FEATURE ARTICLES . ChasingFrogs Bullsnakes (Pituophis cateniferin sayi )the in Wisconsin: On the Road to Understanding the Ecology and Conservation of the Midwest’s Giant Serpent ...... Joshua M. Kapfer 190 . The Shared History of Treeboas (Corallus grenadensis) and Humans on Grenada: (Anura:A Hypothetical ) Excursion ...... of the NazipurRobert W. Henderson 198 Area, RESEARCHPatnitala ARTICLES , . The Texas Horned Lizard in Central and Western Texas ...... Emily Henry, Jason Brewer, Krista Mougey, and Gad Perry 204 . The Knight Anole (Anolis equestris) in Florida ...... in NorthwesternBrian J. Camposano, Kenneth L. Krysko, Kevin M. Enge, Ellen M. Donlan, and Michael Granatosky 212

CONSERVATION ALERTFaysal Ahmad and Shayer Mahmood Ibney Alam . World’s Mammals in Crisis ...... 220 . More ThanDepartment Mammals of ...... Zoology, Jagannath University, Dhaka-1100, Bangladesh ([email protected]) 223 . The “Dow Jones Index” of Biodiversity ...... Photographs by the senior author 225

HUSBANDRY . Captive Care of the Central Netted Dragon ...... Shannon Plummer 226

PROFILE angladesh, located. Kraig at the Adler: junction A Lifetime Promoting of the Herpetology Indo-Himalayan ...... however, we follow Frost Michael (2015)L. Treglia 234in retaining the name Band Indo-Chinese Subregions (Stanford 1991) and part Fejervarya for all . COMMENTARY of the Indo-Burmese biodiversity hotspot (Myers et al. 2000), . The Turtles Have Been Watching Me ...... Eric Gangloff 238 has a rich biota. Hasan et al. (2014) recorded 71 species of Methods amphibians, includingBOOK nine REVIEW species in the genus Fejervarya. Our study site (Fig. 1) was at Nazipur Area, Patnitala Upazila, . Threatened Amphibians of the World edited by S.N. Stuart, M. Hoffmann, J.S. Chanson, N.A. Cox, in this genus, variouslyR. Berridge, referred P. Ramani, to and asB.E. Terrestrial Young ...... Frogs, Naogaon District (25°2’42.23”N, Robert Powell 88°45’4.47”E; 243 elevation 24 Cricket Frogs, or Wart Frogs, are assigned to the family m asl). We conducted surveys in known Fjervarya habitats along Dicroglossidae, subfamily CONSERVATION Dicroglossinae, RESEARCH REPORTS:and include Summaries 39 of Publishedponds, Conservation rivers, Research canals, Reports temporary ...... pools, 245 paddy fields, and wet  NATURAL HISTORY RESEARCH REPORTS: Summaries of Published Reports on Natural History ...... 247 currently recognized NEWBRIEFS species of ...... small to medium-sized frogs grasslands. We spent 27 nights from 1930–1130 248 h searching for distributed widely overEDITORIAL southern INFORMATION and southeastern ...... Asia (Frost amphibians in June–September 2013 and 251 collected one representa- 2015). These frogs areFOCUS characterized ON CONSERVATION by the: presenceA Project You of Can the Support ...... tive specimen of each species to compare 252 morphometric data with “Fejervarya line” on both sides of the belly and the absence previously published reports by Borthakur