MAGRATH TRADING CO. STORE NEWS PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 UPSTAIRS & STORE NEWS 758-6377 ' STORE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1987...... , . ****^********************************************************************************** i HARDWARE DEPARTMENT *************************************************************************************** YEAR END CLEARANCE SALE! RCA COLOR TV

20" R.C.A. MONITOR COLOR TRACK T.V. REGULAR $739.95 68995 CabinetAides™ AMEROCK MESSAGE CENTRE Keeps your note book, calculator, pens, etc. vacuum Botaa handy. Aft REGULAR J JHy STANLEY UNBREAKABLE VACUUMS $32,99 Xmfc .95 L Flasks. REGULAR $59.99 AMEROCK COOK BOOK RACK Fits neatly under cabinets. Easy to S49M install. REG,. $23.99 ELECTRA-SOL Dishwater Detergent PROCTOR-SILEX 1.4 kg TOASTER OVEN REGULAR $4.39 Continuous Clean Toaster Oven.

REGULAR $84.99 tilC Disposable Razor Package of 5, razors. pHOCTORSIieit s69” BIC DISPOSABLES Pack of 5. REG. 99c SPECIAL BUY STERI-LITE PITCHER DECANTER 3.5 L with lid. ANTI-FREEZE TESTER PRESTONE ANTI-FREEZE TESTER REGULAR $2.29 I REGULAR $5.99 499 i#80 KNIFE SHARPENER ¡As seen on T.V. SOUP TU R E E N 1 only, handsomely REGULAR $10.99 styled. REG. 50.95.. $2995

I Coordinates "PERRUZZA" Co-Ordinates including Blazers, Capes (re Skirts, Slacks, Tops in plain well as handsome plaids...... OFF "PARIS STAR" and "SNAZZIE" Co-Ordinates including Jackets, Blazers, Skirts, Slacks, etc. in plains, fl 1 checks and plaids. Latest fashions......


NIGHTWEAR Ladies Headwear V2 Price

BOYS' Famous Name Bras Mnd girls PLAYTEX BRA STYLE #208 New - Corss Your Heat design, gentle shaping combined with cross-cross styling


