If Republicans are going to regain the Senate majority for 2015, in addition to gaining six new seats they must also hold on to current Republican seats. Below are races where the Club’s PAC believes Republicans stand the greatest chance of losing current Republican-held seats to Democrats. Mitch McConnell (KY) Senator Mitch McConnell has a respectable lifetime rating of 85% on the Club for Growth’s Congressional Scorecard. As Senate Minority Leader, McConnell has shown that his primary allegiance is to the Republican Party, and not to championing pro-growth, principles. However, McConnell is one of the most ardent supporters of the First Amendment and political speech rights. He is favored to win, but this race is still very competitive as his Democrat-opponent Alison Lundergan Grimes’s campaign has been steadily gaining traction. McConnell is the only Republican incumbent with a serious challenger at this point.

David Perdue (GA) Current Republican Senator is retiring, which makes this an open-seat race. Businessman David Perdue surprised a lot of people by winning the Republican nomination, and he did it by harshly criticizing Republican Congressman Jack Kingston on many issues, including earmarks. Perdue has taken some very strong stands on economic policy, including his platform to abolish the and replace it with the Fair Tax, a form of national sales tax. He has a very strong business background and a lot of life experience. He has also pledged to serve no more than two terms. We are hopeful that he would be an above average Republican Senator on economic issues. Right now, the Democrat nominee, Michelle Nunn, is polling well. So while we think Perdue has an excellent shot at victory, we anticipate this race will remain close until November.

PAT ROBERTS (KS) Senator is a longtime incumbent Republican. Roberts’ voting record has earned him a weak 74% lifetime rating on the Club for Growth’s Congressional Scorecard (he did, however, rate slightly better in 2013 with an 84%). After it became widely publicized that Roberts no longer resides in , but in a Each cycle the Club’s PAC endorses who it feels are the top caliber candidates in the nation – true champions of economic freedom willing Washington DC suburb, the veteran Senator lost serious favor with Kansas voters – receiving less than 50% of the vote the GOP primary election. After the to fight for limited government, pro-growth policies. However, often Club members come to us with questions about races in which the primary, the underfunded Democrat dropped out of the race, leaving just Roberts and a liberal, self-funding millionaire named Greg Orman, an independent, on Club’s PAC has not made an endorsement. the ballot. Orman’s campaign has been gaining real traction and recent public polling shows Roberts in serious jeopardy. While Roberts may not be a champion of economic freedom, he does vote the right way more than supporter Orman is likely to vote if elected. The Senate is the battleground on which the future of our nation is going to be decided and, for that reason, we know that Club members want to see Republicans regain control of the Senate for 2015. That is why the Club’s PAC has put together a comprehensive This guide is an outline of the 2014 Senate races that the Club’s PAC has deemed competitive. “Donor Guide” of what we believe will be the most competitive and critical general election Senate races this cycle. We encourage Club members who would like additional details on any of these races, or who have questions about races not included here, to please contact our office at the number listed below. This guide has been prepared exclusively for Club for Growth members and is meant to serve as a valuable tool in helping Club members 2001 L Street NW, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20036 prioritize their general election political contributions. As always, we encourage Club members to make all of their candidate contributions Tel: (202) 955-5500 | Fax: (202) 955-9466 through the Club’s PAC regardless of whether or not the Club’s PAC has endorsed in that race. Whether the Club’s PAC has made an We are legally required to say: All contributions are voluntary and you may refuse to contribute without reprisal. endorsement or not, 100% of all contributions made through the Club’s PAC go directly to the candidate’s campaign.

