

Deborah Rennard C/O Joel Isaacson, 546 Fifth Ave, 20th Fl NY, NY 10036 [email protected] 646 460-5409 "MORE" LIGHTS UP on a woman, Mila, early to mid-40's. She begins to sing the song "MORE". As she does, lights come up on a handsome well-dressed couple in their mid-to-late 20's. Mila watches as they dance to the music. MILA "More than the greatest love the world has known, This is the love I give to you alone, Suddenly there is the sound of a deafening explosion. A man's voice shouts to be heard. MAN'S VOICE #1 Sir, we're under attack! Another man shouts back. MAN'S VOICE #2 Fire! Full power astern! Mila continues to sing. It is unclear if she hears the voices or the explosion. MILA "More than the simple words I try to say, I only live to love you more each day", Mila talks directly to the audience. MILA That was my father's favorite song. He wooed my mother with that song. The sound of more explosions. MILA A blonde hair, blue-eyed, 26 year old with movie star good looks and a cherry red T-Bird, who drove all the way from Ohio to California and met my mother, who was, ironically, also from Ohio. MAN'S VOICE #2 Maintain fazer fire! We need more power! 2. MAN'S VOICE #1 We haven't got it! MILA She was smitten at first sight. She never could resist a handsome man in a convertible. WOMAN'S VOICE Sir, we're picking up speed! Warp 5, Warp 6! MILA (singing) "More than you'll ever know my arms long to hold your soul"- She wanted to get married - to get married and to have babies so fast, she didn't see, until too late in her first pregnancy, that my father's favorite pastime was other women.

WOMAN'S VOICE Severe casualties reported on decks 3 and 4! MILA (singing) "My life will be in your keeping, waking, sleeping, laughing, weeping", Of course, it wasn't his only pastime, he also enjoyed gambling and drinking. MAN'S VOICE #1 The deflector shields are at full power, Sir. They can't take much more of this! MILA (singing) "Longer than always is a long long time, but far beyond forever you'll be mine", So she raced head-on into the impossible task of marriage and trying to build a family, with a man who was incapable of either. MAN'S VOICE #2 Scotty, what's going on down there? Scotty? Scotty! MILA (singing) "I know I've never lived before, And my heart is very sure, No one else could love you more. I know I've never lived before, And my heart is very sure, No one else could love you more". The song ends, the couple finishes the dance. Lights out on them. MILA I spent my whole childhood waiting for my life to look like re-runs of my favorite tv show, "Father Knows Best". 3. A 1950'S FATHER AND MOTHER APPEAR AND ACT OUT AN IDYLLIC FAMILY SCENE. MILA I wanted to be Kitten in the worst way - to have my father come home every evening, wearing a suit and tie, carrying a briefcase, pick me up in his arms and ask about my day at school - my mom in a pretty frock, holding a plate of freshly baked cookies. THE 1950'S DAD CHANGES INTO A STAR TREK UNIFORM AND NOW RESEMBLES "CAPTAIN KIRK", the MOM DONS A "SPOCK" WIG AND EARS.

MILA But lately, my life has started to look more like an episode of "Star Trek". You know, in those moments between wake and sleep. And not just a single episode, a series of them. Which is strange, because I've never liked "Star Trek". In fact, I hate it. I think Spock is spooky - those pointed ears and that creepy haircut. It's weird, I hear my father shouting, "Give it more power, Scotty!" And my mom responding in some strange language. Whole arguments are happening and I have no idea what they mean. My father wasn't a bad person. He just had no business ever being a husband or a father. And I don't think he understood that he was my whole world - THE YOUNG FATHER, AS CAPTAIN KIRK, PUTS MILA ON HIS KNEE. THE YOUNG MOTHER, AS SPOCK, STANDS TO THE SIDE. MILA And that when at the age of five, he put me on his knee and told me that he and my mom were divorcing, that world collapsed. FIVE YEAR OLD MILA CRUMBLES INTO TEARS AND RUNS OFF. MILA Now, I seem to be just lying around waiting to be "beamed up". And I have no idea what that means. Lights out. 4. ACT I SCENE 1

HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY An elderly man lies in bed in a coma, hooked up to all sorts of machines. Mila enters and regards him for a moment before speaking. MILA You look like shit. Christ, I need a cigarette. You look like you do too, by the way.

She looks over at the door. MILA How many puffs you figure I can get in before security drags me out of here? They probably have huge smoke detectors that go off at the first whiff. I wonder if the windows open. She crosses to the window and tries it. MILA Wow, they do. Funny, them not having locks on the windows four floors up. Guess they're not too concerned with you coma patients leaping out and exposing them to all kinds of lawsuits. (beat) Fuck it. She pulls out a cigarette and lights up. She takes a few puffs, carefully exhaling the smoke out of the window. MILA Man, I needed that. So, you gonna die on me? Cause that would really suck. I mean, it's one thing for somebody to not visit or call, but to go and die on that person, that's something else. Especially since the second somebody is the main reason the first somebody is so monumentally fucked up. Mila hears someone at the door. MILA Shit. 5. Mila tosses the cigarette out the window and shuts it, just as ARACELY, a Guatemalan physical therapist, enters. ARACELY I'm sorry. I thought he was alone. MILA It's okay. I'm his daughter, Mila. ARACELY Nice to meet you, Mila. I'm Aracely. I do the physical therapy with your father. I can come back later if - MILA No, no. It's fine. ARACELY Are you sure? MILA We weren't doing anything important. Just "b/sing" as he likes to say. We can finish later. It's not like he's going anywhere, right? Mila laughs, Aracely doesn't. MILA So, uh, you know, go ahead, do whatever you have to do. Would you like me to help or - ARACELY No, we're good. Thank you. Aracely approaches the bed, and smells the cigarette smoke in the air. She looks as if she might say something, but then changes her mind. ARACELY Ok, Bob, you remember our routine? She pulls the covers down and begins manipulating his arms and legs, doing some simple stretches. She continues throughout the following dialogue. MILA Can he hear you? 6. ARACELY Sometimes they can. MILA These...uh, comas, do people ever come out of them? ARACELY Sometimes. MILA When? I mean, how long are they usually - ARACELY It depends on what caused it, and the patients condition. You should ask the doctor.

MILA I left him a message. Do you think he'll be stopping by today? ARACELY He usually comes in the late afternoon. What is he like? MILA I'm sorry? ARACELY Your father. MILA Oh. ARACELY I like to get to know my patients. MILA Well...he is, was, very sociable. He likes people. And I think they liked him. ARACELY Yes? MILA He's a good story teller. ARACELY He has a kind face. MILA He was very handsome as a young man. You can't tell to look at him now, but he was very good looking. He could have been a movie star. 7. ARACELY Really? MILA Oh, yeah. (beat) I haven't seen him in ten years. ARACELY That's a long time. MILA I think...sometimes we have our best relationships with people when we don't see or speak to them, you know? Aracely looks like she definitely does not know. MILA I didn't intend to...I was dealing with some stuff and somehow ten years just... ARACELY It's okay, you don't have to explain. MILA When was the last time you saw your father? ARACELY He died three years ago. MILA I'm sorry. Were you close? ARACELY No, I was living here. MILA I mean, were you and he, did the two of you have a close relationship? ARACELY Oh, yes. I grew up in a small village in Guatemala, there were no jobs, so my father went to El Salvador to work in a factory. He would come home every few months to see my mother and brothers and sisters and I. When he came home, it was like a holiday, we would stay up late into the night, cooking, and playing music, and dancing. It was so lovely. MILA How many siblings do you have? ARACELY 12. 8. MILA 12? ARACELY How many do you have? MILA One, a sister. Actually, I have, had, a brother too, but he disappeared at 15. No no one has heard from him since. ARACELY I'm sorry. (beat) We are done. Aracely starts to leave, then turns back. ARACELY I am sure your father is very happy you are here. MILA Thank you. ARACELY I will pray for - MILA No! I mean, I'm an atheist. I don't really believe in God, or...praying, or...anything. ARACELY It's okay. You don't have to. He won't mind. Aracely leaves. Mila looks after her, then turns to her father. MILA Does she mean you or God? Lights out. 9. SCENE 2

HOSPITAL ROOM - LATER The door opens, Mila is gone. Leslie, Mila's older sister, a real take charge person, enters with her husband, Matt. Matt is early to mid-40's, amiable and easy going. Leslie walks over to her father. LESLIE So sad.

Matt comes to stand next to her. He puts his arm around her. MATT You alright? LESLIE Mmm, hmm. (beat) Okay, let's pull the plug. MATT What??? LESLIE You heard his doctor. He's probably not going to come out of this, and if he does what kind of a life is he going to have? MATT You can't be serious. LESLIE These hospital fees are outrageous. Who's going to pay to let him continue to lie there and be a vegetable? MATT This is your father you're talking about. LESLIE And I love him. But if he isn't going to come out of this, what's the point? MATT I had no idea you were this callous. 10. LESLIE He never wanted to be put on life support. I have a call into his attorney, but I'm sure that's what he specified in his end of life documents. MATT It doesn't feel right, like we're trying to play God, or - LESLIE I bet they charge a fortune to do it, too. Look down there, see if you can figure out which one it is. It's probably big. She walks behind the bed to peer at the outlets in the wall.

