Congressional Record, Dairy, 1967

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Congressional Record, Dairy, 1967 DAIRY Dairy Import Act of 1967 - Jan. 24 Conditions in Dairy Industry March 23 Movement of Butter out of Government storage into Domest i c Commercial Market - Oct. 12 The Butter Subsidy Bill - Oct . 30 8762 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE January 24, 1967 By Mr. EASTLAND: S. RES. 56 mand. This necessary surplus, however, S.634. A bill to strengthen the security Resolved, That the Select Committee on dampens prices because it means supply of the United states, lessen a burden on Small Business, in carrying out the duties interstate commerce, and protect the right always will outstrip demand. Milk imposed upon it by S. Res. 58, Eighty-first marketing order areas are geographical of privacy by prohibiting eavesdropping; to Congress, agreed to February 20, 1950, as the Committee on the Judiciary. amended and supplemented, is authorized to tenitolies in which the effects ()f this (See the remarks of Mr. EABTLAND when he examine, investigate, and make a complete constant surplus are alleviated by as­ introduced the above bill, which appear un­ study of the problems of American small and sured prices anived at by general agree­ der a separate heading.) independent business and to make recom­ ment. The alternative would be prices so ByMr.BAYH: mendations ooncerning those problems to the low that a great number of dairy faimers S. 635. A bill to change the name of the appropriate legislative committees of the would be driven out of business. In the lakeshore known as the Indiana Dunes Na­ Senate. tional Lakeshore to the Henry F. Schricker long run this would mean sky high prices SEC. 2. For the purposes of this resolution, to the consumer as a result of very low National Lakeshore; to the Committee on the committee, from February I, 1967, to Jan­ Interior and Insular Affairs. uary 31, 1968, inclusive, Is authorized (1) to milk production. This is the boom-or­ (See the remarks of Mr. BAYH when he in­ make such expenditures as it deems advis­ bust approach that milk marketing or­ troduced the above bill, which appear under able; (2) to employ, upon a temporary baSiS, ders are meant to remedy. a separate heading.) technical, clerical, and other assistants and It is also the type of problem, on an in­ consultants; and (3) with the prior consent ternational scale, that the Dairy Import of the heads of the departments or agencies Act of 1967 is meant to remedy. Ever­ RESOLUTIONS concerned, and the Committee on Rules and increasing imports destroy the balance INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE EFFI­ Administration, to utlllze the reimbursable between supply and demand with result­ services, information, facilities and person­ CIENCY AND ECONOMY OF OPERA­ nel of any of the departments or agencies ing lower prices to dairy farmers. As TIONS OF ALL BRANCHES OF of the Government. more and more dairy farmers go out of GOVERNMENT SEC. 3. The committee shall report its find­ business because of high imports and Mr. McCLELLAN, from the Commit­ ings, together with Its recommendations for lower prices the supply of fluid milk con­ legislation as It deems advisable, to the Sen­ tee on Government Operations, reported tracts. Ultimately, this will mean higher ate at the earliest practicable date. prices for the consumer because the sup­ an original resolution (S, Res. 53) au­ SEC. 4. Expenses of the committee under thorizing the Committee on Government ply of fluid milk will not be able to meet this resolution, which shall not exceed demand, and fluid milk is too perishable Operations to make investigations into $145,000, shall be paid from the contingent to be imported. the efficiency and economy of operations fund of the Senate upon vouchers approved of all branches of Government, which by the chairman of the committee. The adverse impact on domestic milk was referred to the Committee on Rules production of excessive imports was rec­ and Administration. ognized by the Federal Government back (See the above resolution printed in DAIRY IMPORT ACT OF 1967 in 1953 when Presidential proclamation full when reported by Mr. MCCELLAN, 3019 limited the entry of certain dairy Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, to­ products into the United States. Unfor­ which appears under the heading "Re­ day it is my pleasure to introduce for my­ ports of Committees.") tunately, for too long these existing dairy self and Senators JORDAN of Idaho, import quotas have been circumvented YOUNG of North Dakota, LoNG of Mis­ by blatant attempts to doctor dairy prod­ souri, CARLSON, JACKSON, MCGoVERN, STUDY OF CERTAIN ASPECTS OF ucts to escape the letter of the law. For MORSE, CuRTIS, THURMOND, MUNDT, MAG­ example, when butteroil was placed NATIONAL SECURITY AND INTER­ NUSON, MILLER, BURDICK, NELSON, MON­ NATIONAL OPERATIONS under a quota, evasion of the quota took DALE BREWSTER, GRUENING, DoMINICK, the fOlm of butterfat-sugar