et al. (2007; for F. - of a rictal gland at the mouth commissure. In earlier publica- ensis, F. pierrei, and F. teraiensis), Howlader (2011a; for F. asmati), tions, most species were referred to limnocharis, a species and Kurniawan et al. (2011; for F. cancrivora). Front Cover. Shannon Plummer. Back Cover. Michael Kern as then defined with a wide range extendingTotat et velleseque from audant mo to TotatBased et velleseque on morphological audant mo and morphometric descriptions in the China, Japan, and . After estibusreassignment inveliquo velique to the rerchil genus sourcesestibus inveliquo listed abovevelique rerchiland supplemented by those in Dubois (1975, erspienimus, quos accullabo. Ilibus erspienimus,1984), Schleich quos accullabo. and IlibusKästle (2002), Islam et al. (2008), Howlader Fejervarya, the name F. limnocharisaut was dolor restricted apicto invere tope dolumpopula - aut dolor apicto invere pe dolum tions in Indonesia and Malaysia (Duboisfugiatis maionsequat and Ohler eumque 2000; (2011b),fugiatis maionsequat and Hasan eumque et al. (2014), we used eleven parameters for Veith et al. 2001). moditia erere nonsedis ma sectiatur speciesmoditia erere identification: nonsedis ma sectia SVL- (snout-vent length), HL (head length), ma derrovitae voluptam, as quos tur ma derrovitae voluptam, as The slight morphological differencesaccullabo. among the species HW (head width), SL (snout length), IN (internarial distance), EN in this genus have generated some confusion; consequently, (distance from front of eyes to nostril), NS (nostril-snout length), various species have been collectively identified as belong- EL (eye length), TL (tibial length), finger formula, and tubercle ing to the complex (e.g., Islam et al. arrangements. We used digital calipers to take measurements of 2008). However, biochemical and molecular phylogenetic the representative individual of each species after confirmation of analyses clearly illustrate the presence of several cryptic spe- identity. cies in the genus from the South Asian Region (Toda et al. 1998; Kurabayashi et al. 2005; Djong et al. 2007; Hasan Results et al. 2012). Kuramoto et al. (2007) described four cryptic During our surveys, we encountered five species in the genus species from the Western Ghats of , and Howlader Fejervarya. All measurements are in mm. (1) Nepal Cricket (2011a) discovered two previously unknown species in (Fejervarya nepalensis [Dubois 1975]); Fig. 2. Adult female: SVL Bangladesh (Fejervarya frithii from Jessore and F. asmati from 38.5; HL 11.5; HW 10.2; SL 6.00; IN 3.2; EN 3.00; NS 2.4; Chittagong). Note, however, Howlader (2011b) subsequently EL 5.00; TL 17.00. Small frogs with a distinct narrow middor- recognized distinct South Asian and Southeast Asian morphs sal line (MDL), sometimes absent. Skin fringe indistinct on outer and assigned several species to the genus Zakerana. Herein, side of 5th toe. Right finger length (RFL) 2<1<4<3. Body tubercles