.-■■■■■■■■. ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■ ■ ■ • Be sure Price to check our CLEAROUT SEE OUR SELECTION OF DISCONTINUED DON'T MISS ANY OF OUR ■i i PRICE PLAYTEX BRA'S. A GOOD ASSORTMENT STOCK-CLEARING SPECIALS /2 RACKS OF SEAMED & SEAMLESS CUPS. '/? PRICE! NOTICE TO PARENTS January is a key month in the educational lives of all our high school students as they all will be writing final examinations as part of the semester system in the SWEATS Division. Regular attendance at school at any time is a nec­ BOYS' JOGGING SETS essary requirement for sound academic achievement. The IN BLACK, BLUE, GREEN difficulty of high school courses and the amount, of mat­ OR WINE - WITH TRIM erial covered each day makes it imperative that regular SIZES: S.M.L. attendance be maintained. In this examination period, COTTON/POLYESTER KNIT. the new regulations of the Secondary Education Plan of FLEECE LINING. the Province will be in effect for the first time and in order to obtain credits for any high school course, a REGULAR $25.00 set. . student has to achieve a grading of fifty percent (50%) or more. In view of this major change, I urge all parents of high school students to stress the need for regular endance and also urge all parents to establish and positive contacts with the teachers and principals regarri- ing student school progress. Parents are invited to make an appointment with the teacher and/or Principal for a personal interview. With the present organization of schools, parents should feel completely free to drop in at the schools when they happen to be in Gardston or Magrath. Adv­ ance telephone calls are appreciated, but are not nec­ essary. , Members of the School Division staffs and the administration of each school are prepared PYJAMAS to render ary assistance in encouraging students in their school efforts. The cooperation of all parents BOYS' POLO PYJAMAS in this joint effort that, has a cannon goal is earn­ Cotton/Polyester knit. estly requested. Plain or motif front E.F. Bardock, Superintendent of Schools. with plain bottoms. Brown or Blue. The Magrath & District Chamber of Commerce, on be­ SIZES: S.M.L. half of Molly Wells, wish to thank the following for REGULAR $17.95 set donating to the 1987 New Year's Baby: Spruce Bruce, Sheer's Insurance, Magrath Paint & Body, Atender Snack Bar, Arndt Motors, Magrath Trading Co., Fred's Excavat­ ing, Sunshine Excavating, Ila Ehlert (Concept Now), United Church Women, Lutheran Church Ladies, T & W Acres, Stevenson's Groceteria '86, Betty Loose (Avon), Efagrath Pharmacy, Magrath Co-Op, Berry's Country Store, Magrath Clinic, Marty's Draperies, MD1 Garbage Disposal, Just For You Hairstyles, Treasury Branch, Bank of Montreal, T-SHIRTS Tanner Bldg. Supplies, Wagon Train Express, Myrna's Lock Shop, Vein's Auto Repair, Bearly Country, Fortune Drive-In and the Hospital Staff. Multi-Purpose Turtleneck TOWN OF MAGRATH NOTICES Those residents who wish to prepay thoi r Stanfields & B.V.D.. 1987 water account in full and take advant­ T Shirts,' 50% Cotton, age of the one month discount are reminded that this opportunity is.available only in 50% Polyester. Long January. sleeve, turtle neck. Assorted colors. TOWN OF MAGRATH MONTHLY TAX PAYMENTS SIZES; S.M.L.XL. Designed for those who are paying REGULAR their property taxes directly to the Q95 $14.95 Town to allow payment in twelve in­ stallments from January to December. (NO RETURNS) This plan will eliminate the worry ********************************** about paying all your taxes by Aag- FOR SALE: 10 ton Alfalfa hay, 3rd cutting. ust 31st. ' $70/ton. Phone 758-6257. Details. Plan in effect January to December each year. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house, $450/manth. $450 damage deposit. Tax notices will be sent out in June as usual and Phone 758-6434. payment plan will be adjusted at this time to reflect pajitaents made and the balance due will be amm-ti zed LOST: Brown velvet Jacket with an orchid pin (gold/white over remaining six months July to December. gold) on it. Reward. Phone 758-3012. Who Is Eligible? Anyone who pays their own taxes NOTICE: Now taking piano students. Phone 758-3615. anc! whose taxes are paid up to December 31st of the Marilyn Henderson. previous year. If you wish further information or to enter the plan please contact Town Office, 758-3212. FOR RENT: 2 bedroan house. Phone 758-3183, NOTICE: RCMP have had several bicycles turned in to the FOR RENT: 3 bedroom Suite. Phone 758-3418. office. Owners may claim by identifying. I986 HIGHLIGHTS OF MAGRATH HOSPITAL AUXILIARY JANUARY: Mr. Skretting introduced our new Director of Nurs­ JACKETS ing, Donna Farkas. Elsie Wocknitz & Irene Heck donated mat­ erial for 3 Auxiliary quilts, one to be drawn for at the May Men's Jackets with tea. New Year Baby trophy was given. fibrefil. Popular FEBRUARY: Report on Regional Auxiliary meeting held in Leth­ colors of Blue, Grey, bridge. Conducted annual Heart Fund Canvass. Black, Tan. MARCH: Report on Heart Fund Canvass - $1,472.75 collected. Light weight yet Board Member Ellen Stanford talked on the importance of the warm. Auxiliary and the Hospital Board working together. SIZES: S.M.L. APRIL: Members asked to attend Regional Meeting in . REGULAR $29.95 Assisted with the Blood Donor Clinic in Raymond. MAY: Helped and served lunch at the D.O.N. Workshop in Magrath, Held Annual Florence Nightingale Tea, Bake Sale & Quilt Raffle which netted $1,152.00. JUNE: Elections were held with Mary Baker - President; Lois 1995 Blumell, 1st Vice President; Mary Cant, 2nd Vice President; Ruth Hovey, Secretary; Avilda Coleman, Treasurer. SEPlhMBER: Pres. Mary Baker presented the Board members and an agenda for the coming year. OCTOBER: Inproving the calibre of tray favors with an up­ lifting thought. D.O.N. Donna Farkas discussed these various topics: the Hospital to receive the Fatal Heart Monitor; the Denims Teen Aid Hospital Care program. Several members listened to a Teleconference presented by the Alberta Auxi 11 ary Assoc., Wrangler "Seawash" NOVEMBER: The President & Secretary attended the annual Con­ Denim. Popular style. vention in . The Teen Aid program is working very Broken size range. successfully. Well DECEMBER: Annual Cliristmas Pot Luck Luncheon was held at the this pre-washed home of Lois Blumell. Mary Baker gave a report, on the Con­ fabric. vention in Edmonton. History is to be updated - this being REGULAR $35.00 pr. one of the challenges for 1987. The remainder of the after­ noon was spent making Christmas tray favors supervised by Darlene Hozwarth. Donations this year to the hospital have been in the following way: Visiting cart taken around each week. Tray favors supplied each month. Pediatrics window painting every six months. 12 cobbler style uniforms for Teen Aid program. Belts for Men $50 to buy containers for Meals on Wheels. 16 clocks and 2 patient telephones were installed. Numerous toques for new born babies. Donation of $475 to Magrath Fire Dept, for a stretcher. Rollaway Cot. Swivel base for T.V.

