Rains Spoil July 4 Finales
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Most of Area's July 4 Fireworks Rained Out SEE STORY BELOW v Weather - Becoming mwfly ninny today, HOME Ugh 75-84). Fair' and cool to- THEDAM night, low around 60. Tomorrow, Red Bank, Freehold fair seasonable temperatures, Long Branch FINAL high 80-85. Friday's outlook, I 7 cloudy and seasonable. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-Mo VOL. 90, NO. 6 WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1967 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Technician Makes First Saturation Dive From Submarine Highlands Resident Is a Real Deep Thinker By CARL L. BIEMILLER which w^th the National Geo- and the Navy's "man in the sea" pressures outside the vessel) they Breathing a mixture of 15 per SANDY HOOK - Robert I. graphic Society, the U. S. Bureau and Deep Submergence Systems managed to set a few in-sea cent oxygen plus helium, Wick-. Wicklund, a personable young of Commercial Fisheries and Project. And Link himself was precedents. lund with Breese and MacLeish man from 78 Navesink Ave., Ocean Systems, Inc., were test- aboard to make certain that After Deep Diver, which had made one at "400 feet, the-deepest Highlands, who walks like a dis- ing a device heralded- as the Deep Diver performed as prom- been previously tested in 120 feet, "lockout" venture on record. mounted Sioux, is a deep thinker. world's first submersible work ised. of Key West water although de- Decompression Periods In fact, for the past fortnight boat. Precedents Set signed for a work capability at Diving at su,ch depths neces- or so he has been thinking at The craft, known aptly enough Wicklund, and divers Richard 1,350 feet, made two dry runs to sitates long and gradual decom- depths ranging from 1,000 feet as Deep Diver, is an Ocean Sys- (Rick) Waller of the Bureau of 1,000 feet and one to 620, Wick- pression periods so that the to 120 feet in the waters off tems product sired by Ed link Commercial Fisheries, Kenneth lund.- Waller; MacLeish and diver's bloodstream may absorb Great Stirrup near Andros Is- whose ingenuity once filled ' the MacLeish of the National Geo- Breese made the first saturation and dissolve the nitrogen in the. land in the Bahamas. air with World War II fliers all graphic and Dennis Breese of dives ever attempted^ from any system which might cause fatal As a diving biological techni- checked out for combat in. Link Ocean Systems were usually submarine., "bends." cian at the Sandy Hook Marine trainers. It is one of the many overboard. Using Diver's "lock- A saturation dive is one in "On "one test run," said Wick- Laboratory, he was invited to do strange and wonderful, techni- out" (or sea access facilities which the diver's body is com- Jund, "we spent 42 hours, de-' so by the Oceanographic Division cal offspring of the new national which enable men to swim free pletely attuned to the pressure compressing 17 of them in the of the Smithsonian Institution passion for ocean exploitation, to work in the depths at great of the depths in which he swims. (See THINKER, Pg. 3, Col. 3) Rains Spoil July 4 Finales The heavy thunder 6howers| natural amphitheater among the which forced postponement of | dunes, but the clouds opened SHELL GAME — Robert I. Wjtklund, left, of Sandy fireworks displays throughout the during a water-ski show and, by Hook Marine Laboratory shows seashell to writer Carl shore area didn't have as large scheduled blast-off time for the L. Biemiller, Monmouth Beach. Mr. Wicklund has [ust an effect-Finland. fiicworks, the crowd was gone «, completed a record-breaking diving expedition in the* Although rain fell before., and The show was postponed until Sunda ni nt • Bahamas.. during the show held at Freehold y 6 - Raceway, the program.continued, Another _ display, one of- the while Red Bank rescheduled the oldest fireworks exhibits in the event for tonight at 9 o'clock, j mid-Jersey area, also suffered a preceded by a band concert start- soggy Fourth. ing at 8 p.m. in Marine Park. • The Atlantic Highlands Marina Mideast Peace show, put on in. con junction with Deputy Police Chief Leroy McKnight used the Civil Defense the Fireman's—Fair public address system to poned until Saturday. nounce, at 8:^ p.m., that the More fortunate was the St lexes UN Red Bank show would not be held. Mary's Church Fair in New Just as the first .test shot was Monmouth, which continued to - UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. majority for a vaguely worded fired at 7 p.m., rain began to fall. enjoy "record-breaking" atten- (AP) — Diehard diplomats at theidraft expounding general prin- ! Cars kept pouring into the bor- dance despite the rains, aocord- United Nations cast about today jciples and shunting the