New Jersey Courier
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N ew Jersey Courier. EVERYBODY READS IT :: THE COURIER IS THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY :: IT GIVES AlYL THE NEWS ESTABLISHED 1850. Toms River, N. J., Thuisday Afternoon, June 1, 1893. VOLUME 43—NUMBER 35 LAKEWOOD. OCEAN GROVE MEETINGS. ISLAND HEIGHTS. A FRIEND’S TRIBUTE BARNEGAT. PROPOSED NEW RAILROAD. QUEEN & CO. Ttie Program of Important Events For To the U te Ex-feherlff' Joseph Parker. short Line from New Lisbon to look O F P H I I j ADHLPHIA THE SEASON IS AT AN END. tlie Summer. SERIOUS RUNAWAY ACCIDENT When ou that bright spring morning the A SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. Beach. Send their EYE SPECIALIST The Ocean Oroya Camp Meeting Association word reached me that Sheriff P aik er had juat Several meetings have been bold by people But It was tho Best One Lake- has just issued the following program : beeu suddenly called te the Spirit Land, I Our Public School Closes a Most at TO M S RIVER,Wednesday, June 14 Other Local G ossip that You Like bavlug property on Long Beach U ascertain Auditorium opeuing, Mrs. Palmer's aud could scarcely realize the truth o f tho state whether theh lute tests would be prom oted by He will be found at wood Has Had. to Know About. Profitable Year. young people’s meetings, summer Sabbath- ment. It seemed ae if there must be aome building either ef two railroads proposed to fromi< 4 p.k. Cowperthwait’s Exchange, The Sohuol Census Statist 1cm. achocl—Sabbath, June 25th. Opeuiug sermon Rev. D. II. Shock aud W. T. McKaig were m istake. It appeared almost im probable that The commencement exercises of our public shorten tho lino from Philadelphia to Long Persona who have headache, nr whose eves are causing discom Peter Tilton, o f your towu, who took the by Rev. George R . Reed, D. D ., LL. D ., presi placed iu a dangerous position Monday last the man i saw so shortly before, to all ap school were held on Wednesday with tbe pro fort, should call upon their specialist, and they will receive intel Beach, so that it may successfully compete ligent and skillful attention. NO (H A U G h to exam ine >our school census in our towuahip reports as fol dent o f Dickiusou Coliege, Pa., 10.3d A. u . while out driving with the young horee of G. pearance m the enjoyment o f perfect health, gram as follow* t with ether seaside resorts; and now !t look? eyes. Every pair of glosses ordered guaranteed to he satisfactory lows: Number of children of school age 358. National Anniversary of American Indepen D. Robins. The horse became frightened and should now be removed from his friends oo Chorus, “ Oh broad land, oh fair land," as though something may be accomplUhed. • Lakewood District. N o. 1 4 - males 1S4; females dence—Tuesday, July 4th. Oration, Dr. J. commenced to kick. Mr. McKaig In trying to earth and the active sceuts o f his busy life. school. The two Hies proposed aro one from New BUSINESS CARDS. 126; attend no school 48; unvaccinated 157. Embury Price, pastor of St. James’ M. E. dodga the hoofs of tbe horse was thrown I was acqualutod with Joseph Parker for Opening address, Winnie Prcdmore. L'.shou to Manoahawkln, 25 m iles long, ths Thomas Roberts Runyou District, No. 4 6 -males 87 ; females church, New York city, 10.80 A. m . violently to ilia ground and received several mors than a quarter of a century. Not so long Recitation, “ Guilty or not guilty,” Alice other from Medford to M unuabawklo, 83.8 23; attend no school 8; uuvacciuated 48. W . C. T. U. o f N. J —Thursday, July 6th , severtt bruises, but was not dangerously hurt. a time as many o f his older friends knew him, Russell. miles long. These roads are estimated to cest A LBEKT 0. MARTIN. Practical Tlnuer Sevcu Stars District, No. 47—males 3 0 ; females Friday, July 7th, Mrs. Emma Bourne, presiding. Mr. Shock alter finding it impossible for him but long enough to seund tho depths o f bis Recitation, “ A school b oy ’s troubles," Van respectively about @12,000 In cash per mllo Manufacturer o f Tin and Sheet Iron 18; attend no school 14; uuvaccinated 48, King’s Daughters, Mrs. Margaret B ecom e, to check and quiet tbe horse endeavored to warm, tender heart, as well us learn his Integ Predmore. A t t o r n e y an d each, that Is •300,000for the first, and *405,600 Ware,Tin Roofing und Spouting. Also Total