Copyright © 2015. Faysal Ahmad. All rights reserved. 145 AHMAD AND ALAM IRCF REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS • 22(4):145–149 • DEC 2015

Fig. 1. Location of the study area in the Nazipur Area of Bangladesh.

146 AHMAD AND ALAM IRCF REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS • 22(4):145–149 • DEC 2015 oblong, arranged in longitudinal folds; snout jutting over lower jaw. among bushes and grasses along the bank of a stream. (4) Asmat’s Collected from the bank of a small pond covered with grasses. (2) Cricket Frog (Fejervarya asmati Howlader 2011); Fig. 5. Adult Pierre’s Cricket Frog (Fejervarya pierrei [Dubois 1975]); Fig. female: SVL 31.5; HL 11.6; HW 10.6; SL 5.2; IN 3.1; EN 3.8; 3. Adult male: SVL 40.00; HL 13.8; HW 12.00; SL 5.8; IN 2.2; NS 2.1; EL 4.5; TL 16.3. Small frogs also with distinct narrow EN 3.00; NS 3.2; EL5.6; TL 17.00. Small frogs with a distinct middorsal lines (MDL). Right finger length (RFL) 2<4<1< 3. wide middorsal line (MDL) extending from tip of snout to vent. Tips of fingers bluntly rounded and fingers lacking dermal ridges. Skin fringe not present on outer side of 5th toe. Right finger length Sub-articular tubercles prominent, rounded, single tubercle per (RFL) 2=4<1<3 (1st finger longer than 2nd and 4th). Throat dark digit; two distinct capsule-shaped palmar tubercles; supernumer- laterally and pale medially in male. Body tubercles oblong, arranged ary tubercles absent. Nostrils much closer to snout tip than eyes. in rows; snout tip markedly jutting over lower jaw. Collected from Collected from an open area adjacent to a canal. (5) Mangrove the edge of a temporary pool. (3) Terai Cricket Frog (Fejervarya Frog (Fejervarya cancrivora [Gravenhorst 1829]); Fig. 6. Adult teraiensis [Dubois 1984]); Fig. 4. Adult male: SVL 50.00; HL female: SVL 69.00; HL 21.9; HW 23.5; SL 8.5; IN 3.9; EN 5.5; 8.5; HW 17.00; SL 9.5; IN 4.00; EN 5.2; NS 4.2; EL 7.5; TL NS 4.3; EL 7.0; TL 35.0. Larger than other four species. Head 21.4. Large frogs with highly variable middorsal lines (MDL) (i.e., comparatively narrow with oval snout. Right finger length (RFL) present-absent; if present, distinct to indistinct, narrow to broad, 2<4<3<1. Fingers without dermal fringes. Toes almost pointed, web same width throughout or irregularly broad). Distinct skin fringe almost reaching tips on outer borders of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd toes, on outer side of 5th toe. Right finger length (RFL) 2=4<1<3 (1st inner border of 5th toe, and outermost tubercle of 4th toe. Irregular finger distinctly longer than 2nd and 4th. “W” shaped dark mark longitudinal ridges present on back. Collected from a wet grassland on throat of male. Snout scarcely jutting over lower jaw. Collected bordering rice paddies.

Fig. 3. Pierre’s Cricket Frog (Fejervarya pierrei).

Fig. 2. Nepal Cricket Frog (Fejervarya nepalensis). Fig. 4. Terai Cricket Frog (Fejervarya teraiensis).


Fig. 5. Asmat’s Cricket Frog (Fejervarya asmati).

Discussion for providing laboratory space and access to equipment. We According to Hasan et al. (2014), nine species occur in also thank Kathleen Ninneman and Hector Hinojosa for pro- Bangladesh, over half of which are present in our study area, viding financial support for fieldwork; Prof. Dr. Ghazi Asmat, suggesting that this site supports a high diversity of amphibians. Prof. Dr. Monirul H. Khan, Dr. Ummay Habiba Khatun, Further investigations are likely to reveal more species in the Mohammad Abdul Wahed Chowdhury, Stephen Mahony, genus Fejervarya from this region. Delip K. Das, Christopher E. Smith and M. Sajid Ali Howlader Frogs are highly sensitive to environmental changes that for providing information and access to the literature; and the can lead to extinction, and frequently are considered accu- Nature Study and Conservation Club of the Department of rate indicators of environmental stress. Excessive exploitation Zoology, Jagannath University for general support. of natural resources (i.e., cutting vegetation, flooding bodies of water, and widespread use of pesticides), an expanding Literature Cited human footprint corresponding to a growing human popula- Borthakur, R., J. Klita, B. Hussain, and S. Sengupta. 2007. Study on the Fejervarya (Anura: Dicroglossidae) species of Assam. Zoos’ Print Journal 22:2639–2643. tion, diseases, climate change, and increases in UV radiation Djong, H.T., M.M. Islam, M. Nishioka, M. Matsui, H. Ota, M. Kuramoto, might be affecting populations in the region, lend- M.M.R. Khan, M.S. Alam, A. De Silva, W. Khonsue, and M. Sumida. ing urgency to the need for more surveys, detailed studies, 2007. Genetic relationships and reproductive isolation mechanism among the Fejervarya limnocharis complex from Indonesia (Java) and other Asian and implementation of measures for conserving amphibians countries. Zoological Science 24:360–375. in rapidly degrading habitats. Dubois, A. 1975. Un nouveau complexe d’espèces jumelles distinguées par le chant: les grenouilles du Népal de Rana limnocharis. Boie (Amphibiens: Anoures). Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences (D) 281:1717–1720. Acknowledgements Dubois, A. 1984. Note preliminaire sur le groupe de Rana limnocharis Gravenhorst, The authors are highly grateful to our parents for supporting our 1829 (Amphibiens: Anoures). Alytes 3:143–159. research and the Department of Zoology, Jagannath University Dubois, A. and A. Ohler. 2000. Systematics of Fejervarya limnocharis (Gravenhorst, 148 AHMAD AND ALAM IRCF REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS • 22(4):145–149 • DEC 2015

Fig. 6. Mangrove Frog (Fejervarya cancrivora).