MATT What are you - You can't just start pulling out plugs! What does Mila say? LESLIE Mila hasn't communicated to her father in a decade. I think the statute of limitations has pretty much run out on her having any say about what happens to him now. MATT Did you call her? LESLIE Of course I called her. I left several messages. I haven't heard back from her, and frankly I don't expect to. The door opens and Mila walks in. MILA Hi. MATT Oh, wow. Hey, Mila. MILA Hey, Matt. MATT How's it goin? MILA Okay. You? MATT Hangin in. 11. Awkward pause. LESLIE Right. Okay, well, I have to - MILA I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner, I had to - LESLIE It's fine. MILA I'm just trying to - LESLIE I said it's fine. I wasn't actually expecting you to show up. MILA I told you I would. LESLIE Yeah, well. MILA He's my father, I wouldn't just - LESLIE Whatever. I have to get back to the office. I have a call into his attorney to verify his wishes not to be kept on life support. As soon as I get confirmation I'll inform the hospital. Leslie starts to exit. MILA Wait, what - I don't want to kill him. LESLIE Kill him? MILA You know what I mean. LESLIE We're not killing him, Mila. He's in a coma. MILA But he could come out of it. LESLIE That's not going to happen. 12. MILA It might. LESLIE It won't. MILA How do you know? LESLIE Matt, would you go to the nurse's station and find out when Dr. Stedman is coming in today? MATT She has a point.

LESLIE What? MATT It's possible - LESLIE You're going to take her side? MATT There are no - LESLIE I'm the one whose been with him night and day. I know what he wanted. MILA It's only been a few days. Something could change, he could - LESLIE Nothing is going to change. MILA You don't - LESLIE I know. MILA You talked to his doctors? LESLIE Of course. MILA And they said it's definite - there's no chance he could ever - 13. LESLIE Nothing is ever 100%. But in his case, his primary doctor said the chances are very small that - MILA But if there's any chance at all, we should - MATT I don't think Mila is being unreasonable to - LESLIE What are you doing? MATT What?

LESLIE You were there when the doctor explained everything. MATT I know, but - LESLIE Okay, I can't deal with this right now. I have to get back to the office. I have three houses to close. MATT Why don't you calm down and - LESLIE Don't tell me to calm down! MATT I'm sorry. LESLIE I really don't need this right now. MILA All I'm saying is, people come out of comas and we should - LESLIE Yes!! Yes, Mila! People come out of comas! It doesn't mean he will! And it doesn't mean he will come out of it with enough of his brain or body functions intact to - Forget it, just... Talk to his doctor. She starts to leave again. MILA His nurse said you never know who - LESLIE Excuse me? 14. MILA His nurse, she said - LESLIE Nurse? What nurse? MATT Leslie - LESLIE How could you possibly have spoken to a nurse? You've only been here five minutes. MILA I got here an hour ago. I saw him and then I went out to -

LESLIE I can't believe you're doing this. MATT She isn't trying to - LESLIE (to Matt) Can you just take my side? For once? Please? Matt is silent. LESLIE (to Matt) Go out and ask when the doctor is coming. Matt looks as if he is going to say something. LESLIE Please. Matt turns to go. LESLIE Thank you. MILA I'm sorry, I'm not trying to - LESLIE Do you think you can just waltz in here and start demanding things? MILA What? 15. LESLIE Who do you think you are? MILA I'm his daughter! LESLIE So am I! And I have actually been acting as his daughter for the last ten years. What have you been doing? MILA We're talking about his life! LESLIE Oh, now you're concerned about his life?

MILA Look, I know I haven't been here for him. And I appreciate everything you've been doing. But I just can't give up on the possibility that he might come out of this, that I might be able to - to have some kind of a relationship with him - LESLIE Oh, you want a relationship with him? That's what you want? MILA I don't know how to trust a man, and it's his fault! LESLIE It's not his - MILA The least he can do is to wake up long enough to apologize to me for making me so fucked up! LESLIE We're all fucked up. Join the club. MILA What if he's in there screaming to get out? Screaming to wake up and be heard? Feeling like no one understands or cares enough about him to want to help? He could be in there silently screaming and we can't even hear him. LESLIE Are you talking about him or you? MILA I need to talk to him. I need to work things out. LESLIE Then you should have made seeing him a priority in your life and come around, oh, say, ONCE in the last ten years! 16. MILA I knew this would happen. I knew I would get here and it would be too late and - LESLIE Do you know how many times he asked for you? MILA What if you loved someone so much, but you saw them drowning, and knew nothing you did could make a difference? I couldn't stand by and watch him destroy himself. LESLIE Your being gone had nothing to do with him! It was all about you. It's always about you. Everything you do is all about you. (beat) Sometimes you just have to let go. Sometimes loving someone is about letting them go. MILA Oh, that's deep. LESLIE Forget it. MILA No, really, when did you get all "Zen"? "Loving someone is about letting go?" You've never been able to let go of anything in your life. Aside from Mom, you're the most controlling person on the planet. And you don't love him. You just don't want to have to take care of him anymore. LESLIE I devoted the last ten years of my life to him! Where have you been? Traveling around the world being an "artiste". "Finding yourself". Your life is here. If you had wanted to find yourself, you should have stayed around and gotten to know your own father. Maybe then you wouldn't be trying to hold onto him so bad you're willing to turn him into a vegetable! MILA I fucked up, okay? I know that. I should have been here for him. I'm sorry. How long are you going to punish me? I can't lose him. He's all I've got. I'm hanging on by a thread. LESLIE Don't be so dramatic. MILA Thanks. 17. LESLIE You always feel like that. MILA No, I don't. (beat) I do? LESLIE Please. You're the biggest drama queen on the planet. MILA I am? LESLIE You don't know that?

MILA (genuine) No. LESLIE Look, we can't keep our father alive on machines just because you never resolved your childhood issues with him. And even if we could, who's going to pay for it? He has no insurance, no savings. I can't continue to - MILA He's our father! We can't think about money when - LESLIE Oh no, let's not think about money! How crude. How "unartistic". MILA I don't mean to - LESLIE That's me, the practical one. The one that has to deal with all the shit while you and Matt go about being "artistes". I have to go. Leslie starts out the door. MILA I'm sorry. Leslie stops and turns back. Mila is staring at their father's face. MILA I've been a horrible daughter. (MORE) 18. MILA (CONT'D) All I've thought about is myself. Caught up in my own world of pain. I need him to know how much he meant to me. I need to - What happened to him? He used to be so handsome. LESLIE Hard living. MILA The right side of his face, it's...fallen. LESLIE It's the tumor. MILA He looks grotesque.

LESLIE "Death is not pretty Miss Stella". Mila stares at Leslie. MILA Are you seriously quoting "A Streetcar named Desire" to me? LESLIE I thought you'd appreciate the effort to speak to you in your own language. MILA I'm not a playwright. I write books. LESLIE Whatever. MILA Remember, when he used to carry us around on his shoulders in the back yard and give us "pony rides"? LESLIE You always got longer ones than me. MILA He was so strong, so invincible. LESLIE That was a long time ago. Beat. MILA How are you doing? Leslie doesn't answer. 19. MILA How's Sean? Beat. LESLIE Fine. Testing the limits of his parents patience. I guess that makes him a normal teenage boy. MILA How old is he now? LESLIE 15. MILA And he's...okay? LESLIE He's into the usual stuff. He's coming out the other side. MILA Do you ever get worried he might - LESLIE What? (pointedly) He's fine. MILA Of course. LESLIE Sean isn't Rob. MILA I know, I didn't mean to...I can't believe the last time I saw him he was five. He was so cute. Little blond hair, blue eyed - So smart - I always thought, if I ever had a kid, I would want him to be just like Sean. I used to think I wanted a girl, but little boys - they try so hard, even at such a young age, to "be a man". Rob was like that. Four years old, and carrying the weight of his father's absence, trying to make us feel better. Remember all those shows he put on for us? LESLIE Those terrible "Star Trek" skits? MILA They were so bad! LESLIE We laughed so hard. 20. MILA Yeah. Hey, do you remember how Sean used to love it when I held him upside down? He would laugh and laugh, and ask me to do it over and over? I would pretend I was going to drop him? He loved the rush of oxygen to his brain, that high of - well, that was a long time ago. LESLIE He appreciates how you always send him something for his birthday. MILA Does he actually remember me? LESLIE Yeah. I've showed him your picture over the years.

