS S1:S ■“ "Some of the scandalsIs last1 year For each proposal,proi 64 percent to M .# 3JM m s .XQ i C r a Tua.-a »««« 137 _ NOVVOnK(AP] :: -SKSSiS' 337.0Si 3312 338J *,08 JJ 8 .35 Tua.'»opanWl6j42. upmw Wadnaaoay.' (AP] - Spot nonlarTOut maiaJ pncat nudged the door open:n fo r th e percent of allal U.S. Bancorp vot- — Uay COUEXSIwt 44.830 ^ 4.450 4 485 -M Auo 5 AkmMnum • 81,11 4.540 4.480 4.400 -JS SW &u e BOT. 58125 ■ sfis ‘I j 11.1 canupar*)., London UaW Eitfi. groups that pul these piproposals ’^8 sharess pplaced a ballot. Its w S S T n « j L i v e s tX c X JK v ______Ccwa*.$770CS together so they’re pushiiling hard Armstrong’s$ proposalpn passed with tCT30!22 11056 11155*1221 It0T7 *'11 ^Jm ^ g.a 7 5 ^ ^ -itsri WI8 loyca iori4 ♦•os u*r ------—______Coppa>-7330c* this year,” said Paul Ho<[odgson, a 67 percent ofof titiie vote, the United t « ^RO«E-Prwlue,r,Uy,«Od.M senior researcher fcfor The Brotherhood pr |S SJ ^ :s s.;.; .33 »iJarom«rapenatn«)oikM>oprvpneaa f/om g>a livaiiock OoU-$334.iBH J proposal w ith 60 per- a^ee,7oS" “* * ioH ai^ otjv guoia) Corporate Library, whiclich moni- cent and thele AFJL-CIO/ proposal r . 1 haad H WTy ot.. HV Mare i(>^mad HoUIaM halarcaVm; SI50-t2S0tOhaad h 0 Harx»|f» Hannan (orvy dajty quoiaj. ,tors governance practices.*s. with 51.6 i>erceiTcent. ■« 'iiP c £ ! SSiJ Blanad txil and uaar caivaait I »>. at.80 3IJ7 -.10 i'3 '^ 7 8 0 tali'NV In the case of U.S. Banc(icorp, "it's “Now doesi□ esn’t th a t s e n d a a ______«»■*i i i l l 1° ^ ec-propoR------Sirongeiunessasssage-to-th«-b()Hrdr:^------^ » ia 09 Ct«a(/canftareOi»a;»33-*3a Platmum 5034.004.00 Itoy OZ.. N.Y. Uat; idm Wad als to pass w hen th e bo;joard has said Armstrong Ajn UvtCUM ri.7a 31.70 Ii73 iiSo lli” lioj03 Shaty^a coot: t33433 no-oOQuo(td.nNLna-noi«va>iabia •ong, who owns 7.271 !:rss‘sir;ii“ s i OS Hallaranaa: U8-C88 vehemently objected to10 th em ,” U.S. Bancorp ct IA« I'S J i 2 ="■** -OS NEW YORK (AP)AP) - Kay curtancy aicrwr>ga ratt t p common .shares. He r? Sm Sai ^ ti? 2 ? Hodfison said. “The pre-essu re is s;ud he’.s fru.stmKtrated w th tlie com- l?i» ^i^ |£ |i| $7>$ei:600io600 I, sisr* Slio* 08 M., t85.75-S7t: BOO 10 1.000 »•.:I. $35488.50 \ ? r building for them (U.S. BBancorp) pany’s lack of action.a The United 'e YfY Uwh»gi M.43S 4I wiw MJ7 t;“ oa ...... i.... . loisr 03 cnolea iiaara: 30010 400 M.. $05. to turn around to stockl ^ Jiti Um Piodi 50.es 05 b*.. 890-J01; eoo to 1.000 IB*.. «t kholders Brotherhoodd piproposal passed in U»f Porkb^ OXaS 05 Cliole* rat tiadir>g on ina Naw York ? S g “ , s »S7.« 1^.70 tu.ea 157.30 -.20S A«r'«?^90“ “ 7fS^•^ ,692, UarcanWa E^cftjinj stock opfion.s as c.xpcitsc:'ics in its options,” snid;nid E d D urkin, ;i b M v p u a ias7 O kUy 74 63 7483 74 00 income statem ent. Tlie bailank cur- spokesman for fc the United «ug OFPUA 1I.D0 - - s«ti OFPMA II.rs l5fli20tM30 isoio 18000 si; ^i| ssr% ^ rcntly reports tl)e cost off optionsi Drotnerlirxxl |)<.-nsi(m pcj; fund, which Oct DFPhUl ItfiO1:” J!:” IfS i s S ' 180 !Si 00161 30 leo.oo tOIOO 1 1BO.BOieO.00 169.50 160.00 ..Md ^ C9M 88'” ' ns a footnote in it.s itnnual1 r'■' l.’ •S.S. 1Bancorj) shares, 5 <4$, QfPMBc 11,70!?o IIS I!J5 *21 169.00158.50 159.00 119.50 .,50 t’,S :S F i i g Dk BFPUa I1.U2 I ![y ::S gs lUHfl _7n0 Dac 7li65 71.73 7i 17 • The AFL-CIO Re.ser\-c•vt_* Fiinrl Ttie snaruholdttoldcr proposals dom- aaloa 3«,CI03 0 . Fto 72.BS 73.88 7212 ^ioo TiM ^ Ifl 17 H: wanted shareholder apprc Bancorp’s annual QuMMmftOTlroni8M W «^i” . ■ Opanim I60.480.up3,407 ^ r 73.70 73.70 73 40 ^^73,40 -.40 g 20 M W ftr uitt 2«,0TT.Tua.'a tai.t 10.54. 1 1 fi ! i ii 'certain supplemental exe Tieeting. Grundhofer APOUS (API-Waa rtm e^TTU '® ’® retirement benefits. st y e a r ’s fin a n c ia l B e?ANS a ______Z f S^ Miflfi IM saoa o * he outlook for 2003. ^ K;“ ” ^ i ? * 7r 7*" 79 Di The proposal took issui VinvyDtwn AOT burnt «*y 79 00 Tsioo 70 55 i II G i run d h o fer’s em ploym en ed recent national.. I Pnoi »r» tw to ,100pouo04,U3.No.l100 jul^' wa “ a 3«“ w Ji liss . 5*55 Auo 13.35 82J5 fll.CO tract thiit allow.s him to> sicnifi-s «-'‘'recards by• BusinessBu. W eek and ajjidaanijag^ig^.^at s«p 345 Isilfnby il'vfv-e'vYorkTi< Times that ranked •uiJJaBj Bwno* w&aiSS S?’ “i! SS i l 1 Oa u to 8210 II cantly increa.se his pensi "Ktt r«e«ni emet Inloimuonoon ■Mkjidconua {MUan. mv among the top in its □ rMt nonMm*. uk; (*>U«.3*. «isale imal radi. uk: ISano I ^ MiM « iS Slio? being able to use a bonunus and - ^ f “ ‘">corp amc .. .P^.uk-PncMkngi^dA ^,,^::::: :::: "IS 3 :; i - ri 300.268 S of restricted .stock< «shares industry for stockstot performance S '-On«npncM*r*ca Ett taiat"2,735.T.ii"a aala* 2i934, ■'•»si J g^ r- -MWxl H«w., U.5. 0»p«itm«ni Tgy_cgn.MD.334. «,444 valued nt S5 million a t Dec.V in’ and .shareholderler \’;due. V Lia. »i m i 6; i i the calculation. JC. Jl. m "Ifyou lookeded ata investm ents in I riMiun; DM par buahal 40MI)a.:etn«p«rt>. Mn ...... :::: § | ; | > J. ,Ouo<««eufr^onAi)nlt5. May 54.75 5S.40 54.75 “In the end, these peop.piL-are |h>! pq.-jt 10 year:e a rs, U.S. Bancorj) f f i s cI sWHEAT*' s iiii 241B I m tl SMbUIT*iirMmm;o«nparbuahal Jun 5700 58.43 6 790 a37 liu Afi/ doing quite well in terms olof ihfir ; of th c best inve.st- AINS f*>op.n»o Al>9 58 20 Mi” soils pay and compensation and'1 nnt Inn ^cnts that ourr .shareholders .sh£ could ; G r a i Oel 50 35 50.65 50.20 ■ 1M *30 ...... ii'ii I'w im S ^ 50 42 50 42 5000 of tliat tiiey get this huge IwiiZ O '"‘“I'.” '■»he said. The bank '• 9lrt^0 J: maad enu". oan. eom amj bwnt p«r hun»K) wvgnt PnoPrK*ik«^locnanoa Ch»d>3arcf>a 1 I I wWioui nolK*. itf>aa»a pncat on ttia Chcaoo UarcanUa ~ S'iSsToa“ tuT*! ' ■ .,aMi.t3.S0;baMy,lrtay,t4.a5(4^^wutxIbaMJ: ojSl!?®?'©* » •F^M.00;coni,»3J0(tSpwiSpwcan«mo.«ur»).Pncai * 1.0900, fK;40«ouncll>loUK' 1.1300 rc bunch of jobs togethertog an d even I /CTBMn. S . :ii ^Zi 34.05 Iil5 n*«Or«Jn«niJD«iuilfiJWM«>jH and Hantan racwla ir>a Teens______hand some of them off to I 'MoM»0 0ninprt9M:to'lwtii*»tHa»it>*al.»co« Tua.'i opan mi 3,800 and Christmas Inc., a Chiiliicago- the way adultsIts do, nnd that .POCATELLO (AP) - Idana ►armFan Uoraau Iniarmounian fuoha», canon sS is:;s;K rjs.M ,.„ rj?0 7?.20 71.74 lit I).based outplacement cominpany, means networkirrking, Challenger ^ T t ' - "* Nooiouha. rtiaial" M e t a ls/C urfmENCY I II is : SBJ.S. 12-ala*n aackt, non »ua A 40 parcam 5ounc« trwi. E ¥ i B i i adults are trying to get thee same: "They should pcoen - WM» .rfiM] a.i5 (w« 0.4.50, rnoaif, 4.50; occaa-cmuiy riijnar; 5 10. lid be talking to S(XaadT); II parcaniMniai po^r.kT«ac;^ n . Kn Kia A 40 parcani 5arl«y nx,m. 3J5-4.!5-4.00. occaaJanaJvn>p'y0.S0,00CMIon41Vh.0««.l«w ' NV Enoalriard: 5339.30 oil $1.39. lb 03 up $148 U M 83I M T s i E ' - i going to be so easy.” develop.” WeOn*tda ttwar NY EriQtinan] ItSncalaa. $341.57 onty r ^ r . Ia« lo*,r. 90.. NV Marc. |50id tco) monin Wad. 1335SMup'lOOO U Ofl He suggests parenjs trytr to Challenger addedac that if raf>BinoM410.40 I(^,^e^70rr^iV 7.00, occaakvulV h/gnai and lowar: NV HSOClJank USA 4pm Wad: $325I2570up$130 Nw :iii help by asking local merchchants m oney isn’t an iss Uffi . tanoir-a »3 410 JO low,,; 1j.0unc1-7 00, TOtn, 7.00, occaaionaiv h^>n«t and II il I issue, teenagers Junca nwWTujm, 4 50-5.25, motiv 5 00. occa.»■ new YOnn (AP) -FuluiBt traOino on Ih or friend.s if they know of job can make n goodlod investm ent in jnar US. 2 50-pOund tacki, 0«unca mm- Wadnatoay; ,0f0«>a>yp«x«in;<.0a, t»08>noSIJ- J- 0 ....0 1-3.50, ax*uen»af r«o^r. • _ ^ Tua'aooanmiiwi.Oa1.0a3.up25l.320 °Popenings. their futures hyby ;signing on to •taocl. Pfwain; <.0«. nu>o«>o M.' a o u > ° ^ «on Low SaOa8- CtQ. NATURALOAS Ilp a . prwainK.OSrf.ll CHICAOO (AP(APJ. USDA - Ma)o> polalo markata FOO 10,000 mm bVa.tpa> "Your child is still goining to internsliips or doidoing volunteer 12 po. pfOI«n;4 W-«.12 isr™"'?., .„ hahave to go in and talk vwith work, 'Opd. prolan:*. 11, tanoma(4.i M =SKSS?.SS"»“fi!S5S;S' 02g=jo= . JO S' :!S ffiS110 500 7flO .21 so Jup^^wSaS^^iSuS '■ Jun 33!540327ibb '323iTO 320 someone to get hirered,” Thai's whatt JimJ Jones of n Nw^ S t0w^??00-7'mmm iouril 1* P«l. p>«aln; 4.U. nnolrn t* ■, ). Waeonam »«>kotan( 70 coum mouv 7.80; Aug 3360033750 334 20 337»700 iao ^ Challenger said. N orthlake, 111,, is gigoing to do, llftpel. prcWVi: 4.M-4.S4 B; Oci 327,0033B.00 317.20 377 1 B ii Challenger said young ti US 2 bartay, imi ira>na and baro«»af5«.;5.55.S05 tOQttSr.'Stmoany 400: WlaoooDn Ourtjanki 70 torn; ^ 328 30330.00 33B.OO 32flS ijo Too nS 770 5790 te e n s Jones, 16, willII be.abe paid in tern US 2 IMrtay i»a(vm4 to iniana atl M^^No a . 22S 2 : »«•» laa oS I ma A 50 »> aack* WVicomm Tua.-t opan int 1S0.G17, upSK a i | i f “A determined kid might ot? M7 H? K i'i S ■ SS" SILVEn ht be have applied to;o n rnore th a n 20 SS:S "SS; V, 8.000 toy ol; eana par trey QI. ^ JSSo abiable to start a service - gtg e t a places and haven’tm’tfo u n d a jo b .” ^ ^ 31^ 0 5 ______S u g a r ______! 448.1 -3 Sif iiiii “ «-S -3 Fab tia .a ^ a 34.810*° 449 9 O Utr iiii 4M7 I I opan W 9fl.K0 assT .ss-'""" ■ Ii is sl I Somei ^ " ™ ' S " Ote 454.S 455 0 440 5 452Jm 5 Is i£' ... ething missing? sS"“i!r5 ^ fr''g r in u ,!T ; e are able to customlro ourur mar- and wc’ll try to (nciudoJde It.I ^ M5 gjij -2” itSoS^Si^oanaptrb. HMai 4^IS! 3 E ,‘|;s il” & s;’”ng ,ssS I ” »5* -21 iS’' ! 7 40 7.M 7.39 .10 j, ‘50.4 -3 S«p ... i I I il ^ Net ropons. If you're interestiste d Please call Ramona JonesJone ot 733- l)oc 241J5 242 238.5 4 2 54 -12 In in a stock, mutual fund, orimodt- comm 0 9 3 1 .0it. 262, with yoi 18.5 238.75 -2.75 Oci fliooI 7W 653 7ioI .'iis 0h 4do 4504 i fl your sugges- 159 4 <1 Tua.'i opan .nil Wfy ty Wat's not In our roport. calljust usca tions. Haitia aafl Oa . AXtHulualA: 2j»® K2S S -io S■■MIp S IJI3-.Z PiUCa 1179.03 |4i -.73 Oatany Funda: Tacrds :19 JOjOP M4 .03 TvaUdp 187S .03 Ug s ^ ; ^ S ii£.33 Otlmy 31.23 .01 Uiarthta 339 .0) MornmBttnlay: HcUuApuAp'C^.M Pru^lalFda2ll; Li;.!-SWM^rtp B?» .02 UM.A 959.01 P 7.74 -M !mS»p '?M ' 0? »!Sm MgUOSl 9 65 - 05 Htaimr 100 57.231 LMMrta th PcWuU •cnA 7U . 13 UM.Ol BM .0101 MM ! j ,i MtfJUdO 9U-05 Lawr 5119 ;;;.?( 'ss"s-.*;i. 914 -0) UormSianlayO: PBHOFun?Fuo«t: ’ 5l>en 19 71 125 !SSan«A 743 - 04 T(nya*JllaoFdt: I tio "S MaiC«l ^ I7»t .23 Ttcnr 40 13 .51 /50O.A 079 r«KCflty I2M .01 i MiiCapS 17 60 * 23 U«J>r »Q8 .31 ; k -» » 1 | :S as;,5^1 Idoo' " % c a ^“^ o«' oi S.-i S f' ii" i S^DpiSiSrM bJ5?b' 'as! ■s s a x " SAdminPIUS: AAUj' ar 8:ja ! 04 :udd«fundt8: TMnpMenlntW: . s s ISS :j; S S l J i T'VaBo oS4 . « CAUuOp 10 9 7 . 03 M« 1381-14 FhMlySpaittn: aoUmanBachtkw: »ii,p ^ou051 I » SP5000 B29IH 'rSn^** •eii.flD 2174-49 EmuSp 155 .05 TchSMp 239 . 01 ?««■ * 01 rec” p ' “ *“ 'OM , Viilina 4143 « 1078 . 01 CAIiAp BOO .01 Stwji SSa,.!S:S! s*"j;s;si Jln.KPUIS: CjpAprp 1391 -16 i^ ^ a’ " f^ [ItCo-pft 827 "W; ^ SSF' I" :S SSS '!S! :g ffiUsraa 1029 .o> wJn.n weo .75 a 'IV, :l', ^^9C .02 1643 . 21 CQCapHktFS *“ iS tK UirtAAp 3 03 Off.inn 11.19 .02■“ sso .'is •” 'sa “T.s Kr-Sc'f-" g s'tis:;; ^ >02 0.«rtUnFur>la: in gg>^;o. gg. ts?? ?.?S:g'SSg10^97118 -W Ewcao 800 - 09 CnUSKlrcl 154 mimMun 1033 .•M 03 PtrkAA 2482 . JO I,£Ap 1144 srCaiarnlSlI-4? VtSM?'*???* .01 ' 1»eg .32 DrrtoFuftdsA: l ^ P 4!5 .01 OtoFnOp 11.75 -17 SWf 01 seek 22 58 - 19 Uberty CUttL CFdSn 2915 -01 TontyFundl; > iFundaA: NYVanA tO!t -77 ii>k^lJ>eCl 17U .23 QBV.IOI 9 44 - 10 5««i!SS,'!S-"' K SISS:!;« HartwFundt: V o m ^I M t * ' jf )CoG IBM -17 NWanO 19M - » aweC Skxklr 26 53 -39 HTMunn 13 33 . Si01 s S p iSS p:!! UuJ^^jn 11 41 .03- ■ t WeCp r332 -25 0<5I'«JO 1738 -23 TflrlTPrOiOl 11.11 .01 SllnlUun 10 53 >01 HSrCann1J#2 -40 '*1430 . 08 Darla FundaCaV: Oi>inC•mCi 1131 .23 iwnoui 740 . 02 inoQSSpn.M ina .01 T«Ukilnn3109 -35 I Fund* A: InimAp IJ.M.M KYVmCMM-37 MYOaC « H2tl(w)F<^A” 143 I m len lol 9 40 n .07 Oalavara Imaat A: IrflCbCo5p 955 * 0? 10“ *W rffSTBIWUS^“""ll-l 10I0« IP ..0].01 InflAp nnlWfO.A; 7» OuaadZ 1403 L.OurA 1 r.piinrntooo uaAAOioup: t,NHtn i'l49 !w Snaiat! 1415 lltaJniApWpl?V I 171 'l-i iKkta. PrwTitM: iS,.Cl loiJ-35 p j'ft'w *M Pi!ja^u” j o ''° ^ P ;m Ira MSm(M 14M *08 S l£l S I'il : ■ s ™ - s 4 f . 0, HaU«narundaln.a: !XTrV(p I «»Pi"»995-1 25 QalSIrt 1230 -W ,, Pir«YCnn10iB-04 FdmAp 2I>I 21.: ..15 SmCVpi 2443 - 09 .- OnMfiL 1304-11 tort»M>.n*-/ ' 21Car«0l 6 34 - Oi TwniAI^IOTI.OI 1 N.VUaS i' w I:* •cItdFundt: dnuSli .D41.14 PV«^n B77 -09 »l C0c‘p19M-M UCfSS e S - S *?»* Mtrtfoni HLi IA: MM pio io,4Q .,, NatMna Funot pn A: PtMCOFunt nfJlp 2531 -32 ONMA 1011 SMfmO0ni0 84 ... 0 ^ 0 I#: iVjCp J5I ..OJ I**0p0p 1131 .01 S fOCi S S ," !,'S ’; I. " DdFdPiAnlOM .01 nMilcm I *9man Group; 12 02-14 ‘ ^ 5n s a :.^ E t a ’- -|. ° ^Si^iAn 9 19 .10 nt.iftiCpI J GMwyn IS 71 .’ol ^ 13 70 - 03 tt>wMMFunte; Uar^y r '!S ;S s a ’.’S :S 'S S ^ MIM ip» .0;” iS: sS :y 'ifajs?!;. ?:!■;; ..1 i j s ; : ; <>Ap 65n-103 ’'Lyi 10 66 *°^ £i 17.44 -00 Orewp 1431 ..IB roufn. ktOCap 1110-19 inia: Pi/« E r 5 ! f - > , s s f ' ? s •“ K a »^C «.J41 .2t ssr';!F;7! S 'n 1471 -0« -^0 U,U*V^" lo” ■” 'irci'irJlM O' S S S " liis & ■ f e g s L ' S y . Pannar 1512 -39 PuWorld: lU^Ap 155J .01 VanKampFuodiA. ‘ UKVon" u' 1349 -14 i t054 .01 FadarMdC: iinOmyAlkKA: CmuAp 1210 - If, n S a,K :JS ?K.’ I55 IR! 'im *“ *3 CoO'gSi'p' .ss ;-S „- 95t .11 17U 13 I«n0l 41M-III ^■'■1 ■SsS?s,55-.4. W Famr 1984 .37 0««naaiAI35l . 11?; OEXFundtA- '‘l’75 '-15 oanaut 27.51 -U PtyMntundi(und.- 'WICXI I5M 541AB M 9 99 - 04 tOAp 2915-19 „ S 1“ : s FundaB: kconw 12.11 >03 VOnrth OrftpT 22.61 • I FkaUwid Fimda: Jf-IJ Uarrui 710-09 OrilfB (IW-IO a 12.11I'OA 9 53 - 07 C'«Ap 9W-10 S e S i i S |.0 ^« il:^ M51 .MilhDmyAlloca- CfltxAp 6 54 -Oi ^ ',S:S ‘ss r I- S ; “'” SS’ M '1 41 40 . 72 QiUn* 1; -01 Q30 - 08 ttV<0Ap 754 - Oi " — !S! : S g lc ,SS ; S „‘SKffii!g:s S 2 FundiA:' Pulr«im Ftmdt M: ? vI^Sil'dldlFdt:'*’ . SiS Sl: S*S M lot ^I5**“ ^7m“*01 J :00n 8129-101 v»r»*o 9 x .o r |~ ? ‘ '‘I FFJcSon^tuo^.OS oS^p 19.47.13 S l - p 1035 CMmep 934 .02 S *o“i AiurL^D' iCAOi 23b: «w .4*«.(» VrmFF20I0n 1160 .01 Cint^p 1311 .03ij WValAp . B80 .03 2 ^ . kpn>94-27 4 62 . 01 3'™"'' 'E A Dovffi » » -3J Wunot «ls J ia Ii» OMn l?2 *08 1® ^ 'rm an 10.79 -oe ctrTFAp 721 .02 M .^ MDUOd 927 . 01 V*k^DD 14 22 -17 Put-.10 ArWHuualFA praanC: HSaCC I4J1 .08 tmn ^ttssitip.ii 'ssi'-sI 1039 . 01 ‘r^ I p - n I 0/o.tfin ?0:8 - 21 ocrfii 1I.7B arS'-M Ji n ^SSS^ | ^ 9W _ itaiAixCi J 3» -ra -01 s E w r s H i l» r • « OakmartFundaI: PtonaarFund , irOndn lOdO.ni ^ ^ 7 . 1 4 .07 Ewymcl 17.79 .10 itYMCi 10 UOCapn 9C1 -o> SS"’' SS», »S:i" 1 S y i - " ■S?™"*,!..- Ptcacn 141 .01 2 Tacno 17.17 . » 5 3 ? ' * ^553 -M R S F u n d t : u S o ’ SnCapn 15M -07 - . f e j j KIfS^S SK! SS:S! S S.Jl u u SlSr S-S , 22 52 - » HStmOptOOS -01 SounSSI Srr«oV1n 913-04 Marmrn 1358 «.03 AiWaltl “ I:" g£Sp"„Sn 14.10 -07 noyeaF«ndt: BJfma STIMn 1013 .91 tu s -Jt ■*««)<)' "'78 .03 StiMM SSESSp' iSS.» iS fiaig ffi s17-09 r FnaAWItlJ# .14 53£?n. 16I6S4 .17 U'-'Mir 927 - 04 0-C< TnOndn 1038 .02 2S - « awm a77»77 -33 *-0 6W«0I B. • -0J CQWn 11.11.1) -22 ToiOtlir i n .04 BlalaBl IB OiayruaFramltn Inriato ’Im SIR h'?? a. “FBFundtC; n 23.70 - 29 RutMlI Funda B: Ajrat^i s t s ^ i . sTotSOin 20 08 1.22 : 7^40 .in CcraOM 14.58 <03 VaAHtri •SS*" iS9§*‘S ^ w fA iii? • i i f ^“"’Cl l llj-j-M owitoin'lij? I:“ ^UA^"^:9.17 .01 Di>Co5 30 77 -41 Btrona I Si^r„inVa v2 latll 981 'i07 USQmAp 592 aA: Cqindiln 30.lt -25 (kmmn> 111197 -M Ou««toS2707 .12 CmlSis 16,18 -.14 SlSJn 19 4 77 e IBM _ ttO. 0-ffl•atffl eB3-00 UHlAp 808 .02 s s ! ”i'.*s:;; 3.03 ROdl 7.77.02 C'ltnn 14 B5 -JO PjrddCyumk: OmSac Vtnguera kww" " H H i" S ’iistZif *t] mocJf 578 ./)l Ptnn I 157 .01 lVuxip6159.244 On«r>^l)il4*I,?{ ^ btgnVmeaaB: FadmM Is S;!! gis:S3S lSi!:.S 'S5iT3^“^. E » “S;S S ' S') i-^.23 loCpVBn loM -?1 r»tan" 10; IosJIIm ' MJmn 2222 -39 Pnxt/Taa^Pn*C: " 'oS "■« aSmiT * ^ I C8 SS m 2 "m *«*.7Adnl2M )oi ”T«iOdkbn)197 .U ^ l : a i s - t s ^ !V 'ffi:s SSS? ,fs:s amen 3969 -53 CapOC 7.79-07 , KSf." ,S 2 :? i n g i ? ? ID-Un 1034 . 03 ■ Oln 17.55 -.1} komCt 104 ... U.-ir*r>4ea .. rrcSrtn In 1? !n' ’51TSmun 2009 - 22 ' ■<3 !io» ^ E p * a S e '.ja eSSS*!* .!.*!;« s s ^ j i " ” I ; : a.57 -Jl USOiCt U9 ... ’ 2 S i? Ii?! 4 64 .ioj Una" I2M 07 B>n^ s r i f i rilOM.OI BAFlCOFondt: CklMAiS^^I^J3^01 * “I Ormmn 433 -.89 i » £ - " SSS*f ’iS :S S S S S g ; SffiWdncn 104) ..(a, GnarMA I8M .01 SSr. U?;i! S S J p 'iJ? ! :; r « {«iStin BiS Ioi »wc5?IiI'' 3?J31J3 -J3 Cou4yAo 1357 -.14 DaAtOl n14 5« -.19 O-tfCrP 1515 -18 BalMin WtdM 4 Aa«j - S ,!S:S SS Its ; ss; r.03 W rfs^3.-a Aeon 4 75 - 01 - SSS 5ii liM ■ CwavAp BB8-.05 Nivnin tec SI^STn’oS .01 cSContrxA 413-04 "te S liu 14« I,” SS2« 067 -09 TWAmmOSB .03 Oaora Rar 525 -01 s - S E i l s a s : fflSf,ssf"iyjis »p,!3?;si :O-na«nt4M.0r 7J1-CI OUAp 54.7S -03 Nktrn 1{IM *.01 SmCoVal 13 42 -.tl OkiaCrv>^ '>n -'0 TSOA<»nn20» -23 Scl A ail - 08 oovs-w 11.(3 - raS^niSdn IOM WnrWp l t «0 -01 j8>>T>««n u e lltrliBUSa^ SSl'P a74 -J7 iWTtcn DJ13.34 *.16 USOoltw 910 ..Ot FtoaC ScTacnA 159 - 08 .. SeaeCqn 7ja ^0I Vak» 37JI -J 4J3 BDPertfaUoa: OHUAAS» .f?i »■ U00r*(*nfisj.j3-j8 T-aiKyn IBiTB >33 UL A PhimM D);L"-** lTO*Ap IOM Io' ScoSkriJHrJI.M-Al Cor.fiAnt051..n QNUAO I'H Wtau«<»nr<47.43..l8 —^ f ; - B " S " 'M S *®' ' ?lte SS91* --» 5 ^ " »'•' Cv*0< 2925 -,IB ' CUtri- IIM ^1} Tif u I0.7* • 10) -.09 L^3^n14M -,?8 arSnM'sui'is:!: B srsi.'^ijslOOSdTep 721 .03 ' >S- {! B$g, SSS ffiS! SS.-IJ! SAP o a -08 VWkrltMniaes -.53 ■ssffffir,,. avjf!;..'} ' l-ii -ass:!;:;:s ssssr !5 :S 'SSTTl..» 2lito-C* 121 Io3 - Snctor 349B ^25 - ,i«wV.ai5^ S3l^M .i '■’ • s ' s ^ i l l - ^ SflJoB*.®.' &5u"r> iI m I m SnCapV |I« 340 - 01 -.M g g t . ^TOJQ. nfStp i w i s , nMA ^ -.01 M l Bg *.^0 I ' B i ^ S : 5 RIS1607 Ctp0n>n17i20 - 97 UST ■ s & i i iiK j '." ss5".r.“iu S sar':!s:!s; S'vi » . ,a:3 sgsjf:S i l i ! - i l m asK .as -'S ssf'-i3 ;i WMiMt: ■; ■ g : S S SI’ ! i: »K-ii ~PWWtl I7J* ^ •. S r n H i S t i a w - i i VMM 2B0I -.39 ' S ' " S .> . . . f s “ i; S . S E ^ s a s iS iSS a sgssssij; ss;Tr ,'s-s S “lis^ ■MMBwvaMt:^ jini' ji»tS. SI?*"! -ejo-os s$PMfti3a-i7 mUSS s s s i ^ l j ~t>*11 38.74 -J7;, S'£13 saris'^ ! S I s 3:'i ^ag:siasli» s r a r s CMltll 333B -.JO >M oS m s . U ( ^ SfifS*^1 ' ^ i j S * •^13 .OVSiikpltJB -J5 /VMp ^ 10.K i f . » S S " ’S:?5-“ g S ^h i!S:!: sssxs.-,s SSioCe(ki aaao -^ll i a s ffisa I S i' Sffi:5 S . J I ' " s w r t s r . Ap laaa .at MaPnn n«7 «nmrnrnmmkmL ? ou SJB NMonaO I4JB ^IB I • - a IHTOJ.'^ an _ I ttlSic »o! OoraPfc. 1943 ..0* ^ S l i p >0>-03llfYW «M *.01 jnOrSOla . :■ S3i"n ! iS * “ Cer* s : ]l.8t ^ta ' ['-■'I': V' • 'i - '; . ■» , ' .■

04 TtewNwf»,TlrtBFlb>ali.hlato Tlm(iar,A{a1ll7.2(’.2003

C o m ic s) I^=T=^S=SSSS3SSSSSS3SS... ■ ■ j , , ■ ' a B ^ a m s

Classic Pevnrts ...... -By Charles MM.Schui2 Forl^worVJ.S0^ PC>*^^ J^spoeaf ^ ' f 15 TWAT^ / o u r TEACHER SAIO Vf W W SHOULD \ ^ a / '’'O’'')W \ k J l 6 H T VJ ( TRY NEVER TO ANSWERR A QUESTION ) jl |^ l ? £ 9 / WMAT lOE'REE6CXN6 6( ^ ■ “ U T v ‘*"TH a q u e siTION.. t i c ; PUTthif^COCOtrpLtoP _X?tA f / / w \ ------_T0 8E STUWJI WINS ------X = I ■ n r x ® ” ''” = i IN CLASS tOPAY? o p ; . . ^ S c sw raL-jsT- / U \^eSTlONMAPU K K ^ V c S .s ; ■ | ' ^ S x bS - 0 i i i ' 5 w . ilt^ * i 5 * i 3 l ' W Ollbert By Scott,tt Adams Blondlo By Dean Young&StanYoui Drake.' i [ ~ " " ------I _____ {t h e s e ACES -_____(- oaN ou AOVEanss?"^X::_|_|ZZp^iosP6N £>-') ------b l C Q E R.T . THT5-r5 HT' "STOFJF'BtlNS-RODE ----- I1 '11^ LJEP; R E OPOLCJSAAtf ( ONWOCOOF3 F ) 1' IRENE. I D0^ON T YET -P^ . I thinking: LIKIKE WONT VOU PIJPLEAS6 ; ? LOVBTO M O U T H ^ ME, YOU PIECE I (W b b . ^ ^ KNOU) UJHATT HERf- ™ ^ I r«\OOD FAKK i L v ■ D E F E C T I S . O F \ Ie S U I N G S . N OXJ. U ■ u w f e

______y i ' - -\1 I V ^ f c r M. Wt-- . B.C. By JohnrinnyHart Pickles By Brian Cra n e .! ■

F z ^ AACHiAlAV, C n S ■Auce. \ IV CCM«e /‘51' \Of,\MY \ /-T U M 5 fC A } \ I \ (S ^ AYis Heii \ N R P ^ & t \ W H?£ » LC «-4V£ c? ft?c AV5N£y p ) c o p F»C ‘fssk'SS'^i AHic \ ( g o you cAhJ < serr A / ? M O W w e -R B Y WHArsWROM© ^ 1 STUc>y FOPp I s e r r e R © R A o>e e , I TALKIN’' y/ With a littls r ® %a THI«: S nJP lP^ n^tham c?ora r / •? _____ MlMeALTHY COMPETI nofJ ^ s \ J f ^ o ® \ Ca : I ill 1 7 # ■ 1 11 I n V ', j o k e s a r e n ’t f u n n y' if you can't " ^ r “iGUCSSWEtelELUCK/.W E " S f W C T O o a osaiN,PEAR.' rem em ber the punchli: h l i n e . ” 4 B nevermaveeaiE A m sU A K Q li^ ^ J OKTORNAWeS,eS/«OONPHffE.'' The W lurd of Id By Brant Parker & Johnnyny Kart Rose Is RoseI By Pat Brady

I / THI^ISMYFIK^i R y r v i s i r y ^ /"^ , ONTHEQItiHe X 'h ^ (W OFii?n f^,A Ww Jw /fro~] I^mdaTW ty^ l g HE h (5 0 0 Vp Vp o c T O R y ( G o o v n j P'O N /1ieT^»L[>THBM i p s r a TOP’A-Y H e ft? |P Hi5F E 1 ) f T

J ' t / . H A V 0 A jru ri4l«/4 P o U B L B rV n^Gstp f™1W9HAPPENS^ ) WWCWftlHEEWJIHiS/i\>:&mtoefV£^^ . CPOU0UB ^CCfTCi-n^H ) PCN'THAVSA 0 £ B ? /W17 (V/At m T m . w p % L — s. ccwmx&-i\)eTccA«c7KR5W\Z?*CVK . FTWEg l H ^ / O-V 7 > y e fZ o C K ^ .o ^tle isocKs/ / m s i C K ^ m y Q ^\ CVIFIT5rN5t»OCFTME y i w « 5 m > ? _ / m ^ ^

i ^ A N P / >r-Vx~^ vJit4& ^ r \ A wO ' ^ U E s w ?W ------^ ^ \ ^ VX^^^1 L_ m « ^ l : Bootle Bfllloy ______By Mod WaAfalftcr Luann ByB. Greg E vaa> ::*

SARSE/ you REALALLY I/ WHY 15 Lt FUFUZZ 111 LOOK AT\ H I o T ' i i c A'A U S E WMY ON EAtfTHtn 15 V 1 eoess She-sI Iip•IT-SME/lMTtOBe. it iTCAW liriBESIDES. AOOU£SC£NC£ \ I'M-M GUDG vou SAitC' •:.; © O O P E P UP O N TT H H / J 5 ' A 5TANPINS5 INI I T H I S Z / C ^ ^ T T O s e c N ia tHiMni.MUINS I /SPBAlDSHEtL WAr^AtT. IF WAITING CUINS IT. J IIS A TIME OF GCOWTH THAT,HAT.-CUZ TMEEE:S-; ^ 9 * ^ ^ / O T I A 6PSIH6 DQ&!K .. ; PAIL? WAYS ASCX/T aMCC/A:7lAS€d\. lose ZAN£ IT WASN'T M £W r TO B£ i AfAN0CHAN(3€. tT-SABOUry A S ? . f A N P , y ^ ^ \ ( 5 ^ £xm ii£N C m . NOT 7 party« t v IN CMCiJH l-o ' ^ \ V -»^ COME!,E S TO ' \ r COAWll^NG y \,ui£ i^ t o EXPEOIEN^ , i ^ s r SARCR&EiS JB P ^ •ENSE ^ i s I p

■ I / j V \ (SiGCEd*- & ,1 3°) III I r - ^ .COM I_I Frank and Ernest By Bob Tha s m n l l Brsw By JohnDhn Oeering Non SeduKuitur By Wiley.

YOUVe PETEftM/Nw e o T h T p m ^ u £ £ > ' CCC5 A v ' „ 7 TBeSfeSfeATWAU. IS ^ IIfflMlMil ' ^ • 6 f N 0 m t : foK f Fetw ej? OCPUCLMPcf^ ; g I n v FiNiSNep. I 4 : I p<^^£-. / N®WJCTyJOMNkWWc^; • , WtWT PO YOU CM XlW iii-\i> y iP C A L m W «R : • I \ I'pliKeiKeiftSee / / I ) ftsouT ? ►: * ) f c C A U - I T I w & l ^ T O B C ^‘ < Q Y f ■® I \ HU t dDoeiRVTo o / y ^ / H i BLOCA H ^ lM C £R I X & r i i 11 / frgj: XeM . ^ : 1 ^ ----- V----- ! I KtW UC-T. / ; THE I ^ c / i r r K = ______T W g as i i J ' i TM BoniLOM r ByAitSsnsom&CI. Chip W ^ l . Up

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AskiIk the officer. I n s i dDE e Expcqx;itcxplaim Community...... E4 iigw niufcs.' ____ ■ Comunidad...... £5 . . . I ■ ,:-V;''?age£2 :'“ ) n r » Q i S- Classified...... E5-16 ; OuuJoD/s E/fn'fiton Dtfcid Cmfk-r— 73. i-ii 19. W ? / , /iv/. ’-U, cw s ^ ______" T h ijrs c ?day.tApfiUi,2PQ3_3 ______■ ______r______.Scction_Ii___ ! T h e Tim cs-N cMian I Vfenetijice, r6manI1«G SPiH / Springg campgroundca Hutchins lak e Tflbuno-______tch John. C o u ? B | | [ M | j j | n Utah,, witwith Its LAP______D U TCH H ,JOHN, U tah - The G reen1 RiRiver scorchcd:hcd entrance -Iks is a Ions . ™ k the t day Flaming Gorge lived up shownn in this undat- Sam uilcouldn'iHu 10 ICS namo,nc. cd photoloto after the lUel b c tw o n , uly, ihe Mustang Ridge fire sw lo drill lazily throughI 100-year-old pinyon u Mustangang Ridge know Murtaugh Laktm als and th e Pondcrosasa forest and b urned riglu dowro\vn to .. Fire, may soon tie ;vyny from V enice, b ung t 1 out right ths shorehisline of Utah’s, prettiest andjn-ijnost- full againgain as life help draw ing the paralleidttoourlit- visited stro;reich of river. fcturnsis to the ish lined the verdant river bolt)oltom what it must be like totyle c gondola Dark ash region.1. 'down those a n d c n t cana:t a Coleman boncath aa isurfacc that looked like a boil-b scene we were playingie s ig n e d to m s pot off p pa.sta. ^ K r a n n ^ H H Jriow. T he only draw back1 that,every- .,^'.8^' inches of scummy yellow' foamfo tie southern Idaho-stylc blanketedd thet river. Dutch Jnhn residelidenls ride was the fact ihat)n.the a water fletl namesies that surrounded the townm z and canoe really isn’t des• so. during or 10 days. snuggle in. O ther than regretth was “It was hs like when.I w’brkcd at Altata a£ n d ”^ 3 ^ ^ thing was perfect. at the front we ’interio.rlodged’ during big avalancheches,” —■ - ' _ We had been out on-tt the back. ming Gorge Lodge owner DelDeLoy J only* a half hour or1 sothere was Adams. "Ev'Everybody took people in.” which time my only thatre was at With Ihehe foam, it was hard to imagilagine , .-.i ■■■. ,that she was clear uphing at to n ib. U tah’s stumunning em erald corridor - fameamous s*! " of the boat and I at tl for m ore tretrout per mile than any stream;am in Suddenly I realizedIS tl protesdng North . t a cnerica i - still holding life. something I could do tooth d o se to But Ihe ft* fisli survived. W eeks later, glicgliost- least the next best thinpotential to iyash-covc•vered deer moved through;h thet bling on her ear. creatures of ribs t)s showing, licking the charrlarred 1 h ad noticed she wasknow p ivhy I tjlack skelieletons of forests, ^nd peo|e o p le , whenever we drifted ituaiionstoe so ' reported seiseeing wolves. the reeds, with their irredlompoi e ■ , Tim'vildlIdlife was coming back, the.fi:e.fisht. harbor nasty swamp idcre as coming .i"e wns excsxceptional, but the anglers a . yai;lom klpds. I don’t didkni her run- tourisK thithis redrock-and-timber villaillage find' these types of situi■ eneverthat depend onn v w ere gone. ierapting.-bvt-it occurr*)me with a . thehe shell-shocked businesses; reel-re th is aim ost a s goodidm a es oiited >"8 from Ihthe fire have surfaced fromm thet The ftre spUt ancmd went right around the home from work to findw s e lf lith e ?»*'“ . N alituional nervousness about travravel- lown. . .n in g th e vacuiim. ,When<5Mndher.It ing abroadd tthis spring nnd sum m er is'pr<'prov Tents, camp trai•ailers and vehides were happens, I’ol’bJ^rcomiin explosive m g a boonrj fifor Flaming Gorge, charred in the fore;rest as people fled. Power - W cked impulse -r sometiniSt greeting "The weaieath er has been loitsy, but Mklarch ar ^nes melted, creaimating the m ost hardship upon - to quietly ler ise circum. "’“ “ "“P!;ptional,” said Adams. "W e aviover- following the firIre. Popular Dripping house and sneak u p beniiW ain to my 40 guided fishing trips, We’reI’re at Springs campgrourund, where thousands of is truly amazing ^ i ^ t ate n n< d to b e ^08. ' n y fishers and raftcfters roost annually, incin- response the frieiiiliestIdve every. . .Large touourist groups arc appearing,e, thetl erated right doivn1 tito the m elted asphalt, |B can evoke under theseuch I enjoy "ormr mally not seen until May.^ Co-C Green River Out•utfitters, another big fly stances. Tve tried to of her reac- Dave ve Jones believes the Lodge,e gasg shop, gas station1 andi lodge, was on the wife that I don’t inter staDon, RVV park, ny shop,-restaurantt andai wrong side of theJC river, the north side, iped foaming agent into inean, it’s just that I Idvason, about river g u ide es services he and Adam s proviiovide Firefighters pump' the vents of the un.mderground gas tanks as thing about her so muchprodaimed aregouigto:to m ake it now. round. seeing the full range of:lose 1 to the was ras trying to haul away a tourisiirist’s nam es crepe all aroi Irown built the business tions and emotions. ulse kicked comper-trail■ailer w hen th e enorm ity ofif thtl e O w ner M ark Brc blaze struck,d c with 16-year Dutchch John resident Dennis ™ y - . - , J!^ Anyway, for some reaso , jjnd Breer to indude lotlodging, river fisliing and th e third tim e th a t she leprt in sync, . Hot sumrmmer breezes picked up ar is I quietly became likiike dragon’s breath. The■ firefii guiding and tackleIe shops. Like Jones and we were getting too clos L- n Adams, Breer andid Brown claim ed losses : . reeds, thnt w icked im pulsjoat toward charged dmiownhill toward Dutch John, small townn directlyc below the dam whei;hcro °^er the next feiew months of around I I < fa. $300,000. Unlike AAdam’s loss, insurance I ^ “We have to paddlegetting i too ere staying in Adam and Jone R V park did not covcr it. Honey," I explained as I ;ry distressing, ver^’ emo- I tmgled die bow of th e boan we both . As residenlents frantically pulled awayv theth d side, the lost RV, thethe fire crested the ridge andan tional, a diffi(^t tinime, to have all that hard the cattails. work go up in smflliflke," Brown said. Breer ' . “How do we? We’re ghtget or vice- s^vept towarcard town. . Fly fishermen fish the Greenen RiverF noar Ramlng Qorgo In OtDutch John, Utoh, In this undatedatodI photo, ( But just asa; the fire reached the breal•eaks worked for years to gain a majority share d o se again!” she b urst out The aroa depends on the revoevonue generated ss fisherment flockfl to tho world-class troutt run. run “Listen, Hon, whenJcuprshe v crews had dudug on US 191, tlie wind shifteifted. PPlease see QORQE, Page E2 paddle on the left-handcally. s ______# canoe will veer to th e rightlo n e d per- versa.” i "We need to just back i exclaimed a little frantical) P u rrsuit of p^ r o g l y iphs: An ized minerals, created c pic- but manlarvel at discovering sona-nlawwi’e well-kept Idaho seenecreis, and srartled flight, muskratsren sp notice; .'ffluna.B. I tographs display^ing reds, whites thing fromfro an andent and much Idahoans seem to in.iistJt that th they Snakes slithered, frogs leap | m o r blacks on th e rocrock. Thousanck simplere r world. \ stay that way. Jammy screamed. It was’ d 1 o e s n 't I y n - of years old, this primitivept art f? For thoseth who wi.sh to pursue An amazing displayy of primi- . In (he dark and withacter and ' • I Q U specific not only' totc this part of Indianin rocki art, many of our live rock in the Bennetinett Hills did n ’t even< of alien- - j gH || the United Sratcs-:5-such carvings nationalial parks will provide indi- near Glenns F erry m ayy bebt a rehi- le re a d e rs, - I B w have been discovcivered in many catorsi alongal' trails that lead hik- tively undiscovered find,ind. T liese I realiae this story: me d some. I ' parts of the world.I.'Hiey T are early ers to0 aa rock art viewpoint. prolific renderings are•e a: am azing Seflect well on my charactlow many. I B O man’s method off recordingr his These; mementosmi of dvilizations to behold. They appearear almost- (eihaps rv e ru n th e riskk sol on m y ' ' . I B jjj history, of cpnveyisyi'ng ideas, via . long gont;one, if n ot p ointed out, ore continuously along th e! rockroc w a lls: ] ting a few of my femalem rm ig h t I Hju symbols, minus a; language normallydly elusive. Quizzing local of two canyon • sections."set ( u t there, b u t please d t t» 'm« o f ila ll,.- , . I Mfl form. . . .-‘r • . '/olksabiabout petfQglyph^^ our Depictions of antelopeope, fish, ack. If you only ImeW hovtpla^e V t J H H Pictography or pSUiite^ writing' ; acea,.Bn’.an interested historian snakes and indigenouso us fa u n a . ines I almoft buiy tricksC^.; ’. I .'•I K 4 most probabb' had'Jid '^ intention maylealearn df any number of abound. Uuntiog sceneses slsliowing wife, then you j flra of presenting thele histoW of a groupingings, but when askii)g for arrowspierdng dccr aam n d ante- '^ d e n R a n d thiaitv:'ln m t ooutdoors of ;:iuiMw«m/'l ■ H people and passinging-iidaais from .^Bccuicfic dirottions to rock art lope dccomte.some.TDcks.dcs. N amre' ismssm HlQ one genei^cion tb:dtetb next or. ^^ts,I, thetl way there becomes Please see P^OQLYPHS,US. Page E3 Sam.^utcAfrttlf^n'oui

