Newsletter Date Volume 1, Issue 1

Ships Point awarded $200K!

Canada will be 150 years old in 2017. In celebration of this momentous occasion, the federal government an- nounced the 150 program. The program will invest $150 million dollars over two years in communi- ty infrastructure. In June, the Ships Point Improvement District board applied to Western Economic Diversifi- cation Canada (WD), who is delivering the program in western Canada, for a $200,000 grant to help towards Phase Two of our water system project. Two weeks ago we got the news that our grant application was ap- proved for the full amount!

On July 30, 2015 Minister John Duncan announced five awards for Northern at a ceremony in front of Courtenay City hall. Gary Patterson, the Chair of the SPID board attended the ceremony: “Ships Point Improvement District is delighted to be one of the recipients under the Canada 150 Community Infra- structure Program. It is great for a small, self- supporting community to be given the recognition and help with replacing our aging water system.”

For Ships Point ratepayers, the Canada 150 grant, along with a previous grant for $75,000, will mean a sav- ings of about $1,000 per household. Special congratulations and thank you to Nina LeBlanc, Frank Green, Bill Trussler and Pat Edwards for all their hard work on behalf of Ships Point ratepayers.




'Yoga We All Can Do' sessions, sponsored by the Fanny Bay Community Association, begin on Wednesday October 7th, at the Fanny Bay Hall.

The aim of the classes is to encourage those who might think they can't do yoga because they have never tried it before, or feel they are too stiff, or have seen it on TV with participants in their 20's and 30's. Many yoga poses can be adapted to differing levels of ability, yet still provide the benefits.

Chair yoga is a great activity for anyone wanting to build muscle strength, improve joint flexibility, balance and mobility. Yet it can be gentle enough for many who live with chronic joint pain (check with your health care provider). A chair is used for many of the poses, to help with balance, allow participants to remain seated during exercise if needed, and adapt poses so that the stretch goes as low as the chair seat rather than all the way to the floor.

We will be offering two classes, the first for those with mobility, strength and balance issues and the second a more rigorous program including exercising on the floor. If there is enough interest, an additional class may be added aimed specifically at people with Osteoarthritis or Osteoporosis.

Please call Eleanor for more information on times and space availability. As much as possible, participants will be grouped by similar levels of mobility, strength, flexibility and balance. The first class for new partici- pants is free of charge, so you can see if the class is likely to fit your intentions. After that, a punch card of six classes costs $60.

Instructor: Eleanor Hope Tel:250-335-2046 Mobile: 250-465-1265 Email:[email protected]

Low impact aerobics begins again at the Fanny Bay Hall on Thursday, September 10 at 9:00 a.m. This is a re- laxed, but active class, and all the participants are fabulous, friendly people. Come in comfortable clothes, bring a yoga mat ( for floor work ) water to stay hydrated, and your personality. If you have never attended, the first class is free to see if you like us. If you decide to continue you can pay $4.00 a class, or buy a punch card of 10 classes for $40.00. This card never expires, just punch it when you attend. If you would like more infor- mation, please call Suzanne at 250-335-2533 or e-mail [email protected].

Yoga with Josey Slater at the FB Community Centre

Ongoing In Depth Yoga starts Tuesday Sept. 15, from 7-8:30pm for 7 weeks Gentle Yoga starts Tuesday Sept. 22, from 1:30-3pm for 7 weeks. Cost is $85 for 7 week session, and some drop-ins available for $16.

FYI and to register, call or email Josey at 250-650-4535 or [email protected]

Pickleball at the Fanny Bay Community Centre has certainly taken off! Our local league sports approxi- mately 20 members, many of them playing every game. However, with only two courts available, we have had to make the decision to put new people, wishing to join, on a wait list. As spaces come availa- ble, new members will be contacted. Thank-you!




Consumption for the month of July on Ships Point was 14,529 cubic meters or about 3.2 million imperi- al gallons. That’s DOWN approximately 20% over the previous 5 week period! That is wonderful news and a sign that SPID ratepayers understand what is at stake. Thank you all for your diligent, conserva- tion efforts.

Vancouver Island continues at Level 4 drought conditions. Just a reminder what that means:  No outdoor sprinkling, even newly seeded lawns.  Limited (hand-held container or hose equipped with shut-off nozzle) watering of vegetable gardens, trees, shrubs and flowers. Drip irrigation only between certain hours  No vehicle washing  No building or driveway washing  No filling pools or fountains

In case of emergencies…… In order to ensure a potable drinking water supply for our residents, and to ensure sufficient pressure for fire protection, SPID requests all residents be prepared and have sufficient drinking water on hand in case of main repairs or an emergency. Please keep informed by checking the mailbox notice boards.