MILA He's a good kid. (beat) Mom come by yet? LESLIE No. MILA But, she knows? LESLIE Oh, yeah. MILA Why do you hate her so much? LESLIE You want a list? She's everything I despise. Her selfishness, her manipulation, her guilt trips, her desperate need to control everything down to the last - MILA Come on. She was a single mom, raising three kids on a waitress's salary, with no help from Daddy. There were times she couldn't scrape together a quarter to buy a loaf of day old bread. Remember the time we were playing dress up, and we accidentally broke her lipstick? We heard her coming, and hid behind the couch. We were so terrified of what she was going to do to us. Then she came in, saw the lipstick and broke down crying. I will never forget that. Beat. LESLIE I don't remember. 21. MILA My six year old brain couldn't comprehend anyone falling apart over lipstick. It was worse than any punishment she could ever have inflicted on us. LESLIE See! There ya go! Guilt trip. MILA Jesus. LESLIE All I know is, I'm terrified of becoming her. And I know I already have. Fuck. MILA What's wrong? LESLIE I gotta go. Leslie starts out, then stops. LESLIE I just wanna know when we get to coast, you know? You struggle year after year, trying to keep a marriage together, raise a child, feel like you're not just taking up space on this friggin planet. You work and work and - I just wanna know when we can get to the point where every day isn't a continual battle? Matt enters. MATT Nobody knows when he's coming in so I asked the nurse to page him. LESLIE I'll see you both later. MATT You're not gonna stay and talk to him? LESLIE You and Mila can talk to him. MATT He's your father. LESLIE He's her father, too. MATT But - 22. LESLIE I've already spoken to him. I don't need to do it again. You and Mila aren't convinced, you need to hear him say the same stuff all over again - be my guest. I have three houses to close. MATT You don't think you're being a little - LESLIE If I don't get to work, who's going to pay the bills? Who's going to pay for all of "this"? The two of you stand there looking at me like I'm some kind of monster - MATT We don't think you're a -

LESLIE Why do you always have to fight me on everything? Can't you see how hard this is on me? You know what? I'm tired of this bullshit. Leslie goes behind the bed and starts pulling out plugs. MATT What are you - Oh my god, what are you doing!? MILA Leslie! No! There is a physical struggle. Matt and Mila try to restrain Leslie from pulling out all the plugs connecting their father to various machines. LESLIE Get out of my way! MATT You can't do this! MILA Leslie, please! Stop! Leslie succeeds in pulling a couple of plugs out. A lamp goes off. The tv flickers. MATT Jesus Christ! You can't - 23. LESLIE Let me go! Matt wrestles Leslie to the floor. MATT Mila, plug them back in! (to Leslie) This is insane! You're acting like a crazy - LESLIE Let go of me! Aaah! Leslie crumples to the floor, unable to move.

MATT Oh my god, what's wrong? LESLIE My back! MATT Jesus, Leslie, I'm - LESLIE What did you do that for? MATT I was trying to prevent you from getting 25 to life! Last time I checked, California is a "Right to life" State. LESLIE God damnit! MATT I'm sorry, what can I - LESLIE Nothing. MATT I'll get help. LESLIE Good luck. MATT This is a hospital. There are doctors everywhere. LESLIE Useless. Just get me some ice. And the pills in my purse. 24. Matt picks up Leslie's purse. MATT I can never find anything in - LESLIE Give it to Mila. Matt hands Leslie's purse to Mila. MATT I'll get ice. Matt leaves. Leslie's phone rings.

LESLIE Can you hand me my phone? Mila finds Leslie's phone and hands it to her. LESLIE Hello? Impeccable timing, Mom. Lying on the floor in Dad's room. Oh, you know, I couldn't think of anything better to do. Yes, my back went out. I was struggling with - never mind. I'm waiting to hear from his attorney. Christ. No Mom, I'm not being insensitive. You divorced the man like 40 years ago. I'm not saying your feelings don't count, I just think perhaps they don't count quite as much as you'd like to think. Is everybody going to fight me on this? You, Matt, Mila - You didn't give me a chance to - This really isn't the best - Fine. (to Mila) She wants to talk to you. Leslie hands the phone to Mila. MILA Hi, Mom. Oh, uh, you know...around. I'm sorry I haven't been able to...Yeah, okay. Uh, I think Leslie wants her phone back - I told her. I don't think we should take him off life support either, but she says - LESLIE Okay, that's enough. Give me back my phone. MILA I have to go. I'll call you later. Love you too. Mila hands Leslie back her phone. 25. LESLIE Gotta go, Mom. I'm not gonna talk about this now. Okay, hanging up. Leslie hangs up. Immediately her phone rings again. LESLIE Mom, I can't talk about this - What? Fine. Leslie hangs up. LESLIE She's coming by this afternoon. Leslie's phone rings again.

LESLIE Mom, I can't - Oh, sorry Theresa. Can you tell them I'm stuck in a meeting? Yes, have them start signing. You're the best. I'll be there as soon as I can. Leslie hangs up. She tries to sit up. LESLIE Ah! Jesus! MILA You okay? LESLIE Do I look like I'm okay? Leslie manages to prop herself up against the bed. LESLIE Fuck. (beat) Matt's having an affair. MILA What? LESLIE Did you not hear me or do you not want to believe it? MILA Are you sure? LESLIE Pretty sure, yeah. 26. MILA What did - LESLIE I don't want to talk about it. MILA What? LESLIE I don't want to talk about it. MILA You don't want to talk about it? LESLIE No. MILA You brought it up. LESLIE I know, but I don't want to talk about it. MILA Okay. Beat. LESLIE Fucking asshole. MILA Are we still not - LESLIE Lying, cheating - MILA How do you - LESLIE I told you, I don't want to talk about it. MILA Okay. LESLIE Bastard. MILA How do you know? 27. LESLIE That he's a bastard? MILA That he's having an affair? Leslie gives her a look. MILA Maybe he's just feeling a little "un-loved", maybe - LESLIE So, it's my fault he's cheating on me? MILA No, but maybe he just feels like he's not -

LESLIE What?! Getting his "needs" met? This is marriage. I got news for you, Mila. Nobody's getting their needs met. Jesus, I can't believe I became Mom. And I can't believe I married Dad. MILA Matt isn't Dad. LESLIE He's found some young slut to fuck. MILA You know who - LESLIE Some 20 year old ho. MILA Who is she? LESLIE I just told you, some twenty year old whore. MILA How do you know? LESLIE That she's a whore? MILA That he's having an affair with her. LESLIE I saw her name on his phone so I facebooked her. I found out where she likes to hang out, what clubs she goes to. 28. MILA You facebook stalked her? LESLIE I waited until she came out. MILA Oh my god, I can't believe you - LESLIE She was in a group, you know, a pack. That's how they travel around these days. In packs. Like predators. These 20 something sluts. They don't care. You can see it in their attitude - how they walk, how they laugh and move. They just want to have a good time. They don't care at whose expense they get it. They don't care if the guy is married or has kids or... It means nothing to them to destroy a marriage. They have no values, no morals, no...Prancing around in their six inch heels, no stockings, skirts barely covering their cunts. MILA What did you do? LESLIE I watched her walk out. She and her girlfriends got in a car and drove off. MILA You didn't go after her? LESLIE And do what? Confront her? How do you reason with someone who has no conscience? I just wanted to get a look at her - to know if it was really true. As soon as I saw her I knew. I got sick to my stomach. Threw up right there in the parking lot. MILA Man. LESLIE Too bad it wasn't on her car. MILA Jeez. Matt enters with a pack of ice. Leslie and Mila stop talking and look at him. There is an awkward moment of silence. MATT I got the ice. 29. LESLIE Thanks. He hands Leslie the ice. Another awkward moment. MATT Is there anything else I can - LESLIE Mila, can you hand me my pills and some - MATT Leslie, I really think we should talk about - LESLIE What? Mila hands Leslie her pills and water. Matt doesn't respond. LESLIE (to Matt) What? MATT Never mind. LESLIE Go ahead. What do you think we should "talk" about? MATT Mila, do you think you could you give us a few minutes to - MILA Of course, I'll step out and - LESLIE Don't bother. I have to go. She starts to go then turns back around. LESLIE (to Matt) I've been trying to talk to you for the last six months, all you've done is shut me out, and now you - MATT I just thought - LESLIE You don't get to control every situation! 30. MATT What? LESLIE Just because you suddenly feel like "opening up", I'm supposed to - MATT I'm hardly the one doing all the controlling around here. LESLIE What's that supposed to mean? Matt is silent. LESLIE Fine. You want to talk? Let's talk. Leslie plants herself in a chair. MILA I'll let you two have some priva - LESLIE Oh, we don't need privacy, do we, Matt? Do we need Mila to step out so she doesn't hear why you want to leave me? MATT What??? LESLIE Your "little friend"? MATT I don't know what you're - LESLIE Look how innocent he looks. MATT Leslie, I can't keep doing this. LESLIE So, don't! Go! MATT Jesus. LESLIE Go! Fuck whoever you want! MATT I'm not - 31. LESLIE Now you're going to lie to me?! MATT I'm not lying! LESLIE Say it! You want a divorce. MATT What??? LESLIE Are you going to lie to me about that too? MATT What is wrong with you? LESLIE What's wrong with me? I want a husband I can trust! Gee, I must be crazy! MATT Look, I don't know where all this is coming from. LESLIE You brought it up. MATT I what? LESLIE You said you wanted to "talk". MATT I was trying to get you to reconsider and stay and talk to the doctor with Mila and I. He lets that sit. MATT I don't know how to communicate with you anymore. LESLIE That your rationale for fucking around on me? MATT I'm not - LESLIE I know. MATT What? 32. LESLIE I know. MATT I don't know what you think you know but - LESLIE What I "think" I know? I saw her. MATT What? LESLIE I saw her. Why don't you tell Mila who you've been fucking around on me with?

