rssN (,127-4126 Vol )()(\t 2OOA

The Journal of WTLDLIFE and PARKS JouRru+Or Wtoure ANoPnnrs

Publishedby Departmentof Wildlifeand National Parks (DWNP) Peninsular Printedby UNICATIONSDN BHD Printed2009


Dato'Abd. Rasid Samsudin DirectorGeneral Departmentof Wildlifeand NationalParks


MisliahMohamad Basir DeputyDirector General I Departmentof Wildlifeand National Parks


SivananthanEllagupilay Departmentof Wildlifeand National Parks

Eorronrll Bolno

SaharudinAnan Departmentof Wildlifeand National Parks

BurhanuddinMohd. Nor Departmentof Wildlifeand National Parks

ZainalZahari Zainuddin Departmentof Wildlifeand National Parks

TajuddinMohd. Abdullah UniversitiMalaysia

ShukorMd. Nor UniversitiKebangsaan Malaysia

Generalcorrespondence: DirectorGeneral Departmentof Wildlifeand National Parks KM 10,Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel:03-90866800 Fax:03-90752873 Email: [email protected] JounltalOr Wr-olrreAHo Panrs Vol25 (2008) rssN0127-8126 Corureltrs pace Norhayaii,A., Abdul Rahman, M.R., Juliana, S., Daicus, B. & Chan,K.O, A ChecklistofAmphibians at TamanNegara Kelantan National park, 1-7 KualaKoh, Peninsular Malaysia

AzmanOthman, Siti HawaYatim, Norazlinda A. Razak,& Nor Azinizi Azimat Distributionof Edible-NestSwifttet (Aerodramus fuciphagus) Bird 8-11 Housein PeninsularMalaysia

AzmanOthman & Siti HawaYatim Noteon MatingBehavior of the Edible-NestSwiftlet (Aerodramus 12-js fuciphagus)

Jeffrine Japning Rovie-Ryan,Carl Traeholt,MarilynJaoi E., Zainal Zahari Zainuddin,Khairiah Mohd Shariff, SivananthanElagupillay, Mohd.Farouk M.Y., Aniqa Akhtar Abdullah, & CorneliaC.S. SequenceVariation in MalayanTapir (Tapirus indicus) Inferred Using 16-19 PartialSequences ofthe Cytochrome b Segment ofthe Mitochondrial DNA

JeffrineJapning Rovie-Ryan, Siti Salwabt. Hasmoni,Hajar Fauzan A., SofieS., Che Husain Che Pa, & Wantsmail A Checklistof FishSpecies from Two Feeder Streams ofTasik Kenyir: 19-22 SungaiTembat and Sungai Ketiar of HuluTerengganu, Terengganu

JeffrineJapning Rovie-Ryan, Marilyn-Jaoi E., SaharuddinM. Nazri& SivananthanElagupillay Checklistof FishSpecimens in the Zoological Museum of Institutefor 2Z-29 Biodiversity(lBD), Bukit Rengit, Lanchang, Pahang of Departmentof Wildlifeand National Parks (DWNP)

JeffrineJapning Rovie-Ryan1'r, Kelvin Pudun Dennis3, yuzine B. Esaa,s, KhairulAdha A. Rahim3,Zaidi lbrahim3, Zulkifli B. Ahmad3, Marilyn.Jaoi E. Noteson Hampala(Cyprininae) Distribution from Six Localitiesin 29-j2 Jounr,rArOr WnoupBAwo P.cnrs, (2008) 25: l-7 A CnscKlrsr OF AlrpnrnrlNs Ar Tnnn,lNNEGARA Knr,lNr,lN Nnrroxll, Plm. Ku,q'r,l Kon. PnNTNSULAR Mlllvsr,r.