mixtures. Mr. JACKSON, from the Committee USKA, HART, and ALLOT, the Dairy Im­ The first product of this kind, Exylone, on Government Operations, reported an port Act of 1967. was barred by a regulation applying only original resolution (S. Res. 54) to study This proposed legislation would place to mixtures containing 45 percent or certain aspects of national security and stlict but sensible controls on the im­ more of butterfat. Almost immediately international operations, which was re­ portation of all dairy products contain­ Junex, containing 44 percent butterfat, ferred to the Committee on Rules and ing 5 percent or more butterfat, nonfat started to pour into the country. Administration. milk solids, or a combination of the two. My legislation, as I have already indi­ (See the above resolution plinted in It would do this by permitting imports in cated, tightens existing controls by set­ full when reported by Mr. JACKSON, which an amount equivalent to the 1961-65 ting a 5-percent butterfat or nonfat milk appears under the heading "Reports of average. It would also allow imports to solids limitation on items that can be Committees.") share in any growth in domestic con­ imported into the United states without sumption. Finally, it would give the restriction. This is essential to the sta­ President the power to authorize addi­ bility of the dairy industry at a time STUDY OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL tional imports if he felt they were in the RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE when total imports of dairy products are national interest. However, if domestic 12 times as great as the amount author­ UNITED STATES AND THE STATES market prices were less than parity the AND MUNICIPALITIES ized under import quotas. Secretary of Agriculture would have to In the short run, it might be argued, Mr. MUSKIE, from the Committee on purchase an amount of domestic dairy continually increasing dairy imports will Government Operations, reported an prices corresponding to the amount au­ mean lower prices, even if they result in original resolution (S. Res. 55) author­ thorized to be imported by the Presi­ higher plices over the long haul. Even izing a study of lntergovernmental dential order. this argument does not hold water. In relationships between the United states Why is such a bill necessary? Part of past years each pound of butter anIJ and the States and municipalities, which the answer to this question lies in the cheese imported from abroad has com­ was referred to the Committee on Rules nature of the commodity~ Fluid milk is pelled the Government to purchase an and Administration. perhaps the most perishable farm com­ equal amount of the domestic product (See the above resolution printed in modity produced today. The milk our under the price support laws. This full when reported by Mr. MUSKIE, which children drink cannot be shipped in its means, it is important to note, that under appears under the heading "Reports of fluid form from one continent to another present conditions any advantage the Committees.") without deteriorating substantially. consumer gains through lower import Congress has recognized this perish­ prices is offset by the expenditure of tax able attribute as well as the value of the dollars through the Federal Govern­ STUDY OF THE PROBLEMS OF product by authorizing the creation of a ment's purchase of domestic dairy prod­ SMALL AND INDEPENDENT BUSI­ milk marketing order system. The sys­ ucts which have been displaced by im­ NESSES tem arose out of the economic facts of ports. Thus my bill would cost the Mr. SMATHERS (for himself and Mr. life in the milk industry. Because fluid consumer nothing. Yet it would hold JAVITS) submitted the following resolu­ milk is so pelishable and because It is es­ milk prices at a reasonable level in the tion (S. Res. 56) ; which was referred to sential in the diet of our youth a standby long run. the Committee on Banking and Cur­ supply, or surplus, must always be avail­ Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent rency: able to meet possible increases in de- that an excellent analysis of this issue January 24, 1967 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 8761 the highest gross rate paid to any other ance with section 261 of the AtomiC Energy trict courts of the United States; to the Com­ employee; and Act of 1954, as amended, and for other pur­ mittee on the Judiciary. (3) with the prior consent of the head or poses; to the Joint Committee on AtomiC S.622. A blll to amend the act entitled the department or agency concerned, and the Energy. "An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Air Committee on Rules and Administration, to By Mr. PROXMIRE (for himself, Mr. Force to establish land-based air warning utilize on a reimbursable basis the services, JORDAN of Idaho, Mr. YOUNG of and control Installations for the national se­ information, facilities, and personnel of any ~orth Dakota, Mr.
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