5. Environmental Analysis


This section of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) evaluates the potential impacts to hydrology and water quality conditions in the City of Ontario from implementation of The Ontario Plan. Hydrology deals with the distribution and circulation of water, both on land and underground. Water quality deals with the quality of surface and groundwater. Surface water is water on the surface of the land and includes lakes, rivers, streams, and creeks. Groundwater is water below the surface of the earth.

Analysis in this section is based in part on:

• Flooding Hazards, Chapter 3 of Biological Resources Report for the City of Ontario General Plan Update and Environmental Impact Report, The Planning Center and Earthworks Restoration, Inc., October 2006.

• Technical Background Report to the Safety Element, City of Ontario, , Earth Consultants International, October 11, 2006.

• Existing Conditions Report: Water Quality Evaluation, City of Ontario General Plan, Integrated Resources Management, LLC, July 28, 2006.

Complete copies of these studies are included in the Technical Appendices to this Draft EIR Volume II. The Biological Resources Report can be found in Appendix E, the Technical Background Report can be found in Appendix F, and the Water Quality Evaluation can be found in Appendix H.

5.9.1 Environmental Setting

Regulatory Framework

Safe Drinking Water Act

The Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) provides regulations on drinking water quality in Ontario. The SDWA gives the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to set drinking water standards, such as the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWRs or primary standards). The NPDWRs protect drinking water quality by limiting the levels of specific contaminants that are known to occur or have the potential to occur in water and can adversely affect public health. All public water systems that provide service to 25 or more individuals are required to satisfy these legally enforceable standards. Water purveyors must monitor for these contaminants on fixed schedules and report to the EPA when a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) has been exceeded. MCL is the maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water that is delivered to any user of a public water system. Drinking water supplies are tested for a variety of contaminants, including organic and inorganic chemicals (e.g., minerals), substances that are known to cause cancer, radionuclides (e.g., uranium and radon), and microbial contaminants (e.g., coliform and Escherichia coli). Changes to the MCL list are typically made every three years, as the EPA adds new contaminants or, based on new research or new case studies, revised MCLs for some contaminants are issued. The California Department of Health Services, Division of Drinking Water and Environmental Management, is responsible for implementation of the SDWA in California.

Clean Water Act

The federal Water Pollution Control Act (also known as the Clean Water Act [CWA]) is the principal statute governing water quality. The CWA establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into

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Environmental Analysis HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY the waters of the United States and gives the EPA the authority to implement pollution control programs, such as setting wastewater standards for industry. The statute’s goal is to restore, maintain, and preserve the integrity of the nation’s waters. The CWA regulates both the direct and indirect discharge of pollutants into the nation’s waters and sets water quality standards for all contaminants in surface waters. It is unlawful for any person to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters, unless a permit is obtained under its provisions. The CWA mandates permits for wastewater and stormwater discharges, requires states to establish site-specific water quality standards, and regulates other activities that affect water quality, such as dredging and the filling of wetlands. The CWA also funded the construction of sewage treatment plants and recognized the need for planning to address nonpoint sources of pollution. Section 402 of the CWA requires a permit for all point source (a discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, such as a pipe, ditch, or channel) discharges of any pollutant into waters of the United States.

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program promulgated under Section 402 of the CWA, all facilities that discharge pollutants from any point source into waters of the United States are required to obtain a NPDES permit. The term pollutant broadly includes any type of industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste discharged into water. Point sources include discharges from publicly owned treatment works (POTWs), discharges from industrial facilities, and discharges associated with . While the NPDES program addresses certain specific types of agricultural activities, the majority of agricultural facilities are nonpoint sources and are exempt from NPDES regulation. Pollutants come from direct and indirect sources. Direct sources discharge directly to receiving waters, whereas indirect sources discharge wastewater to POTWs, which in turn discharge to receiving waters. Under the national program, NPDES permits are issued only to direct point-source discharges. The National Pretreatment Program addresses industrial and commercial indirect dischargers. Municipal sources are POTWs that receive primarily domestic sewage from residential and commercial customers. Specific NPDES program areas applicable to municipal sources are the National Pretreatment Program, the Municipal Sewage Sludge Program, Combined Sewer Overflows, and the Municipal Storm Water Program. Nonmunicipal sources include industrial and commercial facilities. Specific NPDES program areas applicable to these industrial/commercial sources are: Process Wastewater Discharges, Non-Process Wastewater Discharges, and the Industrial Storm Water Program. NPDES issues individual and general permits. Also, the EPA has recently focused on integrating the NPDES program further into watershed planning and permitting (USEPA 2002).

NPDES has a variety of measures designed to minimize and reduce pollutant discharges. For example, pollutant discharges to a publicly owned conveyance or system of conveyances (including roadways, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels and storm drains, designed or used for collecting and conveying stormwater) are regulated by the EPA’s Storm Water Phase II Final Rule. The Phase II Final Rule requires an operator (such as a city) of a regulated small municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) to develop, implement, and enforce a program (e.g., best management practices [BMPs], ordinances, or other regulatory mechanisms) to reduce pollutants in postconstruction runoff to the City’s storm drain system from new development and redevelopment projects that result in the land disturbance of greater than or equal to one acre. The MS4 permit in effect in the City of Ontario is Order R8-2002-0012 issued by the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board in April 2002. The City of Ontario Engineering Department is the local enforcing agency of the MS4 NPDES permit.