CARDSTON SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 2 - requires a Further Education Men's Western style and Dress style Co-Ordinator. This is a half-time position requiring a person Belts in assorted widths, colors, to schedule, coordinate and evaluate the Adult Education Pro­ designs and styles. gram in all the comnunities within the Cardston School Div­ ision. Leadership, organizational and motivational abilities REG.. $6.50 up...... are needed as well as secretarial and accounting skills. Send Vs OFF applications to: Dr. Edison Bardock, Superitendent of Schools, Cardston School Division No. 2, Box 10, Cardston, AB. TOK 0K0. Applications close on Friday, January 23, 1987. WORKSOCKS SENIOR TRAVELLERS TO ICE CAPADES: Carefree Expess Coach will Men's Stanfield Work Socks be at the Drop In Centre at 10:15 a.m. on Saturday, January in Acrylic & Wool blend. 24th and will travel directly to the Ice Capades. Bring a Grey heather with trim. lunch if you wish. After the Ice Capades (at 4:30 p.m.) we Pair per pack. will stop at the Chinook Mall for a short supper break.

REGULAR TO ALL GARDEN CITY SENIOR CITIZENS MEMBERS: The Annual Efeet - $9.95 ing will be held inmediately following the Pot Luck Dinner on January 30th. please be there.

The Drop In Centre is open every Tuesday afternoon at From the First to the Twelth Night 1 p.m. for quilting and any other time you want to schedule it. We had little giftees, Left at our door by Elves or Pixies. Friday, January 9, the residents and staff enjoyed an We left the porch light out evening entertainment. This month the residents who have So they wouldn't be nervous, birthdays are Ethel Miller, Stan Toomer, John Podolsky and ■■ Those Elves or Pixies who came to serve us. DeVar Colemen. They had fun - so did we, and we want you to know Our entertairment consisted of readings by Joann Steed, You started something thats going to grow. and John Wolsey. Suzanne Wright did a Highland Sword dance. Thanks from the Laytons. Musical numbers by Cal alston, Byng Beazer, Eldon Coleman, Greg & Tom Wolsey. The Magrath First Ward Cubs thank all those We would like to thank everyone who provided the enter­ who donated to their Bottle Drive January 10th. tainment. It was appreciated. Residents & Staff, Diamond Willow Terrace. Bedspreads