J*'-- :x:' '•••'■v-i''.. V ; ' n ■ UUBtJiCOPV.v . b e s t A V A H t r i TtBM»Mm,TwtarwteFW*,ldi(» TlMffMtay.AptlT,17,2003 ' 'i •• ;

O u t d oOORS Elk fol)imdatiohI ]raises mmmey for stis a ^ R u ] i i ^ t t o pjrotect sh] Tho T1me»-Now« ______q u artcred r u in Missoula, Mont.*It." tion and movement ofol this herd, Questlt ______M oneyley raised by the RMEF is ~ ^ j dling'as posslossibie.^^^um nt j s ___ as well as accurately e g e o n ; ^ - o th e r ..... ------^------Tlic-TVIaeic'Vallialley’Chapter of direct!cted to various projects,:S, h e rd .s n u m b ers. Thi: ‘TO C -" -vt»oIoSis»oreare also ^^Q^lirMng ~ ^is herd did nich t^ w e n t to ’ A s k iinc. anglers to s’ th e R ocky M tnI ElElk Foundation inciududing controlled burns,IS, provide a lim ited numm b e r of con- b o i i i l M i 0 switcb'o^ver A m : r r 'i 7 D stainless to ,rum pulling fishish out of the water for 'fta nm os-N ow s welcc earn a bachelor’.s4 degreed( in fish- announcements and ot ; ^ ' b e s t s hshot o eries, or Boise Stateite University to Pictureded from left. Matt Wilson, Tim Marthaler,Ma Magic Valley Ry HsJIsherA photos. news from outdoor clut Evolutionionarily, sturgeon are a ■win Fnlls ^ \ W y " u b «« o 0 bi£ buck this . obtiiin a d e ^ 'e in blabiology. Presldenient Dennis Brauer, Debbie Wllsonson cf CSI, ond Wilson Gray of N Address your nows to 'Cute CSI Fisheries pro ' ''^8glc pre-liistoric•ic fi.sh. T heir skeleton is Editor." Then mall It 0to a P.O con- I I year? Did1 you reel In a whop- program profes- valley RyR) Rshers, Join to present a $1,(51,000 scholarship chech to WII mber. por? sor Terry Pattersonson coordinates Vllscnand m ad e up of cartilage instead of 548. Twin Falls. ID 83301; with the Magic Vallealley Fly Fishers Wart''®'®'Bier. b o n e , som«mething liko what is mall ll to twincwsOmlcfon, If you have aI sno»nnp»hot. Tho b/Ing It to our Burloy tor u rTwi e TImcS'Ncws woulduld lilike to publish it' 10 select deservingng students for namedd iin memory of Twin Falls made it a point to stop u.. found in ththe human ear. They the annual awards,ds. The awards fly fishir otochord instead of a offlcc. Gc sure to Includolal etory i of a s part of our newow 'Trophies'' fea-' hing legend, Ruel Stayner, visit. One of his most fs tact name ond phone numt are presented throirough the CSI who dielied in 1996. His fly shop patterns, the Stayner 1 >rd. c ? If so. tore. Wc welcomono readers’rc photos of Scholarship F oundatdation. was woivorld famous and almost has been fished with It bones, their bodies Ild like to hunllne. fishing Ofor omol er outdoor The scholarshiplip a w a rd s a r e every fly fisher in southern Idaho woridwide. , . eir w atery environm ent Share your adventi■Calls scenes. to support)rt their weight. An o you have a pertonal Address your photopho to ‘Outdoors' unknowinglg angler: can easily kill an outdoor adventure?' sto h e s Editor.' Then mollDll It to P.O. 80 X 54s; a forty year;ar old fish by lifting it The Tlmos-Ncws would1 other out- Twin Falls. ID 833015301; or e-mail it to', Gorge_ ------out of the: wwater for a photo op, print It a s p a n of our ncw 'C DT te your twincws®micron.neti.net; or bring It to of water, the weiglit of From The Wild* series. Continued from El the roadad to the popular L ittle H ale;• > canyon.s, putting somee w itn e s s - . ou: Burley Of Twinin FallsFo offico. Ba in th e business. fishing? aarea by late fall. Wildlife in easily cnish internal Wo welcomo readers' true s r back in a gorgeous but aboul hunting. (Ishing and)ur o phono to includo yourtourname, I oddress "After the initialll shocksl of mov- offidals'j the cartilaginous skele- Is'say oggressive replanting: and heavily trafficked s door activities. Ploase wriie and phone number. ■ ing out of your homehc you go andhydn 'dro-seeding ^vill m ake it oner river. story In tho first person, kcc ; ; numb to that," Breereer said. “But of the bt r ______best dccr, bighorn sheep under 500 words. Photos on then it’s hard becausause the effects and elkk habitatsh: in tlie state. of the fire are throxvn plus. Be sure lo includo yout nvn in your face AndI the th return of an ancient number. every day w ith no bu:business.” inhabitaitant could draw visitors, I J. Tlie public seemedled to think the Wolvess haveh been sighted, unoffi- fish had burned up,jp, that people cially, againag; and again in th e area would not be allo\llowed on the . sincelastast year. river. Brown said,id. T h ey w e re Wilh1 a a rebound in elk and d eer reluctant to come l)acback. numbers;rs, wolf howls might one A dam ’s Lodge laic:laid off 80 sea- day echoho through these redrock : sonal workers an«and six staff : employees. Breer antand Brown’s 25 |“ “ ^S guides w ere also fishish nut of w ater during p eak season. As people returnrn lo recreate Eye o n - and the registers rin(ring up dollars, , a_ locals take some c»comfort from TFH the blaze. h e ball “W e don’t have to 'worry about a fire for a wliiJe."’ jokedjo Adams, ' |Cpi a part-time fly-fishisher and full- eiE spfrackbf tim e optim ist. Not so, say state2 firefi officials, balaseball.on who aro digging? i:in b c c a u s e * 'ftj* alpine .snowpacks aire re low. : e big league “ W e a r e r e a lly’ concerned,” cc riiar said Sheldon Wimmemer. fireman- a m o n d s a n d agement officcr foror thei federal th e Bureau of Land Man.[anagement in MIOe local high Utah. “W e’re seeingg a lot of vege- tation that has dieded because of OUIshool I fields. i l k . drouglii. This is th ee firstfi year wc have started ouc witlvi,h extensive EE INCI/JOMING j - dead vegetation.” • )-News Sports sactlon, Vibrant new greenen grass lined ' P

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BE8TAVAIU6 UUBCOPl ThOTKtoy,ly.Aprtl 17.2003 T b D M ^ .T wTwin tn FaJlt, Idtfw E-3

O u tTOORS c — i ■ I ' = i Exhilibit markks Everestit anniversrsary | ------Tz~— — ■ WASHINGK;T0N (AP) - Half a he the last few feet of the dinimb. They can also sit con the bendj- century ago' a beekeeper's son VisiVisitors can try crossinglg a es of a schoolhouslouse, modeled j from New Zealand 2 and a crevrevasse on an aluminum lad(dder after the one HillaHilary Rave ihc Nepalese guidlide made the firsf withrith a back pack weighing m(more Sherpas, to watchtch a 20-minute successful asascent.of Mount thanhon 50 pounds - the crevassesc is video on his career,e r. Everest, th e woiworld's t^est peak. actuctually just about six inchches The exhibit willvill be on view • The M ay 29,19, 1953, anniversary deejleep. until Sept. 1. Admissnission is free. of the climb3 tto the top of the 29,035-foot ppeak was being 1 marked beginnnning Tuesday with . in-at-thc-National------1 Society’s Explorers O ’ o m if n u f l ii l t r Hilary, 83, plans to « bit later in the year. A ^ pageI for you and yoour nolghbors. Pagee EE4 today lion on the climb, ~ ___ on_cxhibition-ay. died in 1986. Geographic donSo< shows th at since sxpedition Everest • _ birthday ^ ^ ^ K " / f l ^ c ^ Edmund Hilla popular destina- Celebrating C< a visit the exhibit rvave t o His companio,1,600 climbers have f " doesn'tcl< just f .'WSSKd Tenzing Norgay,■ent in the past half , F c a k e . The exhibitioilie r th is m onth, 14 be D< a piece of th e H illary ex{irlcans, five of them has become rs,a ] reached a base Ofeet. Make more oof the Celebratio\iOTiP- ^ HuwovMPmw/ntTi M ore than lop,1,6 son'of Barry' with a TimesS'News Happy Ac i<-.ytrhBt could Im tnolant petroglyphsp«t In tht Bsnnitt HIIIsIlls ntar Qlinnt Farry appaar almoiImoit continuously alon| two cai||£ ^ 3 made chc ascenvas pan of the first A d! : " walli. ® aH century. Earlienake lt to th e top in 5/% ^ disabled Americken up the Job of in wheelchairs,trash that dtobers Petroglyi^ h s ______r j g W cam p at 17,160nd fi over the years, J a n i n e . . . Brent Blshoja trip w henever he Continuid from El the secretinstlveness of those who H Hi e no tes th a t he could seioanyon Bishop, who wajfinancing,” said Still hanging inn seems to be veneratei!ted, as pic* know aboi>out these historical trenching tri In the dirt when U £ . team to malforton, director of ■ thcri^atj^l m res of w hat seem s to bt e the sun s i t e s aid n d are reluctant to rock ro had been hoisted ir 1953i has take:plorers Hall, )! ere prevalent. share. tntru ck bed. Two b asalt rocks removing tho leople,tn the 70,000 Those who are accuscustomed to In Stephe)hen Steubner's guide- have he a few scattered______have left behindI grown prosperous W f Love you! seeing rock art might[ht question book, "Mououn tain B iU ng Idaho,” tographs toi still remain, do "He makes trade.a 1 The National : why there is a virtuallal mural in there is mentionme of "extensive w wh here M ap Rock had been.seo the ^"SetthefiSociety estimates these sections of thishis canyon. petroglyphs)hs on the boulders at Idaho ] river guides whare the Susan E.S. NorIS w ho w o rk in Efforts to authentlcaicate these Wees Bar.ir." The Swan Falls float fic trips on the Snake, 3 exhibits at Exploan averoge income ar, about five times .petroglyphs are :still in Petroglyph;phs Tour, a mountain Salmon, Sa the Middle ForkJtjthnt _ Norgay’s peo tional level. progress. bike trail nwar that found, roiroutes to share the folkloi More thann 3 between the resulted in their inti■nteraction a w r iteer, r infatuated since the area. agraphic and the ‘ 8u« tn Burley « l l k with the people who wh lived childhood1 withw petroglyphs, ren- JW hether authentic orla k e It jervg clim bersWar aj Memorial th e re . O n th e ro c k s tl s there are ders an jxtremeext example, not these primitive etchings® a i n th e region. Th.ew Zealand's capi- , - depictions of triangulaular-shaped onlyofvandindollsm but actual theft peek into a world thousanily ro n . b ut no roads, was on view until jslJM ^-4hlp8 in which the:hey came. (http://www.nv.geocities.com /tom e- years y®’ before us. Discoveg thdr The Washingi i P i f i i veTiiiie8^fey8;i/;:«677-4M2 ^ fte re ia a petroglyphh oof a "por- hiUrun/). them can delight the curilore O' collaborationw io sities is th e ice a m o i k n . ^ a l" throug which theahese beings After nanyma years, he ven- whether the find is on s National Geogid to carve steps for Fm BW Supposedly enteredid iour uni- tured backick to Idaho to Map dent or if you’re forturr n o t, A u c k la n d Wi ^ e r s e . Rock on thehe banks of the Snake enough to be privy to' o /e 0 Museum in New Not surprisingly, therhere are no River, wher.ere as a child, he had directions of someonends of tni, where it wa Jj^irections to the site,te, but the first becoirome interested in knows. /e r in g last month, Kirt Mnnln's , j > ' g ci^ o u s may visit the inf


200AMP 1 ^ 1 in MAIM BREAKER ^ 3 ...... " PANEL I A ■LECTRIC s m m WITH BREAKERS vResiW fflmSm OrenBIIOeCP. inaudn too imp mjmMl tm w im cr. incMm a crui WATER HEAlaiTER focrmcMtdMnadifiimmitmen&itua brutinna 6 tlnehjtofi truHn 16 IIO-^ind2?4(hvtlll. !00»mpmpmim fundcttimK iMng fivyfivo JJiOO A eomoHH iKtUt^wttimoniiinawMiiinofimatltttM BiuHr ina comblnition covtr Indooioorpinti rUmentt Tnpltlesinllo- I i irs Where Yi ^ IW Ccvicfptt' (Wfrsnfyorifjii* .m • m auti/iy Mums mtmAaind fy tem f 5fli 'n,j/n fatf/i IM.44 wnfwy eontitlt ot fUtuni IM in tu n to i [F SOHCUSV I for What YouJU H BBd!% Out huQt invents s 4 ^ 7 9 0 0 eiFSORCMSV 47-1},gniiflfi IU.U S ^ E s r / c s mmMcommutuiliuofttunit tH ^p m tu n sodium lutvrti. i vnt0lttnb*ilinmttiuni>tt) E F B i a ™ g pI a m , F E to unify your tuogit ind deeor

. i m . I B K L k o rise . ^ j j M i lVICTORMH 9 ANTI-SIPHON^ OW £Tt0eM.2tittKlJl.4-c STAINLESS STEEL PRESSURE VACUUM BACKFLOK I \f£DESTAL LAV pitt0dtiioynevting.4-etn^tlCttnnH t>' IM pHEtfENTION'OEVICE 01 ^ 6rut pep-up.\ A mata-fVD. tnionlinithwiniiltiim*Extn L • ert104, KITCHEN SIHK BREAKERS ± - ' ^ Ut00WH/m00WH.Ustt4‘cti1‘ctniir Afwtt III cod* rtouirtnu etpositioflolldbrMeonilruttlon. ► BSimitt 33'x!2\ Slil-i’m. S'diep. txoc Dtiigntd lo prtvinl Uc J £ tiaott. AvaiUdI* mtKfiing twwpiKt p tiacitf-lAPUOiptumt* Winnry. Solidiwtfw. t U4 tm wtnttnett eonstmah 4 holt. wtm/m ioilit2S‘x22:wnit9oniy, wia.1/4tumntits. Ret! pontum Undh.AJItnsipop-uB- I /JiWiW/lWHSfMl sjpTvniot m ocmesi'e tniir lytnrrnms syilimi tfoukl 01 2 ^ i M spr\nlilir lyiltmi Muld tuyl oi ' S ^ B ! 7 9 9 9 3/4'd‘imilir 7SPVB m tltM tlm t I'dumiitr 1OOPV8 I l?f. 3 t '04CH nronindltl.tor4'tiol* n.’friinicnyCfimmipliiidmiiii BSi alon t/4 lum wufiirliu viMi. Mmiitvirtiinaiti. a s g .i.T r n NEISCN I I N B H j u j D a a r a m K D H U I ^ ^ • v a a m jgm i f: m ^ . - ...... t . ,iM | g : cSF m wV STREAM 1 4" POP-UP C f f l W U ^ '. M miOMmfiPUMP j S '- TXIOritritl. RvtU’-bMit. 3-$B ROTOR 3M- spRiHiam UBMERSIBLE PUMPS 1.5’luelion tnd fl<»c/urp» ^ClMrtlOlemolor. 4'aomma, 15-yUi mimopUltK ImptlHr. S»ff-pnm/niPinj KS4t3WHITI.Il0un3lr0nJfron; «»►/. £ 1 : M Htnnty: lAvtiailtlW ^ Ml; /S IK s SPRIIIKIER ^ HEAD tUnmi itiii ditcnirgi fiud pump it\Hi„„ Ctttlronuii. tyurwirnniyty SiononMilfuiti.rinpwiyy U-tg-mU'ir Ukt Kmr\. Wirrul 0Kk v»V». fruim ' luriitt. SiroKff gnvily Hum ^ y^Peat/Mtnit^eikBUau ' . itor. Conirol tot includtd. 2 yur n/imniy"IX nute^ioo • ino______j num. mm iMtttirOK s a . # 1 ' on motor S'yeir v,irrtniy on pump. -»W-” iSMineimeluMe)Md) H7IW. \miwinw«. I m a iR SYSTEM Dll 70 m «g^ ■ $imi'LOCK TIMER SUIitClOf 880169 I fip 4$4MM, /mtf-300 3 ho m B. 9 9 0 ^ Fournmi. Thru lUft limit. guini 1 to 99 minuia Full pmtKttd. mutf lan elftuit. Oni yiir wtmnty. mctot. 2 0 » ^ VatrnwaoMtMM WH9C\ I HUT i ------' laho MM Mv» wtftK m«l S E > m ynnw ffw »« it M a * - rSHOWlRS m m i - . m m m ^ ” TWnHUi W ^ S & m S S ! ^ MM faguwncrtti i/bium M n w w x t ^ o ^ J S S S S ^ ' 'fi/mUnttlHlhiiilywtMUflrffW , I Mondiy-FrUiyS:l8:00-1:00 • SltunliyS:a>m s:0 0 • Sunday 9:00^ltH :3 0 rfttUultt. CtrUin Ittms imymlbtnI nmily ivHUM it ill kKiliom. Sitiou'n^^ 40aii B B f - SptcltlofdtrBndnin' nMitck gtBdlyol^ PrIctiBtfecMfvt through April23.2003.

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lOMMB. r v mm, • . Comt'n m u n ity E d ito r P a t M a rcam/om6-ysSJ28S a m P a K C ^ E - 4 ------^ T hlursdgyrA i priH -Tr^ ;oo3...... rTimes-N^s ,■

G e t t i n g rREADY FOR THEEHUNT ______--—C o m/IMUNITYEEVENTS — M W ^ I n FallsIs IScoMt receives »will offer “Personal Novig'igation -Methodist C Ch h u rc h , i n ' S. Eagle Scouout award J,and GPS” from 7-9I p.m. Buchanan St. ininj Jerome. • * Mondays, April 28 throughgh May Members whosewh- last hame ■ n U TWIN FAI ■ALLS - B re tt D ennis 12 i: in Shields Room 104 a t CCSL begins with A-G s Wplrh, r>f n T>Ar»n^e nrn4 M ary ______.-G should bringifin- — The-course-will-impronw t h e ------genfoodsimd-helhelpUeajrtrik'aftd^ ■ ■ ■ H W elch of Twi HB rwin F alls, w ill re c d v e ^st.student’s personal navigiigation the dance. MembersMe: should his E agle Sco Scout award in a court slskills through a review ofof map wear casualI attireat or “rag" o f honor it^ p.m. Saturday at reading rc and use of a commpass. attire, th c The Global Positioning Sysystem For more inft Church. 8-4 Information, coll (GPS) will be described,d , o n d Tom a t 324-644040 o< r G alen a t 733- Eastland Dri\)rive basic terminology explaintned to 9045. in Twin Falls. .help use this technology,y. T h e > ’ ' H i i W e lc h ^has hc effective ys^of a hand-heldId GPS Filer library pre completed 3 unit wiil be demonstrated. presents slide merit badgeges. :• The cost is S40. show on earlyly FlierI bistort For his Eaglagle For more informationI orc ro FILER - The"he Filer Public h,e register, call 732-6290 orr 732- Library will prese:'csent a slide show p a r a r k 626288. on early F iler hisKhistory a t 6:30 ojn. fo r Monday at the: library.lib 219 Mnin Frontier Pari St. T h e Cooking class takes le c , A 45-m inute nannarration tape will took 39 hoursirs w ith five m em bers place P » at Twin Falls store accom pany th e sUdes.slic the u n it ass ."T f issisting. TWIN1 FALLS - “A Day i There is no chacharge, b u t d'ona- '-•:7 He is a memember of Troop 3 Without Wi Fat” will be taugii^it by tions will be acceptcepted. . s p o n s o re d b; by The Church of Timcs-NcwsTit writer Ca:athy For more infonr'ormadon, call the | k M I | Jesus Chrisrist of Latter-day WalworthW e at 7 p.m. Tuesda;lay at library at 3264143.143. Saints, and3 1Todd Clark is his Rudy’s, Ru A Cook’s Paradise,I, 147 troop leader. r. M Ma ain Ave. W. in Twin Falls. . Eagle residentt competesa In Welch is a1 seniors< at Twin Falls Walworth V will demonstr High School>1 iwhere he is an A how hov to prepare a berry smolooth- Miss Teen Amerlilerlcan P a g ^ student, andid involved in cross ie, ie, angel hair pasta with freshfr EAGLE - Kaylelyleigh Jack,'ithe r j country, track jck, National Honor m ma arinara sauce, white bes and ih t nurses crcap have east Expo lawnwn at CSI. T he cost Falls. b isS40. [Imberly City Library plac*ices F; d is a p p e a r e d fro mI tl:thc nurses Jack, 17, is a ' Pet owners v ew books on Its shelves iiiiirc. the LPN (L ( ic e n se d s will be taught to . ' violinist/fid­ train their dogs Pruciicitl Nursu) Association As; tgs w ith basic obedi- KlKIMBERLY - The Kimbere rly Koyfelgh Jack dler dl who will ence command D istrict No. 2 m et for fo th e la st “T mds using positive Cityity Library announced tlth e be be attending lim e on Feb. 24 at thithe Hospice reinforcemenont and behavior addiddition of the following ncnew Boiso State Universi•ersity in th e fall Visions hospice homo.e. modification. GGoals of this class bookooks; on a violin schohlolarship. Her T he m em bers voted^d toI' disband, includc better:er mannered and Adult Ac non-fiction: “This JJustl other interests includeinc! carica- and turn the remain]lining funds 'fl socialized dogs;s andi m ore educat- In:i: What V I Couldn’t Tell YouJ ion ture art, tennis,s, snowsi skiing, atui kitchen suppliess o'over to the rLj cd and empowei.vered owners. TV”V” by Bob Schieffer. “Secrc:rets music ministry,f, readingn and officers of Hospicece Visions, Instructor DonnaDo Stalley is a off tthe Magic Valley” arand writing, I reported Juanita Urenn.•nnen, one of / .Jfl licensed profes;essional trained in "Ha,H a g e rm a n ’s R e m a rk aible b Jack will compenpete for cash thc four remaining; asassociation behavior modildification with 25 Hflr:flrse” by Todd Shallalat, scholarships andth the e title of Miss members. Thc other.-ers include ' • years of experieirience as a dog obe- “MaVlartha Stewart’s Healththy Teen America J003.200! The Miss Virginia Reed. presi( 2s id e n t a n d noiMTTtt dience instructo;:tor. Q uiduick Cook” by M artha Stewai'art, Teen America1 Scholarship S member since 1970; Bi ; Betty Rice, - i i - For more infinformation or to “Suz5uzanne Somers' Fast anand Program Inc. is aa nonprofitnc cor- treasurer and membm b e r sin c e nomainlngm(members of tho LPN AssociationIon Include,I from left, Virginia Re Reed, re g iste r, c a llI 7.732-6290 or 732- Easyisy” by Suzanne Somers. “KK-I- p o ra tio n , w hich gives giv one-half 1982; and Beverly Ile Ik itz , p a st Betty Rice,, TamlTt S lattcr with Hospico VIsloni lions, Beverly Heltr, Ho Slattorr vwith 6288. S-SS CG uide to Ma.ssage” by Clailare million dollars in s state president and in scholarships id m e m b e r Hospico Vlsloisions'and Juanita Brennen. The> qsassociation; recently dlsbantfed. Maxvaxwell-Hudson and “Parentirting and awards tb you since 1970. Brennen wa young women was the old- donated Its( re remaining funtis and supplies to HospicoI Visions. Head Start popostpones withith Love and Logic: Teachirling betw een th e ages ofo f14-18. ; est m em ber since 1960)60 and past ;iildren Responsibility” hby Delegates are JudgedJud on vol- member of the StaleIe B oard of yard sale thisIs weekend )ster Cline, M.D. and Jim Fraj Nursing and Ad Hoc co •ay. u n t e e r c o m m u;nity n it service, : committee. when her husbandht was terminal- tic< TWIN V all:-LS - T w in F a lls Viy3. “ Lior The reason the Rrou .ions of the African Night,It,” expression in eveninjning wear,*tal- ro u p ch o se ber of LPN International.,HIj e also ' Magic M:i Valley Memorial Hosf)spital. ..P®'' "'“'■e mfonformation, call 734- “Shahark Encounters,” “Th ■ Hospice Visions was to giveg back signed a pr< 'he ent, modeling andid physicaWit-p proclamation that the M Me em bership began to drop inir the G rizzizzlies” and “Season of ththe ness and appearance,nce. •“ - someihing for the greatrat carei thjit state registraitration shall be known 1970s. 197 ■ was given. Brentien wr C hleetJ^h” e e by Nationaaal wrote. She as the Statee BBoard of Nursing, and Members IV stated that the < : stated that she had bcc ; com- Relay for Ufe9 tteam C c:ographic o g Society; “Thhe Crop Walk 2003 b been a hos- that all LPN-’Ns shall be appointed numity nui will miss the worksl 3 benefits: pice volunteer since 198C980. ' by th e govei gitive,*’ “Homeward Bound vernor for two years. that tha the LPN Associationr& I e holdsbaked.fo.food sales d "Homeward Bound II” ‘bb; y local organization;Ions Heitz supplementedd her 1: nurs- That legisla ilation was passed in always alw presented for studiid en ts t w i n F A L-LS L - The Mt. Waltlit Disney;i "Field of Dreams,IS.” TWIN FALLS - CropC Walk ing care with Hospiceice V isions January 1949M9, and is .still in prac- and and health-care professionals.Js. O lym pus W aterer Relay for Life “JuraLirassic Park,” "Driving Mis[iss 2003 vtriU be h d d May 10 in Twin team “Thirstinglg forf a Cure" will Daisyisy,” "Mr. Holland’s Opusis ” F alls a t y Park. hold two ba'ke ce s a le s to r a is e andJ "Steel‘‘J M agnolias.” Funds raised throuirough th e walk C money for th e Ai Bliss Schiliool names American Cancer For•or more information, call thiihe are distributed by• ChurchCh World s science faiair winnerj Society. library ra r a t 423-4556. S ervice an d th e ir partner pai agen- BLISS - Bliss Schoolool named Eighth gradrade Thc first will1 bbe held from 10 cies in 80 countries,ies. Neighbors Second, Allysha Settles a n d a.m. to 2 p.m. S an . winners «if its recent scieinence fair. First, IanI KastK; and Leon Hallon Srittany Brit Covert aturday in front of K Itc:chen h Magic offers in Need, La Posadoado and Safe O ffice M ax, 1511515 B lu e L a k e s , " Second, Ad;f\dam Burk Tliird, Tl Jack-son Burk and Ri Harbor will sharer 25 percent.of Rusty Blvd.N. in Twin1 Falls.F Seventh grade T h ird . Lacy L Wood and Pen■^erron cakeke decorating classes th e funds raised, The second sal First, Shane Q im hann Stephanie GoiGoolsby Tenth X( grade sale will be held TWI"WIN FALLS - K itchen Magidc First, Fi Tawny Peavler 2 p.m. April 26 in will1 offero a course three cak(ke can help getting moremc gronps front of Wolmart, Third, Omar Rosales.2S, Claudia First. Josg \with the Headquarters^ anda copies of his or h during-ihe Marine Corps Pfc. Thoiliomas L. lations, combi r her writing for Tuesdasdays and Thursdays, April•il attack. M em bers maylay also be-'iui r 3bat water survival, Servervice Battalion, Marine Coi critique for the Ma r Hcimclman, son of Lee! arand Nila hand-to-handd combat,c and assort- Recr May 17 meeting. 29 throhrough May 8 dt the center,f, adopted or stepchild.d. u> i ecruit Depot, San Diego, Calil‘ii*- T he g ro u p also r Heinzcltnan of Twin FallFalls, has ed weaponsns training, and Na Iso w ill d is c u s s 202 14tl14th Ave. E. in Gooding, The cost is $35i anand annlt'al I Naerebout successmlly cocom- plans for the stateIte, conference to Stud< pleted received expecpert in marksman- pletileted 12 weeks of troini udents will leam how to cre-e- dues are $15 due on or befot'e nine be held in thoJ \Magic Valley ate obji L b a sic ttraining n ship. d esiiesigned to challenge n« ibjeas, such os bowls, tablesis Dec. 7 of each year, a t th e: MMarine He has i new September 25-27.^ and stestepping stones, with brokenn For more informa; IS completed combat Mari■arine recru its both physico:olly For more infonn mation, call 1 Recruit training at CampCa Pendleton in andrid mentally. nnation call 324- tile andmd pottery, shards. ..Shelley B artlett a t (208:208) 288-5462 ' 7694 eveningsgs or e-mail The I D e p ot Iini Sari California, and a completed a InIn iaddition to the physical o >e fee for this four-sessionn • o r e-m ail h e r a t rb arthrthunt®ea^- t | : K C 7 ^ 1 ^ ™ Diego,.Calif. Ca combat engin{ineering school at ditio [email protected]. coursese iis $25 plus supplies, U nkJiet tioning'program, Naerebo The Idaho Wri cKft Heinzfnielmon Camp Le June,rxe, N. C , w here h e is spenilent numerous hours in cla: Writers League , Forir registrationr information,1, I------1------W eb s ite is www.fw.idahowriti!c.__ calL934 s u c c ejssfully s s . _£urrently.statiation e d ...... roomlom apd field-a'ssignmen J34r867a______I-. : ' com pletileted 12 Heinzelmana n is a 2002 honor whidUch in d u d e d learning f i m*5” ai fiIea^e.com i i i ^ d u bub? ? w" oftraln* graduateofFik^iler High School unifcilform regulations^ comb !lc Vaitoy Singles Square0 T))oTI(ne»New3\Kiukllil(0to<0top(tifll«you(. 0 c h a l- , w ateiHer survival, m arksm an^ CSI offers sW bi organtotton. ce Club holds workshop1 Sant yew MbnHtkm8k)r«vong wtth your'’ I .■ TTimiMlUlhriAiM ■•JwmiMKOTOBi r e c r u its. ^ N a e r e b o u t completesc o land-ind-to-hand combat .and asso ^ Improve pereon&l 1 weapons traiiUhg.. .. ROME •> The Magic VaUeyV name.aphotoandwutpmphonenuitfc " physically and mentally. M arinotralnlinlnglnCalHbinla ““n"' 7 w i n f a l,LS l j - _ ’ The - SintfSles Squara J>ance Qub willil .to Pat Marantonto. commun Naerebout is a 1998 gradua ^ - P.0.8mMTMnFBil9.l08 ^ addition to the.physicasical con- Marine Corfjrps Pvt. Joseph J. ■ ofMcMcBain PubUc SchocTof We Co^unityEdiicatcation Center at; hold a >-Rags to Riches’* square • ditioning program, hee ispent Naerebout, sonon of Mr. and Mrs.. Olive,ive,Mich. . . the Coilege of Soi3outIiem Idaho dancee aa t.7 j).m . Tuesdav at thet ' ■ "

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F o r a n d a bh o f l u t

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c o m m u n i t yy - ' ■ i m ] - r u n iida«d ______Comun•wuhulnrtlor. Pat^Uumntow■/or/io-735-3288 ^_'^he Times-Nes l e w s ...... '______Thur;irsday,-A pril 17, 200303 ' ■ _ P a K c : K - S R e d C nross reache!es out fojr Squati | tersgaamble againss it colla]ipse m o r e Hlispanic i vo]Dliinteers By „ E Eduanfo Castillo ______A A*»odatod Preaa wrtter — . ■‘■■'ByLwraliwCavener__ .■ ~ • Tlme»W a man walks down the stairsI InsldoIn: a damaged houso In a po vices. Thousands more hon poor neighborhood in the Moxicoxlco City ^ ' been trained recently le damage and arrange vii omeless , Even though officials say moro l people sleep in other ui iro than 400 buildings are d osee to1 collapsing after tho 19855 oaoarthquako In Hini-C;issia area. ?oTh“ u Sing g ' for threC' nights and P< ilg. blbuildings from one night,“to“ t l!e M«»l=»Clt,,ay , loans and will be unal) tut can learn from the move the families living’ theret j,eers have deem nal)Ie to afford ing those people togethi em ed likely to col- th e; eque< iv alen t of 15 percent of o to rent new apartmlents- ent ’ Rebollozo also babyL . , ™ » > th of f information il the Red s available, Rebollozo w w om an so th at she coS'at'T/nd cou S r " “ “ •' training. Famed Siquiielros muralll is stuck inI !storage - an ,. . “ I t’s a way wi to develop your n nd in legal liilimbo When there is a fire or other skills." shecsaid s . H disaster where vict Craig Fagan ists alongside Diego^o RI' ivera and M c tim s a r e Lara is another person Hispanic, it is valuableble to h a v e fl „ „ j oclated Press Writor______Jose Clemente Orozcozco - is locked >ys helping where she in legal limbo. disaster volunteer whoho iIS familiar sees a need red. She vo lu n teers for ;UI-NOS AIRES. ArgentinaI - The modernistic workwor - wliose ;^ with the culture andId language,1 voie,»te, Idaho Fair Housing, '■'•Lindholm said. “That vid Alfaro Sicjueiros. whoho title m eans "I'lastic Ex- homeme iof (lie lait- ' Ctoss does not bill clienilents for scr. M ore volu ieiim, Nor can il be found inla a Argentine newspaperper magnate. 'v ic e s . oluntcers are needed, she added.1 "Everyone' that can L!s /ate collection. Instead thelie Natalio Botana. “They bring a lot to the; cable should gett involved.in It should be k lies jiisi beyond this city’s,t’s “In other parts of thet world. J from their expe,perience, a communityity effort.”______' re iicches, h t disassembled andid this mural would1 hibe valued. I lin dholm said. On ion. 23, workors Inspect thoho mural bolonglng to Mcxicanin oartist David packecked in corroding steel con-n- e.xhibited, enjoyed by hundreds ‘ ReboUozo said lhatt li unu: nino prccscolar: ^ Happy Bunu rrlto \ ; Immunization records.s. By1 law , Se llcvara a cabocal el 24 d e Abril d e . J •’ ^ o o l districts also arc n ^ Cinco lie ^ nvef>U'i”S M;idc FrcFfch Daily c responsi- las 830 a lasIS 11:301 de la manana 772 falls Avenue • TVinT\ ralK " bic for plaim ing and condi inducting a cn cl cuarto deldel jardin d e ninos. El ^ TesUviUc*^ M “Child Find” program onnimnually. o b je tiv o ?am! imbicn es ayudar a # in Mi>n.-T1niis. &S:iI, IO:,VIl:.Vl.m> - ‘):.1(lpin . Bliss School District'st's an n u al encontrar ninoiinos d e 3 0 5 a n o s q u e i ^ Triilii) IO;.Vbm-• l(I0;00pin i:CBild Find will be held^Id from 8 tcngan incapaipaddad o problemas ' ^ Suiuby I I:(X);im • KH:tXl pm a.m. to 11:30. a.m. AprilJ 2i24 in the rcladonados! con« la vism, el oido, kinderganen classroom. lenguajeodea;eaj^dizaje. F R E E FP r e v i e wV ■ -The screening is to helpJp iidentify Si tiene o1 saocsa dc un nino (a) h m | A p r i l 1 11 t h - 1 8 t h • children who are arleast!tst 3 years que neceslta1 ayudaa: cspcdal den- ' B B ■ ■of-age who have in ^ v idiual u a needs tro del D ^ito t o d c Bliss, Uamc a la ■ ■ CC a s A /a O N E D i g i t a l c uustom . ers tune Intoto ti h e that result from disabilitiesties. These directora de e( i educadon cspcdal: best of Spanish latt;nguage programmlnn i n g 71 disabilities includc suchI problemsp r Pcnni Morrisonion al 352-4445 m m ' iwith vision, hearing, spee» c c h and ------from arounina the worldl _____ ’•Jdnguagc development, neeting Is held , development and cognitiveI'■ (SSJ* I"® C han n elsils 6 0 2 - 6 1 0 • ing) development atFourSquai^re Church KSj ' uDNiviiiaa If you have a child o r kncknowofV - BURLEV-A-A women’s Strategic I ^ . ...chila in the district betwenvecn tlic planning mecic c tin g will be held ■ m l JU? rrfligcs of 3 to S who m ay beX iin need from 6-7:30 p.np.m.- ’Tu e s d a y a t th e w ^ of spccial help, callII 1P e n n y Four Square QChurch,- 2819 Albion WWW p j.^Jprrison, special edu(ducation Ave.inBurley. " TS? ^ ..teacher, at 3S2-W5. Idaho Womemen’s Network has wSj' m El regitro para cl jarcardin de controcted with i Strategic .. ninos cn cl Distrito de Blississ ]para cl ' Intervention IniInc. of Washingion. ; . ' w o escolar 2003-.2004 seI llcvaraUc a F o r 10 m onthsths throughout the .cabo cl 24 de Abril dam comienzocor state, it wUl holdho! w om en’s focvis lon’t M iss Oulut! d i 850 o.m. a 12.-00 de laa Qononanj ^ups to talkIk about important el cuorto del janiin deininos. nii touesandwhattat im pact they have ‘ . :800.909.60a1 8 2 _ 3 * tiene_un 'nino (a) dedo cinco'.. .the.quality.oidBLdallyllfe.'nie focus..... / . - . JWelcom es Robertt .Sanchez to our faiamilyl -anos cximjplibos'antestos del is on low*incoicome women and tBfenn V e n M o s ; t)rimero de Septiembre del 2003, women of color,or. There also will be Dejen a Robei>erto oyudarles en su . 6 sabe de lin rdho (a) quele necesi-n a n Introductionm toi a breast-caitcer E-- ta. ayuda para.' asistlistir a awareness stu^. proxim acbnjmpro del v e h i c u l o . D aca-a-A .B _L. Insaibirse de Uamar a la maes*: For more information,in call . A h o r a , sqa n o b l o Espor^ol. t n de jordin de ninos, KimICimberly M arla Rebollozlozo at 878-3793 or . «, Flick los Lunes, Micrcorc o le s 0 Gloria Lar^ at678-9647. CT ■too-tfya-aiaB > m. Utahhll./H w r.ya»H alln*3■ yaa.aaaa

...... _ J . ; ,

__ - . -V. - '■U. . > ...... ■ - ' • . \'- — E6Tlnw»-New«,TI, Twin Fall*, Idaho ThuradC)I t y . A p r l l i r , 2 0 0 3

S 7 3 31 - - 0 9 3 1 r I x t e•iislon i i 2 I i T h e T um i e s - N e w s in Falls ' -M is-saai, b l. 2 ______'■ 4 0 4 2 i w w w ..m n agicvalley.coi M K l u r l s y m H I W i n i-soo-iss-; 5 HOUR^ 6 7 7 - - Friday “ B u i r o - 5 r 3 0 P M