*Norhayati,A.1, 2, Abdul Rahqran,$.r\.1, Juliana, S.2,Daicus, B.2,3, & Chan,K.O.2

rSchoolof Environment & Natual ResourceSciences. Faculty of Science& Technology, Universiti KebangsaanMalaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor,Malaysia. 2lnstitutefor Environment &Development (LESTARI), Universiti KebangsaanMalaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor,MalaYsia 3lnstituteof Biological Sciences,Faculty of Science,University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala LumPur,Malaysia xCoresponding author email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT - Su eys on were conducted at Taman Negara Kelantan National Park, Kuala Koh, on two occasions:24'h-26th April 2005 and on the 23'd-26'hSeptember 2005. Samplingwas doneactively at nightusing headlights,and caughtby hand.Locaiities includedthe basecamp and along SungaiKoh. A total of 120 werecaptured,81in the first surveyand 39 in the secondsu ey. Total catch comprisedof 18 speciesin 11 generaand six families. Ranidaewas the mostrepresentedwith 44 ftogs (37Eo.),closely followed by Dicroglossidaewith 43 frogs (367o).The most frequently caught specieswas limnocharis, foTlowedby Odorrana hosii, and Phrynoidis aspera.

Keywords: , survey, annotatedchecklist, Taman Negara Kelantan National Park, Kuala Koh.

ABSTRAK-Dua tinjauantelah dijalankan di TamanNegara Kelantan, Kuala Koh masing-rnasingpada 24hb-26hhAprTl2005 dan 23hb-26hbSeptember 2005. Persampelandijalankan secaraaktif pada waktu malam dengan menggunakanlampu suluh kepala, dan haiwan ditangkap dengan tangan. Kawasan yang ditinjau ialah di kawasankhemah utama dan sepanjangSungai Koh. S€jumlah 120 haiwan telah ditangkap, 81 haiwan semasatinjauan pertama dan 39 semasatinjauan kedua. Jumlah tangtapan merangkumi 18 spesiesdaripada 11 genus dan enam famili. Ranidaepaling banyak diwakili dengan bilangan haiwan sebanyak44 ekor (37Va),diikuti dengan Dicroglossidaeiaitu sebanyak43 haiwan (367,). Spesiesyang paling banyak ditangkap ialah Fejenarya limnocharis, diikuti oleh OdorrQna hosii dan Phrynoidis aspera.

Kata kunci: Amfibia, survei, senaraisemak, Taman Negara Kelantan,Kuala Koh

Taman NegaraNational Park area,covering about INrnooucrroN 24'7'7krnz (5'7qaof the area of the Taman Negara National Park), followed by Taman Negara Taman Negara National Park is the largest Kelantan National Park. with an area of 1043 protected area in Peninsular Malaysia with an l

Mlrnnrar-s ANo MBrHoos Phrynoidis aspera (Grayenhorst, 1829): Gravenhorst, J. L. 1829:58 Study sites River toad Taman Negara Kelantan National Park (TNKNP) is drainedby Sungai (Sg.) Koh and Sg. Melimau, A total of 11 individuals were counted along both of which drain into Ss. Lebir. The entrance the Sg. Koh riverbank during the flrst survey into the TNKNP is througli-Kuala Koh, which is (No individual were recorded during the second locatedabout 86 km from Gua Musang. Land use survey). They were also found at the perimeter around the area is mainly palm oil plantations. of the chalet and the office buildings of the park. Localities of sampling included the base camp No specimen was preparedbecause it was not a at about 4"52'14.20"N; 1020 26'17.87"F,and necessityand it is an easy to identify specimen. along Sg. Koh main river, at the junction of Sg. Nevertheless,a photographwas taken (Plate 1A). Kting (4" 51'23.26"N; 102'26'14.,14"E)and Sg. for Phrynoidis aspera (Bufo asper) Tembong (4'52'1 1.16"N: lO2'26'20.48'E). All follows Frost et al. (2006). IUCN Red List of sitesare within 100 m above sealevel (asl). ThreatenedSpecies: Least Concem.

