United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,774, 193 Vaughan (45) Date of Patent: Jun
USOO5774193A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,774, 193 Vaughan (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 30, 1998 54). DIGITAL TELEVISION (HDTV) AND Primary Examiner Benny T. Lee ANALOG TELEVISION (NTSC) BROADCAST Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Robert T. Dunn, Esq. SYSTEMS COMBINED FOR SIMULTANEOUS BROADCAST 57 ABSTRACT Inventor: Thomas J. Vaughan, P.O. Box 440, An HDTV broadcast transmission System and an analog Rye Beach, N.H. 03871 NTSC broadcast transmission system are carried on the Same tower and broadcast to the same area by adaptation of both systems: the NTSC system including: (a) a source of Appl. No.: 395,754 analog NTSC video signals, (b) an NTSC analog video Filed: Feb. 27, 1995 signal exciter producing NTSC IF modulated analog video Signals, (c) an NTSC frequency up converter and power Related U.S. Application Data amplifier producing NTSC RF modulated analog video signals (NTSC RF signals), (d) an NTSC broadcast antenna Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 956,911, Oct. 5, 1992, and (e) an all band VHF and UHF signal transmission line abandoned. having an input end and an output end; the HDTV system Int. Cl." ........................... H01O 5700; H01P 1/213 including: (1) a Source of digital video signals, (2) a digital Video signal encoder producing IF modulated digital Video U.S. Cl. .......................... 348/723; 343/890; 333/134; Signals and (3) a frequency up converter and power amplifier 333/135; 333/202; 333/212 producing RF modulated digital video signals (HDTV RF Field of Search ..................................... 333/117, 126, signals) and an HDTV broadcast antenna; by combining the 333/129, 132, 134, 135, 202, 212; 343/890, HDTV RF signals and NTSC RF signals at the input end of 891; 348/723, 608, 487,470, 426, 21; 370/37, the transmission line and Separating them at the output end 38, 297, 308; 455/119, 129 and feeding them to the NTSC antenna and the HDTV References Cited antenna, respectively.
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