MATT I'll see you at home. Matt starts to go. LESLIE Don't you dare walk out on me! MATT Jesus Christ, Leslie. What the fuck do you want from me?! LESLIE I want you to admit what a lowlife piece of shit you are! MATT Okay. You know what? You're right. I want a divorce. LESLIE I knew it! MATT And do you know why? LESLIE Oh, yeah. I know why. MATT Because nothing I do is ever enough for you! Nothing I give you is enough, nothing I do is enough. Nothing is ever enough!! You want more, no matter what we have, you always want more. You have this...endless void, this endless vacuum of need that can never be filled. I can't make you happy. I used to think I could. But I don't anymore. And I'm tired of trying. I have nothing left inside to give. Matt turns to leave. 33. LESLIE There ya go! It's my fault you can't keep your dick in your pants. MATT I love you, Leslie! I do. I've tried for 16 years to prove that to you, but I've failed! I've failed because nothing I do can ever make you change your mind. I have faults. I am nowhere near perfect. I'm not a saint. But I'm not a villain, either. And I'm not your father, no matter how many times you try to turn me into him. Any problems we have in this marriage have been co-authored by the two of us. But you can never see that. And I have no words left to try to convince you. (to Mila) I'm sorry you had to witness this.

Matt leaves. Silence. LESLIE Hand me my purse. Mila hands Leslie her purse. Leslie fishes out her phone and punches in a number. LESLIE Theresa? Yeah, I'm still at the hospital. Can you? You're the best. I'll get there as soon as I can. Thank you. Call me if there's a prob - Perfect. Thanks. Leslie hangs up the phone. There is silence again. Mila gets a text. She checks her phone and ignores it. MILA Is there anything I can... LESLIE No. MILA Do you think - LESLIE I don't mean to be rude, but I don't need your sympathy. MILA I was just trying to - LESLIE Yeah, I get it. I don't need it. 34. MILA Okay. Mila gets another text. Again she looks at it and ignores it. LESLIE And you don't get to have an opinion about my marriage, either. You who've never been married or had a child, or even had a relationship that's lasted longer than two years. MILA Can you give it a rest? LESLIE Excuse me? Mila gets another text. Again she ignores it. MILA It's okay to show some vulnerability sometime. The world isn't going to fall apart if you display the teensiest bit of weakness. It might even be a good thing, it might make you more - LESLIE What? Human? MILA All I'm saying is, you don't always have to be the one who has all the answers. LESLIE I'm not - Mila gets another text. She ignores it. Leslie gives her a look. MILA You could let me in. We could talk sometimes about...I don't know - stuff, stuff that matters. I'm your sister. LESLIE Little sister. MILA So that means nothing I say is of any consequence? I can't know anything you don't? I can't ever be of any help? 35. LESLIE Oh? Are you trying to help? Is that what you're doing? Cause I really don't need this right now. MILA We always talk around things...why can't we talk directly about...something...something that's...you know, how we really feel. Mila gets another text. Again she does not respond. LESLIE Are you gonna get that? MILA It's fine. LESLIE Okay. Mila's phone rings. She silences it to vibrate. LESLIE Sounds important. MILA It's not. They're all assholes anyway. LESLIE I'm sure they are. Who we talking about? MILA Men. LESLIE In that case, definitely. Mila's phone vibrates. Leslie gives her a look. MILA I don't want to get into it. LESLIE Fine. MILA Look, you don't want to talk to me about your marriage, I don't want to - 36. LESLIE I just told you about Matt's affair, and you just witnessed my entire marriage falling apart. How many more intimate details are you looking for in this sisterly bonding experience of yours? MILA You can't trust any of them. LESLIE This guy cheat on you? MILA No. (beat) Yes. (beat) I don't know. LESLIE That certainly covers all the bases. MILA He's married. LESLIE You had an affair with a married man? MILA No! (beat) Yes. (beat) It was complicated. LESLIE I can't believe you had an affair with a married man. MILA Fuck. LESLIE How could you - Nevermind, it's none of my - MILA Translation, I'm a piece of shit and no longer worth your time to - LESLIE We grew up watching Mom and Dad's marriage be destroyed by Dad running around on her! How do you live through that for all those years and then - 37. MILA I knew you wouldn't - LESLIE Well, how do you expect me to - MILA I knew you would judge me! I knew it! I knew you would look down on me and - LESLIE I'm not - MILA You've never once cared enough to really talk to me, to really try to understand how I feel, what I'm going through!!

LESLIE WHAT'S NOT TO UNDERSTAND? You fucked a married man! Did he have little children? You are that woman! That woman we grew up fearing and despising, laying in our beds in the dark every night, listening to Mom and Dad fight when he came home at three in the morning drunk. Those women destroyed our family, Mila! MILA Do you think I set out to fall in love with a married man? I'm telling you how I feel, and you still don't - I'm just a piece of crap, is that it? You've never made me feel worthy of your time or - LESLIE Now it's my fault you're fucked up? First Dad, then me? Gee, Mila, is there any room in the blame game of your life for you? Anything you are personally responsible for? Seems like you've got it all pretty well delegated out to everyone else. Beat. MILA He said they were separated. I believed him. LESLIE Did he have his own place? MILA He had lots of places. He owns and manages like 20 properties. He would rotate living in them when they were vacant. LESLIE You didn't think that was suspicious? 38. MILA No. He owned all these properties, it didn't make sense for him to rent something else. And it was kinda fun, like being on vacation. Every few months he would move to a different one. Some were furnished, some weren't, sometimes we just slept on a futon. It was adventurous and...romantic. And sometimes he would stay with me at my place. There were times I wondered, I would get these feelings, maybe he was still somehow... attached to her. I knew he loved his kids and missed them - but I thought he loved me too. He did. I know he did. Just...not enough. I broke up with him. LESLIE When? MILA All the time. LESLIE Jesus, Mila. MILA I was happy. Can't you understand that? For the first time in my life I was happy. Lying in his arms was like...home. The way home should have felt, but never did. Maybe it was my way of trying to understand, to...process through, to...I was so afraid of that woman we grew up fearing in the dark, the woman I knew I would one day discover my husband was fucking around on me with. I thought, maybe if I could be her, she would cease to have power over me? You know, if I could be the thing I most feared, then maybe it wouldn't happen to me? LESLIE Is that what you told yourself to justify it? MILA I just wanted to be desired. I wanted to be loved. Is that so terrible?! LESLIE You couldn't find that with someone single? MILA We can't all be a model of human morality like you. If it makes you feel any better, I'm seriously considering a life of celibacy. Beat. LESLIE I have to get to work. Leslie starts out the door. 39. MILA Leslie? LESLIE Yeah? MILA (as if in a trance) Do you ever wish you could stop fighting and just let go and fall? Let yourself go completely and sink. Not hold onto anything. Just let the tide take you. Swaying from side to side, no sense of purpose, no need to control anything. Just floating and falling and... LESLIE Mila -

MILA Sounds lovely doesn't it? LESLIE It sounds like death. MILA Hmm. LESLIE Mila? MILA What? LESLIE Mila! MILA Why are you yelling at me? LESLIE I wish you could hear me. Leslie's phone rings. She pulls it out of her purse. LESLIE (into phone) Hello? Mr Weiss, thank you. I appreciate you getting back to me so quickly. I wasn't sure if you knew, but my father went into a coma three days ago. Thank you. The reason I'm calling is, I know my father had his end of life documents in place and I just wanted to verify what his - Leslie starts out the door. 40. LESLIE To be perfectly blunt, he always said he never wanted to be kept alive by machines, so I assume he filled out a DNR to - Leslie stops in her tracks. LESLIE I'm sorry, could you repeat that? Those are his exact words? Jesus. No, I understand. Yes, thank you. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Leslie hangs up the phone stunned. MILA What did he say?

LESLIE Apparently, our father specified if a situation like this were ever to arise, and there was any sort of dispute regarding keeping him alive on a machine or not, he expressly stated it was his desire that "the determination be made by unanimous consent between his children". Beat. MILA We both have to agree, one way or the other? Wow. So, what are we gonna do? LESLIE I don't know. Son of a bitch. He knows we can never agree on anything. He did this on purpose just to drive us crazy. MILA Maybe... LESLIE What? MILA He did it to bring us together? LESLIE You see that happening, do you? I gotta go. She pulls out her phone, and sees something else and pulls it out too. It is a book. She hands it to Mila. LESLIE Here. You want to have a relationship with your father? Read this to him. 41. MILA What is it? LESLIE Poems. MILA Poems? LESLIE He likes them. Calms him down. MILA Leslie, the man's in a coma. How much calmer would you like him to get?