For water emergencies please call our operators at 250 335 0354 or 250 702 5724 Fire

A TOTAL FIRE BAN is still in effect. Please check the entrance sign for updates. When you hear a fire siren, turn off all water immediately.

The fire department is are always seeking new recruits and volunteers for our fire dept. Great camarade- rie and training supplied. Check out the FBCA website for SPVFFA information.

SPID OFFICE HOURS are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2pm to 430 pm, pending business needs. Our phone is 250 335 0551 and our email is [email protected]. The next Board of trustees meeting is Sept 9 at 830 am at the SPID office 7729 Vivian Way.



FBWW customers have responded well to notices and information on water conservation. The Trustees vis- ited all houses and businesses on the system in July, and discovered that many FBWW customers were using a number of inventive ways of reducing water consumption, and that in general customers were making an impressive effort to just use less water.

The aquifer utilized by FBWW continues to drop. With a continuous effort we should make it to the rainy season. However this will require a continuous effort by all of us. Each time we have a long dry (and hot) spell our water consumption goes way up. The pump then continues to try and fill the tank into the early hours of the morning and the aquifer has no time to recover. When we have a rainy (or even cloudy) day, our water consumption goes down. The only conclusion seems to be that serious irrigation (not 20 minutes of hand watering) has been practiced by some households on these hot and sunny days.

FBWW customers will be aware that the meters will be read on 1st. September. This will give us an indica- tion of which customers have not been helping with conservation.

These long dry summers may be the norm in the future. In fact the long range forecast is for a drier than usual winter. FBWW are investigating other water sources, and/or an addition storage facility. However we are conscious of trying to keep the water rates reasonable, which seems to preclude major infrastruc- ture expenditures.

At this time the message is to please continue with your excellent water conservation efforts, and please abide by the requirements for 20 minute outside hand watering only; no washing or cars, trucks, boats or houses; and or course no filling of swimming pools, hot tubs or ponds.

Thank you. Fanny Bay Waterworks Trustees.

911 It is a dark rainy night. You clutch your chest in pain and call 911. Minutes count. Could they find you in time? Help emergency, firefighters and first responders find your home day or night. USE REFLECTIVE ADDRESS SIGNS.

For more info or to place an order, contact Barb at 778-427-7707. Ships Point Volunteer Firefighters Association.



And the heat goes on — and on, reminds you of a tune doesn’t it? So many lakes, streams and rivers are in dire situations, not just here but up and down the West Coast. High temperatures and lack of snowpack have created the perfect storm for salmon stocks. Sci- entists can forecast for the future but what will happen in reality is a question no one knows for sure. At the hatchery we just take one day at a time and if we get some rain we are grateful, but so far not enough to help our circumstances. Our coho brood that are “vacationing” at Quinsam Hatchery in Campbell River seem to be thriving under the ex- pert care of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans personnel and for that we are ex- tremely grateful. The few fish left at our Rosewall Hatchery are doing well also.

With many tanks left empty it is an opportunity for volunteers to sand and paint lids, clean raceways and tanks, as well as a more in depth check-up of our site. Our annual potluck barbecue was well attended by 39 of our wonderful volunteers.

September is always a “full month” with a pink egg take at Quinsam Hatchery over a two week period, as well as the annual Pacific Salmon Foundation Dinner on Sept. 26. We are also hoping that the Ministry of Transportation and Highways (MOT) will be able to work on Berray Road where Rosewall Creek has been eating away at the bank. It is a top priori- ty with MOT but getting permission in time to do the work seems to be an issue.

If you would like to help or see what is happening at the hatchery, our hours of operation are Wednesdays and Saturdays 9 am to 12 pm, Rosewall Creek on Berray Road. For more information, visit our website

OAP REPORT Linda Tournemille

It’s hard to believe that September approaches and with that our OAP events begin again. Please join us at our next meeting and find out what we are up to this Fall.

Our next meeting will be held Tuesday, September 8th @ 2:00 PM. Our next potluck will be held Tuesday, September 15th at 5:00 PM. Joan and Walt (250-335-2333) and Linda will be convening. Please call Joan if you are planning to attend.

The Fanny Bay Seniors (OAP) will not be holding their Garage Sale in 2016. Consequently, we will be unable to accept any donation of items for sale at this time. Thank you for your past and continued support of the OAP.