IB Qontracts&' kAOAi-Od-W BiTffTW H 705 FFarm a Equipmeflt 810 Rji C am pers & Shells - M ortgages M S m H BUSINESS ■ iildilililiillM 706 FaF arm flan ch Supplies 811 He Motor H om es & R V 8' Legals 306 RRr n anda) Services 6 0 1 FuiFurnished Houses 707 inliimgaHon , CoiH : M o n d a y - Lost & Found Snow Vehicles 'A U nfurnished H o use s ' 708 S&S eed & FertlKzef 812 Aik jiB -8:00-A M -TaTravel Trailers C ard of Thanks W C m F urnished 709 Ha;H a/, Grain & F e e d ,^ 813 Jev Utility Trailers DielaiyAWs 401 Schools/lnstnjctlonS c ApiAptsJDuptexes 710 Cn:Crops/Produce 614 Lav =ijmlture/Carpet 003 Can P ersonals 402 MusicMi L essons 6 0 4 UniUnfumisJied. 711 Cu:Custom Farming 816 Exe ^eatlna«fll^ 004 Mon Happy Ads 403 TutRrtorlng AptAptsJDuplexes SerS efvlces 816 M!» ^nOIHonlnj go, jno- Special Notices • Rooms For Rent 712 FFanns ar For Rent For Aviation dfflraiJTirni (ucBons/AucHonosrs m S Trav Abortion Altemadves K 3 UI b U i l M f i i M 6 0 0 MotMobile H om es 713 PasP astures For R ent 617 Mut ^uto Parts & Professional Sendees M l Op}pen House 607 Dfflce&Reiaii Offl* Rentals 714 P astuas res W anted 816 Offk ' >07 toessofJes « Policias:■ : All advertising is sublertlie lo Ihe newspopers' -awn&Qarden Health & W ellness 6 0 2 • HoiTorres for S ale 6 0 8 :ommerciaI C or Rentals 715 Fan jtondcrds of ottepl:eptance. Ths Times-News rese FarniAixrtone 819 Bley ^utos Wanted eserves Ihg right to HorHofTie/Health C are g ^ o Oui jcerdse Equipment • klO O fltf )ut-Of-Area Homes 600 ^ndomlnium/Tlme Cor 716 AQ B usiness & 820 Tool Mques&Coilectibi^ edit, aiibreviole, ded ecl[ii 0 or properly dcrssifyf aiany ad. lieceipt of i o Entertainmente ia Service Out lisceilaneous 3ut*0f*State H om es Slieres Siia Ser\Service Directory 621- Vaifii„Sa,s <001 AvIaUlemls& Heavy copy via temole enJryen (fox, e-moil, etc.) doe: CNIdCa/eServlcst StorageAVarehouso ■amis/nanches/Dalfles luBlcal I n m r n e n ts •quipmert^ nol lonslilule final]I occeptonceo by this newspaper Cental .creages and Lots *e»Equlp.ffluppll88 to«irucks Ifie odverliset, nolot Ithe newspaper, ossumes full Vanted To Rent 601 Antk»n»(!u«3S S24 Gun! K»me Propeny J Icydas (003 AmaiidtPoits&Accessoiies responsibility for’ theIh truthful content of thefi EfnploymemWanted ^ toblle Home Space Colk:;olMlile: asa cam Employmeni " > Ommerdai Property . J J ^ » ls S M ai:liln a ry < 0 04 AntlqiUVs odvetliser-messoge,g e. loommaiss Wanted 802 AppiW l a n c t s Equli eoataP,ope,V/ iilalyFockCan Dpponunltles 519 Cen'emeieryLois SupP uppiies 807 Ciotfinothing & Purs " 1006 SUV.Jto Services & Repairs /o n e y to Loan 6 2 0 Realsal Estate Wanted 703 Horsorses&Tack 806 Com]kim putere 901 ATVs «rtlr,gEqulprr.Bnl to Dealers nvestmenta 621 Mananufactured Homes 704 Peteete & Pet Supplies 809 RrewIrewood 002 Boats irag a S alaa »rv(M DIrectof^J la M a Jk a a l i r a B D H I g a U I M KK m n n 1012 Stock I ___ PU iU C NNOTICE O T FORM ADVCRTIBBMUNT ^ _____ Tha Joint Commiailon onon / Accreditation of Haallhcara — FORBIDS------______oper)pened and read aloud al ueon■ iiiiy iy ifl 1019 AutoITH* s BBEKS.-210 ------way 26. located within Ihe eppripproxlmafely-10:00 AM,' UNitBDBTAbtaT e s o f AMenicA Organlzailone will conductict ani accraditallon tun/ey of Sealed BIOS for tha r?i 'eit I Avenue Eaat. PO Box FEDERALENERQYHY HEQULATORY COMMISSION Praxair Healthcare Servicesa# oon May 1 2 - 1 5 .2003. o C lly ol S h o a h o n a e n d local Vb'& Motorcycles 1099 Auto 0 oonatrucilon o( Clly of fl. s . r / o o ° 3 " I, T w in F a l l t ’, ID The purpoie of the aurvcurvey will be to evaluate th* Shoehone S 2003 RMH Intlaliaiion of 6" aewar of Mi >t8&Acc9Morle8 3000 Servio13-0500, .‘. NOTICE OP APPUCATJATION ACCEPTED FOR FlUNOi^Q oraanlzailon'a compliance;e Wllhw nationally aatabilahed Sewer 6 Prolect Highway main 4 wlinin Ihe bore. The Thi CONTRACT DOCU- ATED mia 14th day of ANO SOUCITINOIVa MOTIONS TO INTERVENE Joint Commiailon atandardi,rdi. The aurvay raiulta wiil b* Croasing, C addraated to: A Public W orkt Conirac- MENflENTS may be examined :h. 2003, ANOI•IO PROTESTS uiad to daiarmlne whether,tar. and lha condiilona under T lore Llcenie lor Ihe Slate of »t Qalena Q Engineering, ILLA RIDER Th* City of Shothona Id S'! ah o m uat b e In e lle c i Inc., which, accradftatlon ahouldf be awarded me organijatlona. aia n d will b e r e c e iv e d at ic„ 680 Second Avenue ^ onal ReprateniaUvv (Msrclarch 21,3009) Joint Commliilon standircd ird t daal wllh organlzaiional Shothona 8 . City Hall. 207 ^prior S 10 me bid dale, Nlorth. ort Ketchum, Idaho pugi | Qrandvlaw Drive' quailly-of'Cara liiu a a and me aafety of me environment R. A BID bond of S S thail B3343340. gg ompany 3Q each BIO. S M IT H Rail Slreet Weat, PO Box . ' DODERS will tubm it a SixthFalla. Avi 10 83301 Toko noiico mat me followingfoilc hydroalectrlc appllcaiiorliQn In which the cara ia provided.;>d. Anyone believing that he or 2(208. Shoshone, 10-63352' accompany each BID. CiCopiee ofthe CON. ' h a j Doon Mod wiin tn®e CCommiision and la available lot ahe haa pertinanl and validaiid informallon about euch ur BIDDERS win tubm it a TRAR A C T D O C U M E N T S INTHEof aii aubcontraotora 0 0 6, T until 4:30 PM, local lime, ,1., mafr BID. S3303-0(LISH: April 3. IQ.^and puSNc insDOClion matter* may raquaal a publicIblic Informallon interview wllh on or Ihe 17th day ol April. Itt of all eubcontraclora rnaylmy be obiainsd upon pay* OF Th 003 fl. Typo 0( Applicfltion NeNew License me Jolm Commiaaion's fieldd rapretentaliveerei at Ihe lime of S( vllh Iheir BID, menlleni of $40 for each ta t. DISTRih a City of S h o th o n a DATEI 2003, end then at aald t trvat me righi to ra ja d ' March. 2i 0. PfOjociNo. 2720-01212 the survey, Informallon pretanitanied at lha interview will be ofoffice publicly opened „ Tho ' City of S h o ehone lncloUBLISH: April 3, 4, 5. 10. consiijnsltle of Ihe conatrudion CaaeNJO and May 1.2003 Twin S*."c°4lIWFalli ¥Sf?" ,er. survey bagina, Ths requeat mu 1,12. Iflond 17.2003 of' (wsawerM illt station which NOTIC. TWINFALLS f. Location. On the Maloia/flO Rivor, In iho Town ol Hagor- t must also Indicate the nature The CONTRACT DOCU- ' HE DIBTRICT COURT puHLIfih man. Goofling County,, laeIdaho. ol Ihe Information to be provicovidod at me Interview. Such Mi ...... Induecludea duplex pumpa, a In lh* I 1I8TRATB DIVISION MENTS may be examined THB FIFTH JUDICIAL No. T? CV-2003-0001047 g Fiioa Pursuant to Foaoiadorol Powor Act. 16 U.S,C. §§70irg^ requests should be addreeaedte d to: al Oalone Engineering, ADVERTISEMENT O.D. 0.1 wet well anci a 8' of REV. ,D. valve vault, all necet- DecirfllCTOFTHEBTATB CE TO CREDITORS (0). 825(0 Divlalonof Acoradita•ditatlon O peratione IncInc., 680 Second Avenue « FORBIDS 0,0.^ IDAHO, IN ANO FOR IN THED n. Applicant Contaci RRoDortod W Stflhmon, Idono Poworvgf Jo in t Com m iaaion on AccriccradlUtlon of Heallhcare Nc Sealed BIDS (or the saryiry 1piping end eleclricai The 1 15-3-801 North, Keichum, Idaho THE COUNTY OP O FTH' Mattor EI of m e Ealaio Company i22i Wost IdnlIdaho Sireoi. Boise. Idaho 83707.07 Oraanlxallixatfona 6303340. onatructlon of Cily of connsinnoctlone, and a conirol been a moi. Alto Indudod wimin R e p r eTWIN FALLS DISTRICIENNCTH L CLUER, (208) 380-2676 O ne Renalaaanciance Boulevard Copioa Of the CON- Si h.i o s h o n o 2 0 0 3 RMH Por^o'' OIBTRATS DIVISION OP IDAH I FERC Conloct: JohrOhn Blair, (202) 502-6092 or0, . Oakbrook Tarracirrace, ILeoiei TF lower Proloci LIFT STA- mltla p projoct will be mtf bid above- 'oeated. -■'- TRACT DOCUMENTS ternaiea lor poealble paraorINO.CV2003-0001208 THB)TtCE i IS HEREBY . lonn.eioinjvFERC.gov Tho Join! Commlsalon willII acknowledgoac such requosta m«may bo obtained upon pay. i ION. ad d re ssed to: Tho o lte ri ICETOCREOrrORS ... TW j Doadlino for tiNnomoiioniiiono to Inlorvono and proiosle: 60 In writing or by telephone andmd will> Inlorm Praxair Hooilh- me Ily of Shoshono and wiii vard of gravity eewer againat ^1 that Batty J. Cfuer mem of S40 for each 801, a Matter of m e Eetate MAOISTleen appointed per- days (rom tno istuancoI datoda ol this noiico. caro Sorvicoa ol the requosi)si lorI ony Inlorviow. Proxalr IncIncludo an oddlllonai S5.00 Ji:,,,0 rocoivod 01 Shoshono rnoinBin conalructlon for ap* require!VA K. QOODBON, C w No. I All documonis (originalal ondot otflhi copioa) ehouid be fiiodgjj Hoaimcaro Sorvicoa will. In lurn.lurr nolily tho Iniorvlowoe of for Ity Hail, 207 Roll Siroot P^xinoximalely 200 linear foot c la im i reproaenlalivo of the lor oach toi of documonis ecodant. NOTICE>-named 1 decedent, Wlin Magaiio R. Solos, Socrota/y, S d Fodorol Energy Rogu-,y. mo dalo, timo and placo ol Ihoino mooting,i roc•oqyosiod to bo mailed. /oat.PO B ox20e. 0'8’ 8’t sowor main, and Iho monthse u n d e ra ig n e d h a a >'C. §15*S hoohono, ID 83352 unlll oxcavicavalionforiheaoworiifi firat pi rtona having claims latOfyCommission, 883) FitsiFit Sirool, NE, Washingion, DCJg This notlco 1a poslod mI accordancoac wllh the Joint Tho proposod projocl I appoinlecf Perional '*] 2a ->20 Commlsslon'a roqulromoniII arand may not bo rem oved cor :30 PM, locol Umo. on iho statlorItlon. notice 0 Jtthedecodontortho »nBinis of conslruclion of reaantatlve of ths of;KENNI0 oro requlre^I lo Tho Commission s Ruloluios ol Practlco require oil inior.jr. boloro the aurvoy Is comploio.10. an 51 day ol May, 2003, and A PiPublic Worka Contrac- forev*ie -nam ed e e ta te . Aii Oeo«ai s Wllh Iho Commission to soo-o a ion 01 said olfico publicly lorae LitLicense for me Stalo of m ust be II their dalm a wimin foooot”boro undor ^llto 'l^gh- ona having clalma NOTtC4) montha alter Ihe copy ol mat OocumontI oton ooch porson on tho olliclol PUBLISH: April 17, 2003 Idahooho muot be In olfoct Personsiat tho decedent are CIVEN th< son/ico list lor mo ptO|OCt.)Ct. Funhor. If on Inion/onor lilos prioror Kto Iho bid dalo. caro o( if tho flrsl publication A B Ired to preeent thoir haa beennollco or aold claims commonis of documonisIs wWllh tho Commission rolating lo A BIO bond of 5V, sholl I S m llhTie w llh in lo u r ( 4 ) sonal repr tno morns ol an Issuo lh a t. W ebb, Ricky Emery a n d Mooioora. Donnelly Anne lorovorborrod. •• hat moy olfoct Iho rosponslbilliios Jo n e a.I. TinaTl rts after me dote of m e nbovo-na ol .1 pnrtrfiuinr rosourco> ogogoncy. ihoy must olso sorvo a NOTICE OFTRUSTEITEE'S BALE ms must be pmenl* 0 NOTICE OF TRUSIlUSTEE'S SALE OOn Juiy 26.2003, at Iho hour of 11 publication of thla All persontho undorsignsd at i. copy 01 mo oocumont onn ththot rosourco agoncy. On July 23. 2003, al Iho hour c ■( 11:00 o'clock AM oUald NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S> or taid claim t will bo against th< Motions lo intorvono 3ur ol 3:00 o'clock PM of aold doyloy. in Iho lobby ol Tliiofoct. inc., 163 1 4th Avonuo Nonh, Idrosa indlcalod and ;. mo ond p ro lo ais m ay bo IlloO10 day. In tho lobby of First Amoricon Am Title. 200 Third Twi FA-12086 rer barred. Clalma oalato ai olocironically via tho IntornolInt In Ilou of papor, Tho •win Folia, Idaho. CHARLES C. JUJUST. ESQ.. Aitornoyot On mo 22nd doy of July, 2003. a iillh Iho Clork ol'tho 10 Avonuo North. Twin Falls. Idaho. Idaf CHARLES C. JUST. LowJiw. a t Successor Trualoo, will » be presented lo tho proteni th Commission sirongly oncoincourogos oloctronfc filings. Soo 11 soil 01 public auction to A.M.,0 ESQ.. Attomey al Law. os Succluccossor Truatoo, will toll at me10 highost bidder, (or cosh, in lov/fiiw^ul monoy of tho Unilod Ffrat A >HAN. KVANVIG. ){iil) nntf Iho Insiructlons on Iho>0 public ouction to iho highostit biddor,bl for cash, in lawful Sia al Am erican Titl* Com pany, 260ol * attorney Loon E. tlolo of the Commission's wolj siloI (htip:/Avww.lorc.gov) (ht undor Iho Hates, all payable at Iho timo0 0of solo, tho following Twin■In Falla, f In Iho Couniy of Twin Fo E & TRAINOR 10 money of Iho Uniiod Sialoa,>, oilol payoble oi mo limo ol doaoacrlbod rool proporty, slluatod li h al Iho office of ofmianoiiiaoll G . Kvanvig . ■o-Filing" (ink Tho Comminmission oncouragos oloctronlcic aalo. tho (ollowing doscribod roa d In Iho County o( Twin FiroiSI AAmorican Tlllo Company ol Ida wili tM loro filings real property, slluatod In iho Fallolla, State of idoho. and doscribocbod oa follows to Wit; Corpoirporotlon. aa auccoaaor irusloo. loye lor PoraOhol County ol Twin Falla. Slalo of Idaho,I and doscribod a s ■;------Cloims r . k. This applicolion has boonoon nccoplod, bui Is not roady for To*ownship 10 South, Rongo 16 East,ast. Bolso Meridian. Twin auctlor:tlon, to tho highoat biddor. (or cosh. jonlatlvo sr followa to wil: Foil ■ft RAI P ‘'‘i It) onviionmontnl analysis atal ifihio Iimo. oils Couniy. Idaho tho Unltod Un Slates, oil payoblo at the thooddro£ox 83 Township 11 Souin, Rongo 188 Eost,Ei Bolso Morioian, Twin Socoction 22: A porcol ol land wilhin it olla. ID 63303-0C83 I. Doscriplion ol Pro;oct::: ino11 projoci consists of (1) anin Falla Couniy, Idaho In mo SE l/4 SEl/4. moro foilowlrowing doscribod real property, allui uppor divofsion dom conconslaling of a gotoO opillwoy pananicuiorly doscribod os follows: ol TwirTwin Foils, Sloto of Idaho, and doi, ot the hour of 10:00 lone: ' 206.733-2721 ly Soction 36: Thai part ol tho NW 1/4 NWl/4 moro panic- BECEQINNING 01 tho Soulhoaat cormjrnor ol sold Socllon 22; to*wll: limo). In Ihe Offic* of o t p p h a soction TOO looi (ong ond■d aQ fiumo socllon 123 long. (2) a uloriy descrlbod as follows: Mlt: concrolo lium o-1,635 (ool Ic THIHENCE Norlh along tho oocllicilon lino common 10 Tho Wi 0 3rd Avenu* North. o T n ruSH: F * ' April 3. 10 and 01 long boiwoon tno uppor dlvor-r- COMMENCING o( 0 point on ) Wool 1/2 ol Lot 2 PEARSONS Sl Sion dam ond iho uppor Ini t on tho Wost lino of aald Secectiona 22 and 23, 941,66 foei; to Iho REAL POINT OF SIO>N, N ,'Twin Falls Idaho, fllod in BookFolia. £ Stato of Idaho! 33 r Iniako siructuro: (3) Iho upper>r Socllon, at a point 180 fool Soull-oulh ol Iho Nonhwosi cornor BECEQINNING; daho, Inc.. on Idoho concrolo inlnko Slruciuto180.5 80. lool long and opproximate-)• Ihoroof; ThoFho Trustoo hes no knowfodge of 1 DISTRICT COUHT : ly 21 lool wicJo: (4) o slooltol |ponsiock 10 foot In diamotor THEHENCE Sonm 8S'48'20” Wost 125.00 12! fool; doacripicrlpiion of Ihe obovo roloroncod0. will sell at public ir Thonco Easi 165 loot; THE Dh. In lawful monoy of IE RFTH JUDICIAL and approximotoly 238 lootoot long connoclod to iho oppor HENC^ Soulh 216 foot; lor purposos puf| ol compliance with Soc ICT OF THE STATE ir Thonco Soulh 203 foot; THEHENCE North 89’48'20’ Eost 125. :he timo of solo, m e T if ; ® poworhouso: (5) tho upperiper reinforced concrolo power- 125.00 foot; Codo,io. I Iho Tnjsloo has boon informed AHO. IN AND FOR r- Thonco Wost 105 loot: THEHENCE Norlh 216.00 fool to th llufliod in tho Couniy houso containing ono gonorinoroling unll having an Installedd Thonco North 203 foot lo tho PO ) tho REAL POINT OF Iho CountyCoi A ssessora office, the oddro: lECOUNTV OF" namoplato cacncity ol 0.27 t POINT OF BEQINNINQ, BECEOINNINQ. 8tr*el, Joacnbod.ftB follows, 27 mogowaits: (fl) a lowor diver-r- EXCEPT Iho North 60 lool thoroc te l. Twin Falla. Idaho, la eomoilmfi TWIN FALLS alon dnm consisimg of o ga orool. SUEUBJECT TO Hlghwoy District righiight of woy. told1 reirool proporty. I gaiod spillway aociion 183 (oot•I Tho Trustee hos no knowlodviodgo ol a moro particular T io. CV-02-5130 long and a iiumo aocUonn i.136 fool long; (7) a concrolo The Trustoo has no knowledgeIge ol 0 moro partlculor SSold ealo will bo mode wIthiSECOND SUBOiVI- ETO CREDITORS 0 deacrlpilon ol the obovo reloroiloroncod real proporty, but deac>acrlptIon ol iho above roferenci kSolPIala.pogoO, Ilumo S.3I8 fool long t»twe>twoon mo lower diversion damn for purpoaea of complianco need real proporty, but worraniranty rogording title, poaaostlon Matter of me ^ (a to and lowor imako atruciuro; 1 ICO wllh Socllon e o - 1 13 (orr 1purp o o o o of c o m p lia n c o w wlllh S o c ilo n 6 0 -1 1 3 to aotis' 01 0 more partcular IN THE Dl! ro; I8) me lower concrolo IntakeB Idaho Codo. tho Trustoo hoa) boonboi inforrr>od the address Idah otisfy tho obilgallon socurod by at .FREOVyiLLa/^M K. siruciuro 85 loot long and1 opproximatelyap 23 fool wide; (0) oho Codo, Iho Truatoo hoa booen n .informed tho addrost powerrer of( sale conlenttd In me deed Idof roal property, bul OFTHE R ') of 2980 North 3800 Eaat. Hansanaen, Idaho Is eomelimos of 31753' North 2500 Eaat, Twin F oction 60-113 Idaho DISTRiCTi a 91001 ponsiock 12 foot: In .diamoior ond approximatelyy assoclatod with the aald real pro; 1 Falla, idoho la oomo* JAMES4 6 8 R MARION, a marr(*d m an, oosed. ’ 'T 301 fool long connoctoa to proporty, Umeinea aaaoclotod with me aald realal property.p a a plarat* a ra property, a t grantor, to lOdFl mot according to OF IDAHC ' to tho lowor poworhousa: (10)') Said sale will bo made withoithout covenant or warranty Si riCE IS HERESY Iho lowor roinforcod concreterote powerhouse contalnlnfl one Said tale will be made wimoutLrt covenantc or warranty TITLE^ COMPANY( OF IDAHO. INC.,iross e of 670 Ja ck a o n T Hm E Cat lha Applicant, > rogardlng title, possosslona oror oncumbronceao lo aallsfy regft mos aaaodoied with TWII flenoraiing unit having an InatalledInei capacity ol 13.6 mega- garding litio. potte isio n a or enciincumbrancot to aailsfy Uon,, oaaa auccettor truatee, for me bent -argo Bank Pr| Pioneer Federal Credit Union^ aa the Beneficiary, under wffe, and pursuant to me of: ALFR,iva ol the above- ...... vMwod on tno Commiaaion'aVawMbaiieaihtipyAvsvw.fefO.gov v i fa, a* Oranlorfe). y^itn Alll«nce.Fii-Fundlng, a Olviaionor COMP/MPANY, a a C uatodlannrruat**, i aatat*.-AH parsons - - ; • , ' the Deed o( Trust recordoa Oew}eiob*r0.'iHT.'aalnatn;- Supeiperfor Bank FSB oa tha Banefldai of trust executed by RAYL, uaing the "FERRlS" link. EnteEnter the dockoi num ber flxclud-• menli No. 1fl9701«842, In (he dary. under th* Oeed of aaaignngnm*nt recorded April S, 2001, a ing the last three dfelll In 1 :he recorde of Twin Falla Trutuat recorded May ie . 2001,11, aa Inatrumani No, 200i00i1000949, Mortgage Recorda ol in,T< aa hla *ol* and Docoas« In tho dockoi num ber field to> County.( Idaho. The Bonoliclalal intereatIn of aald Oeed of 2001 S S S S r S q ' f e ::.i occoss mo oocumenL Forr oaoaslstanco, contact FERC On- • 01-00eat3. In mo recorta of Twinivin Falla County, Idaho, idoho, FIRST AMERICAN NO TICIrnimeirdalma^- ’ Tnjst waa iubsequenily assigneejned to Cendant Mortgage Th* I , an Idaho c:orpora- QIVEN mai lino Support 01 FERCOnllneSnoSupport®ferc.QOV or tolMreo f * BcnaOdal Interoat of aald Deedt«d of Truat waa aubto- THE;°ABOVE AE GRANTORS ARE NAM: 14) montha aftaPjhe ;•••: ' f/k/a PHH Mortg^age Servicesea Corporation,( recorded quene n i^ aaalgned to Merrill Lynch mefll and aecunty ol- Wella Fargi fli 1 •866-208-367fl Or for TTY.TT> (202) 502-b839. A copy tj ( ich Mortgage Capital. WITHH ESECTION 45-1506(4)(A). 1D> m e lir»t publlciltfon r.J ■ O ctobar as , 1M 7. a t Instrumentent INo. 1907017514. in me reooisordad March 17, 2003. as ina any, aa banedclary. Client Serv also ovoiiaoio lor tnapeciionion and roproduolon et me ad- rocorda r o( aald Couniy. Inatrument No. 2003* REPRE'REBENTATION IS MADE THAT loU caoraaldi^ im a , > dross In iiom h obovo. 00650544, In the recorda of aald Countunty. ARE' NtNOT, PRESENTLY RESPONSaa Inetrumenl No. appointed F THE ABOVE GRANTORS ARE^RE NAMED TO COMPLY THPHE AWVE GRANTORS ARE N, re STREET TRUST tentativeforever barr'a'd. • . n. Anyone may suQmii a protisrotest or a motion lo Intervono WITH \ SECTION 45.160fl(4)(a), IC • NAMED TO COMPLY OBLIQA.IGATION. must b* praaentad t J In accordance Wlh mo requin 1), IDAHOCODE.no REP- WiTh 3AH0C0DE.N0REP- The ( 1, ea benefldary, by named eau quiromenia of Rulea of Practlco RESENTATION F IS MADE triAM T THEY ARE. Ofl ARE RESt he default for which mia aala la u firm of Coiaman, and Prooedure, 18 CFR 385.; ' THEY ARE. Ofl ARE faliurara totc pay when due, under Deed, aec Inatnimenl No. having claii '85.210. 385,211. and 385.214, NOT. ^ PRESENTLY REBPOPONSIBLE FOR THIS NOT Twin Falla County, aalddee*aa6 Robartaon.'^BO »'i In deiarmlhing the opproprlaisriaia action to taka, me Com- OBUOATION.c NSIBLE FOR THJS monmiymiy paymanta for Prtncipal, Intereat mu* W eat P Q .te x •..? mitalon will conalder ail protoi OBLIi 5 2 .0)t0.04, tS . due per month for th* rr • topreaonltr oiosta filed, but only (hose who Tha default (or which thia aaJe aaJ< la to b* made ia me Th .MED TO COMPLY In four (4)win rr Palia.'idnio i-it file 0 moiion lo Inlervene in accordance. wlih me Com- fi Tha default for which thla aai*a lali to be m ade la m e mroughjQh D*c*mber, 2001 knd January 1526, and fll*d-wm r:i^ fallurt to pay the amount dua underunc th* c*rtain Promit- failunur* to pay me amounl dus under DAHO CODE. NO date of me misaioh's Ruloa may Oocoma>rno a party to the proceeding, •oty a Nota and Dae<»of Trust. In i der me certain Premia- bar, 20(2002, and January, February, 2i r t • , , Any protoaia Of motions to InU In tha amount* called for/ aoryy Nof*I and Da*d of Tm tt. in mam* amounta called for aaquant ^T THEY ARE. OH Of mia nolle* intan'ana muat be received on tharaunder t( aa (ollovrt: Uonihlyy paymantapt in th* amount th*rai lent paym antt until th* dat* ot aai* •D mia 20m dajj ol or Defore Iho spocif^od oaadisadline data (or the particular o raundar aa followa: Monmiy paynaymanta in me amount wim a mmonmiyi lati) charge accriting aJSIBLE t i FOR THIS will be for2003 “ appllcaUon, of S7a2.01 for the.montha of Novambar 2002. mrough ol 8»ie«4:90 for tha montha of Mey Clalma mua and Including lo tha date of aai sy 2002. through and ad lat*It* a title chATQaa * arxl inonthly paymerrta.aoa a c c ru k ^ T h * aum owing monti SERVICES . « ■PROTEST” OR -MOTION3N TO INTERVENE:* (2) a at o nlhly paymanta accruing, Thaha aum owing on t^a accru*u* ffrom February 1, 2001. Th*J pof T rutt Not*, m * Rltchl* & R a obligation aacured by}y aalda 0 * * d of Truat ia obllgaIgation aacurad by atid Dead of Tr >at and Impound* of 2nd Avenuo . forih in tne hoaomo ttie n»mltcatlon 10 which m a filing r»- (i taaa. co tta of thi« foraciotur*.any and any ailfur)da expend* h ia fe J of Truat li 1218,904.44, plua,* ^Mnt^&K!lan^r •ponds; (3) rutnlth th« nam« I foradoaur*. any and all fundaI expandeda: by Banad- coata anand advano**. All d*nnqu*ntiry a mrough D*c*m- 53303-0526 ama, aefdreta, and talaphona a> ad by Banafldary to protectheir aacurtty.lntareat,their arM fliary t numoor of tho peraon proleitleatlng or intarvanlng; and (4) ir ry to protact thair aacuriiy intant*r*al, and.iriiaratl dua. togtog*m*r wim accruing lal* charc2003 and all aub- m* CourtH: April 1.0, ir k n d X Interett accruing at tha frata 7.e2S% of 7.( from October 1. accruiruing at tha rata ol 12.00OS fi li* or r*lnttat*mant, DATED tl olhorw lso comply wlifi tna i « fro m April 1, 200 2 . unpaidid anda accruing lax**, aaaaaamani ha raqulramanta-ofie CPR 2i2002, togathar with delinquentt taxaatas^ plua panaKiaa and 't o gitn*r ^ wtth daiinqM nt taxaa plua p< It 504.78, uncoB*ct- March. 2003 385.2001 tnrough 385,2005.5. AflandeaA may obtain ooplaa Intaraattotha in dotaofaale. I panaltiaa and iniarvat atlomay^^*y* f**a, a ^ any amounts adv of the appikMtJon dir»etly (rom. tron the appiicanL A copy ef toth*!i* dat* of aai*. th*a*cuiacumy «aaodat*d wtth thla fof*do(irn or (264.34, wtth WELLS FAF Th* Banaflda™ alacta to tall or caua*th*truitc property Th*1* B*r«fldajy *l*cta'to aeil or caui ; and continuing to C L lE f^ S[ Eni>TH r JUDICIAL ■ny protest or motion id intarvitarvana muat ba aarvad upon to b* aold to aaiMV a tid obligation. iaua*th*trutl proparty b*rt*fldafl^.*l*etalo •*Uoro«ua*th*tn •se n rBpreaertiaUvt'of ih# ape tJon. , to b• * iaoM to a s t l ^ aald obligation.I. ' . ao k tioloaaiWyatklobUgitkKi. ai . > prindpal balanc*- P*rson*IR*H'CFTHISTATB- T-C applicant apacfflad in tn* par- Da)*d tniaiothdayofM a^,20• 2003. Otu ticular oppllcallon. tt* d thla t9th day ol March, 2003.>03. . , ■ O at*:M;M i tfc ftie.2 0 0 3 .: on a*our*d by aald ^:M/M)cha« A/%/Pau(a Patarw n ^ aaula u Pataraon .accruing intaraai.' Vlo*Pr*ald* , Magaiio R. Salaa. Secretaryy TrTruat Offlc*f for C hirfaa C, Juaj. B • R R 8 TAIT AMERICAN T IT U COMPANY 0 . Truatl■t Omo*r for C ^ rl* a C. Juat, Eaq.:eq. • '/WMonlniinln*Col*,T(uatOfrh3«r 1 amounta ar* now irg aa and inttraat. PUBLISH:y A j s s s T ^ PUBUSH: March 27. April3,3 ,1li 0 and 17, 2003 . | PUBU0H: Pi April 3.10,17 and 24, J 24,2003 ' PUBLI)LISH: AprU 3 . 10, 17. and 24. SpC2PC3 - ' ■ PUBLISI-.ISH: April 3 ,10, 17 and 24,2003ints,truat**%f**«, 24,2003.IfNNClenrwtpeee -pc

