DISTRICT 19-I DISTRICT 19-I CABINET: District Governor Joyce L. Boyle (Everett) The Blurb 2102-355 Anfield Rd. Courtenay, BC V9N 0C6 250-871-1900 EDITION #6, DECEMBER, 2017
[email protected] www.lionsdistrict19-I.org Past District Governor Alan Guy (Janet) Message from 19-I’s 502 Arbutus Dr. Mayne Island, BC V0N 2J1 District Governor Joyce Boyle 250-539-9876
[email protected] 1st Vice District Governor Mike Dukes (Karen) 63 Vista Dr. Sekiu, WA 98381 360-963-2287
[email protected] 2nd Vice District Governor Cec Specht (Cathy) 1450 Griffin Dr. Courtenay, BC V9N 8M6 250-338-0509
[email protected] Cabinet Secretary PDG Leslie Smith (Burnie) 6626 Everest Dr. Nanaimo, BC V9T 6H6 250-390-0730
[email protected] Cabinet Treasurer PDG John Higgs (Loni) 7-897 Admirals Rd. Victoria, BC V9A 2P1 250-995-9288
[email protected] For so many people, Lions make these words have real meaning! So many Christmases have Joy attached because of our dona- STAYING CONNECTED: tions. The results from the work we do in our communities is so IT CHAIR: eventful at this time of year. PDG Ron Metcalfe & team lions19i.ca And now is also the time for all of you to enjoy time with your FACEBOOK page: own families and friends and soak up all the love that is available District 19-I for current to you. We all know we cannot give what we do not have, so lap happenings & more. (ZC Bob Orchard: it up!
[email protected] PUBLIC RELATIONS: I have so enjoyed my visitations to all the Clubs so far this year PDG Brian Phillips and look forward to some time off myself too in December, and 250-642-2408 then back “On the Road Again” in the new year.