REPORT to the 76TH GENERAL CONVENTION 185 Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music STANDING COMMISSION ON LITURGY AND MUSIC MEMBERSHIP Ms. Julia Huttar Bailey, Chair Michigan, 2009 The Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith, Vice-chair Missouri, 2009 The Rev. Devon Anderson, Special Rep. PHOD,+ Minnesota, 2009 The Rt. Rev. Sergio Carranza-Gomez, Resigned Los Angeles, 2012 Mr. Samuel Cheung New York, 2012 The Rev. Canon Gregory M. Howe, Delaware Custodian of the Standard Book Dr. Carl MaultsBy Washington, 2009 The Very Rev. Ernesto R. Medina Nebraska, 2009 The Rev. Dr. Ruth Meyers** Chicago, 2009 Ms. Sandra Montes Texas, 2012 The Rev. Dr. Clayton L. Morris DFMS; Liturgical Officer+ California Ms. Jeannine Otis New York, 2012 The Rev. Jennifer Phillips Rhode Island, 2012 Mrs. Mildred Springer Nevada, 2009 Mr. Frank Tedeschi, Church Publishing, Staff/Consultant New York The Rev. H. Lawrence Thompson, Resigned Pittsburgh, 2009 Ms. Jessica Wilkerson Montana, 2009 Mr. Ted Yumoto, Executive Council Liason* San Joaquin, 2009 +Staff/Consultant **Appointed April 2008 to fulfill term of H. Lawrence Thompson COMMISSION MEETING DATES November 15-19, 2006, Chicago, Illinois; May 7-10, 2007, Menlo Park, California; September 26-29, 2007, New Orleans, Louisiana; February 2008, Memphis, Tennessee; May 19-22, 2008, Federal Way, Washington; October 13-17, 2008, Ashland, Nebraska COMMITTEE/PROJECT REPORTS Rachel’s Tears, Hannah’s Hopes: Liturgies and Prayers for Healing from Loss Related to Childbearing and Childbirth Project Chair: The Rev. Devon Anderson Project Editor: Mrs. Phoebe Pettingell Project Consultants: Ms. April Alford, the Rev. Jennifer Baskerville Burrows, the Rev. Susan K. Bock (writer), Ms. Julia Huttar Bailey, the Very Rev. Cynthia Black, the Rev.
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