Porter-Cologne Water Quality Act

The Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act (Water Code sections 13000 et seq.) is the basic water quality control law for California. Under this act, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) has ultimate control over state water rights and water quality policy. In California, the EPA has delegated authority to issue

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NPDES permits to the SWRCB. The state is divided into nine regions related to water quality and quantity characteristics. The SWRCB, through its nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCBs) carries out the regulation, protection, and administration of water quality in each region. Each regional board is required to adopt a Water Quality Control Plan, or Basin Plan, that recognizes and reflects the regional differences in existing water quality, the beneficial uses of the region’s ground and surface water, and local water quality conditions and problems. The City of Ontario is in the Basin, Region 8, in the Upper Santa Ana Watershed. The Water Quality Control Plan for this region was adopted in 1995. This Basin Plan gives direction on the beneficial uses of the state waters within Region 8, describes the water quality that must be maintained to support such uses, and provides programs, projects, and other actions necessary to achieve the established standards.

San Bernardino County Stormwater Program: Model Water Quality Management Plan Guidance

The San Bernardino County Stormwater Program has developed the Model Water Quality Management Plan guidance document to comply with the Santa Ana RWQCB's NPDES permit requirements. This guidance document requires that a project’s post-development discharge not exceed predevelopment discharges for 1, 5, and 10-year storms; or that a project proponent carry out additional analysis and mitigation to ensure that a project not adversely impact downstream erosion, sedimentation, or stream habitat.

City of Ontario Municipal Code Title 8, Chapter 13: Flood Damage Prevention Program

The City of Ontario’s Flood Damage Prevention Program (FDPP) is included as Title 8, Chapter 13 of the City’s Municipal Code. The FDPP applies to all areas of special flood hazards, areas of flood-related erosion hazards and areas of mudflow hazards within the City. The FDPP includes standards for construction, for utilities, subdivisions, manufactured homes, and floodways. Construction standards include requirements for anchoring, floodproofing, and minimum elevations of floors.

Applicable Plans and Programs

Water Quality Control Plan, Santa Ana River Basin

The Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin, updated in February 2008, establishes water quality standards for groundwater and surface water in the basin; that is, standards for both beneficial uses of specific waterbodies and the water quality levels that must be maintained to protect those uses. The Basin Plan includes an implementation plan describing actions by the Santa Ana RWQCB and others needed to achieve and maintain the water quality standards. The SARWQCB regulates waste discharges to minimize and control their effects on the quality of the region’s groundwater and surface waters. The Basin Plan lists water quality problems in the region, along with causes, where they are known. Plans for improving water quality are included for water bodies with quality below the levels needed to enable all the beneficial uses of the water.

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans

Pursuant to the CWA, in 2001, the SWRCB issued a statewide general NPDES Permit for stormwater discharges from construction sites (NPDES No. CAS000002). Under this Statewide General Construction Activity permit, discharges of stormwater from construction sites with a disturbed area of one or more acres are required to either obtain individual NPDES permits for stormwater discharges or to be covered by the General Permit. Coverage by the General Permit is accomplished by completing and filing a Notice of Intent with the SWRCB and developing and implementing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Each applicant under the General Construction Activity Permit must ensure that a SWPPP is prepared prior to

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Environmental Analysis HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY grading and is implemented during construction. The SWPPP must list BMPs implemented on the construc- tion site to protect stormwater runoff, and must contain a visual monitoring program, a chemical monitoring program for nonvisible pollutants to be implemented if there is a failure of BMPs, and a monitoring plan if the site discharges directly to a water body listed on the state’s 303(d) list of impaired waters.

National Flood Insurance Program

The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 mandate the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to evaluate flood hazards. FEMA provides Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for local and regional planners to promote sound land use and floodplain development, identifying potential flood areas based on the current conditions. To delineate a FIRM, FEMA conducts engineering studies called flood insurance studies. The most recent study and FIRM were completed and published for Ontario on August 28, 2008. Using information gathered in these studies, FEMA engineers and cartographers delineate Special Flood Hazard Areas on FIRMs.

The Flood Disaster Protection Act requires owners of all structures in identified special flood hazard areas to purchase and maintain flood insurance as a condition of receiving federal or federally related financial assistance, such as mortgage loans from federally insured lending institutions. Community members in designated areas are able to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program afforded by FEMA. The program is required to offer federally subsidized flood insurance to property owners in those communities that adopt and enforce floodplain management ordinances that meet minimum criteria established by FEMA. The National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994 further strengthened the program by providing a grant program for state and community flood mitigation projects. The act also established the Community Rating System, a system for crediting communities that implement measures to protect the natural and beneficial functions of their floodplains, as well as managing erosion hazards.

The City of Ontario, under the National Flood Insurance Program, has created standards and policies to ensure flood protection. These policies address development and redevelopment, compatibility of uses, required predevelopment drainage studies, compliance with discharge permits, enhancement of existing waterways, and cooperation with the US Army Corps of Engineers and the San Bernardino County Flood Control District for updating, method consistency with the RWQCB, and proposed BMPs.

Master Plan of Drainage for the New Model Colony

In February 2001 a revised Master Plan of Drainage (MPD) for the New Model Colony (NMC) was prepared for the City (King 2001). The MPD contains the following planned drainage improvements in the NMC:

• Francis Street Storm Drain, to be built by the City of Ontario, will extend west-to-east from Campus Avenue to the West Cucamonga Creek Channel, and is needed for the Grove Avenue Basin to function as designed.

• Eastvale Drainage System, to be built by the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, will convey runoff from east of Milliken Avenue to the beginning of the County Line Storm Drain System along the Bellegrave Avenue alignment.

• Riverside Drive Storm Drain (West) Extension, to be constructed by the San Bernardino County Flood Control District (SBCFCD), will extend this storm drain westward from Bon View Avenue to Campus Avenue.

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• Ely Basins Outlet Channel: improvements to part of the West Cucamonga Creek Channel between the Ely Basins and the Cucamonga Creek Channel, built by the SBCFCD.

• Grove Basin Modifications: Reconfiguration of basin outlet structure to increase storage capacity, to be built by the Chino Basin Water Conservation District.