Happy Birthday to all our members who celebrate their special day in September.

LITTLE BLUE (PILL) BOTTLE Thank you to all who have donated refundable beverage bottles to the Ships Point Volunteer Fire Department. The mon- ey raised is being used to support our "little blue bottle" campaign for emergency medical information that can be kept in the door of your refrigerator for retrieval by First Responders in a medical emergency. Kits will include a blue storage bottle, a fridge magnet and a medical history form, and will be available in September. The kits can either be picked up from the Fire Hall or obtained from a member during the annual Fire Department walkabout. More details to follow in the next issue.


“Live at Fanny Bay Hall” is a 4 performance music series and kicks off on the evening of Saturday September 26, with 4 separate performances every other Saturday on October 10, October 24 and November 7. All performances begin at 7:00 and will be a wonderful way to spend a Saturday evening at our beautifully renovated Fanny Bay Hall. Get close to the music !....All 4 bands will perform on the floor of the hall with seating in the half round.

Tickets $15 available in advance at Bop City in Courtenay, Weindbergs Good Food in Buckley Bay and Salish Sea Mar- ket in Bowser. See the entire series with a 4 pack discount of $55

Sat Sept 26 @ 7:pm Tribute Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass

Enjoy stellar renditions of one of the most successful bands of the 20th century, selling more than 72 million albums world- wide. Interestingly 50 years later, the Tijuana Brass sound remains fresh with tunes like “The Lonely Bull” and “Taste of Honey” . The band features some of our finest area musicians including Rick Husband (Guitar) , Michael Eddy (Keyboard) , Neil Clark (Drums), Grahame Edwards ( Bass ), Michael Johnson (Valve Trombone & Trumpet) & Jake Masri ( Trumpet)

Sat Oct 10 @ 7:pm Anela Kahiamoe & The Experimenters

A native of Hawaii and veteran of the Honolulu music scene, Anela has been a professional musician, singer, and song- writer his entire life and brings his band, “The Experimenters” to the stage to perform a fantastic range of music from Ha- waiian, Rock, Blues , Jazz and Anela originals. A stellar musician line-up includes Ralph Barrat (Keyboard) ,Grahame Edwards ( Bass ), Evan Ehgoetz ( Steel Pedal), Claudio Fontinato ( Alto ) and Rob Peterson ( Drums ) The unique instru- mental blend, fine musicianship and warm stage presence of Anela will combine for an awesome evening.

Sat Oct 24 @ 7:pm Ralph Barrat & The Sharp 7

Enjoy a fabulous evening of classics as Barrat belts out tunes with a vocal style reminiscent of Sinatra and Buble. Take a seat as the Band transports you back to the golden era of jazz, with songs and tunes such as New York-NewYork, Mack the Knife and Take the A train, to name a few. This dynamic 7 piece combo includes a fantastic 1st call 3 piece horn section with Jake Masri ( Trumpet) , Jeff Agopsowi- ca ( Trombone) and Rachel Fuller ( Tenor ). Rounding out the band is Kelly Thomas ( Keyboard) Grahame Edwards ( Bass) and Rob Peterson ( Drums)

Sat Nov 7 @ 7:pm The Georgia Strait Big Band

What a treat ! A full 17 piece Big Band + conductor and vocalists with the Band performing tunes made famous by The Count, Gillespie and Ellington. The legacy of Big Band in the and area dates back over 70 years when Big Band dances were a regular event at the Fanny Bay Hall.

This band is polished and professionally conducted by Greg Bush, Composer/Arranger and Professor of Jazz Studies at Vancouver Island University. The performance will showcase the elegant vocals of Ms. Jackie Zbirun who will take you down memory lane with beautiful renditions of classic favourites from the big Band era.


Page 7 FANNY BAY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION September 2015 Here is a letter that the SPID Trustees sent to our Premier on July 24, 2015. To date we have received no re- sponse. As mentioned in our letter, SPID ratepayers are very concerned about the bottling plant operating in our community.

July 24, 2015

[email protected]

The Honourable Christy Clark, Premier of Box 9041 Station PROV GOVT Victoria, B.C. V8W 9E1

Dear Premier Clark,

Re: Natural Glacial Waters, Inc. (“Natural Glacial”) Bottling Plant – Expansion Plans

As you know, Vancouver Island is at Stage 4 drought conditions. This situation is likely to continue for some time.