Paid for by Club for Growth PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 202-955-5500

The Club for Growth PAC 2014 Competitive Senate Race Donor Guide The Club for Growth PAC 2014 Competitive Senate Race Donor Guide Top Priority Races REPUBLICAN PICKUP OPPORTUNITIES

Below is a list of pro-growth, limited government conservatives who have been endorsed by the Club’s PAC. These Senate candidates are the best of the best – The Club’s PAC knows that Club for Growth members have a strong desire to see a Republican majority in the , and many have expressed interest in supporting more Republican Senate candidates – in addition to those endorsed by the Club’s PAC. If you are a Club for Growth member who has true champions of economic freedom. , , and Dan Sullivan will fight tirelessly to balance the budget, lower taxes, repeal ObamaCare, and already contributed generously to the Club PAC-endorsed candidates but who wishes to support additional Republicans this cycle, these are what the Club’s PAC significantly reduce the size and scope of the federal government. Their races are the most important races this cycle because they are the best candidates this believes are the most competitive Republican pickup opportunities. The Club’s PAC has outlined the positives and negatives of each of these candidates in an cycle. The Club’s PAC strongly encourages Club for Growth members to give as generously as you are able to both Cotton and Sullivan in the general elections. effort to help you make an informed giving decision. Some of the candidates listed below show promise and we are hopeful that they will regularly vote the way of economic freedom. Some, we are less optimistic about, but can at least say with a strong degree of certainty that they will vote right more than the Ben Sasse (NE) Democrat candidates they face. Sasse is a true champion of economic freedom, and thanks to the generous support of Club members his race is rated “safe” and he is Terri Lynn Land (MI) going to be the next Senator from the state of . The Club’s PAC raised nearly $400,000 for Sasse’s primary election, helping (NH) Former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown moved across the border to run against incumbent Michigan is a solidly blue state which means it’s extremely difficult for solid fiscal conservatives him to defeat two moderate-Republicans, Shane Osborn and Sid Dinsdale. Trial Attorney David Domina is Sasse’s Democrat opposition in Senator Jeanne Shaheen. Brown’s lifetime rating on the Club for Growth’s Congressional to win there. Terry Lynn Land is not a fiscal conservative. She is currently running a campaign the general election and poses no real threat to Sasse in this red state. The Club’s PAC is truly excited to see Sasse take his ongoing fight for economic freedom Scorecard is a dismal 51%. Some of Brown’s most disappointing votes include: voting for opposing agreements and states on her website that she will support policies “that produce cleaner and affordable energy.” Land has also stated that she would have voted to the United States Senate, but Club members have already done their job in this race so no further contributions are needed to ensure Sasse’s election. Dodd-Frank, against the Budget plan, and for repealing the Bush tax cuts for higher earners. However, incumbent Democrat Jeanne Shaheen is far worse than Brown. Shaheen for the 2014 Farm Bill. However, what Land has in her favor is that it would be nearly is one of Obama’s greatest allies in the Senate. The unfortunate reality is that at this time, impossible for her to vote as poorly as Democrat-challenger Gary Peters who, with a rating Brown is likely the best we can hope for in a New England state. of just 3% on the Club’s for Growth’s Congressional Scorecard last year, was tied for worst Tom Cotton (AR) voting record in Congress. The Club’s PAC first endorsed Tom in his 2012 House race because we believed that he would fight for smaller government, lower taxes, and pro-growth policies in Washington. And Tom has never let us down. Tom is a strong supporter of limited government, supports a full Joni Ernst (IA) Mike McFadden (MN) repeal of ObamaCare, and the elimination of the wasteful spending Farm Bill. And in the starkest of contrasts, Tom’s Democrat opposition, If elected, we have reason to hope that Joni Ernst will be an above-average vote for pro- growth policies. Her record in the Iowa Legislature is respectable. However, she also voted Minnesota is another challenging state in which to find viable economic conservative candidates. Senator Mark Pryor has supported Barack Obama’s agenda 95% of time! You and I know how much better off our nation would be if Tom replaced Pryor. for a major gas tax increase (she later apologized for the vote). Ernst supports tax reform, Republicans have nominated businessman Mike McFadden. McFadden