Existing Conditions

Regional Drainage

The Santa Ana River Watershed includes portions of San Bernardino, Orange, and Riverside Counties and covers approximately 2,800 square miles. The Santa Ana River is the main surface drainage course in the region, and the largest river in the basin. It is approximately 75 miles long. The City is nearest to Reach 3 of the Santa Ana River, which extends from the Mission Boulevard Bridge in the City of Riverside to , shown in Figure 5.9-1, Chino Watershed. The river originates in the San Bernardino Mountains, travels southwest, and terminates at the Pacific Ocean near the Huntington Beach/Newport Beach city boundary. Water flow in the river is regulated by the Prado Dam, the Seven Oaks Dam, and other flood-control facilities along the river and its tributaries.

Local Surface Waters and Drainage

The City of Ontario is in the Chino Watershed, which consists of most of the Upper Santa Ana River Valley and portions of the and Puente and . The Santa Ana River forms the southern boundary of the Watershed; see Figure 5.9-1. The primary direction of drainage flow in the watershed is from the San Gabriel Mountains southward to the Santa Ana River, then southwest in the river. Streams in the watershed flowing north–south include the San Antonio, West Cucamonga, Deer Creek, Day Creek, and Etiwanda Creek Channels, and the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel; see Figure 5.9-2, Flood Hazard Areas. All of these except for the San Antonio Channel pass through the City of Ontario, and all of the channels in the City are engineered concrete channels. West Cucamonga Channel and Deer Creek Channel discharge into the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel, while the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel and San Antonio Channel each discharge into the Santa Ana River.

Some stormwater runoff is diverted for recharge in flood retention and spreading basins, including (from west to east) the Eighth Street, Ely, Turner, Chris, Cucamonga, and Wineville Basins.

Surface Water Quality

The USEPA denotes four surface water bodies within the Chino Watershed on its list of Water Quality Limited Segments pursuant to Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (USEPA 2007). One of these water bodies passes through the City of Ontario: the Valley Reach of Cucamonga Creek is included on the Section 303(d) list for coliform bacteria from an unknown nonpoint source.

Three other surface water bodies in the Chino Watershed are on the list of Water Quality Limited Segments. Reach 2 of Chino Creek, west of Ontario in the City of Chino Hills, is listed for coliform bacteria from an unknown point source. Reach 1 of Chino Creek, in the cities of Chino and Chino Hills southwest of Ontario, is listed for nutrients from agricultural sources, and for pathogens from agricultural sources and urban runoff. Reach 3 of the Santa Ana River is listed for pathogens from dairies.

The USEPA in 2007 established a total maximum daily load—the maximum amounts of pollutants a water body can receive and still meet water quality standards—for pathogens, including coliform bacteria, in the

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Middle Santa Ana River Watershed, that covers all four water bodies named above (USEPA 2008). A total maximum daily load for nutrients in Reach 1 of Chino Creek is pending.


The Chino Basin is one of the largest groundwater basins in , covering approximately 235 square miles of the Upper Santa Ana River Valley. The basin is bounded by the Rialto-Colton Fault on the northeast, the Jurupa Mountains and La Sierra Hills to the southeast, the Central Avenue Fault to the southwest, and the San Jose Fault and Red Hill Fault to the northwest; see Figure 5.9-3, Chino Groundwater Basin. The basin currently contains approximately 5,000,000 acre-feet (af) of water1 and has an unused storage capacity of about 1,000,000 af. Groundwater is produced from the basin by cities and other water supply entities and by about 300 to 400 agricultural users overlying the basin. Prior to 1978, the basin was in overdraft. After 1978, the basin has been managed via ongoing court adjudication in the 1978 judgment Chino Basin Municipal Water District vs. City of Chino et al.

Groundwater Quality

The City of Ontario currently draws all of its groundwater supply from the Chino Basin. Groundwater flows through the Chino Basin north–south, and groundwater quality tends to be better in the northern portion of the basin, where significant recharge occurs. Salinity, measured as total dissolved solids (TDS), and nitrate concentrations increase in the southern portion of Chino Basin. Generally, TDS exceeds 500 mg/L and nitrate exceeds 50 mg/L south of Riverside Drive. TDS and nitrate generally originate from nonpoint sources such as land application of wastes and fertilizer from previous and current agricultural activities. In addition, there are several point sources of contamination in the basin that affect groundwater quality in localized areas.

The primary water quality concerns for the City’s groundwater wells are nitrate and perchlorate levels. Other contaminants of concern are volatile organic compounds (VOC) and TDS.

Contamination Plumes Contamination plumes are water quality anomalies emanating from known point-source discharges and spreading through the groundwater. The known groundwater plumes affecting the City of Ontario’s groundwater supply are described below, and are shown in Figure 5.9-4, Areas of Impaired Water Quality in the Chino Groundwater Basin. Three of the plumes originated from sites within Ontario, while the fourth, the Kaiser Steel Fontana Steel site, originated from the former Kaiser Steel facility east of Ontario and west of the City of Fontana. See Section 5.17, Utilities and Services Systems, for a discussion on the affect of groundwater contamination on potable water supply for the City.

General Electric Flatiron Facility – This facility occupied the site at 234 East Main Street from the early 1900s to 1982. Its operations primarily consisted of the manufacturing of clothes irons. Currently, the site is occupied by an industrial park.

The RWQCB issued an investigative order to General Electric in 1987 after an inactive well in the City of Ontario was found to contain trichloroethylene (TCE) and chromium above drinking water standards. Analytical results from groundwater sampling indicated that VOCs and total dissolved chromium were the major groundwater contaminants. The most common VOC detected at levels significantly above its MCL is TCE, which reached a measured maximum concentration of 3,700 μg/L. Other VOCs periodically detected, but commonly below MCLs, included perchloroethylene (PCE), toluene, and total xylenes.