Sampling methotl DICROGLOSSIDAE Amphibian suryeys were conducted on two occasions:246-26th Aoil2005 and on the 23d- Fejenarya limnocharis: Grass 26'hSeptember 2005. Amphibians were searched actively at night using headlights,and caught by Fejervarya limnocheris (Gravenhorst, 1829): hand. A standardnomenclature of the Amphibian Deliciae Musei Zoolosici Vratislaviensis. Tree of Life was used for the identification of Fasciculuspflzas. Chelonia et Barachia. Fasc. the specimens(Frcst et ql.,20061 Frost, 2007). l. All encounterswith this soecies were at the Specimens were individually photographed, perimeter of the chalet and the office building, measuredfor snout-vent and tibia lensths. and Specimens were caught on the 26d April 2005 euthanizedusing Tricaine tEthyl 3-ami noibenzoate and on the 23'd SeDtember2005 ruKMHC0083- methanesulfonate salt; CeHrlNOr.CI{O3S). 0085, 0095-0096)lPlate 1B). IUCN Red List of ThreatenedSpecies: Least Concem. Liver biopsies were taken and preseruedin 957o ethanol. Whole snecimens were fixed in 107o blythii: Blyth's river frog formalin for at least 24 hours. In the laboratory, specimens were rinsed with water, soaked Limnonectesblythii (Botiengel 1920): Records overnight, washed again with water before stored of the Indian Museum 20: l-226. An individual in 707oethanol. All specimenswere depositedat was caught on the 26thApril 2005 but escaped, the Zoological Museum, Universiti Kebangsaan and on the 24'hSeptember 2005, four specimens Malaysia. were caught at Sg. Koh (UKMHC 0100, 0103- 0105) (Plate lC). Specimens were caught in Rpsur,rs shallow waters and on riverbank of sand, gravel, and pebbles,usually in sectionsof streamswhere A total of 120 individuals were caDtured and the water is not very fast-flowing. IUCN Red List recorded either as photographs and./or voucher of ThreatenedSpecies: Near Threatened. specimens.They comprised of 18 from six families: one bufonid, four dicroglossid, six Limnonectes kuhlii: Kuhl's streamfrog ranid, one megophryid, two rhacophorids, and four microhylid species (Table 1). The most Limnonecteskuhlii (Tschudi, 1838):Mdmoires de frequent catch was , la Soci6t6des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel2: which was about 2770of the total catch, followed l-99. An individual was caught on the 26'r April by Odorrana hosii (247o), and Phrynoidis aspera 2005 in shallow water of a creek with sandy and (97o). Singletons tnclrudedLimnonectes kuhlii, gravel bank. Specimen was only photographed nigrovittata, H. picturata, H. labialis, (Plate 1D). IUCN Red List ofThreatened Species: Leptobrachium hendricksoni, and Least Concem. berdmorei. Notes on the ecology and conservation statusof each species,which follows the IUCN, O ccidozy ga laevis : Yellnw -bellied putklk fro g Conservation Intemational- and Natureserye (2004), are provided below: laevis (Giinther, 1859): Cat. Batr. NORHAYATI ET AT. / AMPT BIANS OF TAMAN NEGARA KELANTAN NATIONAL PARK Sal.British Mus.:7; Pl. 1. Specimenswere caught caughr on the 266 April 2005 and subsequently on the 26b April 2005 and 25'hSeptember 2005, releasedduring the boat ride along Sg. Koh. in the swampyarea near the entranceto the park. Specimen was onlv photographed (Plate 1G). Specimenwas only phorographed(Plate lE). ttlcN Red List of fhreatEnedSpecies: Least IICN Red Lisr of threatineb Species:Least Concern. Concem. Hy larana labialis : White-lipped fro g RANIDAE Hylarana raniceps (Peters, 1871): Monatsber. Hylarana glanilul.osa :,Rough sidedfrog/w ater Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1871: 580. One dog specimenwas caught on the 266April 2005in Sg. Koh. Soecimenwas not collected.IUCN RedList Hylarana glandulosa (Boulenger, 1882): Cat. of ThreatenedSpecies: Least Concem. Batr. Sal. British Mus.: 73. Six specimenswere caught and releasedon the 26d April 2005 during Hllarana. picturata: Spofied stream ftog the boat ride along Sg. Koh; on the 25thSeptember 2005, one specimenwas caughtandreleased into a Hylarana picturatq (Boulenger, 1920): Rec. swamp near the entuanceof the park. The presence Indian Mus., 20: 179. One specimenwas caught of this lowland species (Inger et al., 2006) is on the 26'hApril 2005 at Sg. Koh. Specimenwas evident through its calls, which is a single loud not collected. IUCN Red List of Threatened note of "WAK" produced repeatedly.Specimen Species:Least Concern. was only photographed (Plate 1F). IUCN Red List of ThreatenedSpecies: Least Concem. H umerana miopus : Diagonal-lined fro g Hyrarananisrovittata:Btaek-stripeitfrog (:f"{##,Ti,{l'rf*:ti!}il"l,?*i"1i#'i; Hylarananigrovittata (Blyth, 1856):Records of Sg.Koh on the 26'hApril 2005. thelndian Museum 20: l-226.One specimen was