^ ^

■OP 1 0 ^ , INC. DIVI )3 " Oondmw ______Thur»day. Aprilril 17,2003, Tlme«-N«w8, Twirrwin F a lla , Idaho £ 7 g ^ l l H lUl M Esm am■ 1 ...... ADVERTlSEMEJn-FOR^OR BIDS "" ^'cw«nu^>anpiw»luw I r a i i i t - f M I Answor to tho Complinplaint Potsmlty Re: Custody and I B esH ili ThoTr Shoshono School Distria # 31 and goods. # 3 1 2 roquosis bids (or ______tor Divorce. Jim ustcorv Mntaln Vtsttafion...... irloua bid padtogos lor iho consimitnjdion d ol:' ------— -- Cj»8NbrCvj|)3*T(TO admissions or denlalt -TheVAULTSIorooo - • NOTICE OF TRUfflUSTEFSMU? *• £loshone School Addition Is ls o l C o ^ ol th e Summons y 736-0010 On Fridoy. tho 25lh day o l » 9 NOTICE TO CREDfTC>rrOR8 the sopsrata attogoUonikmsol. .and.Potltlon to Modllv Ol July, 2003 ot tho hour of Shoiloshone, Idaho § In (tw Matt0ro( tho Ei 10:00 o'clock a.m. of sold day tii oE sJnte tho ComplaJnl lor DlvoIhrorce Judgm ent of Patomlty Ro:a Z School Olatrlcts,.until e ly nt Ailianco TtUo S Escrow. So,5ooied bids will bo occopiod from■n CcConlr odors unlil 2:00 § of EVERETT PAUL ® Publish; April 17 and 24 >311 Second St, N„ Twin Folio■oils. In Iho Couniy ol Twin p m I- and othor delonsoala y\ o u Custody and VlsltaUon "aro g o.m . May 7, 2003, in tho m„ May 6.2003. in the olllco olI theIho Suportntondeni of 2 UEBERO, m aydalm . ' _ Jerome Schoo) District's“ 2003 / rFolia. Slate of Idaho. Charlos.Ws,W, Fawooii, os Succossor Schc served with this Summons, Trustee, will coll ol public oucUc iKwls. 409 North Applo. Shoshone.one. Idaho 83352. § Oocoasod. mall boardroom for School Food“ ^ — H d n ttd F ------; ^ jcUon. to Iho highest biddor, B Bi.id y ocoivod oltor iho^2.00 p.m.- d 3.-Your sJgriaturo, twlllng If you wish to soek tho . .torcosh. In lawful monoy o( tha L m.- d ^ ^ n e v^il not bo ------i .-V-NOTICE.IS HER!“ ■ addroarsnd tatophc3hono- odvfco'flrTOpfosenl^ion'by' Sofvlee Go o d s;------PUBUC HEARINO- - ' ho United Stales, on payobte- opon 2 GIVENtholPault ^ / Spisdflcailon or additional at Iho llmo of saio. tho followingwing described real proporty Ci mturo, an attom oy In this mattor. clluatod in iho .County of Twin F Conslruclion Documents oro•0 nvnllobien\ (rom tho I Mounior h a s tw on app a tolo- you ehould do so promptly^ detail^ Including bid lonns. NoUco Is horoby given by 5 In Pollfl, Slole ol,Idoho. ond Cone)nsln»ctlon Monogor, Ij od Porsonal Represoesonta- phone number ot yc rs- secured al 107r the City Coundl for the City 1doscribod 00 follows, to-wii: Lyour so that your written re­ LOT 0 IN BLOCK«6 OF LEE C S tarr CorporaUonlUon « tivo to tho obovo-r>ai•nom od ottomoy. sponse. It ony. m ay be filed W est 3rd Avonuo. Joromo., of Twin FailB. Idaho, that a j E CARNEY SuaOIViSiON. 3 docodont. All porsiarsQ n a 4. Proof ol mailing or < ^ idaho83338. public hoaring will bo hold J-TWIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO■HO, ACCORDING TO THE or do- In tlmo and othor logal OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, I Mailing oddross: Physico«icol oddross: - hovlng claim e againstInst Iho iivory of a copy olI yyc o u r rights protoctod. “ . Bid proposals must bo, on Mondays. May 5. Moy c IF. FILED [N BOOK 7 OF ■ V . docodont or tho ostato PLATS ATPAGE(S) 26, OFFICI- tiUonro rosponso loplaTnttrsI attor-ati An appropriate wrltton m adoonthoform oI 10, and Juno 2 . 2003, ot c MCIAL RECORDS OF TWIN Slarr Corporation Starrrr CorporationCc - roqulrod to prosont I FALLS COUNTY, IDAHO, nt tnoir no^ os dealgnalod abovbovo. response roqulros compli- lurnlshod by tho Magic; tho hour ol 6:00 o'clock P.O. Box 46 299515 EastEj) 3GOO North ; clolms within lour moimonths To dolormino whott Valloy Coop and shall bo, P.M ., In tho Clly Council Tho Succossor Trustoo hasas nor knowledge ol 0 more Twin^in Falls. ID 03303-0046 Twin Fa ^ «|ior tho doto of (ho )othor onco wllh Rule 10(a)(1) particular descripiion of Iho c n Falls, 10 83301 ho first .you must pay a filingg withw and othor Idaho Rulos‘ of sealod. Each soalod bidf Chombers, locaiod at 305 [, 10 obovo-roloronced real a publlcolion of thia NolNotlco, your rosponso, contact i must boar Ihe lollowingI Third Avonuo E asl. Twin ?'proporly, bul (or purposes of cooicompllonco wllh Sodion 60- ict tho Civil P rocedure and shall 113. tdaho Codo, iho Succeb Telephone: 208/733Z733-5695 I or sold clalmg will bo Ior- Clork of tho ubovo-namlamod also Include: ondorsom ontonthot Fallo. Idaho, to hoar a 1- cebsor Trustoo has boon Fnx: 208/734Z734-9537 I ovor Barrod. inlormod lhat tho slrool addross>SS of( 602 Adam s SL, Twin court- 1. Tho tltlo and number. of-f onvolopo. ’BID PROPOS-. request tsy: . .. . a . . cioimg must t » proftjrofionl-. .. DATED this soih Jayolday ihbcaso,------_— .ALiSfHOOU^OOOSER-_ ■S.&.V-OEVELOPSHSrUC- -T. .asoociQtO£LwlltiJiald-roal- _ A ddoposilol t SlOO.OO por sot ol Consirjnsiruclion Documonis a Bd 10 tho undorolgno(jnod at March. 2003. VICE GOODS" Attontlon Roquosis 0 Zoning Disirict ^ winI be b charged. Tho doposit Is rolur S tho oddroaa Indlcotod. __ 2 , Your signalure. mailing Said sale will be mado wiihoi rolundablo to bidding od. and CLERKOFTHEDISTRIirRICT a d d ro s s a n d lo le p h o n o Chongo ond Zoning Mop Ihout covonant or warraniy coninilrociors If Conslruclion Oocumonlnonls ato rolurnod in ' fllod wllh tho Clork t ofof Iho COURT Amondmenl from R-4 MHP *rogordlng > iiiio, possession or oncioncumbrances to satisfy Iho good numbor, or tho slgnaluro. obligation secured by and pursui )d condlllon noi lalnr ihan seven'on (7)( dnys alior bid , Court. By Gony Daw submliiod on the speclllod to R-4 for approximalely 18 rsuani 10 Iho powor ol solo anio. mailing a ddross and lolo- conferred in iho Dood ol Trusi o) 0. If Conslrudion Documonis arere 10lo be mailod a non- •' DATED this 3rd daiday ol Dopuly Clork lorms shall nol bo-con- ocres ol lond locaiod in iho ^ 31 executed by BRANDON lolunrindoblo mailing too ol Si5 00 wilt bo i . Aprti.2003. phono numbor of your, C. CHAMBERS, a Singlo Peroo ill bo chargod lor each attomoy. sldorod. Tho Mogic Volley vidnlty ol 2916 East 3600 „ irson. ond PATTY D. LEE, sot > /s/Thoqiaa D. Korehow.aw. Jr. PUBLISH; April 10. 17;: j» . Coop rosorvos tho rlghl lo North In the Ciiy of Twin S,0 Singlo Porson. Grantor,. to C hailos w , Faw celt. This 17; 24_ 3. Proof oftnailing or do- Succossor Trusloo. lor Iho bonoti his projod IS nol linonced by Fodor.i;doral Aid lunds. Ench > Atiornoy for Estato and May 1,2003 accept or reject any or all Foils’ Aron of impact. cj ■notit and socurlly of HOME conlnilrnclor, subconlroclor or spocin : PO Bo* 2407 _____‘ livery of a c o p y of your FEDERAL SAVINGS AND L0« ocially oonirncior is j[jR f response to Plolntlif's auor-„ bids or 10 oward any Tho Clly Council may LOAN ASSOCIATION OF roquiruirod lo have a curreni licenseio as a- a public works : Twin Falls, 10 63303-24..P4Q7 In t h e DISTRICT COUf . portion ihoroof- volo to suspend iho rulos •NAMPA,gr recorded Moy 20, I9i1902, OS Insirumoni No. contro • OF THE nFTH JUOICt^CIAL doslgnalod abovo. 02006985, Morigago records ol T. troclor in Iho Stale ol Idnlio priorn 10 o submiiimgs a bid or fATE dolormino wholhor' Magic Valloy Coops ond ocl upon iho roiaiod „!j 3l Twin Falls Couniy. Idaho: propo'[XJsnl on this project. ; PUBUSH: April 10, 1ano 17 iand DISTRICTQp OF THE STAI pg, c/o Jerome School Disirict ordinanco on ihe (irsi or “and , assigned lo ino Idaho Housousing Agency by Assign- To t FOR P“y 0 •"'’’a foo monl ol Dood ol Trust rocordod 0 t » considorod, proposals musi;i bo nccomponiod by p with your rosponso. con­ Joromo, ID 63338 socond mooting doto. if dod on May 20. 1B02, OS an acciccoplabic socurlly in nn nmouni nol — —- THE COUNTY OF Instrumolil No. 92006086. Mori^oripngo rocords of Tw/n porcoi II not loss Ihan tivo (5) :OUHT TWIN FALLS tact tho cJerk of tho abovo- Ih ai occurs, no lurthor p . Mnl 01 Ilta total nmouni of (ho bitJJid Tlie1 secunty may PUBLISH: April 10 and 17, puDlic ( hoonrgs will bo lii'kl Cf-Falls Couniy, Idaho. THE ABOVEIVE GRANTOR IS NAMED bo in I ■ ^ " ^ T H E HFTO JUOlCf,HCIAL MAGISTRATE DIVISIOI!ION named coun. TO COMPLY WITH SECTION • n^Iho form of n bond, n cortiliod clieck,clioi or a caslner s : OfSTRlCTOFTHESTA on 11,0 tssuo. jy. )N .tS-1506 (4)(a), !DfiHO dw ck »TATE Cosof*5. CV-2003-00012i)1255 DATED Ihls 25ih doy ol ^ ______' CODE NO REPRESENTATIONION IS MADE THAT THEY Fnx. OF IDAHO, tN AND) FCFOR NOTICE TO CREDIT0R53^ Morch, 2003. Any oncl all poryons ix.'d I,Ids will nol t)o accopiod dosifing 10 commonl nmy thAHE. OR ARE NOT. PRESENTL'JTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR All , THE COUNTY OF3P I.C. § 15-3-801 Robort S. Fon LEGAL NOTICE ‘ THIS OBLIGATION. ill documonis remain Uk; propn. ■■ NOTICE OF HEARING rizo public fishing In tho A complolo descripiion IS ,ll, ilhly Insiallmonl paymonis consin:lruclion ol ihis pfo;oci is prohibilod.lod. 'JG Docoasod. undor tho Oood of Trusi Noio daio3aIodMoy19, 1992, Inllio ' I In Iho Mattor of tho Eslaie Esi, NOTICE IS HEREBE0Y PUBLISH: April 17. 24.4 wotora owned by iho Idoho on ^ fiio wllh Iho Twin Fnlls City Planning ond Zoning amount of S295.00 oach. for iho0 mmonths of Odobor, 2002 r of: ALFRED WILLI/LIAM GIVEN mat AUBtln A. HollHo ^ o y ^ 2003 • Ooparlment ot Fish and \ through Fobruary. 2003. inclusi : RAYL, Admmisunlor ol Clly Hall, lusivo: and lor oach and PUBLi;iLISH April 17 and 2-1. 2003 has boon appolnied por-po IN THE DISTRICT COURT- Gomoooldontifiod ^ ovory monlh Ihoronlior unlil dnio ol Docoasod, '* a n d p o ste d by haichory 321 Sucond Avenue EaM, 0 ol sale or roimbursemonl sonal roprosontalfvo olIf thoth OF THE SEVENTH 735-7207 ?'All dolinqiiont pnymonis aio nowow 16 ; Koo Loo Griffin. proMni thoir claims wiihlHlhin Cose No. CV-03-24 ond 5 p.m. Normal llmils ^ said Dood ol tru si is S28.267.72. p ond tacklo rostnciions shall ^Foils ai 735-7207 at lonst '2. plus accrued inioroslni NOTICIICE OF HEARING BY PUBLICATIO PLEASE TAKE NOTKOTiCe four (4) months aflorrtho th ORDER FOR SERVICE ll'o rnlo ol 7.G5°» por annum from : ^TION ; itiat tho Applicant. Wo g apply unless spocial fivo (5) working doys prior n om Soplombor 1, 200? IWELF•FA INST CODE SEC. 3G6 2GJ w e lls dQio ol tho lirsi pubiicalloQllon OFSUM M ONSBY lolho mooiing. JjiDATED Ihis 251I1 day of Mnrch. 2003.2 [H,,nrg 3 Fnrgo Bank Private CllcCl eni of this notlco or sold dalm ' rosirknkjns aro poslod. /s/CHARLES W. FAWCETT irg OalO. 06/16/03 alms PUBLICATION Lanco VJ Clow, Mayor '['y Timo:0: 00.30 am ^ Sorvlcos, has lilod horoir)rein o win be lorovor barrod, AddlUonaily pursuant to * a Mombor ol Iho Idnho Slnlo Bar CITY OF STANLEY, IDAPA 13.01.03100.01, I „ nf. Coudro'iroon>:30 - Pollllon lor. O rdor Oot(Jotor- CInlrrs must be prosorrwrrt- a n I d a h o M u n i c i p a l SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE ? mining Hoirohip and a “ aulhorlio llmllod spocial ^PUBLISH: Tnurcday. April In Iho) ^Moltor ol tho Poiilion nl iri,, County Coui ol Voniur.i. Id a p- od to tiie undorsignodd olc Corporation, 17.2003 Humnn - proval ol a stipulatilatod liie address indicated an fishing opportuniiios in ihp '■ in Sonrtcos Agency on S-’Imii nl and Plalnllll, PU13LISH. Apnl 3, tO. 17 (ind 24, 2200-' Aloxan.indra R, Bolonoo. A Cin'd > cottlomont wilh LauraI RaRayi, lilod wiih liie Clork of! Ihoihi vo waiors owned by tdo Idaho 1 a copy of which io onjn IIlle Court. Doporlmont of Fisli ,ind For Fron so l STONE & TRAINOR wife; and DOES l-X. tho ' NOTICE OF TRUSTEETEE'S SALE ‘s dosericnbod as follow; i, upon said Polltlon foro rth ti o /sfflussoll G. Kvonvig ° a'gors lor senior, youih. NOTICE OF rTg Ht O F" unknown holra ond dovl-'■ ,disotjiod and oducailonai FA-1542424 Nome:>: tAlo«niid/a R Boianos •i 29ih doy of Moy, 2003.03. at Allornoys lor Poroona)nal soos of tho foregoing who REPRESENTATION 5 2:00 o'clock p.m .. a t tl ° groups. Those spocini On Iho 24lh day of July, 2003,003, ni 11)0 I'Our o l 10:00 Doio olofBiMh 11/05/1992 3t the Roprosontallvo may bo docoasod. and tho j ANO HEARING ^.M\.M., ol :„ii(l day. (rccognizod local ^-Courtroom ol iho at)ovbovo- P.O.Box 83 ® Ilshing opportuniiios shall 5cnl limo). In mo Ollico ol Plnco olof Birlli Vonlura CA unknown owners, claim-'* 1bo at Iho dlscrollon ol iho in =lrsl Amorlcon Tille Com pony.'.260 26 3rd Avonuo North. Fnihorr s Niinic,. Richard Porrns ;;-..lnilillad Court locatodo d a i Twin Fails. ID 83303-0063363 onts or panics in inloroat 1 IN THE DISTRICT COURT ?!?,? ;*;-Twln Falls, Idaho. '* hoichory monogers nnd, 0 rwin FallD, in tho Couniy ol Twin«in Falls, Sinio ol Idaho, Moihori■r's Nomo Rosalind,! Bolnnos , Tolophono; 200-733-2721’21 of. In ond lo, oil or port ol , OF THE RFTH JUDICIAL -irsi Amuticnn Tiiio Compony ol I DATED Ihls 3rd daylay ol ' shall not excood ono day in DiDISTRICT OFTHE STATE Cof ol Idaho, Inc,, an Idaho Pursifsuani 10 Wollaro and Inslitullonsons Codo Sociion the following doscribo^oal J ^orpor.-iiion, a s su c ce sso r tru.'-.lowioo. will soli at public 300.20.,B. .1 tiuaiirig lias boon Kciiodulod for PUBLISH: April 1 0 .17an flE 4 24.2003 Couniy. Idaho, and (wing a , THE COUNTY OF I* cash. ' oquiv.ilont), m lawlui monoy • . ROBERTSON J apply unless special TWIN FALLS J,,, p loy ol liJO Uniiod Sinlos. 00/16/20'2003, ai 8 30 a m . or ;iii soon os C Aitomoys for tho Appiicarllenn, IN THE DISTRICT COURI portion of Iho NE1/4NE1/4' rostnciions. are posiod. III ppyablu :ii iho limo ol salo in compliancecor wilh Seciion heard m Counroom 30 ol Ihis Court nlBOOIBOOSoiiil.Viclori',, OF THE RFTH JUDICIALI A. of Soctlon 9, Township 10^ Coploo ot Ordor 03-15 15-1506(9) Idaho Codo. Iho lollo'oliowing described real Avonuo.10, Voniuia, Cnl.lomia Porscnol Roprosontallvo ^TE Rango 13 EBM, moro , Caoe No. SP-02-5387 Byys/John R. Coloman DISTRICT OF THE STATE > oro available at Iho Idaho iropeny, siiualod in iiio Couniyi ofol Twin Falls. Sinio ol YOUJ AARE FURTHER ADVISED a s lollows:loHo' OF IDAHO, IN AND FOROR portlculorly described as. r 3nho, and doscnbod as follows, lo-wil:to-, Al Iho■10 hoaring, tho Couri must cliooso 1 follows: J \ Doporlmont ol Fish ond TCTO: Jorom y Louis Dillon aso ond irnplomorii PUBLISH: April 10. 17 or THE COUNTY OF Gamo headquarlors. 600 ots 20 ond 21 in Block 19 ol FILE•ILER TOWNSITE, Twin one ol1 IIho lollowing porm.inont pliinsa ns lor the chrkl ^ JEROME Beginning at iho NE cornor'■ South« Walnul, PO Box 25. 'i alls Couniy, idnho. adoptionon, gunrtJinnship, or lorig-iorm iosior3Slor caro Piirrtri].;\! 24. 2003 003 of said soctlon 0, Thonco I You iiavo boon namod a s ' Vj ------Caso No. SP-AT-03-00003 I Boiso. Idaho 63707. lh(tho n.iiural falhor ol a male ( .JTho r Trur.ioo iias no knowlodgoIge ol a moto particular figtllS miffifly b2 leaiinaied ol Ihis '“ •inint)3!) IN THE DISTRICT COUR)URT O R D E R . N O TiC E ANCNO Norih 00 degrees 51'36" oocflpllon ol Iho above roluronco Oolod Ihis 14th day of chchild. Tarranco Michaol iQf’’- meed roni proporty bul On 0100/10/2003, Iho Human SorvicoVICOS Agency will OF THE FIFTH JUDICIA!CIAL SUMMONS FOR HEARINGING W osi along Iho NorthI ^ April, 2003., Rc jr purposes ol compliance wilhh Sedlon S' 60-113 Idnho a'commcmend lorminaiion ol parental nghls ' DISTRICT OF THE STAT ,m|. boundary imo of seciion 9 ji Robon Dillon born June 28, r„,[; FATE in Ihe Mailer of tho Tormi. IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF 19 :oclo, Iho Trusloo lias boon informormed Ihnt according 10 '*’"0 clchild mny bo ordored pincod'min long-termlo lo:;ti.r OF IDAHO. IN AND FOF Ihls for 149.32 feel 10 o found c 1999 01 Twin Falls, Idaho FOR nation ol Paroniai Rigiiis FISH AND GAME lo,10 Ayngela BuIler. 10 County “j Asnossor:; ollico. Ihe nddrossad( ol 314 Yokima caro. sul;lubjod lo Iho regular roviow ol IhoIho JuvenileJ Court. • THE COUNTY OFP ond Adoption ol 1 /2* rebar and cop (LS 907)! /s/Siovon M. Hullnkor / ,vonue, Fllor. Idaiio, is comoirmesies assoclolod wiih s,nd •• 'og/ ordedor tiiai ollorts be rnado lo localo;iIo ann appropnaio ' NOTICE TO CREOrrORS3RS Ago. Wost. a dlstanco of 61.80 o I satisfy Iho obiignlion sacuiodI by nnd pursunni 10 Iho ndoplive'e Iliimily for Ihe child lor a ponod no t' In tho Maltor o» tho Eslat ' 2003 yichaof Mil Robort Dillon by Inotloo.cood too Stato A Petition undor ihoIHo foot 10 n polnl thal boars; ------his 3wor ol snio conlorred in iiio deed)od ol irusi o»ocuiod by ANY OF lOAHO. INC.. You nrtaro oniiHod lo bo present al iho' hearinghoa with your Docoasod. TAHNA COOPER 3oon be mod In Iho abovo ,' Oanniollo Dawn Gornor. Z or torfino ot Slalo Highway ,Lost known addross; ontinlillod maitor. 1 Idaho ^ Corporation, as irustoo00. for Iho bonolil nnd aiiornoy.y. II you cannoi aiiordnniiiiofney,ty, youjireyc enliilod NOTICE IS HERES' )Curlly ol HOME FEDERAL SAV ESY allornatlvoly. Judllh Gay *21. boing station 3096 ,1 52 Long island. Twin I SAVINGS AND LOAN 'o havo) 11ino Coun appoint counsel for you A Ihrrty-dny ^:.GIVEN that tho undor 00 +56.51; Ihonco North 81 p Potilionors will ask iho a sSSOCIATION s i OF NAMPA, a s bc dor- Morris and Jam es Loe Falls, 10 83301. CoiDourt lor nn order lormlnai- p -h , J bonoliciary. (OCordod coniinuanance tray bo granlod if nocossaryary forf couiisi,’! Io .rclflood haa tioon appolnlo>THAT THEY ARE, OR Any ord.rdor ol Ilio Court pormnnonlly lormin . .aro roqulrod to proson FULL prior to 4/25/2003 Is 20C1005(a), or nogloci, Idaho Jonl Mogislrale's Coun, Jeromo Highway #21, boing stallon roqulrod to retain your ^E NOT.PRESENTLY RESPO^’ONSIBLE FOR THIS unciindor iiiis section shall bo conclusiv.usivo and binding M . their claims within (ourr ('»)(4; C o u n t y C o u r l h o u s o0 . 3004 + 00; Ihonco Nonn 08 Coniinued on next pagij OBLK3LIGATI0N. upon Iho10 minor porson, upon tho poreninl or paronls. and fl .-./noniho aftor tho dato otflho Ihe Joromo, Idaho, ' dogroos 55’24‘ East 22.00 ThoTh. dolauil lor which ims salo0 ISis to bo made is ihe “ pon allill olhor persons who liavo boon -.:(lrsi pubiicallor) ol ihls no- Tho following individualsUs foot lo a polnl on iho North ------— l.iiliireluro lo pay whon duo, undor Oooc)ood of Trusi Noie, Iho Cilalionbyby pubiicaiion or oihorwiso. Alior.>r makingm: such an a • Uco or sold claims willI l>obo shall personally appear a,oi bounda;y line of section D; Jiiihly paymonis lor Pnncipnl, IniorciioroGl ,ind Impounds of 10 Couri slinll liavo no powor lo solUOI a;udo.n changc M - forever barrod. Claims 'NOTICE OFTRUSTJtTEE'S SALE ^ 7 ''" im s Iho hoaring; Ihenco Soulh 60 dogroos FA-12155 37 00, duo por month Ior Iho10 mn onihs ol January or modifylly ll, bul Ihis shall nol bo construeilrued 10 limit the ™ . -musi be prosonlod lo Johnohn R ebocca iTono Vulgamoro,ro 51 •36" East along tho North On tho 15th day ol July, 200 ou()h, Oocombor, 2002. ond January, Jan 2003 and nil f'afi’s toI aiappeal iito ordor. • ,R. Coloman. ISO 2nd M 3 , at tho hour ol 10:15 jn d Sky Allon C assody boundary lino of Section 0, A.M..a . ol sald'day, (rocognizod lococal lime). In iho Office of bsoquoni , paymonis uniil tho dniolie of1 snIo or romsinte- " ’"0 CCourt, by ordor or judgrnoni. cJediiJedaros the child .-Avonuo Wost. PO B ox 525.>25. The above-nam ed Indl-HI. a dislanco of 250,38 fool lo First ci'i American Title Company, ml. uncollodod laie chnrgos ororeduoinihonm d ountol Iree Iromm cusioay and control ol bolliI paronls. par or ono Twin Fails. Idaho 83303- ^ 2603rd Avenue North, e , 7n' 103- viduals aro lurthor notillodJd tho TRUE POINT OF TwinTv Falla, in iho Couniy of Twiiwin Falls. Si.nu ol Idaho. 70.70. Wllh iniorosl accruing al 7.25%7.2! por nnnum, nnd Pn'om 1'I If'Iho oihor no longer lijis custody/ nndnni conirol, Iho ^ . .0525. and fllod wilh thoth e lhat Ihoy oro enliilod lo bo30 BEGINNING a s shown by r , nliniiing to accrue Irom Deconcom ber 1, 2001. Tho Court shnimil, at Iho snmo lime, ordor Ihe■ childchil rolorrod lo M I. Court. First American Tlilo Company ofol Idaho. Inc , nn Idaho roprosoniodbylogolQl tho record Of survey tiled Corporolion, Cc as succossor irus iKipnl t>alanco owing ns ol this daledal on tho obligation the liconseised Couniy adoplion agency lorir ndadopl.vo p ia c - ■ : DATED this 3rd day ot ustoo. will soil al public I ot counsel. II thoy oro llnan-n. November’0. 1999. os auction, nu to Iho highest biddor. (oror cosh1 or Ciisinors chock :uiod by smd Deed of Trust is S51:51,747.53, plus nccru- "’em by IhniIh agency. .. lApril. 2003. clally unablo lo retain an,n InsirumLi.. #210063. (cash oquivalonl). In lawlui mono Inlorosi. coals nnd ndvnnce;:. All dollncjuonic amounls nghl:this ond procoduros doscnbod nbovi /s/Edilh Kuykondali Io rocords of Cusior Couniy, an noy ol Iho Umiod Srnlos. attorney, thoy may apply Io all payat>le at Iho tlmo ol salo InI complianceo with Socllon , ' I now ' duo, logolhor wilh accruinguing falo ch.irries and delail inIn the Cnlilornm Wollnro and InslnInsliliilioris Codo ^ .•Personal Roprosontoilvo ir. Idoho. 45 orosi, unpaid nnd accruing iax< 0 Iho Court, prior to the hear- 45-1500(9) Idaho Code. Iho foillollowing described roal laxos, nssessmonis, SodionSO366.2G. You are rolorrod lo Ihal sodisoclion lor liirihfi Ing. for oppoiniment of-f Dofendants, property, nrc siiuatod In ihe Couniy 1 Sloo-c loos. nl1orney-s loos.s. ond0 any a m ounls panicul.irs PUBLISH; April 17. 24 andind counsel. An affidavit for Ordor ot Idaho, fdo and doscribod as follows, l< mnced lo proioci iiic socuniy nssocisocinlod Wllh Ihis loro- SHEILAGiGONZAI.EZ ; May 1.2003______Daio; 3-10-03, Sorvico of Summons by ‘Lotlqi 16 In Block 1 of PARADISEE ESTATES. Twin Falls suro and Ihiil Iho bonolicinry olodilocis 10 sell or cause Executiveo (Ollico ond Clork IN rrituisiHiCTCOURTWT /s/Thomas H, Borroson Publlcallon hos boon fiiod Couniy. c o Idaho, rocordod In Book3k 14 of Plais. Pago -la: trust » proporty lo bo sold lo saiislysly said! obiigalion. Couniy ol)l \Vonlura. Slaio ot California by counsol for Plalntilf Clly an o: March 19. 2003 Daiod.4/2;f2J03 ■ OF THE FIFTH JUDICIALAL Moglatralo AND Iho East 1.5 fool ol Ihe SouthIth 60.86 loot 01 tno North J of Stanley, and ll appears qq DISTRICT OF THE STATE 68.72 foot of Lol 12 In Block 1 ol)f PARADISEI ESTATES, :ST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY,NY OF IDAHO, INC. '5/>-00 Pairalnler. Deputy Clerk OF IDAHO, IN AND FORJR PUBLISH; April 10, 17, 2.J,,, therein ihal Dan J. and Twintw Falls Couniy. Idaho, recordodod In Book t-i ol Pinis. ilishin M Ricky. Trust Ollicor Children andar Family Servicos Social Workor THE COUNTY OF and May 1,2003 Poarl L Cavanagh, a s well Pogo Pn, 48. J as Ihoir unknown hoirj and ( TWIN FALLS IWJHbUiyiHJUl CUUHr Tho Trusloo h as no knowlodgiago of 0 morn pn.ucuinr 3LISH. March 27. April 3. 10 andnd 1 7 ,^ 0 3 PUBLISH:,■I: April 10, 17. 24 nncJ Mny 1, 3003003 ^ Caso No. CV 03-1318 OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL devlsoos ond any persons descripiion cjo' of iho obovo roforonc>ncod rool properly, bul , SUMMONS DISTRICT OFTHE STATEc c ljilm in g t h r o u g h Iho for for purposes of compliance wlihh Socilon : 60-113 Idaho '• BENOVEVA TELLEZ, OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR1 Cavonoghs or iheir heirs or Codo, Ccx Iho Trusloo hos boon Infon PialnilJl. 'ormed thoi nceordmg 10 THE COUNTY OF devisees, or olhorwlse, aro Iho if^o Couniy Assessors olllco. Iho) address0 ol 669 Sporks necessary partios lo this stn C < TWINFALLS Street, Twin Falls. Idaho. Is sonwmollmes associ,iiod wiih JESUS TELLEZ, C aso No, CV 00-209B acllon, ond lhat a causo of said sale roal proporty. action does exist against Defondant. SUMMONS S a id sa lo will bo m odo withoutw covonani or > e f ^ i£ STATE OF IDAHO. DE­. Ihoso dofondants. It furthor warworranly rogniding llllo, possossission or oncmnbrancos f f g P r i a e i LE PARTMENT OF HEALTH^ appeoro by vlnuo of coun- to ssatisfy Iho obilgailon socurod1 byb and purrAinnl lo Iho i fiJi ANO WELFARE, sol's affldavli that none of qompowor of solo conferred In the deo0, o s Instrum onl No. ’A _ tM EUiF.ORMATlON1 r a s ' r " ' IPoarl L. C ovonagh. Ihelr 20012000016044. and assigned to WA{'ASHINQTON MUTUAL V T hird-P a^ Plolniill. 'fdontiiioB as woil. oro batBANK, FA. su c c e sso r by merge'ger with Waahlngton /v'l fil TO: JESUS TEUeZ unkrwwn. M(,«.Mutual Home Loans, Inc. Ika PNINC Mortsago Corp. ol 'T > ' W For' 60 mo. ■ .YOU.ARE h e r e b yY ^ER Y A N N M E R IE It is Ihoroby ordered Ihoi AnwAmarlea; os bonollclary. by asslgnijnihbnl rocordod March sorvico upon Don J. and 3 2 ; NOTIFIED that In order lo10 BODECKER, rVk/a f 3, 2003. as instrument No, 200:103005441, Morigago : .Uofond Ihig lawault. anm SHERYANNMERIE Poarl ^ L Covanagh, a s woll HSecorda ea of Twin Fnlls Couniy. Idahi afipfoprlalo written ro-)- CRAFT, as « their heirs and doviseos, thrHE e ABOV£ GRANTORS ARE NAMED N, TO COMPLY f l H j ,:>pkJnsojTiust bo fllod wtthIh Third-Porty Defendant, ond ® any poroons claiming vVITWITH SECTION 45*1606(4)(A).>). IDAHO CODE. NO tbo abovo dooignaiod courtrt NOTICE: THE COURT Ihrough ^ tno Cavonoghs or REPRESENTATION IS MADE THrHAT THEY ARE. OR ■'wllhin 20 ^fays oftor sorvico» MAV ENTER JUDGMENT thoir neirs or devlsoos, or a^RE re NOT. PRESENTLY RESPO’ONSIBLE FOR THIS i ^ ^ H ‘, of this Summons on you. II AGAINST YOU WITHOUT olhorw ° fso, bo pubiishod OBL3BLIGAT10N. once a wook for four con- t i ' you fall to so rtrspond Ihe0 FURTHER NOTiCE UN- ® Tho delaull for which thlo salaa loI to bo mado is Iho .court tnoy ontor lodnmenl11 LESS YOU'RESPONO ®s e c u tlv o w o o k s in T h o fanuralluro to pay whon duo, under Do<>ood of Trust Nolo, the ;. jigoinst you os domandodd WITHIN-TWENTY (20) T / im os Nows. Twin Fails, moninonthly payirwnts for Prlndpal, InleiIterest and impounds of Idaho,.and in the Chalils saga .' j y mo Plaintiff In Iho Com-I- DAY^. It i058.66, duo per monlh lor Iho mononths ol Apni ihrough W I felalnl in tho Complaint forir REAO THE INFORMATION M SJ essenger, Chollis. Idaho, o)ecember^200l e c t and January ihroug>ughAugust.2002. ond .‘'- 1 1 BELOW B ecause th e Plaintiff h as gill || gsubsoquoni poymonts until11 thet doio of safo or \ • A copy of tho ComplaintIt TO:' ALAN LANCE. IDA- ^no lost krK>wn address suf- reinssinstatoment. wiin a monthly latolie chorgo accruing al y « , (or Dlvorco is w rvod wllh1 HO I STATE ATTORNEY ^Itetont for mailing purposes *4747,83. ( uncolloctod lalo charoos oroiro duo In tho nmouni of '•'* ' this Summons, ll you wish1 OENERAU < REPRESENT- L*lor any of Ihoso dolon- $143143.70. wllh'lnlorost occniing atIt 8.675')*i por onnum. . lo sooK (he advlao ol on1 INQ I THE STATE OF IDA- dants, It Is nol roqulrod to andnd ccontinuing to accnw (rom Marcorch 1, 2001. Also duo • ' attomoy In this mattor, youJ I HO. DEPARTMENT OFmall a copy of liio sum- orodro delinquoni ond unpaW taxes fofOf 2000 chd 2001, The l |n i | should do so promptly so3 1 HEALTH AND WELFAREmone and complaint to prtndrfndpal balance owing a s ol this .datedi on the obligation mr2M31iazda ^ Prats your written rosponoo. If Buchdefendanis. S I You oro horoby noUUed « ecured by said Oood o( Trust Is <110.145.04. plus 5-SpO C D , 4 year/50,001 ,any. may bo Illed In tim aI t that In onlor lo dolond this .■Dated Ihls 3rd day ol accnj T J 1 3 ,9 tw j - a S| i s » ' I ccruing Intorosi. costs ond advanBnces. All dolinquonl' h iim n and othorlodal rightoI Inwauil,I an opproprlote April. ^ 2IM3. ■ amoumounts aro now duo, together withIth accruing laie charg- npor-t(>^m per warraniy. s^rotoctod. V . writlon V response muBt bo, /s/Jajnes ™ C. Homdon osa »»and Interest, unpaid and a < ^ intgtoxss.assossmonio. g 1 “ “ An approprlol# wrilton• fiiod.wlththoobovoJtoolg---*!!:f ______leuat.ualaa:s-laos. attornoy's loos,-s,-«nd-any amounts- .H • natad court within twenty iv sm ed to protect tho security a stc•ocfatod with tnis fore- > (20) d*y« after aervlca ot PUBLISH: f ' April 17, 24, 2osure ^ ^ and that tho bonefldary els'ilectato 80M or causo Jte d othor Idaho Rulos off Ihlsii Summons on you. II Msy 1 and e. 2003 ■ « trust property to bo sold lo satlsh{tiy obilgailon. : ^ l l Procodufo and atwllI you y lall to so respohd the- “ iH w rarofrreiiiB- oat.:Bta;.Mwcsh 6.2003--’- . ------^liao Includo: court c may onler iudgmant . j^ O O L F O O D ' FIR81RST AMERICAN TITLE COMPAN'.NY OF IDAHO, INC,- k1;'Tho ttdo and number ol aagainst w u 08 demarxlod S E R W E OOODS' 'Ellshla M RICI7 , Trust Ofllcor n a c a s o ...... • b by the Plainlifl In tha PotJ- Sealed bids will be S. IfvoiirraiDonaoltan U Uon to Modihr Judament ol sif/{ fteo ly ad bv ( h e M a o lc RUBLJBUSK: March 27, Aprils, lQan eo neMa ««I eooa einm■n (» lr»S« 0. *. C « upun 4-71-03 -J ■ ' -A ■ . - . ■ '•*. ' '

: , \ . y . ... E8 Tlmw-Newe, TwTwin Falla, Idaho THur«lay,.y . April 17,2003

k ^ u i i yM C JH W IM Contt«j«lh)m(»*»lpu*p “• CATED TWa 26th doylay of Lewiston. Idaho be m ade Id Iho (allure to Mareh. 2003. ' PERSONS ATTENDINQ:IQ: pay the amount due undor . ------Codo§-1&-2605{b)____T ' — - fulAYv S U D W E E K<8 S 4 Commlaslonors - - - - the certain Promissory-- You m oy c laim rlgirig h ts b r o w n in g , LLP Dlroctor . Noto and Dood ol trust, In portalning to this child By BART O. b r o w n inING g Stall ' - ihe amounts called for oppoarlng In this moltoi O' Attomoy lor PouUonoron PURPOSE OF 1 Ihoreundor ao follows: any timo up to ond inclinclud- MEETINCVAGENDA: ' Monthly paym onts ol * Ing Iho hooring.o<>1 thtl is PUBLISH: A prirs, lo) 'oand i Reports; Cascade Rosor-or- S688.35 duo Irom 12/1/02. ______m aitof.____ •_ _17_2003______voir. Accoos Yos. Draltalt togothor with lalo f»yn}onts ll lo on • S----- White Slurgoon Monogo*|o- 'and monthly paymioriis' oiiomoy (0 roprosontlyouln yoi PUBUCMEET1NO moni Plan. Salmon Soa-la- occrulng. Tho oum owing, Ihls matter. It you roquoquost NOTICE ^ , oon. Fiscal: FY04 Budgotjot tho obligation secured by on otlornoy ond you3U jaro Pumuanilo Idaho Codo Approval. sold Dood of Trust Is: linonclally unoblo3l0 to 67-2343. nollco is horol Individuals wlln dlsabill-lili- $71,889.50 as principal, employ on attornoy.y. o ono given of on o pon publCl K "’“V roquosi moolingng plus sorvlco chargos, oltor* will bo provldod 10 you.lU. >You mooting of tho Idaho Fish Fl: accommodations by conrinr noy'a lo o s, c o sts ol this havo tho right lo bo pros,ifosont and Gamo Commission, tocting Iho Director's OlllcoCO loroclosuro, any ond all at Iho hoanng In this matimattor. DATE OF NOTICE: at Ihe Idaho Oopartmont ol lunds oxpondod BonoD- THE HEARING will*111130 April 1,2003 Fish and Gam o dlroctly al clary to protect Ihoir socu- Shoppers Vw ith a nose foi’oi" bargains hea.a d straight fori>rM t h e ; May 5,2003 at 9:30 a.ma m . in DATE OF MEETING: 208-334-5159 or throughgh rily Intorost, and Inlorost tho abovo onlillod Coi.Court, Apnl 24-25. 2003. begli Iho Idaho Relay Son/lco atol accruing ol Iho rote do­ C lassif iedsis. In th e Classi:sif ieds, you, canin tra c k down d ordor approviirovinn Rod Lion Molol PUBLIC NOTICE obligation. March 31, 2003 i o ^ p e r s e v e r y d63 6 O verland Ave. Burley 6 ^ - 4 0 4 2 Corporation, as succosicossor Irusloo. will soli ni publiJblic afudy th e se notlcos.p; PUBLISH: ApriMO, 17. 24 I, g,- Wo odvise 1hor.o citizens w w w .n.m - aglcvalley.coo m auction, lo Iho highoslI bicbiddor. for cash. In lovriul monoy c j-; ond May 1.2003 Ihu Uniiod Slatos. allII pipayable nt Iho timo ol saio. Ih< who sook lurihor inlormo- loliowing dosc'ibod roolDOI |property, situalod In Iho Counl lion lo oxorciso Uioir righi ol Twin Falls. SiQIO ol)l IcIdaho, ond doscrlbod a s lollow: 10 occoss public rocordsIs lo-wil: ' and public moolmgs Lot 9 in Block 9 ol MUF/URTAUGH SECOND ADDITIONION, IMPORTANT Twin Falls Counly, Idahidaho, according to Iho olllclQi pint pin P lo aso o d d ro ss an legal i f f l B i w W r JJB m Ihorool rocordod in Booklook 2 ol Pinis, Pago 1. rocordsIs olc odvortlslng to: Twin Foils County, Idaho.oho. LEGAL ADVERTISING Tho Trustoo has no10 Kknowlodgo ol a moro particula:uiar The Tlmoo Nowa duscripiion ol tho abovolOvo roloroncod roal proporty. but b i PO Box 548 for purposes ol compliarslionco wllh Sociion GO-113 Idahilaho Twin Fails. ID 83303-0S48 ■ Codo, Iho Trusloo hosIS bboon Inlormod ihal accordingg lo li Doadlino lor logal ads: 3 Iho Counly A ssessors•S oolfico, tho nddross ol 1620 7lh 711 dnys prior lo publicaiion,° , I Avonuo Eaal. Twin Falli-alls, Idaho, is somolimos associtoci- noon on W o dnosday lor aled Wllh said roal properiporty. Sunday, noon on Thufoday Said solo will bo modo without covenaniI o r for Monday, noon on Fn- wnrraniy rogording tillo.illo. possossion or oncumbranco:icos day lor Tuesday nnd ' 10 saiisly Iho obhgaiiof':on socurod by and pursuani lo thotht Wodnosday. noon on Mon- powor ol solo conlorrodod inii Iho dood ol irusl exoculodi byb) day lor Thursday and noon ROBERT A SMITH ANC^ND RONOA J SMITH, husbancand on Tuosday lor Friday and and wlio. as grantors.-rs. 10 FIRST AMERICAN TITLErLE Saturday, Holiday doad- ^UHDERIHVOICE COMPANY OF IDAHO.O. INC..I an Idaho Corporaiion,, nsa: linos moy vary. II you havo ^^^AL£S EVPILj^^ __:J ^ j | | succossor Irusloo, lor■ Iho Ihc Oonolil and socunty ol FIHSl1ST any'quosllons cnil Ruby nl HORIZON HOME LOANAN CORPORATION fka FT Mori’on- 735-3324. •______gago Companloa dbaa PPromlor Mortgago Roaourcoa,:oo, SUMMONS a s bonoliciary. rocordodod IMarch 29, 1996, a s Instrumonilont TO: "nM HILL No. 1998005220. Mortlortgago Rocordc ol Twin Fallcalls You have boon suod by Counly, Idaho. Risk Managomont Aiiorna- THE ABOVE GRANTOR•ORS ARE NAMED TO COMPLY1-Y i.vos. Inc., Iho Plainiill. in • WITH SECTION *15-15(•1506(4)(A), IDAHO CODE. NO Iho Dislricl Coun In ond lor REPRESENTATION IS MADEI THAT THEY ARE. OR Twin Falls County. Idaho. 2003 > ARE NOT. PR ESENTL'ITLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS-I'S Caso No. CV-03-00119‘D. OBLIGATION, Tho naturo ol Iho.claim 3S0Z NORTH AlHMERICAN . MURANO SE AWD Tho dofauH for whichich Ihis solo is to bo modo Is Iho■no ogpinsi you is collection olf CflROFTHEYEfl fniluro lo pay whon duo,JO. undor Dood ol Trusi Noio. IhdII’O monoy owed by you. v8 8 8 ^ tIOOM monthly paymonis lor PnnPnncipol, Inierosi and Impounds ol so l Any Iimo allor 20 doys '60 liiV r-5S=-^Ti=n5iii S-125,12. doo oor montionth lor the monlhs ol OcioberI’or following tho last publica- ■saaa j . iTiK^lHtla^^^lllllT Ihrough Docombor, 2002102 jand January. 2003 and ati sub-ub- tion ol Ihls sum m ons, Iho - f i sequoni paymonis until11 th'tho dato ol solo or rolnslQlomoni, : g jni. coun moy onior o judgmonl wtih inlorosi accruing atIt 7.7.5^0 por annum, and continuing '*ng ogolnst you without lunhor i Honing, Aw/fw/CD wilh 4 Speolun, 10 accfuo Irom Soplomboribor t. 2002. Tho principal balancef’co riolico, un le ss prior lo lhal owjng a s ol this daio on iIho obNgalion socurod by said'Old Iimo you havo Mod a wrlt- i I W r Door Mim», Ramoto Kevfcu‘^>7. Enh REWLfUJCE...... ‘li'15096 . Oood ol Trust isS48.893.£93.95, plus accruing Inlorost. costs ists ton response In iho proper 60/40 Roor Sests, Dud Front Ai r Bogs,>9». GREfflDISCOUHI-----’] and advancos. All dolinqilinquoni omounis aro now duo, lo-'oj lorm. Including Iho Coso ^ ferSvGvise Conhd, Child Safety Roor goIMor Wllh accruing lalo chargos und IntoresI, unpaid I § CUSIOMEft-CASH...... ?1*'ipoo No,, ond paid ony roquirod and accruing taxos., asassossmonis. trustoo's loos, M M M [odd, Tilt WSed, Rodi & os, llling loo 10 tho Clork ol Iho M^flsr aiiornoy's loos, and anyny amountsi advanced to pTotoclOCI Court at 425 Shoshono rViion btocnru. Iho socunly assoclalodJ wiwilh Ihls loroclosuro ond lhat thoIho Sirool North. Twin Falls, S f S » d ..N » 3 bonoliciary olocis to sollooil or cause Iho trust property lo bo Idoho 83301, tolophono sold 10 saiisly said obiigaiiigaiion. (208) 730-4025, and servod ^ T29 Oato; March 21.2003 a copy ol your response on FIRST AtJtERICAN TITLEfLE COMPANY OF IDAHO. INC. tho Plalntid’o aiiomey at ■ /s/Mon/no Colo, Trust Ot(i151 OnMonday.July21.204, 2003 a t 1:00 o'clock p.m..ol saidaid objalnod by contocllng a 15% C-GlffllDHOUHI ■ ■ ■ day. at tho olficos ol FIRSIRST AMERICAN TITLE. 260 3rd3rd ollhor mo Dork ol tho Coun \^MirTcr A vonuo N orlh. TwinI Falls, Fc Idaho 83301. Charloso s or Iho atiomoy lor Plalnllll. Sioc!c«3NI03 CIMWOI«SH - - - 'i■'ISOO. : . M i B j U f f i B i l Johnson, os Succossorso r T rustoo. will soli, ol public,llc 11 you wish logal aosls- auction, to Iho highest biddor,bide lor cash in lawlul monoy ol lanco, you should Immodi- Iho Uniiod Slatos, all poyablo po) ol tho timo ol sole, Ihono Qloiy retain an attornoy to fallowing doscrlbod roolII propony.pi slluatod In Iho Cily ol adviso you In Ihiu mnllor. f e 3 V RiMiTinniWfliii Twin Falls, Cotjniy ol Twin Tw Falls, Slato ol Idoho, ondna Dalod:3-18-03 OKIH doscnbod os lollows. to wii Twin Falls Counly Olsinci LOT 9 AND THE W ESTST 5 FEET IN LOT 11 IN BLOCK: 2 Coun OF THE WILMORE TRA'RACT, TWIN FALLS COUNTY,Y By Dorolhy McMullon IDAHO A C C O R D INIG G 'TO THE PLAT THEREOF)F Dopuly saaiaikiiHi^y I 23 ^ , 2 ' RECORDED IN VOLUMIUME 1 OF PLATS. PAGE 105. ^ J i i i i i i RECORDS OF SAID COUIOUNTY. PUBLISH: April 3. tO. 17 M/AM,FW'Mndow*4loda, Tho Trusloo hos noI >WFfn/CD GRHHOISCDUKT ( ...... ‘1281 Invosimoni & Loan, a s; bonoliciary.bo dalod Ociobor 23.3- 01 public a u c tio n to tho r . viiii 4-Sp«i«n, B-Woy P o w 1998. and rocordod on OOci clobar 29,1998. OS Instrumontnl hIghesi bidder for cosh. In ^Dr7yerj§eo»,/iflii-TheftSyilem, N um bor 1908-0194411 In Iho rocords of Twin FallsIs Iowlul money ol tho United Counly. Idoho. which wosVOS thon assignod lo MoroQulIy,y- Statos. oil poyablo at iho Inc. by insirumoni Numbimbor 1999*002442, and thon f t i i MCMTH ’ llmo o( solo, Iho lollowlng ‘ Outvd«Mintn.Siodi(N306P l O subsoguonliy osslonod to Amorlcan Gonoral Financial“ I doscnbod rool propony. sit- Son/lcos, Inc., ^InBtrumcumonl Number 2003*006848, In uolod In the county ol Twin Iho rocords ol Twin FnllsDlls Counly. Idaho. Tho obovo'0 Foils, slalo ol Idaho, and Gronior Is named lo comphmply Wllh § 45-1506(4}(a). Idaho<0 descnood os lollow to wit: Codo; ond no roprosontotictations aro modo that thoy oro. or Lot 5 In block 1 ol Lynwood 0>0 nol, presently rosponsibnsibio lor this Obiigoiion. CD/FM/AM, Powtr Window & lods.do, ' ’ r a a ilp B a '.* * - - - * ^um 2 ''•'•'■IIH H H Subdivision. Twin Foils , ^ Gwie.Tiil, A/C, Remote Kovteu Tho dolaulls for w hkh Ihlsthit solo Is to bo mado aro Counly, Idaho, recorded In 2 u CKaDCQUHT--*-*^^4. wiTtiiillM iaM a) Iho broach ornJ lailuro•0 loIc moko monthly paymonis olol book 7 ol plals. pogo 21 . &*y,StsrgRocirW;ndowJ6' ' m i|||||||||ii||j SS07.20 lor ovor sovon (7)|7) monlhsr lor tolal past duo pay*/• APN No. RPT324100100- H ASoy WheeTi, 4-Whsd Aiito lode, monts ol 53.202^ 5 os olI JJanuary a 10,2003. and all lutura■® SOA Tho trusloo has no ^3.3tSn»rdw0ed. ^ accruing monthly paymonis inlsuniJl paid In lull; knowlodgo of a more par* . 210 Hons F W . b) Iho lalluro to pay iho TwinTw Falls County roal proportyfy ticular descflpllon o( iho "Stodut3NC02...... 2 2 7 taxos lor Iho yoars 20003 -•; 2002 (which aro on accruing|9 obovo roforonced roal lion on Iho proporty) thni aro duo and owing ol S3,026.30: proporly. but for iho pur­ and p o se s ot com pliance with c) Tho oliowanco ol a lion■n In favor ol Musicaro. inc. d/b/o'0 sectlon60*113ldahoCodo. Aitornallvo Homo Buyoraora of Twin Falls rocordad on" Iho Irusloo hoo boon In- U SOHC v-6. /SotoTKUic Trammiiiion. Octobor 29.1098. a s Instrun « ■ lEBIiraKt ^ 5 ^ C s i ’ i't trumont Numbor 1698*010442 In lormod Iho addross ol 664 Arti-lodt erokw, Wheel Orw Iho rocords ol Twin Falls County.-IdahoCoi In ordarto socuro ® Lynwood Boulevard, ^ U ulcr Roc^ Rodi, Am/Fm/CD w/ tho Indobtodnoss of $10,4<0,485.00 and olhor sum s. ThisS Twin Falta. ID. 93301. io , OISraMMlSH ---•'ISM lofoclosufo procoodlno) Is Intondod to lorecloso and° somotlmaa associatod v^lh ■ I frSpeoksn, Roor hrvonG W , Ail romovo Ihot claim of ilon a s to this proporty. Iho said real propony. Soid ■ CcndSaning,FbwgrWniows& Furthor. tfioro wa* roconcontly rocording of a DEFAULT‘ oalo win bo mode wllhopl JUDGMENT In Sears. RoRoobuck and C o., on Illinois3 covonant o r warronty. ro- Corporailon. v. L yssn Sto>Stowart. D elondont; C oso No. gordlng title, possossion or 1923... • CV-2002-5428.TM DEFAU•AULT JU D QM Errrw as rocord-'' encumbrances to sallsty Od on January 28 .2003 aIS s TwinT Falls' County Instnimonl[I the obligatksn socurod and No. 2003-0022SO. This (orocoroclosuro p r o c ^ n g la inland-•• pursuani lo the powor ol \ •*. ____jsnoun«ou od to loroctoss and ramovovo thist Junk)r claim olllon on thiss solo conforrod In the Dood 3ilD0HCV-6,4{pe3X!lD>MiS ... . * lifei' " ■■umij— iw proporty a s wijli. ot Trust axecuiod by Rick Brciin, ItiOMin) AoiritKJ Sap R( Finally, lha Noto eocuraiured by aald OMd ol Tmst oo > A. Lawla and Denlaa & . Bbdc IVtvwv Glati, rn/Fm/CoiHta. 'V -v '" 'I providlrtg, tho Bonolidaxy/ of sold Dood of.Trusl. dociarod3 Lawls, huaband and wtfa all sum s B«curod by saidI DoodDo ol Trust Immediately due* asGrantor(s>.withNorwefit & w/6 S(M^/AirCdnd^^Z o m . and payablo, and that tho« boloncab dua and owing uponJ Mortgago Inc os bono* ■ CbnM, ( W Hec re c o rd e d 0 6 /1 9 /1 0 0 0 In ;W«rtSsQ»,«/40 or January 10,2003 plusI IntiInterott a t ttw variable contract< tho records ol Twin Falls rato ot 10.60 parcont lorlor aach< and avary day alterf. County, i Idaho OD Inotru* Jontiory 10.2003 accumulallulallng on COM p ^ p a l amount1 ment, NO. 16B8-011390. M761 i 9 ^ l l B y « , althOTalool$16.90pofdayte y for aach and avary day until* The: abovo grantors ar*^ '-r- paid tn full; plua aecniinB} lataiai fees, coats, and atumeyr ,nafflad to comply, with sac* foos. until paid In fun tttroughugh tha data o f,so la. , ■ . . tion| 45-1606(4)(o). Idaho .!■ DATED t h k l i th day ot Marctorch2003. • Coda: i No repraaentation la ------Johnson Otoon,-Chart

...... n ....

>^>-1-______- ______1 * ______Thursday, A prili:17,2003, Tlme»-N®WB, Twlfivln Falls,I Idoho E9 \


1 ! i % ' ■ : i . '

r ' ■ i ' ■' ■' -V?'-' ' • ■ ! ' B im \ i

P c ( a n s itrike a dll o r d ! The Times-fs-News 733-0931 ext. e> 2 !