1 1 acre-foot is approximately 325,851 gallons.

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Figure 5.9-1 Chino Watershed

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Figure 5.9-2 Flood Hazard Areas

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Figure 5.9-3 Chino Groundwater Basin

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Figure 5.9-4 Areas of Impaired Water Quality in the Chino Groundwater Basin

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The plume is up to 3,400 feet wide and extends about 9,000 feet south-southwest (hydraulically downgradient) from the southern border of the site. between 1999 and 2004, the maximum TCE and total dissolved chromium concentrations in groundwater detected at an individual well in the Flatiron Facility plume were 7,990 μg/L and 1,700 μg/L, respectively.

General Electric Engine Maintenance Center Test Cell Facility – This facility is at 1923 East Avon, Ontario, California. Primary operations at the Test Cell Facility are the testing and maintenance of aircraft engines.

A soil and groundwater investigation, followed by a subsequent quarterly groundwater monitoring program, began in 1991. The results of these investigations showed that there are VOCs in the soil and groundwater beneath the Test Cell Facility and that the released VOCs have migrated off-site. Analytical results from subsequent investigations indicated that the most common and abundant VOC detected in groundwater beneath the Test Cell Facility was TCE. Other VOCs detected included PCE, cis-1,2- dichloroethylene (DCE), 1,2-dicholoropropane, 1,1-DCE, 1,1- dichloroethane benzene, toluene, and xylenes. The historical maximum TCE concentration measured at an on-site monitoring well (directly beneath the Test Cell Facility) was 1,240 μg/L. The historical maximum TCE concentration measured at an off-site monitoring well (downgradient) was 190 μg/L.

The plume is oval, up to 2,400 feet wide, and extends approximately 10,300 feet from the Test Cell Facility to the southwest. During the period from 1997 to 2002, the maximum TCE and PCE concentrations in groundwater detected at an individual well within the Test Cell Facility plume were 1,100 μg/L and 29 μg/L, respectively.

Kaiser Steel Fontana Steel Site – Between 1943 and 1983, the Kaiser Steel Corporation operated an integrated steel manufacturing facility on unincorporated land east of Ontario and west of the City of Fontana. During the first 30 years of the facility’s operation (1945–1974), a portion of the brine wastewater was discharged to surface impoundments and allowed to percolate into the soil. In the early 1970s, the surface impoundments were lined to eliminate percolation to groundwater.

In July of 1983, Kaiser initiated a groundwater investigation that revealed the presence of a plume of degraded groundwater under the facility. In August of 1987, the RWQCB issued Cleanup and Abatement Order Number 87-121, which required additional groundwater investigations and remediation activities. The results of these investigations showed that the major constituents of the release to groundwater were inorganic dissolved solids and low molecular weight organic compounds. Wells sampled during the groundwater investigations measured concentrations of TDS ranging from 500–1,200 mg/L and concentrations of total organic carbon ranging from 1–70 mg/L. As of November 1991, the plume had migrated almost entirely off the Kaiser site.

Based on a limited number of wells, including City of Ontario Well No. 30, the plume is up to 3,400 feet wide and extends about 17,500 feet from northeast to southwest.

VOC Anomaly South of the Los Angeles/Ontario International Airport – There is a VOC plume containing primarily TCE south of LAONT. The plume extends approximately from State Route 60 on the north and Haven Avenue on the east to Cloverdale Road on the south and South Grove Avenue on the west. The plume is up to 17,700 feet wide and 20,450 feet long. Between 1999 and 2004, the maximum TCE concentration in groundwater detected at an individual well within this plume was 83 μg/L. This plume is currently being voluntarily investigated by a group of responsible parties (CBWM 2007).

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Flood Hazards

The City of Ontario is subject to flooding and flood hazards. While significant hydrologic improvements have been made within Ontario, including channelization of many of the City’s watercourses, flooding associated with peak 100-year and 500-year floods and dam inundation remains a potential hazard.

Types of Floods

Flash floods are short, but have high peak volumes and velocities. The local mountains are very steep and consist of rock types that are fairly impervious to water. Consequently, little precipitation infiltrates the ground. Instead, rainwater flows across the surface as runoff, collecting in major drainages that pass through the City. When a major storm event moves in, water collects rapidly and runs off quickly. Because of the steep terrain and scarcity of vegetation in the mountains, flood flows often carry large amounts of mud, sand, and rock.

Sheet flow occurs when the capacity of the existing channels, either natural or man-made, are exceeded and water flows over and into the adjacent areas.

Recent Historical Floods

The winter floods of 1969 were very damaging in San Bernardino County, particularly in the Cucamonga area. Flood flows were greater than the estimated 100-year flood, and exceeded the capacity of levees, storm drains, and flood-control channels. About 1,000 people were reportedly evacuated from the Cucamonga area. In Ontario, most of the floodwaters were contained in improved channels and basins; however, overbank flow from Deer and Etiwanda Creeks flooded portions of the city.

The winter of 1998 was particularly damaging to sections of Ontario. The area received more than double its average annual rainfall, and this, combined with a lack of storm drains in south Ontario, resulted in significant flooding of the dairy preserve. The flooding caused significant property damage, the deaths of about 16,000 dairy cows, with losses to farmers in the millions of dollars. The winter storms of 2004–2005 again dropped record rainfall on southern California. Ontario experienced localized flooding and sedimentation, mainly due to inadequacies in the local storm drain system, but the damage was considerably less than the 1998 losses.