LESLIE Emily Dickinson is his favorite. Leslie starts out the door, then turns back. LESLIE Do you even know why he named you after her? MILA I imagine it was because he heard some drunk in a bar he was working in spout her poetry, and thought it would be urbane to name his daughter after a famous poetess. LESLIE Before his mother was forced to send him to an orphanage, she would read poetry to him at night before she put him to bed. Her reading poems to him is one of the few memories he has of her. Beat. MILA Why do you know that and not me? LESLIE Because I spent the last ten years of his life with him. If you'd come around once in awhile, you'd know a few more things too. Leslie leaves. Mila opens the book and starts to read. MILA (reading) "Of all the souls that stand create, I have elected one. (MORE) 42. MILA (CONT'D) When sense from spirit files away, And subterfuge is done; When that which is and that which was, Apart, intrinsic, stand, And this brief tragedy of flesh is shifted like a sand; When figures show their royal front, And mists are carved away, Behold the atom I preferred, To all the lists of clay!" Mila stops reading. She sits, watching her father. MILA I know you had your problems, and I'm sorry. You never felt loved, so how could you give your own children the love they needed? Your father cheated on your Mother, so of course you cheated on your wife. You were never parented properly, how could you possibly be expected to parent your own kids well? I get it. And I have spent more years and more money than I feel comfortable admitting, trying to understand you, to forgive you, and to love you so I could heal myself. But it hasn't worked. I'm as screwed up as ever. I have this endless well of need and sadness. I go from one fucked up relationship to the next trying to find someone who can love me enough to fill that need. And you know what? I can't. It's not possible. It's not possible, because the person I need to fill it is you. The person I need to love me is you. So I'm sorry, but you are going to have to cut out this bullshit, wake up, and for once in your life put someone else's needs above your own and - Machines start beeping and alarms ringing on the machines attached to her father. MILA Oh, fuck. A nurse rushes in and starts administering to her father. NURSE What happened? MILA I don't know - the machines just started going off. Is he going to be alright? NURSE He's gone into cardiac arrest. I have to move him to the ER. MILA Shit. 43. The nurse wheels her father away. Mila stands there helplessly watching. A young man enters and passes them. ROB Hello, Mila. Mila looks as if she is seeing a ghost. MILA Rob? Oh, my god. Rob? Is that you? ROB How ya doin?

MILA I can't believe you're here! What - Where have you been? ROB Oh, you know, around. MILA "Around"?! All these years. We've been so worried. We never knew if you were alive or - You couldn't take five minutes to call and let us know you were okay? Rob doesn't answer. MILA Well, what have you been doing? Where have you been living? What do you - You still look just like a kid. ROB (laughing) Yeah, I guess I do. MILA Are you okay? ROB I came back to see you, Mila. MILA Me? What about Daddy? ROB He was always a son of a bitch. Still is. MILA Mom and Leslie are going to go crazy, they're going to be so happy to see you! Wait till I - 44. She reaches for her phone in her purse. ROB I can't stay. MILA What? What are you talking about? You just got here, you can't - ROB But, I'll be back. MILA When?

ROB Soon. I need you to do me a favor, Mila. Don't tell Mom or Leslie you saw me. MILA Why? ROB I'll see them later. Can you do that for me? MILA I guess. ROB And Mila? MILA Yeah? ROB Everything's going to be alright. MILA Promise? ROB "Live long and prosper". MILA I hate that show. ROB I know. MILA But, I'm so happy to see you, I wouldn't even fight you for the remote to turn it off, if it was on right now. 45. ROB What if that's just what I wanted you to do? MILA I don't know what you're talking about. But, I'm so glad to see you. I love you so much. ROB Jiyaj. {I understand} MILA Don't speak Klingon to me. ROB Luq. {Yes, ok, I'll do it.}

MILA I mean it. ROB Jiyaj. {I understand} MILA You're impossible. ROB HISlalt. {Yes} (Beat) I love you, too. MILA Promise you'll come back soon? ROB HISalt. {Yes} MILA So childish. They hug. Rob leaves. Mila stands there alone looking after him. Lights out. 46. ACT II SCENE 1

HOSPITAL ROOM - MORNING Several days later. Bob has returned from the emergency room, still in a coma. Mila is asleep in a chair by his side, Leslie walks in. Immediately her phone rings, waking Mila. LESLIE Shit. (to Mila) Sorry. MILA It's okay. LESLIE (into phone) Hang on, stepping out. Leslie exits. Mila walks to the sink and splashes water on her face. Aracely enters. ARACELY Good morning. MILA Oh, hi. Are you here to do the exercises with my father? ARACELY Actually, I came by to check on you. MILA Me? ARACELY Yes. MILA Oh. Uh, thanks. Look, I'm sorry I said all that about not believing in God, or praying or - ARACELY You don't have to apologize. 47. MILA Actually, I was thinking, um, maybe I would like to try to, uh, you know, pray or...something. But, I never really went to church, so I don't know how to - I almost killed my father. ARACELY What? No. MILA I was trying to explain that I didn't want him to die, but then the machines started beeping and - ARACELY You wanted him to know you love him. You were trying to tell him that.

MILA But it didn't come out that way. It was all angry and - ARACELY Just talk to him. MILA My Dad? ARACELY God. MILA Oh. ARACELY Tell him what's in your heart. MILA What, if it isn't good? ARACELY You have to trust. MILA Yeah, I kind of have trouble with that. ARACELY I have to go. Aracely leaves. Mila looks around, lost. SHE SEES HER FATHER AS A YOUNG MAN SITTING IN A CAR. HE IS WEARING A CAPTAIN KIRK UNIFORM. SHE WALKS OVER AND SITS NEXT TO HIM. 48. THE FLASHING NEON SIGN OF A BAR GLOWS BEHIND THEM. HER FATHER IS DRUNK AND CRYING. YOUNG FATHER "Scotty, what's going on down there? Scotty? Report". (to Mila) I love you, Baby. MILA I love you too, Daddy. YOUNG FATHER "Scotty, the intruder is in your area". (to Mila) What do you want? What can I give you?

YOUNG MILA I don't want anything, Daddy. I just want you. I just want you. YOUNG MILA LOOKS AT HER FATHER HELPLESSLY. LIGHTS DOWN ON THE CAR AND BACK UP ON THE HOSPITAL ROOM. Mila walks over to her father's bed and takes his hand. MILA All I ever wanted was you. (beat) I have no idea how to do this. Alright, um, kneel. I need a footstool or something. She looks around. Nothing but a chair. MILA This'll have to do. She pulls the chair over and gets up on her knees. MILA This is incredibly stupid. Alright, whatever. She puts her hands together in "prayer position" and closes her eyes to pray. MILA Speak from my heart. I feel ridiculous. (MORE) 49. MILA (CONT'D) (to God) Sorry. Matt enters. Mila doesn't hear him. He stands back and watches. MILA Okay, first of all, I know I'm just like every other hypocritical asshole who suddenly "finds religion", and swears lifelong devotion to you as their plane is plummeting to the ground. But, at least I know I'm being hypocritical. I'm not pretending I haven't been praying to you all my life because I couldn't find the time, or some such lame excuse. It was deliberate. I didn't believe in you. I still don't. But, what the hell? Sorry. Jesus. I mean, crap! Okay, next, I realize you are extremely busy trying to save the world and all, but I was wondering if it's possible you could help my father to wake up? I know you get a lot of requests for stuff like this, and I'm sure you're really pressed for time and all, because, well, let's face it, the planet is a disaster. I don't mean to criticize, but, it's hard to imagine things being much worse. Not that that's entirely your fault, you are stuck with the human race, who for the most part are just greedy, selfish, vengeful, assholes that - Matt stifles a laugh. Mila opens her eyes and turns around and sees him. MILA Fuck. How long have you been standing there? MATT Long enough to know you can't say five words to God without swearing at him. MILA Shit. MATT Or me. What is it you're trying to do? MILA Pray. MATT Oh, well, in that case, you're doing a fine job. Don't let me interrupt. I'm no expert, but you might have a better shot at getting what you want, if you stop telling God he sucks at his job. Mila turns away. 50. MATT I didn't even know you were religious. Leslie always told me the two of you would fake sleeping to get out of going to church. It made her so mad your mom would make the two of you go, when she was no longer - Mila? Are you - Oh, hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to - It's just my stupid sense of humor. Come here. Mila stays where she is, trying to suppress tears. MATT Come on, come over here. MILA I'm so fucked up.

MATT You're not fucked up. MILA I am. MATT I know fucked up people, and trust me, you are not fucked up. You're beautiful. And smart, and sexy and - MILA Then why doesn't anyone want me? MATT What? MILA What's wrong with me? MATT Men are idiots. MILA They can't all be idiots. MATT I'm one of them and I sort of think they can. MILA I cry all the time. It's ridiculous. They put me on drugs and then I don't feel anything, but without them I'm so depressed I can't stop - And no one cares anymore. Not even my own doctors. Why should they? There are people in the world with real problems. Now, I've probably killed my father. 51. MATT You haven't killed him. And it's not wrong to want to be loved. It's good. It's normal. MILA Then why does it feel so bad? MATT I don't know. MILA Did you come back to talk to Leslie? MATT She around?