TABLE 1 List of amphibianspecies recorded during both surveys at KualaKoh.

No. Family/Species lst su ey 2nd survey Total (Ea)

Bufonidae 1 Phrynoiclisaspera (Gravenhorst,1829) 11 11(9.2) Dicroglossidae 2 Fejemarya limnocharis (Gravenhorst,1 829) 9 32 (26.7) 3 Limnonectesblythii (Boulenger, 1920) I 4 s (4.2) 4 Limnonecteskuhlii (Tschudi, 1838) I 1(0.8) 5 Occido4ga laevis (Giinther, 1859) 5 s (4.2) Ranidae 6 Humerana miopus (Boulenger, l9l8) 1 3 4 (3.3) 7 Hylarana glandulosa (Boulenger, I 882) 6 2 8 (6.7) 8 Hylarana nigrovittatd (Blyth, 1856) 1 1 (0.8) 9 Hylarana picturatct (Boulenger, 1920) I 1(0.8) 10 Hylarana labialis (Peters,1 87 1) 1 1(0.8) l1 Odorrana hosii (Boulenger, 1891) 26 29 (242) Megophyidae t2 Leptobrachium hendricksoni (Taylor , 1962) I 1(0.8) 13 Polypedatesleucomystax (Gravenlorst, 1829) I 5 6 (s.0) t4 Pobpedqtes macrolis (Boulenger, 1891) 3 3 (2.s) 15 Kalophrynuspleurosrrgzzr (Tschudi, 1838) 1 2 3(2.s) 16 Microhyla berdmore; (Blyth, 1856) 1 1(0.8) t7 Microhyla butleri (Boulenger, 1900) , 3 (2.s) 18 Microhyla heymonst(Vogt, 1911) 5 s (4.2)