------FOUND ID coll ptiono in R.im- BANKlANKRUPTCY , 0101 ; pofking lot in Burloy ComiJ'.'litiiJ'.'Iilivo ralos on 078-0050 10 idonily • Cli.'iplL'iIl'i 7 7bankruplcii."j FOUND40 lorgo dor), wiin Jo" Slot d o r C o llio by I'hi; 'Q..i0.iQ _ Biiiloy y ^ i J H irmod Church .l/M. H 0'’U 3SEC E C L E A N I N G SSOO REWARD. c°l°7%73G-OOD9- L.M m o h •OST mini S c h n a w o r ■ . 10 help you' Call )uoonlo“ (Doosn't have LO ST ?? cals nu;.r Filof S S ueart' WW 73t>-OGBO»: Schnouzor cul.) Sati & BucHnrlonan in Twm Falls IT ^ IPS poppor, wliilo chost & G roy I/ l.ibby and black ----- )oord.9yro, old, opprox. lorioiaoso-hoii. 731-3093 • 13 Ibs. Has sovoro LOST ■ SS g ol Twin, m alo r u n ' rTf'T jiv . moaicolconOiiion i)i,jo 5 CARE ?4 hoijr~ ■ RmiLPRICt...... '1 3 M o n o . A u sliio ln CHILDCA '33« iciniiy o( S. Washmion Shunhiihord. wrtjiuo collar, W'f-'^oiid:,?ii(l:, avail M.;,-|ls 8 „^^GIHNDiSCOUHr •■■■>? 8 Plionwni Rd. Call 73731.7361* nnncknmc■; mclticli'rt Attatjc;' I ccK.ii■^u<« &«>• • 5^Sp.r..^ v.^ '2M0 oaso coll w/any info or r-n c V______“e Cnli::nll 324.570*1.• IW* flirt IWIIitf thn 6td« ■ tW W i Iran- R B A U '...... ': ^ tin as. 735.2165 • | ‘•°ST.SSiborian Husky. , ------• n • llnca fuJ Oa UaoM • an ack a Al . « s » « , P t / a : ■‘500 njT iim i|j||.|'|| lo. groy/black/wiiilo, k ^ M P CaiJ« M°> ID a d v e r triSINGIs T? SALES • fcnOt FuJ w/Vl OUNDJND block col, oround * W lJrl REPRESi^ESENTATIVE ^ ^ ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ l Itio0 vicmllyVI ol Qlh Avo _ __ Poolllclolllon Opon ^ 4 4 l 2 . . . d IB H jR E in Call'III Clly Pound (or ^ ohly/Form Tlmos AD h r^ f m im i loi'.-in advi.'i R |l(|jl2li|llll^^ FOUNCJND 2 lab cross pup- JifyJiM E S -N E W S sales ri.pn.v JS, opprox. t yr. old. , # 2 1 9 ^DNTH FoundundbyKirrboilyoxiton L A s s iF iE D 14. Call( 677-4054 or L>tP,P A R T M E N T otjrlcuiii.'.iiilur.il DackiirminO 430-00s-ooo-r______2 0 83 - - 7 3 4 - 5 5 3 8 CanclKlat,.; on du()ii.'i,'U Itil i B S W R£DUl PRICE ...... ‘21^ 1 1 9 7 ■ ■ i R R R R H FOUNDIND Stack Lab. Jyr. nl nirpon. )5S 01 VlUvi.'rtiMnci -ir^' U ': 'W ■ ■'•viuca ■nwnfmtg/BM :>on.. Cull Hound Pound 2 0 83-677-4S43 - ' S'™• =-prolfifi.'d II you 'li' i l l I-----‘ UTraiV. • AVOV*m* l6'AfcyWW»»l!wtih£«iy 736-22&9‘______Burley)* wouid nkoKIko lo work (or III.- W/ AWfarm • Am/Fm Sono/Owoat/CD • Pc*^ ^ CUSTOMER-CASH...... •- • ‘495 FOUNDIND Goldon Rolriovof ■ —_ — _ _ w — Inlonnounnounlain W<;sl WriW lalj/D*r« • Itood fw* W-neo P u is e ss malo noor Sowtooih REIvlM E M B E R targif.l.ii.’f.l agncuiliiial :•• V .&vni«R«rWrebwO^*6:«l imontary. Hungry bul Thaibuiiiaiiidoy od you plocud nows fttot)'GlB»*rnlAidlO)*Frw«C)id woltItmonnorod. mo 423-6971.• somo0 limo 1 atjo in Tiio yu'^' W t t AA S9,00S9. por hour, _ Cont.dcidonliol. 734-7-172 C.'isual work ' < E ^ F g | g ; i n » Flox'D k'f ov.,-:;Ov (lily;;. 8 "J”lOur;, !!'' 15-:iOhis Air, Am/W F m /, Dud Air Bogs, ^ k Gi<’a1 |).irl-liiiic i ■■■HnHHH Kalnyny Ihiy.v & Sulunluy:( ^ESSSmB oT'-econecond jot) Clos.! J G t ^ V J M i 2m \ 0 jh o o s c ^ 227-rwKf K'lIJt'x’i'k 'V J ainpuii For more I 1 way |1> unliKl your A BAN:M p T C ^ , " o“ c'. »I73C-2Q53III!I1II' 7 S | ||||||||||H|HH l’« inu£incii.iii. Ui%iiW Proo (nIo:): Chapters( 7 8 13 — SV , I i i i l JJ claprtu IiU "lliji F/ooporwirsonol consultolion CAREGIVERi/ER " j j j ||M Aitkcniiiicniiiio," "Scicnlilic COMPARERE OUR SERVICE Looking loror K'siioiir.ibii)i.‘ in­ MonH ■■■■■■■I !," "Nf.v TreaH" jfxl 12 AllomoyP.li^luio Drown Sinct.iw dividual to to caroc,' loi i.'Klc.-/- m ’ 8 9 " IV il.c iKH.k (r,-.iiiic» 733-3300' 73 ‘ lyrtiodicappoiippod piTroiis m il‘''Tclivi'([c" “uu‘i'’'’ir- BANKRUPjp ^ cY ------acrmimari.ack' A Ilood lowosi prico ' , 1 9 _ *-'l8W, Oc^’v^viirU:i«l lu Ul- j,.y J o U \ Guoranio chock Nu ,.-Mp m 95. Illl^ ^|||||H |H |H ^^^^H Iiial r.ic ciraii't rlav- *0' iilloinonoyfi'|)'o;-.ontolion „„co-.-.irvry, bul I. j)i.'li.« 5395 * ( lllO Ilflht lIKllv.tl- ■ ______•» liting (cus. Call . , «,,,,|u)ly ,.in p.Tsoii ,11 « ■^■nnnnH V.. WH).'' Si.».gj lolllroo.lo.1-eG6-6aa-2300» li’^'ra'^o'^'ol'c illLLUlUl. Ol Connection ’ £> | | | | | | | umliiMe. ------nftTTINKRUPTCY HomoCnroiro Mon ( -Fn 9 .1 3A5 M ; . 2 H , 4 3 . 0 21 Main.1. Bum Bul or la . 3 nillM mliUTMlllill|/m fli ^^^^l i^ptr ■■■■■■■■ili lohtn, divoico 8 rosumi; 200-5100-54 . m H C A ^ iE R Ss — A W- \ \ ' '"/<• r>lfj, uiilc itciiHM, clii> Brad RicoICQ <11 734-3307 OoslaStop’N)p'N Go Convc- ■ ami>1 .cml.c aro u-niM,niM, I'.O, 1)01 2.W. lookinq lor oulut.iruliiKjc HBVSfuliH .nN«„.CA-»N09. p i m ^ ■de y.>Tuf lUfM. juldfoi. n o dad The K r""!”,' |)C nanif of Ihh nn»»- m a 'u rirn “ wl!rk ^ AutomcKc, A/C, Cruiw, Till, * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ^ ^ ^ ^ u J iIkb. (or n niodor)dorn (irowiiu) I k Power lo d ) & Wlnclcnvt, lOluillil^^^H DUBUllBtr. Plico inclwk ^ , ■Wllh good |)oy 8 Q A ■ Am/fm/CD s s V , . “ p C l a s ; ■■niKflflB fur lUllvrf)'. ssified s ss;;'.':;';; ^^■nfilftifl f'l paid vacollonillons, hoalih/liio H IIIB ||||H OrcalKall (KOO) 8J-II-HIU) _ , irviurnncu( nndanc moro »-.«f.fii«.k,«im E v e r o r m TV D av ! Apply In poroonpor al ony ■■IjHfl^flH tey Hack I (iiuranlrc locnilon. Wo aro a drug ______Irc'i! workploci ploco • II B i SIMBK4E2S!] HAVE'EWEGOTTHEJOBFORYRYOU!!! 2KBSK*d|^fc •..-.Am/Fm/C, •./ Air. Crutje, Tilf, iiB H |^ ^ Pow« Wirdowi, Lodu S s ' \ , , U l U I D I M r IS YOUR CHANCE TO WOITORKINA ;i j m -..,'. ^ Mirroo #2H134-0 _ , J a , * iH iiffB MOWW HIRING: fUN_p n H mKmnmm «rn • PROFESSIONALATMOSP)SPHERE. et 2 |)|MP||MIIIB B B |B |M . Full Time IWhere else can you get..i t . . IHIiiliilllMlflM Night N Siiilt . A uiiii|ijyii^^ RaiseA(ler3Afld3W6ktonllis 6pm • 6iini I % w i l >-Athrancemcntit OpporluniliesOp m t m m t b r idIDGEVIEW ^ Unlimited Ov9tirw tim e ______MT*f!tIAn E B z a a > SIOO Referralral BonusBl 4-Dcm. Ajt», Gui»», n . fUa A/C E W OF3FFERS; Wincbwi & tads, 7-Pbutcm A/C “ P f c ; ; l k . A\,, &U- ^ • $ 7 0)0 ( 3J';!.| - | ------™ p er^r hour f ® " I i t h m \ 'Kw . ^iJ'J-Aoinioiuw=uwu*— - . pelper diem ^ ^ JS a Fun and Friendlyf SSt i a f f ] SnihI^ Kxmcpcrtc/cur ir More Information CoU...Col ' : P l i B ^ I tmmop^apply In p m c fi el vinnnM laisBdilecvtew Estate* d7 3 2 S 2 S S<9 ■• • lj| i i i ^ B innmnm I Bridgeview Btvd > 7 ^ TT • . • ' TtrioFri:F d t , ID 83801 J t : ^ HBZ! M ^ . , , Ofcal)2<0 208-73M933 i ™ KMKXUnCMJ •'- •:a ■'.' T « rt»ilK « McMahon, aCACROSS mOM THE NEW POST OmCE^1CEAT ■; . E»t.270 Ex I I >1399FHmrnore S uite 5 0 2 TwinWin Folts I'

------; ------li.--— .------;

, i .,. E10TlmM-New«.TwTwin Idaho Thursday,y,ApriM7,2003 i »______' a _ m J ' BARTENDER/CookUk u i l DHtVERS UFEQUARO R ^ A U R A N T . F T / P T . o x p o r minco n c Got a CInos A COL wl» proIoffocJ. Compotlllv with Joromo Rocroation DbL Is3 Now hiring. woltstaf(. cooks tlllvo RAA Truck Driwintin g Booking a cofti(k>d and doltvory drtvors, WQOoo..oxcollont Upo.’tipi S chool. Coll 730-5O28.* B SPRW;ii 8.* Ilfofluard. Mln. ogo iSyrs, BIS] 53£M>021-«r 3?4-0028.* I. Both doyn and nights. FARM ------— Pick op oppUcalton at BLUE LAKES ______fcLEfllCAL- ' ...... ------Equlp_0p«r«t0f-4 gravlti offlco or call 324-3380 (orf. . PIZZA HUT*...... nn? moro informaiton,* ' .j Adminslroitvo oupporl1 ifTtgator.326-4175.ovoo.- . RIVER GUIDE (or otfico In Burloy, fO. ----- MECHANIC : n m , : 'O- FARftUNO Tem porary positions avail- CU R R ENT C U R R E N T ■ Proncloni in Mlcfosolt. Exp, John Dooro owathor1^0, Exporionco In wokfing andJ able from 0 / 1 - 8/ 1. Pool­ 1999 FORD TAURUS S Wofd S Excol. Must bo MOTOR ROUTES WALKINQ^ ROUTES ■ & chopporoporatof-Also,Iso d^rauiica a m uat llon will bo rosponslblo for AVAILABLE - 3 3 la-j;;--■ orgonizod, dopondabio o pil packor. Rofo, roq,o g'- AppJy in poroon osalsling guosla oa a rivor AVAILABLE ^ A dotall 9rlontod. TWIN FALLS | ,988 _ _ _,Call 660-20711______^ 200 S. 24 E. Burlay g^uido.ond.oofoly bring ----- ;------20 houn; porwMic,------— 20a-e7ft-878T* ' inom to Iho ond ol their BELLEVUE/HAILEY- — H |H |^^H -P3oee-ie - i ------Apply on i!no at GENERAL Joumoy, Rosponslblo for KETCHUM RT.872 Rl I ? www.o(>piicAntnaft>Of MEDICAL Both Carrlor & SubsUtutos 200-300 2 Eialno>^vo, l i i ♦ CDL Drivors Claaa A ■CNAa or NAa & both oldo, vohlcio cchoduling. pack- ‘ Gonoral Labor needed ' 100-400 t Robbina Avo. H C loxw 4/22/03' ♦ needed, Qrovoynrd ohilt. Ing and propo/ing moaia, _ _ | ♦ Conatructton ossist in sotting up camp RT.880Rl ■ 212-0115of 734-1806* if you live in ihoso oroas 100-600 1 Crostviow Dr. ■ T e r Jc a E ♦ Mochlno Oporolors and guidoIho group and would liko lo b e a FT R ocoptlonlot lor’ ♦ Londscapors MEDICAL Ihrough tho ontlro ioumoy, oil ♦ Tolophono Solos ’ Immodlalo oponing (or a Muot bo CPR and SwIK carrier If If you llvo noar ono of H modlcni cimlc in Wondoli Ihoso oroas and would ■ 20a-934-5900- ♦ Cobinot Solos Porsonn modical cuatOfTwr son/ico Wnlor Roacuo corllllod, P leaae co n tac t tho ir Dolivory Toch, nlghlrt day tour. S724/tour. District M anager llko HI to bo n canior " CLERICAL Prolossionol oppoaranco, Musi have, a loosl ono- 733-0931, oxL 348* Ploaeo I con tac t tho FT. Dotallod orioniod, soil'soil- P E R S O N N E L grool work eihic o muat. yoar oxporionce a s o rlvor ^ OlstrlofManogor otartor. Must hovo goooood P L U S Outlea includo soiling up guide, Ploaso coniaci 733-0931, OXL 347* ' mnlh and computor shills. M 2000 FORD FOa No applicnni too. ond Inalrucling customors your local job sorvico us­ Ablo lo hondio mulliploipio wvnw,p«r«onr»Hnc.com71 on uso ol oqulpmont. FT ing i Job order #1047035* lasks and bo woll organi- 111 Filor Avo, 733-7300) posilions w/bonollls. ? g f c g e , zod. CqII 733-1804 lor^2'^ on SALES ■ _ Pro-omploymont drug & r G302^8 S3022-2 appi. ask for Dobblo* ___ GEffERAL^"^ 878-4Q45 skills lost roquirod. Appiy C , loanalk W irolots h a s on CONSTRUCTION oponing in Ihoir Twin Foils GET CUT OF HEREII 01 N orco Medical reioll location. This is a Experlonco workorss & No oxporionco nocossary.y, 573 Addison Avo. W.* * , C U R R EN T \ Inbofora. 324-3427 or op­ groal opportunity lor iho VWALKING ROUTES op- Vk^o oro hiring 10 poopio, MEDICAL rrighi individual. A good ply nt 53 N. 200 W. Joro­3fO- . froo Io work nnd travoi nil AVAILABLE p, H '' mo. WoBtoc Is a drug (roo RNa, LVNs. for N. Collfor- £strong salos bockground ROUTES AVAILABLE roo \JS cilios ond rosort nio skilled nursing locillty, fd e s i r e d . R e ta il o x p , -n wofkplaco • aroos. Ono wook paid TWIN FALLS *'In tho Burloy oroa Will poy is l 3 m os.ronii fprolorrod. Aro you goal p'RT. 700 CONSTRUCTION Iralning. Aii lodging & orlontod, ambitious, wiih oi ICO iransportatlon paid, FAX91G-024-6266 E-mail C 2250-2550 Longbow Dr Wo are curronily Operators wilh oxporionco mniiiynnlCSwosiorncoro.biz* fa winning alliludo? Ptoaso accopiing applications insioiiing loiophono cobio Groat pay & bonusos. 2200-2400 Hillcrost Dr, bhng resum e lo 140 Main niRT. 702 ‘Offor Indopondont canlora 000 MERCURV MOUNTAINI RT.719 O'"Ovoriond Avo. • Burton 200-67S-5787* GENERAL — ' mtornoon & wookond SASALES R' nOBYN TODD Is now 13'1300-1500 Poplar 221st, St. •2 7 ih st- M e COOK/DISHWASHER — • NO EXPERIENCE shifts, 1 Coll 738-5705.' hiring part lime solos 900-1050 Bluo Lakos PT noodod immodlalolyly. NECESSARY RT.720 RL409 H 1 'j lor DIrocI Coro ■ ossocintos. Apply ot RT Coll 208-0a6-2228osk lor MISCELLANEOUS Mpgic Valley Moil* ’51100-650 Ash St lurton Avo, - Pofko^vo. ■ Kim in diotary boiw oonon S7 to 30 quarry workora, — 100-000 Bluo Lakos 21st. - Faim’toni Gam & 2pm.* PAID TRAINING Ookloy, ID. With hammor SALES/TELEMARKETER o=IT. t 736 r — Floxiblo shllts & chlsol, spill, grado, & Industrial products & 211 403 CUSTOMER SERVICE suppitos. 735-1000* 2100-2200 Fiior Avo, E, PeorloBS Boauly SupplyI Gront Ixinolils paliolizo quartzilo build- >100-2200 Oakwood Cl, ‘Almo - Ovorlond IS sooking motivaiod indi- Assisi persons wllh ing Slono, S9.38/hr. 40 SEiSECRETARY RT^T. 746 1 C lh-l0ih dovelopmonial disabilities viclunis Wllh strong cus- hrs.Avk. Musi bo oblo to FiFull Ilmo with knowiodgo 18Cl800-2100 4IhAve.E lomor sorvlco, salos nnd■'J to achlovo groalor iill 100 lb s. ro p eo te d ly ol Excel & Word required, 20C’00-450 Morningsido Stop by tho Qurley “ Indopondonco, throughoui Iho doy, Qi IT. 752 orgnniinlionni skills to Appiy In porson ol QuIckBooksoxp, O f, Mail RT. work in m anagom ont nl Roopond to: rosume ro Me Ciure Enq, tOO00500 Wamot£iWLoajst 12C3 ’ Ovorlond*Ave. thoir Twin Fails branch•“ Inclusion South, Inc. Job Sorvlco Oftlcos, P.O. p Box 1404 Twin Foils. 13C300-1500 Kimborly Rd (Old Ropor Building)* ^ 450 Foils Avo. #101 9 \ iocalion. Full timo position J o b O rder ID 1048096* 10 |b 83003 or lax rosumo lo RT.IT. 757 f^ n H P CRflHDCH with wngo plus com m is­ Twin Falls, ID ; 200-734-001G* 50000-000 Sunrlso Blvd.N No phono calls plooso* MISCELLANEOUS ' 20 sion, bonolils and 40tk Immodiato positions SECRETARY SE< 000-2200 Rancho Visla pinn. Cosmotology back-k- GROCERY avaliabio, Enii IT. 761 ^ a i o,i1,488 Enlry lovol logal socroiory, ..gn800-2000 9lh Avo. E. nround prolorrod. Moot cutlor wontod. Min. + Production SnSalary commonsuralo ann B 3009-W9-1 Fnx roGumo nitn: 2 yr rotaii oxp. Wogo OOE + Gonoroi Laborers wil 00-1000 MornlngsldoDr ^ with oxperionco. jwIT. 780 m MC to 801-972;32g0* Fnx rosuniu Io324-ti90* + Watohouse SuSubmil wnilon rosumo lo: onn 00-500 Whisporing V DAIRY HOUSEKEEPER/ + Forkiilt OilOlllce Mnnanor, Exp. milkor m Joromo. + Construction P.C Box 1276 -rtrt Pmo ■ , MAINTENANCE P.O. 00-400 Codarpark Cir. niOUTES O l AVAILABLE I Coil Paul 358-1031* FT, Kimborly aroo. To Op- Ciorlcal/Socroiory TwTwin Falls, ID 63303* r T + Solos T. 781 Inin ttho Ruport oroo DRIVER “ ply caii Oobbio423-5S91* SECRETARY-Logat 10030-500 Buckingham Dr. Ovor Iho fond trucking co, Ati shllts ovail. M.V aroa, \ INSTRUCTORS ! Exp, Salary OOE, Submit 22000-1000 Princoton forin)r Indopondoni corrlors j j I P O. Box 5G4, Joromo, ID 500 -1700 BelAir Circle 03338 Attn: Gnry* *' Anno Edwarda328-5441* 663 i Bluo Lakes Blvd. N. STA5TAFF WRITER 73&-J473* neenoodod for Norlh SIdo 350.'7.854 SloSlop by tho Burloy K T iT l DRIVER ■ JANITORIAL I 5 >0-500 Moadows o iric o at: V H n P Dump truck, drug tost, oxp., OPERATOR Mows In Joromo, Idoho, 500 Noodod Slarting at * Sond resumes 1o.t33 E d t)0-700 ", Jackson 126:263 Ovorland Avo. bBS b I and trovol roq. 543-0022.* S7.25-S0 00/hr. DOE A * aaiatant Mill O poraior, fP[ r. 828 (Old3Id R opor Building)* H H j )88 40+ hrs./wook. should Main, Joromo, ID 83338 ,n n DRIVER Must bo available lor oli oro-maii I®®',10-500 Adams 1— ^ havo mochanicai apliludo, ” >0-200 Filor . 2U308^0 Now hiring lor mjxor drivor// shllts. iiormadcv'snfoilnk.not d t i inboror. lull timo, bonolils. Bonolils include 'M : usi bo dopondoblo. Will ™ '■•ezs k train right porson, Mon.- ini H | H ClassACDL. &T8N -I- Modicol [ 5SE1______100-10-500 Jollorson ^ 3 0 1 ondorsomoni roq Apply nt: -!• Denial Fil. ' somo Sat. S7/hr. DOE TEClECHNICIAN H-401k Paid vacoiions, _ Call 735-8955.* Son/i;on/ico Tochniclon, AC & III yiyou llvo near ono ol Klooptor Inc. INESSES AVAILABLE 7S1 M adrona SI. South PACKAGING hoaling, Minimum 3 yrs, thohoso nrens and wouid 2 ^ ' " “ oxporioncod. Top wagos llko II 10 bo a carrior Dor Normon B usinoss EOE* QA Toch. noodod ASAP. ° ’'P' Irokors & Advisors Musi havo packaging * bonolils. 733-8548 lor Ploooo I conloct d h iv e r Tl a b o r on appoinlmoni* Joni www.cnbba.com Position IS 70°o labor, 25'b 9^ •oxp.. moih skills, groal ° Koys to Success, ’ Apply in poison at tho | 735-3346* . *^0' locni dolivor. Must havo poopio skill. Pormanont r ----- 208-733-C581* Flying J Trovol Plaza piccemoni, r groal bonolits. ^k o51 i7 r = clean OMV. Apply in por­ j UQUOF son American Staffing L 5350 US HWY 03* Confocf C< Gom Slalo Siaftma ^ iOR liconso lor saio. H | 73S-S999.' Twinn Falls.Fl Prico roducod. • H 2001 TOYOTA COROl V 1025 Shostiono St. N. *3* I Uire. TECHNICIAN — 734-02•0287 or 420-3267* ^ PLUMBING S250,250,000 FIRST YEAR po- ^ T ‘ 'uianar.. j Environmonlol Inb spocinl- VENDI ■ zing in wolor puoilly 2nd 2i lo 3rd yr. apprenllco. :onilai. working Irom V DING MACHINES ,988 Pick up appllcnlion 01 iomo. pari-tlmo. Nol snackCk SI soda, (4). $5000, - ' . sooking n bonch lochnici- ^ 420-1180.* G 3165-235-2 an. Somo oxp. required. SGO Rimviow Or, TF or coii ^.^LM. 1-080-4O6-G0-18,* ROUlUTES AVAILABLE Coll42i lor on oppt. 733-3444* ----- ^ Coll 733-4250* '< PUBLIC SERVICE Tk, le Times-News is LANDSCAPING PRODUCE PJ MANAGER ^ MESSAGE The I vrCampt Co.com I o \ O Poolers O I V FT position, produce oxp, F oa d d o o ra l o m p lo y m o n i CUrrjfrontly looking tor Hergeirpen & Acqultlllcw 2 yro. mln. Exp. I Londscoping & sprinklors, ^ oxp. roq. all phasos. musi sirongly ® prolorrod, Poy 1'”niormalion ° is Iroo. Independent ll BTfTOBTffiirTTOWi SSOO Sign on Bonus I j DOE. Apply In porson nl ”lomembor, 0"’ no ono con P/ . Fuol & Saloly I havo valid drivers license. ° R o u t e C a r r i o r s EEHIIIBnBtBMTIiTlfBffffll DOE. Call 733-9440.* 1f5 ’ Addison Avo. * P'OfJiiromiso you a lodoral |ob- Bonus poGsiblo I _ •or froo Inlormotion at>ouI ic o /- 7 3 3 6 .8 4 4 8 Homo Ffoquoritiy, I LAWN L- CARE PROFESSIONAL PR adorai jobs, caii Caroor =10ME Bea.644.S219 o e t O88-0G5-7GOO* I Lown Lt coro company soek- RESUMES PLUS Amo,imerlco Connection, 518 51 A ir^jcolls conlidontinll ing omployoos. Good ellocllve, Inoxponsivo 470-757-3000* . 100-‘D-500 6 lh Avo, E, VRbtta DRIVERS \ rosumos, 324-3578* ------iiioMnmbnlaiw » .i» > wogos. Coll 206-280^)609* __ 100-:3-700 6 th ave, E. loNertiAitt*flMrtatb»naBwr OTR noodod! Roq : Class = 98 FORD EXPLORER XIT RESTAURANT L , , , 519 “ www,>w,vTcampco.com . A COL with good MVR. IiMANAGEMENT I Waltporson must bo 21 io (D-600 H 3rd Avo, E 1 = ^ : CompoiMlvo wtigos Monagomont loam lor yrs. y, ol ago. Appiy in por- w/ljonolils. 877-528-6113. 24 unii npartment 'c I G 3198-2 - or324-988V son botwoen lOom-lpm, ■ —I RT. 5; compiox in Ruport. 1007 Bluo U kos Blvd.N DRIVERS Computor knowiodgo Twint» F ells’ ^ 300-61-600 1st Avo. E BiTTruck School hoiplui, _ •600 2nd AvoE, PUaiJBLIC SERVICE Homo ol tlio Cinss A CDL's Call 208^78-9141 RESTAURANT REI ^ MESSAGE 737.9272, 737-1549 lor moro Inlormoilon* W ' allporaon noodod, SHOSIISHONE Big prolilolils usually moon I" : or 543-8009* lunch ond dinner ill^ big risklak, Boforo you do Mon,-Snt. Apply In porson ♦ DRIVERS L 100-4MOO N. Bovorly • buslnosiloss with a company, Praslas Thai Culaino CURRENT 100-^0-400 E, 4lh, St. chock< II 11 oui wilh Iho Bet- . Now hiring FT oolldw oato IT: 428 2nd Avo, E,* WAL • eolloclor. Musi bo ablo lo MEDICAL , I ___ /ALKING ROUTES RT.41415 ter Busirusinoss Bureau, For i llll 75 lb s, ro p o o lo d ly Parko Vlow Caro and RE$RESTAURANT AVAILABLE 300-5C-SOON. Edllh SI. (reo Information Infi about Cinss A or B CDL roq, Rohabiiltalion WeW altstair Appiy in porson 1-GOO 6. SihSl. avoidirding Invostmont Bonoflls mel. modical, Hao an oponing osk for Carol or BUJH H Lt RT. 41416 sc ams, s,» writo to tho Fodor- BTiTT 000 FORD RANCF XI SI I I d o n ta i & vision Ins. + , for 0 fuii-limo caii 837-6227* RT. 54 •500N. ApptoSl. ■ a lT raado d . Commission. *4^ Staffing Coordinator. 1-500 N. Birch Sl. Woshinglington, D,C„ 20580, 401(K) plan. Apply in por- RESTAURANT 00-700 14lh Avo, j sonatPSiWoGtoSysiom or callI Iholh National Froud l a mJ i 2 , 9988 i Qualificallons: Wookday prep cook, 35 9«n f IFIELD • DIETRICH In fo rm i . 222 Gom Stroot T. F. ID ■ , OO^W Main St, rmatlon Contor. ■■ 2U 365-00 : High School Diploma, hours. Also utility/dish- ,Xnh00 blk, Rninbow Circio to rR o u to 1-800-87•870-7060.* ■ : EDUCATION------' highor education woshors, 30hr/wk,, In- “ Taking applications lor proforrod bul nol eludes Clu ovos, & wookonds. i< ) iivo in Ihoso orons ^.^Tm^i®6-9% on 1st Doods cortlflod socondary r Fast pacod onvlronmoni, you livo noor ono ol " jsi on local homos. roquirod. Musi havo ex- loso arons and wouid id nro intorostod in r ■ EngllBh position, wttn coiient skills working Good communicolion aing n nowspapor )m at 737-9169* MM vorolly volloybail v skills roquirod. Full bono- m<0 -a10 bo a canior with poopto, undoratand- Ploaao conlact Iho carrier... JT j oxporlonco. Muat includo umg ol Iho roqulromonta fils " ’p ovoll, Compoiillvo ni. ooso coil Dislrici ^ 3 0 5 X dislnci opplication nnd salory, Appiy In MVRMC District Manogor I to staff nursing 733-0031, OKL 347* I ^33., Manager. crodontlals HagormonJI. doportmonl. ablilly to or ‘call737-2043* 3-0931 oxt, 348* School Disi. #233 Vwnlo nursing schodulo, — I s s WEiBUY Bl LOANS$S 324 N. 2nd Avo. 0computor skills roqulnx}, Rocolviniving paym enis on Hngorman. ID 03332 EOE* payroll hoipful, stole sold? Wo pay 9 Loohina lor o»irn vncalion rnorolordor oil typos of loans. 2002 SATURN SLI (Tiodiiy? Why nol aoM tnojii ‘ Irom porfi•orfoct 10 dofaultod. iiiii-flood Itomo youVo txion I Call V - slotinj]? Clnssilidd will Oo il. Burloy.^DS331B <800)00'001-0301 orvlsll ^ ■ ■ 1 h s f^ td8a s Cnil 733-0031______www,woIwobuyloons.com \ C 2U 330-0 DRACO [ii.' • INVESTKTMENT CORP. CASH for I ? w s lor Doods o( Trust. The Times-New Mortgages,103 and Rool Esiato is accepting applicationsIS Conlrocis,:is. Call todoy (or o o-obiigatlon quolo.; for W alking Routes (200);30)733-3821* ■ V if f r in Twin Falls. These positions are 7-day, M iddlekauff DOWVTOWNI 'y- r 2003 PONTIAC GRAND Al carly-moming delivery is looking to expand theih e ir sa le s fo rce to 5 r I " '- positions an d can be 0 ^ In Unweaofuncartaimy, o g | ^ 4 , 9 l sell their top-of-the-llne3 HHonda. Lincoln & I thing rem ains .-'‘' * ■ 1 m O no thi 2 U 4 0 4 ^ ' Mercury automobiles.. MMust have good source^ of additiona! ^ Iho sa m e. " * V ^ B people skills & woiwork ethics. iniincome while you get 10 (inandal . a bility that H paid for y o u r m orning wal:v a lk . £ x £ iiU y it ^ JjtudWdU .piV l.,. p ro v id o d a t H Q r % 'iA • lialnlnff . Bor. Bonut Png ram cf,Stop by The Times-News mding Corp. ‘ 401K .palPaU Vacation - . C F -F iin t • Health Insurance >S-Day 5 ^ Work Week at 132 3rd S t West lyou roach your in TVvin Falls Hflip^ngyonclol noods. . ■ ■ \HHiC er oorcall r 733-093], 0X1302. A f f I't M CTsen t e . . . 1210-6791.* '■ r i IM iD D uiuijn'lieDWWVKHCT^ In Buridy, go to iWwyoospwxlySJ? _ ■LC B iiM k GM iCi c The Times-News office at itMilied ma your: M A D U "vaaus! doyi, dtieduie. u i Put dosit-. n H l y * ^ 1263 Overiand, o r call 677-40'■4042 . 'I V boiy.sehodir*M«ving (Hrockxy, ^ ' M m t40*4U4«l» fwil u ,m I Ikxr* Ome-4• aiKl MrvtcM Io! AJ) pncM pit / ei g6odt • dw»«nH f>guf«dol lO%Ca«hOos*n *wkfofyouyoutoggy- • : r.doc^fc.-ooopprov^fe^..' -J,

; . • : ; JI ... . ■ * . 1 k I *

T huradsy, April117,2003, 1 TIniM -Newt, Twinwin Fall*, Idaho Ell | e

I t a i n l i■ur B a» g a l i ]n s ! 4 J

4 L I N I \ 1 0 DS r fl1 4 / t: 11 For Itenems under or addidmg up to SIOOO10 (Maximum of 4 items) Private Party only.ly. Merchandise only Somee nrestrictions apply) ^

^ J E l T heTimes-News e l Ca all 733-0931 Ext.2 E or 677-4-4042! I /% — ------— 1 INTERMOUNTAIN HOME’• |PINE, ID Boaullfui cabin 1 TWIN FALLS2 bdrm., C" IWIN FALLS Oui of oroa C ----- INSPECTIONS $248,000 Call 208-312- 1 b o th , duplex, oil ^ ^ M I M H m i b u hIL l Nicon 1 DCftii. sonic Vj ownor must solll 2 & 3 ^ 5 2 11 FAX 30 yrs, construction axp. 4335 or 208-532-0734- appls. lr)dudod, $75,000, ■ 521^221212515233 appls,3ls, 1 wator/sowof paid bdrm ronials Only ^ Jim Vllot 637-6357 • ; Opon Houso on Sunday ■ L CollI 73f73G-0S1S-______SHOSHONE C harm ing 2 $43.000 4 540,000. I CLASSIRED bdrm. homo on 5 acroo. noonto.Ipm. 1269 4? L Nici.' n iKlrm lioniti ; . ADVEFrnSERS ACEQUIA Approx. 2 mis. Loasod Lot lor 549S('VS550/- OA K TE;::ouiM>y SGSO por Coll 686-7548, $84,900,- Sparks SI. N,73S-94io- from Loko Walcott. 5 aero monlh, ™ Positvo cash How 24xG ‘ ' : RESPONSIBIUTIES xG6 , 3 Udrm., 2 bOIh. monin»niri>ci<;p S.13-B600' n OR ' “ 1 building bl homo olio. Wolor WC5400/mo, 601-666-5323* 513.3.000/ollor. Must Bo gr. ( Ploooo chock your ad or Move R Counlry homo ' tho first day tl Is rights includod. 431-7443 )vod. Call 882-3698- ^ ^ or 431-9806* rm. 1 baih. no polr., ; pubiishod Wo makar EMAIL I '96 Ouordon 2 bdrm,, i E R T T r r s w — 111. Mny tot, SCOO' ovory olfort lo ovoid3id Y o u r A d T o I 2 both w/now carpet & QOOOINQ 58 acres noar ^ Jrm 2bnthSO.OOO/ .$30000 d dop. 320-4252.* ; orrora by carotulty o»or.:73.^.909 43IK66(1- I point, 3 acros, shod. lown, rlvor, Irrlg. ayslom, ;R Coilago bohin'd j proofroodlng. Ifyou line _ I woll. dock, landocoping. Itroos, foncod pastured. HAGlAGERMAN storo front k I an orror ploaso call TWIN FALLS grool bido Silo, $ 112.000- buii ihouso OOOstjIlI.irgo. THE -HMESNEWSS I Vory dean. S60.000. A roaliy groot lomlly TWIN FALLS 360 Sth building on Main Sl. 1300 ^ 6 0 1 ■oncy Wllh ono batlir- ; 733-0931 OXt. 2. Wo I OrM t future home altal Ave W. Cuto 2 bdrm l /olfor, 206-623-2854.- sq. oq, fl..1 53S0/mo. 539 &I02. .. cannot bo rosponolblo CLASSIFIED homol 4 bdrm. 3 bolh. H1 ri Slorago shod .md 1802 N. 200 E. 324-34S7* family & living room, bolh on comor lol, now SHOSHONE SH' r = ai sp a c e aviiii.ibli,' I for moro Ihon ono day'a DEPARTMENT olding. windows, codar $21 OME Nieo Cloan 2 bod- O ^on'vim vii;ws 10 canyon . orror If you do not call It ^ jE R d M £ Musi Solli------Pollot otovo, llroploco. 2 $25,000 PER LOT. 2 5 k c - fonco. goo lurnaco & ac )m. all appls , liirgo No mcfocndoor pL-ls S.150/rii(j I to our ottonilon.* ■06 manulaciurod homo. ocros, pool, hot-lub. ocro lots avaiiobio oil of guosl houso w/lncomo Slovo. Eloctrlcol up Hlghwoy HI 93. Grool for cod yord. undor ground loaso0 in inclucJof. du c tric 4 bdrm. 2 bath, on 2W grados. Coll 738-2530 Bl r l n k l o r s . 5 S 5 0 . jr;i 135, S l Twin Falls acfOB with w alor. Fully potential. 5164,000. Blolno Co, Com m utors. mlEMBERSHiP em Slor Valloy 324-8 lasl & damagi) Wci) 736-1997- or 734-9582 564.000- Nico Nl vlow ol tho m oun- pnn I-8499 or 420.1011.' pf>o,o..or. nf Coll,igcj-MOi .’il Q 208-734-5538 foncod. loaling shod, Bul- — I J lol Ronch Rosort In Thoyno, F - ~ ~ I ■ twlnadOmoBlcvailoy-eomm iy barn & much morol loins. OK lor mig. homos, WY, vVY Includos Iroo liloilmo ^ ii?n«.i:?s:i,TiCNrAiu Coll Louisa Horns ® 280- nnit' no .^ tK iaii;K 'iki;iJ«i Avail.I. MayMo 1. 3?G-17?9 • $96,500, Call 324-6460’ I TWIN FALLS I goil. Coll 734-3083.' • : PUBLIC SERVICE= Burley 0822 or Brondo Conor ^ ’ FILER Slylish Sli Inrrntiour.i- JEROME Price reduced Distress solo, bonk 0410-5074. MLS#I00144 E----- 1 ; MESSAGE 10000 sqso . It, now h,nf(i- 208-677-4543 2604 sq. ft, 4-5 bdrms.. 2 foroclosuros. Froo list PC»7041 L 2 bdrm. 1 bath, on wood iio< I Soiling proporty? Dontt poypa mcdM.On»otov«ll#yxoni'” bairt, ook klichon w/gos of forodosuro propor- J lloors and l/Shasr.- ; ony 1009 unlll Ifo aold.1- FOfFo - ? .1. I . / inoiOo. S450 -►5300- ,noi>lI. Oxlra ox larrjL- m,ish,; S llroploco, ig, lomlly room. lios. Froo rocordod msq ). No sm oking/pois, niu s '-joi troo Information abou‘>0“ ' FILER NOBANKSI 1-888-453-4177 ID»1042 •Jocond bedroom conlfnlolr, outOBprlnklors. TWIN FALLS BoauUlul I OODING -97 Kit doublo I S43-023fl* ^ ______Garngoigo and ; shod Corr.ii avoiding Ilmoshoro om own hom eI patk3, codar loncing, Bryon Nowberry • ' rool oaiolo scoms, wrlti — ConyonUflo Roody- 4 bdrm., 2 bath, vaullod GEM ^wcJo (or solo, on lonsod B U HIL L 2 bdrm, 2 bnih, spaco;o availablea Opon '^1'° nowl 3 & 4 bdrm. • ottacf»dgaro9o,Sli9,500. colllngs, living & family STATE S REALTY. INC, wiin ; to Iho Fodoral Trod< homoo on Iloxiblo 643 2nd Avo. E, Vllh option, 5 ocro horso mobileJllo homo, $450 mo * viowss 10 10 canyon No in- rm., AC, ook kitchon 324-8652 prop . Long lorm loaso No d o o r po » •T^ommlsalon, Washing"ng* lorms. Down paymonlsIs 324-0202 o r 320-1455.' TWIN ' FALLS Looao/optlon voporty. 208-623-2854.- dop. L r pols S550/tno ! ';-lon, D.C., 20580, 782 Hollyann Coun. 1680 w/laiand, lonscopod .24 !. Cotl5-l3-8342 loaao> tr.t.tr.t lasiS dainago nogoiioblo ond floxiblo. KIMBERLY 3 bdrm., m < rWIN FALLS Now avail- HAGERMAN ^ romodolod ^ -fif call Iho Notional F;oud P:ogrom avaiiobio lor sq. II. malnlovol. 1620 oq. aero. Mornlngoldo ablo. „b Rock Creek Rim dblIbi wido in qutol afluli BUHLL 2 : M .m . will, ' [jlioios ol House ; Informallon Contor. ^ baih, mig. homo, woll It. i unlinlshod basom oni. hitp://whoolory.com p. ai /• poor crodil or post maintalnod, now baih. : $122,500,734-1184.- Esloloa. “ Small quiot sub- parklark opoco 532,500 oppl. cloan, 1-800-87fl-7000.‘ 5159,600. Bolow opprals- division ovor looking Rock 324- p"'S=o°;m°„Wi? 100-1 ?£iinEWrALS ____ banknjptcy, Tom at nouirol carpot. vary culo j 124-7944 or 3O0-47t7,‘ iMcJijtir; 3PG-1729 • BUHL 737-0169.* . al. Call 206-312-4335 or = ■ Crook, Cr. u aero lols con- good siartor homo. ;208-532-0734- ______| I vot MBERLY '85 Flootwood 5 ^ ^ ; S45.000 “ $11,000. C«il423-«078* c vonlonily locotod 3 mllos ''. '" “J ILZnoOroomin F"-ER'fwi^l'nwnimni^i:w ; • 2-bdrm s, motol sidingJing I l e r Syr, old. 4 bdrm,, 2 B W i M B a t wosi wo ol Twin Foils. Only 2 V’4x60 *'' II, 2 bdrm . G ns. 10 1500 •.,(] II iiire>.‘ ; now corpoi & vinyl, toldg bom on 2.5 acros w/walor.or. KIMBERLY 3 bodroom T I lot:lotsiolt. Forlnlo735-I390- •urnlshings. 510,000/ r^.Tr 30rn Wllh 01)1.' l),’ilh • S otovo. Good ronloniai Hardwood llooro, pollotlot 1 bath brick, groat noigh- IJ Kor. Coll 423-6262.* _Cnll_£; iiiic kitchuri, <),ira()c — 1 1 ^VENOELL 20 acro s Wllh . p/opofly. stovo, horso born/pasturo.ro borhood. outo cprlnklors, I WN FALLS Musi S o o ' ^ ^ aarn Corral';,|),io- : 555,000 5165.000, Call326-6017-7- lorgo yard, S92,000/ollor I irollor homo, saio by own- ' .ivdcinbioiblo Opon vcL'v.i, Io or, will linanco. 536-66GG Jo'*"'oiniiy romodolod.musi • 2 bdrma, ono lovol. gas — Coll 423-6679. •______| TW IN FA L L S C u to &l • f. - canyon,Dn. Nof indoor |)i?i;, ; cloon coilago. 2 Ddrm. I or.J04-307-2749,- ‘ “om JJ' ovod 14x70 Brighton. f ^ l o hoat. inson firoploco, atot' low msido & out. 515.DOO &SS1I1CC1S S650/mo'rno lease i:;i. i,i-,i ago shod. t 3 i 5 Mapio, I tw in FALLS o v o r2 ie o 1 bolh, 100-1 sq. Il„ Igl r — S tiiiiiiagunago. Wel) photos ul I sq,lt.. 1 lovol, 1998. lol I w/gardon spot. G as I innncing avail. 734-4101 NEWPRICEI L s 1 4 ^ B 9 5 9 H af^orflo r5 p m or 308-1010* |( p a i LJ s 0 •! .1 ? 7 a I SS7.S00 I 4 bdrm, 2,5 bolh, tllod hoal, I polloi stovo. lg Ilv-1 lays to read the i«>//i^i’o521G0-l253;ftEWALS • Culo 3 Ddrm, ampio slor­ I ' onlry/couniorlops, Ing I room, oppis, Incld,! lineorinl. Av,ni,it)io■IoM;iy1 m. :i?G-J7?9- FILER BEST BUY IN i l l ^ S ] I Opon houso Sal/Sun i ogo. filo couniors, stovo, now windows S doors, I yvSTiiWIN FALLS -T ire d of ^ 5 2 ( GOODINGING 2 lHlrm. 1 l)att> THE VALLEYI SQO/sq, KIMBERLY By Ownor I 2-4 pm. Roducod pricol 507,500. ! CoJI 736-2513,1 ; rolflg. LOTSOFCHARMI 2500 sq. ft. 4 bdrm. 2 slocks?' Chock roiurn J Od bsm t W /0. Iq $86,500 ft. Brond now 1650 sq. 1I $194,000, 733-187S.* 362 Mourico.- | :all 733-0931 . . . II. 4 bdrm. 2 bath, splli b o lh . day lig h t bsm l.. == !d yard SSDO/rtio I ;*.2 bdrm, romodolod“ In Iloor plon, opon doslgn. motal siding, 2.000 H Coll Chuck 733-8207- ^AGliftGIC VALLEY AREA o r 93-I.9367367 ot 30a-3175- . • ;1997. hol tub. lg dock for rwiN FALLS Foroclosuroi ______E Nowiow company looking to 1 .i. unlquo maslor bdrm. sq. ft. gorago/shop, RV I 3 bodroom .- $54,500 . TWIIWIN FALLS duplex for buyo 677-4042 HAGERMARMAN A-17C Rivi.T • - dnlortainlng. gardon aroa, parking. .1.2 flcros on 2 I uy or loaso houses. Any ' HV parking. • ond both. Boy windows, Call 800-310-3323 0x1 sarsolo by ownor. Annual pnco prn Any condilion. B urlev nowor 2 budtootr. vinyl dock, gas hoat ond cily lots, approvod (or I H702 lor listings' ron'onlol Incomo $ 18,000 Coll ’ 2 bolh.h. ouistdo01 storoye. lorgo animals, aulo I :oll 1-208-532-0734 or Call John Robins 543-0339..Q oir cond,, numorous ■ Colllollovos. 734-2 1 21. ' I 1- boal housilOuso, S650 mo tJ : upgrades. 'A aero lot, sprinklors. 2 blocks Irom 1-208-312-4335' T T Tr T' V T T T T T Elwood&E>& Evans 73-i-MOi' ROBERTJONES;S Sil2,900/wlll conaidor schools. 5174,900. oflor. Call3a6-45ie.*__ Soo pictures at R E A L T Y — www.gonohomo.com T’ QOODINQ 733-0404 607 Van Buren StrMt Pn on applloncoo plus wator ^ 1 '' 3 1/2 Bath. 2 car goragogo option. Coll 837-4304* beforeyouhMdto k- i bodroom, Lorgo ciiy iot, lolionor. sol Ono acro/com- I I onl,25ocT0e. OvorSOOO™ Ha q e r Ma N------yourbualnMa Cr oq. fl. Coll G7a-07a9‘ Coll Amy Packham to soo pioiloloiy loncod. Gordon _ 11 Boll Ropids fld, 1.208-733-0031ext2 at 306-0008 or 737-3919, opt We Jusist made a special11 buyI or o u r Burley Office u , ipaco/sprinkior systom. H .BURLEY by ownor. 310262 3 bdmi. 2 both, 2192 sq. MLS»105531 PCiT1271 On3nly$l01.900. Roy f l on branil ne • sq.fl. 6 b0rm.,2 1/2 bolh,lh, ft., 2 story homo on 2 1-208-q77-4042 Sat>abolo, Invin Roaliy, 539- I I ew Clievy trucks,!, iand 2 Ig. family rms,, garogogo ocros, ovoriooking Snoko >321 or homo 733-6340. I I • -on 1 ocro. 40x 60 shop,ip, Rtvor & Qrldloy Islond, we’re passing th'he savings on tor you!yt I 5139,900. 676-0240’ only $129,000 GEM F OICTRICH lava rock houso,^ Coll Loroy 934-8140 STATE REALTY, INC, l l ^ full bomt., 2 bdrm. up, 2 Haddan RMlty ______734-0400______M n . * bdrm, down, gam o rm.,/ 88«.22e#‘ TWIN PALLS p s T h e s e w ll t t t ^ 20x50 Shop, 2 acroo,o; fiSKfOiSPECTiCRB— Fin* country living. M y -JS12S.000. 206-544-2603.’I.* 2000 + slnco 1993. Immoculaio 3200 ■»> sq, ■■ WIN FA LLS U n lq u e l H Cisuan E»c6baOo ^ J T ft, homo, BoQutiful E detail. Reduced! |l SaIos ConavRam X>br»vistion« txing a&woviti-” private pork-like sotting. ■ $134,900.1592 sq lt.,| ■ ;«1 rwufti. Whon you wrlW 3 bdrm. 2 both.lorgol ■■ “ Now 3 bdrn)"” t>*aihf*2:So 5 acres, sot-up for m .your clM«in«d ad. bo turo horses with stalls ond kitchon 81 maslor, vouil- 1 1 ,^. roiaeta undertland yourjr sq, ft.. 2 cor gorogo. sd coilinga, hordwoodj m twQo - tooir it om. 5142,000. Coll 532-0735 out-buUdlngs. 5220.000. TWIN tw i FALLS 2 yrs oW. I }?« 734^513 Of731-854V 'loora, dock, sprlnkiors.l ■ ' •' - or312-4335* 3 bdrm. 2H both. 2160 I l344TaraA735-644S*| 731 oq ll. Many oxtras & upgrodos. cornor Julio TWIf/IN FA LLS Woii kopi & Comonniai Or, Undor hom3me. Lozy J Mobilo Pork morkol voluo. Roducod $23,23,000 Sfa 734-7007* tO$182,800.Coll TwikMN FALLS Why roni? b fflfflh l I735-1425 or 734-W25* 'hon you hovoIho I I ' lUTlfflllllllllllllllllllllllrlllllllllM I optic?lion 10 buy, 734-4667* H , i / . I TWIN'IN FALLS, 3 bdrm.. 2 ■ , tJo«ialh In NE TF. Grool ■■ W»Hb.•HbvttMra. conc>nd.. voultod coiling, Ig. ■ ■ < ma as sler sullo, sprinklors. = S = ^ B i l l Agor)onis ok. Prlcod righi ol D ^ ^ 2 0 0D3; Chevy S-100 Pickups ^ trWlN w i FALLS 3 bdrm ., $14242,900. 736-2908,- D 2 bnth, don, formal I t 5-speed, Pow er3r Steering,J Air C onditioioning, AM/FM Stereo,O, K .5,s<"y;ss: t i 4 W heel Antl-loct3ck Braking System , Fu heol/AC, Prolossionaliy W Iku B -ull Step R ear Burnper,e r , H landscaped & docorot- 577^ Dual Air B ags, FiFull Size Spare. ed. 24^5 E, 3856 N. iL350cowdol7on 70 H {1/8 mllo W. of Curry ros, 10 on a-sldo- par- i c ro s s i n g , lu rn le ft.) ®"®'ol. 3 homos, solo or ■ (S a t t h i s p r i c e ISO by ownor, Coli 530- I I ~ I S 00 or 404-307-2749,- ■ Ff , a c t o r y R e t a l i O v e r Gayle Be^goecheaea Lynn Basmussen I BUHLIL N.E. ot town 68.5 H Ceniury 21 Gom Slats Realty nci'ofe form, TFCC wotor I I HOW ONLY... m n f hto, $2,350 por ocro, ■ ■ Greater Vaiiey Fropertlejlie s ■ , . Call11539-7715,* G ■ od ■ ■ \ i m u j w M 1 ...click oh RealRl E state - Ho Brent Kerbs tq, fL. IrKludes b sm t 6 IrdjoIgotod, lor information ■ ■ 1 ^ ■ \ Coldwell Banker ^Bdrms., 3 bath, large ^jeanSOO-SOS-MIO ■ I «Ilchen, g a s fireplace, KatieHefWIIIIame RMlty.* ■ CO ■ Curtis Realty M iM w w .conpaiiin l o s . c o i n 2 ' • RV parking, conlral air. EDEfTN 725 ■faoos.3 pivots, D a ,,,tio set-up. 2 homos. ■ 901 " S. Lincoln, JeromweOO-287-7000 e " 1 She.-AF«2. $S50K, I I 4MWodCt Had*)denRlly410-0438* H lom eseller ™’! ^ 9 0 0 % bdrr N F A L L S 67 a c ro o 324-3i •^.appMpMand good•d soil, 2 whoel Dnos, •Pfie* illii ntwrtbt«pMUi.UI«MM>MraoCtMOftin u iM*BM.,. gated)d pipe. dOM In. great ssst Mfi P» AmTlcan Wav. mini1 fllarm Call 423-4077 * y u ' ' \ M m J ' I 'l ■ H sra OlM*( K ------^______il_ £ S £ * _ , i: • ■ -"(A—'