Designated Flood Zones

Potential flooding problems in Ontario are related to high water levels in the larger drainage channels and to sheet flooding on the alluvial fans. Figure 5-9.2, Flood Hazard Areas, shows the FIRM inundation limits for both estimated flood events (flash flood and sheet flow) on West Cucamonga, Cucamonga, Deer, Day, and Etiwanda Creeks. These watercourses are primarily channelized to prevent flood hazards.

As shown in Figure 5.9-2, the 100-year flood in Ontario is generally confined to the major watercourses, channels, and basins that traverse the City. These watercourses are primarily channelized to prevent flood hazards. But in the event of a peak 100-year or 500-year storm event, flood waters can flow over their banks and inundate adjacent areas. Zone X on Figure 5.9-2 shows that large portions of the City would be impacted by shallow and/or infrequent flooding, primarily by sheet flow as storm drains and channels become overwhelmed. This type of flooding is also exacerbated by graded embankments along the rail lines and east–west roadway embankments that cause ponding.

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Seismically Induced Dam Inundation

Other flood hazards for the City of Ontario include dam inundation in the event of a catastrophic failure, such as seismically induced dam failure. Statutes governing dam safety are defined in Division 3 of the California State Water Code. These statutes empower the California Division of Dam Safety to monitor the structural safety of dams that are greater than 25 feet high or have more than 50 af of storage capacity.

Several structures north of Ontario meet this criteria, including San Antonio Dam, Cucamonga Basin, Deer Creek Basin, and Day Creek Basin. For the City of Ontario, a worst-case scenario would be failure of the San Antonio Dam when it is near capacity. As shown in Figure 5.9-2, the majority of the western portion of the City of Ontario, as well as almost all of the NMC area, lies within the dam inundation area for the San Antonio Dam, a flood control and water conservation project constructed and operated by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Construction of the dam was completed May 1, 1956. The dam is situated at the mouth San Antonio Canyon, at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains (USACE 1997), 4.7 miles north of the northern City boundary.

A less severe inundation scenario is presented by the San Bernardino County Flood Control District for the Cucamonga Creek percolation basins north of Ontario.

As shown in Figure 5.9-2, this flood would be contained in the Cucamonga Creek Channel until it reached Holt Boulevard, at which point it would overflow the banks and flood a localized area roughly between Vineyard Avenue and Archibald Avenue, which includes a portion of LA/Ontario International Airport.

Inundation from Aboveground Water Storage Reservoirs

Seismically induced inundation can also occur if strong earthquakes cause structural damage to above- ground water tanks. If a tank is not adequately braced and baffled, sloshing water can lift a water tank off its foundation, splitting the shell, damaging the roof, and bulging the bottom of the tank (EERI 1992). Movement can also shear off the pipes leading to the tank, releasing water.

There are five aboveground reservoirs in Ontario. These reservoirs are owned by the City, and together they have a total storage capacity of 39.5 million gallons. Municipal water storage tanks are kept full or nearly full at all times to maintain a water supply for emergencies. The areas that would be inundated in the event of failure of the aboveground tanks or their connections due to an earthquake are not known.


A seiche is a surface wave created when an inland body of water is shaken, usually by earthquake activity. Seiches could pose flood hazards due to a wave overtopping a reservoir such as that behind San Antonio Creek Dam, an aboveground reservoir, or percolation basins.


A mudflow is a type of landslide composed of saturated rock debris and soil with a consistency of wet cement. Mudflows could occur in drainage channels in Ontario during flash floods, but are not expected to pose a substantial hazard in the City outside of drainage channels due to the very gently sloping terrain.

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5.9.2 Thresholds of Significance

According to Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, a project would normally have a significant effect on the environment if the project would:

HYD-1 Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements.

HYD-2 Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted.

HYD-3 Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in a substantial erosion or siltation on- or off-site.

HYD-4 Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off-site.

HYD-5 Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned storm water drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff.

HYD-6 Otherwise substantially degrade water quality.

HYD-7 Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map.

HYD-8 Place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures which would impede or redirect flood flows.

HYD-9 Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam.

HYD-10 Be subject to inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow.

5.9.3 Environmental Impacts

The following impact analysis addresses thresholds of significance for which the Initial Study disclosed potentially significant impacts. The applicable thresholds are identified in brackets after the impact statement.


Impact Analysis: Buildout of The Ontario Plan is projected to involve the development of roughly 58,364 residential units and 178,815,743 square feet of nonresidential land uses, compared to existing conditions. Such development would increase the amount of impervious surfaces and would thus increase surface water flows into drainage systems. The specific amounts of impervious surfaces that would be added to the City

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5. Environmental Analysis HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY are unknown, as projects that would be considered for approval under The Ontario Plan have not yet been designed. More than half of the residential units that would be added to the City, in addition to large proportions of new non-residential land uses, would be developed in the NMC, as the remainder of the City is virtually built out.

There are five engineered drainage channels in the City: the West Cucamonga, Deer Creek, Day Creek, and Etiwanda Creek Channels, and the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel. The City of Ontario and these five channels are within the Chino Watershed, part of the larger Santa Ana River Watershed. Drainage in the Chino Watershed flows from the San Gabriel Mountains south to the Santa Ana River, then to the southwest in the river. There are also several flood retention and spreading basins in the City that are used to retain flood flows and recharge the Chino Groundwater Basin. During the winter of 1969, parts of the City were flooded by overflows from Deer Creek and Etiwanda Creek. In 1998 flooding in the NMC, which then lacked storm drains, caused the deaths of about 16,000 dairy cows. Localized flooding occurred in the City again during 2004–2005 resulting from record-setting rainfall.