yjLL^EFT - Tone-on-tone Chenille Bedspreads of 100^ polyester. Red/White, All White and Red/Pink, Super size. REGULAR $119.00...... *S9 (NO' RETURNS) ' WF **************************^*tjtmm„ E&n and Alma Davies of Magrath, Alberta wish to announce the recent marriage of their d^htor ___ to Anis Uddin AhW, son of Mrs. Earai2 Uddin of Dhaka’ Bangladesh. Thewadding ceremony took place on December 31, 1986 in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Cay Saints, Magrath Blshop D- Wesiey Balderson officiating. ’ The bride and groan are residing in the U.S. where the bride is teaching Special Education aM the groom is com^ Barrettes ® .Y*8. •D°Ctorate studies in Environmental Engineering Girls' Barrettes in a at Utah State University, Logan, Utah. variety of designs, styles and colors. The Magrath & District Chamber of Connerce are now accepting nominations for the 1987 Employee of the Year. REG. $1.00 to $3.49 One letter - one vote. Deadline February 11, 1987, 5 p.m. Write, stating name of nominee, reason for nomination, ai signature of nominator. A box is available at the Town Vz PRICE Office or mail to the Chamber of Connerce, Box 574, Magrarh Any questions - contact Darlene Holzwarth, 758-3569 Wavne Miller, 758-3747 or Jacquie Bly, 758-3103. . Those eligible are employees of any Magrath or District SLEEPERS hinployer. Kiddies Sleepers in BASKETBALL popular Velour. Zeniths defeated Raymond Comets 92-90 in a league game Yellow only. last Saturday. Craig Stocker led the locals with 26 points Assorted sizes. Next home league games will be this Friday against LCI. 1 RACK NOW CLEARING Junior Varsity game at 6 p.m. with the Varsity to follow REG. $14.95-$19.95 The Pandas defeated Kate Andrews last Saturday with ' Kim Pilling leading the way with 28 points. The Cubs also ’ /2. their game. Price wn Next league home games for the girls will be this Sat­ urday against Picture Butte. Junior Varsity gams at. 1 p.m. and Varsity game follows right after.

HOW TO GET OUT OF DEBT THROUGH PLANNED SPENDING. At Last a four hour seminar that will do more than teach you how to Pyjama allocate your money. Ninety-eight percent of all partici­ pants involved with this seminar will learn to plan their spending so that within five years they can be DEBT FREE, Bags including home mortgages. SEMINAR PRESENTER: Keith Russell, President, Planned Kiddies Pyjamas Bags Spending International. Date: Saturday, Febmm-y 7th. in fur fabric Animal shapes. Bears, Bunnies Time]_ 6:30 p.m. Place: Magrath School Music Room. or Elephants. Registrarion/Information: Lance Harker - 758-6477 Alden Bourne - 758-3409. Price: $35/couple includes 1Q95 N0 Planned Spending Binder with one year’s planning work sheets. j RETURNS

GENERAL MEETING OF DEL BONITA DIAMOND JUBILEE PLANNING (REGULAR $29.95) g^gTIEE _ Tuesday, January 20, .1987, 7:30 p.m. in the Del Bonita School. EVERYONE WELCOME. Your reports and suggest­ ions are very much appreciated. FELT

TEL BONITA'S 75th ANNIVERSARY HOMECOMING - July 31st and FELT PIECES IN ASSORTED COLORS. August 1, 1987. AU former residents and those interested bicorne to attend. Reply to Mrs. Helen M. Newton or Mrs. REG, 65c each...... 2/99c Wally Jensen, Del Bonita, Alberta.