Ships Point Improvement District (SPID) is located in Fanny Bay, between and Courtenay, and provides domestic water as well as fire protection to a community of approximately 300 households. As trustees of SPID, we are concerned that shrinking water supplies will affect our ability to provide water to our ratepayers. We are also deeply concerned that falling water levels will affect our ability to provide fire protection. Our board of trustees has requested that our ratepayers make all efforts to reduce water con- sumption.

However, while we are making every effort to reduce our water usage, a local bottling plant (Natural Gla- cial Waters at Rosewall Creek) is expanding their capacity to bottle water and ship it overseas. As trustees, we are under increasing pressure from our ratepayers to explain this discrepancy.

We have not been able to determine which provincial agency is responsible for regulating commercial wa- ter use. Have bottling plants in B.C. been asked to reduce their consumption? How do we determine the allowed capacity for the Natural Glacial plant? Who is responsible for ensuring such plants do not exceed their allowed capacity? In light of current conditions, is your office planning to review the current expan- sion plans of the Natural Glacial plant? Please advise.

We appreciate your consideration in the above matters.


Gary Patterson Chairperson, SPID Board of Trustees


Who's New in the Community

What do you do if you worked as a young person in your Dad's cafe, (Kelly's Cafe ), in Sandspit on Haida Gwai, in the Skyline Motor Inn in Van- couver, Chateau Whistler and then as executive chef at Lakeside Gardens? Well, you become a commercial fisherman of course! Colin Kelly, the new owner of the KellyBearMarket (formerly Fanny Bay Service ), was a fisherman until he retired 12 years ago, but he is also a chef, and full of ideas for his new venture. He was always a frequent customer at Fanny Bay Service, and got to know all the regulars. When it came up for sale, he was encouraged to buy it, which he did. In the meantime, he also built and ran Bugaboo Burgers in Qualicum Bay. Colin is expanding the menu, and wants to serve "table d' haute " dinners between 5 and 7 several nights a week beginning in September. The menu will be chosen by the chef, and could be a variety of items like camp-style pork chops, or a vegetarian lasagna. There will al- ways be fish and chips. Colin also hopes to run a regular market once or twice a month, with a variety of vendors. Currently he sells local produce and eggs. He and his staff are working to make KellyBearMarket a vital part of the community ( for Colin Bugaboo means gathering place ), where you will find friendly people and good food. And oh yes, Bugaboo Burgers is coming to the market in September, and will return to Qualicum Bay in May. Drop in and try Carrie's homemade pizza and delicious peach pie. Suzanne Murray

A big 'Thank You' to the following businesses and volunteers for their help in making our recent Rechord Ensem- ble dessert concert such a success:

Fanny Bay Inn, Fanny Bay Trading, Just Like Mom's Bakery, Kelly Bear Market, Laughing Oyster Books, Powerhouse Fitness, Royston Roasting Company, The Bean Counter, Salish Sea Market, Weinberg's Good Food, Pinewood Farms, Anne, Barry, Bonnie, Carol, Carolyn, Erna, Joanne, Marg, Marjorie, Marilyn, Norma, Pat, Paul, Ron, Sandy, Suzanne. Plus all the folk who pitched at the end of the evening to help with clearing away tables and chairs



The Fanny Bay Flyer is published monthly (except January) by the Fanny Bay Commu- Community Contacts nity Association [FBCA], a non-profit socie- ty and registered charitable organization. Aerobics (FB Hall) Opinions expressed in the Flyer are not nec- Suzanne Murray ...... 335-2533 essarily those of the FBCA or the editor. Lions Club. While every effort is made to ensure the ac- Cliff Helps ...... 335-1112 curacy of the Flyer’s content, neither the As- Baynes Sound Lioness Club sociation nor the Editor assume responsibility Diane Hawkins ...... 335-1952 for any misprints or errors, which may ap- Baynes Sound Garden Club pear in the information given and printed Roger Chayer………………………...778-427-9997 within. Beachcombers Community School Principal - Wendy Preston...... 778-427-4007 The FBCA Board of Directors will promote Chair Yoga (Wednesday Morning & Afternoon) activities that enhance the quality of life for Eleanor Hope……………………………...335-2046 Fanny Bay residents. The Board seeks com- Fanny Bay Salmonid Enhancement munity input, invites participation, encour- Judy Ackinclose...... 335-0010 ages the use of the Fanny Bay Hall as a place Fanny Bay Volunteer Fire Department to gather, share, foster and deepen the sense Chief - Mike Smith...... 250-702-3346 of community, and to maintain the existing Fanny Bay Waterworks District Office structure in good condition. Barbara Gould………………………..250-465-9043 Fanny Bay Quilt Group Noreen Sterling ……………...………...... 335-3010 Joan Johnsen………...... 335-2333 OAP #127 Hall, Ship’s Point Road Linda Tournemille...... 778-427-4533 OAP Hall Rentals Contact Us Dick Walters...... 335-9039 FBCA President Neville Hope 335-2046 Painting Classes Fanny Bay Hall - 7793 , Madeleine Wood………………………….335-3450 Fanny Bay, BC V0R 1W0 Parents & Tots (FB Hall) Tel. 250 335-2832 Evelyn Bally, CVFSA ...... 335-9022 Website - Ship’s Point Volunteer Fire Department Editor Paul Welch [email protected] Chief - Terry Hoffart ...... 335-0680 Hall Rentals: Ship’s Point Improvement District [email protected] Office - Nina LeBlanc ...... 335-0551 FBCA Memberships: Judy Starr 335-0241 Taoist Tai Chi Susan Finlayson ...... 250-757-2097 Yoga (Tuesday Morning and Evening) Ad & Submission Deadlines! Find ad rates and E-mail submissions Josey Slater ...... 335-0911 information at Youth Group [email protected] Evelyn Bally ...... 335-9022 Please submit all copy and images BE- FORE the 20th of the preceding month. NB: Please minimise attach- ments. Text is best sent in the body of the e-mail. Images should be .pdf, .jpg, gif or .tif. Thank you!


