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Tr ;3:Il:,8?,3883:Ji aD.if /'Fax : 080-25586321 'a^J tr *d-reers/ E-mail: [email protected] ;3:il:,8?,3883:Ji" dn"t,Erf / Website: 25588142,25586520 doare"gdoaa;, dJaedd Do$o$eo a3:ode Karnataka StatePollution Control Board "dOidddd", 1 ood sdeaildBrld:, do.49,Cz-=srteotr, a^JodCocb - 560 001, dnor$d, qndd "ParisaraBhdvana", 1st to Sth Floor, # 49,Church Street, Bengaluru - 560 001, Karnataka, INDIA KrADB-43osompura2*stase / By REGD. posr wrrH ACK. DUE / (This document contains 02 pages including Annexures) No.PCB/341/CNP/1 ot11 113 3 Dated: To The DevelopmentOfficer-lll & ExecutiveEnginet ArvindBhavan, 1-'Floor, N.T. Road, Banqalore- 560001. Sir, Sub: Consentfor establishmentto developan In Acres at SompuraIndustrial Area 2ndStag Annexure-l)of Beeragondanahalli,Hosahe ThyamagondluHobli and Laxmanapura, BharathipuraVillage of Sompura Hobli, I RuralDistrict by M/s.Kamataka IndustrialArea Development Board. Ref: 1. CFE issuedby the Boardvide No. PCB/341iCNPl10lH-1359dated 11.01.2013 2. Projectproponent letter dated 17.01.2013. 3. RegionalOfficer,Nelamangala lettervide No. 613 dated 08.02.2013. 4. E.C.dated 10.01.2013 issued by Ministryof Environmentand Forests. ) ) Preamble: The Boardvide ref.(1)has issued consentfor establishmentto M/s. Karnataka IndustrialArea DevelopmentBoard, to develoilan IndustrialArea in an area of 430 Acres 06 Guntas at SompuraIndustrial Area 2ndStage in variousSy. Nos. (as per Annexure-l)of Beeragondanahalli,Hosahalli & MakanakuppeVillages of Thyamagondlu Hobli and Laxmanapura, Pemmanahalli, Niduvanda & BharathipuraVillage of Sompura Hobli, NelamangalaTaluk, BangaloreRural Districtas per the RegionalOfficer recommi:ndation. Further the proponenthas obtainedE.C. for area of 550 Ha. From Ministryof Environmentand Forestsvide dated10.01 .2013. tt . \,q-tro[ll r I rlJ}M- ' Senior Enr Officer (l/c) ,/q. Now,the projectproponent videref. (2), has requestedto amendthe cFE at ref. (2) for an extentof randis 530 Acresinstead of 430 Acres,06 Guntasfor which Notification is issuedand layout plan is drawn. consideringthe request, followingaddendum is issuedto CFEcited at ref.(1). ADDENDUM fn the consent for establishmentissued vide ref. (1), the extentof tandmentioned as 430Acres 06 Guirtasshail be repracedand read as s30Acres- i All otherterms and conditions remain same and unartered. ) The receiptof thisletter may please be acknowledged For and on behatfof KarnatakaState pollution Control Board ) _) s6 / Fax:080-25586321 ''t 25581383.25589112 ^J r' *d:eef / E-mail: [email protected] 2s588151'.2ssll27o 25588142,25586520 d?rf{[,f / Website:,in dpare;door, d.n-doeoSo$ra' CroCp Karnatake StatePoilution Control Board "doidrJdd", 1 ood sde;J:derld.r, Co.49, '*=t'ti:t^f, zicd$ocb- 560001, d;nrcd, qndd "ParisaraBhavana", 1st to SthFloor, # 49,Cilurch Street, Bengaluru - 560 001, Karnataka, INDIA KrADB-43osompura2dstase / By REGD. posr \i,/rrH ACK. DUE / (This document contains 06 pages including Annexures) No.pcB/341lcNP/1 ot H | 359 o"l"o1JA Al 2013 To The DevelopmentOfficer-lll & Execu-iveEngineer, KarnatakaIndustrial Area DevelopmeniBoard, KIADBZonalOffice, ArvindBhavan, 1"'Floor, N.T. Road. Bangalore- 560001. Sir. Sub: Consentfor establishmentto cevelopan lndustrialArea in an area of 430 Acres 06 Guntasat SompuraIndustrial Area 2nd Stage in variousSy. Nos. (as per Annexure-l)of Beeragondanahalli,Hosahalli & Makanakuppe Villages of ThyamagondluHobli and Laxmanapura,Pemmanahalli, Niduvanda& BharathipouraVillage of SompuraHobli, Nelamangala Taluk, BangaloreRural Districtby Mis. KamatakaIndustrial Area Development Board. Ref: 1. CFEapplications received at RegionalOffice,KSPCB, Nelamangala on 18.10.2012. 2. Inspectionof the proposedproject site by Officerof the RegionalOffice, KSPCB,Nelamangala on 08.11.2012. 3. Proceedingsof the consentcommittee meeting held on 22.12.2012. g)F>g>g> With referenceto the above,it is to be informedthat ttiis Boardhereby accords Consentfor Establishmentunder the Water(Prevention & Controlof Pollution)Act 1974 to develop an lndustrialArea in an area of 43b Acres 06 Guntas at Sompura| Beeragondanahalli,Hosahalli & MakanakuppeVillages of Thyamagondlu Hobli and Laxmanapura,Pemmanahalli, Niduvanda & BharathipouraVillage of Sompura Hobli, NelamangalaTaluk, Bangalore Rural District by Mis. Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board, subject to the following conditions. T.G.HALLI CATGHMENT AREA REGULATION: 1. This CFE is issuedwithout prejudice to any courtcases pending in any Hon'bleCourt. 2. The KIADBauthorities shall strictlyfollow T.G. Halli catchmentArea RegulationNotification issued bv Government.of Karnataka on 18.11.2003. As the Sy. Nos.3511,2A,28,2C, 3, 4A,48 & 35/5of Makanakuppeand Sy. Nos. 12912P3of Niduvandaare comingin Zone-lllof T.G. Halli catchmentArea RegulationNotification dated 18.11.2003,no industrial activitiesor any otheractivities in contraryto the said notiflcationshall be takenup. 