MILA She's on a call. You guys gonna be okay? MATT I don't know. MILA I'm sorry I wasn't there to help out with my Dad. MATT It's okay. MILA I know it's been a big burden on the two of you. I'm gonna talk to my accountant, figure out what I can do to - MATT It's okay. Don't worry about it. MILA No, you two shouldn't have to shoulder all the - MATT Honestly, Mila, it wouldn't make a difference. Really. Whatever we have, it's never enough. I think she's secretly pissed I refuse to take money from my family. Who knows? Maybe she thought, rich east coast kid, someday he'll give up this "new age hippy musician phase", and become his dad and take over the family business. MILA She loves you for who you are. MATT I grew up seeing too many people get fucked up over money to go down that road. Funny, isn't it? You marry somebody cause you love them, then you spend the rest of your life trying to get them to change? (MORE) 52. MATT (CONT'D) But, seriously Mila, you're so beautiful. You have nothing to feel bad about. I'm not trying to negate your feelings. You have issues with your Dad, I get it. But I gotta tell you from a guy's perspective, you're sexy and smart and hot and...Any guy would be lucky to have you. There is an awkward moment as as we realize there is real heat between them. MILA You didn't want me. MATT You broke up with me, remember?

MILA Then you married my sister. (joking) I guess it's too late for us, huh? MATT After sixteen years of marriage and a teenage son? Kind of. MILA I figured. You want to hear something funny? You were my longest relationship. (beat) I just want to be held. I just want someone to hold me. MATT Hey, hey. Come here. Come on, it's okay. He pulls her to him. They stand there in an awkward embrace. Matt lifts her face and tenderly wipes away her tears. It looks for a moment as if he might kiss her, then the door opens and Leslie walks in. LESLIE That was the bank, I had to - Mila and Matt pull apart guiltily. LESLIE Don't let me interrupt. Leslie turns and walks out. 53. MATT Oh, Jesus. Leslie! (to Mila) Sorry. Matt goes after Leslie. MATT Leslie! Mila puts the chair back. Matt walks backs in. MATT She doesn't want to talk to me.

MILA Sorry. MATT It's not your fault. MILA Do you think I should go talk to her? MATT Let her cool off a bit. MILA I need a cigarette. MATT You want some weed? MILA You have a joint? MATT Yeah. Really good stuff, too. You only need like one or two hits. We could go to my car, but I don't know if we should risk Leslie seeing us go out there together. MILA Let's smoke it here. MATT You serious? Mila goes to the window and opens it up all the way. MATT Mila, you wild thing. 54. Matt comes over and stands next to Mila at the window. He lights up the joint, takes a hit and passes it to Mila. She inhales a long drag. MILA Wow, that's awesome. MATT Good shit, huh? MILA This is what I should be on. MATT Totally. Why aren't you? MILA My doctors have me on so much other crap. MATT They're all drug pushers for the pharmaceutical industry. Mila takes another hit and starts to relax. MILA How's your music? MATT We're doing some good gigs. Not getting rich, as Leslie likes to remind me, but we're playing well. MILA I'm glad. Hey, wanna know a secret? MATT Sure. MILA I saw Rob the other day. MATT Yeah? What were you on then? MILA Nothing. Or the usual, I don't know. But he made me promise not to tell anyone. So don't tell Leslie or Mom. MATT I definitely won't be doing that. 55. MILA You know what's funny? MATT What? MILA He said he came back to see me. MATT Yeah? MILA He said he loved me. MATT He said that? MILA Yeah. MATT That's cool. MILA Yeah. MATT You know you're crazy though, right? MILA I am? MATT Oh, yeah. MILA Well, better mad than sad! She cracks up. MATT Better screwy than boo hooey! They find this hilarious. Leslie walks back in. MILA Uh, oh. LESLIE Oh my god, what the - 56. Matt and Mila react like two guilty teenagers, Matt stashing the joint in his pants. LESLIE Are you crazy? MILA (stifling giggles) Um, maybe. LESLIE (to Matt) What the hell are you thinking? MILA Don't blame Matt, I - LESLIE (turning on Mila) Are you trying to get us kicked out of here? MATT Come on, Leslie, lay off Mila, she - LESLIE (to Matt) You need to go. MATT Lighten up, Leslie. LESLIE We have a son. You're supposed to be a role model to him. MATT I was just trying to - LESLIE You know what the judge said! MILA What judge? Leslie is silent. MILA What happened? Is Sean - LESLIE He's fine. MATT Leslie - 57. LESLIE He's fine. MATT (to Mila) Sean's been arrested twice for vandalism and drug possession. The judge said if it happens again, he's gonna send him to juvie. MILA I'm so sorry. MATT Leslie - LESLIE I'd like you to leave. She turns away from him. MATT I'll see you later. Bye, Mila. MILA Bye, Matt. Matt leaves. MILA Is there anything I can - LESLIE No. Beat. MILA There was nothing going on between - LESLIE I know. MILA Are you guy's gonna be alright? LESLIE I don't know. It's been a long time coming. Jesus, he's smoking pot in a hospital? I already have one teenager giving me problems. I don't need two. MILA It was my fault. He was just trying to cheer me up. 58. LESLIE (re their father) So, how long are you going to hold him hostage? MILA What? LESLIE You heard the doctor. His chances were low before he went into cardiac arrest. This isn't living. You wouldn't want to be kept alive this way. Mila? MILA What? LESLIE Mila! MILA Why are you yelling at me? LESLIE I wish you could hear me. (beat) Put yourself in his place. MILA I wouldn't want him to abandon me. LESLIE He's not abandoning you. MILA You all are. LESLIE You have to stop making this about you. MILA He was never there for me! LESLIE He was never there for me, either! MILA Do you ever get depressed? LESLIE Everybody gets depressed. MILA No, I mean, really - 59. LESLIE No. MILA I get depressed. LESLIE You're a writer, if you weren't depressed you'd have nothing to write about. MILA When I said I couldn't stand by and watch the person I love drown, I wasn't talking about Daddy. I was talking about me. FLASHBACK: MILA AND HER BROTHER ROB, AGES 9 AND 4 RESPECTIVELY. THEY EACH PLAY THEIR YOUNGER SELVES. MILA HAS DONNED A BLUE VELVET COAT AND IS TYING MATCHING RIBBONS IN HER HAIR. ROB IS DRESSED IN A SUIT AND IS WEARING A BASEBALL CAP BACKWARDS ON HIS HEAD. HE HOLDS A BASEBALL GLOVE AND BALL IN HIS HANDS. THEY SIT PATIENTLY STARING OUT THE WINDOW. LESLIE DONS AN APRON AND BECOMES THEIR YOUNG MOTHER. SHE ALSO DONS A SPOCK WIG AND EARS. YOUNG MOTHER "There's an unplanned course change being fed into the instruments". I'm sorry, I don't think Daddy is coming. Neither of the children move. YOUNG MOTHER "All decks condition red". Why don't you change back into your play clothes and go outside and play? ROB LOOKS AT MILA. MILA DOESN'T MOVE. ROB GETS UP AND LEAVES. YOUNG MOTHER Mila? MILA DOESN'T ANSWER. YOUNG MOTHER I'm sorry. 60. THE YOUNG MOTHER LEAVES. MILA JUST SITS THERE, STARING OUT THE WINDOW, WAITING. Flashback over. Lights back up on the hospital room. Mila takes off her coat and pulls the ribbons from her hair. Leslie re-enters. She has removed the wig, ears and apron. Their conversation resumes. MILA I just want a normal relationship with a man. LESLIE I don't even know if that exists anymore. MILA Then I want a stable relationship. Predictable. Boring. I want someone to hold hands with. I want someone to put his arms around me and have me be enough. For once in my life, I want to feel like I'm enough. Just me. Who I am right now. Nothing more. (beat) I want someone to burn dinner with. LESLIE I wouldn't go setting your sights too high. MILA I don't need excitement. LESLIE Burning dinner can be pretty exciting. Especially if the fire department gets involved. MILA I don't think happiness is in the excitement. I think it's in the day to day stuff. Just knowing that someone is there. That they just want to be there with you. Like that stuff that holds the tiles in the bathroom together. I want a relationship like that. LESLIE You want to be loved like grout? MILA You know what I mean. LESLIE You want a healthy, loving relationship. Good luck finding it. You're the writer, you should know that. (MORE) 61. LESLIE (CONT'D) I don't know what you're complaining about, you lead this exciting life running all over the planet to - MILA I haven't spent the last ten years traveling all over the world. LESLIE Where've you been? MILA I haven't been anywhere. Well, I've been places. Places you would never want to go. I've been in and out of the "best" psychiatric hospitals in the country.

LESLIE What? MILA And let me tell you "best" is a really relative term. LESLIE Why didn't you - MILA I didn't want you to know. (beat) Do you think if Daddy had actually been there for us, we would have turned out differently? LESLIE He did the best he could. MILA Why are you always cutting him such slack? LESLIE Mila, his mother committed suicide. MILA What? LESLIE She suffered from depression her whole life. She committed suicide when he was ten. It's genetic. Chances are, you would have turned out like this no matter how you were raised. MILA You didn't. LESLIE Maybe that's why I'm such a bitch. 62. MILA You're not a bitch. Well, maybe sometimes - How come I never knew? Why didn't Daddy ever tell me? LESLIE Maybe he didn't think you could handle it? You were the artistic one, maybe he thought you were too fragile, and didn't want you thinking your life had to be like hers? How do I know? I have to go find his doctor. Leslie starts to leave, then stops and turns back. She pulls a crumpled piece of paper out of her purse and hands it to Mila.

