Men of Canada 1891
THE CANADIAN ALBUM. * >*< * MEN OF CANADA; OR, SUCCESS BY EXAMPLE, g IN RELIGION, PATRIOTISM, BUSINESS, LAW, MEDICINE, EDUCATION AND AGRICULTURE; CONTAINING PORTRAITS OK SOME OK CANADA'S CHIEF BUSINESS MEN, STATESMEN, FARMERS, MEN OF THE LEARNED PROFESSIONS, AND OTHERS. ALSO, AN AUTHENTIC SKETCH OF THEIR LIVES. OBJECT LESSONS FOR THE PRESENT GENERATION AND EXAMPLES TO POSTERITY. EDITED BY REV. WM. COCHRANE, D.D., AUTHOR OF "FUTURE PUNISHMENT, OR DOES DEATH END PROBATION," "THE CHURCH AND THE COMMONWEALTH, ETC., ETC. 'THE PROPER STUDY OF MANKIND IS MAN. VOL. I. BRADLEY, GARRETSON & CO., BRANTFORD, ONTARIO,- 1891. n . OLIVER MOWAT, Q.C., Tache-Macdonald administrations. In M.P.P., LL.D., Premier of 1864 he was appointed to the Bench, Ontario, was born at King- and for eight years adorned the position. ston, Ont., July 22iid, 1820. His In 1872 he re-entered public life, and father came from Caitheneshire, Scot- became Premier of Ontario, and has land, to Canada in 1816. Mr. Mowat been representative of North Oxford received his education in Kingston, from that date to the present. He en- having among his fellow pupils Sir joys the confidence of Ontario as an John A. Macdonald and the late Hon. able, patriotic statesman, and despite of John Hillyard Cameron. He began the local Opposition and Dominion law with Mr. John A. Macdonald, then Government, maintains his large ma- practicing in Kingston. In the Rebel- jority. The many measures of legis- ' lion of 1837 y un Mowat joined the lation he has carried and his victories Royalists. After four years he re- before the Privy Council of England moved to Toronto, and completed his are known to all.
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