E10TlrT>M-Newa,T^ Twin Falls. Idaho T hursda)Jay, April 17,2003 t ______' _

BARTENDER/Cook>oktall DRIVERS UFEQUARO FT/PT, oxporlor RESTAURANT i B f f t r i i l o n c o Q ol a C lac o A COL-wilh w ’JororrwRodoniton DialI. Ifllfl ■ Now hWr)g. wollstaff. cooko proforrod. Compolll'Olillvo RAA T ruck Driv-liv-lng sooking 0 cortinod w b g eo ..o x c o llo n i ll and dolivory drtvo rs. S T S p lI 11 llp o . S chool. Coll 738-6026 s iM ii 326.* llfoguard. Mln. ago ISyni. S30-06210r3£4-0028 1?. Both days and nights, 2 S L F iB M ------• Pick up applkMtkjn ott BLUE LAKES ■ CLER1CA1. Equip, opofolof a gravfnwiiv - offJco or coll 324-3389 tor - PIZZA HUT* ...... AdmlnoiralJvo aopportWft imgolor.320-4175.ovo# " s .‘ Information,* __ RIVER GUIDE .> ■’T - ' r for olfico fn Burioy, ID MECHANIC T om porary pooltlona avail- I' FAftMINa C U R R EN T C U R R EN T I Prolidont if) MicrosoM Exp. John Dooro owair,Qll,or Exporionco In wokJIng ondnd able from 0/1 - e /t. Posi­ ^EEEEI3Q3[l7nnW Word & Excol. Must t • . MOTOR ROUTES WALKING ROUTES I ♦ chopper oporntor. Also AU hydraulics ■ m u st tion will bo rosponaiblo for AVAILABLE I organlzod. dopoodobi 0 pil packer. Rofs,. ra foq'- Appfy In poroon asalating guosto o s o rhnr[ AVAILABLE & dolQll onontod. TWIN FALLS______. ^988 ______200A.24e>Burt*y — . . Cnlie80^7V------— —guide and eafoly bring' 1 0 ^ 1 * v 20 ^ooro por wook.' ------20&- 678-57B7* thom lo Iho ond ol thoir! 'BEiXEVU^HAIL^ P3 0 6 8 Apply on Ilno al GENERAL — joumoy. Rosponsiblo for[ KETCHUM RT.072 I www.opplointnartx)r MEDICAL ♦ COL Drivers Class A . vohido (Khoduling, pack- Both Carrier & Sut»uiut03 200-300 Elalno^^vo. I .COoVnaxJoW ' * CNA* or NAs & bath aldo noodod 100-400 Robbins Avo. I C l o w 4/22A>3* ♦ Gonoral Labor Ing ond preparing moais. noodod. Graveyard shift.'*• nasisi In aottlng up camp RT.880 I ♦ Construction 212-0115or734.ie06* ------♦ Machino Oporatora _ ondguldolhogroupI If you livo In thoso aroas • 100-600 CrooMow Dr. I CLERICAL and would liko to tx) a FT Rocoptlonlat lor ♦ Londscapors MEDICAL Ihrough tho onilro Joumoy. Immodlalo oponing for a1 Musi bo C PR and Swift carrier ft you livo noar ono of I modical cllntc In Wondoindoll * Tolophono SiHos P leaso con tac t ttie thoso aroas and would I 208-934-5900‘ ♦ Cnbmot Salos Porsonson modical customor sorvlcoM Walor Roscuo cortiiiod. . Dolivory Toch. nlght/l day tour. S724/tour. I District Manager liko fo bo a carrier " C l e r ic a l ------— I Prolossionol appoaranco,0 , Must have a loasl ono- I 733-0931. OXL 348* P lease M n ta ct ttio FT. Doloilod orlontod.:) solf-w P E R S O N N E L^ groal work othic a musi.1. yoar oxporlonco a s o river DIstrtcfManager sinrtor. Musi hovo gO'so o d P L U S Dulios Inciudo sotting upp guide. Ploaso contact 733-0931, e x t 34T* ' math and compulor ckil and instructing cuslomororo your local Job isorvlco us- ■ E H i l l D E E Ablo to hondio mullfp5'ro www^^S'^c^o.:om on uso ol equlpmoni. FTT Ing iob ordor #1047035* tasks and bo woll orgoiirgani- , , , avo. 733-7300 100 posiiions w/bonofiis. SALES zod. Coll 733-1604 lor, ^g 8 UJ__ Pro-omploymoni drug a | 3022-2 Appl. ask lor Dobbio’ ^ Cleartalk Wireless hos an skills lost roqulrod. Apply' opening In Iheir Twin Falls CONSTRUCTION GET OUT OF HEREII:ll QI Norco Medical Exporionco workers rolall locollon. This Is o CU RR ENT ors S. No oxporlonco nocossarylary, 573 Addison Avo. W.* groat opponunity lor tho Inborors 324-3427ornor np- Wo nre hiring 10 people WALKING ROUTES ply ai 53 N, 200 W. Jor MEDICAL ~ right individual. A good AVAILABLE Joro- liuo lo work ond Irovol“I a RNa. LVNa, lor N. Cnlilor-r. Slrong sa les background ROUTES AVAILABLE mo. W oatoc is a drugg frtfroo US alios and rosort workplnco.' . nia skilled nursing fodlily. deslrod. Rotall oxp. TWINFALLS in tho Burloy aroa aroas. Ono wook paid Will pay is l 3 m os.rontitl proforrod. Aro you goal CONSTRUCTION ------iralnlng. All lodging A RT.700 * FAX 010-G24-0260 E-mail,11 orlonlod. ambitious, wllh 2250-2550 Longbow Dr Wo are curronily Oporaiors witti oxporlonclonco tronsportollon paid, a winning aitiiudo? Pleaso morllynnl®wo5lomcaro biz* 2200-2400 Hlllcrosi Or. accopling applicalions inslaliing tolopfiono cabicablo Gfool pay & bonusos. bring resum e to 140 Main for indopendont carriora .S sarvica arops. Musi tx? t a + and MEDICAL RT. 702 Avo. N, EOE NO PHONE 1800-2100 Candloridgo Apply in porson nl ablo lo start loday!I Slonoy Creek Living Cenior<■ CALL PLEASE* Rt. 408 Q 24 E, 200 S. Burloyly C all88a-92M 099* is hiring CNA'a lor l100-1300Mln,View RT.719 COvorland Avu. - Bunon ><• ___ 208-67e-57a7- GENERAL ----- allernoon & wookond 'SALES ROBYN TODD Is now 1300-1500 Poplor 21st. SI.-27IhSt. M r n m m r n i ----- NO EXPERIENCE shilts. 16.988 Call 736-5705.* hiring porl iimo SQlos 900-1050 Bluo Lakes PT noodod ImmodiaiolsitOly NECESSARY RT. 729 . R t 409 I G319S-135-1 ■; iK (or DIroct Cara assoclalos. Apply al Cnil 208-08G-2228 osk lo MISCELLANEOUS Mngic Valloy Moll* 100-050 Ash St. Burton Avo - Porko'Avo. J Kim in diolary Botwooi^oen S? lo start 30 quarry workora, 400-800 Bluo Lakos 2 ls l .. Fairmont L Gam& 2pm.• PAID TRAINING Oakloy. lO. Wiih hammorr SALES/TELEMARKETER' HT. 736 CUSTOMER SERVICE=— Flexible shifts & chisel, split, grade. &, Industrial products & 2100-2200 Filer Ave, E. ' R t 403 I Peorloss Bonuty Supplinntw bonoltts pallollzo quariziie build­ supplies, 735.1008* 2100-2200 Oakwood Cl. Almo - Ovorland H IS sooking moiivalod indiinrti Assist persons wllh ing Slone. S9,38/hr. 40I SECRETARYS RT. 746 iGlh-IOlh ■ viOunls Wllh slrong cus“ ■ dovolopmentnl disabililiesies hrs./wk. Must bo able to’ Full timo wllh knowledge ’1000-2100 4lh Avo, E lomor r.urvico. salos nnc Io achlovo greator lili 100 lbs. rep e ate d ly ol Excel & Word roqulrod, 200-450 * Mornlngsldo Stop by the Burloy I organizational skills u indopondonco. throughoul tho day. OuickBooks oxp. a +. Mail fRT. 752 otrico at: H wortc in mann<]omonl nAl POfson at Rospond lo: resume Mc Oluro Eng. 1100^S00Walnul/QM,xxu5t /1203 Overland Avo. B IliOir Twin Fails b ra'■ n J d Incluilon Soulh. Inc. Job Sorvico Onicoa, P.O. Box 1404 Twin Falls 1300-1500 1 Kimboriy Rd L J](Old R oper Building)* localion. Full limo pcsilior 450 Falla Avo. »101 Jo b Ordor ID 1048096* " " " T»i„ Fnlls, ID ID 63303 or fax rosumo to F Wllh wago plus commis­ 200-734-9010* 5500-800 Sunriso Blvd.N NO phono calla plaoM' MISCELLANEOUS sion, bonolils and •tOth __ ImmediQIo positions SSECRETARY 2000-2200 c Rancho Visla plon. Cosmolology bnck-ack- GROCERY available. E RT. 701 Enlry level legal secretary, 1800-2000 , 9lh Ave.E, n'ound prolorrod. Moat cuttor wanlod. Min.1. + Prodiicllon Salary commonsuraio q B3009-1 Fan rosumo ntin: 2yr, retail oxp Wogo DOE.)E. + Gonerai Laborers i 900-1000 MornlngsidoDr , Wllh exporiencu. oRT. 780 \ MC 10 801-972-3290' Fax rosumo lo 324-1190*3* + Wnlohouso {Submit wiiilon rosumo lo: o 200-500 WhisporiiKj DAIRY HOUSEKEEPER/ - + Foikhlt (Ollico Manager, Exp milkor in Joromo. + Construclion fP.O, Box 1270 ,, Pine ■ . • MAINTENANCE 100-100 Cedarpark Cir, ftoU R TES AVAILABLE CalIPnul350-103r ___ FT. Kimberly n/oa. To ap ­ ♦ Clorical/Socrelary 1Twin Falls, ID 83303* n ■ r. + Salos — HT. 781 llIn tho Ruport aroa DRIVER------ply call Debbie 423-5591* SECRETARY. Lagal 11100-500 Buckingham Or. Ovor Iho rood Iruckmg co. _ All shilis avail. M.V oroo, INSTRUCTORS ^ Short & long torm positions. E ^ xp Salary DOE. Submit 2^00-2400 2; Kingsgnlo Dr. Wo aro curronily looking lor oniry Iovol resume loP O.5737 R accopling applications dispntcii. Sond rosumo to Wator solely and liloguardsds Pay DOE. Apply In person ~ ® ® For moro inlo, call Kayoyo SOS Stalling Twin Falls. 10 03303* 1!1500-1000 Princolon foifor indopondont carriers ^ P.O. Box SG4, Jufomo. ID 1500-1700 BolAir Circio 35.000 MUeS______03330 Attn: Gary- ■ Anno Edwards 320-5441*V 683 Bluo Lakes Blvd. N. S1STAFF WRITER i ' =j 736-4473* n RT. 854 £Stop by Iho Burloy |E7 noodod lor Norlh Side 350-500 nc Moadows DRIVER------JJANITORIAL ■ Now s In Jorom o, Idoho. c? olfice at; T 5 Dump Iruck, drug losl. oxp.,«p,. N eeded Slartirvgat OPERATOR 5 500-700 Jackson I;1263 Ovorland Avo. BS Aofllslant Mill O poralor. Sond j* resum es to 133 E. d - andlravoliotj. 5-13-8822,-!2,- S7.25-S0 00/hr, DOE Moin, Joromo, ID 83330 RT.828 (0(Old Ropor Building}* DRIVER Musi bo available lor allI 40* hrs./week, should 100-500 Adums ; havo mochanical apliludo. ° 100-200 Fllor ? = = BH P^jin 2U308-03-0 Now hiring lor mixor diivof/,or/ s'liOs normadMsnfolink.noI ts Bonolils inciudo Must bo dopondabJe, Will 2' RT.829 k laborer, lull Iimo, bonolils, train right porson. Mon,- _^OE* .______CIllssACDL, STSNI ' -I- Modical 100-500 Jollorson ondorsomont roq Apply al:nl + Denial Fn. somo Sal. S7/hr. OOE TETECHNICIAN ) r 401k Paid vacations. Call 735-8955.* SoService Technician, AC & II I: you livo noar one ol gTjsT Kloopfor Inc. JSINESSES AVAILABLE 751 M adrona Sl. SoulhIh y PACKAGING hooiing. Minimum 3 yrs. Ihoso I arens and would ~ experloncod. Top wagos liko to bo a cariior x)por Norman Businoaa ______E 0 £ ______QA Toch. noodod ASAP. ® Brokers & Advisors Must have packoging benellts 733-8548 lor Ploaao contact DRlVERn^BOR an appoinlmonf JenI www.cnbba.com ' Posilton IS 75°. labor, 25”o oxp,, mnth skills, gronl _ Koys lo Success, • Apply in porson al Iho 735-3346* ' local dolivor Musi hnvo poopio skill, Permaneni ^ 200-733-6581* donn OMV. Apply in por­ Flying J Travol Plaja placomoni, groHl bonelils. ^ 917 = J ''' 5350 US HWY 03‘ Coniaci Gom Slalo Sint/mg ■ = ------= i iJQUOUOR llconao lor saio. 1 son Amorlcan Stalling _ Twir 9 735-S993.' ■ win Fnlls. Prico roducod, I 1025 Shoshono S t. N. n^ y LAB. TECHNICIAN 3-1-0287 cr420-32G7.* l. PLUMBING S2SS250.000 FIRST YEAR po- Envi/onmontal lab specinl- V ^ y 2nd lo 3rd yr. apprenlico. leniial, working from ' ENDING MACHINES P 6 * i 99.988 , izing In walor quality i. Pick up applicniion ot homo, V pari-ilm o. Nol nnck & sodn. (4). S5000, * . 13165-2 sooking n bonch lochnici- ROUTES AVAILABLE Calllall 420-1108.* an, Somo oxp, required,I 5GORimviowDr.TForcall MLM. 1-808-4OC-OO48-* for an oppi, 733-3444* Cnil 733-4250* PUBLIC SERVICE t i The Times-News is fvRim CAMPCO.COMl LANDSCAPING - PRODUCE MANAGER ^ MESSAGE ‘ ' O Roolors O I FT position, produce oxp, Fodornl Foi ompioymont dcurrently looking for MBrgenMbi & AcquHlllont | 2 yro. mln. Exp. I Landscaping & sprinklers, o»p, roq nil phases, must • Strongly prolorred, Pny iP Independent Kjn S500 Sign on Bonua I DOE. Apply in person nl Remombor, no ono can Fuol a Suloly - I hnvo valid dnvoro Hconso. Routo Carriers Emu DOE.Call 733-944G * 1 I'S Addison Avu. ’ pf'pfomiso you a fodoral [ob. Bonus possible I For froo informalion fiboul ,c'. 7 3 6 . 8 4 ^ Homo Frequonlly. I LAWN CARE - PROFESSIONAL federal Jobs, call Caroor lEROME ttia8.644.S2t9 808-8O5-7GOO* I Lawn caro company seek­ RESUMES PLUS America Ari Connociion. JL 5 1 8 MAll calls coniidonilall ing employoos. Good( olfoclivo, Inoxponsivo 478.757-3000* 10'100-500 5lh Avo. E. 'mFttewMiMramniniw 5 v t t DRIVERS'" wagos. Call 208-280-0609* rosumos, 324-3576* 100-700 6Ih avo. E. taNotiltetli*iBsrtcigaaiflwr. OTR noodod! Roq,; Class RESTAURANT ^ IT. SIS vww, vreompco.com : A CDL with good MVR.^ I m a n a g e u e n t I Waltporson musi t>o 21 ioi100-600 3rd Avo, E ' Compotllivowngoss Managomonl loom lor m I yrs. ol ago, Apply in per- M . w/tX!nolil3.877-528-6113.3. 24 unii apartmonl 100-700 4lti Avo, E k son bolwoen iOom-lpm. p = IT. 520 G3198-22 Or324-9881* complex in Rupori, 1007 Bluo Lakos Blvd.N DRIVERS - Compulor knowledge Twin Falls’ 00-600 1st Ave. E ^ k j 8 & T Truck School holplul. 00-600 Snd Avo E. -----PUBUC^ SERVICE . Homo oMho Class A CDL's Calf 208-678.8141 RESTAURANT » MESSAGE |v] r 737-9272, 737-4M 9 for moro Inlormation- Waltporson noodod. H !HOSHONE Big profilspn usually moan : or 543-80M* lunch ond dinner V JT.414 b V3 risk. n Boloro you do Mon.-SaL Apply In porson ^ "100-100 o l N. Bovorly buslni : DRIVERS I sinoss wilh a company. Praslss TTial Culslno C U R R E N T 10100-400E. 4lh. SL chockock II out Wllh tho Boi- - Now hiring FT aolld w aslo 428 2nd Avo. E.* VV< collector. Must (x) oblo Io® I MEDICAL I WALKING ROUTES RJ.IT. 415 lorB• Buslnoss i Buroau. For iili 75 Ibs. roponiodly.“ Parko Vlow Caro and RESTAURANT F AVAILABLE 00-500 N. Edith St. froe)0 Inlormation 1 about Class A or B COL roq. Rohabllltatlon W altstalf Apply in porson >00-000 E. 5Ih SI. a v■oldlng o ll Inveslm ont Bonolils incl. modical.j Haa an oponing ask lor Carol or BUBUHL IT. 416 scam;nms. writo lo Iho Fodof- jCJ 00-500 N. Applo St. ol Tn S denial & vision Ins. «' for a futl-Ilmo coll 837-0227* RT. 545 Trade Commission. ^ Slatting Coordinator. - 100-500 N. Birch Sl, Wishingion. ash D.C.. 20560, •I01(k) plan. Apply In por­ RESTAURANT 100-700 14ih Avo. son at PSI Waste Syslom RT. 5^46 or call tho National Fraud i • !,988 W eekday prop cook. 35 on, I 222 Gem Slroel T. F ID*? OuaUflcatlona: ' 200-000 Main Si. " SCHFIELD-DIETRICH ' Inlormation fo r Contor, g 65-0 High School Diplomo. hours. Also ullhly/ dish- 7ni100 bik. Rainbow Clrclo Motor Routo 1-000IOO-n76-70GO.* I : EDUCATION higher educaiion washers, 30hr/wk., In­ Taking applicalions lor cludes evos. & wookonds. II you live In thoso areas IN 6-9% on 1st Doods I proforied bul nol 11 you livo noar one ol " Trust on local homes, I cortiriod oocondary required. Must hovo ox­ Fost paced onvironmonl. .j,' and aro Inlorostod in L.!; English posillon wilh Ihoso areas and would J Tom ot 737-9109* I collont shllls working G ood c o m m u n ic a tio n llko i.j,, lo bo a conler boing a nowspapor ===== varally volloyball skills roqulrod. Full bono- p carrier... (T with poopio. undofsinnd- Pleaso contact tho >a, oxporlonco. Musi Inciudo’ ing ollho roquiremonis flls avoll. Compolilivo Ploaso call District ^ 3 0:ng 5 S disiiici appticauon and salary. Apply in MVRMC 7 DIstrlcl Manager . K to slalf nursing 733-0fl31.oxt.347* 7, Mnnagor. J - credonlinls. Hogormon Jl. dopartmonl, obility lo or ' COII737-2043* 733-0931 OXL 3-10* School Dist. #233 wnlo nursing schodulo. ------K WWE E BUY LOANS SS 324 N, 2nd Avo. compulor skills roqulrod. Rocorceivlng paymonis on . Hagorman. ID 83332 EOE* payroll holplul. ll oslato aotd? Wo pay ■ Looking lor oxirn vflcalion ro lor all typos of loans, _ Z monoy? Wtiy nol son irwr.o Apply In p o rso n at: IromTl porfoctp lo dolauliod. 6nn.flooa Hums youVo b) 901-9301 or visll • Cflll 733-0031.______w .wobuyloana.com 2U330-0m DRACO !• ■ ' ^ INVESESTMEm-CORP. H K o r CASH flor Doods ol Tnjsl. The Times-Ne’lews Mortgag]agos and Roal Estalo is accepting applicationo n s ____ Contrac/acts. Call today (or a I, no-obllgatlon quote.' for Walking Roue's (208)733-3821* in Twin Falls. tM ii l @ These posiiions an? 7-da) : MIDDUXAVFF d a y , t D owivtowiv early-morning delivery : is looking to expandd theirtf sales force to positions and can t^ a In Umanea of uncartalnty. f • ' Q : sell their top-of-fFie-lineline Honda, Uncoln & )no thing rem ains 2U404-03L 0 " ! Mercury automobiles.les. Must tiave good source of additional . * (ho camo. vl • people skills & vwork etliics. incom e w hile you get Tho financial ' ' " ■ sta b ility that ■ : g i u i l U n t paid for your moming'w;'walk- Vo p ro v ld o d a t ■ ^ lA : -naining .• / Bonm Program Stop by The Times-NewsVS F u n d i n g Corp. I : .• / Paid Vacation - : • Health tnsunnu •£• S-Day Work Weak a tl3 2 3ixiSt. West ing you roach your I ieSHme fir inTwinFaUs Inancial noode.i- • .■ or call 733-0931, ext 302. J6)210-6791.* ; p tru H to ... ; MiDDiauiJfvJp D o m v ro w N In Burltiy, go to No matterIter inow you ipend your ^ HAC Bidk^ GMm c ' ■ - Attn;ButcllH(I H ea tw o ls The Times-News office at , dSMniad liia youi B f n H l i l l V . f . i / . ■ buty'.id.Kheduie. Put cisui. M | | V Lr^iiia i4004SMii»nmMt , m m n 1263 Overland, o r cal! 677-77-4(m . n«a-( onOme-sWng dirockxy ot good!36d* and MrvkMs to! ‘All pririce* cei pkri ku. Mile & deaUr doc fee.le. ftjyn>«ih figured ot t 0% Cathth DDown loryoutea^. IL______J

i|.,------^------I 1 •

Thur»d«y, April 1717,2003, Tlm M -N M e, TwinIn FiFall*, Idaho E ll I

1 ^ 1/ R a l n l iH f i? B a ^t r g a l n a s ! 4^

4 L I N I V 1 0 DS .f11 4 /. C: If ' Foriterr,?ms under or addhling up to $10003 (Maximum( of 44 iitems) ^ \^ v Private Party only.y. Mexhandise only Some resirictionsre! opply.) ^ J ^ T heT eTimes^'fews CalIll 733-0931 E)Ext.2 or 677-440421 t Jy V i ^

' i * -

~ | INTERMOUNTAIN HOME f PINE, ID Boautilul cobin TWIN T' FALLS 2 bdrm.. ^ INSPECTIONS 5248,000 Call 208-312- 1 VIN FALLS Oui ol area E ------b u h l Nico 1 bdrm. aorr»; 1 bath, ^tduplox, all ^ t ^)wnor n , musi soli! 2 & 3 ^ 5 2>1 1 appls, wo 11 FAX 30 yrs. construction exp. 4335 or 208-532-0734- appls. t includod. $75,000. ^ 1, waior/sowor pnui Jlm Vllot 637-6357 ' | ^ bdridrm ronlals Only A . J Call 73C•350515* 0 SHOSHONE Chorming 2 ^Opon Houso on Sunday 143.000 &S49,000. I CLASSIRED bdrm. homo on 5 acroc noonlo4pm.1269 Tri Nici.' :t txlrm lioiii.^ CEOUIA Approx. 2 mis. <-«osoasod Ior S495('tfSG50/- OA KTfe^OSohoTn L iiiiilry Sf.&0 j..-f ; . ADVERTISERS Coll 686-7548. S84.000.' J 8parkeSt.N.736-941G- from Loko Wolcoll. 5 ocro lonih. Posltvo cosh Ilow 24x0050. 3 bdrm., 2 both. moniii.d,. • - r RESPONSIBILITIESn OR ' ■■ ' building bull homo sIlo. Walor S400400/mo. 801-668-5323* S13,0(,000/ollor. Must Bo c?nrD7=— , Ploaso chocJt your od on rights includod. 431-7443 1 □ a Coll B82.3B98- Couniry tVonit! • Iho (Irsi day tt is _ [ ‘*31-9866* ^ ______3 Odrm.1. 1 IOilin no Ri'ls, ; published. Wo moko:: EMAIL :HT‘71 14'x70' A vail. U; '96 Guerdon 2 bdrm.. |l • ovory oHoft to ovoid OODING 58 acros noar ^ ‘ SSm. 2 both 50,000/ *$300Idc'P duo 326-42S2.* “ Your Ad To 2 balh wmow corpot & 11 I I L ^ H H I l l l l l l H I ollor. 731-696973 436-6CG0* — I errors by carotully paint, 3 ocres. shod. I' €lown. Tlvor, irrlg, systom. rlL c R: CCoii;itji,ri7yh77.(j o i j proolroodlng. I> you UndIind woll, deck, landscaping, I Iroos. loncod posiurod, HAGE^GERMAN storo Iront k 3US0 900 st| K liirijo • I on orror plooso coll I TWINFALLS ^roal bidg sHo. $ 112,000- buildl 'II ■^^E■^MES^EWS3 Vory dean, w o ,000. II A roolly groot family TWIN FALLS 360 6th ?'®' uilding on Main Si. 1300 ^601 ricy Wllh ont' tj.illir- ' 733-0931 oxt. 2, Wo G reat future hom e altel I Avo W. Culo 2 bdrm 1 _^2l!!'ollor. 208-C23-2854.' sq,^ fI.,S350/mo. f,. 539-G-t02. CLASSIFIED I homOl 4 bdrm. 3 boih, , Slorngo siicd .irni . connol bo rosponslblo 602 N. 200 E. 324-34a7‘ I both on comer lot, now SHO;HOSHONE r = r.p.ico ;wiiiinl)ii.- j ; tor moro tnon ono doy'a I family & living room. J ;y'a D E P A R T M E N T I Pellet alovo, llroplaco. 2 ■siding, 1 windows, codar S 26,26,000 PER LOT. 2.5 k c ii ME Nico cloan 2 bod- Oponv'^iy'Jviyws 10 C.inyofi i r orror 11 you do nol coll II lonco, gos furnaco & acr< n, all a p p ls., largo nq mJoorIoori)(..|'i i S.I5U/riio '96 monufacturod homo. I ocros, pool, hot-lub, . icro lots avoilablo oil of ^ j lo our attonllon.’ I stovo. Eloctrlcal up HigHIghwoy 93. Grool lor Id ya/d. unOor ground lonso incliincludo;; clucinc 4 bdrm. 2 both, on 2H II guost houso w/lncomo ; i n k l o r s $ 5 5 0 ir-t i.t-i » =^ Twin Falls I potential. $184,000. grades. I Call 736-2530 BiQiSlolno Co C om m uters. MEMB 51 d tinm.Kjo Wet) o c ro s with w otor. Fully I or 734-0582 S64,000* NIci :MBEHSH1P Slor VolWy 32-1-8'Ji3'»99 or 420-1011.- prioiosotC foncod. loafing shod. Bul- 1 736-1997' ' Vice viow of Iho moun- R-npionch Rosort In Thoyno, £'■ otColtngo4tOl .11 208-734-5538 I Iain: ?iio.i?&;i.h[;ni/ii3 ! n ly barn S much morol = alns. OK lor mlg. homos. wY'Y. includos 1 Iroo iifotlmo ^ . Call:oll Loulso Harris dV 280- onii'r ! Aviiil Way‘.lay 1. 32G-.»72y • $06,500, Call 324-5460’ flTWIN FALLS I f i )ll. Call 734-3083.* tw1nad®maotavaOoyxom J622 or Brondo Cortor -1 __L FILER Slyii:Slyiish InfmhousTT > PUBUC SERVICE JEROME Price reducod I Distress sole, bonk I ; MESSAGE a I?410-5074, MLS«106144 C------1000 5Q 50 II,I now hard- — Burley 2604 sq. ft. 4-5 bdrms , 2 I ’C*7941 2 bdrm. 1 bath, all wood lloorsloors .'ind l/2 b.is<’- • Soiling proporty? Don't poy ’ botlt, ook kllchon w/gos | I ony looa until ll'o sold. Foi 208-677-4543 TSinsido. S4G0 ♦S300- ,„onl ..xir^(ixir.i liifiif m.islnr poy med»«*Om»Btov«l*yxom'2 liroploco, Ig. family room, I NoNl smoklng/polH, pius'ofcoiL'concJ Ijudfoom Iroo Inlormotion oboui conirol air. oulo sprinklers, |I ^ For .. .- IX.. ■ .L ...... L. .Jl TWIN FALLS Boaulllul | ODING -07 Kit doublo ______Giirngo andanc shod Corr.il ... avoiding ilmoohoro ond potio, codor fencing. j > ■■ rool ootoio sc am s, wrlio'OU' RLER NOBANKSI 4 bdrm.. 2 balh, vaullod ^GEM ^do for salo, cn lonsod BUHL. 2 b d rm , 2 b n iti, spnco av.inv.iilabU' Op<.'o ottacfwdgoxogo,$119,500. r ceilings, living & lamlly ST,STATE REALTY. INC. withIh oplion, 0 5 aero horso mobiio0 Ihomo, $450 rno ♦ viows 10to c.icnnyon No in- , : to tho Fodorol Trodoond Own yoor own homo 843 2nd Avo. E, ^ foroclosuros. Froo list P > -'iCommlsslon. Woshlng- nowl3&4bdrm, rm.. AC. oak kitchon 324-8652 propoiopony. 208-023-2054.- dop. .ong L^i torm loaso No d o o r peir.501;-. S 5 5 0 /(iio 3 324-0202 Of320-1455.' ol loroclosuro propor- ]• Call 5-13-8342. lonsi' i;;i.lilt. I,-Insi S tliimntjo ! ‘.-non. O.C., 20500. homos on floxiblo w/lsland, lanscapod .24 t wVIN in FALLS Now avail- HAGEl ' KIMBERLY 3 bdrm ,. 1V( stios. Froo rocordod msg Iocro. M ornlngsldo GERMAN romodolod ■iu)los ol H o u to ■ tif coll mo Noiional Fraud'f’S ' terms. Down poymonls 1-886-453-4177 ID#1042 T. iblo. R ock C rook Rim dbl.ll. wldov, In quiot adult 2 2 bd,m. wnn WPI5 ; •- Inlormotion Conior. - nogolioblo and lloxiblo. bath, mlg, homo, woll i hltp://whoolory.com maintainod. now bath. < Bryan NowDofry ■' Istatoa. Small quioi sub- parkrk spocos S32.500 oppl C loan.! no-I PSiREMTALS t-eOO-870.7000.- Proflfom Qvolloblo lor — -Cnnyonekla Roolty* S122,S00.734-1184.*‘ ivision ovor looking Rock 324-7'4-7944 or 300-1717* dop. r poor crodlt or past noulral carpot, vory cuto a 733-6333 3 9 ° ' ° ...... li.-Jurw,. 3?0-47?<) • BUHL good elortor homo. : ClOG;rook, U acfo lots con- 545.000 ___ bankruptcy, Tom at TWIN FALLS Loaso/optio ’ oniomly locatod 3 milos , , BERLYVV ’es Floolwood IzB oaroom i,. FILE" W.:llpVvil iii.iinin’inod, S11,000, Call 423-e078* p x06 II. 2 bdrm . G os. “ ' • 2 -bdrms, molal siding. 737-9160,' 782 Hoiiyonn Coun. 1080 '' (OSI ol Twin Falls. Only 2 I ’’ ,,vE.=,o,B„«i. 1500 '.(1 ft Ihfco ; now corpoi & vinyl, rolrig. If, KIM BERLY 3 b o d ro o m sq.ll. main levol, >62 0 e proporty. iljjl Hardwood lloors. poMol nilor homo, solo by own- TWININ FALLS F Must Sool 555.000 7' large yard, SD2.000/olfor Ial. Coll 208-312-4335 or ^ I lolly romodolod.must avnilaDiele OponO vi.'w:, u> Slovo, horso born/tjosturo- CoTl 423-6879.' |208-532-0734-______TWIN FALLS C ulosI r. will Imonco. 536-6066 Jo'nUl _ C.inyonI No indoor , • 2 bdrma. ono lovol. gas $165,000. Coll 326-8817- r 404-307-2749.* pomo\ hoal, Insort liropJoco, Stor­ Cloon collufjo. 2 IxJrm. I Now"rorsS in S ClasL s s i f i e d s scso/molO loaso lo ly, ia',1 ogo Shod. 1315 Moplo-gas 1 both, 10G-1 aq, ft.. Igl r ------& d.nrnago.go. Wet)V ptioio:. ol tor- lancing nvall. 734-4101 NEWPRICEI flot i w/gordon spoi. Gos I k «■., or 5 pm or308-1016* |( payc s 0 4 .1 2 7 a 1 557.500 I hool. pollol stovo, Ig llv-1 ‘ .ys to re a d th e iqiz/iaaiGO't1G04 253/RENTALS • Culo 3 bdrm. ampio sio'- Ing room, appls, Incid. I fin e p rin t. av.-iiIiuiio Mny 1 :).'>G-4729 • now windows 4 doors, I fw iN ago, lllo countors, slovo, H l i MN FALLS “Tired ol ^520.i2o^2BBl5fflS GOODINGG 2lidriii2 I . 1 linlli. KIMBERLY By Ownor : 567,500,c Coll736-2513.1 ' " ‘'l ; rofrig. LOTS OF CHARMI FILER BEST BUY IN 2500 + sq. ft, 4 bdrm. 2 j locks?" Chock return J Dsmt . W/0. Id 588.500 THE VALLEYI S68/sq, TWINFALLS 0vor2160 1 3e2MQurlco.- I Call!ll 7330931 1 S “ yard SG50/rno both, daylight bsmt., ^sq.ll.. 1 lovol. 1008. ic I .,'•.2 bdrm, romodolod In II. Brond now 1650 sq. molal siding, 2,000 + Call cnuck 733-8207* MAGICGIC VALLEY AREA o r 934-93G7i7or 0I JOO-3175 • 4 bdrm, 2.5 both, tllod WIN h FALLS Forociosuro! ______Nowiv componycc looking to g; . -'*1907, hot tub. lg dock I lorI II. 4 bdrm. 2 boih. spill cq. It, garago/ohop. RV ft' 677-4042 HAGERMAN.IAN A-170 Riv.;r • ■- omorlainlng. gnrdon oroo.. lloor plan, opon doslgn. onlry/countorlops, 3 Irbodroom.- S5-l,500 . TWIN'IN FALLS duplox lor buyor/ or loaso houses. Any , parking, 1.2 ocros on 2 \[JOpon houso Sol/Sun Call n 800-310-3323 OXI. saioIlo by Ownor. A nnual pticc B urley Ironi, no«orowor 2 boOroofti, : n v porklng. unlquo maalor bdrm, clly lots, opprovod for ■ 3rlco Anycondlllon. ‘ ' 2 baih, oulsidoouls 3lor(llJ(^ ■ and both. Boy windows, 2-4 pm. Roducod pricol & N792 for listings* fonto■ntal incomo S18,600. CollII 1-208-532-0734 1- or lorgo animals, outo ■$194,000. 733-1875.* — - Coll[ill ovos. c 734-2121,• | . 2i boat houso,;JSO, S650 mo. Coll John RoOlrts 543-C339 vinyl dock, gos hoot ond sprinklors, 2 blocks from ■ 1-208-312-4335' T T T T▼ T T T T T T ElwoodAEvnrEvans 7 3 'i-i4 0 r T ROBERTJONES„ oir cond,. numerous schools. S174.900. ■ upgrodos. % ocro lol, Soe picluros ol I R E A L T Y . 5 S l 12.900/wlll consider 5 www.gonohomo.com TV 7 3 3 - 0 4 0 4 ollor. Call 326-4516.’ 607 Van B uren S tre et P' ^ Call 423-M23.'* ^ 0 1 N > — rBUHL QOODltJd------_ l,59aCT0Sond2bdmi„ a m f :BABBUNQ BROOK homo w/IlroplocB, Nowor MAGIC VALLEY I ‘ rWIN FALLS Uko now I . Mows by this IncrodlBlo HOME SELLERS )ul bolior-wlth lond- - 5 ocros witti awosomo ( ohop/gorogo, Lola ol , troos. Only $79,000, Find out whot Iho homo icoplng. 3 bdrm, 2 boih, viow. Exqulsiio 4 bdrm,. Call Leroy a t 034-6140 down Iho siroot sold TWiPrimo Northoaal locollon. Hv/formal living rm. 2.5 boih homo fooiuros Haddon Realty for, ^ ro o t/s( of oroo w< 3 bdrm, 2 balh, BMropioco in (amiiyi lormal living ond dining1 e06*2280* { homo salos and nic 1368 sq.n. vouliod SSoom& noutral colors, rooms plus o corolroo curreni llslings. colling, siono Ironl ond rw-26 0-LoaryW ay. : lomily room. Foncod forI OOODING 3 bdrm,, OOX 40 Shop w/2 14 It. Ovor-I Fmo/veoraoamessjao. 2 1 llroplaco, S110.000. bui10.900/oilor.735-1875* ' S w : your colts ond coivos. ( 1-e88-453-4177ID#1041 ga1010 Snwtoolh 732-0123* sco : Sie0,000. Calljlm, r hooddrB-onlOWocrosol VIN FALLS ground. Wllh 10 shores o(■ ----- TWINi t FALLS Solo/Looso, ) d u c o d 10 0 B o rg a in f wolor, 934-5216 Iv. msg,*i THE TIMES NEWS 73woll Dullt brick hom o In *■'''ricol immoculalo 4 year , BARKER Claaalfled Dapartment Realtor* GOODING Kit dbl, wldo. 5 nico noighborhood. over Id 1710 sq .ll.. split 4 op e n a a t 6:00 am 1/3 ocro comor lot 3bdrm m r Call 8 4 3 ^ 7 1 ocros. ouibulldlngs. rlvor, odroom, 2 both homo 590,000, 208-823-2854,' i Mon thru Fri. 2 both. 2400 sq ll, 2 car 'llh atiQChod ovorsized ; BURLEY Booullful brick * « * ■ ' _ QOODINQ NE 2180 sq il garogo. Sl09.000 or looso fw4'x30' i? garogo. All klich- : couniry homo. 6 bdrms.. daMlflSdbu'a'lnMa PS8004S1600dop. n R oppllancos plus wator ; 3 1/2 balh. 2 cor garogo:k 4 bdrm. 2 both, posturo, before you he ad to |,q| U m ' i 736-7613/801-231.2136' p,°Dflonor, Ono acro/com- on1,25ocro8. OvorSOOOI.. ohop,1 ocro, $115,000 10 opilon. Cali 837-«3M* TWIN FALLS Oldlotoly loncod. Gordon W e l u s t 'buy ; oq, ft. Coll 678-0789' 1-20a-733^»31ext2 9,° Dace/sprlnklor syslom. 1 made a special bl ’0 HAGERMAN------or o u r Burlay Office 555.000.ml Attontlon liwos- bofl ' .BURLEY by ownor. 3102 torsi This homo hos groot wllf'nlyS10t.900, Ray ^ o n b r a n d n e}w t Chevy trucks, andar, • Bq.K, 6 bdrm.. 2 1/2 both. 11 BollRopldsRd. 1-208-677-4042 ”‘‘ obolo. Irwin Roally, 539- 12 3 bdrm. 2 boih. 2192 sq, poionilol-2 bodrooms. 1,5 24')i ■ 2 lg. fomlly rms.. gorooo boih homo. Lorgo mastor on321 1 or homo 733-6340. m w e ’r e p a s s i n g t h i • • on 1 ocro. 40x 60 Shop,\ It.. 2 siory homo on 2 ie savings on to yaiyou! I 0 ocres, ovorlooklng Snoko bedroom. Largo clly lot. sofl< S139,QOO, 678-0240' Coll Amy Pocknom to soo plot 3, Rlvor & Qrldloy Island, DIETRICH lavo rock houBO. only $ 120,000 ot 308-0008 or 737-3919, SDa< ' (ull bsmt,, 2 bdrm. up. 2 MLS«t05531 PC«1271 Onl X .* r Coll Loroy 934-6140 Sob W ^ T h e s e w m bdrm. down, gomo rm.. Hadden Realty TWIN FALLS p = >1:1^ Ul 20x50 shop, 2 acros, «8B-2260‘ Fine country llvlnfl. ! l j ^ H I -jSl2S.OOO, 208-544.2803-- Immoculato 3 ^ -«• sq. HR ViN FALLS U n lq u e l cClaudia EK6baoo A n f a s t i W i! H<5*JgTFI5PICTl?5fI5— It. homo. Beautiful ^ GEM ifletall. Reduced! sSales Con»unanl AObrovtaUom txir>g abOfOvl*!- 2000 + 8lnco 1093. private park-llke sotting. ■STATE REALTY. INC, I 1134,900.1592 sq fl..| i '« d rosulti. Whon you witlo■ Bill Bakof. 328-511S-* 5 acres,set-up(or ^ 734-0400 llil^bdrm. 2 bolh.largol tyour duiinod od. bo luro: JERQHeTiiaeToptTon horses with stalls end Itchon & mostor. vouil-l TfldOorg unaoreiona yoor d callings, hardwood! *^4 maMaoB - tpaii » eui. , Now 3 bdrm. 2 baih. 2200 out-bulldlngs, 5220,000. TWi , aq. ((., 2 car garoflo. 734-3813 or 731-8641,* 3 t oors, dock, sprlnklors.l ' ' ■ S142.000, Coll 532-0735 344 Tara SL 735-6445*1 - I or 312-4335' IN FALLS Woll kopt mo. Lazy J Mobllo Pork hit'3,900 SId 734-7007' TWIN FALLS 2 yrs old, rIN m FALLS Why ront? 3 bdrm. boih. 2150 134. PHP honyouhovotho ■■ ■ oq fl. Many extras & I—Uon 10 buy. 734-4867* | | ^ upgrodos, cornor Julle TWIN ij d M l N FALLS, 3 bdim . 2 H a Conionnlal Dr. Undor homt markol voluo. Roducod $23,JIh In NE TF. Grool O to$ 1 82,600,Call twinId., vaullod colling, Ig. ■ ■ ^ 735-1425 Of 734-8428* islor suilo. sprinklors. onis ok. Pricod right at D I 200313 Chevy S-10) Pickups ^ HEiiTWU ^ opuoi<2,900,736-290e * I I * f S S S l . fwiFT llvli b a lh 5-speed, Pow err Steering.S Air Conditionjning, AM/FM Stereo, broi cond. 4 W heel AntMockck Braking System , Fullj II Step R ear Bumper,r, hea mosl' lone Dual Air B ags, Ful IL350 cowdolryon70 j Full Size Spare. WIN FALLS 3 bdrm ., Sm £ ______.. od. os. 10 on o-Bldo- por- M 2 bath, don^formal F =)l, 3 homos, aoio or ^ ^ living & dining room. ^ 6 at this price M> by ownor. Coll 530- ~ breakfast nook, oil eiea ^ ^ 1>6or4q4-307-2749,' 2 f S heoVAC. Profassionaily Factory Retail Orer flim m . Gayle Bengoei^ea7 ’ E H Li londscapod A dooorai- L N.E. of tow n 88.5 NOWi ONLY... ^ Century 21 ^ lynn Rasmussen Brent kerbs “o d . 2 4 3 5 E . 3 8 6 6 N. “ HJlh,0 form, TFCC wolor Coldwell Banker ^(1/8 mllo W. of Curry Its. S2,350 per ocro, i W r fireater Valley Properties Gam Slale.Roally crossing, turn left,) ®"®i-1639-7716.' 5131.000.733-2e90.‘ ^ M A s tio rr ti tf r /r» mill s a n joo tiiottaatsands. lios , ■ , ''■ C u rtis R ealty i g ‘ 66661rLEFOROS.OOOocre, A jolod farm, 13 nowor ■ vote, balancod flood « ■ m M M c ...click o n RiE l, for Information J rights \ Rieal E state - Hlomeseller o 80»-30e^t0 ■ , . ... bdrr lef Wllllama Realty.* COle f im w w .coiiiH iulflilos.cani ' * Utch CAST!. RV( < 72 5 -facres.S pivots, m ^ ■ B M M B I H h I Irrlgallo aet-up, 2 homoa, 901 S. Uncoln, Jeromo• •800-237-7000• auloMN FALLS 3063 total Pq.fl,lt> dudaabim t 5 lirtaolden Rlly 410-0438* jdrms., 3 bath, large Oei fFALLB 67 acres 324-39900 ^ Jichen. gas fireplace, Keller M m 3 •PfWlflHrtbMt.Aitt fM IU. IM wd iStMI ox Im «■ 11 rt Maia>m4-3i-oi l> j HI V w V N i0 J ^ < W parlclng, central air, i o l N1 ? soil. 2 wheel linos. ^ i^aprlnklora.Oniy „tllod pipe, d o te in. great ^41^ -I. s s s t dtssa larm Call 423-4077.* 338 81 y I I 482 W ooolami C t. HwVte caii73»