LESLIE Here. MILA What is it? LESLIE I found it in Dad's wallet when we admitted him last week. Mila opens the note. A look of wonder comes over her face. MILA "Happy Father's Day, Daddy. Good for one foot massage. To be redeemed at any time. Love, Mila." LESLIE How old were you when you gave that to him? MILA Nine. LESLIE Hmm. Leslie starts to leave again, then turns back. LESLIE Just so you know, there weren't any notes from me in his wallet. Leslie leaves. Mila walks over to her father's bed. She lifts up the covers and starts to massage his feet. Aracely enters. 63. ARACELY How's he doing? MILA Hi. Oh, um, okay, I guess. I prayed to God. Well, I tried to. ARACELY How did it go? MILA Not so good. I asked him to help my Dad to wake up. It didn't work. ARACELY I wouldn't be so sure.

MILA Well, I've never prayed to him before, I'm probably not high on his list of priorities. ARACELY Sometimes our prayers get answered in ways we don't expect. MILA I'll try not to take it too personally. You pray all the time, and yours didn't work either. ARACELY What makes you think that? MILA Weren't you praying for him to wake up? ARACELY Actually, I was praying for you. Aracely leaves. Mila looks after her quizzically, then goes back to massaging her father's feet. Leslie comes back in. LESLIE His doctor says he'll stop by at the end of his rounds. Beat. MILA Leslie? LESLIE Yeah? 64. MILA We should let him go.

Leslie comes over to stand next to Mila. LESLIE Are you sure? MILA Yeah. LESLIE What made you change your mind?

MILA I don't know. Maybe you're right, maybe I'm just being selfish trying to work out my issues. Or, maybe Aracely's praying worked and made me realize - LESLIE Aracely? Who's Aracely? MILA You know, his physical therapist. LESLIE I haven't met an Aracely. MILA She's short, about 45 years old, Guatemalan. Dark hair, brown eyes. LESLIE I have no idea who you're talking about. MILA She does the exercises with Daddy. You must have seen her. LESLIE Daddy's physical therapist is a 29 year old black man named Trevor. MILA She was just here. You didn't pass her in the hall? LESLIE No. MILA You never saw her? 65. LESLIE No. But I'm going to find out who this person is who's coming around impersonating our father's PT. Leslie picks up the phone and calls the nurse's desk. LESLIE Can I have the nurse's station for the 4th floor? This is Leslie Walker. My father, Robert Michael's is in room 407. My sister has just informed me there's a physical therapist named Aracely that has been working on my father. I wasn't told about her by anyone. Can you - yes, Aracely. (to Mila) Do you know her last name?

Mila shakes her head "no". LESLIE We don't know her last name. My sister says she's come by several times. Short, about 45 years old, brown hair, brown eyes. Guatemalan. I told her. Trevor, right? Could she be a nurse, or nurses assistant? A volunteer? You're sure? Yes, thank you. Leslie hangs up the phone. LESLIE There's no one fitting Aracely's name and description that works anywhere here in the hospital. MILA How's that possible? LESLIE I don't know. MILA That's so weird. Maybe, it has something to do with... LESLIE What? MILA I can't tell you. LESLIE Can't tell me what? MILA I promised him. LESLIE Promised who? 66. MILA Rob. LESLIE What are you talking about? MILA I saw him. He came by here. LESLIE What? MILA Three days ago. He said he couldn't stay, but that he would be back soon. He made me promise not to tell you or Mom.

LESLIE Mila, Rob died 24 years ago. He od'd at 15. You know that. Don't go batshit on me. I need you to help me out here, I have enough to take care of. Jesus. Alright, I'm going to go out and talk to the nurses and find out who this Aracely person is. Hold it together, Mila. I'll be back soon. Lights out. 67. SCENE 2

MILA ALONE ON THE STAGE IN A SPOTLIGHT. MILA I spent my whole childhood waiting for my life to look like re-runs of my favorite tv show, "Father Knows Best". A 1950'S FATHER AND MOTHER APPEAR AND ACT OUT AN IDYLLIC FAMILY SCENE. MILA I wanted to be Kitten in the worst way - to have my father come home every evening, wearing a suit and tie, carrying a briefcase, pick me up in his arms and ask about my day at school - my mom in a pretty frock, holding a plate of freshly baked cookies. My father wasn't a bad person. He just had no business ever being a husband or a father. And I don't think he understood that he was my whole world - THE YOUNG FATHER, PUTS MILA ON HIS KNEE. THE YOUNG MOTHER, STANDS TO THE SIDE. MILA And that when at the age of five, he put me on his knee and told me that he and my mom were divorcing, that world collapsed. FIVE YEAR OLD MILA CRUMBLES INTO TEARS AND RUNS OFF. LIGHTS DOWN ON THE YOUNG FATHER AND MOTHER. Lights up to reveal Mila is in a doctor's office, talking to her psychiatrist, Dr Aracely Perez. DR ARACELY PEREZ We're going to help you with that, Mila. You've come such a long way. Do you have a sense of that? You had so much anger when we started. You were completely blocked off emotionally. Sometimes it's hard to see it as progress when you go from being numb to feeling, because feelings are so painful, but it is. Do you know what happens when someone starts to get better? Mila is silent. 68. DR ARACELY PEREZ At first, they get much, much worse. MILA So losing the love of my life, that was progress? DR ARACELY PEREZ I know you're hurting. You put all your hopes, into a relationship with a man who was incapable of giving you what you needed. MILA Falling in love with a married man and thinking he might actually divorce his wife to live happily ever after with me. Only the daughter of a serial adulterer, could delude herself into believing as ridiculously pathetic a dream as that. DR ARACELY PEREZ It wasn't pathetic. It was unrealistic. You can have what you're looking for, Mila. You just have to look in the right place for it. The work we're doing is going to help you to do that. Let's switch topics for a minute. Let's talk about your father. MILA What's there to talk about? I killed him. DR ARACELY PEREZ What are you talking about? MILA I ignored him for ten years. I blamed him for my fucked up life, and then he has a heart attack. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to - DR ARACELY PEREZ Mila, it's not your - MILA It is my fault! I broke his heart!!! Okay? I know it. And then I didn't even get there in time to see him before he died. I didn't even say "good-bye" to him. I'm such a fucking loser! DR ARACELY PEREZ You're not - MILA I am! I'm a fucking loser! He kept that note in his wallet for thirty six years! DR ARACELY PEREZ What are you talking about? What note? 69. Mila pulls the note from her pocket and hands it to her. Dr Perez opens it and reads it. MILA Leslie found it when they admitted him to the hospital. What kind of a lowlife, loser, of a daughter cuts off all communication to her own father for a decade? And now I can never talk to him again. I can never be forgiven for the horrible thing I did to him. With all of your great psychological understanding of the mind, tell me how I'm supposed to deal with that? DR ARACELY PEREZ Perhaps the answer doesn't lie in the mind? Perhaps it lies in the spirit? MILA What are you talking about? DR ARACELY PEREZ Your father kept this with him in his wallet all those years? MILA Yes. DR ARACELY PEREZ Why do you think he did that? MILA What? DR ARACELY PEREZ Do you think he was hoping to redeem it someday? MILA To...keep me close...to...have a piece of me next to him, I guess. DR ARACELY PEREZ And, why else? Mila looks at her blankly. DR ARACELY PEREZ So that when he passed away, you would find it and know how dear you were to him. By keeping that note in his wallet, he was letting you know he had forgiven you, Mila. He was speaking to you in the only way he could. Your father doesn't blame you. He loved you. And he wanted you to know that. (beat) I'm sorry, I have to go. I have a patient waiting next door. (MORE) 70. DR ARACELY PEREZ (CONT'D) Take your time leaving. I'll see you next week. It's gonna be alright, Mila. Call me anytime if you need me. Dr Perez exits. Mila sits there. She opens the note in her hand and reads it again. MILA You forgave me. But I can't forgive myself. She walks to the window, opens it, and stands there looking out. MILA Funny, them not having locks on the windows four floors up. She climbs out onto the ledge, and jumps. Lights out. 71. SCENE 3

HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Machines are beeping and alarms ringing. A sheet is pulled over a body on the bed. Leslie and Matt stand over it. LESLIE So sad. Matt puts his arm around Leslie. MATT You alright? LESLIE Mmm, hmm. MATT Did you call her? LESLIE Of course. I left several messages. I haven't heard back, and frankly I don't - The door opens and Mila rushes in. MATT Mila. LESLIE Look who's here. MILA I'm sorry, I got here as soon as I could. LESLIE It's fine. I wasn't actually expecting you to show up. MILA What are you talking about? I told you I would. LESLIE Yeah, well. MILA He's my father, I wouldn't just - Oh, my god! Am I too late? Is he dead? 72. Mila rushes to her father's side. LESLIE I told you you'd better get here fast. But of course you never - MILA Daddy?! Oh, my god! Daddy?! She lifts the sheet, and gasps. MILA Noooooo!!!!! Lights out. 73. SCENE 4

IN THE DARK WE HEAR: MILA (V.O.) Lately, my life has started to look like an episode of Star Trek. I hear my father shouting, "Give it more power, Scotty!" And my mom responding in some strange language. Whole arguments are happening and I have no idea what they mean. Now, I seem to be just lying around waiting to be "beamed up". And I have no idea what that means. Lights up on:

HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY The sounds of beeping machines. Mila lies in a bed hooked up to all sorts of machines. Leslie stands next to her. LESLIE Mila? MILA (V.O.) What? LESLIE Mila! MILA (V.O.) Why are you screaming at me? LESLIE I wish you could hear me. Matt enters. MATT They said her doctor will be here in a minute. LESLIE Why did she do this? MATT I don't know. LESLIE It's my fault, isn't it? I made her feel like shit for not making it here before Dad died. I'm such a fucking bitch. 74. MATT You're not a bitch. LESLIE I am. I should have gotten the two of them together. I should have tried harder to - MATT It's not your fault. There's nothing you could have - LESLIE He always loved her more than me. MATT What?