1829) (Amphibia, Anura, Ranidae) and related species. 1. Nomenclatural sta- ribosomal RNA gene sequences. Zoological Science 22:525–534. tus and type-specimens of the nominal species Rana limnocharis Gravenhorst, Kuramoto, M., S.H. Joshy, A. Kurabayashi, and M. Sumida. 2007. The genus 1829. Alytes 18:15–50. Fejervarya (Anura: Ranidae) in Central Western Ghats, India, with descrip- Frost, D.R. 2015. Amphibian Species of the World: An Online Reference. Version 6.0. tion of four new cryptic species. Current Herpetology 26:81–105. American Museum of Natural History, New York. . R. Wanichanon, I. Yasir, and M. Sumida. 2011. Taxonomic status of three Hasan, M.K., M.M. Islam, M.M.R. Khan, M.S. Alam, A. Kurabayashi, T. Igawa, types of Fejervarya cancrivora from Indonesia and other Asian countries based M. Kuramoto, and M. Sumida. 2012. Cryptic anuran biodiversity in on morphological observations and crossing experiments. Zoological Science Bangladesh revealed by mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene sequences. Zoological 28:12–24. Science 29:162–172. Myers, N., R.A. Mittermeier, C.G. Mittermeier, G.A.B. da Fonseca, and J. Kent. Hasan, M.K., M.M.H. Khan, and M.M. Feeroz. 2014. Amphibians and Reptiles 2000. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature 403:853–858. of Bangladesh—A Field Guide. Arannayk Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Schleich, N.H. and W. Kästle (eds.). 2002. Amphibians and Reptiles of Nepal. Howlader, M.S.A. 2011a. A new species of Fejervarya (Anura: Dicroglossidae) from A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.G., Ruggell, Liechtenstein. Bangladesh. Zootaxa 2761:41–50. Stanford, C.B. 1991. The Capped Langur in Bangladesh: Behavioral Ecology and Howlader, M.S.A. 2011b. Cricket Frog (Amphibia: Anura: Dicroglossidae): Two Reproductive Tactics. Contributions to Primatology, Volume 26. Karger regions of Asia are corresponding two groups. BONNOPRANI—Bangladesh Publishers, Basel, Switzerland. Wildlife Bulletin 5:1–7. Toda, M., M. Matsui, M. Nishida, and H. Ota. 1998. Genetic divergence among Islam, M.M., N. Kurose, M.M.R. Khan, T. Nishizawa, M. Kuramoto, M.S. Alam, southeast and east Asian populations of Rana limnocharis (Amphibia: Anura, with M. Hasan, N. Kurniawan, M. Nishioka, and M. Sumida. 2008. Genetic special reference to sympatric species in Java. Zoological Science 15:607–613. divergence and reproductive isolation in the genus Fejervarya (Amphibia: Veith, M., J. Kosuch, A. Ohler, and A. Dudois. 2001. Systematics of Fejervarya Anura) from Bangladesh inferred from morphological observation, crossing limnocharis (Gravenhorst, 1829) (Amphibia: Anura: Ranidae) and related experiments, and molecular Analyses. Zoological Science 25:1084–1105. species. 2. Morphological and Molecular variations in frogs from the greater Kurabayashi, A., M. Kuramoto, H. Joshi, and M. Sumida. 2005. Molecular phy- Sunda Island (Sumatra, Java, Borneo) with the definition of two species. logeny of the ranid frogs from southwest India based on the mitochondrial Alytes 19:5–28.