Weekly Events Coming Events

Monday Fanny Bay

9 am—10 am: Low Impact Aerobics @ FB Hall. Sept 3 — 7.00 pm Fanny Bay Garden Club 7 pm—9 pm: Pickleball @ FB Hall. Karen Cummins speaking on ornamental grasses. Non members welcome. Tuesday Sept 26 —7.00 pm “Live at Fanny Bay Hall. “ 1.30 pm—3.00 pm: Gentle Yoga @ FB Hall—Josey Tribute Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass. 7.00 pm—8.30 pm: In Depth Yoga @ FB Hall—Josey Tickets $15 from Bop City, Weinbergs &

Wednesday Salish Sea Market. Sept 30 —Oyster Reading Series. Doors open 6.30 pm 9 am—12 pm: FB Salmonid Enhancement Society @ start 7.00 pm Rosewall Creek Hatchery. 9.15 am—10.15 am: Zumba @ OAP Hall—Jessica 10.00 am—11.30 am: Chair Yoga @ FB Hall—Eleanor Union Bay Community Hall 10:30 am—12 am: Taoist Tai Chi @OAP Hall 3.00 pm—4.30 pm: Chair Yoga @ FB Hall—Eleanor Sept 13 —10.00 am to 3.00 pm Annual Fall Craft Fair. 40 Crafters for you. “Souper” lunch. FMI call Dave 250 335 2317 Thursday Sept 19 — 9.00 am to 2.00 pm Giant Garage and Book Sale. All proceeds go to Tour de Rock. FMI call Donna McKay 9 am—10 am: Low Impact Aerobics @ FB Hall. @ 250 335 2147 1 pm—3 pm: Pickleball @ FB Hall.

Friday Bowser —At The Legion General 10 am—11:30 am: Parent and Tots @ FB Hall 6:30 pm—7.30 pm: Youth Group @ FB Hall. Sept 15 — Branch 211 Executive Meeting. Sept 22 — Branch 211 General Meeting Saturday Special Events 9 am—12 pm: FB Salmonid Enhancement Society @ Sept 5 — L.A. Pie Sale @ the LCC Fall Fair Rosewall Creek Hatchery. ______Sept 12 — Legion Garage Sale call 250 757 9222 for details & spot rentals Sept 12 — BBQ your own steak nite $10. The Comox Valley Regional Sept 20 — Honours & Awards 1.00 pm. Lounge opens at noon. District has put in a new toilet Sept 26 — Giant Meat Draw. (All prime rib roasts) facility at Ships Point Park. It is an attractive building, and will Ongoing Events be appreciated by Park users. Wednesday Sept 9th Crib starts up @ 7.00 pm The old facility provided years Thursday 6.00 pm Men’s Pool of service, but needed replac- Sunday 1.00 pm Horseshoes ing. Work was also done on Monday Closed. the road into the Park and the culvert. Thanks to all Meat Draws - Every Friday @ 5:00 pm. & Saturday @ 4:30 pm. who use this beautiful little Park, and help keep it beautiful by not littering, and by picking up litter left MEMBERS, GUESTS & PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS by less thoughtful people WELCOME

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