LESLIE Who knows? Maybe, I secretly liked the fact they weren't speaking. That finally I was the "better daughter". Maybe, I even helped to perpetuate it. MATT I don't believe that. LESLIE I wouldn't put it past me. MATT Leslie, can we please talk about - LESLIE Not now. MATT When? We can't talk here, we can't talk at home, we can't talk while you're at work - LESLIE Maybe you should have thought about that before you started fucking a twenty six year old? MATT I didn't. LESLIE Excuse me? MATT I didn't fuck a twenty six year old. LESLIE I saw the texts. 75. MATT I know what you think you saw, and I'm telling you, it didn't happen. LESLIE Okay, so you didn't actually fuck her, but you - MATT Nothing happened between us. LESLIE I don't believe that. MATT I know.

LESLIE Well, how do you expect me to - MATT How does anyone believe anyone about anything? You just have to trust. I love you, Leslie. I think our marriage is worth saving. And I want that. But, it doesn't matter what I want, if you don't want it too. Do you? Leslie is silent. MATT I have to get back to work. He starts to leave. LESLIE I've been telling her things, things she never knew - about how much Dad loved her. Do you think she can hear me? MATT I don't know. For the first time Leslie notices the tv is on. An episode of "Star Trek" is playing. LESLIE What is that doing on? MATT What? LESLIE The tv. Who turned it on? 76. MATT Maybe the nurses turn them on. LESLIE She hates "Star Trek". If you tried, you couldn't come up with a show she dislikes more. MATT Seriously? I think it's been on every time I've been in here. Must be some kind of marathon. Leslie finds the remote and turns the tv off. Beat. LESLIE We could go out for dinner tonight. If you want. Just us.

MATT Thank you. I'd like that. I'll call you later. He leans in to kiss her. She turns away. Matt leaves. Dr Perez enters. DR ARACELY PEREZ Are you Leslie? LESLIE Yes. DR ARACELY PEREZ I'm Dr Perez, Mila's, psychiatrist. LESLIE Thank you for coming and talking to me. DR ARACELY PEREZ Of course. LESLIE Have you been her doctor for long? DR ARACELY PEREZ About two years. I'm very sorry. I really thought we were getting somewhere. It's so tricky with suicide cases. LESLIE She's tried to commit suicide before? DR ARACELY PEREZ She made two attempts before she and I started working together. You didn't know? 77. LESLIE Up until a week ago, when my father passed away, we had had very little communication for many years. A letter, an email, occasionally a phone call. She was very good about sending a birthday card with a check for my son, though. She sent one every year. Never missed a single birthday. DR ARACELY PEREZ Would that be Sean? LESLIE She told you about him? DR ARACELY PEREZ She said if she ever had a child she wanted him to be just like Sean.

LESLIE (blurting out) It's my fault she jumped. DR ARACELY PEREZ What? LESLIE I made her feel bad for not getting here in time to see our Dad before he died. DR ARACELY PEREZ You mustn't blame yourself. We're all responsible for the choices we make. Have you spoken to her primary doctor, Dr Lebowitz? LESLIE I'm waiting for him now. Did you talk to him? What does he say about her chances of coming out of the coma? DR ARACELY PEREZ Generally there is about a 50% chance in the first two weeks. It diminishes greatly after that, however, he thinks her chances are very good. LESLIE Really? (beat) Can she hear me? DR ARACELY PEREZ We don't know for sure. But there is a lot of new evidence showing that coma patients can hear. Hold her hand. Let her know you love her. I'm sorry, I have to go. Here's my card. Call me anytime. 78. LESLIE Thank you. Dr Perez exits. LESLIE (to Mila) Mila? I'm going to find Dr Lebowitz. I'll be right back. Leslie exits. The YOUNG FATHER, DRESSED AS CAPTAIN KIRK, ENTERS. A spotlight on him as he walks over to Mila lying on the bed.

YOUNG FATHER Mila? Mila wakes and looks at him. MILA Daddy? He reaches his hand out to her and pulls her from the bed. He begins to sing the song "More" to her. They dance to the music. YOUNG FATHER "More than the greatest love the world has known, This is the love I give to you alone, More than the simple words I try to say, I only live to love you more each day, More than you'll ever know my arms long to hold your soul, My life will be in your keeping, waking, sleeping, laughing, weeping, Longer than always is a long long time, But far beyond forever you'll be mine, I know I never lived before, And my heart is very sure, No one else could love you more. I know I never lived before, And my heart is very sure, No one else could love you more." The dance ends. Her father walks her back to the bed. YOUNG FATHER I love you, sweet baby. MILA I love you too, Daddy. He kisses her on the forehead. She climbs back into bed. The YOUNG FATHER starts to leave. 79. Mila calls out to him. MILA Daddy? He turns back. MILA Will you stay with me? YOUNG FATHER I've never left you. He leaves. Mila goes back to sleep. Leslie re-enters. She walks over to Mila in the bed.

LESLIE Mila? Can you hear me? I just spoke to Dr Lebowitz. He says they did a whole battery of tests on you, and they can't find any reason why you shouldn't be able to wake up. That's what he said. He's the top Neurosurgeon here, and he says there's no medical reason why you can't wake up. He says it's a miracle, the way you fell, the way you landed... Mila, please wake up. I know we haven't been the best of families. I haven't been the best of sisters. In fact, I've been a really shitty sister. But I want to change. I want to be a good big sister to you now. I want us to try be a real family to each other. I know you feel fucked up. But, I'm fucked up too. Rob was fucked up. Daddy was fucked up. Mom is definitely fucked up. We're all fucked up. But, Mila, we're all we have. ROB enters. He is wearing the baseball cap from the flashback scene when they were children. ROB Hey, Leslie. Leslie doesn't see or react to Rob. Rob stands listening to Leslie talk to Mila. LESLIE I need you. Sean needs you. Matt needs you. We all need you. ROB What about me? LESLIE And Mom, who's so crazily fucked up. She definitely needs you. 80. Leslie looks at Mila helpless, trying to figure out what else she can say. LESLIE We all need you, Mila. Please, wake up. (beat) I love you. I don't know why I've never told you that before. Leslie kisses Mila on the forehead and walks out. Rob walks over to Mila and stands next to her. ROB Wow, Leslie crying and saying she needs somebody. This is a red letter day. So, how's it going? I came back like I promised. He sees the tv is off. ROB Who turned the tv off? He picks up the remote and turns the tv back on. An episode of "Star Trek" appears. ROB Great episode! Can you hear it, Mila? Here, I'll turn it up for you. He turns up the volume on the remote. ROB If you don't like it, you're gonna have to wake up and turn it off. Because I'm gonna sit right here, and watch episode after episode, until you do. Rob sits down to watch the tv. The monitor continues to beep. Leslie re-enters. She sees the tv has been turned back on, and is again playing "Star Trek". LESLIE What is going on in this place? She picks up the remote to turn the tv off, then decides to scroll through the channels. 81. A rerun of "Father Knows Best" comes on. She watches it for a moment, then turns to Mila. LESLIE Kitten grew up to be a drug addict and a prostitute, and ended up in a mental hospital for attempted suicide. There are no perfect families, Mila. All we can do is to try and make ours a little less fucked up. What do you say? You and me? Shall we give it a shot? Rob comes to stand next to Leslie. ROB And me. Hey Leslie, watch this. (to Mila) Nl'jaj ylnraj 'ej suchepjaj. Live long and prosper! Nl'jaj ylnraj 'ej suchepjaj. Live long and prosper! Nl 'jaj ylnraj 'ej suchepjaj. Live long and prosper! Suddenly, the beeps start to accelerate. ROB That a girl, Mila! The beeps continue to accelerate, getting faster and faster. ROB Nl'jaj ylnraj 'ej suchepjaj! Nl'jaj ylnraj 'ej suchepjaj! Nl'jaj ylnraj 'ej suchepjaj! Leslie runs into the hallway and shouts for the nurse. LESLIE Nurse!!! ROB Nl'jaj ylnraj 'ej suchepjaj!!! Leslie comes back in and takes Mila's hand. Rob puts an arm around Leslie. Leslie looks around, sensing something, but not able to quite figure out what it is. Rob smiles. ROB Fuck "Father Knows Best". 82. They both look on at Mila whose eyes open just as the lights go out.