Total number of individuals E1 120(100.0) NORHAYATI ET AL. / AMPHIBIANS OF TAMAN NEGARA KELANTAN NATIoNAL PARK Three specimens were caught near the chalet on MICROHYLIDAE the 23d Seplember2005 but only two specimens were processed(UKMHC0086 and 0092) while Kalop hry n u s p I eu rostig m a : the thtd specimen was released. One specimen Red-sided stuky frog was caughton rhe 25rhSeptember 2005 on the roadside towards the swampy area near the Kalophrynus pleurostigma (Tschudi, 1838): entrance to the Park and reieased (Plate 1H). Memoires de la Soci6t6 des SciencesNaturelles IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: Least de Neuchdtel 2: 1-99. One specimenwas caught Concem. at one of the chaletr on the 26s Aoril 2005 and subsequentlyreleased. Two speiimens were Odorrana hosii: Poisonous rock lrog caught at the chaletson the 23d September2005 { UKMHC0089 and 0091r (Ptate2E;. IUCN Red Odorrana rosii {Boulenger.l89l): Ann. Mag. List of TbreatenedSpecies: Least Concem. Nat. Hisl.. Ser.6,8: 29-0.26 specimensweie caught on the 26h April 2005 ai Sg. Koh and Microhyln benlmorei: Berdmore,s natow- subsequently released. Three specimens were mouthed frog calglrI ol the 25'h September2005 at Sg. Koh (UKMHC0099, 0101-0102) (ptate 2A). IUCN Microhyla berdmorei {Blyth. 1856): J. Asiatic Red List of ThreatenedSpecies: Least Concem. Soc. Bengal 24: 7ll-723. One specrmenwas photographedon the 26F April 2005 (plate 2F). MEGOPHRYIDAE IUCN Red List of ThreatenedSpecies: lrast Concern. Leptobrachium hendricksoni: Spotteil litter frog Microhyla heymonsi:Dark-sided. chorus frog Leptobrachium hendricksoni (Taylor, 1962): Microhyla heymonsi (Vogt, 1911): Kansas University Science Bulletin 43; 265- Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft 599. One specimenwas caughtand subsequently Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin: 179-184. releasedat a small creekoiSs. Kohon the Z6' Two specimenswere observed at the chalet and April 2005. Many were observed on the the swamp area near the entrance to the park floor around the creek. Specimen was only on rhe 26rh April and lhe 25i Seprembert005 photographed(Plare 2B). |'UCN Red List of but not collected (Plate 2G). IUCN Red List of ThreatenedSpecies: Least Concern ThreatenedSpecies: Least Concern. RIIACOPHORIDAE Microhyla butleri: Painted chorus frog

Polypedates leucomystax: / Microhyla burleri tBoulenger. 1900): Annals and Four-line tree frog Magazineof NaluralHisrory Ser. 6, 7: 186-193. Threespecimens were caught at thechalets on the leucomysttl)e(Gravenhorst, 1829): 23d September2005 (UKMHC0090, 009J-94) Delic. Mus. Zool. Vratislav., l: 26. One specimen t Plate2H). IUCN RedList of ThrearenedSoecies: was obseruedon the wall of one of the chalets Leart Concern. on the 26'hApril 2005{ Plate2C). Two specimens werecaught at the chaletson the 23d Siptember DrscussroN 2005. {UKMHC0087-88 ). One specim'enwas caughtat theswampy area near the entrance of the The total of 120 individuals of amDhibians park on the 25mSeptember2005, but was released recorded.comprising oI I8 species.provides on site. IUCN Red List of Threatened Soecies: freshdata on lhe amphibiansdiversity at Kuala Least Concem. Koh. Species-assemblage was dominated by lhe ranrds.whrch represenlthe largeslgroup of : Dark-eared tree frog anurans in Peninsular Malaysia. Accordint b Kiew (1990),as many as55 splcies ofamphibians Polypedares macrotis (Boulenger. l89l): Ann. were recordedfrom Taman NegaraNational park. Mag. Nat. Hist..Ser.6.7: 282.Three specrmens mdnly aroundthe KuaiaTahan area, up the bail were found on rhe 23'dSeptember 2005 at rhe lo the top ofGunungTahan including Kuala Teku chalets(UKMHC0097-98) (plare 2D). IUCN Red andWray's Camp rEoulenger. 1908:-,Smith. 1922; List of ThrcatenedSpecies: Least Concern. Berry. 1975)and around Kuala Kenyam (Bullock. 1963;Anon, 1983;Kiew, 1985).