for township—males 191; females 107; president—Saturday, July 8th. jum p from the vehicle but became entangled rity and honorable naturo. Recitation, “ Care," Laura Stokes. for the other. Iu view of tho fact that the first S o licito r i n C h an cery . Dealer iu Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, attend no school 04 ; unvaccinated 241. Oceau Grave Sunday-school Assembly, Rev. iu the wheels and before he was able to ex in my frequent visits to Forked River I often Recitation, “ The lazy ant," Grace Francis. Hoc w ill connect by way o f the K inkora branch H ouse Furnishing Goods, Furniture, called ou him—in fact I would have to be very Reading, “ Paul Revere’s ride,"Lucia Wright. OFFICE OVER THE BANK, Severul Lakewood carpeuters and mechanics Dr. B. B. Loomis, conductor—Tuesday, July tricate himself tbe horse started and dragged with the Penuiylvaula system at Trenton and Cutlery, Lamps, terns, Glassware, employed by R. and A. W. Bordeu, arc work ilth , to Thursday, July 20th, Inclusive. Bac him several yards, aud when he endeavored busy indeed if I failed to pass at least a few Singing, “ Ob, bow I love the summed,” of Us lo w e r first co»t, it ha* t.v»u adopted by Toms River, N. J. Queens ware, Wooden and Iron Pump< ing at Shrewsbury, whore they have several calaureate eermou, Sabbath, July 16. C. L. 8. to get up he found his collar bone was broken. minutes with my generous old friend. I al Geneva Jones, Bessie Storms, Ethel Townsend, the com m ute* who arc w orkin g up the scheme. etc, All ordfirR fo r new work, or »<* flue cottages to finish for this season’'* n m . C. Graduation H at, Thursday, Jnly SOllij They both congratulated themselves on their ways received a '*«rdlal greeting, and when May King, This ronto will famish «i short Hu* lo Um, T HOLMES BIRDSALL, pairing, or repairs and bricks for paney. oration, George E. Vincent, E*q.,ChauUuquu, fucky c*cape from such a dangerous position. departing always heard hi* farewell words: Recitation, “ Biddy Redwing's nest," Lang beach, from the Delaware valley, New York, stoves, heaters, ranges, etc,, prom ptly A branch o f ths New Jersey Bulldlug Loan N. Y. Tho horse was caught by W. R. VanSsholck. " G ood bye, my b oy, and goed luck to you ." ford Edwards. and all the growing towns from New York to ^ * A t t o r n e y a t L aw, attended to. Please give me a call, and Iuvceiweut com pany was organized last Sabbath Observance Day—Saturday, July The harness was badly broken and the wagon Our lost Interview, only a few days betorc Reading, “ Johnnie's mathematical calcula Trenton, on the Pennsylvania Railroad's main M a s t e r and E x a m in e r in C h a n c e r y BLUE FRONT STORE Wednesday evening with officers as follows: 22d, Rev. J. II. Kuowles, D. D ., presiding. completely demolished. his death, chanced to be much longer thau tions," Maggie Falkinburgb. line. and N o t a r y P ublic, Lectures ou Iudiau Life, by Rev. Edgerlon usual. He took pleasure in shew lug his new Recitation, “ Decoration Day,” Hannie Cox. Main Street, Toms River J. H. Todd, President; F. 8. llurlburt, Vice- Miss Alice Rue spent several days with The dlstanco from Camden to Mannahawkln o f f i c e o n m ain s t r e e t , o p p o s it e President ; R. B. Robbius, Secretary and R. Young, missionary to the Indiana—Monday friends in Branchport this week. quarters at the Parker [louse and said he had Concert recitation, “ What wo learn at by the N ew Lisbon route w ill be 50.1 miles, the decided to retire from actlye business and pass school," four primary school girls. THE OCEAN HOU8E, TOMS RIVER, N. J. Treasurer; C. C. Pearce, G. G. 8 m ilb, J. 51. July 24th; Tuesday, July 25th. Mrs. Jennie Kendall of Philadelphia spent a distance by the Medford rou te w ill be 52.1 Todd, I. V. Ilall, J. F. Stephenson, 8. 8. Tay Women's Home Missionary 8#ciety o f M. E. few days with Mrs Kato Naylor last week. the remainder o f the time allotted him in a Reading, “ The brown thrush," May Falkln- miles, the difference being four miles less by church—Wednesday, July 2 6 th ; Thurbilay, quiet manner. In the course of our conver burgh. W. CARMICHAEL, W . G. CONRAD lor, W. H. Burgess, R . B1 Robbins, C . A. Bye, John Harris of New York, was in town Mon way o f Medford, but the p reien t expenditure G. E. M ajor and F. 8. Hurburt as Directors. July 27th, Mrs. General Fisk, presidlug.