real is- ough parking lots until about 8:30 j ing to fair officials. for a face-saving token resolu- sues back to the Security Coun- p.m., when all but the hardy Monday's opening night crowd •tion on the Middle East after jcil. ' . started to leave. was estimated at many thoiisands rival demands for Israel's with-1 The 122-nation Assembly de- The affair features 16 major MIDDLETOWN drawal from Arab soil failed to feated four resolutions yesterday rides, a scenic railroad ride cir- pass the General Assembly. j calling on Israel to withdraw its Midd!down's fireworks fizzled in cles the fair grounds. Assembly President AbduL t«">PS f™m land occupied in the face of rains along the Bay Last night was Teen Band Rahmn Pazhwak of Afghanistan I Egypt, Syria and Jordan during shore last night. Two pyrotechnic night. called an afternoon meeting to the. June war. displays were'postponed until tht Tonight at dusk and again Fri- PATIENCE PROVED FUTILE—These hardy souls cams prepared for just about anything last night to watch tha "finalize" the work, of the em-j Measures Approved weekend when cloudbursts scat- day, there will be fireworks dis- tered early-arriving crowds. ergency session that began June j The Assembly overwhelmingly plays? Highlighting Thursday fireworks display in Marine Park#- Shown undor makeshift tent, are, left to right, Bruce Gray of Apple Orchard 17. approved a resolution calling on| The Middletown Township Rec- night's program will be an exhibi- Dr., Hew Shrewsbury, with Gregory Gray, ago 2, partially hidden; Mr. arid Mrs. Tony Campi'of Golf St., \Vast tion by the New York Generals • But some delegates expressed;Israel to rescind its annexationireationCommission's show sched- Long Branch, with Michael, 7, Tommy, 6, Drew, 2 and Casey Campi, 4; Mrs. Gray; Mrs. Arthur Fitipatrick of belief -that if the Assembly re-jof the Old City of Jerusalem andluled for Ideal Beach drew an es- soccer team. cessed for a few days, they could ia Swedish proposal appealing forjtimated 5,000 people. (See FIREWORKS, Pg. 3, Col. 4) Lockwood Ave., Elberon, and Julie, 2 and Bobbie Fitzpatrick, 4. (Register Staff Photo) muster the needed two-thirds i (See MIDEAST, Pg. 3, Col. 6) I A hootenanny was staged in a High Court's Districting Rule Army ^Eatontown Celebrates Establishes (Quarters FORT MONMOUTH — The center of operations of. the No Surprise to County Group Mallard Project, long-range program under which a com- Gay Independence Day mon communications system is being developed for the field MIDDLETOWN - Monmouth Sarcone, said he was not dis-day threw out a major feature of armies of the United States, Canada, and Australia, has1>een EATONTOWN — In a happy Teenagers danced to The Liberty" was presented gifts in- County escapes change under mayed. the state's latest legislative re- moved into leased quarters in a newly erected building in display of community spirit and Blades, a four^piece rock V roll cluding a $200 gift certificate the new state Supreme Court 'Not Surprising* apportionment plan. adjacent New Shrewsbury*^, patriotic pride, Eatontown resi band whose members include from the Monmouth Shopping ruling invalidating the latest "You can't get a thorough re- The high court rearranged The structure, located at 197 Hance Ave.,. near the Red dents young aty old turned out Fred Cannico and Chris Bulick Center, a $25 bond from the Cen- legislative apportionment law.. port from-your newspapers," he three Senate districts in south Bank Airport, is owned/hy Science Center Corp. for a big, (un-filled, old-fashioned of Eatontown, Claude Sheer of tral Jersey Bank, $50 in cash by Key members of the 1966 con-said, "but from what I have read Jersey and ordered changes in The Mallard Project was announced by the U. S. De- Fourth of July celebration here New Shrewsbury and Bill Clin- Rogers Truck Equipment, and ititutional convention that wrote the decision is not surprising. Assembly seats in Union, Pas- fense Department on April 10, following approval by the three yesterday. ningham, an Ohioan stationed at dinner for two by the Old Or- the now-unusable plan said lastj "The court has said that there saic, Camden, Gloucester and-Sa- countries. Since then the project staff has been located in The sun streamed from behind Fort Monmouth. chard Restaurant. Councilman night they were neither surprised lem Counties. several groups of overcrowded offices in the Hexagon Build- have to be some changes, and the clouds just as the 389th Ar- For everybody there'was the Melvin Kohn, assistant executive nor offended. they (the'court) seem to have ing headquarters of the Army Electronics Command. v. It gave the 11-member Appor- my Band from Fort Monmouth kind of food Americans associ- director of the New Jersey High- Assemblyman Alfred N.