' . n •. 6 t2 ■nm*».N«w», TWITwin Fails, tdaho Thurtd|ay,y, iA pill 17.2003 . , ^ ll'*'

Thursday. April :7.2 FALLS tKIMBERLY Extra nlca, CATTLECt Holstein pashjra FRI 7.2003 FRENCH BRITTNEYS FORIIR P '8 8 840 utility trac- 8 0 UUDBET D I AAM F o / i ^ •FALLS APTS.* d e a n and (julet, 2 bdrm. c IrtHWlor, AKC. UKC, exc. tof.i with shod. S3S0 4 dep. No C If. new rears, g ^ co o d . .byt»>ett>e Una. Can 2 ^ 8 8 8 a n d Pt>ea*ant View rhuntar/famlly pota. S3:320d/o(Tar.-CaM or2SO2 ^ 1 M - J pets, rorikCali 326-5087,-.. . J J w nib*/aady May-e.; - my»070S*T^— ------— . m g g y g .....I THE ACI3ES0NBRIDCIG E-- ~BoB^w6tr 'T2,3Bdi7ns.'$349^95 r ‘tw ^ in FALLS own kJt, sirT' blbuHs, yoortln^. S900M * 5*^ ■ $ 1 5 ^ C(y 654-2245- 290 nilxar; (2)) 1/4i/. mila long..Sft. . Som o D W 4 W/D hookupa. .glo wido. 2 bdrm. a ^ . ; ' - $' t«alaiBrol(a ;rapor. isohoure Cw h e e l arc more normallyy ono the receiv- ♦ K Q 101C 4 . ♦ J 8 7 G 5 Microwavo, dlstiwashor. Can 280-2252 or 3240011- 8?^ BEL UNES. purpp 4 7 3 4 ^ 9 or 342-TOM* ™ 1.500, Call324-240a* n"n«inol. small wheels, infi end. However, eachea ofthe two * J10510 2 *953 tour>dry facility on sila, AC — PISS-Woonor and------J f ' & much morol Como soo TWIN ^ FALLS AdjQCOnt to £argo ? butchor pig. -!hunt. .! 888-2021 a v ea. * MANINURE Truck white w/ 55000.')00. Call 324-4382 or latter pinycr.s knows;ws instinctively ra. o ld, K night b o d . 280>«3iM382* that he is a far bctlei S O U T H wtiat youVo boon mlsslrM. ■ Sail 324-221Q or 324-4265' JACIACK RUSSELL Tomors, Her player lhan .VGARDENAPTS> ■* pupplos, $200 coll oltor s l?immins. w/7 spd. Call i A Q 10 4 3 C-2S80or 539-2580* k . llif o th e r one - so»i-aeh i-n is lopking CALL TODAY 736-7t05- Mini ^ cond, Idoal for hoalth ^ Spm. 324-2888 or V A Q 7 C J coro 4 allornatlva modi- 0 8 ^ B b [ B B | B chance to reiiifoinforce this m cs- ♦ A32 TTWIN FALLS 2 bdrm, 1 I 308-2480* ROLLi.LIHQ SHIELD CON- Siijii'. T o d ay 's d eal p cine oKlcoa, 608 Shoup J l IflSION KITS. Update il provided ju s t ♦ A 7 •bath, now carpot/poini. Avo.i W, Coll 734-8789.* " AB AKC puppk», 8 wook such 'in opportunity. corpori, lots ol Slorogo. = rilLk~cdw s for l e a » ^ ~ old,3ld, shots, hunting stock. jr old cultivotor to now ALFALFALFA four variotlos ty- TWIN FALLS Nowor olliccj m dards, Ag-V anlogo will dollvor. doll Erlekaan'a Playing .sLx spadesdes, Soulh won Vulnerable W/D hook-up. $525. mo. ^ Coil 543-5524 lor ■ pore ibic; North-South (801)920-1200- cpncos S in tho 800 block ol moro Information' 324- >1041/Jolf.* Atfalfa!life S eed 543-5067 or tlie (liatnond leadad and drew Dealer: SoSoulh J Eosiiand Dr, Avallal(>o lor ?ER QUEEN p o rtab lo 53£»*771-7715,* tnimp.s. Ihen cashetifd thI e top clubs TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. 2 loaso 1, Eastlond Holghla k , ------La b PUPPIES------=‘‘■''1' bath duplox, go'rago, p GOLAV RETRIEVER ding 4 squeeze chuto. ALFALF/(LFA SEED to pitch jl {liamond,I, ruffedr a club. Thebiddinding: _ i Prolosaional 0(lk»s. 'ot cago. sgso/ollor. AlI dal7dol olfnifa sood rongo, ro(rig.. dishw ash­ C ontact; Doug ot ... KENNELS ruffed a diam ond, ancand led a heart t er. W/D hookup, no pots, Whorfhon only ono of Iho bost ^2190 or73f-2190* J. MarohallMar 733-0141. from dum m y, inti-n V' PasK ^ ALFA SEED Farmor tliesw and endplayy W«st.\\ Howev- \ ^ I TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm., f5 golding. Enorgotic all VB pups AKC Rog. blOcKa WO, cab, alr'. PS. du- tofarmoiirmorlrom $.99 por lb, er. when East meanl' PasK 4 A P a ss V TWIN FALLS Ollico SpaC- oround oro riding horao. 19 yr • wts. 3900 hrs. 1 own- willI dollvor, dell many gm sa !uilv p u t Up th e 5 A POKH r e, A All !>aH» 748 W aahlngton N. S500 03 n Ot T hursdoy'a SIOO- old, I, yollows. lot tfhots and heart 10. Soulh scowl + deposit. No pots. Credit « Old.SieOO. 731-3295.* Hnivrlowdaws romovod, $250. »9,500,CaII208-73t- Booda4ia 4 ctovors avaiiobio, owlcd omI cov- .Tninnfert;r to spades ^ S150 a month utillilos In- f t b - ■7 or 733-1778.* Ray Fla Odomwtt chock ond loaso roquirod. h 42&-5504- “IR J" C L E Y ‘7 2 2 h o r s o W6-;136-5622 homo , ered nitJ) the fjuecnjc n , W csl w o n 7 duaod. irollor, S600/offor, Coll 438-{38-9737 (work)* TRACTrrORJ03010w/30?0 20a-46i1-485-5280 Nampa.* and returned a heart 736-8503 or 280-2752. • ;art. and down Openinclerlend: DioinotuI ki:ii; rwiN FALLS Primo nicjh 60G-7953,' 00G ______La¥ s voralon. Qood cond.' ALFALF/iiLFA SEED irootod; Soulh went, TWIN FALLS 2 bodroom iroKIc olfico. 450 Falls g lu kBS, Pruobrod block/ --______1 1 both in 4-plox. S475 A' ELDING rogistorod. good choch o c o lo lo p u p p lo o . 2 | ^ 31-0310 -q ovonings or 90c/lb,Ib, RangorF 4 Vofnal, .SouUi's usual comi)inplainl about Avo. noxt to C.S.I, Loaso ls. hoovy duty unll, l r = 3 fww.TwinFallsShopscom marcw o s . In (ool, very nico, rH " EELER purobrod. point il would have cosij is u 'ith J n g fo fWSWER;V. 1Bid four spiide.s ra th e r ^No pols. Call Trocoy 7 ^ . or, ohoddod . liold k T n o .^ 73G-8503 or 280-2752.- WIN FALLS ollico a n d SiSi1500/Ollorooch, Call K. Col! 536-2029.' lead the fourth club.jb. and when passissing. Facing a limit- _ Jhops/w arohousa, lloxi- 537-!37-9902 lonvo mossogo,* PO'-O'■rs2J,°aii,;rio^i;i'i.r OU may have only 12 TWIN FALLS Cloon non- bto good cow sonso. TRACCtoR .iH ioae Kast shows out. SoulhJth could pitch rai.se. you ?to pttdng Call 734-7345.- mi-T'm»;o,3.oaJr. SV«“ ul your extra shape and •i''smoking studio, all ulllilios t w T lady to loom, $75 I4,9x4(<46 tlroa. rocont on- HAY i Ton Tor boios. Appwx- a h e a rt a n d claim his liif contract, points, bul, includod. S295. 734-5483 bVIN FALLS Socurod 4 ridiniding club horso. Irall or 934.814-BC02-Or539'-4819* g ‘no o o; verhaul. Caoo IH ImalotyTOly 70 tons 1st cutfipg W(!.st would havo lowiiiwin and phiy a concentratiated values in the loni’ icros with olllce ond huniiuniing, Also broodmaro, c TTu TT 1 pull typo owothor. hoy SOS p TWIN FALLS Clonn. sh( HNAiiZER puppios 65 por ton. OO'tofis heart inlo the lennce,c. o r lend nd l- mnkp,"y“ " “'"6nglelon on this aucUon. Incis, oil appls & W/D. f = jy 4 sorrol, oxc. blood- S350/ri50/maiOS. 735-8683.- MFWO■o cab oc. long ox- Pa»3,734- 733-2983 or 734-8674.- S T (I osslsl. poworshlli, HAY t)idgam e. . Rin s h a iSIBLE CHOICE------TWINf w FALLS Cloan, 2 ’01 Food - Now At ) $27,500. JD 4850 GoodJood oot hay. , s o w V D v o r y c l o o n . Callall 543-568S.r5 ^ ‘ 1 bdtm,bd 1 bnih. W/D. DW. ;r7ii:a2o:.°nir-- hwosi Food 733-1373' NcNo smoking/pels, S495 & VN\t Its. dual, poworshllt HAY 1280'80 tonti quality doiry 'IN FALLS Bins15 yoor oW. golOIng, LINGER SPANIEL $29 50000, 541-963^)139- & joodor h up, dop Coll 735-0473- Com;impoiilivo rolo on 3000, rood ppioa. rogiatorod, THii'ric lor hoy. Ton balos. i/^IKr.'.'-m' '' ...... _H£ >od cow horso. huniing. K -74 Dodq“ ior 308-2243?43 orc 543-6789.1 TWINTWI FALLS Lg, 1 bdrm 60C0 0 0. 9 000 sq ll., 10 (t 10,„ ( 060 coll 543-4782- 13 ol spirit, not a kids « « , $800, HAY 3 rd c In c l. ro ltig . S ro n g o , coilloillng3,loltroll-updoor5. horsoirso, $1200. 735-1390,* WEIM^AIMARANERS AKC. Homomi i^d culling, good ______^ S295*S200 cJop.734-4754* ?©Cock, povod silo on East- . _ . closo to Twin, Soil ARTER HORSE 21 S - S olOUnt. 'S ; 733-2520' TWIN FALLS Now 3 bdrm, !°'15md Drivo. Cloon 4 teady °U A F GOODING 3 bJrm. gnsIS TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm,, 1 ( ) go. Call Slovo Di Lucco y°°'Jor old buckskin maro. - ED oldor 6 (I,-10(1. HAY 3rd. t GOODING 2 bdtm, t bnih, 2 baih lownhouso, 1440 lod with kids. SIOOO. k •d. brignt groon, hoal. Now cnrpot. SSOO ♦ baih, bsml (or slorogo, W /0 incl,, lolsol slorogo, sn rJ. Francis Floronco r o ln d r ill. G o o d ioaly, bornlorn storod. 135 10- dep 837-6S23-539-2127 sq II.. dbi garago, gas 7,,33-7653. Coilill 324-3903.' 3 ^ 7 0 5 ^ ;7 S575/mo ♦ dOp. Pols OK, S450. Caii 934-9595 hoihoot & AC Cnrriago Lane - l ± i Ing order. Also 3 stringg balos.b£ S9/balo. Call (203) G67-30G5,- ^ ■ 1 : ° 5id 6 It. heavy duty You pick up HANSEN 2 DUrm. mobilo }GOODING 2 bdrm.. 1 baih. and Whispering Pinos TWI^MN FALLS Zonod C-2 ToLeoxcoilont K J ac up. 324-7140/ homo, oppis., AC. stof TWIN FALLS 2 bodroom, SOOO mo, 12 mo. loaso. o‘"cKico/warohouso build- bonus toom, S450, Call SOI iNGlNEEHlNG hy"d?aSilffi°i;i'.Sa;.'c°"; tons, first cutting, ngo No pols 4?3-510-f Appio . W/D hook-uDS. 934-95D5, 20t208-788-3014, 731-0551 ‘ng.g, 12.000 sq. (1,, Call 3W 36 Inch dam- S u alos, d o so to Twin or 731-5030 - colic)IIOCt 435-283-4757* 1 * * ^ ^ Irnaor, 360-2118,- ™ “H>»los JEROME 3 Ddrm , 1 b.nih.“ Cloon! S tSO.324-3317- GOODING ? 2 bdrm, duplex mor/dlk■/dikor. JD 6300 MF- ^ , good quality. S5G5 ♦ dop No smoking 9 TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm, 1 S350/mo S350 dop. Cnii rWIN FALLS Nowor 3 C----- 20*iiol( cab. 2100 houra. K > 3Sor420-C634.* SOG-IIhAvu E 32-»-3427,‘ bald, appls., no smoKJng, 733-4952 or 731-2219,- bdrm., 2 bnth. conlral ^ 6m 1 e •WinUflntor Horso Blankotse Coll ScollScc 208-S09-2448.' ^ 7 0 6 ^ lollty horso hoy, hoaling, 8 AC. Garago. • tqulmodrin* BALER I 'JER O M E molJilo homos 2 rols , S550 dop. I932A ZHAZELTON !]°[ :R Hosslon 4655 vory " d l , r . r)d d > 4 hond slockod, - tJ(Jrm., 2 biilh. No pols.i, AOdtsor>Avo. E, 734-9G8r polio, npptinncos. W/D Horoo Wormor g ooa,^s7ooo,c." o d por bolo. OO-ifiO : S-lOO 10 S450. Long torm Now laktng oppliealtons: hook-up, 1,0- lo.iso ond ctodil FILEI• ER Exqulsilo . quiol SO.flO 731-18: " TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm,, 2 Syringa Eatatoa. ^ 13. 324-7310.'.ij • Iooso Cnil 32'1-B903 or check roq, SGOO deposit, Boltliilting SI 95, Cabin Crook Soo> UsU; for all your horso bV n o s '' b.ilh, 2 story VIclorinn ibdrm .npis,Quiol5woN 57 3 SPRAYER 12 row. Call: 543-03.I2 377 Morningsido Dr, Parkirk Coll today 326-5475* • lacknek, ^ n g supplios. ATV. S 111326-3641.' T.S.C. Hoyoy Retrtovlng-*R mainiainud (or iho oldorly m_j; yi000,o„cr,C=l, _ h o m o , S p o l l o s s ' No Unii «3 & «4 Call Trocoy RTmI MS Horoo loods. 4 , soa-eec OR Allis Chalmers Jon 01420-01331 J JEROME Nico doublo0 smoking/pois. S700/rno + D2 yrs, o( ago or oldor, „ s «BERLY Singlo wido r 280-0839* : wido 3 bdtm . 2 bolh 736-0503 or280-2752‘. ondid now doublo spocos inlmal " hoallh noods. s2.ModolDl2. - S500dop.4105lhAvo E Handicappod/Disablod ____ Plant Fooda Inc.. D SPRA® Y ER E lm or 3 point*nl hllch wllh roar £ • mobilo homos No pols Call 734-4S0-I,- rognrdioss o( ogo. "TWihWIN FALLS nico 1 bdrm avoioil. Friondly Vlllago jwirMold, groot cond. blodo oc SGOO+dop. Long lorm : (urnished. No smoking. obllo Eatntoa. Ask ODoombly. G ood ^ 7 1 0 , ^ H Focforniiy Assisted M ot I".";:!n « B . . , 5 7 o r >3500. 736-2306.- ^ j | | B lonso. 324-8903/543-B342] TWIN ' FALLS 3 bodroom Housing. Coll B29-420G, uliiis, uH'l: pd, S450, 736-5307* out 1 monlh roni FflEEl V a c k i . w/bsml. Foncod ynrd, ga- K REPAIR saddlos. 300-012 HnndicapAccossiblo, TWII Call 423-5253.- brlddlc J e r o m e 2 bdrm. 1 bnu.,' rago. somo pols ok, Avari WIN FALLS Rusooll _____ Idlos, oll.klndg. Now c a s e:'9' w 2 IH 7140W /5400 k 707 h a y 50 ocro!icros ol 2003 : 1 c.ir gjrngo. G5 R olcJor Moy 1st, S725 EquolHouoing SquSquoro Apto. 2 bdrm. 1 TWININ FALLS Singlo 4 handnd mado saddlos, hrs 1 < (oror oalo. groon, • Opportunity.* bnth . 1 4 ,9 r 4 0 r u b b o r 33.1-3733 or 731-3733 • Coll 734-0QG4.lv, msg- _ bnth, oil appls mci, W/D, cloububio spacos ovnll. Ftoo chinks,Iks, culling chops. Full w /d'ualuals. groat cond. chopped}d andor deltvorod SGOO. 355 Elm bdrm mo,>. rom. r C am oo Mobile UnoJ pock p oqulpmont, $32000, JEROME 2 bdrm. tuni . J JEROME Newtown SGO< OOO/oKor, 829-5474' BALL ANiND SO C KET 35 33 o( 2003 cropT • XXXXXXXXXXXX '!!houses 3 bdrm,. 1 ’,i b.ilh, 2baih.S750.C otl totoo. Call 734-8064' Somono usod' soddios. Call ------som , choppod 4 b sm l. folrig, ovon. (unced1 TWINi FALLS Avaiiobio ' 326-40 il^Loador. Attonilon plpo4/nlv(Ivo oponor 4 plug. bock ycl., SSOO + S200 stovo. DW, W/0 hook- 837-6313 or 731-5030, -4078 or 420-0299.* '• Call 431-7149.' dolivorodXd. Coll 543-8643' ' nowlll Brick 3 bdtm. now- ups. ^ microwavo, tolng *36-736-0400 or 731-05S1.* ^ rym en 5 yard loodor S1200. Ci clop Nopots078-5-Ji)a3pm' ly romodolod. Ail nppis,. , 51G WANTIJTED Oo»poroioly, ipos cob . lop shopo, CLYDE'S 1 yonr iooso SS95+dop, SdOkimiking 0 4-H horse, (or r i i S PIPE REPAIR. >■ JEROME 2 bdrm , 1 b.m W/D. goo S AC, garago > Call 888-7703- Hond Iln 410-5074 or 324-3473* rWIN FALLS I m U j 9 yr' oldoli daughior plooso 7-,------Inos, main linos - culo & cloon, m lown & w/oulo door, nuto sprmk- __ SARATOGA ool linos, (ovon in j N FALLS Roommalo °II ‘' 423-6O07or Jke -95 Closs rotory, quiol, ulililios incl S550/ lors. Ro(, Ntco neighbor- JEJEROME 3 bdrm, 2 boih, I I APARTMENTS .4515- Badgerje r Forage cort w/6 I), Coil 431-714Q.' ^ 5 = 5 ^ mo ■►dop 32G-3732.’ hood Drivo by and soo, upstairs api. uppis,. mod, S250 monlh. util- 308-45 s paid. Call 733-0973. WANTE :holn Iloor. Forage ENGINE VOLVO-PENTAV aat” a^blodi 1608/1G12 8lh Avo E. CSinglo Iam ily.no sm ok- LuLuxury I, 2S 3 bdrm. ^ TED: Horsoshooing, Horvoal'oator HooBlon -05 740VE dl }lodo work, idod- JEROME A-171 Almost CBlIJIm420-3011.- I'Ing/pois S500, 324-3338,- Apnrlmonis WANT'ITED 2 lomolo room- ' diosol angino w/ g S p t^tnxk. 326-4631,' now 3 bdrm, 2 bolh, appli- * . 4X4, eoK-propollod, Dom goarlar drlvo lor uso on — ^ XXXXXXXXXXXXX j | Washor/dryor includod. tos to oharo 3 bdrm '"Ofk,l°c".cT i « .‘',o‘'ln' S V:on n ” chain (loor con- irrlgotlon v oncos, 2 enr garogo. 5 - JEROME Now 2 bodroom. no, S250. 404-1660' ^ 0 8•734.0394/308-7500 ^ • . n woll. 300hp, liko k ^ - M i (oncod .icros wiih (lorso TTWIN FALLS Lnrgo 2 bait), appls. S525, swimming pc»l. innosa ir, motol doioclor, now, lossos thon 700 hrs. ^713.^Wj g( g g I nrona S950moniti, 2 bdrm., in (our plox, nonr 420-2907 or 324-2754- ‘^'1conlor. businoss contor, r ------C 0 m4 4 h hay honda. C aso Call 820-5>•5986'______Iroo vidoo library. ^ 70^ 4400 w/1 Elwood & Ev.ins 734-MQi • CSI S-150. Coil 734-4120.' JEROME JE Nico/clonn o onciosod garages. j 1211.. b TW N FALLSLL8“ Paitur»5r JEROME nowly rodocornl- T'TWIN FALLS Now 3 bdrm. 2bedrooms. i\^ baih, caCallorVlolltodav! Forago I 0 20 hood. od 2 bdrm toncod yard, 2 both, ronlorrohl loown. S450-$485. 651 Saratogo Dr. (------: IDALE TERRIER noor.i2f 410-2651* S-J50, spnnklor syslom. 'No smoking, $875 * dop. 324-2744or420-1011. • 735-1600- C t O N N EC T I * p "oibrod b °( pupplos. Both olicerHorHoy)aw003, PIPE MENINDERS Coll 731-2494.' JEROME Goir Couroo 3 ' KIMBERLY aKordablo = = WITH poronltmia on alto. PloQso For mormoro Iniormalion Brokon irt bodroom, gas firoploco, -nTWIN FALLS nico 3 bdtm, studios, 5i nppis. includod, VIN FALLS Vory nico CCU l STO M ERS “ "734734-9475 tv, m sg.' calKall 324-7148.* Collr ua i a ' S M r ^ 3 enr garagu 1 bolh. W/D Mook-up S275.nopois. S: 312-2111- 2bdnbdrm. duplex. DW, W/D equipm ont will b e SIPHON TU EDEN 3 bdrm. rango.olocl. W HO B I R5T O F -600 Swoot Th'»W TUBES 600 1X60 S7G0. Call734-5G33.* ^ ookup, woik in closoi, i ® Muster Bros. 40e. 1255 1x72 50e. 120 ANTIQUES pli hoal, dock, SSOO monlh. ^ v ^ H e a r t h e q u i e t ! sto°Htorogo. 212 Ridgoway NEED vosi, M cBridos. s plo soto S78D. TWIN FALLS ront or roni iloroot, Volkmon. Auctioi:tlon o n T uesday, 1 UxOO 80c,e t 150 HX0O smolloaktabc tablo $105:1-1 T«r Couniy Proporty Mgmt S535535 * Oop. 324-0245.* y o u r April 29th. 30c. Coll 7 ; 32.l-273-lwww,TCPM.us‘ to ' own, 4 bdrm., 2 baih, tw m Catl 734-6364* ______^ II 731-1823.* Call 352-1148*352- B rand now. 2200 oq.lt., Laurel Pork Apaitmonts t wi/IN in FALLS Why roni? i : KIMBERLY W onlod: I 178 Mourico Sirool W he BORDERIER Colllo 7wks. 575. - across (rom Muniapal goil fc(honyouhavotho Ad 2 iomoknolo forrots w/occos- •______• pofson(s) lo provldo Iimil- ^ Twin Foils oplio/plion 10 buy. 734-4667- idvertlsein courso, 734-4321 Ray,’ t h A sorlos,Q, S$200 734-5916* od caro o( oido'ly porson — ______T V ^ Iri oxchango Ior porilal T /IN FALLS, Lg. 2 bdrm., c ^ BORDERlERCbLuex.emo, TWINFALLS baih, b corpori, bsmt. ronr on 2 bdrm. opi. No m^ nnA ™ 1 bodroom, slornt S e r v i c e o id.oiisIII Shota, noods room B P M H smoklng/drlnking, Ro(g. ■ :orngo. Noor pork. SSOO. r loy, groal w/kldo. ip m » j f • j 733-3489.* pjoai ____D*■ i r e c t o r y Jp p '“ y roq 423-4077/423-Sa27‘ _ loaso call 73G-6292* oa w/accoasorlos. B H U S TWIN FALLS Cloon wEfJD 3-0931 ext. 2 S 2 a 3324-4124.' 2 . ______MURTAUGH Brick 3 bdrm. BUHL 2 bdrm, opts, avail. •NDELL 2 bdtm, 1 bain ' flont basod on incomo. 1 bdrm.S200 + S125dop. dupleuplOK. llko now . W/D t5 f tT 5 2bom , S-150-»dop.. ro(o. ' No pois/smoklng. mciud J^ bullcoll,------iR p u p p io s, 7 w ks ■ roquirod. •S32-5359.* Plooso call 543-8833. p , cludod.S550. 934-9595, 7^5months old. old. bojbooullful marking, Equal Hoicwg OppOftunlty.* CSI & Sonlor Discounts. f ------? 3Eiii^fVRE I POUL,ULTRY.\ [i SHOSHONE .1 bdrm,, 1.5 — COII731-3360.* ^ CalU3l-626r 'HALi U l l N Q , bald, bonoi;(ul, cloan. old- EDEN 2 bdrms. no polo, fwi roforoncos roquirod. Call rWIN , , FALLS Now 3 bdtm, ^ j - 676-2832831 o r 431-0057* jJ B a iU M ■ or hom. DolachoO 90- 2 bom. S750 -fdop. Pag^ a g e \ Loretta ot731-177e‘ fn 10 gocxJ homo black , C fT. . fogo & Shop, (oncod yord. _ z 781 Quincry, 539-742S* JE RibM oS EH ollO oy Molol 'U STO M Manunu-e hauUng Chickene n Ranch, | ^ - S7G0/rno. -f SSOO (3op, I” ; amojuaa,.- J.bXp. foU able Ro( & crodil chock roq. FAWNBROOK APTS. J TWrWINFALLS Rant xJor now monagomont. „ . FAI 1 ARE H E M ■ 3-0 mo. looao. Krisiino BE IN THE CENTER roducod!roi 2 bdrm 2 bnih Nico,Uco, d o a n . comfortoblo b u l■ LS l [3)Jofooy broko.0.'. 644-9552' ndBle rates rootns. 401 W. Main. aorvicoIcoabio ogo. c o c c • acc U9 at ■ - I ! ; 708-2204or570-J307* OF r r ALLI DW. DV W/D hookup, (oncod i2yr old spayod Smti all l a c r e a g e s . 18Q.1933* 2 0 0 ^ 253 ^ "W. Jcronic. { • « « • • • • • « yr(yrd, goroflo w/slorano, 324-2301- Ct 208-28 : TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm,, goo d brood, friondly. .Co^arruoatina. — ------a a o a ^ a * Convonionlly localod SGOO S& dop, Sm. pots Ok, TWININ FFALLS HBO, Q U LL L Srog.A ngus smart. .n< nooda good honw Dlaktnrj,ing, RofoHU/ncj. m hool. llroploco, gorogo. noxt r to dining. ohoppinQ, Call 733-2236- mlrcrov P I P E ------; Avoil M oyl. No pota. ro(a. t crowovo 4 rolrlgorator Q ■lings.f N» 8 to chooBO Coll 320-120-4208* _Moiv(ruving. Seeding. U>oaior,aroabu3lr¥nso3 = = oraonS l20w ookly irom.. RoodyH to go to work, a R R n ,. 1 ; roq. S075«Jop. 539-7707,* j /Ing. Fertatzing. R £ZPAIR H . SEE ond much moro, Ronls | twTW u T ^ l s I ’(Siprl J ri MotaL 733-6452- 5^3-5252^0,539.5;.3.- oormon short hair M il Work. Low TWIN FALLS 3 M rm .. 2 =sloningo($421.CoilIo •• valo, vory friondly. S f ALLS------CATTLILE 3 young Rog. huntin ca W« traaet. ^ . n lM o n t - bath, with applloncos, lo o s o y o u rl.2 .o r 3 S;SPARKLING CLEAN Jngo)(p.,good ao0-5W -3a.4-734o* C l3r d e ’>> Sprinkler( bdrm. o p t todayl • • • • I OLDLOTOWNELODGE )ford cow B /hollors w/ctiHdroidrori. Coil 436-6207* i = = 5— i = - I p j p e ) [faaccd. ' ; doublo gorogo. loncod iwly ronovoiod rooms puvos, j f t e p a i r s c J r ltx v • yord, no omoklng/pols. ••«•••«•• • I 1 bdrm,. S4G5 t varicllca,' f Ilo W -H BO No Pota (ioidon hotrlvor X , jpER^CING I w?&icr Ua wind Pasturv mUxmixes. Oats. ; S700/m o; 1st, lost*dop. 734-ieOO I I las. lo good homo * 047 Fownbroolc Avo. I 2nd A vow . 733-5630* damageded In tlicJJcid GrandId VValley ■ 735-6690 odor 0 p.m.- * )5-8080* . . Of dcaitvUng^tltc Comaen aecd. H an d ley accosslbio I 733-3340 or I TWINN EFALLS SIOSAvook moio Samoyod CoiC o r r a ls , bon 'TW INFALLS AvollabJo 3 ' 734-4330* S375mc ^ngOa/Slmmontnl one pile DcUvcn/au/ o in llabUt,'- 5 ; nowly romodokK! 2 bdrm “ 1 > mo. Quiet, microwavo, ” 5 '! ,^ '’, Ilian Shophord mix. - A o f ic c h h C e d a r fit Handi • rWrig.-^1g.-4 utils. ind.736-19ea. 1. J Pollod. low blrih 3 0 8 -7’3* 3 4 - 3 0 6 7 : ® ■ homos S4S0>$525-f FILER BU t & 2 bodroom ^ twiihkidsand j\,f«o le F e n c e ' TCI Unca ■ aos.7^33 3 3 .1. 4 7 7 * i ,, Cioon& m odorn. IN FALLS MOTEL ^ ^ 3^ ; S300-$500 domogo C iw N FALLS l ^ o u t ^ dog. Cotl a m i nHnJc i / ' & BarU-d 2 0 8 -4 3 . • doposli. No smoklr>s/tMts. Convonloni Cc location, l i ” ' ally and wookly ratos ^ « .j v t- . WUv. P.R t^ trw o rk . ; Coll 734-793S’ apappiiancos (urnlshad I 2152 Klmborly fld. Puppios. mothor 20 yc? ======i f Lat th a NewNe Oil jS Includoa dishwashor 4 |c?fSPARKLING c l e a n ] 733-8620 ' bulls, ro Illon Shophord, la- AQ Buaimialnaaa&■^'^ { t It w in f a l l s sakr/ioaso, 1,",' Sludlo$375 Avail May 1 1 able. S om o n , Irlch Fbrairj/< REPAIR • Welt bulll brick homo in dlDposal. laundry on, IN F A L L S R o o m s . fo'Sad'^ ovollng salesm on. raitchj^t fencing nM is. _ Sarvlea» OOli l r » c t ^ I I : nico r>of3hborhood. ovor promlsoa, Roni basod on I • a 3/woei(. microwavo, 034-662 t48 or 431-6447* CaZI aO»108-934-0915' TBVNDlD £ R F O O r ’ 1/3 aero corrtor lol abdrm Incomo. Equal Housing I ' lg. Utilftlaa pd. Cablo B a s ^ *Nl custortstomere you? i n Opportunity. 328-4053* | -r^ PlaaMcall I : 2 both. 2400 sq It. 2 car ^ 733-3340734-4339 • ,'n o p e ts. 1201 KJm> ful purobrod bloSc J R R T• lG O A n O N noed to gro • oamgo,$l09.000orlaaM 9300DINO ^ Low Income Syra. old, houeo S A L B» S Of i RKPAIR Ri^palruruotirown buslnes s r ; s ! . ssoo+siooodop. sutsubsicttuO. 1 bdrm. apts.- J A I.s lrw , EPDs 4 rm an ca data. Call w.22Siid. groQi w/klds, \fderplpc' Ajt-j-iiru : 736-7613/e01-231-2136‘ at Weat ' SIdo Court. Fof «N FALLS $760 3 bdnn. k .. 1 3-6 InchI ppipe prrss a o v jt« h t tp . l n i® ! baih. on cUI-de^sac. =taier at 734-4897.- «»■ ' ■ ; rhe ’ ' I * JTW N FALLS am. 2 txirm.. • o n lo r a / o r d is a b le d . ^ b; 10 B good hom a. . AI . All tools• Itnduded. - . Claan. nice nalghbor- fPFippliances, AC. W/0 . aarage. carport.bsmt.. :MEMBER purebradrad female while JJ v Sw pT B M/al . A Q BucIm tw a . waWng drttanco lo re Irrlffailon Ssrvlot DWn l r a e t o r y j ' : finbacky^.*800; HIcJIay ^ A Kings. 3 apla. l ^ s d v o o placed >rararablylnth« /A : ^2S82 p f i t ■ I ^ avaliabio, Call Shlrloy " z ” Ti^ln,7T»7»nee- X r ® &>OfS3»6942.T B t t ™ , ' ; ' . Ife M o U m 934-4986 weekdays b«- nnRtm w nri?rrB ro Now Is (he ame to p p g F in itmeraoa^ |9 hou#e, apple, Fancad fonfora n9on. Sm. pets and bath «th,*450*$300dep.(i) Qioanianing faob.A vaiir ompicfc hoeolale Ub, (a> M l-a; ■ YAta. SSOO/tno: N o •moUogOCEotialHous- «mc Dup>uplex Z bdrm , » 4 6 0 + 5/1AJ3.03.M 18N . 1400 E.' .Siopby#* ' w ' o f o ! ■‘S S ’ ■ pets^moUng. 733-6670.’ higOpporturtt/-tng *3« good with klda, M mta m ,O n g o n ' | ^ 300dep.Caa212>1«7a.* M662)0<0043-0224,^ ServteaO* nltf. 538-8101/. — KM - ...... Ii s s s s d . ■; :\Y: ' ' '. ft