talks like a conservative But that’s not enough. Arkansas voters must be convinced. And as it stands today, they remain undecided. Pryor’s campaign is well-funded and the Democratic but wouldn’t vote to eliminate ethanol subsidies, making it more likely than not that she will but has been repeatedly criticized in the press for failing to put forward any policy specifics. For example, he says that “all options need to be on the table” for reforming Social Security, Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is spending big in this race. This race will likely remain competitive until the final days. And Club members have a be an advocate for more parochial issues than a trusted vote for constitutional principles. Her opponent, Congressman Bruce Braley, is a trial lawyer and one of the most noxious liberals but he won’t endorse pro-growth reforms like personal retirement accounts. Almost six unique opportunity to be the difference-maker that propels pro-growth, limited government warrior Tom Cotton to victory this November. serving in Congress today. With just a 3% rating, Braley tied for the worst rating on the months after the atrocious “Farm Bill” passed Congress, McFadden told reporters he was Club for Growth’s Congressional Scorecard in all of Congress last year (along with Michigan “still looking at” it. The Club’s PAC is wary of McFadden’s reluctance to take a hard stance Democrat Senate candidate Gary Peters). on critical economic issues. However, even if McFadden turns out to be far less fiscally Dan Sullivan (AK) conservative than he claims, he would still be a giant step up from incumbent-Senator and Dan has a long track record of fighting for economic freedom. We don’t have to guess what he’ll do if he’s elected to Congress – we former Saturday Night Live Comedian . already know. During his time as Alaska’s Attorney General and Chairman of the Department of Natural Resources Dan: wrote Alaska’s Cory Gardner (CO) Cory Gardner has an average Republican voting Record in Congress, as indicated by his 48-page memo challenging the Constitutionality of ObamaCare, stood up to the onerous collusion between environmental groups and the lifetime rating of 75% on the Club for Growth’s Congressional Scorecard. Dings on Gardner’s Thom Tillis (NC) Obama Administration, and spearheaded a successful effort to get Alaska’s legislature to repeal publicly popular anti-growth taxes on the cruise ship and oil and record include voting for the Farm Bill and against budgets proposed by House conservatives. Thom Tillis is the Speaker of the House in North Carolina and the Republican nominee for gas industries. This seat is currently held by Mark Begich – a first-term Democrat. Begich won by just 1% in 2008 when incumbent Ted Stevens was convicted Gardner’s best votes include when he was one of just 39 Republicans to vote against a new Senate. In the State Legislature, Tillis watered down income tax cuts to preserve higher levels on federal corruption charges just 10 days before the election. Begich got into the Senate by the skin of his teeth in 2008. And since then, even in spite of Tariff Bill and when he was one of just 62 Republicans to vote against the Ryan-Murray of spending and voted for an energy bill that mandated that a portion of North Carolina energy budget compromise that raised taxes and partially unwound spending cuts from sequestration. come from renewables. He also called ObamaCare a “great idea that can’t be paid for.” As the fact that he is representing Alaska – a typically red state – Begich has voted like a blue state liberal time and time again: ObamaCare, Obama’s Stimulus, Gardner is neither a RINO nor a pro-growth champion. But Gardner is far superior to incumbent- Speaker, he did help pass reforms to North Carolina government pushed by conservatives, Cap and Trade, Cash for Clunkers, various debt ceiling increases, and pro-union Davis-Bacon wage requirements, the list goes on and on. The contrast between Senator Mark Udall who has an abysmal lifetime rating of just 8% on the Club for Growth’s but that was likely based on political necessity, not on principle. If elected, Tillis will likely these two men could not be starker. The Alaska Senate race is a key opportunity for Club members to: help defeat one of the most liberal Democrats in the Congressional Scorecard. be a reliable vote for the Republican leadership on most issues. However, Tillis will be a significant improvement from incumbent-Democrat Senator Kay Hagan whose lifetime rating Senate, help Republicans gain a must-win Senate seat, and most importantly of all – help send a champion of economic freedom to the United States Senate. on the Club for Growth’s Congressional Scorecard is just 8%.

The Club for Growth PAC 2014 Competitive Senate Race Donor Guide The Club for Growth PAC 2014 Competitive Senate Race Donor Guide