Several drainage improvements within the NMC area are planned, as described above in Section 5.9.1. Such improvements will add storm drainage capacity in the NMC area and surroundings, and thus help reduce impacts of additional development. Projects considered for approval under the Ontario Plan would be required to prepare project-specific hydrology studies as prescribed in the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual, which provides techniques and criteria for estimating runoff, discharges, and volumes, for hydrology studies submitted to San Bernardino County. Projects considered for approval under the Ontario Plan would be mandated to comply with BMPs for compliance with NPDES requirements; for example, preservation of existing vegetation. Such projects would also be mandated to comply with San Bernardino County Stormwater Program requirements that they either not increase stormwater flows from 1-, 5-, and 10- year storms; or conduct additional analysis to determine impacts regarding erosion, sedimentation, or stream habitat, and must incorporate BMPs to mitigate such impacts. Furthermore, the City, under Ontario Plan Policy ER1-6, would encourage the use of low impact development strategies to intercept runoff, slow the discharge rate, increase infiltration and ultimately reduce discharge volumes to traditional storm drain systems. The City, through Policy S2-5, would maintain and improve the storm drain system to minimize flooding, thus reducing the impacts of any increases in surface water flows that did reach drainage systems. Because new development in the City would be required by the City to upsize stormwater lines to prevent flooding during peak 100-, 25-, or 10-year storms in accordance with the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual, no significant impacts would occur.


Impact Analysis: Buildout of The Ontario Plan is forecast to involve the development of 58,364 additional residential units and 178,815,743 square feet of additional nonresidential land uses, compared to existing conditions. Development on such a scale would increase the amount of impermeable surfaces in the City, and reduce the amount of permeable surfaces available for groundwater recharge. Projected water supplies available to the City, water demands that would be generated by buildout of the Ontario Plan, and impacts of such water demands on the Chino Groundwater Basin, are discussed in Section 5.17, Utilities and Service Systems.

Nearly all of the Original Model Colony (OMC) is developed with urban uses and therefore not available for groundwater recharge. Therefore, most of the increase in impermeable surfaces in the City would result from development of the NMC in accordance with land use designations in The Ontario Plan. Planned drainage

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Environmental Analysis HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY improvements in the NMC would increase the capacity of flood retention and spreading basins would increase capacity for conveying stormwater to basins. Projects considered for approval under The Ontario Plan would have to meet the following requirements for limiting impacts to groundwater recharge:

• BMPs for compliance with NPDES regulations; for instance, preservation of existing vegetation.

• Preparation of project-specific hydrology studies estimating project impacts on drainage, in accordance with procedures in the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual.

In addition to the requirements above, The Ontario Plan contains policies that would promote infiltration of runoff, and groundwater recharge, including Policies ER1-5 and ER1-6. Groundwater supply and management is discussed in Section 5.17, Utilities and Service Systems. The Chino Basin Watermaster (CBWM) accounts for total recharge in the Chino Basin and maintains records of all potable water supply production from July 1, 1977, through June 30, 2006. Total recharge in the basin from July 1, 1977 through June 30, 2006, was approximately 4,754,000 af, while the net discharge from this same period is 4,515,000 af. The difference between recharge and discharge is 241,000 af. This increase in storage from the CBWM’s operations added to the then unmet replenishment obligation of 9,000 af is approximately 250,000. As a comparison, the water accounted for in basin storage accounts as of June 30, 2006, was 250,100 af. Therefore, from 1977 to 2006, the basin was not in overdraft and was in balance (CBWM 2007). No development would occur within the Ely Spreading Basin with development of the Proposed Land Use Plan. Consequently, creation of additional impermeable areas within the NMC would not hinder the groundwater recharge efforts of the CBWM.


Impact Analysis: Areas within the City that are in 100-year flood hazard zones are described in Table 5.9-1:

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Table 5.9-1 Areas within 100-Year Flood Zones Location Acreage Label on Existing Land Uses Proposed Land Use (roughly) Figure 5.9-2 Designations Existing drainage channels and basins Drainage Drainage channels; Open Space – Non-Recreation channels and retention and spreading Open Space – Parkland basins basins Industrial Extending alongside the West 150 A Parks/Recreation/Cultural; Open Space – Non-Recreation Cucamonga Channel from about I Residential; Open Space – Parkland Street southward to Mission Transportation/Utilities/ Residential Boulevard, then southeastward along Communications/ Industrial the north side of Mission Boulevard to Roadways/Parking Business Park near Hellman Avenue Mixed Use Los Angeles/Ontario International Airport Extending from the Lower Deer Creek 85 B Transportation/Utilities/ Industrial Channel southeastward along the north Communications/ Office-Commercial side of Mission Boulevard Roadways/Parking; Open Space – Non-Recreation Manufacturing; Office; Vacant Land Along the east side of the Etiwanda 55 C Warehouse Industrial Creek Channel and mostly south of Vacant Land Open Space – Parkland Santa Ana Street Industrial Transportation/Utilities/ Communications/ Roadways/Parking; Straddling the Etiwanda Creek Channel 35 D Warehouse Industrial near the Channel’s undercrossing of Vacant Land I-10.

Parts of 100-year flood-zone areas B, C, and D are currently vacant land, and would be designated for industrial development under The Ontario Plan. Thus, implementation of The Ontario Plan could indirectly result in development of parts of these three areas with industrial land uses. The Flood Disaster Protection Act requires owners of all structures in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA), that is, within 100-year flood hazard zones, to buy and maintain flood insurance as a condition of receiving federal financial assistance, such as mortgage loans from federally insured lenders. The City of Ontario’s Flood Damage Prevention Program (Municipal Code Title 8, Chapter 13) prohibits encroachments in to SFHAs, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements, and other development, unless certification by a registered professional engineer or architect is provided demonstrating that encroachments shall not result in any increase in flood levels during a 100-year flood.