4. The KIADB authoritiesshall strictlyfollow T.G. Halli catchmentarea Notificationdated 18.1 1.2003 in allotment. 5. The Sy. Nos. given in Annexure-l is as furnished by the KIADB authoritiesand theyshall ensure the same in complianceto T.G.Halli in respectof Zonalregulation in allotmentof Plots. o. lndividualunits allottedshall obtain seoarateCFE and CFO from the Board. 7. As the proposedarea comes under T.G.Hallireservoir catchment area the aprplicantshall strictlyfollow the below directionsissued by the Governmentof Karnatakaon T.G. Halli reservoircatchment area vide Notificationdated 1 8.1 1.2003. a) Overexploitation of groundwater shallnot be made. b) Solidand liquidwaste shall be disposedscientifically. c) Rainwater harvesting systems shall be adopted. d) Organicfarming including bio-fertilizer and bio-pesticideshall be promoted. ll. EnvironmentalAspects and Managementduring the courseof construction: a) The applicantshall arrangeservices like housing facility,water supply, sewagefacilities on a temporarybasis at constructionsite and sameshall be maintainedwithout any adverseimpact on the environment. b) The applicantshall control the movementof vehiclescarrying construction materialsin orderto avoidnoise pollution in the surrounding. \ I III. WATERCONS.UMPTION: 1. The total water consumptionfor the above projectactivity shall not exceed 2000 KLD. IV. WATER POLLUTIONGONTROL: 1. IndividualUnits shall install effluent treatment Plants/Sewage Treatment Plantsin theirunits after obtaining separate CFE fromthe Board. IV.AIR POLLUTIONCONTROL: 1. lndividualunits shall obtainCFE and CFO for installationof air pollution sourcesto be installedin theirpremises. 2. The applicantshall providedust suppressionsystems with water sprinkling systemduring construction period. 3. The applicantshould make provisions for dual pipingsystem to use the treated sewagewater for toiletflushing, gardenlng and other purposes ^\ V- NOISEPOLLUTION CONTROL: 1' The applicantshall ensure thai il':=a.qbient noise levels and ambientair quality within its premisesduring consfuciion and aiter constructionshall not exceed the limitsspecified in the Environrnent (proiection)Rures, i.e., the noise revel from the_noisegenerating equipments ilz, OC sets, AC'units etc,, shall not exceed55 dB(A)Leq during day firr,eano as dB(A)Leq Juringnight time. Vl. MoEF E.c. COND|T|ONS: An EnvironmentarManagement cet with appropriaterab facirity sha' be created as the prcject starts. They shalr monitor at necessary parameters and activitiesduring constructionand operationarphases fromday one. ii) sewage shall be treaied and the treated sewage shail be used in dual plumbing systems/cooling make_upigreenbelt etc., The disposal of treated waste water shail confirmio the regurationof State PollutionConhol Board. iii) Thereshall be no disposar of soridor riquidwastes on coastararea. solid waste Management shat be as per Municipar sorid (Managementand Handting)Rules, 2000. VII. SOLTDWASTE DTSPOSAL: 1. The applicants,hail cotect, beat and dispose off at soridwaste generated duringconstruction i.e. Muck,ano earoagJ;ft;r;;;il;i"" if any otherthan wastes covered under the Hazardous wJste 0rranaglme; ' & Handring)Rures in such mannerso as not to causeenvironment"l6l-fi;;. 2' The applicant shall providededicated solid waste management form of facilityin the organic converter within the layout ro,. generated. tr"atm-"nt of sorid wastes ) VIII. HEALTH& SAFEry: 1' The applicant shall provideall necessaryhealthcare facilities shallcarry to workersand out routinehealth survey workers.. "rnong 2' The applicantshail provide all safety measuresincluding personal protective equipmentsto workersduring constructron. IX. GENERAL: 1. The applicant shail adhere to the Zonar Regurationsnorms authority. of cornpetent 2' The applicanishalr compry with the provisions pollution) of water (preventionand Controlof CessAct, 1977. 3' The applicantmust create structure/facilityfor raih water harvesting . groundwater recharge. and I Ir\ 4 _ugr Y_rurun-_- The applicantshall provide dual pipingsystem in ihe layoutin orderto use the treated sewage for toilet flushing, gardeningand other secondary purposes. 5. The applicantshall arrangefor alternatepower supply to run and operate the essentialunits of effluentTreatment Plants/sewage treatment plants, in eventof brakedown of regularsupply from ElectricityBoard. 6. Exact date of commissioningof the sewage treatment plant shall be informedto this Board 45 days in advance so as to make necessarv inspectionof the plantand the pollutioncontrol measures provided by the applicant 7. The applicantshall
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