IN THE COURT OF THE I­ADDL.JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE OF FIRST CLASS, GODAVARIKHANI. Present: Sri.Parvatapu Ravi, Prl.Judl. Magistrate of F.C., FAC :I­Addl.Judl. Magistrate of F.C., Godavarikhani. MONDAY, ON THIS THE 22ND DAY OF JUNE, 2020

Crl.M.P. No.412 of 2020 (Crime No.499 of 2019 of Godavarikhani I Town Police Station) Between: Kodepaka Tharun S/o.Rajaiah, Age 24 years, Caste SC Madiga, Occupation Driver, R/o.H.No.9­7­635, Vittal Nagar, 7B colony, Godavarikhani of mandal of District …Petitioner/Sole Accused AND The State through S.H.O of PS.,Godavarikhani I Town … Respondent/Complainant * * * The Petition is coming before this Court for final hearing on 19.06.2020 via Whasapp Videoscalls made by Smt.Ch.Sailaja, learned Counsel for Petitioner/Accused and of Sri.N.Ravinder, learned A.P.P. for the Prosecution and having heard them, this Court delivered the following :­ :: O R D E R ::

1) This is a petition filed under section 437 of Cr.P.C to the official e­ mail of the officer of this Court praying to enlarge the petitioner/accused on bail for the offences punishable under sections 417, 420 and 493 of IPC.

2) Heard both the learned counsel for the petitioner/accused and the learned APP for the State via Whatsapp Videoscalls made from their cell phone to the cell phone of the officer, in view of the proceedings of the Hon’ble Principal District and Sessions Judge, in Dis.No.1872/ADM/DCK, dated 27.03.2020.

3) Heard, the learned counsel for the petitioner/accused through Whatsapp Videoscall who submitted that the specific dates of marriage and the place of offence is not mentioned in the complaint, the Investigation is almost completed except filing of charge sheet, both the parties compromised the matter out of court and there is no possibility of tampering of witnesses by the accused and the petitioner/accused is sole bread winner of his family and prayed to enlarge the petitioner/ accused on bail. 4) Sri.N.Ravinder, the learned A.PP through Whatsapp Videoscall argued that if really compromise was entered between parties, the petitioner/accused would file the same along with the bail petition, the victim in this case is a widow and helpless lady as such if the petitioner/accused is enlarged on bail, there is every possibility of threatening the victim and witnesses. Moreover, the material portion of investigation is pending and the material witnesses are not examined by the police. Hence at this stage, it is not desirable to enlarge the accused on bail.

5) On perusal of the record, it is found that the petitioner is remanded to Judicial custody on 16.06.2020 and the police has examined only Lws.1 to 3 and material portion of investigation is pending. Hence this Court is of considered opinion that if the petitioner/accused is enlarge on bail, there is every possibility to interfere with the investigation. As such, it is not a fit case to enlarge the petitioner/Accused on bail at this stage. In view of the above circumstances and findings, the petition stands dismissed.

In the result, the petition is dismissed.

Typed to my dictation by the Stenographer Grade­III directly on Computer, corrected and pronounced by me on this the 22nd day of June 2020.

Prl.Judl. Magistrate of F.C, FAC : I­Addl. Judl. Magistrate of F.C., Godavarikhani. Copies to : 1). The Superintendent of District Jail, Karimnagar. 2). The system officer, Computer Section, Prl.District and Sessions Court, Karimnagar with a request to upload the copy of this Bail order in Karimnagar District e­Courts Website, immediately. 3). Smt.Ch.Sailaja counsel for the petitioner/Accused 4). Sri.N.Ravinder, A.P.P for the prosecution.