Under Ontario Plan policies, the City would take the following actions to reduce impacts of potential developments within 100-year flood zones:

• Require hydrological studies prepared by a state-certified engineer, as required by state regulations, to assess the impact that the new development would have on the flooding potential of existing development down-stream (Policy S2-1).

• Limit development in flood plains and participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (Policy S2-2)

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• Do not permit facilities using, storing, or otherwise involved with substantial quantities of on-site hazardous materials to be in the 100-year flood zone unless all standards of elevation, flood proofing, and storage have been implemented to the satisfaction of the Building Department (Policy S2-3)

• Prohibit the development of new essential and critical facilities in the 100-year floodplain (Policy S2- 4)

• Maintain and improve the storm drain system to minimize flooding (Policy S2-5).

In addition to these policies, the City of Ontario Municipal Code, Chapter 13, Flood Damage Prevention Program, requires that a development permit be obtained prior to development in a special flood hazard area to ensure that the site is reasonably safe from flooding and flood hazards. The City requires that all new structures within a special flood hazard area have elevations above the elevations of the base flood. In addition, new development would be required to develop new stormwater infrastructure or upsizing existing infrastructure to reduce flood hazards. With implementation of existing regulations to reduce flood hazards, no significant impacts would occur.


Impact Analysis: Nearly the entire OMC is developed with urban uses, and implementation of The Ontario Plan would not substantially change the amount of developed land in the OMC. Most of the NMC, by contrast, is in agricultural use, and would be designated for development with urban uses by The Ontario Plan. In developed areas, large volumes of runoff are routed from impervious surfaces directly into drainage systems. carrying pollutants. Pollutants from urban development include sediment, nutrients, oxygen- demanding substances, heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, and pathogens such as bacteria and viruses (USEPA 2008). One waterway in the City is listed on the USEPA’s list of Water Quality Limited Segments pursuant to Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. The Valley Reach of Cucamonga Creek is included on the Section 303(d) list for coliform bacteria from an unknown nonpoint source.

Implementation of The Ontario Plan could indirectly result in the development of most of the NMC with urban uses. Pollutants from construction activities that can enter stormwater include sediment, metals, nutrients, soil additives, pesticides, construction chemicals, and other construction waste (CASQA 2003). Construction projects of over one acre would be required to comply with the Statewide General Construction Activity NPDES Permit, or to obtain a separate NPDES permit for stormwater discharges. NPDES permits for discharges of stormwater from construction sites require that a SWPPP specifying BMPs to be used to prevent pollution of stormwater be prepared and implemented. BMPs for construction operations are grouped in the following categories:

Erosion Controls: Erosion control, also called soil stabilization, is any practice that protects the soil surface and prevents soil particles from being detached by rainfall, flowing water, or wind. Erosion control methods include mulch, soil binders, and mats.

Sediment Controls: Sediment controls trap soil particles that have been detached and moved by rain, flowing water, or wind. Most sediment control BMPs are barriers, such as silt fences, fiber rolls, sandbags, and straw bales.

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Non-Stormwater Management: Construction activities often result in some discharges other than stormwater, such as from vehicle cleaning and maintenance, dewatering operations, paving and grinding operations, and concrete curing and finishing. Non-stormwater management BMPs minimize pollution in discharges from such activities.

BMPs used in the operation phase of projects are categorized as follows:

Site Design: Measures for reducing or eliminating runoff, such as maximizing permeable areas, use of porous pavements, and natural drainage systems such as vegetated swales; and measures for controlling sources of pollutants.

Structural Source Control: Measures to minimize pollution of stormwater by such means as paving trash storage areas and fueling areas with impervious surfaces, and grading such areas to block run-on.

Non-Structural Source Control: Intended to minimize stormwater pollution through such means as education of owners, tenants, and occupants; employee training; activity restrictions including prohibiting the discharging of fertilizers, pesticides, or waste to streets or storm drains; and a spill contingency plan.

Treatment Control: Remove pollutants from stormwater by filtration, media absorption, or other means.

Pollutants from the postconstruction phases of projects include sediment, metals, nutrients, pesticides, and hydrocarbons. Policies ER1-5, ER1-6, and ER-7 direct the City to reduce pollutants in the City’s stormwater system. Projects approved under The Ontario Plan would be required to control pollutants in discharges of stormwater from postconstruction activities under NPDES Permit No. CAS618036. Each project is required to prepare a Water Quality Management Plan identifying BMPs for prevention of stormwater pollution during the post-construction phase, including site-design, source-control, and/or treatment BMPs.


Impact Analysis: Much of the western and southern parts of the City are in the dam inundation area for San Antonio Dam, as shown in Figure 5.9-2. San Antonio Dam is on San Antonio Creek, 4.7 miles north of the northern City boundary. The part of the OMC within the dam inundation area is already almost completely developed with urban uses, so, implementation of The Ontario Plan would not lead to a substantial increase in developed area in the OMC. Nearly the entire NMC is in the dam inundation area for San Antonio Dam. Most of the NMC would be designated by The Ontario Plan for development with urban uses. Catastrophic failure of the San Antonio Dam when it is at or near capacity could spread water two to four feet deep over the western and central parts of the City. A les severe inundation scenario, when the dam is not at capacity, could be contained in the Cucamonga Creek channel until it reached Holt Avenue, at which point it would overflow the banks and flood a localized area roughly between Vineyard Avenue and Archibald Street (ECI 2006). Catastrophic failure of the San Antonio Dam could occur during an earthquake. However, the probability of catastrophic failure is very low. Furthermore, the City of Ontario Fire Department maintains a list of emergency procedures to be followed in the event of a failure (Ontario 2008). Because the likelihood of catastrophic failure of the San Antonio Dam is very low and the City is prepared in the event of such failure, impacts are considered less than significant.