Thurtday, Aprtl 17,17,2003, Tlmea-News. Twinin FFalli, Idaho E13 ^;,,CLAW POOT BATHTU ITUB BtULOOWNS AUCTIONM TUB, Showe; atalUgleaaI WANTED> 1 or 2 canoee Q nlv-.OOOd oond. $2Q0..PI«ai>oas« s e m n c e in c . QUN8, Browning spodal JEROME jei Country Club HARIARLEY'02SpO(tstorB83 YAM/ door, CaWrwte. love aeat.; for (emiiy uee. Coll edition satin (tnisFwd BPS, ta WAKA *03. PW 50. GRANAINADA ■82Trl-hull. (208)487-1712 dhietiaeet.C«iT»»^7aS» farrtliy mombershfp $700 cusiom, cusi 700 mltoo,-««300 Broncmd now. $lOOO/offor now or ' * ._.l^aauflowAlpla^{loomo. c< ^ o r '83 hp Johnson . ' EvfiOVEReOWAOOlfON -www.dowrmKicttonjom -Call734-30828ftw5pm,* -CaliCeU738<242*------543-«S-SITflorrSI.fllTS* ondEZIEZtoodor Iroilor, plus - seso. CommltladtontMMnovt* engravings. S400/offor. — your old DIroct TV sys­ RugerProbon P890C C" lARLEY DAVIDSON 92 ? a BS:Ia h a '90 YZ250 WR extras.os. $2000. $ 320-4233 * -- - --;UU88&fl8R0a ...... tem*, used, broken or stiri Omm < pistol w/4 hI'Cap ^ Evolution 1200 ongino. oxc.:. cond,< now plastic 4 BBSsaSB^^S5=3 n.i'jilACSCAh dt* cmToTcovsr AUCnONEERS on your rool. V/e'll tako ISTOU.Baraita a2.cuad- 1310KIlOKimboiIy Rd, TF .io iT o e BOARD ook. 2 dooiloor. |= = = s= ss= sss mog. $450/offor. Boroo (off of Exit 90) whowhoolor. new back tiros, shleicold, ft. p o n s, soddlo 733-6060- 7: tf6*long20'w«o33-htal jot ski boat, running or not [ V endors W elcome $3S( q ~~ F A X reasonably pricod Thunder .380 pistol w(i g3S0/O»or. S43-5563* bogs.IS. rod 4 whlto, 12K •— S6 0 0 . Four told doubTiu5lo U > O K O V lS ^ * Call 324-8721* mog.‘ $200. 306-5113. 587-0024- ■ HoNiONDA -07 Shadow Spirit frtHos.IS. porfoci cond. Ga- »RCM-00 16 11 pon * ''gloss room dlvldor' 60*60 UAGIC VA tLB T' L.OOVO mossogo.* r — 11 OOcc Cruisor. Alwoys 'aged,Id, $5200. 735-0036:- 1®°"lishing tjoat, 25 hp, . ■-^■•Wghie’ wido. $175I por po SECTION OF WANTED------= :ury olectiic start rno- YOUR - jorogod w/low miles. YAMIAHAa I -99 W R 400F, Ior now l ponol CttH73l-4SSe.-.• THE TIMES-NEWS Pigoono. k :rulso. windshlold, many vory g low boitory. SOOOO/o- Can 734-68490T 2600500- ■ ' good cond. low mis, fjof 733-0051.• 733.1 F or m ore (p grades, 4 lots ol nowi»'liros. 320^263.* ouctlon ads. and AD W AITED 10 yoar old girl I rhromo. Porloci cond, vaijat •lS5|olboniairailor. bodly wants o AKC rog. k R C T lC C A T - 0 2 fo u r mus'i AHA -00 WR400 F. s25«2500 ™ the auction calendar GOLFCART E-2-QO wh nusi soo lo opprodalo . w,” - .J • o n S u n d a y . M ondoy,’’ TIMES-NEWS fomolo Pomoranlon for “ whoolor. 300 sorios. 41 £4nr^4000, Call Mik^ ® 5 lhan 700 mis. $4500. Callrn, G78-11.JO- /. CLASSIFIED o ld o r, now b a tto r lo s , ml:ml3. $4000 Call 077-2057 iaha -02 TTR 125 L. - 160*. W e d n e sd a y & Friday 4H, c an ! afford a lot. Coll ° WIRL 'BO I/O, V-hull, Aloxyo 82S-5225.* chorgor ® 4 cover, $750/ or. - I 2X50. H onda -Ot XR70. SEASWIRI ^;-''Jbng 24* wido 66" highilgh. a n d on-line. DEPARTMENT olfor. 934-4876 Iv msg.- h o5NDA-98XR70 n e SlOOO.30. M otorcycle Trail- ' 70 iphp Morcruisor,M cano- '^‘Almoot now cond. Askinc www.magicvalley.comn 208-734*5538 WANTED ^ 14* b ond sow. ^ lARLEY DAVIDSON *01 oxcellont x cc cond, $900 er3pln PIANO Bogort upright. 328-5428 ' or 212-5420- ______HONC>NDA -00 Forem an S . YAMAI ow cover, aulo piii.t •t.'wlll dolivor. MOO/oflor. ^ $350. Bon«3i $50. Plooso W AHA -01 W 2 2 5 0 . ",0” l°voIVO 'well, lish lititjc.T. WANTED Chlckon wator- _ hkon<0 now. w/l 500 ID winch, oxiro1 goodg cond., $4200 os ro iL- Call S37-6555* ■ coll 733-9217.* ora ( & foodors all sizes. B 80 m llo s. $4500 Coll w/oxlr, , ropo Illo lacki'i', 00 lirm. S3D-970Q- .^REFRIOERATOR, runo I PIANO Brand now. K. Call 736-8382* i f 23-5449 or 731-9334* wilh ou ' ' w oll. cpproK. 2 1 .cu. ft. VOO Comp Ski twai. ■ Kowla. RX'2 grond piano. WANTED W D ead o r Olivo, I t INDA -01 CR500, oxer YAMAH, with lop froo2or. SISO. IHA Big Whool 200 r, shrnvf;. “ RINGS, now. D io m o n d ^ ^ 5-l0\B8K»yPlino TVs 1 27*4 up, stoves, m andidon. $4500. Call, Now mmoior St295.Call roam con, . CaH 326^710 altor 4 pm :' “■ Sorvlco. 738-0201.* ralflgerolors. n w ashor ond ■ conoilioti ?.ir. hr;; 2+ coral total wolght. 39-G939 - 029-5K5133 or 731-5119- _ ^ o n soI) c.-iiic.H STOVE Amono, amoothotn Stunning. $1000/oflor.r. PIANO m onulaclurod by dryors artd computora. r — VIN FALLS HONOiNOA '01 XR 400“ n ^ r ------TV Doctor 734-9188* k , I o p . B o, I f c I 0 a n Wedding a«t diamond/d/ Baldwin, oxc. cond., 35 _ Relay for Life Bonofit cond}ndilion. $3600. Coll ^9024 USED:0 OOUTBOARD I - ■ovon,S2S0/otfor, Call;a ll whllo gold. 1 corot loioloi yre. 00 starting al $2295 ♦ up. loador. !f Call 734-3044 or JUHL BU Fri. & Sot. 9-4pm. 8om -2pm Prairo '02 10 1/2 ft,. 4 cy- lOUpJoiinioiinr.on S995 788-2204 or 578-1367.- 731-30B8.-______M airo, 10 hrs , 4 whoolor ; or oxtrn lg. capacity, HD _ Stolnway. Kawnl. J. M ulti f a r h lly /m o v in g Vourou nomo ll, wo havo III S450c1500 Call 53G-5178.- '^70 0 hp. I/O. 100 hrs 0 hp Evinruvinrudo. -1 slroky solo. Tent trailer, canning Fnrrnrmora National Bank j V uTT g $3990- 734-2075 • ' $300. Rotrlgorator Magic Baldwin, roconditlonod. WANTED W, forkllf. small WASAKI -80 LTD 750 St-195 Chof. 19 c l S250. SSOO500 dolivory. worronly. Dunk- 3.000-4,000 3 Ib. lift. Coll Jars, books, lois ol mingsl '097J97 Bluo U keo Blvd N. E fib e rg la ss, Dol- ''0 hp Var (lOOUProcoodslo vln. Low mis., good ■ •will buy oil tfifoo, olmond3nd 320-4043 or 404-9491.* 500 Broadway North.* d o klng.D iko, b o o n 10 P”'n, 17 l/2 fl, 40'-be.im, S?!?!)5 ' . -color. Call 078-3483’ tiorican Cancot Socicly)- rendition, oars Me ’ >5 hp0 M(M o rcu ry . lik.; loy Music 410 S. Copllal WANTED 3 Happy Holilslor EHOMESQI8-?,L0t3Of )rogo.S.tOp,73-M7.IO- is, $375. 73-l..01 731-«025or306-5405.* Top monoy paid. loopor S300/ol(or. _____ Call-Ig3-50Q1T T7moa-Woivs?Nowl3 iho ®'•Tony 208-868-0274.' ___ 492 W est Road.* sleoi fjCIfenmoro oxc. cond, S2S0, 9430olMorDr. KAWA:WASAKI '9 7 V ulcon Call 93-1- BorlH arboarbaugti Motora (.^aingto w athor S12S.>5 ' LAWNMOWER Croltsman llmo to como pick up your i 3-I-82G5 0VOS ..... DowntowItown Wondoll Js ■ Honda. 1 yr. otd. Exc. pictures. Slop by Tho __WANTED_ Siphon lubos, RUPERT I fyyiNAN FALLS Thurs.- Sat. Dssic, 12K. rod. full — °:|:vyarronty. Call 738-4805 2"x96* and 3-x9GV Hu 536-6323. — cond, $200, 423-S325-* J’ Classlfiod Dopl. toggyi • w / MumphrienEotatoSnlo. mi3) 32-a wido by 53- long S'VcTt)s s tour biko $ 0 0 0 0 . DORSIIsET lOIt . vory I Fofmoll M, 400. 450, 560 April A 17lh 4 18lh 0-5prrj, ooui 11934-5726.- Cloan.1. 50‘ hp Johnson, r — -^ ■ LAWNMOWER Cfotlsmon, Otc. tractor, running or in oublo hung windows, ^ 'n n i Amiquo dishos ond luminum slorm windows. KAWA'WASAKI ’03 85cc. ;o trailer, 5500 . ■ 20 In.. 3.5 tip. looks & nood ol repair. Oihor s;il- colloctiblos, «olrig. A lst ■ runs llko now. PoUo M t 3r vogoI tractors, olso. 1 Iso vdriouo narngo Bnindind now $2700/oIIor u , Iroozor, bods, solas. solo3lo lloms. 733-73G9 - Call 21 larbaugh Motoro ^ R O W O O O FLOORINGjjr porson awing w/canopy, Coll 678-5746- rocllnor, ro dining sol. und 2 s s ; ;mown ; Wondoll ANGLER'97 “ gloss toblo. umbofollo. (4) 2109 in n Ave.E kTM1 '99 EXC200. now mo- 5; t '97 011. overtitiol' DKforont spocios & grades 3 GENERATOR“Tocum soh W anted usod 2 horso tables, ' snow ciowor, r r tr r 536-6323. (Us ghonbocnbod pickup. ;;c‘ll - Somo rool ctwap. chairs w /cushlons. 1 yr.' gonorac. 0250 max woits. _ lawn mowor, powor n =c XL h K t j E P O U R 'Of' FMF pipo ond silonc- Mnnv olhoroir boats in this c o n i. AC c; old. 328-4401 allor c pm irallor. Musi bo In good 5 nnd many oxiras pr, C, caiaiylic hoaicr Joflfoy 736-2908.* } 500 0 ro lo d w an s.l2 0 an d Vy/condition, highwoy worthy. ond hand lools, COfOMMUNITYNEAT pnco rango! $4200 I23-G20I -l23-( QV05 • _ or wknds* 240. 30 omp broakors, in ontiro household. P /ea « IOO Coll 73G-9312.- ! = = i LOGS 8' Swodlsn copo. Call 738-2300.*______9ase remove all ga- — — ROTOLUNQ SERVICE $700Aolfor. (ian 732:0604.- co l624AStreot S32-4439.*! I’02 250 EXC Very low • S C H A F T'''9"4 LEER ShellBll 1,1l,ls 'OO-prosont .2205 aq.ft. Seooo Call j g e sale signs aller Gunner 1 5 'lull top, oxtondodIdod cab. SOOO : ' ,e78-1140* Small trocior. - HOTSYtwt wotor pressure _ £ l . in groal condilion. 7 “' II 731-3104' _ COII837-0255.- washor. 110 volt. $900. WIN FALLS Sal. only yOWour sale is over. It mariyoly oxiras, orqinal liros, GO hp MoWore Jot pump No Call 73 dings, S3000 QUAUTY US Kylo 543-6142 Iv msg. k om lo? 2 families. Don't is■ our O. responsibility S47so.5° U ,„ ".733-8203 ruSED SHELLS ROTOTILLER HD Troy-Sllt 87- Fit most H iss tt>ls onol New fo> keepk, Ihc commu- p o L a 8 hp. Now motor. Rololl B^RETTA Omm stainless Hertoms, clolhos - smoll to L A R IS‘0 1 2 5 0 kav'ak~pC Riol 007 groat “Otochocchooso Irom. S1800 soiling for bosi (2) 10 round dips. $550 X-li<-largo In oxc. condilion. 'fy clean, lei's work Trmibi,ilblazor, oxc. cond. -.^Li50d 1 yr S500/OII- Vory rosonabl)nablo. 678-0103* — oflor. Call 324-2593.* j ^Coll 324-8394-' Lois L of goodios ovnil. loge>gethor a nd show I oxtros. S2050. AllOf n rP m rn i DtRECT TV oqulpmonl ^73-1-6797- cotion Supor Sport SEC U R1W IT Y 11II . s o il, •’’Wonlod. Now or uaod.d. TREES Ig. Evorgroon. Nor- 748 Quincy St. pridt’ide in our town. loginnor kayjik. conialnod. I . DIRECT TV oqulpmont Lot your dairy noxspnpof woik ____ od. quoon bud Working or nol. Cosh pd.J. woy Spruco. Scotch pino Ioryoo...foaannau3otfto — ITM's easy 10 AUvittiiso in Thank hai you for your AHA '02, 4 whoolor. S200. Porcoption Po' carbon rolrlg., hydr.ilichyd jack:; (20e)B53^)236.‘ $80 og. ballod. 423-4532* wanlod. Now or usod. Toil ■ Broozo, oxc. condi- libro ONSTRUCTION solo good for chipping, il/CSERVi^ ^ : A dvertise In B Lawn Servico LAWN CiiSIom Lnwr.awn S gardon moving, & slorago. $ 1.00 TWIN FALLS SnSmall acreages. '®jto 2 large or small. /N S P L U S roloiiNing,9, woodculiint).wc i the Service por box. Coll 829-5527,- Idontlai/Commofclal ' * ^ng 3 :syslom lurnons Lown MowOwing/Tjimm,ng cleanupinupwork. ■ SAWTOOTH PLAN ROOM Corrugallng. snnklorslnslnllod, Scrinn j. D i r e c t o r y ^-:*824-e284 or 731-4650* HIDE-A-BED, H quoon, tooth- |_ DRYWALL 3 ^ — :------WWWww.porsonn8llne.com yoiyour purchaso. ------1 15yrso> or. maroon, $400. Mot- ^ 73m )788 CARPENTRT p S13-7300 : or 678-4040 30 yrsro construclionC oxp. LAWWNCARE 733-iS r InLESistiSTOJVEj . Irosa sot quoon $150. full' — ■ I CallII JimJ 0837-6357 mattross sot $50. kayak FENCES J V E V G I B e llaQ TcTerra I $250. Call 733-2652' ACCURATE I ^MAGIC TOU CH ™ SimplyTiply m’owinq 4 For All Your Homo 3VCES/fEVCES/ " OOME I CARE Tiio 4 Slonono SlShowroom B ■COUCH brown w/hldo-o- UMISCELLANEOUS Bird- R ‘ Mi Trimmitnming Low Rales _ DRYWALL Improvements I M.Horials ^ bod. $80. Couch, bluo. •cago < 4ft comor. $200, (4) S ' HOME C A RE RohntJlinblo Sorvico Twin Mon -Sal » 550. Dryor. S50. 1 0 'TV. I REPAIR 4 TEXTURINQ NO JOB TO S M A a IP r o - F o n c e Taking Pride S to ra g e I Nissan rims w/siuddod p 738-7404 o r 280-1881 Wo 3oblo quollty servico Taki id Avo. S. • - r « 0 . Coll 735-0379.* tiros I $200. 17ft Now ga- . f^ e l. d o a n and NC /oolsodobooulllul comoimpnnionship, light in Your3ur iAppoaranco. Wo will po Ask for Lou I CJ(docks & ownings. door 6-0206 |:j^tlR N ITU RE S E T BOlId rogo 1 door moko olfor. prolosslonal, smoll Jobs 736. ooning, shopping Callall ’<735-0735. Move youtfrom In homo 10 543-4283*______Iwolcome. 30 yoors oxp. all Wichoal for froo o,,„nrands, mool prop. t------______, Storoge. ■ ‘p l n o d l n l n g t a b l e ^ O Uconso 4.bondod. ' E a r p e n t r y , I esl!.slimolos. 733-4729 S'Komo. IraEESElS E im C E l g , .'W Insof choTro, buffot MISCELLANEOUS M Chovy fry, oic, 324-9413* LAWIWN CARE ^0 .;w/hutch, mirror. 6host. t Call C h u c ire Custom P C ? ETC. L _ Roasonatlablo Rolos. 350 Engine V8. 3 spd w/ ss= Painting 735-8888. I 734-8030 Triple ‘ - coffoo, sofo, 2 ond tablos turbo t h * ro . $400. Rolrig. A Oot BOiromoltiing lo wll7 Soli i1 I u n caro, mowing. plo A w.S1300/olfOf.73»-6080.‘ J elirod Iiconsod general' tow'cor.i woy . . . wiin ** Iging, Ihmming, ~ ------Tioe toppinging lomoval.n ■ $75, Cnoat froozor $100 ioilK’fl 733-0931. SI ComputorSlSO 73M 713- AcovariCAL\* „„„„conlroctor wllh ovor cIomhi 3ITTINO cieon1 up 4 odd jobs. PAINTi ) romoval ^ • HIDE A BED quoon sl20 &' J 25 yeara oxporlonco, p Reasonisonablo rales. " “ . 1 ^ s rrowood ; r lovo soot, eolgo w/bluo MISCELLANEOUS Mi Early Si DRYWALL :n)oys ™ cajponlry work. F uso 4 pot silting, Ron BoBolt 731-8146 D i? y W'WALL 404-6367-73r-734-1379 ! &roao. Ooodcond. C 25 y FENCING- I Howo OO'a 8 cyllndor QMC com­ Call73S-0615 hou:ouse cloaning. ___ or)r 7:734-8144 ,5400/Offor Call 438-5084' plete F ong. $100. Word R msldentlolI< 4 Ranch oal roferonces. L__------t ,------^ LUPt front tino rototlNor. $75. C Specialist ^"g RECUNERS (2) looinoT, 1 Lance Lebaron ^ a r Polo Fonco ___ 73736-1699* I LAWIWNCARE PAINTir™ g " n c . I ^ e e sS e ERV i IC E I .NMngod-bock, dork brown. ?■Soars oloctric troodmlll. In link. Vinyl, Borbod Uko now $150. Konmoro 1Genoral drywall repairs C l e a n i n g I chom i Painting. ReRomodoling. , . I $50 oach. Antique whllo ~ and toxturlng. /-*■ WllWire Repair work. T jH im I wickor rockor. $50. An- 18ft. ’ rofrig. groal cond. mSCAPJNQ] U wwn nr mowing & Toxturlngig 4 Drywall A -f J i mI ' s 8T r e e 13yoarBorexpoTlence. ^ 20 ycyears oxporlonco. trimming,Ing, spnng mointo- Froo osllmatlatest Coll Bill S e r v ic I tiquo 2 drawer mololfilo _$275. i Colf733-0217.* l _ J )arol’-a Cleaning Coll 934-0915 r v ic e Froo ostlmatos c. i'a Landscaping . mco. cli-iinup. (208) 32424-3475 or Topping,. shapir>g,sht -cablnol. $20. Formal din- MISCELLANEOUS Ml Micro- -^2-6904/308.1899 P " I Car.iskJenllol, Commorcml, I- lior DiGCOunls. (208) 727-1 r>4Ag ool glass t( ^ & stand h "" = = j HOM3ME REPAIRS * Senior 7-1287 c e ll. romoval,1, shrubsshi 4 wovo now, Quoon m at­ and Conslnjctlon, 1^ ^ — wnablo Pncos. ^ w/6 toll bock southwosl- tross. tr springs. Iromo & Spociol ottonllon to A J V o r M A W j on-ups, pruning. ~ slumps. Sprnyipraying lerliN- HA rock, powor rako. '3B-4284B4 or< 420-7365 .. aorating 4 [ orn fabric choirs. $250. hoodboord. h 351 M onglno A m DUCT I lotail, Froo estlmotos. rlnklors. lonclng. Iching Mini frfdgo, C a sh only CLEAN IN d ------4 2 3 : ^ ^ , DAVE' fE 'S HANDYMAN Wo do’iowhoi you cant Tjxxxrj\ d r aiWINO v 670-3476 4 43 31-3253 53M 090* typos homo ropoir Tonyjny-734-3322 ^A WV r n C A R B RECLINERS; Loatnof.' MISCELLANEOUS Mil w a s h , CONCRETE ' '" s4 ’romodoling. |______pair, vory goodcond. oi Air Quality j = C u s to mm D ra w n . T KF'J!'. .Q fff or & dryer, oxc. cond. CatonngiolhoCo ■" -i' —= M 0 M4 £SON LAWN House i SERVICE $250 oach or S450/polr. S S 150A)oin. Prom drossoa, C Services CC Air Ducts Fum acos ' homo ownor. Z A NfDSCAPING D ^ SEPSERVICE* -Over 12 yrss oxporlonco"( o _ „ ._ - r , ^ c Call 423-6287 ovanihga' all al colors & stylos, size om OuBSyOancrelB C(Call 543-5010 CXiaDtyworkvork ot reosonal'W -Reside 30 Sorvico Drypr Vonts Chimnoys ____vowoys, aiops. poUoo. idontiol f t o y s T r o o S SECTIONAL S ploco Hghl 9-10,<$25-$35.% . Insuiallon Romoval Z oom ------"A G rooioener Sooaon” wllh rock boilom -Romodols/ilsASorogoo Rem oval., Tnmming,Tnr ► twood color, fair condlUon. JColl l 678-8088 aflor 5pm* = docorollvo stamp. w io r ralos. -Roasonabablo Rolos Topdng.3. Shrubs.Sr 732-8788 Orfvowtcroto repair 4 slucco. HAI^ U V D Y M A N I Sprinklorilor oyoloms, pnvor «??!!*' I • $400/olfor. Call 324-4267 m MIS iscellaneous! Radto ------do< ;iollst, 15 yrs oxp. /3g-aiB83 3i o r 308-5877 |ju raS p « n c< im ps r3r539-4258.* control CC airpiano w/all the i AVTO “ "™ ^ CLEANUP “uflun>un Voiloy aron. I - W-2571 SOFA wnito, good cond- 'goodios. 'i' $450. Aquarium Qualityilttyl Low ralos. LAW tt p r o F E S J 55 gollon. now filtration ^5389 Insured V lfC A R E tlon$l75,Oaybodfromo. 5i D^AJLINO M Salazfizars Solutions 420-ss ^ g ^ l I ^ s e s eERVICESl r i groon. motnl. $80. _*f$250. Colt 636-6705 ^ M n .V V a iK U C ilC U V I WoI/o fix probtoms — : —=: TheuLawnmen MOW I Fro'roo Esllmalea r ^ n J T V Call734<41B« RESTAURANT REI BOOTHS. Urs.Bu>ley>D«ull ^ I OOW D S C A P i W G j ig. trim 4 odgo. _ ^ TREES 4 STUHiTUMPS OF tables & choirs, from D a ^ „CIa8sA I odcJIolobs, romodoling, spclnklimwor repair. • Moving MAQIC VALLEYVAt - SOFA format; iwvar b«on Exportoncod dotaitors I imovni oldobrls. u«od. $350. Pl«aM call OUeen. S stop by or catl ' who treat your 1 Construction I Ing doan-up SysU■teme ISA Coniliod.f. WoodW( Ior DeeHayco(J(alK»^« }o II all plus moro. VIVVIVANCO 122^eosUm otos GotthoiTKrrwvo you oalo, Froo ostimotos,osUn 3gQ-1303(l^).‘ _2 vehkSe Uke their own. I cPolobuiWnii.. a u b o n 7 3 4 - ^ isklenUal f r a % & I *■" I -LANDr^DSCAPING 404^83V404-8336 dosorvolO^Ovor 17 yrs Tim A bbott11734-7919 73 aoodpriOM^gatWorkl 'pJ ring doan-upl B. . I oxp, Froo E Concrolo notwork. I , k t a - p Estim ates dw i McCrMry4w y t i M m J •xc. oond.:t3pOUbftor. . ‘50 channols $24.M . • UVDVMiUV UiSSScaro, sod. bork. L JA k l w n v CompoffllV'‘live rolos. p55= S S S ^ = - CaB303-3422.»- .. A t g g 3 : y y ^ l YARIl B^lNO/allde combo by r n ' O R K . ^ C E J W I AVTOilOnVEl m 5t r a c 5 5 r | 8 te p 2 « 7 6 , (2) adld ma(- avomonts. olc.... iraVO M4HVXEW3VA1VCE ;«l adjuetabie camper Aa -.nl I Gonoro le e o r 420-2611 G a n b « •at»rida.S250,73«8ft*’ Q > lawn caro. Acceteodes 4 Ports at I '' m Service R o o m trimming, m u (sysiuVspri/^ —QREAT i low pdcosi WaiaPmnlng Roaaonabh I t : i o wdglng. All lOtt.M iiii need n i ( ^ d . Maglo V alley- ■entry oxperience. rsiiltiiij ,i i2Syearaexp, FrooosttnE r - " S H M O O M o rS IO O O f^ 2S d W i 'W oc. t c romovod, S HobbySbope I mreeeetlm otee ' k>w...iheI reniR*n are high. jl^ f J - gCassia e s orea Financ D oneen Lawn S ;CiBS2MW8V,. Auto P arts .1 ( A ihnns-8i7Q |_T h^^ «m Service 228 Mobi Ave. North , I . ^ h L jo h i toasin«d73»0C3i. CaH a06-


E14Tlme*»Newi,TI. Twin F«ll». Idaho Thuradaylay, April 17,2003

SHADOW CRU18ERER'OS WILDERNEBS 79 17 (I,.I CHEVY ’86 Blazar4x4 OOK r ------g | _ | l | | - m ^ WK PORD'OBFZSOXLT I CHBVY-98 Suburban, ACUM A( *91 Integra, aiin- HOilONDA 'M Civic 81, apoii- PONT3NTIAC 'M Sonnevlila. 6 1/2 II- fiidll-.cocitfllritalnad, - loK-contalntd. landendem AC. auto. 2 owners, veryery w/uUllty box, 4X4, HD, 8.S 9 ^ l o o T ^ B B B B u p ^ l ! 1500-LB, exc. condition, root,t loaded, with ouatom ar,33K ar, (rts. 1 owner, axo. loaM|CTOf7M»178r ______324-812a.‘ r a r s s s s T T S cb, power doors & windows. tt,. made down bad. lor & brakes, tirai. shock* • NCRP BARS chromo (or FbO D Q d‘8&.350 lS...<. »Ssowottai:.'32M ieo.* . u ; 5 imlv ond intortor. asking 83200.00 WOO Ibft3VW .-179,000} -es or elder Oodge crew frtles. 512,380. passenger van, rear oir &' r~ M ,8« W i i i s . 'a ^ r ° 2 dr! :7KmIs„ fully loaded, ox- Coll 328-4233,* ■ cab. 8226. Call 734-7788* heat. $1600 643-6389* eUantoood.S16.500tofler -J- PORD'97F360XL .TRAN8Mt8«0N8 _*1»18,000.20»fl8M977.* usacfvorylinia.' CHEVY *89 2WD, long box.o*- with uUllly box. 4X4 , 7.6) ^1 a29-6474' CN SALE &749S. SpedaJ S3S9,flS. JCG malching shell..alum. - V e . A.T,.carrp9r package., ------DOOOE--73-KoOiaKr{■ik,-62K- ...... - -wfioaiB'. vsryoiaanr ‘ MoeiAmarkuinvehldesi 'ATi in , control, till, AC. vl- oupe, 84,000 mls„ groat m ilo s sf>H c o n ta in lora 733-1128 doys ask for FAX-1- pa^, labor and Cal;aH733.5241* Coup« S3200/oi(f>fcoli 73200 fof nyl noof. 9000 Ibs GVW. Instollhtioa Included. uN i ond., t7SOO/orier. Call »M Atark or 733-5412 N- msg*^ 131.OOOmlIes.S14.075..' CH EW ■81 Suburban 4W 0 INCOLW 7 8 conilnentai, S S S OULFSTREAM '00iTTT L 838023. 43-8744 evenings.* sd, Agfi-Slor Compony ' tow pkg,, great ahape, Jubilee edition, P6. PL, C laoo C. Molorfiomo}mo w / Tho bost selection ol CHEVY *92 2X4 long bod, . $2906. CalT734-8a i 9.* ^ C a U ^ i S T e o S ’r'®'’ pyPW. PB, $900. TOYOI•YOtA '06 Camry, good , L IIOK mis.. 8 cyl.. runs:ns 3163 Klmberty Rd TF. ID - OR ^ aatlmataa* • shdoout. gonuraiof.t. lo load- now and usod RV s In CH^VY '99 SuBUfOon, 4x4, 878-1262 or 670-1809’ hapa, 160,000 mis. I od, oxc. cond, 11KC ml:mllos, Southom Idaho,*V" groot $2600- 420-1890.*0.* . 733-7()00* 4700. Call 888-7521.* K15 Vortoc 350 V8 . LS. CHEVY ‘82 Celebrity S400. t'N ' booka, w S4J.000/1/ MlMoko CHEVY '94 »iTon, 4x4. W/ FORO *98 F250 XLT, 4X4, loodod. romolo startAoyl- 1V6 TA *0^ Cofollo bk. ollor C all 643-SOOO906 o r upholstorod cam por shoil,Oil, 0 X1, c a b , sn b e d . AT, EMAIL kB oom hitch $500, . *e»sxecuth/esertas, OSKmla, aoAWood cond. AT. AC PW. w/snow tiros. 59800 130K. Turbo poworstroko oss enlry. 45K mis, oxc. Call 735-8482.* "ke 420-2078- __ ' condition. $23,700/ol(or, Your Ad To _ K,L. clean, tlntod wlndovre. Coll 034-5782* diesol. nk». $12,500A)nor. 423-4447.* CHEVYCH ‘98 Comoro good >-INiINCOLN ‘83 Mark Vill, $56005500Aj(fer. 734-7839* MOTOR HOME (or R( ■;;7 Call 543-2279* 26', allordiibio (or vacvacoii- b b o O E '8 6 O a y to n i CHEVY '94 Sllvorado 4x4 Cond..AT, PL.AC, Sdisc P«'Marl white, fully loaded, T gYOTA y gS '01 C'omry Qai- 9 ny FORO '96 F250 XLT. 4x4 CHEVY '01 Tohoe LS 4x4. * w y good cond. ^ -3 5 0 1 * ona. Daily faios. &39-<)05-6055* crackoo hood, nice) cic or cab. w/aholl & many SiKmls. oxc. cond. load­ TWETIMESJ'OVS now S Uros/snow 934-8806.* W iry edition, w hite, low loll oxt. cab, AB. AT. PS. PW. ; NOMAD 7 6 M il contalr>ii'Sinoo 5450. Honda '82 Accorcord, oxtros. doan! S7995. Coll od. 3rd seal, QoRhino CLASSIFIED ECHEVYh *02 M onto Carlo *-INiNCOLN ‘98 Town C a r miles,Iles,$17,000- 733^107 ; Good cond. S2000/01;0/ollor 4 df,, 5 spd , noods motinotOf 260-2970 Of 423-4436* CD. Ilbereloso shell exc, grillo guard & nort boro, LS, V6. AT, PS, PB. PW. «>xc. « cond., $10,000. Coll or■ 639-2670,*536 - cond, $10,200,328-3823* . DEPARTMENT Jj - 869-G607 or 438-8220220- S350, Nlsssn-82 Sonininlra. CHEVY'09 SIO. 4x4, , musi soo. $27.500/o((or ABS, CD, 17K milos; 73;>33-2323 Of 733-7051.* yfly7gYT g y 7 ^ Land Cruiser , 4 df, AT, luns porloc PACE Arrow ‘OS 35lt. - foct, 6 apq,, oxc, cond. shell,III, FORO '97 F-2S0"oxt. cob, Call 208-731.7777* _S1$1S'.500/ol(er. 735-1421* MEFERCURY ‘82 Marquis. FJ40,J40, 4 spd $8600. '89 snapo loss ihnnn.rtJ 1 wfockod 5350, Ca■'®'' AC. alloy w hools. manyny 4X4. diesol ong,, 78K mis. lood shaps, lOOKmis. Landand Crulsor, FJ40 u a s 078-0408* only 1 ownor. 815,000, FORD '84 Bronco II, now Twin Falls OODOe oc ‘90 Dynasty. ??' mis LOIS ol oxlrn ____ oxlraa. S9.085. clutch. Runs wall. S 1000 11400. Call 888-2142* 3 spd.spd, $7600. 734-8798* t/M Call 736-6241* 788-1079 Of 720-8823 * 208-734-5538 $900/o(for « Needs tfons. 736-6B18’ /ollor. Call 837-8324* work, Colt404-9518-* MERERCURY *92 Capri 7 W' '8‘87 7 Bug, new motor,. ■—7; - ^ i 0 0 4 . ^ E ^ B ! 9 n twlnadOmaglcvafleyxorn ___ RO CK W O OD -05 351 B CHEVY -01 Sllvorado WT.T. FORO '07 F150 OXt. cob. FOHD '94 Explorer XLT. «nvartlble,w/femovoblo $1400,1400, Coil 733-8369 or 4x4,44 K mis. grool cond.Id. U f l a l. 4x4. loathor, CD. DODGE ‘02 Grond Cara- “ I; 1 ownor, OBK miios. co 4 spood. AT. PW, PL. AC. B u r l e y von 12K mllos. 0cyl. CO. tool lop. 69K mis. $ ^ 5 0 280-0^10-0180,* ploioly rodono on ingii Sl5,500/o((of. Nood to 3dr, w/sholl,& custom AM/FM cossotto, good Call 733-8110* ^ CHSvy ‘54 38 dually/ II. lai SOU-934-5722 IV. msg * whools. S9000 543-4243 2 0 8 - 6 7 7 - 4 5 4 3 coss, co DVD. built in child ____ SlO,SQO Cnll543-153i condilion. Please call mectoM®m«SkviItoyxom- n soot, so oulo sliding doors & MER bod. Rostoroblo oskin ^ evea. or 731-8110 days* » C U R Y -83 Sobie, de- S'Sg CHEVV 'TH 1/2 ton. 3S0 934-0552 or 539-2627.* L hatch.'Musih( seo. Call lux ITIOOA -ee, 23 II. douDI.. I 5500, Coll 733-139 jxe, exc. In and out, mornings or ovonings3 *• AT, now tiros, camporor FO R D -97 F l50 snort bed iFORD '94 Exploror. 4X4 <3)QMC '93 So(arl AWD. new 735-1548or420-07er 73 $232350. 3384802*. . 5?™ bod, gonoraior. air, snow, runs great. Sl.OOO.0 roQular cob. »xc»U»nt liros. soars 8. tow pkg. ^ AND Amarlcan ‘99 awnjng Only S24,99I,995. CMEVY ‘60 impaia, 4 at AT, 130K mllos, tow pkg, f' FORO ‘94 Probe. Excoiiont MER'IRCURY ‘01 Sable LS. • Coll loday ot 735-0321.* condlllon. new tires. loadod, oxc. tires, runs HO iranomtssion $3200/- >di(ied Sordoson Chos- Moio 10 cnooM Irom3m01 i r^ord lop. Runs won - make on otior. 420-1377.* oHor. 732-3283- cond. $4500 biuo book 4dr.dr. boautilul red metallic. gjai, complolooq, rolling chas- SSOOO/oltor, C hevyr '6-04 DODGE 7 9 Powor wogon. woll. 50500/ollor 0 rotoii/otlor. Call 324-7042.* aliII tttotl lull power oplions, e - ori now tires & Iront drive-0 FORD '01 Rangof 34K mis Coll 734-8504* f= . Serious Inquires only SNAKE RIVER RVW impaia Supor Spon FORD ‘95 Contour, now iciudlnp PS. PL, PW, 53^8-6742 or 200-3771* 4 MARINE Motor works but car nood1XXJ5 lino. S1500, 934-5919 * 5 opd, OXI. cab. 4 dr. 4,0 iFORD '96 Bronco. Eddio WARNING I ^ 7 lilor onglno, CD, spfoycn Whon purchasing a vohi- Irons, ''-® good condition, 1310 Kimborly Rd, TP rosloration. S2800/ot(oiit(0f. DODGE -89 4X4. Automat­ Bauor Edition. 107K mis. ^ S2500, Coll e37-6579.* IW tiros, plus CD, vory C 733-6060- Cail324-G989,* ic. good shapo. new liros., bodiinor, roof sliding win- genily usod. Exc- cond., 'clo. moko aura that tho w miles, absolutely per- AOVERnSERS-. AD ' dowS17,000. 32^1779* tlilo Is in Iho nam o o( FOF CHEV Y'42 1/2 ion“ S4995 Call 733-2359* - Very cloon, lots Ol oxtras, 1 FORD ‘95 Escort, runs but (octct Inside & out. Books RESFlESPONSIBILrn^ TIOG A 76 2 3 II , ox Iho sailor. Under Idaho smokos, sm Noods lols o( lor fiAui original, not funningIng! DODGE '92 4x4 250 Cum-- FORD' 99 F250. 4x4, diO- S9000/Ol(or. 036-5595 or ' >r $14,230 asking Pleasea se Check your od bn cond. All now iiros, nt sol. quod cab. shoribod. 312-2921 * 'motor vohiclo code, a work. wo $500/ol(er. Coll $13,13,900. Call 733-8304^ tho thi (irst day II Is-- bnliory. nns nwninQ. coi” Locotod in Bolso. S1495495. mins diosol. AT. 175,000 vohiclo cannot bo soid 40- Call 206-3G2-9068.- loadod, oxc. $16.200. £ 404-9223.’ publlshod. Wo maKo piciuly soll-conlnino mllos S0200/o((or. Days QMC '8 9 Jimmy 4X4. Good unless 1 Iho tlilo Is in iho = ; ^ rSUBISHI '92 Eclipso ^ 077-G450. ovonlngo ^& . 735-8588 o r 948-9175* cond, S2500/orror. Call , =ORO ‘97 Tourus LX pow- 16VJV DOHC, fopaloKl vo- ovory edon to avoid 45K nciu.1l mis SJ500500 or CHEVY '66 Impalo Spor namo o( the sollor (ox- errors by carofuHy: Will itado lor ntco sm,small coupo, all original, 1 ownIwn. wookonds 431-1687* GMC'95, SLE, 104K milos. Slophanlo 734-1628.* tcoplion: Idaho liconsod or. loothor. sun roo(. AC. hideclo, 5 spd. AC, sun roo(.. 7 4x4. 0x1. c ab , 5 spood. g S6000/Ol(or 677-4519- whil.lllo. fast 8 (uni Asking proofnoofroading, il yoii^lnd compor iMilor. -ISG-eaoG202' or SSOOO. Call 733-1217'117* DODGE '97 Cummins GMC '96 Suburban, 4x4, doalor). ( Tho sollor shall an orror ploaso caD S6200/ollor. 733-4094- provide tho now pur- f o f ?900 Coll 678-4543 “"0 TRAVEL-E2 7 9 Low mile fo rd '53 fzso Faciorilory 2500 AT. 4x4. 81K mis. . whlio. bluo Intorior, groot ( = ORD *98 Taurus SE, 'onlngs*______733-1733-0931 OXL 2. Wo 22 11 1 ownor S-J300.5 IrIn^l (Inlbod, good glassSO, shoil, CRipol kil. Sih whool31 'GMC '7 9 3/4 T. 2 wnool cond, $ 10,000. 934-5710 * chooor C a slgnod bill ol whlio, wh ono ownor. oxc. onrwt bo rosponsiblo macul.iio cono 543-080;33Q5 • rusiod. no motor, clooroon RVniicns2i.00/cllof dnvo, 350 AT, body good |; 4x4. S8000. 720-3402* ^idontllicallons numbor. !500. Call 423-4745* xmsmmM FORD -66 Musiang 289,9, 4^ MJ. good condition, SSOO,i! 1GMC '93 1 ton dually, oxc. amouni paid ond nam- •ORO '00 Focus SE. AT. res. Call 328-4675’ shapo. S6500. 51h whool JJEEP '95 Wrangler Exc. 0 power locks & sloorlng, OLD!DS ‘00 Aioro (ully ____ Spd., nice whools & tiros. 0(3) and oddross ol Iho 5?.'' POLARIS '03 VortIC /rs. FORD'98, XLT, supor cob5 hllch Incl. 837-6561 ovos. ,cond. Low mllos. GREAT now n purchnsor. Tho bill AC, S8900. 733-3437* loodaded, 32.5Q0 mllos. THE'K E TIMES N E V ^ Escapu. racing silonci lasi. Ownod lor 20 yrs.i__ 3 dr, short box, 70K mis., or 539-6000 days * ; 0,000, Call 678-7336* Claaalf!isaifled Departmtfit H S4000/ollor 676-0406* SUMMER VEHICLE. ol c caio musi bo slgnod. ' FORO RD ‘01 Escort SE and modiltod soot. Roc 209 4x4,Immoculolo, warrantyy ^MC< '99 oxt. cab shoM $0950. 731-3563' ddatod nnd show actual Loa opena at 8:00 am Loadod. AT.'AC. ABS, OLDSISMOBILE ‘94 Cutlass londay thru Friday Iwico S8700 Coll Rodo93. FORD '66 Mustang, 209low S14.500 Coll 420-8621* box. 4x4, Z7i oil rood j| miioago al iho limo of mini min cond. Cali Ryan altor S loorro r S. $6000. Low 934- V-8. robuiil Itoni ond. now JEEP '08 Qrand Choro- " 5676 or 539-5676.* 1I_ FORD ’78 Courier ong. pkg. Brond now whools jkoo, low miles, oxcolloni solo. II you havo any 6p.m. 6p.i 733-8578’ miloslos. loaded. 733-8414.* s to p in i ____ liros. S4200. 678-340r and tlrotf. In groot cond. , quostlons, ploaso con- pintoaaeuaorcall up- good, body noods work, condilion, stoal it (or ORD'56 Bus motor homo. Pl-YM’MOUTH 71 Saioiliio todayila y and we will help FORD '73 Couiior pickup-ory $750/ollor muat soli. Asking S13.OOO. Call .S05OO. Call 734-4908,* tod'J your local assos- bring 318 ong. 90K oc- you 64K original mllos. vory •SO QMC,250 modol, '86 Sobrf you with all your, 733-4920 ovonings.' 312-4407 osk lor Davo,* J mis, $1500.934-5919- odve< good cond. S900 JE E P '00 Wranglor Sahara. Chevy 4x4, VW Baja . idvertlslng needa. ___ FO"r D 7 0 3/4 ton 4x4, now: ^ GMC -09 SL pkg. 90K .,4x4, ISK mis, h a rd * toll g = w/Scirocco.w/S c am p e r cob PONTI ALPENLITE DL '88 27 ll Call 734-0853* 4TIAC ‘02 Grand PrIx, _ , O'- motor, now palnl In & oul, loadod. loalhor. 3dr. bod- 1lop. Exc. cond. 420-8801.* ovor. Call 423-4555* ong,g, good, body good. , rwin Falls OfllcW' 5ir> whool. AC, quoo27 11, FORO '73 Galaxy 4 >oddr. «/Bhoil. Call 676-0432* ' linor, $16,500 539-2053* r r 08-733-0931 exL 2 ood, microwovo, Ifoi MITSUBISHI ‘05 Monioro OEOEO ‘97 Motro 87KmlS. ns. nood work, $1500/ uoon 132K actual miloB. good 1323rdSLW - FOHD'BO^T4x4,tlatbod,• Q^ M C'02 2500 HD, 6.0 V0 iLS. VO, loodod C8K oxc. now tiro's,CD. AT, air jr. 733-4920 ovonings.* cloon. SG500 543-5962roal condition, asking SSOO. onglno, crow cab, 4x4, r ■962.' 733-T390mofnlngs/0vo*__ 77K mllos. good cond. cond. $5650. 352-1935.’ S5o!isooi policeTmpounds bags, ^>09 groal condlllon. poNTiiflAC ‘96"Qrand AM or>r BurleyB Offlca BLAZER '7 2 23 II.. lull J»0 S4000. 537-6619 0V0S* ' cusiom rims &Iir03. ilnlod rn non-smokor. S3700. SE 4 soll-contamod Sloops'ully l FORD '30 Modol A doluxo windows, Whlio oxtorior "1NISSAN '94 Patnilndor, CaCara $500 (or lislinq coil noh' . 4 cyl., 2.4 iltor. 4 dr. 128383 COverland Ave. Evoryltiing wotks SlOOtps 6 4 door. DIsassomblod FORD '04 F250, 4x4, Intorior gray, loodod. PL ,4X 4.142K mllos, aunrool, 800-719-3001 80 ext C019* 733-?33-0357ovos.* S350(;00/ol(or. 324-4306.- 1-2Q Cnil 212-0082 • 1000. S3000. B uIck S kylark1 " oxiondod cab. 351 on-; PW, powor soots, CO, 5 opd., looks and runs 19GS Gran Sport. Noi run- gino, 4 spood. good1 $20,000 Call 538-5803 §good, $4900. Plooso call H COLEMAN 7 9 rubber. S2500, 644-7524* ^ 530-1930 or 934-8260* | | Ticonaorogn loni iraiior.------ning S1500 Call 878-8155 QMC '02 2SOO"mO, black, Good condilion. now„lor. Of 431-8152* crow cab, lully loaded, NISSAN ‘97 Palhllndor. H Rod, 5 spd., 6 cyiindor, m l, usmm SCrconmg, upholslory.QW rrTTERNATIONAL '38. 34K. 525,500 280-0288* ^ 4X4, now tiros, loadod, V T SlOOO/OllOr 543-9141,•3ry. classic t b Ton I/uck. ro- MAZDA '88 B2200 Cot) « 41.* buiil. w/318 Dodgo on- S9500/ollor. Call K r FIREBALL '91 Gin WMOO plus, AT, AC, PS, PB. CD, 3324-2700 or 578-2299.' | t 29 (t. 9000 cono. S850 gine. PB, oxc. cond. chrome nms, matching =;: casn only C.lll 732-5512.0500 SS6S0 Call 423-4444' [Iiii FORD '86 F150, 4x4, shoil, S3000, 543-8099- tLTOYOTA ‘83 LondCfUlsor. K Logendary loughnoss, a .) KIT '93 Sih wnool. 25512.' 11 OLDS '86 Tornodo, lobuill)n, 302 F.I.. 4 spd.. match- ^ 5^ ongtno & transmission, NISSAN '00 Fronllor, oxi, rollobliity In a classic w ^ bunk modoi, sloops 0-6 ry. Ing sh ell. 1 4/15m pg. cob, low mllos, S13.500/- L I M E l n.Q noods palnl & uphoisiory. 126 K original mis. Too 4WD, 164K mllos. 2nd ^ wmncn, S8500. 788-2471. OKor 737-D503/410-073r © 47V- S3250. Call 423-4444’— much to list! Excellent - ownor. looks & runs oioat, K l ' C ertified U; KIT '01 Sin whool 35' liK' 55000 Call 208-7884048* U sed V ehicle C e n i e r PLYMOUTH '39 Businoss In ovory way. S4000, TOYOTA ' '87 4x4 pickup, $ new. paiio hauler, slidi J g Call anytim e 543-8676* jnow motor, good condli- r * oul. 324-4203 locaiodSlldo Q m an's coupe, Rosio'od to lon,S3S00: 536-6201.* k Brockmans or 734-7077.3d ai original condition. SOOOO D77 - or trado (or R.V. irailor. FORD '87 Rongor XLT, TOYOTA fi '98 Tacoma oxt, B _ ■ 2W0. rog. cab. 2.6L, , KIT '01 Com panion 28r m 11 Call 532-^567* cab. 2WD, black, oxc. ■ 1311 supor slldo out. SUI >er AT, now llros. $2000. cond. < S05OO. 737-0520.* CH:HEVY ‘92 Lumlna van, I J 'aun P o rU lo ^ 4 FifODird Supor10. Ploaso can 544-7524- jjj WANTED 1973-79 Ford 188,000 mis., runs. S750. B H Call 761-5568* .- 3 duly, 455 moior. S3500. Call 078-1140' _ FORD'91 Ranger oxcol- 4 . door crow cab. or pick- O70-l5O5al1or6pm.- lont condlllon. tool box.. -i K IT '0 3 C o m p a n io n-777; 5U STORAGE GARAGE -up wi crow c a b . O n ly CH:HEVY ‘03 Asiro von V8 wnool, 30' w/slido oul '4' groai body, CD playor. need 1 cab, in good condi- A'AC, vory nice S3400 " 2cor.(orrontS95/mo.733- S2800. Coll 423-6260.- 1 nicO. S9.SOO 5-13-2279.-,g . • 3914 or 734-2253 0v03. . lion. Coll 208-306-1848* Coil 734-5153- , LAYTON '88, 29 II SIC wnool, voty low miioa, i l hkonow cond , pickupllos, 5th ^ ^ ■ n t r n r T m wtiooI includod. 536-2511)51h or 539-4630 • MALLARD '99 1911. Like C O N N E C T I now. SG500. CALL 538-liko W ITH 0619 or S39-6019.* 536- C U S T O M E R S NASH '02. 18 It. imo___ W H O nowl'l Wllh awning,r n N EED You P must soo aionlyS949S.. Y O UR S E R V IC E SNAKE RIVER RV hoose! g & MARINE A dvertise In 13tO Kimborly Rd, TF p t h o 733-6060* S e r v i c e p PATIO HAULER 'B8 38== II. Directory Siri w hool w /olide. S16.500 COI1420-5653fo': * 733-0931 ext. 2 REGAL '8 9 29 II, mlcro­ ^62 0~6<5"13 wavo. quoon bod, oak in- spood. woi kli. 88 form lorlor, awmng , S05OOcall■ bod trallor 42' long, 829-5691 or 720-5907- S25000/olfor. 543-6295.* ROADRANQER78 25— It,, tEM ptE‘93 42 PT. 5lh whool, Exc. cond.' Hopportrif. Sie.850nxado Now upholstry and carpol- (or (arm bod Irallof, call ing inludoo hitch.» ’• 326-4141 Of539-4140‘ 079-1188 or312-2862* Sv e SYERN STAR ‘76. ROAD RANGER '01 soil-— Tandom axlo. dump truck, conioinod, oxc. cond.. Cummings & Alflson outo. • loaaod sii,oooCali irans.. runs oroat-S9,000- 431-3107 or 431-3105* Call 731-0103-•______SECURITY TRAILER I f 15(001 S700/OllOr. Call 733-1612.' I SIERRA'00 19 II . bod, iiniod windows, many Add a pphoto M \ onglno. now radiator A options, hardly used.' wotor pump. Wilh camper Sold p o w (o fS ii,000 for onl’ , shell. S1200. 431-8880* ly $7 n NOWS8495. ertfiVV *67 610, AT. PS, @ k I B«ft Harbaugh Motor* n k » pro)oct truck. i YOIfour ad will run in. Downtown W «nd«ll ■ FORD *86. F250 XL 480 4 The Timeses-News • Ag Weekly m ly • Online H i 538-8323. spd. 4x4. AC. oxc. Bbapo, ■ Full Power &^tupped includii Low APR (Inancing Both locally owned since a n d MMagic a Values Auto Shih o p p e r B l ling \^dows, Locx)cks, I avalloblo.* new, 734-4897* d*lMvY74^*Tfunagrofli. S Tilt, Cmiuise, Seat, Trailerr Tow^d More! TARCRAFT 'go lumaco.— Movod out of state, nood rofrlfi.. oltachod awning,m '° iK>'IS700. 73»-1B70* Privot9lndividu,Juul A d s O nly incfudos gonorator -f 3 ' ^ Best e s Equipped Wilili G o Firsti* cooking utensils otc- Uka CHEVY 7 9 2X2. With eholi? Consccuiivivc Days In now SSOOO. 324-4135.*k - runs wsH. 8000, Call Kylo One Vchicic Per Ad ise firom !* • 540-8l42.>eava message.- \d » No refunds • ^ *3 1 *c•^Over 30 to choos ■ SUN VALLEY ‘90 camp= CHEVY ‘02 new engine trlr. 29'. immBCUIaio ry W arranty!* plus many new pans. Call 9 “^AUwwith Ford Fartor) cond., oloops 10. SWOO. J f (Of dotalla 737-9331 .• 0 9 3 1 « x t 2 m a Coil 530-5178.' S T ^ ^ 1 . P2M2. P2M . P«P28M.P2W7 , SHIW reTXTnoS^ 734-5538 K I 28^ w/toppar. $3S00/o((er, (t. wtm tip out. A l condi­JP Call 4£> -« 3 0 .‘ t 3 ^ S t W E l tion, seopo. Only usod 3 llmos.Call 830-0281.* ’i' S i l W ’J T O o m S S a IN MUS H cab. 4X4. $1700/O(ref. tA H d E *08 8th wnaol 24'_ Ca>l 423-8021,•[email protected] I f ^ U ke new condition. SoK contained S8.500. Call ’!! new high pefformance ^ • 4 0 4 2 543-8899.' 350, 8 tp d . tra n r. klllar tB AILER 7 7 . 19 ft-, axc._ starao. alloy wheels, vary 677-4543 Efl condition, S2500. Calle. faa i. 7 3 3 -t i z e a sk to r ^v i H cbmIA m . k | 420-4490or 736r0520.V|1L -Maflcof.733-t4-taitfrfnao^ A m u t , 1 3 WILDEHNBBB I . 2PM » u c o p \ \

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