Comparingbetween both surveys.declines in the amphibianspecies during the secondsurvey may have been attnbutedto the normal population 4 NoRHAYATI ET AL. / AMPHBIANS OF TAMAN NEGARA KELANIAN NATIONAL PARK fluctuatioirs (Wake, 1991). In this case, a more W.C. (2006).The amphibiantlee of life. B, lletin of the evenly-spacedsampling period spanninga year or AmericanMuseum of NaturalHistory,2g7|. l-37O. so may alleviate the differencesin the occurrence ofthe soeciesover time. for all Inger, R.F., Stuebing,R.B. & Stuart,B.L. (2006). speciei is lrast Concem, except for Limnonectes The tadpole of Rana glandulosa Boulenger (Anura: ilvthii which is consideredNear Threateneddue Rafidae). Bulletin of Zooloey, 54 (2): 465- to the loss of primary and possibly over 461. exploitation for its meat. IUCN, ConservationIntemational, and Natweserve. Th€ present study should be considered as non- (2004). Global Amphibian Assessment.IUCN, conclusive due to under sampling, which is Conservation Intemational, and Natureserve. an important characteristic, given the inability Washington,DC and Arlington, Virginia, USA. of most studies to sample adequately. Future Available from initiatives should include comparison studies on (03/l0/2005). the amphibians' diversity between different areas and long-term monitoring programmes. Kiew,B.H. (1985).A brief reporton thecave fauna of the eight limestone massifs between Sungai Kenyam AcrNowr,nocEMENTS and Sungai Trengganu, "faman Negata. Malayan Naturalist, 38 (3): 29. We would like to thank the staff of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks for the invitation Kiew,B.H. (1990).Amphibians of TamanNegara. Ire to join the expeditionto TNKNP and also for their Joumalof Wildlift andParks,1.0: 96-108. assistance in the field, especially the staff of the Taman Negara Kuala Koh. Smith, M.A. (1922).On a collectionof rcptilesand batrachiansftom the mountains of Pahang, Malay Peninstia. Journal of the Federuted.Malay States RrrnnnNcns Museum,1.O:.263-282.

Anonymous(1983). Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems wake, D.B. (1991):Declining amphibian populations. sub-study.A reportbythe Fakulti SainsHayat, Universiti Science,253:86O. KebangsaanMalaysia as part of an Environmental Impact Study of the ProposedTembeling Hy&o- Electric Prcject for LembagaLetrik Negam.

Berry,P.Y. (1975). The Amphibian Fauna ofPeninsular Malaysia.Kuala Lumpur: Tropical Press Sdn. Bhd.

Boulenger,G.A. (1908).Report on the GunungTahan expeditionMay-Sept. 1905. I. Fishes,batachians and reptiles. Joumal of the Federated Malay States Museum,3:61-69.

Boulenger,C.A. (1912). A vertebratefauna of the Malay Peninsulafrom the Isthmusof IGa to Singapore including the adjacentislali,ds. Reptilia and Batrachia. Irndon: Taylor and Francis.

Bullock,J.A. (1963).Notes oD the cavefaunas of two limestonemassifs in TamanN€gara. Makryan Nature Joumal,lT. 46-52.

Frost, D.R. (2007). Amphibian Speciesof the World: an Online Reference.American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA. Electronic Database accessible at amphibia/.Venion 5.1 (10/10/2007).

Frcst, D.R., Gmnt, T., Faivovich, J., Bain, R.H., Hass.A., Haddad,C.F.B., De Sa, R.O., Chaming, A., Wilkinson,M,, Donnellan,s.C., Raxworthy,c.J., Campbell,J.A., Btotto, 8.L., Moler,P., Drewes,R.C., Nussbaum,R.A., Lynch, J.D., Green, D.M. & Wheeler, Nonslya'r'r Er Ar_./ Al\'lpHlBtANsOr,Telrrr N[r;rR,r Krtr_AxreN.N.qrrol,rr.pqRK PLATE 1 I A..Phr]Ltoitlisctspara. iB I.ajervartulinutot lturis, lC: !,innotte(.tesbb,rhit, lD: L. kuhtii. lE. Octifut:),9oloeti.t. lF..H,-laruno glarttlulotu, lG.. H. ni,qrot, ittutti, lH: H. tiopu, Nornlvlr Er Ar-. / AvpHBIANs Or TAMANNEcARA KELANTAIv Narrouer- Penx PLATE 2 2A: Odorrana hosii,ZB'. Leptobrachiumhendricksoni,2C: Polypedaus leucomystax,2D:P. macro- tis,2E: Kalophrynuspleurostigma,2F: Microhyla berdmorei,2G: M. heynonsi,2l|. M. butleri.