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Copyrighted Material 27_043998 bindex.qxp 6/19/07 8:31 PM Page 303 Index potential size of wiki, 196 • Symbols • security level, 195 * (asterisk) in wiki markup, 41, 118 skill level of users, 194 %ATTACHURL% TWiki variable, 145 system requirements, 215–217 %ATTACHURLPATH% TWiki variable, 50 technical expertise, 197 - (dashes) in wiki markup, 40–41, 120–121 for walkabout examples, 203 $ (dollar sign) for variable parameters, 256 yourself as wiki champion, 197 %DRAWING% TWiki variable, 278 asterisk (*) in wiki markup, 41, 118 ! (exclamation mark) preventing links, 134 Atkinson, Bill (HyperCard creator), 24–25 % (percent signs) enclosing variables, 255 Atlassian’s Confluence wiki, 29, 139, 198 + (plus sign) for wiki markup heading attaching files to pages levels, 40–41, 120–121 linking to attachments, 144–145 ? (question mark) uploading attachments, 142–144 creating page by clicking, 45–46, 136 as wiki engine feature, 16 for links to pages not yet existing, 45, 136 wiki engine variations for, 141 %SEARCH% variable (TWiki), 259–260 %ATTACHURL% TWiki variable, 145 [ ] (square brackets) %ATTACHURLPATH% TWiki variable, 50 for categories in MediaWiki, 148 attitudes, wiki, 283–286 double, for free linking, 134–135, 140–141 attracting users double, for Wikipedia internal links, 88–89 advertising, 186 single, for Wikipedia named links, 90 assisting the wiki, 186–187 for WikiSpaces links, 110 challenges for, 179 | (vertical bar or pipe) in wiki markup, collaboration, promoting, 184–185 122–123, 135 to community wikis, 185–187 confusing your audience, avoiding, 180 controversy, avoiding, 182 • A • educating users, 181, 184 elevator pitch for, 179 access control, 27, 249–250 encouraging boldness, 185 ActionTrackerPlugin, 279 Field of Dreams syndrome, avoiding, 181 administrator role, 23, 225, 228, 289 focusing the wiki, 186 advertising on wikis, 115–116 COPYRIGHTEDinstigating MATERIAL use, 184 advocacy wikis, 70–72 neglecting your wiki, avoiding, 180–181 alphabetical taxonomy, 155 to office wikis, 187–188 Apache server, 217 overdesigning, avoiding, 182 application wikis, 29, 30. See also form- overmanaging, avoiding, 182 based wiki applications removing barriers, 184–185 ArborWiki, 74–75 seeding your wiki, 183–184, 229 assessing wiki requirements spamming, avoiding, 181 automation, 196 suicide missions, avoiding, 182–183 number of contributors, 194–195 wiki life cycle, 188–190 number of viewers, 195 automation, 172, 196. See also templates 27_043998 bindex.qxp 6/19/07 8:31 PM Page 304 304 Wikis For Dummies Center for Media and Democracy, 71 • B • Central Desktop wiki, 100, 103, 298–299 backing up your wiki, 239, 251–252 champion. See wiki champion backlinks, 16, 168 change markups, 227 barriers to wiki use, removing, 184–185 change notifications, 16, 248–249 Baseball Reference Bullpen wiki, 58–59, Change Patrol 156, 170, 171 quality control patrol, 288 Bellizzi, Dominick (WikiSpaces creator), 104 rolling back changes, 243–247 BibleWiki, 58, 136–137, 155 running your own, 243–249 BlackListPlugin, 279 tracking recent changes, 247–249 blogs, wikis versus, 14 at Wikipedia, 234, 240 BluWiki hosted wikis, 17, 29 Changes link, 35, 52. See also recently bold formatting, wiki markup for, 118, 123 changed pages list boldness, 185, 284 ChartPlugin, 279 brackets. See square brackets ([ ]) child pages, creating, 48 BrainKeeper wiki, 100, 103 citations for Wikipedia, 91 bread crumbs, 36–37, 47–48, 167 Claroline Development wiki, 65 Bricklin, Dan (wikiCalc creator), 299 Client Access to Integrated Services brochureware wikis, 78, 161, 162 Information (CAISI) wiki, 72 bulletin boards or forums, wikis versus, 14 clubhouse wikis, 76–77 bullets collaboration, promoting, 184–185 in HTML versus wiki markup, 15 Colombo, Sean (CosmeticsWiki creator), 59 wiki markup for, 15, 41, 120, 121–122 colors in wiki design, 152, 172, 174 businesses. See office wikis; organizations CommentPlugin, 276 Byers, James (WikiSpaces creator), 104 commercial wikis, 27, 28–29. See also hosted wikis; wiki engines communities of wiki people • C • attitudes for, 283–286 culture created by, 13 CAISI (Client Access to Integrated Services help for wiki engine installation from, 218 Information) wiki, 72 life cycle, 22–23 CalendarPlugin, 279 overview, 21–22 camel case. See also WikiWords roles, 22–23, 287–290 in brand names, 133 unfinished content created by, 20, 56 defined, 19, 44 variety of, 9 examples, 44, 132 Wikipedia Community Portal, 93 question mark after word, 45, 136 community wikis rules for, 133 advertising, 186 canceling edits, 41, 88 assisting the wiki, 186–187 CAS 100B Course at Penn State wiki, 73 clubhouse, 76–77 case sensitivity defined, 21, 56, 185 of camel case, 44, 132–133 entertainment, 75–76 of Wikipedia links, 89 focusing, 186 Case Western Reserve University Wiki, 155 