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Impact Analysis: Mudflows could occur in drainage channels in Ontario during flash floods, but are not expected to pose a substantial hazard in the City, due to the very gently sloping terrain. The City’s Flood Damage Prevention Program prohibits encroachments into SFHAs (which include drainage channels), with specified exceptions. Drainage channels in the City are maintained by the SBCFCD, whose approval would be required for any project that proposed alterations to a channel.

Seiches could occur due to ground shaking in any reservoirs, aboveground water tanks, or percolation basins. Flood hazards that could result from dam failure are addressed in Impact 5.9-5. The inundation area that would result from failure of the Cucamonga Percolation Basins on Cucamonga Creek north of the City would consist of part of LA/Ontario International Airport (LAONT) and some industrial and commercial area south of LAONT; the inundation area would generally be within the rectangle bounded by Archibald Avenue on the east, Holt Boulevard on the north, Hellman Avenue on the west, and Philadelphia Street on the south. Proposed land use designations for the inundation area of the Cucamonga Percolation Basins would be LAONT and Industrial, which are similar to existing land uses. Therefore, implementation of The Ontario Plan is not expected to result, directly or indirectly, in changed land uses that would add people or structures within the inundation area of the Cucamonga Percolation Basins. Thus, implementation of the Ontario Plan would not cause substantial hazards arising from seiches in the Cucamonga Basins.

There are aboveground tanks in two places in the City that could cause flooding due to a seiche or in the event of tank failure. There are two tanks at the southeast corner of I-10 and Milliken Avenue, and one tank at the northeast corner of Jurupa Street and DuPont Avenue; both places are in the northeastern part of the City. These three tanks are all enclosed, minimizing the possibility of a seiche from any of these tanks. The existing land use is Industrial at both of these locations, and the land use designations proposed in The Ontario Plan at each location would be Public Facility. Public facilities include civic centers, governmental institutions, police and fire stations, transportation facilities, museums, and public libraries. The Ontario Plan would not confer development rights and therefore would not directly result in changed land uses at these two locations. Any projects proposed for either of these two places under The Ontario Plan would be required to undergo independent CEQA review. Hazard impacts related to seiches would be less than significant.

5.9.4 Relevant Policy Plan Policies and Programs

Safety Element

Flood Hazards

S2-1 Entitlement and Permitting Process. We follow state guidelines and building codes to determine when development proposals require hydrological studies prepared by a State-certified engineer to assess the impact that the new development will have on the flooding potential of existing development down-gradient.

S2-2 Flood Insurance. We limit development in flood plains and participate in the National Flood Insurance Program.

S2-3 Facilities that Use Hazardous Materials. We comply with state and federal law and do not permit facilities using, storing, or otherwise involved with substantial quantities of on-site hazardous

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materials to be located in the 100-year flood zone unless all standards of elevation, flood proofing, and storage have been implemented to the satisfaction of the Building Department.

S2-4 Prohibited Land Uses. We prohibit the development of new essential and critical facilities in the 100-year floodplain.

S2-5 Storm Drain System. We maintain and improve the storm drain system to minimize flooding.

S2-6 Use of Flood Control Facilities. We encourage joint use of flood control facilities as open space or other types of recreational facilities.

Environmental Resources Element

Water and Wastewater

ER1-5 Groundwater Management. We protect groundwater quality by promoting strategies that prevent pollution, require remediation where necessary, capture and treat urban runoff, and recharge the aquifer.

ER1-6 Urban Runoff Quantity. We encourage the use of low impact development strategies to intercept runoff, slow the discharge rate, increase infiltration, and ultimately reduce discharge volumes to traditional storm drain systems.

ER1-7 Urban Runoff Quality. We require the control and management of urban runoff, consistent with Regional Water Quality Control Board regulations.

Land Use Element


LU1-3 Adequate Capacity. We require adequate infrastructure and services for all development.

Phased Growth

LU4-3 Infrastructure Timing. We require that the necessary infrastructure and services be in place prior to or concurrent with development.

Community Design Element

Protection of Investment

CD5-1 Maintenance of Buildings and Property. We require all public and privately owned buildings and properties to be properly and consistently maintained.

CD5-2 Maintenance of Infrastructure. We require the continual maintenance of infrastructure.

CD5-3 Improvements to Property and Infrastructure. We provide programs to improve property and infrastructure.

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5.9.5 Existing Regulations and Standard Conditions

State and Federal Regulations

• Statewide General Construction Activity NPDES Permit CAS000002, State Water Resources Control Board • NPDES Permit CAS618036: MS4 Permit governing discharges to stormwater. Issued by Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board.

City of Ontario Municipal Code

The City of Ontario Municipal Code contains regulations regarding hydrology and water quality:

• Title 6. Sanitation and Health, Chapter 6: Stormwater Drainage Systems, Section 6-6.206 prohibits specified types of discharges into the City’s stormwater drainage system, or into any street leading to the drainage system. Section 6-6.208 requires that any persons conducting activities that could potentially contribute to stormwater pollution comply with all applicable BMPs as listed in the California Stormwater Best Management Practice Handbooks or the current San Bernardino County Stormwater Program's “Report of Waste Discharge,” to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff and reduce non-stormwater discharges to the City's stormwater drainage system to the maximum extent practicable or to the extent required by law. Sections 6-6.501 through 6-6.506 govern discharges into stormwater from construction activities.

5.9.6 Level of Significance Before Mitigation

Upon implementation of regulatory requirements and standard conditions of approval, the following impacts would be less than significant: 5.9-1, 5.9-2, 5.9-3, 5.9-4, 5.9-5, and 5.9-6.

5.9.7 Mitigation Measures

No mitigation measures are required.

5.9.8 Level of Significance After Mitigation

No significant impacts were identified, and no significant and unavoidable impacts to hydrology or water quality would occur.

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