MAGRATH ROPING CLUB MELTING - Wednesday, February 4th at TO THE BUSY PIXIES: Thank you so much. Love, 7:30 p.m. at rhe home of Ted Mandai. For further informa­ Dawn & Shanna Hatch. tion phone 758-6540. LOOKING TO BUY - farm fresh eggs. Phone 758-6652. PEL BCNIIA COUNTRY ASSOCIATION MONTHLY DANCE - Saturday, NOTICE: There will be no Mobile Denturist in Magrath January 17th. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. "Rivers Edge" Band Ambers & invited guests 18 yrs. & over welcome. until Mir ch. If services are required contact Mrs. Louise £bw, 758-3489 for further information. MAGRATH ROD & GUN CLUB MEETING - Wednes­ TABLECLOTHS day, January 21st, 7:30 p.m. at the Club House. Anyone wishing to have heads Never Press Tablecloths measured have them to Arndt Motors no in assorted patterns and later than 5 p.m. January 30th or to colors. Carmen Passeys no later than 7 p.m. SIZE: 50x70. January 30th, 1987. REGULAR $19.95 to WANTED: Basketball backboard and hoop. $24.95 If you have one or know of someone who would like, to sell theirs (kids all grown up GINGHAM airi gone) I'd like to buy it.. Call Joann at 758-3211. Popular Gingham assorted colors and A special super "thank you" to the secret "12 Days a variety of size in of Christmas" Pixies we had. It made our holiday so checks. much fun. We would sure like to know who you are. Thanks again. The Heningers & DeVers. REGULAR $5.95 m. 395 Ufonte & Angie Kunimoto are the proud parents of a son, Steven Joseph, born December 26, 1986. Proud grandparents are Steve & Connie Kunimoto of Magrath; Dave & Judy Herdman of Coaldale and Claude Christmas Fabrics & Linda Rousselle of . 1 basket of Christmas Fabrics For anyone interested the Tiger Claw Training in an assortment of patterns Club will be taking registrations to January 31/87 and colors. for instruction of basic self defence Martial Arts training for classes beginning February 3. CLEARING Fee $20/student monthly (in all classes Male and Female welcome). Class #1 - ages 6-8 Tuesday through Friday 6-7 p.m.; Class #2, 9-12 Tuesday through Friday 7-8 p.m.; Class #3 13-19 yrs, Tuesday through Friday 8-9 p.m. Class #4 20 & up, Tuesday w through Friday 9-10 p.m. Class hours will be 6 to 10 p.m. Tuesday through Friday until April 30/87. towels Commencing May 4/87 hours will be Monday through Friday, 6 to 10 p.m. For more information and Bath Towels in floral where to register call Doug at 758-3113 daytime. pattern on assorted Thank you for your interest. ' colored backgrounds.

Anyone interested in a COMMUNITY THEATRE GROUP REGULAR $6.95 ea. please phone Shirley Dahl, 758-3685. This includes actors, singers, technical people and directors. Please call by Sunday, January 18th.

CHINOOK. HEALTH UNIT NEWS Mrs. Pam Waterhouse, Speech-Language Pathologist, Chihook Health Unit Cardston-Magrath offices, has re­ cently been awarded the Speech & Hearing Association of Alberta Book Prize for Clinical excellence. Pam is a graduate of the University of Alberta Speech LEOTARDS Pathology & Audiology program and began working for Leotards in assorted colors and sizes. the.Health Unit in June, 1986. REGULAR $2.95 to $3.95

MAGRATH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY - Re-Organizational Mating, January 28th, 7:30 p.m. Town Hall. Come CLEARING AT ...... 20% OFF and i support your ccranunity. ,

FOR SALE: Head Skiis (150) & Poles. Nordica Bggts, Friends were sorry to hear of the sudden death of si zp. 6^. In good condition. Will sell separately. John McColl of Calgary, husband of Terry (Theresa) McColl Phone 758-3496. who is the former Terry Zorko who grew up and took her education in Magrath. He passed away as the result of a skiing accident at the age of 65 years. , GARDEN CITY GARDEN CLUB - will be holding a meeting Wednesday, January 28th in the Secondary School Staff Lounge at 7:30 p.m. Election of officers will take As the woman and her little girl vrere browsing through place. All those interested are encouraged to the department store, a saleswoman handed the tot a piece of gum. attend. "What do you say?" the mother prompted the little girl. VALENTINE'S DAY - is creeping up. See all the new Replied the youngster: "Charge it!" "goorjips" that have just arrived for that "Someone Special" in the Dry Goods Dept. MEAT SAVINGS 070 BLADE ROAST Al BEEF...... U/kg

Stewing Beef lean

Pork Loin BONELESS......