front page design for, 161 categories geographical, 74–75 defined, 148 hosted, 102–103 further information, 149 overview, 73–74, 102–103 tags versus, 149 starting, 185–187 using in MediaWiki, 148 technology, 77 in wiki design, 163–165 27_043998 bindex.qxp 6/19/07 8:31 PM Page 305 Index 305 companies. See office wikis; organizations databases. See also form-based wiki Comprehensive Perl Archive Network applications; structured wikis (CPAN), 216 defined, 254 configure script (TWiki), 221–224 home page creation, 266 Confluence wiki (Atlassian), 29, 139, 198 office wikis for, 293 connecting to the Web server, 220–221 with structured wikis, 254 consultant (Internet mechanic), wikis versus, 13 211, 212–214 dedicated server, 211 content management systems, 14, 198 deleting or removing content-focused wikis canceling edits, 41, 88 defined, 21, 56 change markups for, 227 front page design for, 159, 160 orphan pages, 138 hobbyist, 60–62 pruning wikis, 104, 189, 226, 227–228, 231 hosted, 103–104 rolling back changes, 231–234, 239, 240, hybrids, 56, 65 243–247 overview, 57, 103–104 deploying wikis, 188 reference, 57–60 designing wikis section page design for, 162–163 categories for pages, 163–165 technical documentation, 64–65 copying effective designs, 153 travel, 62–64 Edward Tufte on, 153 wiki engines for, 198 fonts, colors, and images, 152, 172–175 contributing. See editing wiki pages forms and variables for, 172 contributor role, 23, 228, 288, 289–290 four dimensions of design, 151–152 controversy, 182, 240–242 front page, 159–161 CookbookWiki, 61 headers and footers, 166, 167–168 CosmeticsWiki, 59–60 left-hand navigation, 165, 166–167 cospire wiki, 100, 104 linking in patterns, 157–158 CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive navigational paths, 159–169 Network), 216 overdesigning, avoiding, 182 critic role, 290 page naming patterns for, 158–159 Cunningham, Ward (wiki creator) section pages, 162–163 camel case linking created by, 131 supporting pages, 169 characteristics derived from wiki of, 15 taxonomy considerations, 152–157 generosity of, 11 templates for, 151, 169–172 invention of wikis by, 9, 11, 25–26 themes for, 173–174 Portland Pattern Repository of, 11, 26 desktop wikis, 30, 192–193 vision of, 9 development wiki engines, 193 wiki markup invented by, 26 dictionary wiki, 57 wikis named by, 26 disaster planning, 250–252 WikiWikiWeb of, 69–70 document mode Curriki, 72, 73 combining with thread mode, 127 described, 117, 126 inverted triangle structure of, 128 • D • other modes compared to, 127–128 dashes (-) in wiki markup, 40–41, 120–121 refactoring comments, 128 DatabasePlugin, 279 using, 128–129 documentation, wikis for, 295 27_043998 bindex.qxp 6/19/07 8:31 PM Page 306 306 Wikis For Dummies DokuWiki, 28, 37, 198, 207–208 tracking versions and changes, 51–53, dollar sign ($) for variable parameters, 256 247–249 downloading TWiki engine, 34–35, TWiki Sandbox pages for practice, 38 219–220, 254 wiki engine requirements, 194–195 %DRAWING% TWiki variable, 278 Wikipedia entries, 85–88, 92–93 WYSIWYG, 42–43, 108, 109, 124 hosted wiki, 78, 100, 102 • E • editor role, 22, 228 early adopters of wikis, 16–17, 27–28 EditTablePlugin, 277–278 ease-of-use wikis educating users, 181, 184, 226, 228, 230–231 defined, 21, 56 educational wikis, 72–73 hosted, 102 elevator pitch, 179 overview, 77–78, 102 e-mail personal and family, 78–79 address conventions in this book, 2 small business brochure, 78 “To All,” office wikis for reducing, 292–293 easier is better attitude, 284 TWiki mailing lists, 218 eBay Wiki, 66–67 wikis versus, 13–14 Eco, Umberto (The Mysterious Flame of Encyclopedia Britannica Online, 82–84, 91 Queen Loana), 229 Encyclopedia Gamia, 62, 170 editing wiki pages. See also links; wiki ending your wiki, 190 markup engineers as early adopters, 16–17, 27–28 attaching files, 49–51 engines. See wiki engines canceling edits, 41 enterprise wikis, 29, 100 CommentPlugin for, 276 entertainment wikis, 75–76 controlling editing access, 249–250 enthusiasm, as security threat, 242 creating a page at hosted wikis, 107 erasing. See deleting or removing creating a page at PBwiki, 19–20 E398 Essentials wiki, 77 creating a page at TWiki, 45–47 evangelist role, 288 creating a Wikipedia entry, 85 EvoWiki, 71 creating child pages, 48 example setting, 285 ease of, 15 exclamation mark (!) preventing links, 134 finding lost or orphan pages, 48–49, 138 Extreme Programming, 25 formatting Wikipedia entries, 86–87 at hosted wikis, 108–109 HTML formatting and layout, 125–126 • F • identifying parent pages, 47–48 family wikis, 78–79 links to tools for, 38–39 favicons, 175 modes or patterns for pages, 117, 126–130 Field of Dreams syndrome, 181 previewing pages, 41 FlexWiki (Microsoft), 28, 302 printing pages, 51 focusing the wiki, 186 pruning, 104,
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