Cooked Ham 175 g ... 1”

Bacon 500 g pkg ******************************************************************************************* and posted in kitchen. If unable to wark on your sched­ MAGRATH MINOR HOCKEY uled day, please make arrangements to have suitable re­ Don Ripley’s "Tadpole" team entertained Raymond on placement there....Kevin Strate's on the sick list - we January 10th with Magrath defeating the visiting team wish you a speedy recovery - we need you out there !.... 10-1. Goals were scored by Lome McKelvey and Dustin Godionton (3 each) David Orr (2) Justin Harker and Miss Sylvia Hovey of Ottawa has been visiting her Kurtis Robinson (1 each). parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lon Hovey, during the holiday season. NOVICE: Correction in last week's report - December 30th game against - Tylor Harris should read Tyler Ferguson (1 goal) and in Raymond tournament WHITE CANE WEEK INFORMATION Magrath against Picture Butte - Kenny Rasmussen scored The thane for this year's national White Cane Week, one of the goals. February 1 to February 7th is "There's More Than One Way Saturday & Sunday, January 10th & 11th saw the to See". It is a week of special events and demonstrat­ Novice team entered in the Vauxhall tournament.. Mag- ions designed to increase the public's awareness of rath's first game against Vauxhall Oilers ended in a blindness and how it affects people's lives. 5- 2 score for Vauxhall. Magrath's goals were scored White Cane Week is sponsored by the two major org­ by Matt Johnson erd KLnn ’.Jetherelt assisted by Ken anizations for and of blind and visually impaired ind­ Robinson, Darren Powlesland and Scott Johnson. The ividuals in - the Canadian National Institute second game saw Magrath shut out Foremost 4-0. Goals for the Blind (GNIB) and the Canadian Council of the scored by Mike Mehew, Bryce Strate, Tanny Lee and Blind (CCB). fiark Mehew with assists to Jamie Wakefield, Mike This year's theme underlines the fact that individ­ Ifehew and Mark Mehew. The third "B" side final saw uals can function effectively - at a job, at hone, in Magrath defeated 8-3 by Duchess. Goals by Bryce the arts - even without full sight says Euclid Herie, Strate, Scott Johnson and Brandon Wilde vrere assist­ the CNIB’s Managing Director. ed by Ken Robinson (2) and Tanny Lee. White Cane Week activities start Sunday, February Prior to the tournament a Relay Baton Race was 1st. The 50 CN1B offices and more than 90 CCB Clubs held with 2 members of each team entered. Hike's across Canada are sponsoring a variety of events includ­ team came out the winners. ing bowling matches, dances, demonstrations of technical ftlGM "B": Barry's team entertained Standoff with aids, displays and talks to school groups and service the hone team victorious by a 12-6 score. Goals clubs. were scared by Robert Brandt (4 & 2 assists), Kim For more information about White Can Week activities Palton (3 & 3 assists), Tylor Harris (2 & 2 assists) call Hilda DeLorme, Senior Secretary, Telephone Number Jamie Long (1 & 1 assist) Clayton Strong and Trevor 266-8831. Nelson 1 each with Codey Godionton earning 2 assists. ATOM "A": Magrath Mounties played at Cardston defeat­ THOUGHTS FOR A NEW YEAR ing the home team 10-4 with goals scored by Danny Balderson (4 & 1 assist) Dustin Miller (4 goals) Write it on your heart that every day Marc Heggie (2 & 4 assists) Jason Ripley 2 assists. is the best day in the year. He is rich PEE WEES: Bolokoski's PeeWees defeated Picture Butte who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret 6- 5 on Saturday with goals scored by Todd Bolokoski and anxiety. Finish every day and be (3 & 1 assist) Bartley Harris (2) and Kurt Heggie done with it. You have done what you (1 & 1 assist) and Chad Miller earning 2 assists. could. Some blunders and absurdities, Monday evening saw Lethbridge Ccnmodor Cougars de­ no doubt crept in. Forget them as soon as feated 3-1 with Todd Bolokoski scoring 2 goals, you can, tomorrow is a new day; begin it David Taylor scoring 1 goal and 1 assist with well and serenely, with too high a spirit Chad Miller earning 1 assist. to be cumbered with your old nonsense. NEXT HOME GAMES: Saturday, January 17th, Novice This new day is too dear, with its hopes Great Falls, 9 a.m. (exhibition). Atoms B and invitations, to waste a moment on ’ league play at 10:45 a.m. and Tadpoles vs Great the yesterdays. Falls (exhibition) 3:30 p.m. Ralph Waldo Emerson BEHIND THE NET: Concession schedule completed now iî